Package: 3dchess Description-md5: c8da6105051b2cae45e59fac61bb2a2a Description-zh_CN: 3D国际象棋 3 dimensional Chess game for X11R6. There are three boards, stacked vertically; 96 pieces of which most are the traditional chess pieces with just a couple of additions; 26 possible directions in which to move. The AI isn't wonderful, but provides a challenging enough game to all but the most highly skilled players. Package: 4g8 Description-md5: 08a3e421414ebaacb3294625688dc573 Description-zh_CN: 交换网络的网络包捕获和监听 4G8 allows you to capture traffic from a third party in a switched environment at the expense of a slight increase in latency to that third party host. Utilizing ARP cache poisoning, packet capture and packet reconstruction techniques, 4G8 works with nearly all TCP, ICMP and UDP IPv4 traffic flows. Package: 6tunnel Description-md5: 48c79c738bde16847fbc9577329a56f0 Description-zh_CN: 非IPv6应用程序的TCP代理 6tunnel allows you to use services provided by IPv6 hosts with IPv4-only applications and vice versa. It can bind to any of your IPv4 or IPv6 addresses and forward all data to IPv4 or IPv6 host. . 例如可用作IPv6兼容代理 Package: 9base Description-md5: e4bc17db7e40865f3ff72bed7a9ac665 Description-zh_CN: Plan 9 userland 工具 9base is a port of following original Plan 9 userland tools to Unix: awk, basename, bc, cat, cleanname, date, dc, echo, grep, mk, rc, sed, seq, sleep, sort, tee, test, touch, tr, uniq, and yacc. . 9base 目前只能被 wmii2 (window manager improved, version 2) 使用 Package: 9menu Description-md5: 33212022c95de2da6fad4458526c39d8 Description-zh_CN: 用于shell的X菜单 这是一个允许你从shell创建X菜单的简单程序,这里每个菜单项将会运行一个命 令。9menu本来用于9wm,但是也可以用于其他窗体管理器。 Package: 9wm Description-md5: 41ad7a3fb8957b989a3bd02e7e167200 Description-zh_CN: Plan 9窗体管理器8-1/2模拟器 9wm是一个X窗体管理器,尝试在X的限制下尽可能的模拟Plan 9窗体管理器8-1/2。 . 它提供一个简单但是舒服的用户接口,没有花哨的装饰或标题栏,或者图标。 而且它是click-to-type。 Package: a2ps Description-md5: 9457a92267bd7683dddba1c4198139e2 Description-zh_CN: GNU a2ps - '一切 到 PostScript'转换和美化打印机 GNU a2ps转换文件到PostScript,用于打印和查看。它使用一个很好的默认格式,通 常是两分页,含边缘的页面,页头,包含有用的信息(页号,打印日期,文件名或提 供的标头),行号,符号替换以及用于很多编程语言的美化打印。 . 历史上,a2ps始于一个文本到PostScript的转换器,但是由于强大委托它使你能够 使用任何类型的文件,例如它可以理解帮助手册,dvi文件,texinfo,…… . Among the other most noticeable features of a2ps are: - various encodings (all the Latins and others), - various fonts (automatic font down loading), - various medias, - various printer interfaces, - various output styles, - various programming languages, - various helping applications, - and various spoken languages. Package: a2ps-perl-ja Description-md5: 7faff66fbedf67a52096540ead9a338f Description-zh_CN: Miguel Santana的a2ps的perl版本(支持日语汉字) 本程序是Miguel Santana的a2ps的perl版本。Postscript日语汉字增强由 Naoki Kanazawa 完成。转换到perl和增强由 Kazumasa Utashiro完成。B4支持和打孔标记有Masami Ueno提供。 Package: a7xpg Description-md5: e38bd4430a3538c59e6acec068b6f645 Description-zh_CN: chase action game 游戏目的是采集黄金,规避敌人。如果高速采集黄金可以奖励短时无敌。 . A7Xpg 是 Kenta Cho 给与的另一颗宝石 Package: a7xpg-data Description-md5: 1ab7e6e42cf00b0a9ea4f59b9fbe4717 Description-zh_CN: 动作游戏 - 游戏数据 游戏目的是采集黄金,规避敌人。如果高速采集黄金可以奖励短时无敌。 . 此软件包包括A7Xpg的数据文件,与架构无关。 Package: aa3d Description-md5: b2c8ccf8228fbb84c29549409a50e48f Description-zh_CN: ASCII艺术立体图生成器 本程序在ASCII艺术中生成著名和流行的随机点立体图。 Package: aap-doc Description-md5: c8a27accbeaa1f1b7304262a047a6be3 Description-zh_CN: make-like "expert system" for building software (documentation) A-A-P is a dependency rule-based software build system like make. It eliminates many of the warts of GNU Make and can evaluate Python code embedded in the scripts. . 包含HTML和PDF格式的文档 Package: aatv Description-md5: 090184ef607aa72a829e1a56d960834e Description-zh_CN: 一个在文本控制台中观看电视的程序 aatv是一个允许你在基于文本的控制台中观看电视的程序,例如在一个虚拟控制台 或者在xterm中。 Package: abakus Description-md5: d1c5d319d31380e0e50def5d94cfa54a Description-zh_CN: KDE 的计算器 AbaKus is a complex calculator, which provides many different kinds of calculations. Think of it as bc (the command-line calculator) with a nice GUI. It also gives information about mathematical variables and has the user-friendly menu options of a normal KDE application. . 网站: Package: abcde Description-md5: 48cf68daee5594952eb455e51c709626 Description-zh_CN: 一个更好的CD编码器 用于cdparanoia, wget, cd-discid, id3, 以及你最喜欢的Ogg/Vorbis, MP#, FLAC, Ogg/Speex和/或MPP/MP+(Musepack)编码器(默认为oggenc)的前端程序。抓取一整张 CD并转换每个音轨到制定的格式并对每个文件进行注释或标记ID3标签,这些只需要 一条命令。 . 使用abcde你可以使用一条命令编码多种格式,而只使用一次CD读操作。它也允许你 在未连接到internet上的时候读取并转换,并在稍后查询CDDB服务器来标记你的文 件。 Package: abcmidi Description-md5: d868667f8ba17e847a433bf18197f092 Description-zh_CN: ABC和MIDI相互之间的转换器 This package contains the programs `abc2midi' and `midi2abc', which convert from the abc musical notation format to standard MIDI format and vice-versa. They can generate accompaniment from guitar chords in the abc file, as well as insert various MIDI events; the MIDI-to-abc translation tries to figure out bars, triplets and accidentals on its own. . The package also contains `abc2abc' (an abc prettyprinter/transposer), `mftext' (a program that dumps a MIDI file as text), and `midicopy' (a program that extracts specific tracks, channels or time intervals from a MIDI file). . The programs in this package are based on the `midifilelib' distribution available from Package: abe Description-md5: 276229d1b6a720c43d1ae193c08c626f Description-zh_CN: 横版平面动作游戏 “Abe的奇妙历险" A scrolling, platform-jumping, key-collecting, ancient pyramid exploring game, vaguely in the style of similar games for the Commodore+4. The game is intended to show young people all the cool games they missed. . This package contains the architecture dependent files of the game. Package: abe-data Description-md5: 567bd7c169d64f2b29dc3c9580d11964 Description-zh_CN: 横版平面动作游戏 “Abe的奇妙历险" A scrolling, platform-jumping, key-collecting, ancient pyramid exploring game, vaguely in the style of similar games for the Commodore+4. The game is intended to show young people all the cool games they missed. . This package contains the architecture independent data files. Package: acheck Description-md5: a2145f860ebbe06fd97fdf6d0a8fb78a Description-zh_CN: 检查通常的本地化错误 acheck 是一个文本检查程序,设计用来帮助翻译者和复查者根据文件格式检查和修正通常的本地化错误.可能定 义规则来增加新的检查. . 如果你根据推荐安装了 Aspell 的 Perl 模块接口,则能引用 Aspell 来检查单词拼写. Package: acheck-rules Description-md5: 0a4c57c2dd1295b49c48ee4853b41822 Description-zh_CN: acheck 的基本规则 本软件包包含了 acheck 脚本要检查的基本规则。 Package: acheck-rules-fr Description-md5: d7beecddcf60682dbee1ba1649193481 Description-zh_CN: acheck 的法语规则 本软件包包含 acheck 脚本要检查的法语规则。 . 手册页位于 acheck-rules 包之中。 Package: achilles Description-md5: 98c4b0ebb5d22ed4131fdbe0005e1bc2 Description-zh_CN: 一个虚拟生命与进化仿真器 Achilles 是一个使用 Hebbian 神经网络和 OpenGL/SDL 在一个简化环境中仿真生命 的生命与进化仿真器, 它是基于 Larry Yaeger 的 PolyWorld 的。 Package: acidlab Description-md5: 012244b089c4e2cd0117baa44d39390f Description-zh_CN: Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases The Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases (ACID) is a PHP-based analysis engine to search and process a database of security events generated by various IDSes, firewalls, and network monitoring tools. The features currently include: . o Query-builder and search interface for finding alerts matching on alert meta information (e.g. signature, detection time) as well as the underlying network evidence (e.g. source/destination address, ports, payload, or flags). . o Packet viewer (decoder) will graphically display the layer-3 and layer-4 packet information of logged alerts . o Alert management by providing constructs to logically group alerts to create incidents (alert groups), deleting the handled alerts or false positives, exporting to email for collaboration, or archiving of alerts to transfer them between alert databases. . o Chart and statistic generation based on time, sensor, signature, protocol, IP address, TCP/UDP ports, or classification . ACID has the ability to analyze a wide variety of events which are post-processed into its database. Tools exist for the following formats: . o using Snort ( - Snort alerts - tcpdump binary logs . o using logsnorter ( - Cisco PIX - ipchains - iptables - ipfw . 主页: Package: acidlab-doc Description-md5: c464fc2c71820f85e34a87b30ca7646b Description-zh_CN: Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases (documentation) The Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases (ACID) is a PHP-based analysis engine to search and process a database of security events generated by various IDSes, firewalls, and network monitoring tools. . This package provides additional documentation to acidlab in HTML format including the FAQ, the database entity-relationship diagram, the database API, performance tuning, and management of alerts. . 主页: Package: acidlab-mysql Description-md5: a02c20d8ffffe9770f05152888a5cb89 Description-zh_CN: Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases for MySQL The Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases (ACID) is a PHP-based analysis engine to search and process a database of security events generated by various IDSes, firewalls, and network monitoring tools. . This is a dummy package to automatically install the MySQL version of Acidlab. . 主页: Package: acidlab-pgsql Description-md5: 8556705733433c6e5cf4de04ff77f1cb Description-zh_CN: Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases for Postgres The Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases (ACID) is a PHP-based analysis engine to search and process a database of security events generated by various IDSes, firewalls, and network monitoring tools. . This is a dummy package to automatically install the PostgreSQL version of Acidlab. . 主页: Package: Description-md5: 4bbb46e50189644a386705a8a40eebf2 Description-zh_CN: Analog dockapp clock for GNUstep This little application displays the time of the day (analog). . 主页: Package: acm4 Description-md5: aff4b433f742bee38768491df417cda5 Description-zh_CN: 多玩家空战模拟游戏 acm是一个运行在X视窗系统下的空战模拟游戏,最多可以有8位玩家同时进行游戏。这个版本是较老的第四版。 Package: aconnectgui Description-md5: 5eaa182434a2f6f63283b1b178443c4f Description-zh_CN: graphical ALSA sequencer connection manager aconnectgui is a graphical utility to connect and disconnect two existing ports on ALSA sequencer system. The ports with the arbitrary subscription permission, such as created by aseqview, can be connected to any (MIDI) device ports. . aconnectgui is a frontend for aconnect, written directly on top of the aconnect source, leaving the original source intact, only adding a couple of ifdefs, and some calls to the gui part. It provides exactly the same functionality, but with a graphical user interface. . 主页: Package: acorn-fdisk Description-md5: dd080f43bd475cbf3ed52ff03c838256 Description-zh_CN: Acron/RISC操作系统的分区编辑软件 Acorn-fdisk允许你在运行Acorn系统的电脑上编辑磁盘分区。它可以识别RISC操作系统下使用的多种分区格式,包括Filecore、ICS-IDE、EESOX和Powertec。 Package: ada-mode Description-md5: 67b0a31fcfd8c045ba2d11125fc28ec4 Description-zh_CN: GNU Emacs 和 XEmacs 的 Ada 模式 此包提供了 GNU Emacs 或 XEmacs 的主要模式,用来编辑 Ada 程序语言的文件。 . It provides: * Support for project-files * Auto-casing and auto-indentation * Support for cross-referencing source code including cross-references to operators. Package: ada-reference-manual Description-md5: 8285a5fa785ff0e203c4d98b294683ee Description-zh_CN: Ada 95 语言的标准描述 本软件包包含各种不同版本的 Ada 参考手册 --- Ada 程序设计语言的标准描述。 包中提供 HTML, 纯文本和 Texinfo 格式的文档。 Package: adacgi Description-md5: a1997593754fb7533c09e85e86cdd284 Description-zh_CN: Ada CGI 接口 这是 David A. Wheeler 的 Ada 95 与通用网关接口(CGI)进行交互的接口程序。可以 更容易的创建由 HTTP 服务器使用标准 CGI 接口调用的 Ada 程序。 . Package: Description-md5: 28774e21eb4f43c64a682e22a3195b03 Description-zh_CN: GNUstep 的个人地址管理程序 本软件包包含了一个用于 GNUstep 软件系统的个人地址管理器。它可以存放 所有个人联系信息、按组组织联系人、与诸如邮件客户端等软件集成在一起, 以及通过网络共享地址信息。 Package: adplay Description-md5: da9dc58f2a9e34222cefd017872c19cf Description-zh_CN: 基于控制台的 OPL2 音频播放器 AdPlay 是 AdPlug 的控制台前端。AdPlug 是免费、通用的 OPL2 音频播放库。 AdPlay/UNIX 支持 AdPlug 的文件格式的全部播放功能。尽管如此,对于大量的输出 设备来说,目前 Adplay 仅支持模拟的 OPL2 输出。 . Homepage: Package: adplug-utils Description-md5: 1c8a200f19e9269857b23a845d3667b4 Description-zh_CN: 免费的AdLib声音库(功能) AdPlug是一个免费,多平台,独立于硬件的AdLib声音库,主要由C++编写。 AdPlug播放声音数据,这些数据最初产生于AdLib(OPL2)音频主板,比OPL2模拟或者是 使用真实的硬件产生的数据要好很多。任何的OPL2芯片都不需要回放。 . 这个软件包包括了额外的功能。 Package: advi Description-md5: 693f8216a8eec8f140e0282a0aa83279 Description-zh_CN: 动态的 DVI 预览和展示器 Active-DVI 是 DVI 预览和播放器,使用面向对象的 Caml 写成,提供了一些播放视 觉效果,支持交互演示和及在展示中嵌入任意应用程序 (因此成为演示者的动态助手 :)。 . Active-DVI 暂时不支持 postscript 字体(更多信息请查看 README.Debian)。 . Active-DVI 还可以运行嵌入命令,在播放非信任 DVI 文件时,可能引起安全问题。 更多信息请认真阅读 README.Debian。 Package: advi-examples Description-md5: ae407edd46fb02e622b3d1ce1f60b8df Description-zh_CN: example presentations for Active-DVI (advi) Active-DVI 是 DVI 预览和播放器,使用面向对象的 Caml 写成,提供了一些播放视 觉效果,支持交互演示和及在展示中嵌入任意应用程序 (因此成为演示者的动态助手 :)。 . This package contains example presentations for Active-DVI. Package: adzapper Description-md5: fcb216229d78131fdad91979721d1cfd Description-zh_CN: 代理广告清理附加工具 一个用于 squid 的重定向工具,它可以拦截广告(横幅, 弹出窗口,Flash 动画等等),页面计数器以及一些网页 错误(如果发现的话)。这对审美及带宽都有好处。 . Add one line to your squid.conf and it's installed ! Can also be used by an apache2 or polipo proxy. This package contains also a file which can be used by the Konqueror AdBlocK feature. Package: aewm Description-md5: 4c735cb054021f4daa17feb173666dbd Description-zh_CN: 一种 X11 系统的最小窗口管理器 aewm 是一种 X11 系统的最小窗口管理器。它没有华丽的功能,但只占用很少的资源,界面极为简洁。它将逐步实现 ICCCM 标准所规定的功能。 aewm 提供了一些独立的程序来处理运行程序,切换窗口等功能。 Package: aewm++-goodies Description-md5: 251b82684d48b221daf1037633230679 Description-zh_CN: 补足一个最小的窗体管理器的工具 These utilities were previously supplied with aewm++; they are intended to provide some of the typical desktop functionality that aewm++ itself does not include. This package provides: * aewm++_appbar: a small application launcher * aewm++_fspanel: a very small panel * aewm++_setrootimage: draws a gradient on the X root window * aewm++_xsession: keeps an X session alive Note that some of these were named differently in previous releases. Package: afbackup Description-md5: 68da77e4c76fef69b3ee42ee1b4c5824 Description-zh_CN: 客户-服务器备份系统(服务器端) 这是一个客户-服务器备份系统,向一些工作站提供一个向特殊备份服务器集中 备份的功能。只备份一个电脑也是很简单可行的。任何流设备可以用于向它写数 据,通常这将会是一个磁带设备。写备份通常是顺序的:下一个写磁带的动作紧 接着上一个而与你同时从哪里恢复无关。 . Features: - Authentication of the client is performed before it can take over control - Access restriction for the streamer device -> security - Client-side per-file compression -> reliability - Data stream is written to tape in pieces -> fast finding of files - Tape position logging for each file - Tape capacity is fully used - Full / incremental backups - Raw partitions can be backed up - Client and Server buffering for maximal throughput is done . 注意:如果你想使用图形化控制工具而不是文本控制工具,则需要安装Tk。 Package: afbackup-client Description-md5: a51a9b304b55b47a66c735a5ec621f7d Description-zh_CN: Client-Server Backup System (Client side) This is a client-server backup system offering several workstations a centralized backup to a special backup server. Backing up only one computer is easily possible, too. Any streaming device can be used for writing the data to it, usually this will be a tape device. Writing backups is normally done sequentially: The next writing to tape goes to the end of the previous write no matter where you have restored from in the meantime. THIS IS ONLY THE CLIENT, YOU NEED TO HAVE A SERVER RUNNING ON EITHER THIS OR ANOTHER HOST. . Features: - Authentication of the client is performed before it can take over control - Access restriction for the streamer device -> security - Client-side per-file compression -> reliability - Data stream is written to tape in pieces -> fast finding of files - Tape position logging for each file - Tape capacity is fully used - Full / incremental backups - Raw partitions can be backed up - Client and Server buffering for maximal throughput is done . 注意:如果你想使用图形化控制工具而不是文本控制工具,则需要安装Tk。 Package: afbackup-common Description-md5: 8ff5f082b22a868382e23e585ccc0754 Description-zh_CN: Client-Server Backup System (common files) 这是一个客户-服务器备份系统,向一些工作站提供一个向特殊备份服务器集中 备份的功能。只备份一个电脑也是很简单可行的。任何流设备可以用于向它写数 据,通常这将会是一个磁带设备。写备份通常是顺序的:下一个写磁带的动作紧 接着上一个而与你同时从哪里恢复无关。 . Features: - Authentication of the client is performed before it can take over control - Access restriction for the streamer device -> security - Client-side per-file compression -> reliability - Data stream is written to tape in pieces -> fast finding of files - Tape position logging for each file - Tape capacity is fully used - Full / incremental backups - Raw partitions can be backed up - Client and Server buffering for maximal throughput is done . 注意:如果你想使用图形化控制工具而不是文本控制工具,则需要安装Tk。 Package: Description-md5: bb26edbfa5d2793aef52325764faa7b2 Description-zh_CN: 将便条"钉"在桌面上的程序 Affiche是一个小程序,允许人们将便条"钉"在他们的电脑桌面上。它用于 GNUstep环境。 Package: afflib Description-md5: 2296f17861c618d914d202af6443f80d Description-zh_CN: Tools to use AFF segmented archive files The Advanced Forensic Format (AFF) 1.0 is an extensible open format for the storage of disk images and related forensic information. The following tools are available to work with it: . afcat - copies from the contents of an AFFILE to stdout. afcompare - compares two AFF files or an AFF file and a raw file afconvert - converts AFF->raw, raw->AFF, or AFF->AFF (or even raw->raw, if you want) optionally recompressed files. affix - Reports errors with AFF files and optioanlly fixes them. afinfo - prints info about an AFF file from an examination of the segments afstats - prints statistics about one or more AFF files afxml - outputs an AFF file's metadata as XML aimage - Image a hard drive into AFF or raw format . 主页: Package: afflib-dev Description-md5: 7315663573d5a87ebc42b611152e568e Description-zh_CN: Tools to use AFF segmented archive files The Advanced Forensic Format (AFF) 1.0 is an extensible open format for the storage of disk images and related forensic information. . This package contains development files. . 主页: Package: afio Description-md5: 3db6cc34941f0259a4a80d2586f0da81 Description-zh_CN: 档案文件操作程序 Afio操作文件组,在文件系统之间或afio档案文件之间拷贝他们。 . Afio档案文件是可移植的,因为他们只包含ASCII格式化的头信息。Afio制作 cpio格式的档案文件。Afio可以相当优雅地处理输入数据毁坏。Afio支持在交 互操作时的多容器档案文件。Afio可以制作比tar和cpio档案雅座更安全的档 案压缩。 . Afio最好在备份脚本中用作`归档引擎'。 . Homepage: Package: aft Description-md5: ff4835b187300146cdcd26e4be8dd4d7 Description-zh_CN: "自由格式"文档准备系统 AFT是一个文档准备系统。它基本上是自由格式,意即它没有插入式标记。AFT源文档 看起来非常像普通ASCII文本。 . AFT有一些规则用于结构化你的文档并且这些规则更多用于格式化你的文本而不是嵌入 命令。 . 现在,AFT可产生相当好的(可网络连接的) HTML, XHTML, LaTeX, lout和RTF。事实 上,它可以被指示产生所有类型的输出 (例如产生你自己的XML)。所有需要做的只是 编辑一个规则文件。你甚至可以制定你自己的HTML规则文件用于专门的输出。 Package: afterstep Description-md5: d34d45817d3b122e341c7841a63b70c5 Description-zh_CN: 拥有NEXTSTEP风格的窗体管理器 AfterStep是一个基于FVWM的窗体管理器,它试图模仿NEXTSTEP的风格并保持其 可配置能力。注意这个窗体管理器大量使用了颜色调色板。如果你只有8位色深 显示,它会打包运行,但你也许会改变其配置以使用更少的颜色。 . AfterStep 是 BowMan 窗体管理器项目的延续,但是改变了名称以反映它超越简单 的模仿而成为一个有价值的窗体管理器的愿望。 Package: Description-md5: c06dc580cb82bb41b795f69c4cf15f8e Description-zh_CN: GNUstep的日历管理器 SimpleAgenda is a an application to manage your calendars. It handles both local and remote (webcal) calendars. Calendars can be shared with other programs like Evolution, Dates, IceApe Calendar and others. The following features are available: . * Multiple agendas. * Handle both events and tasks. * Support for local and remote (ftp, http) iCalendar agendas. * Monthly calendar, day view, summary and tasks view. * Create, resize and move appointments easily. * Export individual elements as files and to the pasteboard. * Import .ics files. * Simple text search. Package: aiksaurus Description-md5: 490d8d0f0699612780aa6ff3d1f3facf Description-zh_CN: 一个英语同义词典(工具) Aiksaurus是一个适合于集成在文字处理,电子邮件和其它写作软件中的英语同义 词典。 . 本软件包包含aiksaurus,Aiksaurus的命令行前端。 Package: airstrike Description-md5: 276a95e5b84733883e9d95169cffab02 Description-zh_CN: 传统双翼飞机的2D空战游戏 Airstrike(飞机跑道)是一个类似传统的 IA 游戏 Biplanes 和 BIP 的 2D 空战 游戏。它有健壮的物理引擎,并且提供了一些原游戏没有的扩展功能;现在该游戏 只提供 0-2 个玩家,以后将会提供网络联机游戏,以及更高级的计算机玩家。游 戏的图形界面使用 Povray raytracer 开发,很容易扩展与修改。 Package: airstrike-common Description-md5: ec0afb7032d10a063eec935750db2f19 Description-zh_CN: 传统双翼飞机的2D空战游戏 Airstrike(飞机跑道)是一个类似传统的 IA 游戏 Biplanes 和 BIP 的 2D 空战 游戏。它有健壮的物理引擎,并且提供了一些原游戏没有的扩展功能;现在该游戏 只提供 0-2 个玩家,以后将会提供网络联机游戏,以及更高级的计算机玩家。游 戏的图形界面使用 Povray raytracer 开发,很容易扩展与修改。 . 本软件包包含的是与计算机平台无关的数据文件。 Package: aish Description-md5: 9ca635dd3a83314b65698fd0e681896a Description-zh_CN: ish/base64/uuencode 编码文件转换器 Aish 是一个文件转换器,可以将二进制文件编码为 ish/base64/uuencode ASCII 文件。Aish 也可以做解码操作。 Package: alac-decoder Description-md5: 7b72b537b15537cf4f96013d6d4141b7 Description-zh_CN: Apple Lossless audio codec decoder A simple decoder for the Apple Lossless audio codec. . 主页: Package: aladin Description-md5: e5ae0c59fc42f357ce7868df8d3b7147 Description-zh_CN: Uwatec 潜水计算机与 PC 的同步工具 Aladin 可以用于从 UWATEC 潜水计算机下载潜水数据到一个可以用 gnuplot 绘图的数据文件。 Package: albumshaper Description-md5: 4acdecb30a862f613a682750a54d88d3 Description-zh_CN: 相册创建和照片处理 albumshaper 努力成为界面最友好、使用最简单的开源数码照片应用程序。具有照片 管理、注释、组织、后期处理、样式设置和分享等功能。albumshaper 支持 XML、JPEG 和 XSLT 等开源格式,可以用于 Windows, Mac OS X 和 Unix 等各种操作系统,支持 多种语言。 . 可以通过拖拽界面创建双层相册,使照片的放置和分类快速而简单。 . 可以进行简单的照片处理,比如旋转、翻转等,实现照片的快速展示。 . 照片、收藏、相册等可以标记为需要的和处理过的等,标记可以保存到 XML 格式。相 册可以导出为 HTML,直接发布到网上或在硬盘上自己欣赏。 . albumshaper 支持主题,这样您就可以完全定制相册的外观。albumshaper 的设计 目的是帮助用户以尽量简单的方式与自己的朋友和家人分享照片,并使用尽量简单的 方式更新和管理这些相册。 . 主页: Package: alcovebook-sgml Description-md5: 3bb9b131a38bac404b8fc504d0440fbc Description-zh_CN: 用于DocBook DTD和stylesheets的Alcove制定 This includes the AlcoveBook DTD (generic, still to be refined into several other DTDs), and the Alcove DSSSL stylesheets, which currently include: - a generic extension over Norman Walsh's modular stylesheets - a book-like style for article - an improved article style (still somewhat experimental) . 它可以平滑地集成在sgml2x架构中。 Package: ale Description-md5: 53cd72ffdfd2810d1929aa24865a8c27 Description-zh_CN: a synthetic capture engine and renderer ALE 可以将从数码设备(如数码相机或者扫描仪)中获得的多张相似图片对齐并且合并为一张图片,这样可以从多张图片中获取细节信息以提高最终图片的逼真度。ALE 还可以将多张照片合并成一张马赛克图片或者全景图片。 Package: alevt Description-md5: 4f4afbada2f1438d3244a77f14991ed8 Description-zh_CN: X11 Teletext/Videotext browser AleVT is an X11 program for browsing and searching Teletext/Videotext pages received by a compatible decoder (at the moment, bttv). . Features include: . * Multiple windows * Page cache * Regular expression searching * Built-in manual . Additional command line utilities can . * receive the time from Teletext/Videotext * capture pages and write them to disk . Teletext/Videotext is used by TV channels to transmit textual information pages (it's transmitted via non-visible scan lines). . 主页: Package: allegro-demo Description-md5: 987ea872e7c8082e8d8802d5e9a0acbd Description-zh_CN: 很酷的游戏, 用于展示 Allegro 库的强大功能 这个游戏随 Allegro 库一起发布,向新 Allegro 程序员演示了该库的能力。但是 它远远不只是一个功能展示, 它具有很强的可玩性和趣味性。 Package: allegro-examples Description-md5: 8f0a15710bc64f388e9fc0f026f21a61 Description-zh_CN: Allegro 库的示例程序与演示工具 本软件包包含一些与 Allegro 库一同发布的示例程序和用于控制台或 X11 的小工具。 . - FLI player - WAV/VOC player - simple graphical calculator - graphical midi "keyboard" . 例程可以用 "allegro-examples" 程序访问。 