Package: 2vcard Description-md5: f6f2cb6577ba2821b51ca843d147b3e1 Description-sl: pearl skript za pretvorbo imenika v datotečno vrsto VCARD 2vcard je majhen perl skript, ki ga lahko uporabite za pretvorbo priljubljene vrste datotek vcard. Trenutno lahko 2vcard pretvori le imenike in datoteke vzdevkov iz naslednjih vrst: abook, eudora, juno, ldif, mutt, mh in pine. . Vrsto VCARD naprimer uporablja program gnomecard, katerega uporablja odjemalec elektronske pošte balsa. Package: 3270-common Description-md5: a1fad8fe7f911b2c01164ff75d013e53 Description-sl: Skupne datoteke za IBM 3270 posnemovalike in pr3287 3270-common vsebuje datoteke, ki se sklicujejo na druge 3270 pakete Package: 3dchess Description-md5: c8da6105051b2cae45e59fac61bb2a2a Description-sl: 3D šah za X11 3 dimensional Chess game for X11R6. There are three boards, stacked vertically; 96 pieces of which most are the traditional chess pieces with just a couple of additions; 26 possible directions in which to move. The AI isn't wonderful, but provides a challenging enough game to all but the most highly skilled players. Package: 3depict Description-md5: 246db3da16c5305f24976464271087a5 Description-sl: predočenje in analiza enojno vrednotene podatkovne točke This program provides a graphical interface for the scientific analysis of real valued point data (x,y,z,value). This is primarily targeted towards Atom probe tomography applications, but may prove useful to other applications as well.