Package: alleyoop Description-md5: 4030f445cacd95feaf1793db1935593e Description-zh_CN: Front-end to the Valgrind memory checker Alleyoop is a GNOME front-end to the Valgrind memory checker, including features like intelligently suppressing errors and launching editors at the error position in the source code. . Valgrind helps you to find memory-management problems in your programs. When a program is run under Valgrind's supervision, all reads and writes of memory are checked, and calls to malloc/new/free/delete are intercepted. . 主页: Package: alsa-oss Description-md5: 0beae45151059471146007c589000738 Description-zh_CN: OSS应用程序的ALSA包裹 这个软件包包括了一个程序加载器-aoss,它把为OSS编写好的应用程序打包进一个兼容的库中, 因此可以允许应用程序和ALSA一起工作。 . 如果一个应用程序为OSS而写,那么有两种方法可以使应用城西和ALSA协同工作。 第一种方法就是加载特殊的ALSA驱动来模拟OSS内核接口,这样就允许应用程序打开/dev/dsp0和其它的OSS驱动文件。 第二种方法就是把应用程序打包进由这个软件包提供的Libaoss库中, 打包器能使应用程序获得本地的ALSA设备文件,例如/dev/snd/pcmC0D0c,而不是OSS设备文件。 . 如果你打算使用ALSA的PCM插件层,推荐使用alsa-oss库,而不是使用OSS模拟驱动 . ALSA is the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture: OSS is the free version of the Open Sound System. Package: alsamixergui Description-md5: ca23b8a234a90d840e92820b52269ef0 Description-zh_CN: graphical soundcard mixer for ALSA soundcard driver alsamixergui is an FLTK based mixer program for use with the ALSA soundcard drivers. It supports multiple soundcards with multiple devices. . alsamixergui is a frontend for alsamixer, written directly on top of the alsamixer source, leaving the original source intact, only adding a couple of ifdefs, and some calls to the gui part. It provides exactly the same functionality, but with a graphical user interface. . 主页: Package: alsaplayer-alsa Description-md5: 6a99d2bf6d3dff7fa7aca7d87ae0e490 Description-zh_CN: PCM player designed for ALSA (ALSA output module) Alasplayer 是一个专为使用 ALSA 而设计的 PCM 播放器, 不过也可以和 OSS 或 EsounD 一起和谐工作。它是高度线程化的, 从而减少了间断, 并提供了丰富的选 项, 甚至可以同时显示多个可视波形, 播放 mp3, mp2, ogg, cdda, audiofs 等 等。 . This is a module for alsaplayer that will output the sound through ALSA. Package: alsaplayer-common Description-md5: 807e63b4f56e5f1fe41f5e7139904944 Description-zh_CN: PCM player designed for ALSA (common files) Alasplayer 是一个专为使用 ALSA 而设计的 PCM 播放器, 不过也可以和 OSS 或 EsounD 一起和谐工作。它是高度线程化的, 从而减少了间断, 并提供了丰富的选 项, 甚至可以同时显示多个可视波形, 播放 mp3, mp2, ogg, cdda, audiofs 等 等。 . This package contains the main alsaplayer program, and needs one interface plugin and one output plugin. By default, GTK interface and alsa output will be installed. Package: alsaplayer-daemon Description-md5: 15387963f3eff2d735199782839b9167 Description-zh_CN: 为 ALSA 设计的 PCM 播放器 (非交互版本) Alasplayer 是一个专为使用 ALSA 而设计的 PCM 播放器, 不过也可以和 OSS 或 EsounD 一起和谐工作。它是高度线程化的, 从而减少了间断, 并提供了丰富的选 项, 甚至可以同时显示多个可视波形, 播放 mp3, mp2, ogg, cdda, audiofs 等 等。 . 本软件包为播放器提供了一个非交互性 (守护程序) 接口, 这样, 它只能通过遥控 程序控制。 Package: alsaplayer-esd Description-md5: 0cd93756760d6a40f4999153803bfb90 Description-zh_CN: PCM player designed for ALSA (EsounD output module) Alasplayer 是一个专为使用 ALSA 而设计的 PCM 播放器, 不过也可以和 OSS 或 EsounD 一起和谐工作。它是高度线程化的, 从而减少了间断, 并提供了丰富的选 项, 甚至可以同时显示多个可视波形, 播放 mp3, mp2, ogg, cdda, audiofs 等 等。 . This is a module for alsaplayer that will output the sound through EsounD. Package: alsaplayer-gtk Description-md5: ab5f77a4fe79133f8d53245afde5107b Description-zh_CN: PCM player designed for ALSA (GTK version) Alasplayer 是一个专为使用 ALSA 而设计的 PCM 播放器, 不过也可以和 OSS 或 EsounD 一起和谐工作。它是高度线程化的, 从而减少了间断, 并提供了丰富的选 项, 甚至可以同时显示多个可视波形, 播放 mp3, mp2, ogg, cdda, audiofs 等 等。 . This package provides a GTK-based interface to alsaplayer. Package: alsaplayer-jack Description-md5: 764316fa06b040e39f6e77abe7d270ea Description-zh_CN: PCM player designed for ALSA (JACK output module) Alasplayer 是一个专为使用 ALSA 而设计的 PCM 播放器, 不过也可以和 OSS 或 EsounD 一起和谐工作。它是高度线程化的, 从而减少了间断, 并提供了丰富的选 项, 甚至可以同时显示多个可视波形, 播放 mp3, mp2, ogg, cdda, audiofs 等 等。 . This is a module for alsaplayer that will output the sound through JACK. Package: alsaplayer-nas Description-md5: 9c6e74572232c9d07e21cb424fcc81c0 Description-zh_CN: PCM player designed for ALSA (NAS output module) Alasplayer 是一个专为使用 ALSA 而设计的 PCM 播放器, 不过也可以和 OSS 或 EsounD 一起和谐工作。它是高度线程化的, 从而减少了间断, 并提供了丰富的选 项, 甚至可以同时显示多个可视波形, 播放 mp3, mp2, ogg, cdda, audiofs 等 等。 . This is a module for alsaplayer that will output the sound through NAS. Package: alsaplayer-oss Description-md5: 6132475765e6b7bc36aebdf25177be01 Description-zh_CN: PCM player designed for ALSA (OSS output module) Alasplayer 是一个专为使用 ALSA 而设计的 PCM 播放器, 不过也可以和 OSS 或 EsounD 一起和谐工作。它是高度线程化的, 从而减少了间断, 并提供了丰富的选 项, 甚至可以同时显示多个可视波形, 播放 mp3, mp2, ogg, cdda, audiofs 等 等。 . This is a module for alsaplayer that will output the sound through OSS. Package: alsaplayer-text Description-md5: 892726c88aa888e180504958417d04b3 Description-zh_CN: PCM player designed for ALSA (text version) Alasplayer 是一个专为使用 ALSA 而设计的 PCM 播放器, 不过也可以和 OSS 或 EsounD 一起和谐工作。它是高度线程化的, 从而减少了间断, 并提供了丰富的选 项, 甚至可以同时显示多个可视波形, 播放 mp3, mp2, ogg, cdda, audiofs 等 等。 . This package provides a text interface to alsaplayer, and does not require X or GTK to run. Package: alsaplayer-xosd Description-md5: 9af44eb1d2de4fa2ebe6bcb010d4085a Description-zh_CN: PCM player designed for ALSA (osd version) Alasplayer 是一个专为使用 ALSA 而设计的 PCM 播放器, 不过也可以和 OSS 或 EsounD 一起和谐工作。它是高度线程化的, 从而减少了间断, 并提供了丰富的选 项, 甚至可以同时显示多个可视波形, 播放 mp3, mp2, ogg, cdda, audiofs 等 等。 . This package provides a non-interactive interface to the player. All output will be displayed on screen through the X On-Screen Display library. Package: amanda-common Description-md5: 618f3a42e14d92b9e72b5e469650ebea Description-zh_CN: 高级马里兰自动网络磁盘归档程序 (库) 本软件包包含了 amanda 客户端和服务器包需要的库。 Package: ams Description-md5: 0dbd74e6b33b1c4368ea2b297b69899b Description-zh_CN: ALSA的实时模块化合成器 这是一个包含Qt GUI界面的软合成器。所有参数可以通过MIDI实时地进行修改。 Package: amsynth Description-md5: 35f5efac2aa249ceb906be1895fd77fb Description-zh_CN: 双振荡器合成软件 amSynth features: * two analogue-style audio oscillators, featuring: o sine wave o saw/triangle wave with adjustable shape o square/pulse wave with adjustable pulsewidth o noise generation o "random" wave (noise with sample & hold) o oscillator sync o of course, detune and range control * mixer section with ring modulation * analogue-style low-pass filter o 24dB/octave curve o dedicated ADSR envelope o cutoff and resonance control o keyboard pitch tracking * amplifier with dedicated ADSR envelope * modulation LFO o up to 58Hz modulation o routable to all sections (pitch, filter, amplifier) * Effects o High quality stereo reverb (freeverb) o Distortion/crunch * Easy navigation and manipulation of presets * Stand-alone OSS or ALSA Midi/Audio client Package: an Description-md5: 9722f7f405f349a1cb1d1a55ca1126b2 Description-zh_CN: 非常快的回文生成器 根据用户提供的短语产生回文,回文中使用的单词来自指定的字典,每行一个单词 (默认:/usr/share/dict/words)。 速度比 wordplay 快十倍,尤其是在碰 到长词组的时候。 Package: anagramarama Description-md5: c34d5298c87db0a189fbe36972e35771 Description-zh_CN: fast paced anagram puzzle game using SDL Like anagrams? You'll love Anagramarama! The aim is to find as many words as possible in the time available. Get the longest word and you'll advance to the next level. . 主页: Package: anagramarama-data Description-md5: 7699bf7fd56d272b90197d091b14baad Description-zh_CN: fast paced anagram puzzle game using SDL (data files) Like anagrams? You'll love Anagramarama! The aim is to find as many words as possible in the time available. Get the longest word and you'll advance to the next level. . This package contains the data files for anagramarama. . 主页: Package: animals Description-md5: d56244bdb03319e340ea1af4f03f9b56 Description-zh_CN: 使用二叉树 DB 的传统的猜动物人工智能引擎 你随意想一种动物,然后这个包就去猜出它... 当它猜错的时候, 你就教它你说的 动物。 Package: anjuta Description-md5: c0fa0b33e9ba4eb8f579f3bb0865fa9a Description-zh_CN: GNOME C/C++ 集成开发工具 C/C++ 和 GNOME/GTK+ 程序集成开发工具,调试简单,可以进行代码管理。 集成 glade 和 CVS。 Package: anjuta-common Description-md5: 1e759ff800082708a874bc85616d1a41 Description-zh_CN: A GNOME development IDE, for C/C++ - data files C/C++ 和 GNOME/GTK+ 程序集成开发工具,调试简单,可以进行代码管理。 集成 glade 和 CVS。 . This package provides the required data files for Anjuta. Package: anjuta-dbg Description-md5: 29dd54434ebb7c35b2ba2e1784f5a5dc Description-zh_CN: A GNOME development IDE, for C/C++ - debug files C/C++ 和 GNOME/GTK+ 程序集成开发工具,调试简单,可以进行代码管理。 集成 glade 和 CVS。 . This package provides the debug files for Anjuta. Package: anjuta-dev Description-md5: 9d67debdad64d3f680aa41517e9c4776 Description-zh_CN: A GNOME development IDE, for C/C++ - development files C/C++ 和 GNOME/GTK+ 程序集成开发工具,调试简单,可以进行代码管理。 集成 glade 和 CVS。 . This package provides the development files for Anjuta. Package: annodex-tools Description-md5: 1175d61fb625a95ace0ea35e9ffd5b48 Description-zh_CN: 处理注释和标记媒体流的工具 这个软件包包括了创建和修改Annodex媒体的工具。 Annodex媒体格式允许在流媒体和其它类型的连续数据中进行注释和标记,这些注释和标记可以 被用在其它数据的超链接视频中。 Package: anteater Description-md5: 940befa07e4588837c0cda312c58bc01 Description-zh_CN: 完全用 C++ 写的 MTA 日志分析程序 目前, 有很多模块可以读取 sendmail 和 postfix 的日志格式, 可以进行多达 7 种有用的分析, 并把分析结果向标准输出或文件输出为 ASCII 纯文本或 HTML 格式。 Package: antennavis Description-md5: c6035e3cf7af55c68a7a2e1539aaff80 Description-zh_CN: 天线图形化软件 Antennavis 是一个图形化工具,用来帮助用户更好地理解 NEC2 天线模型软件的输出。 Package: aolserver4-nspostgres Description-md5: 5cc49f40b423a4807a0075e0c3200e84 Description-zh_CN: AOLserver 4 模块:Postgres connector 这个模块为 AOLserver4 实现了一个简单的 AOLserver 数据库服务驱动器。 . 数据库服务驱动器是一个模块,用来连接 AOLserver 的数据库独立的 nsdb 模块与一个数 据库管理系统的应用程序接口。数据库服务驱动器的工作是打开连接,发送 SQL 语句查询数 据,并将结果转化为 nsdb 模块可用的表格。这个驱动器用于由 PostgreSQL 国际开发组 ( PostgreSQL Global Development Group )开发的 PostgreSQL ORDBMS 。 . 此驱动器是 OpenACS 计划的官方版本。 Package: aolserver4-nssha1 Description-md5: ebb2d047cd1142b7bb2b4c5d6013695d Description-zh_CN: AOLserver4 模块: 进行 SHA1 哈希运算 提供一个进行 SHA1 哈希运算的 Tcl API Package: apcalc Description-md5: 45e058e00107433a000e05704edf09a2 Description-zh_CN: 任意精度计算器 (原名: calc) Calc 是一个任意精度算术运算系统,它使用一种类 C 语言。 Calc 可以被用作一个 计算器,一个算法原型生成器,和一个数学研究工具。更重要的是, Calc 还附带了 大量内置的数学与程序函数。 . Calc 是基于 libcalc 库构建的,此库将数值表示为最简分数。你也可以用它为你的 程序增加任意精度功能,它位于“apcalc-dev”软件包中。 . 此软件包原名为“calc”,但在 Debian 中不得不改为“apcalc”,因为已经有另一个 名为“calc”的软件包了。然而,它的主程序与手册页仍然是“calc”。 Package: apcalc-common Description-md5: df478acd3cc8f7ec2575fe1ebfbdf068 Description-zh_CN: 任意精度计算器 (公用文件) Calc 是一个任意精度算术运算系统,它使用一种类 C 语言。 Calc 可以被用作一个 计算器,一个算法原型生成器,和一个数学研究工具。更重要的是, Calc 还附带了 大量内置的数学与程序函数。 . 此软件包包含“apcalc”包所需的架构独立文件。 Package: apel Description-md5: 610050983352376f7ba33a34c8634e84 Description-zh_CN: emacsen 的可移植库 APEL 是"可移植 Emacs 库 (A Portable Emacs Library" 的缩写, 包含如下模块: . poe.el emulation module mainly for basic functions and special forms/macros of latest emacsen poem.el basic functions to write portable MULE programs pces.el portable character encoding scheme (coding-system) features invisible.el features about invisible region mcharset.el MIME charset related features static.el utility for static evaluation broken.el information of broken facilities of Emacs pccl.el utility to write portable CCL program alist.el utility for Association-list calist.el utility for condition tree and condition/situation-alist path-util.el utility for path management or file detection filename.el utility to make file-name install.el utility to install emacs-lisp package mule-caesar.el ROT 13-47-48 Caesar rotation utility emu.el emu bundled in tm-7.106 compatibility pcustom.el portable custom environment timezone.el utility of time zone product.el functions for product version information . Homepage: Package: apg Description-md5: a5b52a98c91c8de997b830850fb4fb58 Description-zh_CN: 自动密码生成器 - 独立版本 APG (Automated Password Generator) is the tool set for random password generation. It generates some random words of required type and prints them to standard output. This binary package contains only the standalone version of apg. Advantages: * Built-in ANSI X9.17 RNG (Random Number Generator)(CAST/SHA1) * Built-in password quality checking system (now it has support for Bloom filter for faster access) * Two Password Generation Algorithms: 1. Pronounceable Password Generation Algorithm (according to NIST FIPS 181) 2. Random Character Password Generation Algorithm with 35 configurable modes of operation * Configurable password length parameters * Configurable amount of generated passwords * Ability to initialize RNG with user string * Support for /dev/random * Ability to crypt() generated passwords and print them as additional output. * Special parameters to use APG in script * Ability to log password generation requests for network version * Ability to control APG service access using tcpd * Ability to use password generation service from any type of box (Mac, WinXX, etc.) that connected to network * Ability to enforce remote users to use only allowed type of password generation The client/server version of apg has been deliberately omitted. . 上游网址: Package: aplus-fsf Description-md5: 553a1401429147544eda6fd62028da59 Description-zh_CN: A+ 编程语言运行环境 A+ 是一种强大且高效的编程语言。它遵从 GNU GPL 发布。它实现了许多函数及运算 符,一个现代化的图形用户界面,并带有很多控件,可以自动同步控件与变量,非同步 地执行与变量和事件关联的函数,动态加载用户编译的子程序,还有很多其他功能。执行 程序是由一个非常高效的解释器进行的。 A+ 在 Morgan Stanley 创造的。主要用于需要 强大计算能力的商业环境中,许多重要的 A+ 程序曾许多年满足了真实世界开发者的 要求。由于是由解释性语言想会写成, A+ 程序应该是可移植的。 . 此软件包包含了运行 A+ 程序所需的可执行文件与库。 A+ 开发环境由 aplus-fsf-dev 包提供。 Package: aplus-fsf-dev Description-md5: bca6e81ad4da4c9c982f9b322d1c47a4 Description-zh_CN: A+ programming language development environment A+ 是一种强大且高效的编程语言。它遵从 GNU GPL 发布。它实现了许多函数及运算 符,一个现代化的图形用户界面,并带有很多控件,可以自动同步控件与变量,非同步 地执行与变量和事件关联的函数,动态加载用户编译的子程序,还有很多其他功能。执行 程序是由一个非常高效的解释器进行的。 A+ 在 Morgan Stanley 创造的。主要用于需要 强大计算能力的商业环境中,许多重要的 A+ 程序曾许多年满足了真实世界开发者的 要求。由于是由解释性语言想会写成, A+ 程序应该是可移植的。 . This is a meta package that provides a complete A+ development environment. The A+ run-time environment is provided by the aplus-fsf package. Package: aplus-fsf-el Description-md5: 274af0c3d6fe47ed9d9d49b69bb42e18 Description-zh_CN: A+ 开发的 XEmacs lisp 此软件包包含了开发 A+ 程序所需的 XEmacs lisp 。它配置键绑定,设置字体,并绑定一 些功能键。完全的 A+ 开发环境由 aplus-fsf-dev 包提供。 . 从 XEmacs 加载 A+ ,可打开一个扩展名为 .apl, .a 或 .+ 的文件,或使用 'M-x a-mode' 命令。按下 F4 可开启 A+ 解释器。 . 如果在 XEmacs 中键入一个特殊的 A+ 字符时有问题,请参看 /usr/share/doc/README.Debian.gz。 Package: apoo Description-md5: d0d29ba5ab9cb2a85607d33f28da42f4 Description-zh_CN: 汇编语言课程帮助 一个用于教学目的的虚拟机,模拟中央处理器。所有程序用 Python 写成,很容易经 过扩展支持新的汇编形式的伪指令。 提供了一个基于 gtk2 的界面,以为调试和检查 程序支执行提供帮助。 指导老师可以使用其他程序设计练习题,并编写可以自动为学 生的结果大分的规则。 Package: approx Description-md5: ed750b0f8ab77375d914bfa2dfa1ec24 Description-zh_CN: Debian 软件包缓冲代理服务 Approx 是一个基于 http 协议的 debian 镜像服务器。 它下载位于远程软件源的软件包,进行缓存以供本地用户使用。 . 当你在本地的多台计算机安装或者升级 debian 软件时, Approx 可以节省你的时间和带宽。 不管有多少台本地计算机需要安装, 每个软件包只需要从远程站点下载一次。 这个缓存大约需要几个 G 字节的空间。 . Approx 还简化了对客户机的管理: 更改软件源的位置时,只要修改 Approx 的设置文件就行了, 不需要去修改每台机器的 /etc/apt/sources.list。 . Approx 可以用来替代 apt-proxy, 并且不需要修改客户端的 /etc/apt/sources.list 文件, 就像一个另类的 apt-cacher。 . Approx 的设计理念是稳定,简单和高效。 是用 OCaml(面向对象的 Caml)语言开发的, Package: aprsd Description-md5: 60920fc83815ac7df880463cd4a06917 Description-zh_CN: 自动位置报告系统的互联网网关 aprsd 是 APRS 自动位置报告系统的互联网到射频的网关(igate)。 互联网上的用户可以发送文本消息到射频网上的用户,特别是当他们 连接到国际 APRServe 网(的时候。 Package: aprsdigi Description-md5: 84edfbcc343282783b438199f007a272 Description-zh_CN: digipeater for APRS aprsdigi 是一个自动位置报告系统 (APRS) 的转发器。包中还包括 aprsmon, 这是 一个单向 APRS TCP/IP 网关。 Package: apt-dpkg-ref Description-md5: 15ddbe91a713a87e5ffb9a73609fa1e0 Description-zh_CN: APT、Dpkg 快速参考手册 这是针对 APT 和 dpkg 众多参数的快速参考手册,带有快速查询表格。本手册为 对常用的命令记忆的不太准确的人提供帮助。 Package: apt-file Description-md5: 0143ae5526bebdd337c966e112da6587 Description-zh_CN: APT 软件包查找工具 -- 命令行接口 apt-file 是 APT 系统中查找软件包的命令行工具。 . 和 apt-cache 不同,你可以查出某个文件位于哪个软件包,或不安装或下载一个软件包 就获得其内容。 Package: apt-move Description-md5: 5c104b1672b538e1ce2330031f246251 Description-zh_CN: 维护 Debian 软件包的工具程序 apt-move 用于将一组 Debian 软件包文件按照 Debian 官方文档库的结构组织起来。它可以用于辅助管理 apt-get 程序的缓存,也可以管理任意的一组 Debian 软件包文件。 . 周期性地运行 apt-move 可以帮助您删除过时的软件包文件,同时创建正确的 Packages.gz 文件。它也可以为您部分或完整地创建 Debian 二进制发行版的本地镜像(也可以只为已安装的软件包创建镜像)。 Package: apt-proxy Description-md5: 87b9c3c7a87cba4f18f182b29e0ab872 Description-zh_CN: Debian archive proxy and partial mirror builder apt-proxy automatically builds a Debian HTTP mirror based on requests which pass through the proxy. It's great for multiple Debian machines on the same network with a slower internet link. . The archive is automatically kept up to date using http, ftp or rsync. Cache cleaning of unused and old versions is configurable. You can also import the contents of your apt cache into the archive using apt-proxy-import. . 请查看 apt-proxy 主页以获得更多信息: . The suggested packages are needed for the following features: rsync for rsyncd backends, and dpkg-dev for apt-proxy-import. Package: apt-rdepends Description-md5: d1a3ea094d7eede203aee930b4cf6310 Description-zh_CN: 递归地列出软件包依赖关系 本程序用于递归地列出软件包依赖关系,既可以显示前向依赖关系也可以显示反向依赖关系,还可以显示前向构造依赖关系。其输入格式与 apt-cache depends 命令非常相似。另外,它还可以生成 .dot 图,非常类似于 dotty 模式的 apt-cache。 Package: apt-show-source Description-md5: d4cedf9c62e14ae2d9a9387616ae8fa2 Description-zh_CN: 显示源代码软件包信息 本程序从 APT 列表和 dpkg 状态文件中提取源代码软件包的信号,然后将版本号不同于已安装版本的软件列出。如果您的 sources.list 列表中的 deb-src 项指向不稳定版本,而 deb 项指向稳定版本,那么本程序将会非常有用。 Package: apt-show-versions Description-md5: f3e90eaeb26db6c7571b38a0b4ce5b90 Description-zh_CN: 列出发行版中可用的软件包版本 apt-show-versions 从 dpkg 状态文件和 APT 列表中提取可用的软件包版本和相关发行版信息,然后列出在指定发行版中可供升级的软件包版本。 . 如果您同时使用稳定版和测试版中的软件包,那么本工具将会非常有用,它可以为您列出哪些软件可以升级到新的测试版本。 Package: apt-src Description-md5: c1c2aad38a3b3f83fa8835588c7f14b5 Description-zh_CN: 管理 Debian 源程序包 apt-src 是用于下载、安装、升级和追踪 Debian 源程序包的命令行接口。它使得源 程序包的管理与用 apt 管理二进制包非常类似,并被用作向 debian 增加源程序依赖 的测试台。 . 该程序可以由一般用户或 root 用户运行。如果您需要一个方便的办法来持续升级软 件包,而又保留您在本地所做的修改,用 apt-src 就是一个很好的办法。 Package: apwal Description-md5: b34bd32b1a2855e8adeffa44cd8f98b8 Description-zh_CN: 一种图标式的,透明的浮动程序启动器 Apwal 是一种简单的图标式程序启动器,它包含两个部分:程序启动器本身和配置编辑器。 . 在启动之后, Apwal 会将图标显示在鼠标指针处。用左键单击图标运行所选的程序,用右键单击打开 Apwal 编辑器。 . Apwal 编辑器是一个简单易用的图形化 Apwal 配置程序。其中的图标选择窗口显示在您的系统里可供选用的图标,您也可以使用若干的过滤器来简化搜索过程(根据扩展名、大小、文件名等等)。 . 主页: Package: aqsis Description-md5: 446a5d4ca5ef9b4da86b9fcdee3793d1 Description-zh_CN: 实现 RenderMan 接口的应用程序集 Aqsis 表现系统包含一系列的函数库和应用程序,使用 Pixar RenderMan 接口创建高质量 的计算机图像。 . 本软件包包含 Aqsis 函数库。 Package: aqsis-libs-dev Description-md5: a9c80a25ca0e0fd5a33842ce4fba33a5 Description-zh_CN: suite of applications implementing the RenderMan Interface - development files Aqsis 表现系统包含一系列的函数库和应用程序,使用 Pixar RenderMan 接口创建高质量 的计算机图像。 . This package contains the Aqsis library development files. Package: aqsis-libsc2a Description-md5: 109ce8b653f808856082e7738da9a711 Description-zh_CN: suite of applications implementing the RenderMan Interface - libraries Aqsis 表现系统包含一系列的函数库和应用程序,使用 Pixar RenderMan 接口创建高质量 的计算机图像。 . This package contains the Aqsis shared libraries. Package: aranym Description-md5: 6a12a9f8fc4dcf0c80d424f5c2bf4b77 Description-zh_CN: Atari Running on Any Machine Virtual Machine for running Atari 32-bit operating systems and applications . 主页: Package: arc Description-md5: 88afa420ed157baf50a6a50cb1ed98aa Description-zh_CN: 基于 MSDOS ARC 程序的归档工具 本程序基于 MSDOS ARC 5.21,包含一些改进... . o ARC also performs Huffman Squeezing on data. The Huffman Squeeze algorithm was removed from MSDOS ARC after version 5.12. It turns out to be more efficient than Lempel-Ziv style compression when compressing graphic images. Squeeze analysis is always done now, and the best of packing, squeezing, or crunching is used. . o Compresses and extracts Squashed files. "Squashing" was created by Phil Katz in his PKxxx series of ARC utility programs for MSDOS. Dan Lanciani wrote the original modifications to ARC's Crunch code to handle Squashing. I've made minor changes since then, mostly to reduce the amount of memory required. The 'q' option flag must be specified to Squash files. The Squashing algorithm will be used instead of the usual Crunch algorithm, and will be compared against packing and squeezing, as before. Package: archmbox Description-md5: aea0792059a321f0195e8aaee4d7d4c2 Description-zh_CN: perl 编写的电子邮件归档程序 archmbox 是电子邮件归档程序,用 perl 写成;解析一个或多个邮箱,选择一些或全 部消息然后针对选择的消息执行特定的动作。 目前 archmbox 支持 mbox 和 mailbox 格式。 . 消息的选择基于日期规则;可以选择绝对日期或相对日期。可以用针对邮件头的正则 表达式简化选择规则。所有归档的消息保存在一个新邮箱中,在原文件名之后添加 .archived 后缀(这是默认的,可以修改);归档邮箱可以保存为 gz 或 bz2 压缩格式。 Package: aribas Description-md5: 01a2e7b643c90472b63d46f0766117ce Description-zh_CN: arithmetic 解释器 ARIBAS 是一个用于大整数和多精度浮点数算术的交互式解释器。它的语法 与 Pascal 或 Modula-2 类似, 但也有一些来自于诸如 C, Lisp, Oberon 这些语言的特性。 . Aribas 的主页位于: Package: arj Description-md5: 38b5501494d5fb5f61a707689bace555 Description-zh_CN: .arj 文件归档工具 该软件包是 arj 文件归档工具的开源版本。与 ARJ Software, Inc. 提供的原始 ARJ 文件压缩工具相比,这个版本尽量保持了所有的特性,并保证最大的兼容。 Package: arkhart Description-md5: 48a105f09c4ff75d2005a36b36efa668 Description-zh_CN: Arkrpg 的游戏世界样例 Arkrpg 是一个强大而灵活的框架,不需要写一行 C++ 代码,用户就可以用它创建 (网络或单用户模式的)角色扮演类游戏。用户所需要做的只是用 Lua 语言创建游戏 数据(模型、组织、世界),并定义 NPC 们的行为。这个框架包含了完善的户外 3D 引擎,支持骨骼动画和三点精度的碰撞检测,也包含创建世界和任务的工具,以及最 常见的低多边形 3D 格式的载入程序。 . 该软件包提供了一个根据 Arkrpg 框架制作的游戏世界样例。 Package: arkrpg Description-md5: 5248e695036361cbb6a6e5e280e9ef76 Description-zh_CN: roleplaying kernel Arkrpg 是一个强大而灵活的框架,不需要写一行 C++ 代码,用户就可以用它创建 (网络或单用户模式的)角色扮演类游戏。用户所需要做的只是用 Lua 语言创建游戏 数据(模型、组织、世界),并定义 NPC 们的行为。这个框架包含了完善的户外 3D 引擎,支持骨骼动画和三点精度的碰撞检测,也包含创建世界和任务的工具,以及最 常见的低多边形 3D 格式的载入程序。 . This package provides binaries needed to use the kernel. Package: arpwatch Description-md5: f2eb3b3897edde54dcc9c8e2c3acdf47 Description-zh_CN: 以太网/FDDI 主机活动监视器 Arpwatch 维护一个网络上见到的以太网 MAC 地址和与其相对应的 IP 地址的数据库。 如果有什么变化发生,比如新的主机或活动、反复切换、旧地址的改变和再次使 用,它会自动发送电子邮件通知管理员。 Package: artist Description-md5: 7e73e8707e324a1cda7de22fe25b901a Description-zh_CN: Emacs Lisp 画图包 Artist 是一个 Emacs 的 lisp 包,使用户可以通过鼠标和/或键盘来画线条、矩形和 椭圆。 . 注意:Artist 不能用于 XEmacs Package: asc-music Description-md5: 72c57d3777e41d67d0cf59035e4a3efc Description-zh_CN: music pack for ASC This is a music pack for the Advanced Strategic Command game. If ASC detects the presence of these tracks it plays them during game. . Composed by Michael Kievernagel. . 主页: Package: ascd Description-md5: 12cc18a92e011784339ff4b558d7c4f3 Description-zh_CN: CD 播放器和混音器 AScd 是一个小巧的 CD 播放器和混音器,可以“停靠”在 AfterStep 和 WindowMaker 窗口管理器上。 Package: ascdc Description-md5: c5463788465df827b5231baeaea298e1 Description-zh_CN: AfterStep CD 换盘器 ascdc 是一个小巧的 CD 换盘器。它具有与 AfterStep 窗口管理器一致的外观感觉, 非常适于在 AfterStep 的 Wharf 模块中运行。 Package: ascii Description-md5: 3ef70a26e3b90455a20524f77be30845 Description-zh_CN: 交互式 ASCII 同义字表 ascii 工具可以用于在美国信息交换标准码(ASCII)字符表和其它多种字节表示方法 之间进行转换。它支持很多种表示法,如十六进制、二进制、八进制、电报码、 ISO/ECMA 码、专用名字、XML 实体名以及其它方法。在命令行给定上述任何一种,它 会尝试将其它各种方法的表示显示出来。如果没有给定任何参数,它将显示一个方便 小巧的 ASCII 字符表。 Package: asclassic Description-md5: 2432b716ac3aa3f24df8580c4174a1b4 Description-zh_CN: X11 窗口管理器,经典 AfterStep (从 v1.1 中分支出来) 经典 Afterstep 是一个基于 AfterStep v1.1 的窗口管理器,试图保持并提高 AfterStep 的久经考验的稳定性和可配置性。注意,这个窗口管理器大量使用 了调色板,如果你只支持 8 位色的话,它可以就这么运行,不过你可能更希望 修改一下,少用一些颜色。 . AfterStep 是 BowMan 窗体管理器项目的延续,但是改变了名称以反映它超越简单 的模仿而成为一个有价值的窗体管理器的愿望。 Package: asclock Description-md5: 13535b56f9e3896d6c3e62dddb41528d Description-zh_CN: NeXTStep 外观风格的时钟 这时个显示时间 (数字的, 12 或 24 小时格式) 和日期的小程序。它提供了三种 可选方案: 一套用于低色彩数的系统,一套是 "真正的" NeXTStep 色彩, 而的三种 则介于两者之间。 Package: asclock-themes Description-md5: def29687338f3b5a590534994af92079 Description-zh_CN: ASclock, 一个时钟小程序的主题文件 本软件包为不同的 AScolck 包提供不同的主题, 其中有一个经典主题, 模仿了最初 的 ASclock 程序。 Package: asmail Description-md5: 04fd9d40023bc13737bce54d039f7bb0 Description-zh_CN: AfterStep 邮件监视程序 asmail 是一个类似 xbiff 的邮件监视小程序。它拥有 AfterStep 窗口管理器 的观感, 是在 AfterStep 的 Wharf 中运行的理想选择。 Package: asmixer Description-md5: 9d62cc20cf2df67302563f2fe851d7d9 Description-zh_CN: AfterStep 混音器 asmixer 是一个小的混音器。它拥有 AfterStep 窗口管理器的观感, 是运行在 AfterStep 的 Wharf 模块中的理想选择。 Package: asmon Description-md5: ab8009ab6aad6c87b4a70ed29923f792 Description-zh_CN: Afterstep 与 WindowMaker 系统资源监视器可停靠程序 Asmon 是一个用于显示 CPU 参数、内存、交换空间以及 X 的内存使用的 wharfable/ 可停靠程序。它还可以显示平均负载、内存、交换分区、X 内存占用的具体数值。 Asmon 本身只消耗很少的 CPU 时间。 Package: aspell-ar Description-md5: e0e3d3ec1e303140520c5f849f5ca871 Description-zh_CN: Arabic dictionary for aspell This package contains all the required files to add support for Arabic language to aspell spell checker. . 主页: Package: aspell-da Description-md5: 134cdf52e5c12b0ea5eb000429f9c460 Description-zh_CN: The Comprehensive Danish Dictionary (DSDO) - aspell 丹麦语大辞典 (he Comprehensive Danish Dictionary, DSDO) 是一个自由的 丹麦语拼写检查字典,由 Skaane Sjaelland Linux 用户小组 (SSLUG) 发布。 这本辞典与众不同的地方就在于它的辞典内容是由校对者投票决定的。编写小 组并没有校对字典中的内容,而是引导校对者并跟踪字典的整体状态。 . This is the Danish dictionary, to be used with aspell to check and correct spelling in Danish texts. Package: aspell-el Description-md5: 586966efae08561adecfd3c4604e76ff Description-zh_CN: GNU Aspell 程序的希腊语字典 本软件包包含了用于 GNU Aspell 拼写检查程序的希腊语字典文件。 Package: aspell-et Description-md5: 6cb3fe8ed5f1536e9211f0d920592b3d Description-zh_CN: Estonian dictionary for Aspell This dictionary provides Estonian wordlists for the Aspell spellchecker currently supported by GNOME applications. . 主页: Package: aspell-fa Description-md5: 4ceb5832580a4e9175de1ec31ed09c34 Description-zh_CN: Persian dictionary for GNU Aspell This package contains all the required files to add support for Persian (Farsi) language to GNU Aspell spell checker. . 主页: Package: aspell-it Description-md5: 2f3ce1689288fb1dcf737c42aa8a448f Description-zh_CN: 意大利语的 GNU Aspell 字典 这个包所包含的所有文件,是让 GNU Aspell 语法检查支持意大利语所必须的。 Package: aspell-sk Description-md5: 284a394b4f0dc8f06471b09bef0e8b93 Description-zh_CN: GNU Aspell 程序的斯洛伐克语字典 本软件包包含了 GNU Aspell 拼写检查程序的斯洛伐克语字典文件。 Package: aspell-sl Description-md5: 114a71d664925b0cf1fe7b6cab38a72f Description-zh_CN: The Slovenian dictionary for GNU Aspell This package contains all the required files to add support for Slovenian language to the GNU Aspell spell checker. . 主页: Package: aspell-sv Description-md5: d215d30f411fb5c3192ab16aa33bc074 Description-zh_CN: 用于 GNU aspell 的瑞典语词典 这是 aspell 用于检查及改正瑞典语文本拼写的瑞典语词典。 Package: asterisk-prompt-es-co Description-md5: 3095e51b896e8461a287418051c4c0ce Description-zh_CN: Colombian Spanish voice prompts for Asterisk These are Colombian Spanish voice prompts for the Asterisk PBX, courtesy of Avatar Ltda., Colombia. . You need this package if you intend to run Asterisk and wish to support Spanish-speaking callers. . 主页: Package: astronomical-almanac Description-md5: ee8b26628ba60d5624a1aa0d7959bf06 Description-zh_CN: astronomical almanac - calculate planet and star positions The aa program computes the orbital positions of planetary bodies and performs rigorous coordinate reductions to apparent geocentric and topocentric place (local altitude and azimuth). It also reduces star catalogue positions given in either the FK4 or FK5 system. Data for the 57 navigational stars is included. Most of the algorithms employed are from The Astronomical Almanac (AA) published by the U.S. Government Printing Office. . The aa program follows the rigorous algorithms for reduction of celestial coordinates exactly as laid out in current editions of the Astronomical Almanac. The reduction to apparent geocentric place has been checked by a special version of the program (aa200) that takes planetary positions directly from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory DE200 numerical integration of the solar system. The results agree exactly with the Astronomical Almanac tables from 1987 onward (earlier Almanacs used slightly different reduction methods). . Certain computations, such as the correction for nutation, are not given explicitly in the AA but are referenced there. In these cases the program performs the full computations that are used to construct the Almanac tables (references are provided). . 主页: Package: atanks Description-md5: e17e65ae97c964a6c5e41e7dbebed8c0 Description-zh_CN: 坦克大战游戏 原子坦克大战是多玩家游戏,在保护自己的同时,尽量消灭其它坦克。通过摧毁其它 坦克挣钱,挣到的钱可以用来购买更高级的武器。 . 这个游戏和焦土或蠕虫系列游戏有点像。 Package: atanks-data Description-md5: 2ba28ec557882b1919101487ae24cb1e Description-zh_CN: data files for Atomic tanks 原子坦克大战是多玩家游戏,在保护自己的同时,尽量消灭其它坦克。通过摧毁其它 坦克挣钱,挣到的钱可以用来购买更高级的武器。 . 这个游戏和焦土或蠕虫系列游戏有点像。 . This package holds the data files needed for Atomic tanks. Package: aterm Description-md5: d651cd25431923e7502bbd9668b46c3d Description-zh_CN: Afterstep XVT - 用于 X 窗口系统的 VT102 模拟器 Aterm 是彩色 vt102 终端模拟器,基于 rxvt 2.4.8 并增加了快速透明功能。设计目 标是成为 xterm 的替代者,特别是当用户不需要 Tektronix 4014模拟和 toolkit 样 式的配置方式时。结果是, aterm 使用了更少的交换空间——当用于具有许多 X 会话 的机器上时,这是一个突出的优点。设计时考虑到了 AfterStep 窗口管理器用户的需 要,但是并不和任何库绑定,所以可以在所有地方使用。 Package: aterm-ml Description-md5: 67391bc460c60f4eaa1a6dd8e4a29bd1 Description-zh_CN: Afterstep XVT - 用于 X 窗口系统的 VT102 模拟器 Aterm 是彩色 vt102 终端模拟器,基于 rxvt 2.4.8 并增加了快速透明功能。设计目 标是成为 xterm 的替代者,特别是当用户不需要 Tektronix 4014模拟和 toolkit 样 式的配置方式时。结果是, aterm 使用了更少的交换空间——当用于具有许多 X 会话 的机器上时,这是一个突出的优点。设计时考虑到了 AfterStep 窗口管理器用户的需 要,但是并不和任何库绑定,所以可以在所有地方使用。 . This package contains four aterm binaries: katerm and caterm, for Japanese and Chinese (Big5 only) characters support; gaterm, which supports ELOT-928 (ISO-8859-7 standard) and IBM-437 keyboard translations for Greek character entry, and taterm for Thai characters support. Package: athena-jot Description-md5: 29052e935eaf37d159857d428a990876 Description-zh_CN: 打印递增、递减、随机或冗余数据,每行一个 athena jot - 简称为 jot - 打印递增、递减、随机或冗余数据,通常是数字,每行一个 . 本程序是外壳(shell)脚本中非常有用的 C 语言小程序。 Package: atitvout Description-md5: afc0e86bf53f6e1c3cbc25605bec3433 Description-zh_CN: ATI 电视输出支持程序 本实用程序可以用来在 i386 GNU/Linux 上执行 ATI Rage Mobility P/M 显卡的配置 命令。其设计初衷是在系统启动后启用电视输出并将使用的电视标准由 NTSC 切换到 PAL。 Package: atlc Description-md5: 5e8c27d7da8a2933f83139e519b5c1e2 Description-zh_CN: 任意传输线计算器 atlc 是一个用于分析设计拥有任意的交叉和任意数量绝缘层的电气传输线与方 向性耦合器计算机辅助设计 (CAD) 软件。 . 分析中, 它用于找到物理维度未知的电气传输线或耦合器的特性。设计时, 它用于确定如何实现有特定参数的传输线或耦合器。 . atlc 用于业余无线电爱好者、专业 RF 工程师、学生以及学术使用。 . 关于 atlc 的更多信息可以访问: Package: atm-tools Description-md5: b93c8b64cc579f6956b98ddc4f27d6c2 Description-zh_CN: Base programs for ATM in Linux, the net-tools for ATM This package provides all the basic programs needed for setting up, monitoring and tuning ATM networks. Such as: * atmsigd, an ATM signal daemon that implements the ATM UNI protocol. * atmtcp, a tool to setup ATM over TCP connections. * atmarpd, an implementation of the ATMARP protocol (RFC1577, RFC1755) * zeppelin, an ATM LAN Emulation client daemon * les and bus, ATM LAN Emulation service daemons . Notice that upstream still flags these tools as experimental software and says that there is still a number of known bugs and issues. The software is, however, in productive use at a number of sites and is working reliably. . 主页: Package: atool Description-md5: 83818e58251bc28b13ecbae29bf53f49 Description-zh_CN: <一个管理不同类型文件归档的工具> . <其他提供的命令有apack(创建归档),als(列出归档中的文件)和acat(提取文件到标准输出).> Package: atris Description-md5: 3e9c0ef476150cdf46638f03f374a3aa Description-zh_CN: <为Unix特别打造的类似贪吃蛇的游戏> Package: avida-base Description-md5: 3e3695a3498eb025e3df042065785ea4 Description-zh_CN: Auto-adaptive genetic system for Artificial Life research Avida is an auto-adaptive genetic system designed primarily for use as a platform in Digital or Artificial Life research. In lay terms, Avida is a digital world in which simple computer programs mutate and evolve. . Avida allows us to study questions and perform experiments in evolutionalry dynamics and theoretical biology that are intractable in real biological system. . 主页: Package: avida-qt-viewer Description-md5: e15aef3c3722ce15fd11382649d49594 Description-zh_CN: qt viewer for avida avida-qt-viewer is a graphics viewer for the auto-adaptive genetic system Avida. Avida is a digital world in which simple computer programs mutate and evolve. . 主页: Package: avida-viewer Description-md5: 52423448e91bd84d9872bd24fd26afb5 Description-zh_CN: ncurses viewer for avida avida-viewer is a text viewer for the auto-adaptive genetic system Avida. Avida is a digital world in which simple computer programs mutate and evolve. . 主页: Package: avifile-mjpeg-plugin Description-md5: 9dddb161a5258ba5b3ec2403e4c81159 Description-zh_CN: MJPEG video plugin for libavifile This package provides a plugin for the avifile library to de/encode MJPEG video streams - this implementation is rather slower and serves just as a sample plugin implementation. Usage of ffmpeg or win32 codecs is a better choice. . In general you do not need this plugin - . 主页: Package: avifile-vorbis-plugin Description-md5: 37f7343788b5b5f2ba7449e143713f93 Description-zh_CN: Vorbis audio plugin for libavifile This package provides a plugin for the avifile library to decompress audio streams in Vorbis, which is a fully open, non-proprietary, patent-and-royalty-free, general-purpose compressed audio format. . You might want to install this package if you are using the avifile video player and want to watch videos which provide audio using this format. . 主页: Package: balance Description-md5: 623a215d6910808907d86aaa4089276f Description-zh_CN: Load balancing solution and generic tcp proxy Balance is a load balancing solution being a simple but powerful generic tcp proxy with round robin load balancing and failover mechanisms. Its behaviour can be controlled at runtime using a simple command line syntax. . 主页: Package: bbmail Description-md5: 20d1d785616f2f1d9ff02121023d8908 Description-zh_CN: Mail notifier for Blackbox/Fluxbox bbmail is a small mail notifier (displays unread and read mail) that can be used in the Blackbox or Fluxbox window managers. It similar to other notifiers such as xbiff but with some additional features: * All the colors an gradients can be changed. * Support for multiple mail boxes and provides a menu showing all of them (and their unread/total mail count) * Support for counting mail through external programs, it can be used to notify on POP or IMAP checkboxes with fetchpop/fetchmail * Possibility to 'copy' Blackbox toolbar style * Ability to start command when new mail arrives (eg. to play sound) . 主页: Package: bcfg2 Description-md5: c0a3a76d643a50c26f7c5564bd420630 Description-zh_CN: Configuration management client Bcfg2 is a configuration management system that generates configuration sets for clients bound by client profiles. bcfg2 is the client portion of bcfg2 system which installs configuration images provided by bcfg2-server . 主页: Package: bcfg2-server Description-md5: 4a89c403d44741c6d3391874b90716f2 Description-zh_CN: Configuration management server Bcfg2 is a configuration management system that generates configuration sets for clients bound by client profiles. bcfg2-server is the server for bcfg2 clients, which generates configuration sets and stores statistics of client system states. . 主页: Package: biabam Description-md5: 6d54f8436ae1dfcc4e378362d1f298fa Description-zh_CN: bash attachment mailer A tool that is used for mailing attachments from the commandline. It is similar to using Mutt to send attachments on the commandline, but without the overhead of a complete email client. . 主页: Package: bidiv Description-md5: f54f3bcc32e78628e0970771051a6373 Description-zh_CN: 双向书写语言查看器 - 显示希伯来文/阿拉伯文的命令行工具 bidiv 是一个用于把输入的逻辑顺序希伯来文 (logical-Hebrew) 输出为视觉顺序希伯 来文的工具。这对于阅读希伯来文邮件, 查看希伯来文文本等非常有用。bidiv 是为 希伯来文而写的,不过阿拉伯文或其他双向书写 (BiDi) 语言应该也同样适用。 Package: blt-demo Description-md5: 83d8b718fd819fee3f5135cbed908e4e Description-zh_CN: the BLT extension library for Tcl/Tk - demos and examples BLT is a library of useful extensions for the Tcl language and the popular Tk graphical toolkit. It adds a vector and tree data type, background execution and some debugging tools to Tcl, and provides several new widgets for Tk, including graphs, bar-charts, trees, tabs, splines and hyper-links, as well as a new geometry manager, drag & drop support, and more. . This package contains demos and samples showing the power and versatility of BLT. . 主页: Package: bmagic Description-md5: 9ad87e64cbc0804a61cb54403870d078 Description-zh_CN: C++ template library for efficient platform independent bitsets BitMagic is a C++ template library designed and developed to implement efficient platform independent bitsets. Key features: . - Several types of on the fly adaptive compression. - Dynamic range of addressable space of 232-1 bits. - Efficient memory management. - Cache optimized bitset distance algorithms. - Serialization in platform independent, compact format suitable for storing in files and databases. - Performance tuning for 32-bit and 64-bit systems. - Optimization for Intel SSE2 128-bit integer SIMD. . 主页: Package: bmon Description-md5: 4cb0e895bcb82c3e079fb86b56ef23a1 Description-zh_CN: portable bandwidth monitor and rate estimator bmon is a commandline bandwidth monitor which supports various output methods including an interactive curses interface, lightweight HTML output but also simple ASCII output. . Statistics may be distributed over a network using multicast or unicast and collected at some point to generate a summary of statistics for a set of nodes. . 主页: Package: bogosort Description-md5: 7e9e6174ec0d661b6a79c0bf3d097f52 Description-zh_CN: sorts or doesn't sort files or standard input bogosort sorts files or its standard input using the bogo-sort algorithm. . It can also simply randomize lines in a file for you. . 主页: Package: bookmarks Description-md5: ebe83d694015a29957b07d61344803d7 Description-zh_CN: Debian bookmark collection This package is a large collection of web links (more than 1,400), and shall constantly be updated and improved with your help. The German link collection for example is already very complete. . The numerous links are most useful to everybody, but of course especially for newbies to find their way to the vast Internet resources. Although this bookmark collection lists all kind of resources (e.g. search engines, links to online dictionaries, etc.), the majority of them are still computer and Linux oriented. . This package also includes the Ruby script xbel2bookmarks which can be used to create different bookmark formats (XHTML, Mozilla, Opera). . 主页: Package: bozohttpd Description-md5: 44a152cf4deac7d44df8f56b2039b7aa Description-zh_CN: Bozotic HTTP server bozohttpd is a small and secure HTTP server. Its main feature is the lack of features, reducing code size and improving verifiability. It has no configuration file by design. . It supports CGI/1.1, HTTP/1.1, HTTP/1.0, HTTP/0.9, ~user translations, virtual hosting support, as well as multiple IP-based servers on a single machine, and is able to serve pages via the IPv6 protocol. . 主页: Package: brag Description-md5: dd3d49b0f89400bfaf165388caf110be Description-zh_CN: 下载并集合 Usenet 分段(multipart)二進制附件 Brag collects and assembles multipart binary attachements from newsgroups. This is a robust command-line tool, well suited to run as a cron job. * Collects and downloads multipart binary attachements * Supported encodings: uuencode, MIME base64 and yenc * Filters messages using accept/reject patterns * Optionally saves message subjects * Supports NNTP authentication * Supports non-default NNTP ports * Can combine parts from different newsgroups or even different servers * Bulletproof: Restarts from the last successful operation Package: brightside Description-md5: 4e8b5268fe12e92edc4559284dda5202 Description-zh_CN: 給 GNOME 桌面添加邊角的識別功能 Brightside 提供一種 "邊角效應(edge flipping)" 的功能,它能讓您很方便地 通過鼠標點擊屏幕的邊角部分來切換到鄰近的工作區。 . Brightside 同時也允許您自定義當鼠標移至屏幕邊角時的響應。目前支持的響應 包括: . * Fade out volume * Prevent screensaver starting * Start screensaver and lock screen * Enter DPMS standby mode * Enter DPMS suspend mode * Enter DPMS off mode * Dim laptop backlight * Custom action Package: bristol Description-md5: 980a2b93054babe799917fd1cc42b7b5 Description-zh_CN: vintage synthesizer emulator Bristol is a synthesizer emulator application. Bristol uses the sound card PCM generator and can be MIDI driven, furthermore it can be set to use the low latency scheduling feature of the kernel, reducing audio under runs. It can any number of simultaneous synthesizers (they all connect to the same engine). It supports splitting and layering the keyboard with multiple synthesizers on a single midi channel. Currently Bristol emulates the following keyboards: Moog Mini, Moog Voyager (Bristol "Explorer"), Sequential Circuits Prophet-5, Roland Juno-6, Yamaha DX-7, Hammond (single manual), Hammond B3 (dual manual). . 主页: Package: bsign Description-md5: 0fc1d2e9c374c1156b2b02186a9f8980 Description-zh_CN: 采用內嵌哈希檢測沖突和入侵 這個軟件包將安全哈希(SHA1)和數字簽名(GNU Privacy Guard)嵌入至文件中,用 于較驗和驗証。目前來看,目標文件的文件格式都是 ELF 格式的:可執行文件, 內核模塊,動態和靜態鏈接庫。本程序實現了和 tripwire, integrit 類似的功 能,并且無需維護額外的數據庫。 Package: bubblefishymon Description-md5: 23150994d9d78a594fb86a73e02419a4 Description-zh_CN: system load dockapp with a duck A load monitor dockapp, descended from wmfishtime and bubblemon. Features include fish representing network traffic, bubbles representing CPU usage, and a duck representing a duck. . 主页: Package: canna Description-md5: 56fcc607acf20cfcad6287fa3a570b9e Description-zh_CN: Japanese input system (server and dictionary) Canna 是自由软件里的一个日语输入系统.Canna 为输入日语提供统一用户界面. . Canna 支持 Nemacs, Mule, kinput2, canuum.通过单一的用户自定义文件就可以使用 这些工具,日语罗马字到假名的转换和词典的转换,以及日语的输入也同样如此. . Canna 的日语假名到日语汉字的转换是基于客户端/服务器模式,并支持其自动转换. . 这个软件包包含了 cannaserver 程序和词典文件. Package: canna-utils Description-md5: ef76732d216e6195493505f4a06425f3 Description-zh_CN: Japanese input system (utility) Canna 是一个提供日文输入系统的自由软件(Free Software)。 本软件包包含 canna 的客户端程序。 Package: catdoc Description-md5: 82c1b4c316822e96fd9b0e1e57640c4c Description-zh_CN: MS-Word to TeX or plain text converter This program extracts text from MS-Word files, trying to preserve as many special printable characters as possible. catdoc supports everything up to Word-97. Also supported are MS Write documents and RTF files. . It doesn't even try to preserve fancy Word formatting, because Word users usually don't care about document structure, and it is this very thing which is important to LaTeX users. . Also provided is xls2csv, which extracts data from Excel spreadsheets and outputs it in comma-separated-value format and catppt, which extracts data from PowerPoint presentations. . This package suggests tk because it also includes wordview, an optional Tk-based GUI for catdoc. The MIME config provided in this package will use wordview is X is running, or catdoc directly if it is not. . 主页: Package: cd5 Description-md5: 80d9611f6435918cb4d97fe8f8ca4ff0 Description-zh_CN: Compute checksum of individual track on CD-ROMS CD-ROM Digest is a program that checks a multi-track CD-ROM. It reports the MD5 digest and size for each track on a CD-ROM. The digest is done as the track is read, without dumping CD-ROM data on the hard drive. This tool helps users that are burning a multi-track CD-ROM to check the result. . 主页: Package: cdtool Description-md5: 60e142ef086ab7aa40ab85c679afa1c7 Description-zh_CN: text-based audio CD player and CD-ROM control commands cdtool contains cdplay, cdeject, cdstop, cdpause, and several other programs for playing audio CDs and controlling a CD-ROM drive from the command line and in a quick and scriptable way. . cdown reads track info and queries a CDDB database for info on the current CD. cdctrl is a command line utility for controlling a CD-ROM drive interactively and from scripts. cdir keeps track of the contents of different CDs using a workman-compatible database. . 主页: Package: cgiirc Description-md5: eb2acc9fa35367d0b1f287e2eee78746 Description-zh_CN: web based irc client CGI:IRC is a Perl/CGI program that allows you to use IRC from a Web browser without having to have access to an IRC port. It does not use Java, but it does need a browser capable of rendering frames. It can be used on a Web page to allow users to chat and can also be used to access chat from behind a firewall. . 主页: Package: changetrack Description-md5: 3c6416e95f682dfcd9def79ae51c541a Description-zh_CN: 配置文件变更跟踪程序 这是一个用于自动跟踪一组文件的变更的程序。如果某天这些文件被修改了, 从而 导致计算机在若干天后无法正常工作, changetrack 会提供哪些文件被修改了的信 息, 从而帮助确定问题。如果你让 changetrack 使用 ed 行编辑器或是 RCS 版 本控制系统的话,还可以将恢复到任意历史状态。如果你不想安装 Perl 的话, 可以试试 filetraq 或 diffmon 包。 Package: Description-md5: 4136c67e287c0c7fdb2a2d059a6ab08d Description-zh_CN: GNUstep 的字符映射表 这是一个使用 GNUstep 开发环境 ( 开发的字符映射表,目的是为 了帮助 GNUstep 成为一个桌面环境。 . 该软件包为用户提供字体选择功能,使您可以容易的看到某种字体提供的所有符号。 Package: chase Description-md5: 2f0129cda6030977f4ac0694e97f61fb Description-zh_CN: 追踪符号连接并列出所指向的目标文件 Chase 用于追踪符号连接所指向的真实文件--只要你愿意,它就可以顺藤摸瓜,直到 找到真实存在的文件。如果追踪成功,结果就保证是一个真正的文件,而不是另一个 符号连接。 Package: chasen-cannadic Description-md5: 086026f2d7f9a05d106925c666bf04cb Description-zh_CN: 源自 Canna 字典的用于 ChaSen 系统的日语字典 ChaSen 是一个日语词法分析系统,通常与 ipadic 字典配合使用。但根据 debian 自 由软件准则(DFSG),ipadic 字典不是自由软件。所以该软件包提供了这个符合 DFSG 的字典,它是基于 Canna 字典而来的。 Package: cheops Description-md5: 484225d1c8d533ce80d47bb44d1dd0a1 Description-zh_CN: Network swiss army knife Cheops is a combination of a variety of network tools to provide system administrators and users with a simple interface to managing and accessing their networks. Cheops aims to do for the network what the file manager did for the filesystem. . Additionally, cheops has taken on the role of a network management system, in the same category as one might put HP Openview. . Cheops is no longer being developed, however, cheops-ng offers similar functionality and is actively maintained. . 主页: Package: chicken-bin Description-md5: 7a09080fc344e84d8186693818e34243 Description-zh_CN: Simple Scheme-to-C compiler - compiler CHICKEN is a Scheme compiler which compiles a subset of R5RS into C. It uses the ideas presented in Baker's paper "Cheney on the MTA", and is small and easily extendable, although not a production quality or high-performance Scheme system. . This package contains the compiler. . 主页: Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-ca Description-md5: 36643cf71df54f25dee336d2a173f8d6 Description-zh_CN: Catalan sounds for childsplay's alphabet game childsplay-plugin 中包含的字母游戏的本地化声音文件。 Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-de Description-md5: a0e5afd77eae62a97af7ca7d9224904d Description-zh_CN: German sounds for childsplay's alphabet game childsplay-plugin 中包含的字母游戏的本地化声音文件。 Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-es Description-md5: 159426c77e4eafdf28d4291f0f41e9f6 Description-zh_CN: Spanish sounds for childsplay's alphabet game childsplay-plugin 中包含的字母游戏的本地化声音文件。 Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-fr Description-md5: 7cc882ccad302d11406e26e9603ebd4a Description-zh_CN: Childsplay 字母游戏的法语发音 childsplay-plugin 中包含的字母游戏的本地化声音文件。 Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-it Description-md5: 517aad86361d8458c41092c3b06faed2 Description-zh_CN: Italian sounds for childsplay's alphabet game childsplay-plugin 中包含的字母游戏的本地化声音文件。 Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-nl Description-md5: 86c602776b38a5c1f483ee3c5a258744 Description-zh_CN: Dutch sounds for childsplay's alphabet game childsplay-plugin 中包含的字母游戏的本地化声音文件。 Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-pt Description-md5: 06aebebd756f748e87eefaa9c5e6b3b4 Description-zh_CN: Portuguese sounds for childsplay's alphabet game childsplay-plugin 中包含的字母游戏的本地化声音文件。 Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-ru Description-md5: ddac9eb797b601bd41f9f323ce185a65 Description-zh_CN: Russian sounds for childsplay's alphabet game childsplay-plugin 中包含的字母游戏的本地化声音文件。 Package: childsplay-alphabet-sounds-sv Description-md5: 4de2acdcbdba990ab513e224921949a3 Description-zh_CN: Swedish sounds for childsplay's alphabet game childsplay-plugin 中包含的字母游戏的本地化声音文件。 Package: chinput Description-md5: 2660435d7951315a66602fd5c9ffb9d8 Description-zh_CN: 中文 XIM 输入服务 本软件包包含带 XIM 支持的 Chinput 中文输入服务,同时支持 Big5(繁体中 文)与 GB2312(简体中文)字符集。 . 作者:于明俭 Package: chktex Description-md5: ff18a86921a0d887fae2230147da5da5 Description-zh_CN: Finds typographic errors in LaTeX ChkTeX finds typographic errors in LaTeX documents: * Supports over 40 warnings. * Supports ``\input'' command; both TeX and LaTeX version. Actually includes the files. ``TEXINPUTS''-equivalent search path. * Intelligent warning/error handling. The user may promote/mute warnings to suit his preferences. You may also mute warnings in the header of a file; thus killing much unwanted garbage. * Supports both LaTeX 2.09 and LaTeX2e. * Flexible output handling. Has some predefined formats and lets the user specify his own format. Uses a ``printf()'' similar syntax. ``lacheck'' compatible mode included for interfacing with the AUC-TeX Emacs mode. . 主页: Package: chora2 Description-md5: 1a210520d1f1fc6c8a11c23e71db9796 Description-zh_CN: code repository viewing component for horde framework Chora allows the viewing of local (to the server) RCS and CVS repositories as well as local and remote Subversion repositories. It is written completely in PHP and is a component of the Horde project. . Currently, Chora has feature parity with CVS-Web and also includes a new feature, called visual branch viewing, that aims to make the concept of branches and branch histories less confusing. . 主页: Package: cl-screen-sbcl Description-md5: 0df207940c87ca7ead349b3f4ccb5fcc Description-zh_CN: SLang interface for Steel Bank Common Lisp cl-screen-sbcl provides the sb-screen package, an interface to the terminal controlling routines of S-Lang. This enables developers to write screen oriented terminal applications using Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL) . 主页: Package: claw4 Description-md5: 2e97ee192a510b3308d9e6b12f1e2109 Description-zh_CN: Chris's Lame File Browser This package contains Claw4, which is a simple PyGtk based file browser, meant as an alternative to other file managers like xffm, rox or nautilus. . 主页: Package: coldfire Description-md5: 0a4d0086de32c5948258ddf1898c3400 Description-zh_CN: Freescale Coldfire 5206 emulator Coldfire is a Freescale Coldfire 5206 Emulator. It currently features all but 5 assembly instructions, a full dBug with extra functionality, both serial ports, the parallel port, interrupts (through telnet sessions), full exception handling, timers and timer interrupts, and full tracing capability. . 主页: Package: comix Description-md5: f9fd24004789c4d72075fc8ea553df3c Description-zh_CN: GTK 漫画书籍阅览器 Comix 是一个漫画书籍阅览器。它可以读取 zip、rar、tar、tar.gz 和 tar.bz2 (通常称为 .cbz、.cbr、.cbt)压缩包中的漫画,当然也包括普通的图片文件。Comix 由 Python 语言编写,并且有一个基于 PyGTK 的简洁用户界面。 . 主要特性: . * Fullscreen mode. * Double page mode. * Fit-to-screen mode. * Zooming and scrolling. * Rotation and mirroring. * Magnification lens. * Changeable image scaling quality. * Image enhancement. * Can read right-to-left to fit manga etc. * Caching for faster page flipping. * Bookmarks support. * Customizable GUI. * Archive comments support. * Archive converter. * Thumbnail browser. * Standards compliant. * Translated to English, Swedish, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and German. * Reads the JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF, BMP, ICO, XPM and XBM image formats. * Reads ZIP and tar archives natively, and RAR archives through the unrar program. * Runs on Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and virtually any other UNIX-like OS. * More! Package: conglomerate Description-md5: 9971d37565a7d9d88381d37fd9f923ce Description-zh_CN: user-friendly XML editor Conglomerate is a free, as in GPL, user-friendly XML-file editor, for DocBook and other document types. It aims to hide the complexity and jargon of XML behind a friendly GUI. . 主页: Package: conglomerate-common Description-md5: b04c18d2a6b46ed807d71815a93ff4e2 Description-zh_CN: common files for the user-friendly XML editor Conglomerate is a free, as in GPL, user-friendly XML-file editor, for DocBook and other document types. In this package documentation, PO files, examples and other files that are architecture independent. . 主页: Package: console-cyrillic Description-md5: afdda277c3fa37fb33e21051c7610a6b Description-zh_CN: 用于 Linux 控制台的更好的 Cyrillic 支持 本软件包提供 Linux 控制台的 Cyrillic(斯拉夫语)支持,并有很多可定制 的特性: . 1) 支持多种字符集:utf-8、cp1251、ibm866、iso-8859-5、koi8-r、koi8-u、 mac-cyrillic、mik、pt154 与 rk1048。 . 2) 多种键盘映射:一个白俄罗斯语的,两个保加利亚语的,一个马其顿语的, 一个蒙古语的,两个俄语的,一个塞尔维亚语的,两个乌克兰语的。 . 3) 很多用于屏幕显示的字体。 . 4) 应用程序:cyr、displayfont、dumppsf、makeacm、mkvgafont、raw2psf。 . 5) 两个用于 Dosemu 的字体。 . 6) 使用 DebConf。 Package: cpp-3.4 Description-md5: e335af62881f202cc72c45e2dd0c350d Description-zh_CN: GNU C 预处理器 由 GNU C 编译器自动执行的一个宏处理器,在实际编译前,它会对程序进行转换。 . 这个包是从 gcc 中分离出来的,这样,人们就可以选择只安装预处理器,而不需要 安装编译器。 Package: cpufrequtils Description-md5: 1b4931a86a04353c85ab8b5fc357b539 Description-zh_CN: 对应 Linux 内核 cpufreq 特性的工具 此软件包含有两个工具用来探测和设置 cpu 频率,它是通过 sysfs 和 procfs 两个 CPUFreq 内核接口实现。 . 缺省情况下,此软件包会在找到正确的 cpu 驱动的情况下在启动时加载 CPUFreq。 Package: crasm Description-md5: 68c7d1bc13a12d36ebf0090515b6f62c Description-zh_CN: Cross assembler for 6800/6801/6803/6502/65C02/Z80 Assemble a microprocessor program and produce output file in Intel HEX or Motorola S Code from source for 6800/6801/6803/6502/65C02/Z80 processors. A program listing and a symbol table are also produced on the standard output. . 主页: Package: csmash Description-md5: 9088e49839ddf5b0fe6ad98ad16313c3 Description-zh_CN: CannonSmash, a table tennis simulation game CannonSmash is a funny 3D table tennis game. It takes a while to get your hand at ease with the mouse+keyboard manipulations. But once you're used to the technique, you can feel like playing a real game. It is playable against the computer or through a network. . Since csmash relies on OpenGL-compatible rendering, it is best experienced with a 3D accelerator card, although software rendering in wireframe mode should be sustainable. . 主页: Package: csmash-data Description-md5: 6f5f9350aa0c21961af7f115980d981b Description-zh_CN: data files for the CannonSmash game CannonSmash is a funny 3D table tennis game. It takes a while to get your hand at ease with the mouse+keyboard manipulations. But once you're used to the technique, you can feel like playing a real game. It is playable against the computer or through a network. . This package contains data files for CannonSmash. . 主页: Package: csmash-demosong Description-md5: d68fbcbb4b947eccdf13a8336524428e Description-zh_CN: Demo song for CannonSmash This is the demo song for CannonSmash. If csmash detects the presence of this song during its startup, it will present you a demonstration of the game with a nice musical background. . Composed by Hideaki Tanabe . 主页: Package: cssed Description-md5: 1d729c8b4eae05c1faa0b8fef9e3f8c9 Description-zh_CN: graphical CSS editor Application to help create and maintain CSS style sheets for web developing. . CSSED is a small developer editor and validator, that tries to ease the CSS editing. It features syntax highlighting, syntax validation, MDI notebook based interface, quick CSS properties and values insertion, auto-completion and dialog-based insertion of CSS complex values. . 主页: Package: ctn Description-md5: 58bf0ec9077c3f75af2a511f9eab506c Description-zh_CN: Central Test Node, a DICOM implementation for medical imaging DICOM is the standard for image storage, annotation, and networking. It is used widely for medical imaging. The Central Test Node software (CTN) provides an implementation of this standard. . This package includes the binary and run-time configuration files for CTN. . 主页: Package: ctn-dev Description-md5: 7df12395cc76dc54b2e8a6ba47525797 Description-zh_CN: Development files for Central Test Node, a DICOM implementation DICOM is the standard for image storage, annotation, and networking. It is used widely for medical imaging. . This package includes the header files and static library used for creating programs that use the CTN library. . 主页: Package: ctn-doc Description-md5: a83ba77c63be09b943c3d73e33f10ac4 Description-zh_CN: Documentation for Central Test Node, a DICOM implementation DICOM is the standard for image storage, annotation, and networking. It is used widely for medical imaging. . This package includes the documentation files for the CTN library. . 主页: Package: cvs-syncmail Description-md5: 5bb07e3f5ac35ba02fa80e29c9b629fd Description-zh_CN: Notification program for CVS checkins syncmail is a CVS notification tool which can provide a diff for every change to a CVS repository, mailed to specified email addresses. This tool is useful for large communities to monitor activity, and is used for Python and many other active projects. . 主页: Package: cvs2html Description-md5: 174a83b3fbef43d9d79070ce12b3645a Description-zh_CN: create HTML versions of CVS logs cvs2html is program that transforms the 'cvs log' output into a HTML file. The program can be used on any type of cvs archive, but since it invokes cvs itself, it needs to be run in a machine having a local checked out copy of the archive and access to the repository. . 主页: Package: d4x Description-md5: 1af4a7b2d9ddcf3a3dd9636e70e04ea0 Description-zh_CN: graphical download manager Downloader for X is a powerful graphical download manager. It supports both HTTP(S) and FTP protocols and has nice graphical user interface, though some actions can also be performed using the command line. . Among others, its key features include proxy and SOCKS5 support, recursive downloading, wildcard matching, download scheduler, multiple download queues and more... . 主页: Package: d4x-common Description-md5: 4d9eda588b6a66c82abbe86bbf6b3cfc Description-zh_CN: graphical download manager - common files Downloader for X is a powerful graphical download manager. It supports both HTTP(S) and FTP protocols and has nice graphical user interface, though some actions can also be performed using the command line. . Among others, its key features include proxy and SOCKS5 support, recursive downloading, wildcard matching, download scheduler, multiple download queues and more... . This package contains the arch independent common files. . 主页: Package: datakiosk Description-md5: a4748fe17b4aa48b9c2413aee99905b3 Description-zh_CN: juK-like database interface tool for generic SQL databases dataKiosk provides a series of wizards that allow you to build a custom Juk-like interface for any SQL database with a QtSQL driver. It can provide a fully featured data entry application tailored to any SQL database in a matter of minutes. . 主页: Package: dav-text Description-md5: 699e1cfcc9d635c9efa323cbb717e8b1 Description-zh_CN: A minimalist ncurses-based text editor Dav (Dav Ain't Vi) is meant to provide a stable text editor that is efficient in both memory and processor usage. It is simple to use, making it ideal for novice users. It is licensed under the GPL and is still in development. . Features include: * Memory and cpu efficiency * Small filesize and footprint * Freely licensed under the GPL * Useful feature set * Intuitive and easy to use . 主页: Package: dbacl Description-md5: e3c986ec27cfd8a90eb1b2a5e9e738e5 Description-zh_CN: 贝叶斯的文本分类器 dbacl可以将文本文档提炼成分类,然后将其它文本文档和生成的分类进行比较。 . 它可以用来识别垃圾电子邮件,而且普遍用来将邮件按各种分类排序,如工作, 游戏等等。 . 作为一个垃圾过滤器,它在为个人文档集编制索引时很有用。 Package: dbench Description-md5: 3af01a38c143042eb65c2c8ed2bc2884 Description-zh_CN: The dbench (disk) and tbench (TCP) benchmarks dbench and tbench simulate the load of the netbench "industry standard" benchmark used to rate (windows) file servers. Unlike netbench, they do not require a lab of Microsoft Windows PCs: dbench produces the filesystem load on a netbench run, and tbench produces the network load, allowing simpler bottleneck isolation. . Note that this benchmark is *not* a realistic reflection of normal server load. . 主页: Package: dcfldd Description-md5: 987ede7574af147178cb8a98e36ddad9 Description-zh_CN: enhanced version of dd for forensics and security Based on the dd program with the following additional features: . - Hashing on-the-fly, dcfldd can hash the input data as it is being transferred, helping to ensure data integrity. - Status output, dcfldd can update the user of its progress in terms of the amount of data transferred and how much longer operation will take. - Flexible disk wipes, dcfldd can be used to wipe disks quickly and with a known pattern if desired. - Image/wipe Verify, dcfldd can verify that a target drive is a bit-for-bit match of the specified input file or pattern. - Multiple outputs, dcfldd can output to multiple files or disks at the same time. - Split output, dcfldd can split output to multiple files with more configurability than the split command. - Piped output and logs, dcfldd can send all its log data and output to commands as well as files natively. . 主页: Package: debian-archive-keyring Description-md5: 4ee78d6fd2292b9893b8eb4f5d5dd91d Description-zh_CN: Debian 档案文件的 GnuPG 存档密钥 Debian 项目对其发布的文件进行数字签名.这个软件包包含用于此目的的存档密钥. Package: debian-reference-es Description-md5: c57945cfd3fd4c4e523cfc87bc7e9378 Description-zh_CN: Debian 系统维护手册(西班牙语译文) This Debian Reference is intended to provide a broad overview of the Debian system as a post-installation user's guide. It covers many aspects of system administration through shell-command examples for non-developers. Package: debian-zh-faq-s Description-md5: 508b0519c99f52437c1d2d28bf06ce75 Description-zh_CN: Debian 中文常见问题与解答(简体中文) 本软件包包含《Debian 中文常见问题与解答》(简体中文版本)文档,它回答 了设置中文环境时一些常见的问题,也介绍了 Debian 中专门用于中文的软件。 希望这个文档能帮助您更容易地在 Debian 操作系统中使用中文。 . 您可以在 /usr/share/doc/debian-zh-faq-s 目录中找到已经安装的文件。 Package: debian-zh-faq-t Description-md5: 289f9868437341b18a446df437b3d95f Description-zh_CN: Debian 中文常见问题与解答(繁体中文) 本软件包包含《Debian 中文常见问题与解答》(繁体中文版本)文档,它回答 了设置中文环境时一些常见的问题,也介绍了 Debian 中专门用于中文的软件。 希望这个文档能帮助您更容易地在 Debian 操作系统中使用中文。 . 您可以在 /usr/doc/debian-zh-faq-t 目录中找到已经安装的文件。 Package: debtags Description-md5: 59943114c54edc506981d1d5b63ed1e3 Description-zh_CN: Enables support for package tags debtags provides a system to download a database of package tags and keep it up to date. A package tag is a small label that gets attached to a Debian package to represent one of its qualities. . A package tag database in the system can enable advanced package search techniques, and advanced package browsing functions in programs that support it. . This package has been made as a way to deploy and test package tags support until it gets integrated in the normal Debian workflow. . 请访问 Debtags 主页以获得更多信息: Package: debtags-edit Description-md5: 4b47aa6c1e41932c07b167e2b95431a4 Description-zh_CN: GUI browser and editor for Debian Package Tags debtags-edit is an experimental GUI program for browsing the Debian package archive and tagging packages. Its purpose is to make it easy and fast for everyone to update tag data. . Even if the program is still in the state of a prototype, it can already offer new and interesting package search functions, perform local customizations of the tag database and send local modifications for inclusion in the central tag archive. . 请访问 Debtags 主页以获得更多信息: Package: desmume Description-md5: dbdb86b760cc89e92ea0a0111f2d250f Description-zh_CN: Nintendo DS emulator DeSmuME is a Nintendo DS emulator running homebrew demos and commercial games. . This package includes all three binaries: * desmume: gtk user interface; * desmume-glade: gtk-glade user interface; * desmume-cli: command line user interface. . 主页: Package: dglog Description-md5: e67f1bab79f50f958127cc6960aaa0c9 Description-zh_CN: CGI log analyzer for DansGuardian A CGI log analyzer for the web content filter DansGuardian. . 主页: Package: dictem Description-md5: 2e0df3151aa7d3fbc9ed06f86c0e6e34 Description-zh_CN: Dict client for emacs DictEm implements all functions of the client part of Dictionary Server Protocol(DICT) protocol (RFC-2229,, i.e looking up words and definitions, obtaining information about available strategies, provided databases, information about DICT server etc. . It uses autocompletion that is used for selecting dictionary and search strategy. Moreover, DictEm provides several hooks which may be used for buffer postprocessing. . 主页: Package: diogenes Description-md5: a662bef9758fd65b084387cfa32378d9 Description-zh_CN: web content management system The Diogenes content management system allows you to create, host and manage web sites through a web interface and/or WebDAV. You can host several independent sites on a single server and even have them run on separate virtualhosts. Diogenes offers fine-grained control of the read and write permissions of the pages making up a site. . Diogenes provides a number of options to customise the appearance of your web sites. If you are familiar with PHP it is even possible to extend and customise Diogenes's engine by subclassing its core classes. Diogenes's user interface is available in Dutch, English, French, Spanish and Swedish. . 主页: Package: disc-cover Description-md5: 0395def323be18bde055def7e5720058 Description-zh_CN: Generate CD disc covers for jewel-cases Disc-cover queries FreeDB for track information for a given CD and creates a jewel-case insert in one of many available formats. PostScript, PDF, Dvi, LaTeX, Plain Text, HTML, CDlabelgen and CDDB are available. . 主页: Package: ditrack Description-md5: edbf17c8369f6ca6973459b25a368b1f Description-zh_CN: lightweight distributed issue tracking system DITrack is a free, open source, lightweight, distributed issue (bug, defect, ticket) tracking system using a Subversion repository instead of a backend database. It is written in Python and runs in UNIX environment (*BSD, Linux, MacOS X). . 主页: Package: dns-browse Description-md5: bffc0450d98c3c9599c9c175ad740e66 Description-zh_CN: Front-ends to DNS search This package provides two programs to make user lookups on DNS servers: dns_tree and dns_browse. . dns_tree is a command-line-based front-end to dig. It replaces the several dig invocations necessary to fetch a zone, and it formats the output in a somewhat sensible hierarchical style (a tree). . dns_browse is a GUI front-end to dns_tree. It allows point-and-click DNS browsing and makes it easy to expand/compress hierarchies in one or more DNS zones. . 主页: Package: doc-debian Description-md5: 9a84ec1f4e9e97458c8803ad1d753a34 Description-zh_CN: Debian Project documentation and other documents Debian 计划是由那些以建立自由操作系统为己任的人组成的组织。 . In this package, you will find: * Debian Linux Manifesto, * Constitution for the Debian Project, * Debian GNU/Linux Social Contract, * Debian Free Software Guidelines. . Additionally provided are: * Debian Bug Tracking System documentation, and * Introduction to the Debian mailing lists. . 所有这些文档都可以在 及其镜像上取得。 Package: doc-debian-es Description-md5: f158948667fa2baf281832d3b3897b50 Description-zh_CN: 西班牙语的 Debian FAQ doc-debian-es 安装包提供了翻译成西班牙语的当前版本的 Debian-FAQ (postscript, dvi, 纯文本,及 HTML 格式) . El paquete doc-debian-es suministra las Preguntas Frecuentes sobre Debian (FAQ), traducidas a partir del documento Debian-FAQ. Se encuentran en formatos postscript, dvi, texto y HTML. Package: doc-debian-fr Description-md5: 943835edab9a6d9b83b094737678f225 Description-zh_CN: 法语的 Debian 手册、FAQ 及其他文档 这个包提供了 Debian 手册、一些邮件列表 FAQ 及另外一些关于 Debian 的信息 的法语版本。 Package: doc-gnome-hig Description-md5: 991f83f295808377d3aa4019313e18ea Description-zh_CN: GNOME 用户界面指南 本文档告诉你如何创建一个看起来正常, 行为合理, 并和整个 GNOME 用户界面风格 一致的应用程序。文档是为将要为 GNOME 环境开发软件的界面设计者、图形创作者 和软件开发人员而写的。文档既包含有效使用界面元素的建议,也包含 GNOME 界面 背后的哲学与设计原则。 Package: doc-linux-de Description-md5: c13b5ff217b6584b75f3e07b90bf0c7d Description-zh_CN: 德文版的 Linux HOWTOs 这个包将在你的 Debian 系统中安装当前版本的 Linux HOWTOs 和 mini-HOWTOs 的德文版。版本号反映了 doc-linux-de 创建的月份。 . Package: doc-linux-fr-html Description-md5: 42a2a8f55d6111fceadfa52f8ec9b468 Description-zh_CN: HTML 格式的法文版 Linux 文档: HOWTO, MetaFAQ 本软件包在您的 Debian 系统中安装 HTML 格式的当前 Linux HOWTO, mini-HOWTO, 以及 "info-sheet", "metafaq", "fcol-faq" 以及 "intro" 法文文档。版本号反映 了 doc-linux-fr-html 包创建的月份。 . 所有的文件都可以在 得到 (包括 ASCII, DVI 和 PostScript 格式的版本)。 Package: doc-linux-fr-text Description-md5: e35bed352322cae5625205bd5e38272e Description-zh_CN: Linux docs in French: HOWTOs, MetaFAQs in ASCII format This package installs the French versions of the current Linux HOWTOs, mini-HOWTOs and the "fhs" on your Debian in ASCII format. Alternatively, HTML versions are provided in the doc-linux-fr-html package. . The version number reflects the month in which doc-linux-fr-text was created. . 所有的文件都可以在 得到 (包括 ASCII, DVI 和 PostScript 格式的版本)。 Package: doc-linux-it Description-md5: 5c8bc78860c4b2b69a18c67b47dceb39 Description-zh_CN: 意大利语的 Linux HOWTOs - HTML 版本 这个包在你的 Debian 系统中安装 Linux HOWTOs (由 ILDP 项目完成) 的意大利语翻译。版本号反映打包日期。 . 所有的文件可以从 获得 (有 ascii,html,dvi,ps 和 sgml 格式的版本)。 Package: doc-linux-it-text Description-md5: 6dc7c07a991101d785b654cd620e988a Description-zh_CN: Linux HOWTOs in Italian - ASCII version 这个包在你的 Debian 系统中安装 Linux HOWTOs (由 ILDP 项目完成) 的意大利语翻译。版本号反映打包日期。 . 所有的文件可以从 获得 (有 ascii,html,dvi,ps 和 sgml 格式的版本)。 Package: doc-linux-nl-html Description-md5: 7e4ff9455cc6ef2ce5d853c6053e0d6f Description-zh_CN: Dutch Linux HOWTOs, mini-HOWTOs, and FAQs in HTML format The doc-linux-nl-html package provides current Dutch Linux HOWTOs, mini-HOWTOs, and FAQs in HTML format. Alternatively, ASCII versions are provided in the doc-linux-nl-text package. . The version number reflects the date at which doc-linux-nl-html was created. . 所有文件可以在 找到。 Package: doc-linux-nl-text Description-md5: 30b75c043e8e0bac77e56dd1aded1b24 Description-zh_CN: 纯文本格式的荷兰语版本 Linux HOWTO, mini-HOWTO 和 FAQ doc-linux-nl-text 包提供了纯文本格式的当前的荷兰语版本 Linux HOWTO, mini-HOWTO 以及 FAQ。此外, HTML 格式的版本在 doc-linux-nl-html 包中提供。 . 版本号反应了 doc-linux-nl-text 包制作的日期。 . 所有文件可以在 找到。 Package: doc-linux-pl Description-md5: f5cb01a76cbcfdccc971304c082b8f55 Description-zh_CN: Linux docs in Polish: HOWTO - ascii version 这个软件包包含 Linux 的波兰语 HOWTO 和 mini-HOWTO 文档。软件 包的版本号表示打包的时间。 . 所有文档在网址 均可下载(包括纯文 本、html、dvi、ps、sgml 等格式)。 Package: doc-linux-pl-html Description-md5: 5ac8125c609f408cc3f51f5566ec1975 Description-zh_CN: 波兰语 Linux 文档:HOWTO - html 版本 这个软件包包含 Linux 的波兰语 HOWTO 和 mini-HOWTO 文档。软件 包的版本号表示打包的时间。 . 所有文档在网址 均可下载(包括纯文 本、html、dvi、ps、sgml 等格式)。 Package: docbook-html-forms Description-md5: 8da5e261183486ca0116ba365fa463c7 Description-zh_CN: Extension to DocBook XML for generating html forms The DocBook HTML Forms module adds six new markup elements to DocBook XML for easy generation of HTML forms from XML source documents. . The HTML Forms module is a customization of the full DocBook XML V4.1.2 DTD. . Author: Norman Walsh . 主页: Package: docbook-jrefentry Description-md5: a1f61509f1f63368e144229f779063de Description-zh_CN: DocBook XML JRefEntry DTD The JRefEntry DTD is a customization of the DocBook RefEntry model. The purpose of this customization is to mirror the order and nature of structured comment tags in JavaDoc documentation. . Author: Norman Walsh . 主页: Package: docbook-mathml Description-md5: a8a529cd35947d2c843f906b2a23ea37 Description-zh_CN: Extension to DocBook XML for using MathML markup The DocBook MathML module adds support for including MathML markup in DocBook XML source documents. . The MathML module is a customization of the full DocBook XML V4.1.2 DTD. The module requires access to the MathML V2.0 DTD provided by the w3-dtd-mathml package. . Author: Norman Walsh . 主页: Package: docbook-slides Description-md5: ff7ea627f232a19892ad73222a4afcbb Description-zh_CN: XML Slides DTD and XSL Stylesheets A docbook-derived XML DTD for building presentation slides. This package includes the xsl stylesheets for this DTD. This version can be customized with the Simplified DocBook XML DTD or with the full DocBook XML DTD. . Author: Norman Walsh . 主页: Package: docbook-slides-demo Description-md5: 16363cb942f8914966356d412a67963c Description-zh_CN: Demo presentation slides for the docbook-slides package This package provides 12 formatting and display options available for the docbook slides package. . If you plan to use docbook-slides for developing presentations, these demos will provide you with examples of the many different output options that are available with the docbook-slides package. . Author: Norman Walsh . 主页: Package: docbook-website Description-md5: 2f80b08555cb2249bc30611ebf1420ec Description-zh_CN: XML Website DTD and XSL Stylesheets A docbook-derived XML DTD for building web sites. This package includes the xsl stylesheets for this DTD. This version is a customization of the DocBook XML V4.2 DTD. . Author: Norman Walsh . 主页: Package: docbook-xsl-stylesheets-ko Description-md5: 9dda86d9a498c9e0239cc8dc9be9358f Description-zh_CN: Stylesheets for processing DocBook XML files to HTML and FO in korean. These are modular XSL stylesheets for processing documents composed with the DocBook XML DTD and its derivatives ("Simplified" DocBook XML, JRefEntry DTD, etc.) in korean. . The stylesheets provide XSLT transformations for both HTML and Formatting Object output. The latter can be further processed to a number of print formats using FOP or TeX-based tools. . 作者: Minsik Kim 主页: Package: drapes Description-md5: f070a964cf855062c7fa337685d9871e Description-zh_CN: a desktop wallpaper management application for the GNOME desktop The aim of drapes is to complete (or replace) the built-in GNOME desktop wallpapers selection tool. It can be configured as a tray application or as a panel applet. The bigest selling point of drapes is the ability to rotate wallpapers on a timely basis. It strives to be as simple as possible and fits in the rest of the GNOME 2 desktop. . 项目主页: Package: drawterm Description-md5: 0ebc124d9ebe512b3a9a5f9704c62268 Description-zh_CN: graphical terminal for remotely accessing Plan 9 systems drawterm is used to access a Plan 9 CPU server over the network and start up a session with the rio windowing system. . 主页: Package: drbd0.7-module-source Description-md5: 37a01b133c569861553917e0aa8ddb31 Description-zh_CN: RAID 1 over tcp/ip for Linux module source Drbd is a block device which is designed to build high availability clusters by providing a virtual shared device which keeps disks in nodes synchronised using TCP/IP. This simulates RAID 1 but avoiding the use of uncommon hardware (shared SCSI buses or Fibre Channel). It is currently limited to fail-over HA clusters. . This package contains the source code for the drbd kernel module. . 主页: Package: drbd0.7-utils Description-md5: 7a3baea32a3ea9359360ef12c980ae16 Description-zh_CN: RAID 1 over tcp/ip for Linux utilities Drbd is a block device which is designed to build high availability clusters by providing a virtual shared device which keeps disks in nodes synchronised using TCP/IP. This simulates RAID 1 but avoiding the use of uncommon hardware (shared SCSI buses or Fibre Channel). It is currently limited to fail-over HA clusters. . This package contains the programs that will control the drbd kernel module provided in drbd-source. You will need a clustering service (such as heartbeat) to fully implement it. . 主页: Package: dvbstream Description-md5: a221b1b5f74e354c506ff9080834de45 Description-zh_CN: 通过局域网广播 DVB 传输流 DVBstream 建立在位于 的 ts-rtp 软件包之上。 在局域网上通过 rtp 协议广播 DVB 传输流(的子集)。 Package: e2tools Description-md5: 958fde52d08b6d738b8572a19750d455 Description-zh_CN: utilities for manipulating files in an ext2/ext3 filesystem E2tools is a simple set of utilities to read, write, and manipulate files in an ext2/ext3 filesystem. . The purpose of these utilities is manipulating ext2/ext3 filesystems from userspace without the need for mounting them, so that they can be used directly by normal users. . Included utilities are e2cp, e2mv, e2rm, e2mkdir, e2ln, e2ls and e2tail. . 主页: Package: e2undel Description-md5: 518973ece2ad5d6dea5b63e0675f50e3 Description-zh_CN: Undelete utility for the ext2 file system Interactive console tool to recover the data of deleted files on an ext2 file system under Linux. It does not require knowledge about how ext2 file systems works and should be usable by most people. . This tools searches all inodes marked as deleted on a file system and lists them as sorted by owner and time of deletion. Additionally, it gives you the file size and tries to determine the file type in the way file(1) does. If you did not just delete a whole bunch of files with a 'rm -r *', this information should be helpful to find out which of the deleted files you would like to recover. . E2undel will not work on ext3 (journaling) filesystems. . 主页: Package: easyh10 Description-md5: b0a7eff3c0dd7f79987d08aa33b73515 Description-zh_CN: Utility to manage the iRiver H10 music player Easyh10 is a command-line utility to generate a media database and playlist for an iRiver H10 digital audio player. Actually transferring the music files must be done manually. . 主页: Package: elmo Description-md5: c87e701a0f3f7efc659e00b6863cb48f Description-zh_CN: 支持 SMTP 和 POP3 协议的文本界面邮件阅读程序 Elmo 是一个为 UN*X 高级用户设计的功能丰富的控制台用邮件客户端。它集成 了其它邮件程序中通常分立实现的各种功能。 . 欲知详情,请访问 Package: emacs-lisp-intro Description-md5: 8cdd423f61383470bc7c299ce6ec00db Description-zh_CN: Emacs Lisp 编程介绍 这是一个给非程序员,也对编程没什么兴趣,但希望修改、扩展他们的计算机 环境的人的 Emacs Lisp 编程初步介绍。最近更新: 2001年12月17日。 . 本软件包提供了 GNU info 格式的手册。源码包之中包含了 Texinfo 源代码 和打印指令。 Package: emacs-snapshot Description-md5: 906df684c212eabe267e6b5c2e8c2032 Description-zh_CN: The GNU Emacs editor (development snapshot) GNU Emacs 是可扩展的文本编辑器,自身提供了丰富的文档。 Package: emacs21 Description-md5: cf35594e7c22d8f037be7d83aa832990 Description-zh_CN: GNU Emacs 编辑器 GNU Emacs 是可扩展的文本编辑器,自身提供了丰富的文档。 Package: emilda-print Description-md5: a329e33968c66c515d9d39c145d2dc6b Description-zh_CN: Client-side print application for Emilda emilda-print is a standalone client-side application that handles the EPD data Emilda sends for label and receipt printouts. An EPD document is a file produced by Emilda when a printout is needed. It contains the type of printout and the contents, in the case of a label the barcode number/string. emilda-print parses this document and based on it's config file sends the data to the appropriate printer in the right format for the printer in question. The easiest way to use emilda-print is to define it as the handler for EPD files (application/emilda-print-data) in the Internet browser used for Emilda. . 主页: Package: empire-hub Description-md5: da0baae69903b39d0327e3d1b150a357 Description-zh_CN: Empire 协议复用器 本包允许多个客户端同时使用同一个连接连向一个 Empire 服务器。 Package: ent Description-md5: ee7ab52dbfd2e0415762ea1e5778dee1 Description-zh_CN: pseudorandom number sequence test program This program applies various tests to sequences of bytes stored in files and reports the results of those tests. The program is useful for those evaluating pseudorandom number generators for encryption and statistical sampling applications, compression algorithms, and other applications where the information density of a file is of interest. . 主页: Package: ettercap-gtk Description-md5: bc840999fece6a46e3b14e0aef6561cc Description-zh_CN: Multipurpose sniffer/interceptor/logger for switched LAN . This package includes gtk enabled version of ettercap. It also includes ncurses support. . Ettercap supports active and passive dissection of many protocols (even ciphered ones) and includes many feature for network and host analysis. . Data injection in an established connection and filtering (substitute or drop a packet) on the fly is also possible, keeping the connection synchronized. . Many sniffing modes were implemented to give you a powerful and complete sniffing suite. It's possible to sniff in four modes: IP Based, MAC Based, ARP Based (full-duplex) and PublicARP Based (half-duplex). . It has the ability to check whether you are in a switched LAN or not, and to use OS fingerprints (active or passive) to let you know the geometry of the LAN. Package: evilwm Description-md5: e73ec5f03c4f6288be7eb0969c48deaa Description-zh_CN: 一种 X11 系统的最小窗口管理器 evilwm is based on aewm by Decklin Foster. It further maximises screen real-estate and provides a good set of keyboard controls. Package: fceu Description-md5: ddace5cb33592a10b52974f470b22f31 Description-zh_CN: FCE Ultra - a nintendo (8-bit) emulator FCE Ultra is an emulator of the original (8-bit) Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). It includes the following features (and many more): * fully customizable color palette rendering engine * complete sound emulation (all five channels) * support for up to four joystick controllers * zapper emulation for the mouse * GameGenie emulation * accepts compressed (PKZIP, gzip) ROM images * TCP/IP network play . 主页: Package: fcitx Description-md5: c76e0cb416205dab86ae615ad49ca11c Description-zh_CN: 自由的 X 中文输入法 (小企鹅输入法) fcitx 是一个简体中文输入服务器,支持五笔、拼音和区位码输入法,小巧而快速。 Package: fcrackzip Description-md5: 9aeca20e946a7585b2f474363b61448d Description-zh_CN: password cracker for zip archives fcrackzip is a fast password cracker partly written in assembler. It is able to crack password protected zip files with brute force or dictionary based attacks, optionally testing with unzip its results. . It can also crack cpmask'ed images. . 主页: Package: ferret Description-md5: 849e05ddc35fdc2caad1326c185d9ae4 Description-zh_CN: CASE tool for data model editing GNU Ferret (Free Entity Relationship and Reverse Engineering Tool) servers to edit data models. These can be implemented within a range of relational databases such as Postgresql or Mysql. . 主页: Package: ffe Description-md5: 78d290f67da445d0c0b66f3af29107f7 Description-zh_CN: Tool for parsing flat and CSV files and converting them to different formats Ffe has many areas of use with fixed lenth and CSV files. It can extract particular fields or records from a flat file, convert data from one format to an other (CSV to fixed lenth, ...), display flat file content in human readable form, etc. In addition, one input file can contain several types of records (lines) and the input file structure and output definitions are independent, meaning one output format can be used with several input files. This input file structure and output format are 'freely' configurable, so the output can be formatted e.g. as: fixed length, separated, tokenized, XML, SQL,... . 主页: Package: ffproxy Description-md5: c8409d6483d32f60781920edc0d09d9b Description-zh_CN: A light and customizable http(s) proxy server with ipv6 support ffproxy is a filtering HTTP/HTTPS proxy server. - It is able to filter by host, URL, and header. - Custom header entries can be filtered and added. - It can even drop its privileges and be chrooted. - Logging to syslog() is supported. - It can use another auxiliary proxy server. - HTTP accelerator feature (acting as front-end to a HTTP server) is included. - It allows transparent IPv6 over IPv4 browsing (and vice versa). . 主页: Package: firefox-launchpad-plugin Description-md5: 6dddde43e46f97cf805fc9e61b68cebb Description-zh_CN: Launchpad firefox integration Mozilla Firefox Launchpad integration add quick search for: - Ubuntu bugs on Launchpad - Ubuntu specifications on Launchpad - Ubuntu packages on Launchpad - Ubuntu support tickets on Launchpad - People and team on Launchpad . 主页: Package: fkiss Description-md5: 5e68a1bace21a4613958136835a7e826 Description-zh_CN: Implementation of KISekae Set System (KISS) for the X Window System fkiss - French-KISS! - is a sample implementation of KISekae Set system (KISS) on X Window System. It will allow you to play KISS, a game similar to those traditional paper doll ones. . Kisekae means "changing clothes". . 作者: Yav 主页: Package: flowscan Description-md5: 8bf6ad09f95419bde9117e89b382b128 Description-zh_CN: flow-based IP traffic analysis and visualization tool FlowScan is a freely-available network traffic analysis and visualization tool which uses IP flow data to provide a continuous near real-time view of a network's IP traffic. . FlowScan is a tool to monitor and graph flow information from Cisco and Riverstone routers in near real-time. You can also use FlowScan with flow information generated by programs like fprobe. . 主页: Package: foomatic-gui Description-md5: a8f225a7481782ce603af53512d3310c Description-zh_CN: 配置 Foomatic 打印机过滤系统的 GNOME 界面 Foomatic is a printing system designed to make it easier to set up common printers for use with Debian (and other operating systems). It provides the 'glue' between a print spooler (like CUPS or lpr) and the printer, by providing information about how to process files sent to the printer. . 本软件包包含一个简化Foomatic 打印机配置的 GNOME 图形界面。 . 如果希望管理远程打印机,推荐安装 netcat, pconf-detect, nmap 和 smbclient。 Package: fortune-zh Description-md5: 05d03fef51005d98f41cb60f5b3bbc7d Description-zh_CN: fortune的中文数据文件 本软件包包含使用utf8编码的fortune的中文数据文件. 这些库包含tang300 -- 唐诗三百首以及其他中文经典古诗词. Package: fortunes-it Description-md5: b1a47f72ebb7f5dc6e865d1b591ba9e2 Description-zh_CN: 意大利语“签语饼”内容数据文件 This package provides a collection of 'fortune cookies' in Italian, taken from: * The newsgroup it.hobby.umorismo * Andrea `Zuse` Balestrero's personal archive * Various tv transmissions, such as "Mai dire Gol" or "Striscia la Notizia" * The book "Jack Frusciante e` uscito dal gruppo" * Other various sources Package: fpdns Description-md5: 3cb1ed413a12209830f09516e78a40dd Description-zh_CN: remotely determine DNS server version A nameserver basically responds to a query. Interoperability is an obvious requirement here. The standard protocol behaviour of different DNS implementations is expected to be the same. . The realty is quite different though. fpdns uses a series of borderline DNS queries to determine the vendor, product and version of a nameserver. . 主页: Package: fprobe Description-md5: 1ce21ac0268ad425b991cbf6d2f12148 Description-zh_CN: export captured traffic to remote NetFlow Collector This program is a libpcap-based utility which collects network traffic and emits it as NetFlow towards a specified collector. . 主页: Package: fprobe-ulog Description-md5: 39fb8ccc3b8a02fcecc72786a9fc6de3 Description-zh_CN: export captured traffic to remote NetFlow Collector (ULOG version) This program is obtains packets through Lnux netfilter code (iptables ULOG target). The main advantages of this version are native input/output interface SNMP-index support and significant performance benefits. . 主页: Package: fusecram Description-md5: f683ea0c4a8bc7f4399ce87bb031d8b6 Description-zh_CN: FUSE module to mount cramfs image files This package provides a module to mount cramfs filesystem images using FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace). See for more infos on the FUSE project. . 主页: Package: galeon Description-md5: 149065880bdacbb64306911a45302fbf Description-zh_CN: GNOME web browser for advanced users A standards compliant web browser, which integrates well with the GNOME desktop environment. It does not include an email client, irc bot, website designer etc., therefore has a moderate resource usage. Internally the program uses Mozilla's Gecko rendering engine to display the web pages so is fully feature complete and standards compliant, as well as rendering pages quickly. . 主页: Package: galeon-common Description-md5: 8ac99d7bb1dd4379f7b9d440e68d476d Description-zh_CN: GNOME web browser for advanced users A standards compliant web browser, which integrates well with the GNOME desktop environment. It does not include an email client, irc bot, website designer etc., therefore has a moderate resource usage. Internally the program uses Mozilla's Gecko rendering engine to display the web pages so is fully feature complete and standards compliant, as well as rendering pages quickly. . This package contains architecture independent data such as translations and icons. . 主页: Package: gap Description-md5: faf95c99951e8264606f3f23cab226f5 Description-zh_CN: Groups, Algorithms and Programming computer algebra system GAP is a system for computational discrete algebra with particular emphasis on computational group theory, but which has already proved useful also in other areas. In the example text, gap is used to analyse Rubik's Cube using group theory. A kernel implements a Pascal-like language. . This is a dummy package that depends on the standard GAP components. . 主页: Package: gap-character-tables Description-md5: 48c15e431e4999e08977933580b11b58 Description-zh_CN: GAP Library of character tables GAP is a system for computational discrete algebra with particular emphasis on computational group theory, but which has already proved useful also in other areas. In the example text, gap is used to analyse Rubik's Cube using group theory. A kernel implements a Pascal-like language. . This package contains the Character Table Library by Thomas Breuer. . 主页: Package: gap-core Description-md5: 81ae54388996cf65f33c1585a7d6a303 Description-zh_CN: GAP computer algebra system, core components GAP is a system for computational discrete algebra with particular emphasis on computational group theory, but which has already proved useful also in other areas. In the example text, gap is used to analyse Rubik's Cube using group theory. A kernel implements a Pascal-like language. . This package contains the core GAP system. . 主页: Package: gap-dev Description-md5: e6975bbb6b699afb52d53a9e270f5a33 Description-zh_CN: GAP computer algebra system, compiler and development files GAP is a system for computational discrete algebra with particular emphasis on computational group theory, but which has already proved useful also in other areas. In the example text, gap is used to analyse Rubik's Cube using group theory. A kernel implements a Pascal-like language. . This package contains the GAP compiler and the headers files and objects files necessary to build GAP packages. . The GAP compiler (GAC) creates C code from GAP code and then calls the system's C compiler to produce machine code from it. This can result in a speedup. . 主页: Package: gap-doc Description-md5: a47ba9d22f046f5ce2a98e292398a0fc Description-zh_CN: GAP computer algebra system, documentation GAP is a system for computational discrete algebra with particular emphasis on computational group theory, but which has already proved useful also in other areas. In the example text, gap is used to analyse Rubik's Cube using group theory. A kernel implements a Pascal-like language. . This package contains the documentation in DVI and PDF formats. . 主页: Package: gap-libs Description-md5: bab13e05d42c697405f7b9a28c842732 Description-zh_CN: GAP computer algebra system, essential GAP libraries GAP is a system for computational discrete algebra with particular emphasis on computational group theory, but which has already proved useful also in other areas. In the example text, gap is used to analyse Rubik's Cube using group theory. A kernel implements a Pascal-like language. . This package contains the essential GAP libraries (lib and grp). . 主页: Package: gap-online-help Description-md5: 585b0e22b45091aa1e64b9dc343f1934 Description-zh_CN: GAP computer algebra system, online help GAP is a system for computational discrete algebra with particular emphasis on computational group theory, but which has already proved useful also in other areas. In the example text, gap is used to analyse Rubik's Cube using group theory. A kernel implements a Pascal-like language. . This package contains the documentation in TeX format needed for the online help system. . 主页: Package: gap-prim-groups Description-md5: 4d800099a6cced315e78b622a1f5c84c Description-zh_CN: Database of primitive groups for GAP GAP is a system for computational discrete algebra with particular emphasis on computational group theory, but which has already proved useful also in other areas. In the example text, gap is used to analyse Rubik's Cube using group theory. A kernel implements a Pascal-like language. . This package contains the database of primitive groups. . 主页: Package: gap-small-groups Description-md5: 527d8879fee46c565ab6667c3f64bc6d Description-zh_CN: Database of small groups for GAP GAP is a system for computational discrete algebra with particular emphasis on computational group theory, but which has already proved useful also in other areas. In the example text, gap is used to analyse Rubik's Cube using group theory. A kernel implements a Pascal-like language. . The Small Groups Library is a catalogue of groups of `small' order. This package contains the groups data and identification routines for groups of order up to 1000 except 512, 768 and groups whose order factorises in at most 3 primes. . Note that data for order 512, 768 and between 1000 and 2000 except 1024 are available separately in the gap-small-groups-extra packages. . 主页: Package: gap-small-groups-extra Description-md5: 81117d74e31ae0060beab5fc8f3e460b Description-zh_CN: Large database of small groups for GAP GAP is a system for computational discrete algebra with particular emphasis on computational group theory, but which has already proved useful also in other areas. In the example text, gap is used to analyse Rubik's Cube using group theory. A kernel implements a Pascal-like language. . The Small Groups Library is a catalogue of groups of `small' order. This package contains the groups data and identification routines for groups . * of order at most 2000 except 1024. * of cubefree order at most 50 000. * of order p^n for n <= 6 and all primes p. * of squarefree order. * whose order factorises in at most 3 primes. * of order q^n * p for q^n dividing 2^8, 3^6, 5^5, 7^4 and p prime different to q . The Small Groups Library provides access to these groups and a method to identify the catalogue number of a given group. . 主页: Package: gap-table-of-marks Description-md5: c385609e112abac946cd7d23ee696885 Description-zh_CN: GAP table of marks library GAP is a system for computational discrete algebra with particular emphasis on computational group theory, but which has already proved useful also in other areas. In the example text, gap is used to analyse Rubik's Cube using group theory. A kernel implements a Pascal-like language. . This package contains the table of marks library by G. Pfeiffer and Th. Merkwitz. . 主页: Package: gap-trans-groups Description-md5: 2e1f52301ba5ad7bc8f53694a7aac343 Description-zh_CN: Database of transitive groups for GAP GAP is a system for computational discrete algebra with particular emphasis on computational group theory, but which has already proved useful also in other areas. In the example text, gap is used to analyse Rubik's Cube using group theory. A kernel implements a Pascal-like language. . This package contains the database of transitive groups. . 主页: Package: gbackground Description-md5: d8e36ffcd553321af37f98eedd3d3e33 Description-zh_CN: Program to change the gnome background periodically This program allows you to change periodically the gnome background in intervals of a second, it uses the gnome tools to do this. The user indicates the source directory of the images. . This program was made using Gtk2 and Perl. . 主页: Package: gbdfed Description-md5: 579b935d5fff6e51f799f6f498cd0a18 Description-zh_CN: X11 font editor gbdfed lets you interactively create new bitmap font files or modify existing ones. It allows editing multiple fonts and multiple glyphs, it allows cut and paste operations between fonts and glyphs and editing font properties. The editor works natively with BDF fonts. . This editor is the successor of xmbdfed and is using the GTK toolkit instead of the Motif toolkit for better user experience. . 主页: Package: gcolor2 Description-md5: 9009b471b4796c758e467197a47f047e Description-zh_CN: Simple GTK2 color selector and picker Gcolor2 is a simple GTK2 color selector to provide a quick and easy way to find colors for whatever task is at hand. Colors can be saved and deleted as well. . 主页: Package: gkrellm-alltraxclock Description-md5: 9beabbdd41f1e85fa09de6328c74b720 Description-zh_CN: analog clock plugin for GKrellM This plugin is a nice-looking analog clock plugin for gkrellm. . GKrellM is a set of stacked system monitors in 1 process. GKrellM charts CPU, Disk, and all active net interfaces automatically. An on/off button and online timer for the PPP interface is provided. Meters for memory and swap usage as well as a system uptime monitor are provided. . 主页: Package: gkrellm-bfm Description-md5: ce7d7071f2e6877313d976b3d2102fc1 Description-zh_CN: system load plugin for gkrellm with a duck A load monitor plugin for gkrellm, descended from wmfishtime and bubblemon. Features include fish representing network traffic, bubbles representing CPU usage, and a duck representing a duck. . 主页: Package: gkrellm-mldonkey Description-md5: 31f9851babc776a4d21fb9fd956aa7c4 Description-zh_CN: mldonkey plugin for gkrellm2 gkrellm-mldonkey is a plugin that shows the current download/upload rates of mldonkey. . It also shows the current maximum upload/downlad rate (max_hard_download_rate and max_hard_upload_rate options in mldonkey), and permit you to change them on the fly by left-clicking on the krells. You can also use the mouse wheel to change the values. . 主页: Package: gkrellmwho2 Description-md5: b7c1953ba2d2afdc69f1a0c1f02af308 Description-zh_CN: who plugin for gkrellm2 This plugin displays currently logged users on the system except you. It also shows number of logins for each username, may show idle status and paint each username in it's idle color. . 主页: Package: glabels Description-md5: 7080f84741137557d630ffd73be9a2f5 Description-zh_CN: label, business card and media cover creation program for GNOME gLabels is a lightweight program for creating labels, business cards and media covers for the GNOME desktop environment. It is designed to work with various laser/ink-jet peel-off label and business card sheets that you'll find at most office supply stores. . gLabels also supports mail merge from sources such as CSV files, vCards and Evolution data servers. . 作者: Jim Evins 主页: Package: glabels-data Description-md5: 00410aa3f6aba0a9433e013c8b015ff7 Description-zh_CN: data files for gLabels gLabels is a lightweight program for creating labels, business cards and media covers for the GNOME desktop environment. . This package contains gLabel's default set of label, business card and media cover templates. . 主页: Package: glabels-dev Description-md5: b2c42b40ea37694fac526d37871cd71e Description-zh_CN: development documentation and library files for gLabels gLabels is a lightweight program for creating labels, business cards and media covers for the GNOME desktop environment. . 主页: Package: glade Description-md5: 85508599d308589e47437ea26b3ccb9f Description-zh_CN: GTK+ 2 User Interface Builder Glade is a RAD tool to enable quick and easy development of user interfaces for the GTK+ 2 toolkit. It also contains built-in support for generating the C source code needed to recreate the interfaces. . If you want Glade with support for the GNOME libraries, you should install the glade-gnome package. . The user interfaces designed in Glade are stored in the well-known XML format, enabling easy integration with external tools. Several tools are already available which can turn the XML files into source code in other languages such as C++, Perl and Python. Other tools such as libglade can load the XML files and create the interfaces at runtime. . 主页: Package: glade-common Description-md5: bc55c0899076eb7070a8aed3e5570d06 Description-zh_CN: Common files for GTK+ 2 User Interface Builder Glade is a RAD tool to enable quick and easy development of user interfaces for the GTK+ toolkit and the GNOME 2 desktop environment. It also contains built-in support for generating the C source code needed to recreate the interfaces. . This package contains the common documentation files for the other glade packages. . 主页: Package: glade-gnome Description-md5: 2d78cf18b639335eb4ed40a0df93af11 Description-zh_CN: GTK+ 2 User Interface Builder (with GNOME 2 support) Glade is a RAD tool to enable quick and easy development of user interfaces for the GTK+ 2 toolkit and the GNOME 2 desktop environment. It also contains built-in support for generating the C source code needed to recreate the interfaces. . The user interfaces designed in Glade are stored in the well-known XML format, enabling easy integration with external tools. Several tools are already available which can turn the XML files into source code in other languages such as C++, Perl and Python. Other tools such as libglade can load the XML files and create the interfaces at runtime. . 主页: Package: gmotionlive Description-md5: e8138ea2ec08f35147951a58d938dd65 Description-zh_CN: A simple multipart/x-mixed-replace viewer gmotionlive is a simple gtk viewer for streaming webcams that use multipart/x-mixed-replace streams. . It was written for viewing streams from the motion program but should be usable for other sources such as network cameras. . 主页: Package: gnome Description-md5: a0011f617762d23f450cb96ddc8a4aea Description-zh_CN: Gnome桌面环境,带有附加组件 This is the GNOME Desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop, with extra components. . This package depends on the standard distribution of the GNOME desktop environment, plus a complete range of plugins and other applications integrating with GNOME and Debian, providing the best possible environment to date. Package: gnome-desktop-environment Description-md5: af293180f1ef462278d4d69d89d7be9d Description-zh_CN: Gnome桌面环境 This is the GNOME Desktop environment, an intuitive and attractive desktop. . This package depends on the standard set of applications that are part of the official GNOME release. It provides much of what is necessary for daily use of a personal computer, including web browsing, email, CD burning and ripping, encryption tools, audio and video playback, network and communication tools, document viewers, remote desktop utilities, and much more. Package: gnome-themes-extras Description-md5: af58e6c310e37551e249ab3d266969c3 Description-zh_CN: GNOME 2 桌面使用的各种各样的主题 本软件包包含一些 GNOME 桌面的漂亮主题,包括应用程序和桌面管理器的向量图标, GTK+ 主题和窗口管理器主题。 . * The Darklooks theme is a dark Clearlooks theme * The Dropline Neu! icon theme * The Foxtrot theme is a tangonized theme with Bluecurve colors * The Gion icon theme Package: gnome-web-photo Description-md5: b7a1776b35cb330253f264d649714c87 Description-zh_CN: tool to generate full-size image files from webpages GNOME Web Photographer is a tool to generate full-size image files and thumbnails from HTML files and web pages. . 主页: Package: gnomebaker Description-md5: 91c470ebbd620cd6e11d0f91e869d7dd Description-zh_CN: 在 GNOME 桌面中创建 CD/DVD 的应用程序 Gnomebaker is an easy to use CD/DVD burner. Its current features include: * Data and audio CD burning * Multisession CDs * DVD formating * DVD data disk burning * On-the-fly data CD burning * Cue bin data CD writing Package: gnustep-devel Description-md5: 1f8281f5b43f21e6c1b4a4339d9a7a52 Description-zh_CN: GNUstep 开发环境 -- 开发工具 These packages provide tools for development applications for GNUstep, as well as extra libraries for the GNUstep environment. Package: gnustep-icons Description-md5: 9941ce14449744db2b2c28a6f42421f3 Description-zh_CN: Several free icons for use with GNUstep and others They all have a basic NeXTSTEPish look and feel. These icons are placed where the WindowMaker package expects them by default. . These icons are free in the DFSG sense. . 主页: Package: gollem Description-md5: 0ed37868f044a92fa29c4ca1b46a509f Description-zh_CN: file manager component for horde framework Gollem is the Horde web-based File Manager, providing the ability to fully manage a hierarchical file system stored in a variety of backends such as a SQL database, as part of a real filesystem, or on an FTP server. It uses the Horde's MIME_Viewer framework to identify file types, associate icons, etc. . 主页: Package: gpass Description-md5: c387618996fb5602b699a3f5a1dd013c Description-zh_CN: The password manager for GNOME2 GPass is a simple GNOME application, that lets you manage a collection of passwords. The password collection is in an encrypted file, protected by a master-password. . 主页: Package: gplcver Description-md5: 5cd7e3e4b6737740e3284d654b0289b6 Description-zh_CN: Verilog simulator Cver is a full 1995 IEEE P1364 standard Verilog simulator. It also implements some of the 2001 P1364 standard features. All three PLI interfaces (tf_, acc_, and vpi_) are implemented as defined in the IEEE 2001 P1364 LRM. . 主页: Package: gpp Description-md5: 620c80b488324f2c0334717887d4511e Description-zh_CN: a general-purpose preprocessor with customizable syntax GPP is a general-purpose preprocessor with customizable syntax, suitable for a wide range of preprocessing tasks. Its independence from any one programming language makes it much more versatile than the C preprocessor (cpp), while its syntax is lighter and more flexible than that of GNU m4. There are built-in macros for use with C/C++, LaTeX, HTML, XHTML, and Prolog files. . 主页: Package: gpx2shp Description-md5: e26652042872001ad61e1e41a28174ca Description-zh_CN: 把 GPS 或 GPX 文件转换成 ESRI 图形文件 把 GPS 或 GPX 文件转换成 ESRI 图形文件。包括 gps2shp 和 gpx2shp 两个工具。 当使用诸如 qgis 或 GRASS 之类的 GIS 工具收集 GPS 点的时候,这些工具非常有 用。 . Homepage: Package: greed Description-md5: 687e329bf1abaac9fea8d2cc94d0752f Description-zh_CN: curses-based clone of the DOS freeware game Greed Try to eat as much as possible of the board before munching yourself into a corner. . 作者: Eric S. Raymond 主页: Package: gscan2pdf Description-md5: 342fefa7f0c39f8f3aa6c9d07b574cbf Description-zh_CN: A GUI to produce PDFs from scanned documents Only two clicks are required to scan several pages and then save all or a selection as a PDF or DjVu file, including metadata if required. . gscan2pdf can control regular or sheet-fed (ADF) scanners with SANE via scanimage or scanadf, and can scan multiple pages at once. It presents a thumbnail view of scanned pages, and permits simple operations such as rotating and deleting pages. . PDF conversion is done by PDF::API2. . The resulting document may be saved as a PDF, DjVu, multipage TIFF file, or single page image file. . gscan2pdf 主页: Package: gtk-clearlooks-gperfection2-theme Description-md5: cd263be973f5b805624cb8b8b7b1befc Description-zh_CN: gtk theme for the clearlooks engine gperfection gtk2 theme . 主页: Package: gtkedit Description-md5: ba3df2bbe2d61c2c18a956c4dcde0fd1 Description-zh_CN: Notepad clone based on GTK+ GTKEdit is a very light and simple text editor that is very similar to Notepad and written with low performance systems in mind. . 主页: Package: gtodo-applet Description-md5: 3a608db0a79dfcdf2fd588087f3176f0 Description-zh_CN: GTodo applet for the GNOME panel gtodo-applet contains the applet of the GNOME "to do" list manager (GTodo) for the GNOME panel, that provides you with ways to easily open GTodo, or even check some of your to do items that are due the current day without opening it. . 主页: Package: guile-gnutls Description-md5: ca28c032477d7056f2e49aacdc1576c8 Description-zh_CN: the GNU TLS library - GNU Guile bindings gnutls是实现了传输层安全协议(TLS) 1.0和安全套接字协议(SSL) 3.0的可移植软件库。 . Currently gnutls implements: - the TLS 1.0 and SSL 3.0 protocols, without any US-export controlled algorithms - X509 Public Key Infrastructure (with several limitations). - SRP for TLS authentication. - TLS Extension mechanism . This package contains the GNU Guile 1.8 modules. Package: gwc Description-md5: ace73a40c768a9c81c55d7bdae662934 Description-zh_CN: Audio file denoiser The Gnome Wave Cleaner (gwc) is an application that helps you in getting rid of noise and clicks in audio files. This is most commonly used when translating your old vinyl or old tapes to a digital format, but it can be applied to every soundfile that has a more or less constant noise level. . 主页: Package: gwenrename Description-md5: bccb38f8a36d39c5b72c04113a382914 Description-zh_CN: Batch renamer tool for KDE GwenRename is a series renamer tool. It was created as an external tool for GwenView, the image viewer for KDE, but can also be used from Konkueror. As that, the files to be renamed are passed to it as command line parameters, and there is no other way to load files into it. The main goal is to have a batch renaming tool that's easy and light enough for every day use. If you are looking for a more compound and featured renaming tool, you should have a look at Dominik Seichter's "KRename". . 主页: Package: hama-slide-mouse-control Description-md5: 5d8fb4550d9eb3b1a469c6a7ee6517c8 Description-zh_CN: Control the DPI setting and thumb buttons of a Hama SLide S1 gaming mouse This command-line program allows you to control a Hama SLide S1 mouse connected to the USB port. You can switch between its three modes: Either thumb button 1 and the scroll wheel select the DPI setting, or a fixed DPI setting is used, or the two thumb buttons toggle between two DPI settings. The colour of the mouse changes according to the current setting. This package also aids you in configuring udev to apply your favourite settings whenever the mouse is plugged in or the machine boots. . 主页: Package: hardinfo Description-md5: 19d3763ccb20f95253134c924f126657 Description-zh_CN: 显示系统信息 HardInfo 是一个显示硬件和操作系统信息的小程序。目前可以识别 PCI、ISA PnP、USB、 IDE、SCSI、串口和并口设备。 Package: hdaps-utils Description-md5: 18786a7e73754be5d5fd99c5ecccc38b Description-zh_CN: HDAPS (IBM Hard Drive Active Protection System) utilities IBM Thinkpad HDAPS (Hard Drive Active Protection System) utilities. hdaps-gl: GL-based laptop model that rotates in real-time via hdaps. hdaps-pivot: User-space Test Application, that shows the laptop position information in real-time. . 主页: Package: hsetroot Description-md5: dd9382720b7d328b4606275c33169e46 Description-zh_CN: tool for compose root-pixmaps for X11 hsetroot is a tool which allows you to compose wallpapers ("root pixmaps") for X. It has a lot of options like rendering gradients, solids, images but it also allows you to perform manipulations on those things, or chain them together. . 主页: Package: hspell-gui Description-md5: f07b2d8a23771877d76dc11f08070e6d Description-zh_CN: 一个 hspell 希伯来语拼写检查器的图形化前端 hspell-gui是一个 hspell 希伯来语拼写检查器的图形化前端。 提供对该拼写检查器较困难的命令行的一种简单的访问。 Package: ibritish Description-md5: 7c532f69035aa962feaa3fd5b641f36d Description-zh_CN: ispell 使用的英国英语词典 这是随 ispell 提供的不列颠英语词典,附带从更广泛的 wbritish 单词列表包中增 加的单词。 . 这个包推荐安装 wbritish,因为 ispell 的 查找命令(L)需要有一个单词列表。 Package: icatalan Description-md5: 5315763f04d3913721dd006d2a490e55 Description-zh_CN: 供 ispell 使用的加泰隆语字典 这是供 ispell 使用的加泰隆语字典,由 Joan Moratinos 将其它来源的数据 组合而成。 Package: ichthux-emoticons Description-md5: 655a731b1f55788414fdd9e5039ebd3b Description-zh_CN: Christian emoticons for Kopete This set of emoticons for Kopete gathers icons in the public domain, icons from the website ( and the Ichthux Linux logo. . 主页: Package: idanish Description-md5: 557e4ff5a992d3c54918390299d00957 Description-zh_CN: 丹麦语大辞典 (DSDO) - ispell 丹麦语大辞典 (he Comprehensive Danish Dictionary, DSDO) 是一个自由的 丹麦语拼写检查字典,由 Skaane Sjaelland Linux 用户小组 (SSLUG) 发布。 这本辞典与众不同的地方就在于它的辞典内容是由校对者投票决定的。编写小 组并没有校对字典中的内容,而是引导校对者并跟踪字典的整体状态。 . 这是用于 ispell 进行丹麦语文本的拼写检查与修正的丹麦语字典。 Package: iestonian Description-md5: b115dc7f23ef5ddc9e5ff8ed7659eee0 Description-zh_CN: Estonian dictionary for Ispell This dictionary provides Estonian wordlists for the Ispell spellchecker. . 主页: Package: ifrench-gut Description-md5: 2a0a8c0636d6ac5af277fb1e2893ac56 Description-zh_CN: ispell的法语字典 (GUTenberg版本) 这是一个法语字典,用于ispell程序,3.1.20以及更新版本。 . 这是GUTenberg版本。 Package: igal Description-md5: 39e9a6c2c6e08773783a56d7f680843a Description-zh_CN: online image gallery generator iGal is a Perl-based program that can generate and publish an entire online picture show (HTML slides, thumbnails and index page included) with just one command line invocation. If you've got a directory (or several) full of image files that are waiting to be put online and shared with friends, then iGal is for you. . iGal is well documented, flexible, and configurable through command line options and HTML templates, specific to each gallery. Generated slide shows include a JavaScript trick to preload the next image in the slideshow - ideal for slow links. . 主页: Package: iitalian Description-md5: 1c489aace16ad93bb1694436fe7cbfaf Description-zh_CN: ispell的意大利语字典 这是一个用于ispell的意大利语字典。 它包含超过185,000个意大利单词。 Package: ilohamail Description-md5: 60849227016c10910b49e772d9a09c22 Description-zh_CN: Light weight yet full featured multilingual web-based IMAP/POP3 client IlohaMail (pronounced: e-lo-ha-mail) is a light weight yet full featured multilingual webmail program that is easy to use. . Admin Features: * Light weight and fast * Extensive multilingual capabilities * Modular - Easily modifiable to accommodate different backends. * Activity Logging * Spam Prevention * Multiple host/domain support * Auto-appended Tag-Lines * Optional MySQL backend for improved scalability and performance. * External SMTP server support * IMAP caching * Theme support . Client Features: * POP3 & IMAP Support * Send, receive, file, delete messages * GPG support * Multiple sender identities * Spell checker (with aspell) * Create, rename, delete folders * Send/receive attachments * View images inline * Full featured Contacts list * Calendar included * Bookmarks manager * Search messages * Customizable - Over 2 dozen user preferences * Support for over 20 languages . 上游主页: Package: infon-devel Description-md5: eb5cfef7754f5fb7aa3677ae26c4351c Description-zh_CN: Develop bots for the infon game Infon is a game which simulates the live of simple bugs who eat, propagate, eat each other and evolve. The players can not control the bugs directly but write their “intelligence” in the simple script language lua and upload it to the game using a plain telnet connection. The code can then be modified even while the game is running. . This package contains a graphical lua editor with integration into the infon server and allows easy uploading of the code. It also marks the currently executed line of code. . 主页: Package: infon-server Description-md5: 8deed61e65ccff5d99f920f2e0b4a6e1 Description-zh_CN: Program bugs to compete for food and survival - Server Infon is a game which simulates the live of simple bugs who eat, propagate, eat each other and evolve. The players can not control the bugs directly but write their “intelligence” in the simple script language lua and upload it to the game using a plain telnet connection. The code can then be modified even while the game is running. . This package contains the infon server which hosts the game. To upload code to it, you only need a telnet client. To be able to view the game, see the infon-viewer package. . 主页: Package: infon-viewer Description-md5: 8facabd2f394e8de7791543128483816 Description-zh_CN: Program bugs to compete for food and survival - GUI Infon is a game which simulates the live of simple bugs who eat, propagate, eat each other and evolve. The players can not control the bugs directly but write their “intelligence” in the simple script language lua and upload it to the game using a plain telnet connection. The code can then be modified even while the game is running. . This package contains the graphical client to view the game in progress. To host a game, see the infon-server package. . 主页: Package: innotop Description-md5: 0cfa073468ce9bf40e65f3978f4df706 Description-zh_CN: connects to a MySQL database server and retrieves information from it innotop connects to a MySQL database server and retrieves information from it, then displays it in a manner similar to the UNIX top program. innotop uses the data from SHOW VARIABLES, SHOW GLOBAL STATUS, SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST, and SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS, among other things. . 主页: Package: inorwegian Description-md5: 3270cdccbf6d154ac3497747bff95d27 Description-zh_CN: 用于 ispell 的挪威语字典 This package provides the Norwegian dictionary, to be used with ispell to check and correct spelling in Norwegian texts. Package: intel2gas Description-md5: e10663f768850cd6e95d4c9bfbefa2d0 Description-zh_CN: A converter from NASM assembly language to GAS Intel2GAS is a converter that will convert assembler source files written for NASM to files that can be assembled using the GNU Assembler (GAS), on the i386 platform. It provides support for basic MMX instructions as well. . 主页: Package: ipcalc Description-md5: 9588cd95d36c60698d9f74ab3d31fad3 Description-zh_CN: parameter calculator for IPv4 addresses ipcalc takes an IP address and netmask and calculates the resulting broadcast, network, Cisco wildcard mask, and host range. By giving a second netmask, you can design sub- and supernetworks. It is also intended to be a teaching tool and presents the results as easy-to-understand binary values. . Originally, ipcalc was intended for use from the shell prompt, but a CGI wrapper is provided to enable colorful HTML display through a webserver. . 主页: Package: ipodslave Description-md5: a469b76704f1737e04275e50f7e5f035 Description-zh_CN: kio-slave for ipods Enables kio aware linux apps like konqueror or amarok to access the Music stored on an Apple iPod. It further allows you to organize playlists and uploading tracks. To have access to your iPod mount it (some distros do this automatically when the iPod gets plugged in) and open the URL "ipod:/". You'll get a list of 3 directories: Artists, Playlists and Utilities. . 项目主页: Package: ipodslave-dev Description-md5: 0f78a1193372d37c4aa3e56d9020076a Description-zh_CN: devlopment files for ipodslave kio-slave include files and static libraries for development of ipodslave. . 项目主页: Package: ipolish Description-md5: 5c97bbc3dfdf79261036f09f647b0b18 Description-zh_CN: ispell的波兰语字典 这是波兰语字典,用于ispell程序,版本3.1.04或更高。本字典包含大约 200,000个词根,扩展到2,500,000个单词。 Package: ipopd Description-md5: e97bcd6608c12da5581a3cab3823889b Description-zh_CN: POP2 and POP3 mail server IMAP (因特网信息访问协议)是一种访问保存在邮件服务器(可能是共享的)上电子信 息的方式。 . The UW (University of Washington) IMAP toolkit provides the c-client mail-handling library supporting various network transport methods, file system storage formats, and authentication and authorization methods. . This package contains ipopd, a POP2 and POP3 server daemon which uses the c-client library. Package: irb Description-md5: 32f010c1416b0799b8e583193c850c1d Description-zh_CN: 交互式 Ruby (irb) irb 是 Interactive RuBy (交互式 Ruby)的缩写,从终端执行 Ruby 的表达式。 . 本软件包是一个依赖包,依赖于 Debian 的默认 Ruby 版本 (目前是 1.8.x)。 Package: irb1.8 Description-md5: 91e641f8395b2707d202791f70199296 Description-zh_CN: Interactive Ruby (for Ruby 1.8) irb 是 Interactive RuBy (交互式 Ruby) 的缩写。计算终端输入的 Ruby 表达式的值。 . This package provides the irb which uses Ruby 1.8. Package: irussian Description-md5: 6a3cbcbf9d5d1bc54115f15fa74d0b26 Description-zh_CN: Ispell 用的俄文词典 本词典含有 Ispell 拼写检查器能够使用的俄文单词列表。 . 该词典涵盖了 122,200 个词根,并能由此生成 1,168,000 个以上的派生词,而且包含 对字母 :E(yo) 的支持。 Package: itools Description-md5: f34cfb212ebbec29e42c6105a248343a Description-zh_CN: 伊斯兰日历和祷告时间工具 itools 是模仿 ITL 底层库的一系列命令行工具的集合,为终端用户提供始终如一的简单 方式来使用其中的函数。可用的工具包括: . * ical: Display a Hijri calendar. * idate: Multi method Hijri/Gregorian date converter. * ipraytime: Prayer times and Qibla calculator and schedule table generator. * ireminder: Prayer time reminder Perl script. . 本软件包是伊斯兰工具和库项目的一部分. . Homepage: Package: iukrainian Description-md5: f9018d3ce0ad5ba8c330b4d89477a0b7 Description-zh_CN: ispell的乌克兰语字典 这是乌克兰语字典,用于ispell程序。 Package: jabber-irc Description-md5: 1ad6962093144e26398346507c056d83 Description-zh_CN: IRC transport for jabber Provides jabber server with gateway to IRC messaging system. Written completely in python language. . You will need jabber server to use this gateway. If you have no deployed server or just want to chat via IRC you may be better look for IRC client or already deployed jabber IRC gateway. . 主页: Package: jargoninformatique Description-md5: 6a640505bfa562a62ee18e9e6b18b9e4 Description-zh_CN: French dictionary of computer vocabulary Front End for the French computing dictionary Jargon Informatique. . This computing dictionary contains more than 10 000 words! Its user-friendly interface lets you easily find the words you want. . 主页: Package: jargoninformatique-data Description-md5: be73a696484e470bc3d3ddc293fb5466 Description-zh_CN: Data files for jargoninformatique This package contains the dictionary for Jargon Informatique, and its GUI graphic elements. . 主页: Package: jdelay Description-md5: d6efd629b217faf56d2c21a100b05eda Description-zh_CN: Sound card latency measurement tool Jdelay is a simple JACK application that you can use to measure the latency of your sound card. It uses a phase measurements on a set of tones to measure the delay from the output to the input. Accuracy is about 1/1000 of a sample. . 主页: Package: jesred Description-md5: 26e8d48f28df765114ab7f2486487be6 Description-zh_CN: A redirector for the Squid proxy Jesred is a very fast and highly configurable redirector for the Squid Internet Object Cache. Jesred needs little memory, can rewrite GET and ICP_QUERY requests and offers extensive logging. . 主页: Package: jfbterm Description-md5: 1b4d4a583ea5d336b570fcad105ce61b Description-zh_CN: Linux帧缓冲上的多语言终端 Jfbterm (J Framebuffer Terminal/Multilingual Extension,J帧缓冲 终端/多语言扩展)能够在Linux帧缓冲上显示多语言文本。他能够显示ISO-2022 文本如ISO-8859-{1-11,13-16},ISO-2022-{JP,CN,KR},EUC-JP,EUC-KR (即Wangsung),EUC-CN (即GB2312或CN-GB)。 通过使用iconv(3),它也可以支持UTF-8,以及其他编码系统如SHITF_JIS。 . 它支持8位色深伪彩色和(15|16|24|32)位色深真彩色帧缓冲。它也支持1位色深, 2为色深(以及i386架构上的vga16fb)。 Package: jigdo Description-md5: 1956873b8aa035cdc47011f9747c9132 Description-zh_CN: GTK+ download manager (beta version) This is a BETA version of the jigdo GTK+ download manager. In particular, it is NOT yet capable of processing .jigdo files - use jigdo-lite from the jigdo-file package for that! . This download manager features FTP and HTTP 1.1 support, pausing, continuing and resuming of downloads, and automatic guessing of your proxy configuration. . jigdo 主页: Package: jigdo-file Description-md5: 36c858a96af5672e16814452227cd682 Description-zh_CN: Download Debian CD images from any Debian mirror Using the jigdo-lite script contained in this package, you can use your nearest "regular" Debian mirror to download Debian CD images, instead of having to use one of the few, slow, overloaded mirrors that offer the images as direct HTTP or FTP downloads. See for details. . Jigsaw Download, or short jigdo, is a scheme developed primarily to make it easy to distribute huge filesystem images (e.g. CD (ISO9660) or DVD (UDF) images) over the internet, but it could also be used for other data which is awkward to handle due to its size, like audio/video files or large software packages. . jigdo tries to ensure that the large file is downloaded in small parts which can be stored on different servers. People who want to download the image do so by telling the jigdo download tool to process one ".jigdo" file; using it, jigdo downloads the parts and reassembles the image. jigdo-file is used to prepare the files for download. . jigdo 主页: Package: kbiff Description-md5: 0b1b74b41ef2e6da63b299130d0b06f3 Description-zh_CN: KDE 邮件通知工具 Kbiff 是一个类似于 'xbiff' 的邮件通知工具。它具有多样的图标,可以对会话进行 管理,具有图形化的配置工具。能 '停靠' 在 KDE 面板之中。当有新邮件到达时,可以 显示动态的 GIF 图像,播放系统声音,或者运行任意的 Shell 命令。支持 mbox, maildir,mh,POP3,IMAP4,NNTP 类型的邮箱。 Package: kcc Description-md5: 9a8106f03ffc26b71a786082b01c103f Description-zh_CN: Kanji code filter kcc can converts various Japanese encodings such as EUC-JP, 7bitJIS, 8bitJIS and ShiftJIS with Half-width Kana supports. kcc can detect these encoding automatically as much as possible. . 由Fumitoshi UKAI 赞助 Package: kde Description-md5: 1e70997e0ef05b8aa3136dbb9c87f986 Description-zh_CN: KDE 桌面环境官方模块 KDE(K桌面环境)是一个为Unix工作站设计的功能强大的开源图形桌面环境。它结合了易用性,现代功能,以及结合Unix操作系统技术优势的出色图形设计。 . 本元软件包提供 KDE 所有的官方模块,不是专供开发者使用。除了 KDE 核心模块之 外,它还包括多媒体、网络、个人信息管理(PIM)、图形、教育、游戏、网络开发、系 统管理工具,还有其他的美术品和实用工具。 Package: kde-devel Description-md5: c9d6ffbc600d75df38baa12f63ac6473 Description-zh_CN: the K Desktop Environment development files and modules KDE(K桌面环境)是一个为Unix工作站设计的功能强大的开源图形桌面环境。它结合了易用性,现代功能,以及结合Unix操作系统技术优势的出色图形设计。 . This metapackage includes official KDE modules that are useful to developers, including KDE's software development kit (SDK), Qt4's designer tool, and all core KDE header and development packages. Package: kde-devel-extras Description-md5: cc97f0201ab5d79b33f8bfc4b3455ebc Description-zh_CN: extra development applications for use with KDE KDE(K桌面环境)是一个为Unix工作站设计的功能强大的开源图形桌面环境。它结合了易用性,现代功能,以及结合Unix操作系统技术优势的出色图形设计。 . This metapackage includes programs of use to developers that are not part of the official KDE modules, including a debugger, a profiling tool, and KDevelop, a complete development environment. Package: kde-extras Description-md5: 6c3643f58498ccfbffc469c774d0c020 Description-zh_CN: extra applications for use with KDE KDE(K桌面环境)是一个为Unix工作站设计的功能强大的开源图形桌面环境。它结合了易用性,现代功能,以及结合Unix操作系统技术优势的出色图形设计。 . This metapackage recommends programs that are not part of the official KDE modules, but nevertheless are based upon KDE, and may be of interest to KDE users. Examine each package's own description for more information. Package: kdewebdev Description-md5: 4382f895fece7449786d98506a34ba42 Description-zh_CN: web development apps from the official KDE release KDE(K桌面环境)是一个为Unix工作站设计的功能强大的开源图形桌面环境。它结合了易用性,现代功能,以及结合Unix操作系统技术优势的出色图形设计。 . This metapackage includes a collection of web development applications provided with the official release of KDE. Package: kdewebdev-kde4 Description-md5: 4382f895fece7449786d98506a34ba42 Description-zh_CN: web development apps from the official KDE release KDE(K桌面环境)是一个为Unix工作站设计的功能强大的开源图形桌面环境。它结合了易用性,现代功能,以及结合Unix操作系统技术优势的出色图形设计。 . This metapackage includes a collection of web development applications provided with the official release of KDE. Package: khmerconverter Description-md5: 6560d1c40bcc5a6374e5dbb1a98f836e Description-zh_CN: 在高棉编码和国际通用编码之间转化 khmerconverter 基于使用 ASCII/ANSI 范围的字体,将文件在高棉编码和国际通用编 码之间转化。 . 目前支持使用通用编码(unicode)的纯文本文件,开放文档文件 (ODT) 和 HTML 文 件,并支持 ABC, ABC-ZWSP, Baidok, Fk, Khek,Limon 和 Truth legacy Khmer 字体。 . 要使用图形界面,请安装 python-tk 和 tix 。 . Homepage: Package: kinput2-canna Description-md5: 9a580a81fe17c73bb876e02b2d99e73c Description-zh_CN: 用于X11应用程序的接受日文输入的输入服务器 Kinput2是一个用于X11应用程序的接受日文输入的输入服务器。 . 一个想要kana-kanji日文文本转换服务的客户发送请求到kinput2。Kinput2接 受请求,进行kana-kanji转换,然后将转换后的文本发回给客户。 . This package supports Canna cannaserver. Package: kinput2-canna-wnn Description-md5: 5edae6cf7436e31cf6795f2b914ba6a5 Description-zh_CN: 用于X11应用程序的接受日文输入的输入服务器 Kinput2是一个用于X11应用程序的接受日文输入的输入服务器。 . 一个想要kana-kanji日文文本转换服务的客户发送请求到kinput2。Kinput2接 受请求,进行kana-kanji转换,然后将转换后的文本发回给客户。 . 本软件包同时支持Canna cannaserver和Wnn jserver(版本4或6)。 Package: kinput2-wnn Description-md5: f8e37f59f9dc76db8df8a429cbfb7b69 Description-zh_CN: 用于X11应用程序的接受日文输入的输入服务器 Kinput2是一个用于X11应用程序的接受日文输入的输入服务器。 . 一个想要kana-kanji日文文本转换服务的客户发送请求到kinput2。Kinput2接 受请求,进行kana-kanji转换,然后将转换后的文本发回给客户。 . This package supports Wnn jserver (version 4 or 6). Package: koffice-i18n-ca Description-md5: f10dc2a6598d44c49df92cce60202d85 Description-zh_CN: KOffice的加泰罗尼亚语翻译 本包包含了KDE办公套件中所有应用程序的加泰罗尼亚语翻译 Package: koffice-i18n-da Description-md5: ebf41ac9896d713f4862433ee6083eab Description-zh_CN: KOffice的丹麦语翻译 本包包含的KDE办公套件中所有应用程序的丹麦语翻译 Package: koffice-i18n-el Description-md5: dac0407516fab2b60e678444a7421f00 Description-zh_CN: 希腊语 (el) 的 KOffice 翻译 本软件包包含了 KDE Office 套件中所有应用程序的希腊语翻译内容。 Package: koffice-i18n-it Description-md5: b813a288c43f8eea519ec6008bf22168 Description-zh_CN: KOffice意大利语(it)翻译 本软件包包含KDE办公套件(Office Suite)中所有应用程序的意大利语翻译。 Package: koffice-i18n-sv Description-md5: 59244c1fe38869b473226e2efb820ea3 Description-zh_CN: KOffice的瑞典语(sv)翻译 本软件包包含KDE办公套件(Office Suite)中所有应用程序的瑞典语翻译。 Package: koffice-i18n-tr Description-md5: 10c25eca115c0a5455ec9686dc6634b7 Description-zh_CN: KOffice 的土耳其语(tr)翻译 这个软件包包含 KDE 办公套件里所有应用程序的土耳其语翻译. Package: kuickshow Description-md5: d55ac82f61d113bbd5f3dc3dd8c19e28 Description-zh_CN: KDE image/slideshow viewer KuickShow is an image browser/viewer with a nice filebrowser to select images to be shown, slideshow support and the ability to display the following image formats: jpg, gif, tiff, png, bmp, psd, xpm, xbm, pbm and eim. Images can be displayed either in their own window, as large as the image, or fullscreen (which shrinks images too large to display). KuickShow also has a slideshow mode. . 本软件包是 KDE 的一部分, 是 KDE 图形模块的一个组件。如果需要更多信息, 请 参考 'kde' 和 'kdegraphics' 包。 . Homepage: Package: language-env Description-md5: 5a4fdb5471ed74fab479bf83a1a09a9c Description-zh_CN: 本地语言环境简单配置工具 这个工具为自然语言环境加入了简单设置,如LANG变量,字体规格,输入法等等, 并添加到用户的以.开头的文件中,如.bashrc和.emacs。 . 本language-env版本支持白俄罗斯语,保加利亚语,加泰隆语,丹麦语,法语, 德语,日语,韩语,立陶宛语,马其顿语,波兰语,俄语,塞尔维亚语,西班牙 语,泰语,土耳其语和乌克兰语。 Package: late Description-md5: 9bea903c135090257e44c983f2409487 Description-zh_CN: A simple game of capturing balls . This is a simple and fun game, which involves using your mouse based guillotine to trap bouncing balls. . Trapping balls is achieved by firing your guillotine to split the playing area into little boxes, once enough of the screen has been covered you progress to the next level. Package: libaddresses0 Description-md5: 3c47c879b1008db892e8c063bfce221c Description-zh_CN: Database API backend framework for GNUstep (library files) This backend provides complete access to address information for applications. It is source-code compatible with Apple Corporation's AddressBook.framework. . 本软件包含运行时链接库。 Package: libaddressview0 Description-md5: b4dd3ab05d5585ecc1e315b7d953872d Description-zh_CN: Address display/edit framework for GNUstep (library files) This framework provides specialized view classes to applications which want to display addresses to the user in a graphical form. . 本软件包含运行时链接库。 Package: libadplug-dev Description-md5: ce59b738d3bf2d9b8cf28ab8a6ec4d6a Description-zh_CN: free AdLib sound library (development) AdPlug是一个免费,多平台,独立于硬件的AdLib声音库,主要由C++编写。 AdPlug播放声音数据,这些数据最初产生于AdLib(OPL2)音频主板,比OPL2模拟或者是 使用真实的硬件产生的数据要好很多。任何的OPL2芯片都不需要回放。 . This package contains the development files. Package: libadplug0c2a Description-md5: c8d339fd7d1d92eaf688afc20f4d206c Description-zh_CN: free AdLib sound library AdPlug是一个免费,多平台,独立于硬件的AdLib声音库,主要由C++编写。 AdPlug播放声音数据,这些数据最初产生于AdLib(OPL2)音频主板,比OPL2模拟或者是 使用真实的硬件产生的数据要好很多。任何的OPL2芯片都不需要回放。 Package: libafterstep1 Description-md5: ba5c4d8071f93c38f9017f7d8c90bcfa Description-zh_CN: shared libraries for the AfterStep window manager AfterStep是一个基于FVWM的窗体管理器,它试图模仿NEXTSTEP的风格并保持其 可配置能力。注意这个窗体管理器大量使用了颜色调色板。如果你只有8位色深 显示,它会打包运行,但你也许会改变其配置以使用更少的颜色。 Package: libalsaplayer-dev Description-md5: 0152c5a2b7a07dd9683c0b07cd58d6bf Description-zh_CN: PCM player designed for ALSA (interface library, development files) Alasplayer 是一个专为使用 ALSA 而设计的 PCM 播放器, 不过也可以和 OSS 或 EsounD 一起和谐工作。它是高度线程化的, 从而减少了间断, 并提供了丰富的选 项, 甚至可以同时显示多个可视波形, 播放 mp3, mp2, ogg, cdda, audiofs 等 等。 . This package contains the development files for the interface library to create your own alsaplayer plugins. Package: libalsaplayer0 Description-md5: 07831c5416cf6680461868b8e5729a2e Description-zh_CN: PCM player designed for ALSA (interface library) Alasplayer 是一个专为使用 ALSA 而设计的 PCM 播放器, 不过也可以和 OSS 或 EsounD 一起和谐工作。它是高度线程化的, 从而减少了间断, 并提供了丰富的选 项, 甚至可以同时显示多个可视波形, 播放 mp3, mp2, ogg, cdda, audiofs 等 等。 . This package contains the interface library for external plugins. Package: libarkrpg-dev Description-md5: e9f4782bb77c643226f4b8e30bfbfa3a Description-zh_CN: development headers for Arkrpg Arkrpg 是一个强大而灵活的框架,不需要写一行 C++ 代码,用户就可以用它创建 (网络或单用户模式的)角色扮演类游戏。用户所需要做的只是用 Lua 语言创建游戏 数据(模型、组织、世界),并定义 NPC 们的行为。这个框架包含了完善的户外 3D 引擎,支持骨骼动画和三点精度的碰撞检测,也包含创建世界和任务的工具,以及最 常见的低多边形 3D 格式的载入程序。 . This package provides development headers. Package: libarkrpg0c2a Description-md5: b6dcbbb0b4e84025a3ca3c8fed4e013e Description-zh_CN: shared libraries for Arkrpg Arkrpg 是一个强大而灵活的框架,不需要写一行 C++ 代码,用户就可以用它创建 (网络或单用户模式的)角色扮演类游戏。用户所需要做的只是用 Lua 语言创建游戏 数据(模型、组织、世界),并定义 NPC 们的行为。这个框架包含了完善的户外 3D 引擎,支持骨骼动画和三点精度的碰撞检测,也包含创建世界和任务的工具,以及最 常见的低多边形 3D 格式的载入程序。 . This package provides shared libraries. Package: libc-client2007b Description-md5: 48fa45722d1b998449c387d673b91573 Description-zh_CN: c-client library for mail protocols - library files IMAP (因特网信息访问协议)是一种访问保存在邮件服务器(可能是共享的)上电子信 息的方式。 . The UW (University of Washington) IMAP toolkit provides the c-client mail-handling library supporting various network transport methods, file system storage formats, and authentication and authorization methods. . This package contains the shared c-client library. Package: libc-client2007b-dev Description-md5: add4c4d00dfe93627d556cd726165101 Description-zh_CN: c-client library for mail protocols - development files IMAP (因特网信息访问协议)是一种访问保存在邮件服务器(可能是共享的)上电子信 息的方式。 . The UW (University of Washington) IMAP toolkit provides the c-client mail-handling library supporting various network transport methods, file system storage formats, and authentication and authorization methods. . This package contains the static c-client library and development headers. Package: libcmph-bin Description-md5: 104345baadb6b799f0b49ca50bc70ad9 Description-zh_CN: C Minimal Perfect Hashing Library command line utilities . This package contains the cmph command line utility to generate and query minimal perfect hash functions. Package: libdb1-compat Description-md5: 9a064dd7baed54f1db745693601aa567 Description-zh_CN: Berkeley 数据库例程 [glibc 2.0/2.1 兼容性] libdb 是在 Berkeley 开发的一个用来操作数据库文件的函数库。 . It supports three kinds of file formats: * btree. A representation of a sorted, balanced tree structure. * hashed. An extensible, dynamic hashing scheme. * UNIX file oriented. A byte stream file with fixed or variable length records. . 该函数库是用来保持与旧有的、用 glibc 2.0 或 2.1 编译的应用程序的兼容性。不提供对应的开发包。开发新的应用程序时不要链接此函数库! Package: libdb4.3 Description-md5: 05567d81caf86a6b56e97bf3fbccf009 Description-zh_CN: 伯克利数据库 db4.3 的运行时库 这是 4.3 版本的伯克利数据库 (Berkeley db) 库的运行时程序的包。 Package: libdb4.4 Description-md5: 30072e626450e32b481fb843c651b00a Description-zh_CN: 伯克利 v4.4 数据库开发库 [运行时库] 这是运行那些使用 v4.4 版伯克利数据库开发库的程序所需的运行时库。 Package: libdb4.5 Description-md5: 38e5ef139b96b677e87b3920e914eaf2 Description-zh_CN: 伯克利 v4.5 数据库开发库 [运行时库] 这是运行时软件包,供基于 v4.5 版伯克利数据库的程序使用。 Package: libdbm-ruby Description-md5: 792cf13819f72f7e6f484be8fec229f6 Description-zh_CN: DBM interface for Ruby This package provides an extension library "dbm" for Ruby. The library enables Ruby programs to access DBM files. . On Debian, the extension library is built with GDBM. . 本软件包是一个依赖包,依赖于 Debian 的默认 Ruby 版本 (目前是 1.8.x)。 Package: libdbus-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 07dbcb7a2ce339f6a0047d5467913002 Description-zh_CN: OCaml bindings for the D-Bus API This library provides OCaml bindings for using D-Bus. . D-Bus is a projects that permits program to communicate with each other, using a simple IPC protocol . . This package contains header and OCaml library. Package: libfeedparser-ruby Description-md5: 5d2599a013c4467a1ea1c3d8d4f9477f Description-zh_CN: Ruby library to parse ATOM/RSS feeds (dummy package) Ruby-feedparser is a library allowing Ruby developers to parse RSS and ATOM feeds. . 本软件包是一个依赖包,依赖于 Debian 的默认 Ruby 版本 (目前是 1.8.x)。 Package: libgdbm-ruby Description-md5: fd3d2f6ec1a0b37a37b5807fb7af0a02 Description-zh_CN: GDBM interface for Ruby This package provides an extension library "gdbm" for Ruby. The library enables Ruby programs to access DBM files. . 本软件包是一个依赖包,依赖于 Debian 的默认 Ruby 版本 (目前是 1.8.x)。 Package: libgnuplot-ruby Description-md5: c4099a16c814fd525d43966a9a8459c1 Description-zh_CN: Ruby module for Gnuplot (dummy package) Gnuplot is a program that has a rich language for the generation of plots. Ruby Gnuplot implements a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) to control gnuplot from Ruby scripts. . 本软件包是一个依赖包,依赖于 Debian 的默认 Ruby 版本 (目前是 1.8.x)。 Package: libgnutls13 Description-md5: 5615d408cc063a1d5bf350d2119a62d7 Description-zh_CN: the GNU TLS library - runtime library gnutls是实现了传输层安全协议(TLS) 1.0和安全套接字协议(SSL) 3.0的可移植软件库。 . Currently gnutls implements: - the TLS 1.0 and SSL 3.0 protocols, without any US-export controlled algorithms - X509 Public Key Infrastructure (with several limitations). - SRP for TLS authentication. - TLS Extension mechanism . 本软件包含运行时链接库。 Package: libgnutls13-dbg Description-md5: db7ec0ba3d0f33b957f04839539cb6ac Description-zh_CN: GNU TLS library - debugger symbols gnutls是实现了传输层安全协议(TLS) 1.0和安全套接字协议(SSL) 3.0的可移植软件库。 . Currently gnutls implements: - the TLS 1.0 and SSL 3.0 protocols, without any US-export controlled algorithms - X509 Public Key Infrastructure (with several limitations). - SRP for TLS authentication. - TLS Extension mechanism . This package contains the debugger symbols. Package: libgnutlsxx13 Description-md5: 6919de2aaa829e3087f48ec7dac6eb8e Description-zh_CN: the GNU TLS library - C++ runtime library gnutls是实现了传输层安全协议(TLS) 1.0和安全套接字协议(SSL) 3.0的可移植软件库。 . Currently gnutls implements: - the TLS 1.0 and SSL 3.0 protocols, without any US-export controlled algorithms - X509 Public Key Infrastructure (with several limitations). - SRP for TLS authentication. - TLS Extension mechanism . This package contains the C++ runtime libraries. Package: libgsl-ruby Description-md5: ae1593dbc66e5053ff2ccc11e1e734d8 Description-zh_CN: Ruby bindings for the GNU Scientific Library (GSL) (dummy package) The GNU Scientific Library (GSL) is a collection of data types and routines for numerical computing. Ruby/GSL is an interface to the GNU Scientific Library for the Ruby programming language. . 本软件包是一个依赖包,依赖于 Debian 的默认 Ruby 版本 (目前是 1.8.x)。 Package: libhnj0 Description-md5: 34e58ba8339df4e049cb8183dcfa75e8 Description-zh_CN: hyphenation and justification library Libhnj is a high quality hyphenation and justification library based on the TeX hyphenation algorithm. The TeX hyphenation patterns could be used after a preprocessing step. . 本软件包含运行时链接库。 Package: libhugs-fgl-bundled Description-md5: 4a27a3eacf11e4fe728a9081f393c2fa Description-zh_CN: Martin Erwig's Functional Graph Library . This is the version bundled with the interpreter. Package: libhugs-network-bundled Description-md5: 43134e28c0e0465b183a0da5d811500d Description-zh_CN: Networking-related facilities . This is the version bundled with the interpreter. Package: libhugs-time-bundled Description-md5: c2c66a3a7eceb13b81144e86153220d8 Description-zh_CN: time library . This is the version bundled with the interpreter. Package: libinotify-ocaml-dev Description-md5: 4c4555bed626cd48174ac79ded480d8d Description-zh_CN: OCaml bindings for the inotify API This library provides OCaml bindings for using inotify. . Inotify is a Linux kernel subsystem, that notice changes to the filesystem, and report those changes to applications. . . This package contains header and OCaml library. Package: liblzo-dev Description-md5: a12a140f91fe7d6fc3b96f64e54475b5 Description-zh_CN: data compression library (old version) (development files) LZO is a portable, lossless data compression library. This package contains the header files and static libraries for the LZO data compression library. . 网址: Package: liblzo1 Description-md5: a7da99bc9080adc65c7ca3e444375556 Description-zh_CN: 数据压缩软件库(旧版本) LZO是用于数据无损压缩的可移植的软件库。 它具有超快的压缩速度和极快的解压速度。 解压过程不需要任何内存。此外,为达到相对较高的压缩率,还有几个较慢的 压缩级别,但解压仍然能以同样快的速度进行。 . 网址: Package: libncurses-ruby Description-md5: 2f82cb7e474805f08ea860798bdc8b54 Description-zh_CN: ruby Extension for the ncurses C library All C functions are wrapped by module functions of the module "Ncurses", with exactly the same name. Additionally, C functions expecting a WINDOW* as their first argument can also be called as methods of the "Ncurses::WINDOW" class. . The panel library (for support of overlapping windows) is also wrapped, in the module "Ncurses::Panel". . 本软件包是一个依赖包,依赖于 Debian 的默认 Ruby 版本 (目前是 1.8.x)。 Package: libopenssl-ruby Description-md5: f02ba4ba939a108fd2e6d5ffe60d1a5b Description-zh_CN: OpenSSL interface for Ruby This package makes Ruby to be able to use OpenSSL. It includes HTTP and TELNET protocols' SSL/TLS support. . 本软件包是一个依赖包,依赖于 Debian 的默认 Ruby 版本 (目前是 1.8.x)。 Package: libpaps-dev Description-md5: dc1acdf2a26837e50b5cf020a603bccc Description-zh_CN: Static development files for libpaps paps 读取一个 UTF-8 编码的文件,生成相应的 PostScript 语言的表示。 通过 pango ft2 后端创建大纲曲线来进行表示。 Package: libpcmanx-core0 Description-md5: e9e75d7838fec649634217dafba0c6c4 Description-zh_CN: core rendering library of pcmanx This package contains the core rendering function of pcmanx in dynamic linked library format. . Package: libpopplerkit0 Description-md5: 07702e6643fbfe38be725a27b99f1528 Description-zh_CN: GNUstep framework for rendering PDF content (library files) PopplerKit is a GNUstep framework for accessing and rendering PDF content. It is based on the poppler library. . Its features are: - Render PDF content. - Extract text from a PDF document. - Access a PDF document's outline. - Search in PDF documents. . 本软件包含运行时链接库。 Package: libreadline-ruby Description-md5: 185ee4a17c3099105c554444b92d85cb Description-zh_CN: Readline interface for Ruby This extended library adds the function for using readline library to Ruby. . 本软件包是一个依赖包,依赖于 Debian 的默认 Ruby 版本 (目前是 1.8.x)。 Package: libruby Description-md5: bd2ac7451e4f16fbf3c1224e6a134ee3 Description-zh_CN: Libraries necessary to run Ruby 1.8.x Ruby is the interpreted scripting language for quick and easy object-oriented programming. It has many features to process text files and to do system management tasks (as in perl). It is simple, straight-forward, and extensible. . This package provides the ruby standard library (stdlib), which is necessary to run Ruby scripts. . 本软件包是一个依赖包,依赖于 Debian 的默认 Ruby 版本 (目前是 1.8.x)。 Package: libsqlrelay-0.39 Description-md5: 6b7bc4997a2a609e19def92e6c62ada2 Description-zh_CN: SQL Relay (runtime libraries) SQL Relay is a persistent database connection pooling, proxying and load balancing system for Unix and Linux. . 本软件包含运行时链接库。 Package: libtcltk-ruby Description-md5: c48b595495d7ddce2bcecd394180f0a4 Description-zh_CN: Tcl/Tk interface for Ruby This package provides an extension library "tcltk" for Ruby. It provides a low-level interface to Tcl/Tk. . 本软件包是一个依赖包,依赖于 Debian 的默认 Ruby 版本 (目前是 1.8.x)。 Package: libtioga-ruby Description-md5: 7564e40580254dc95449be9d4a39fc95 Description-zh_CN: Ruby library for scientific graphs Tioga is a blend of PDF, pdfTex and ruby into a library to make scientific graphs of high quality. It is fairly complete and extensive, and comes with examples and (online) complete documentation. . Tioga is useful for scripting the generation of graphs, and comes with a configuration file for irb for interactive plotting of pictures. . 本软件包是一个依赖包,依赖于 Debian 的默认 Ruby 版本 (目前是 1.8.x)。 Package: libuim-data Description-md5: 7941d00fc87b189e4a0e1e26b07beaa5 Description-zh_CN: Data files for uim uim 是一个输入法模块,支持许多语言,是 Anthy,SKK,Canna,T-Code,TUT-Code, Pinyin(中文输入法),Hangul(韩文输入法), IPA(国际音标)等的前端。大部分的功能 都由 Scheme 实现,所以简单而灵活。 . This package contains the data files for uim. Package: libuim-dev Description-md5: eae8e88e6fc46699e3ec5fb528eff899 Description-zh_CN: Development files for uim uim 是一个输入法模块,支持许多语言,是 Anthy,SKK,Canna,T-Code,TUT-Code, Pinyin(中文输入法),Hangul(韩文输入法), IPA(国际音标)等的前端。大部分的功能 都由 Scheme 实现,所以简单而灵活。 . This package contains the header files and the libraries for development for uim. Package: libuim6 Description-md5: a754b0fb377e536f29574181e0721168 Description-zh_CN: 简单灵活的输入法集合和函数库 uim 是一个输入法模块,支持许多语言,是 Anthy,SKK,Canna,T-Code,TUT-Code, Pinyin(中文输入法),Hangul(韩文输入法), IPA(国际音标)等的前端。大部分的功能 都由 Scheme 实现,所以简单而灵活。 . This package contains the shared libraries of uim. Package: libuim6-dbg Description-md5: 4f229a175f8a92e647a3897318239319 Description-zh_CN: uim libraries and debugging symbols uim 是一个输入法模块,支持许多语言,是 Anthy,SKK,Canna,T-Code,TUT-Code, Pinyin(中文输入法),Hangul(韩文输入法), IPA(国际音标)等的前端。大部分的功能 都由 Scheme 实现,所以简单而灵活。 . This package contains unstripped shared libraries. it is provided primarily to provide a backtrace with names in a debugger, this makes it somewhat easier to interpret core dumps. The libraries are installed in /usr/lib/debug and can be used by placing that directory in LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Most people will not need this package. Package: libxml-dumper-perl Description-md5: bcab3900223ffa6ebcfeaa5e8e3be421 Description-zh_CN: Perl module for dumping Perl objects from/to XML XML::Dumper dumps Perl data to a structured XML format. . XML::Dumper can also read XML data that was previously dumped by the module and convert it back to Perl. . . This might be useful for dumping Perl objects to files using an XML format that can be reloaded or accessed by other programs. Maybe even other languages. Package: libxmpp4r-ruby Description-md5: 921a5c65bc1154b7e94f1c26fe23b298 Description-zh_CN: XMPP/Jabber library for Ruby (dummy package) XMPP4R is an library allowing Ruby developers to write software using XMPP or Jabber. It provides all the necessary backend to write scripts or applications acting as Jabber clients or components. . 本软件包是一个依赖包,依赖于 Debian 的默认 Ruby 版本 (目前是 1.8.x)。 Package: lletters Description-md5: 82987adfaa25edf728aada5561c367f2 Description-zh_CN: 基于 GTK 的儿童英语字母学习游戏 此程序基于作者的女儿(曾经)最喜欢的游戏: Larry的字母与数字学习(Larry's Learning Letters and Numbers)。此程序是它的 Linux 的替代品,从头开始编 写,并加入很多改进。它基于 X 图形界面 的 GTK (Gimp 工具包)库。它可在 GTK 1.0.x 和 1.1.x 下运行,不过在新的库版本下图形加载更快。 . 它为两岁及以上的儿童设计,是一个有趣的学习游戏。它帮助低年龄儿童学习字 母和数字,也可以帮助高年龄儿童改进拼写及词汇技巧。它还可以帮助他们掌握 键盘及鼠标技能。 . 每个单词可以有多于一个图片,每个字母有多个单词,并且你无须编译即可添加 新图片。 Package: lletters-media Description-md5: 319154ea97db70c8039e90aee5ba4506 Description-zh_CN: GTK letters-learning game for small children - data files 此程序基于作者的女儿(曾经)最喜欢的游戏: Larry的字母与数字学习(Larry's Learning Letters and Numbers)。此程序是它的 Linux 的替代品,从头开始编 写,并加入很多改进。它基于 X 图形界面 的 GTK (Gimp 工具包)库。它可在 GTK 1.0.x 和 1.1.x 下运行,不过在新的库版本下图形加载更快。 . 它为两岁及以上的儿童设计,是一个有趣的学习游戏。它帮助低年龄儿童学习字 母和数字,也可以帮助高年龄儿童改进拼写及词汇技巧。它还可以帮助他们掌握 键盘及鼠标技能。 . This package installs the images and sounds required by the lletters package. Package: lpr Description-md5: dda80fd521c8858f31b8d27c8900a20d Description-zh_CN: BSD lpr/lpd 打印机假脱机系统 本软件包是 BSD 打印机假脱机 (spool) 程序及其辅助工具。你可以 用本工具进行本地或远程打印。 . 如果你安装了 magicfilter 或 apsfilter, (在 ghostscript 的配 合下) lpr 将可以自动处理某些特殊文件类型 (比如 Postscript 和 PDF 文件)。 Package: lprof Description-md5: dbab4b458d7e80bd964f9cfabe220463 Description-zh_CN: Hardware Color Profiler . LPROF is a color profiler that creates ICC compliant profiles for devices such as cameras, scanners, and monitors. These profiles provide color consistency across devices. They can be used in color profile-aware software such as The Gimp and Scribus. For an example of creating a profile that can be used with Scribus see Package: lv Description-md5: 50944e913954e28c6199155395734a63 Description-zh_CN: 强大的多语言文件查看器 lv 是一个强大的文件查看工具,如同 less 。 lv 可以多种编码系统对多语言流进行编码和解码: ISO-8859, ISO-2022, EUC, SJIS, Big5, HZ, Unicode. . 它可以识别正则表达式中的多字节模式,也可以进行多语言的 grep 。 另外,lv 可以识别 ANSI 转义序列,以产生文字装饰效果。 Package: lyx Description-md5: 29c032ea91d916ed9d122e4b0d5342a9 Description-zh_CN: 文档处理器 LyX 是 LaTeX 的一个所见即所得的前端。有了它,习惯使用文字处理软件的用户就能 够使用 LaTeX 的强大功能和高质量的类型设置。因为 LyX 支持 LaTex 的通用标记概 念,创建专业质量的文档比普通的文字处理器更加快捷和简单。还可以在 LyX 中使用 LaTex 的命令,所以可以使用 LaTeX 的全部功能。 . You can extend the functionality of LyX by installing these packages: * chktex: check for typographical errors * dvipost: display tracked changes in DVI format output * gnuhtml2latex: import HTML documents * groff: improved table formatting in plain text exports * linuxdoc-tools: export SGML LinuxDoc documents * noweb: import noweb files * rcs: integrated version control * sgmltools-lite: export SGML DocBook documents * tex4ht, hevea, tth, or latex2html: export HTML documents * texlive-latex-extra: more styles and packages * wv: import MS Word documents Package: mailagent Description-md5: 3da312466ea5e857be9481fb61e64597 Description-zh_CN: 自动邮件处理工具和过滤器 Mailagent is a mail delivery agent, and can be programmed to respond to mail in ways more sophisticated than a mail filtering program like procmail. It is easy to configure, and very easy to extend using Perl. Not only can the base functionality be extended, new commands and processing methods can be added in a modular fashion. . Obeying lex-like rulesets, mailagent can file mails to specific folders (plain Unix-style folders and also MMDF and MH ones), forward messages to third parties, pipe them to commands or post them to newsgroups. The filtering commands that are executed on the messages can be extended, and may rewrite the message headers or body as desired. It can also create and process commands based on key words contained in the body of the mail message. . Mailagent can be used as a vacation program, and can answer mail automatically and with more flexibility than the command of that name. A template can be provided for the body of the response, and the frequency of vacation mails can also be specified. Simple macro substitutions allow parts of the mail header to be recycled into the vacation messages, for a more personalized reply. . Mailagent can also be used to set up a generic mail server, without the hassle of the lower-level concerns like error recovery, logging or command parsing. . Please note that on Debian systems, mailagent requires a catch-all rule saving all mail into the user's home directory. Unlike other Mail Delivery Agents such as procmail, mailagent is too extensible to be safely made setgid mail, and so cannot lock /var/spool/mail mailboxes. Package: manpages-de Description-md5: 5f4f7aa1fdc6a70febdd3cd8ecd426c6 Description-zh_CN: 德文手册页 This package contains the Linux manual pages translated into German. The following sections are included: * 1 = User programs (e.g. ls, ln) * 4 = Devices (e.g. hd, sd). * 5 = File formats and protocols, syntaxes of several system files (e.g. wtmp, /etc/passwd, nfs). * 6 = Games etc. * 7 = Conventions and standards, macro packages, etc. (e.g. nroff, ascii). * 8 = System administration commands. . 和德文版相比,英文版的手册页可能会有更多的或更新版本的内容。 Package: manpages-es Description-md5: 9ca5be68a6865df5e61bab9aa67f298d Description-zh_CN: 西班牙文版man手册 这个包包含了Linux man手册所有章节的西班牙文翻译.但不是所有手册页都是最新的. Package: manpages-es-extra Description-md5: 118317c5f679bb08855b99dee8b4fefd Description-zh_CN: Spanish extra manpages This package contains the GNU/Linux extra man pages, that is, manpages not included in the manpages package but provided by other software. . NOTE: Manpages included in this package might not be current . Este paquete contiene las paginas extra de manual de GNU/Linux, esto es, paginas de manual que no se incluyen en el paquete manpages pero que estan incluidas en otros programas. . NOTA: Las paginas de manual incluidas en este paquete pueden no estar actualizadas . 主页: Package: manpages-fr Description-md5: b4ba68a5afe306f1b611f4b11f4d0fd7 Description-zh_CN: GNU/Linux帮助手册的法语翻译版本 This package contains the French translation of GNU/Linux manual pages for these sections: 4 = Devices (e.g. hd, sd). 5 = File formats and protocols, syntaxes of several system files (e.g. wtmp, /etc/passwd, nfs). 7 = Conventions and standards, macro packages, etc. (e.g. nroff, ascii). . 第 1, 6 和 8 部分由相应的应用程序提供. 这个包中仅包含描述部分的简述用 户帮助页. . 用户帮助页描述几种系统文件的语法. Package: manpages-it Description-md5: 2aa3f81729adf8c896c3fbe44450255b Description-zh_CN: 包含一个意大利man文件集 翻译正在(持续)进行中 . 我们试图尽可能的保持意大利语版与英文版的同步。 但是当意大利语的一个页面不可用的时候你需要查阅相应的英文页面。 Package: manpages-ja Description-md5: da49b0bdb89222c208668dd1a65d8f18 Description-zh_CN: 日语版man手册(用户使用) 这个软件包有翻译为日语的Linux手册页 . 获取更多信息,请看JM项目的网页: . Package: manpages-ja-dev Description-md5: aac60bc05585b419915f31562d1f4470 Description-zh_CN: Japanese version of the manual pages (for developers) This package contains the Linux manual pages translated into Japanese. Following sections are provided: * 2 = Linux system calls. * 3 = Libc calls (note that a more comprehensive source of information may be found in the libc6-doc package). . 获取更多信息,请看JM项目的网页: . Package: manpages-pl Description-md5: 68daae06a6227aa92f2140b10fc33d28 Description-zh_CN: 波兰语的man pages 本软件包包含翻译成波兰语的GNU/Linux帮助手册。提供了以下部分: . * 1 = User programs (e.g. ls, ln). * 4 = Devices (e.g. hd, sd). * 5 = File formats and protocols, syntaxes of several system files (e.g. wtmp, /etc/passwd, nfs). * 6 = Games etc. * 7 = Conventions and standards, macro packages, etc. (e.g. nroff, ascii). * 8 = Administration and privileged commands. Package: manpages-pl-dev Description-md5: 87389b55c7841672aae88652898d7bd1 Description-zh_CN: Polish man pages for developers 本软件包包含翻译成波兰语的GNU/Linux帮助手册。提供了以下部分: . * 2 = Linux system calls. * 3 = Libc calls (note that a more comprehensive source of information may be found in the glibc-doc package). Package: manpages-ru Description-md5: 89bbe2d19958e988ebc2f1b0dedd49db Description-zh_CN: Linux 手册页的俄语翻译 Linux 文档计划 (LDP) 中翻译的部分俄语手册页 (文档)。 Package: manpages-tr Description-md5: ada07752ef1fd01aa0ba5c3f8e12acc9 Description-zh_CN: 土耳其语版本帮助手册 This package contains the Linux manual pages translated into Turkish. The following sections are included: * 1 = User programs (e.g. ls, ln) * 2 = Linux system calls (e.g. exit, fork, open) * 3 = Library functions (e.g. malloc, printf) * 4 = Devices (e.g. hd, sd). * 5 = File formats and protocols, syntaxes of several system files (e.g. wtmp, /etc/passwd, nfs). * 6 = Games etc. * 7 = Conventions and standards, macro packages, etc. (e.g. nroff, ascii). * 8 = System administration commands. Package: manpages-zh Description-md5: f82c6563e01b4f535c4f8221dff686ba Description-zh_CN: 中文手册页 本软件包包含中文手册页计划 (CMPP) 翻译的中文手册页。包括简体中文和 繁体中文版本 (zh_CN 和 zh_TW)。 Package: menu Description-md5: 0145fb4173b2e75d0c60cc61c6089403 Description-zh_CN: 为所有菜单相关的应用程序生成程序菜单 Debian menu 通过已安装程序列表来透明地保持在不同窗口管理器之中 菜单的同步。 . Debian menu 依赖于程序本身提供的菜单项构成的列表和窗口管理器与其他 菜单相关应用提供的生成菜单方式列表。 . Menu 提供了系统级和用户级的菜单项与菜单生成方法的配置与重载机制。 Package: mindi Description-md5: 3e7e8e20bab0279ad4fedd5301159fee Description-zh_CN: 根据当前系统创建启动/管理员光盘 mindi 是根据当前系统创建启动/管理员光盘的脚本程序。 使用当前的内核、模块、 工具和库。为 Mondo 崩溃急救工具集提供启动光盘。 . 主页: Package: mlock Description-md5: afe8a4d97e103642cba447a9323f0878 Description-zh_CN: mailbox locking program IMAP (因特网信息访问协议)是一种访问保存在邮件服务器(可能是共享的)上电子信 息的方式。 . The UW (University of Washington) IMAP toolkit provides the c-client mail-handling library supporting various network transport methods, file system storage formats, and authentication and authorization methods. . This package contains a program to lock mailbox files to avoid corruption. Package: mlterm Description-md5: 344a7672990ee06ff67716bffa92a42a Description-zh_CN: 多语言终端 这是一个用于 X Window 系统的终端模拟器,支持多种编码包括 ISO-8859-[1-11,13-16], TCVN5712, VISCII, TIS-620 (与 ISO-8859-11 相同), KOI8-{R,U,T}, CP{1251,1255}, GEORGEAN-PS, EUC-JP, EUC-JISX0213, ISO-2022-JP{,1,2,3}, Shift_JIS, Shift_JISX0213, ISO-2022-KR, EUC-KR, UHC, JOHAB, EUC-CN (即 GB2312), GBK, ISO-2022-CN, Big5, EUC-TW, HZ, UTF-8 和 GB18030. . 支持所有双宽度字符如东亚文字,包括泰国,越南字符,以及其他区别音符, 用于阿拉伯和希伯来文字的 BiDi (bi-directionality,双方向)以及阿拉伯符 号。虽然 mlterm 支持印度的复杂语言如印地语,本 Debian 软件包编译时未加入 印地语支持。 . 由于 mlterm 检查当前 locale 并选择合适的编码,你不需要配置 mlterm 来显示你 的语言和编码。 . mlterm 还支持独特的特性如滚动条 API,多窗体,多 XIM,通过 FreeType 和 xft 进行反锯齿等等。 Package: mlterm-common Description-md5: 6c4111c276af77faa0c71a1d79d48752 Description-zh_CN: MultiLingual TERMinal, common files mlterm 是一个用于 X 窗口系统的终端模拟器,支持多种编码、双字符、BiDi、阿拉 伯语等。 . This package contains necessary files which are common for mlterm and mlterm-tiny packages. Package: mlterm-im-m17nlib Description-md5: ba68b671a62fdda3868ba330617c9e58 Description-zh_CN: MultiLingual TERMinal, m17nlib input method plugin mlterm 是一个用于 X 窗口系统的终端模拟器,支持多种编码、双字符、BiDi、阿拉 伯语等。 . This package contains m17nlib input method plugin for mlterm. Package: mlterm-im-scim Description-md5: d8c0fe658587f2bf052b1751c8a6756d Description-zh_CN: MultiLingual TERMinal, scim input method plugin mlterm 是一个用于 X 窗口系统的终端模拟器,支持多种编码、双字符、BiDi、阿拉 伯语等。 . This package contains scim input method plugin for mlterm. Package: mlterm-im-uim Description-md5: f9ecfa6349ce5f511d1009f7efba56e6 Description-zh_CN: MultiLingual TERMinal, uim input method plugin mlterm 是一个用于 X 窗口系统的终端模拟器,支持多种编码、双字符、BiDi、阿拉 伯语等。 . This package contains uim input method plugin for mlterm. Package: mlterm-tiny Description-md5: 66b7b5eb8dc1342743d0e39203115140 Description-zh_CN: MultiLingual TERMinal, tiny version 这是一个用于 X Window 系统的终端模拟器,支持多种编码包括 ISO-8859-[1-11,13-16], TCVN5712, VISCII, TIS-620 (与 ISO-8859-11 相同), KOI8-{R,U,T}, CP{1251,1255}, GEORGEAN-PS, EUC-JP, EUC-JISX0213, ISO-2022-JP{,1,2,3}, Shift_JIS, Shift_JISX0213, ISO-2022-KR, EUC-KR, UHC, JOHAB, EUC-CN (即 GB2312), GBK, ISO-2022-CN, Big5, EUC-TW, HZ, UTF-8 和 GB18030. . 支持所有双宽度字符如东亚文字,包括泰国,越南字符,以及其他区别音符, 用于阿拉伯和希伯来文字的 BiDi (bi-directionality,双方向)以及阿拉伯符 号。虽然 mlterm 支持印度的复杂语言如印地语,本 Debian 软件包编译时未加入 印地语支持。 . 由于 mlterm 检查当前 locale 并选择合适的编码,你不需要配置 mlterm 来显示你 的语言和编码。 . mlterm 还支持独特的特性如滚动条 API,多窗体,多 XIM,通过 FreeType 和 xft 进行反锯齿等等。 . This tiny version does not support fancy features such as background image and so on, except for i18n-related features. Package: mlterm-tools Description-md5: 910b0b310112a693b82e13230a41c984 Description-zh_CN: 多语言终端,附加工具 mlterm 是一个用于 X 窗口系统的终端模拟器,支持多种编码、双字符、BiDi、阿拉 伯语等。 . 本软件包包含 mlterm 的配置工具等。 Package: mondo Description-md5: 7da7ec167343ee5edcbf89e68772e495 Description-zh_CN: powerful disaster recovery suite Mondo is reliable. It backs up your Debian GNU/Linux server or workstation to tape, CD-R, CD-RW, NFS or hard disk partition. In the event of catastrophic data loss, you will be able to restore all of your data [or as much as you want], from bare metal if necessary. Mondo is in use by numerous blue-chip enterprises and large organizations, dozens of smaller companies, and tens of thousands of users. . Mondo is comprehensive. Mondo supports LVM, RAID, ext2, ext3, JFS, XFS, ReiserFS, VFAT, and can support additional file systems easily. It supports adjustments in disk geometry, including migration from non-RAID to RAID. Mondo runs on all major Linux distributions and is getting better all the time. You may even use it to backup non-Linux partitions, such as NTFS. . 主页: Package: mondo-doc Description-md5: 77cbb26bdaa6996e292621efdcf0fffa Description-zh_CN: manual for Mondo, a powerful disaster recovery suite Mondo is reliable. It backs up your Debian GNU/Linux server or workstation to tape, CD-R, CD-RW, NFS or hard disk partition. In the event of catastrophic data loss, you will be able to restore all of your data [or as much as you want], from bare metal if necessary. Mondo is in use by numerous blue-chip enterprises and large organizations, dozens of smaller companies, and tens of thousands of users. . Mondo is comprehensive. Mondo supports LVM, RAID, ext2, ext3, JFS, XFS, ReiserFS, VFAT, and can support additional file systems easily. It supports adjustments in disk geometry, including migration from non-RAID to RAID. Mondo runs on all major Linux distributions and is getting better all the time. You may even use it to backup non-Linux partitions, such as NTFS. . 主页: Package: mousepad Description-md5: 564a844cb82919302c57e74a6ea93345 Description-zh_CN: 简单的为 Xfce 开发的文字处理器 Mousepad 是为Xfce提供的图形文本编辑器,基于 Leafpad 开发。 . 开发 Mousepad 的原因是为了提供 Leafpad 无法提供的打印支持。 . Although some features are under development, currently Mousepad has the following features: * Complete support for UTF-8 text * Cut/Copy/Paste and Select All text * Search and Replace * Font selection * Word Wrap * Character coding selection * Auto character coding detection (UTF-8 and some code-sets) * Manual code-set setting * Infinite Undo/Redo by word * Auto Indent * Multi-line Indent * Display line numbers * Drag and Drop * Printing Package: mozilla-plugin-pcmanx Description-md5: 7fa7d962036d8eca6113be4fe22c1ec6 Description-zh_CN: pcmanx plugin for Mozilla based browser This plugin adds support for telnet:// protocol to your Mozilla based browser. The protocol engine is done by PCManX and the output window is embedded in a webpage in the browser window. . Package: mpack Description-md5: 6101ce5c05ff67298326006e9ef48dc9 Description-zh_CN: MIME 邮件编码/解码工具 mpack 和 munpack 是 (分别) 用来编码和解码 MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) 二进制邮件格式的工具。为了兼容以前传输二进制文件的格式,munpack 程序还能解码 split-uuencoded 格式的邮件。 Package: mueller7-dict Description-md5: c25974ff368c55f4f3689b329712db17 Description-zh_CN: dict格式的英语/俄语字典 Electronic version of the English/Russian dictionary by V. K. Mueller, release 7. . This package contains the dictionary in dict format. Package: nkf Description-md5: 7f8e5c4e2e5ed23e006098ebc94be618 Description-zh_CN: 网络 Kanji 编码转换过滤器 Nkf 也是一个用于网络、主机、终端之间进行 kanji 编码转换的工具。它可以把 输入的 kanji 编码转换为 指定的 kanji 编码,比如 7 比特 JIS, MS-kanji (Shifted-JIS) 或 EUC。 Package: nvi Description-md5: d33b900d5fbc5906f27b67a2e320fec3 Description-zh_CN: 4.4BSD 中的 vi 实现版本 Vi 是原始的 Unix 系统全屏幕文本编辑器。它被认为是标准的文本编辑器, 在几乎所有 Unix 系统中,都带有 vi 编辑器。 . Nvi 试图成为一个与原始的 BSD vi 编辑器严格一致 (bug-for-bug compatible) 的克隆。所以,它没有像诸如 elvis 和 vim 等很多其它 vi 的克隆一样有很多 华丽的特性。不过,如果你想要找的就是 vi 本身,那这个正好适合你。 Package: nvi-doc Description-md5: b5f165286c8e48443b8f63413cd73777 Description-zh_CN: 4.4BSD re-implementation of vi - documentation files Vi 是原始的 Unix 系统全屏幕文本编辑器。它被认为是标准的文本编辑器, 在几乎所有 Unix 系统中,都带有 vi 编辑器。 . Nvi 试图成为一个与原始的 BSD vi 编辑器严格一致 (bug-for-bug compatible) 的克隆。所以,它没有像诸如 elvis 和 vim 等很多其它 vi 的克隆一样有很多 华丽的特性。不过,如果你想要找的就是 vi 本身,那这个正好适合你。 . This package contains the tutorials and the reference manual. Package: orage Description-md5: 28c052fed7c9a56336bef38b89e46ec7 Description-zh_CN: Xfce 桌面环境的日历 一个 Xfce4 桌面的日历,和桌面环境完美整合,高可配置,支持日期提醒。 如果您正在寻找一个优秀的图形日历,请试试本软件。数据使用 iCal 格式保存。 Package: paps Description-md5: b3ab1c5bbbb2c6fac869d09fa250be04 Description-zh_CN: 使用 Pango 进行 UTF-8 到 PostScript 的转化器 paps 读取一个 UTF-8 编码的文件,生成相应的 PostScript 语言的表示。 通过 pango ft2 后端创建大纲曲线来进行表示。 Package: pcmanx-gtk2 Description-md5: 1b54d7289759cf636e81cbd9f44be02c Description-zh_CN: <用户界面友好的telnet客户端主要定位于BBS用户> . <这个版本用纯粹的gtk2和xft开发,因此有低的依赖性.> Package: pidentd Description-md5: eb286cd1801f55f51302489bc4e5a174 Description-zh_CN: 带DES 支持的 TCP/IP INDENT 协议服务器 Identd 是实现 TCP/IP 中提出的 IDENT 用户识别协议的服务器,在 RFC 1413 文档中详细说明了该协议。 . 这个软件包创建时启用了 DES 支持。 . Homepage: Package: policycoreutils Description-md5: 3a26c6b4e8d08f34836b45466f075d3f Description-zh_CN: SELinux 核心策略工具 Security-enhanced Linux is a patch of the Linux® kernel and a number of utilities with enhanced security functionality designed to add mandatory access controls to Linux. The Security-enhanced Linux kernel contains new architectural components originally developed to improve the security of the Flask operating system. These architectural components provide general support for the enforcement of many kinds of mandatory access control policies, including those based on the concepts of Type Enforcement®, Role-based Access Control, and Multi-level Security. . 本软件包含在 SELinux 系统基本操作所要求核心策略工具。这些工具包括: load_policy 用于加载策略;setfiles 用于给文件系统加标签;newrole 用于切换角 色;run_init 用来在适当的上下文中执行 /etc/init.d 里面的脚本。 Package: postgresql-8.3-plsh Description-md5: 8758a587eece2b88b8f7c7117f0d030a Description-zh_CN: PL/sh procedural language for PostgreSQL 8.3 PL/sh enables an SQL developer to write procedural language functions for PostgreSQL 8.3 in a shell of his choice. You need this package if you have any PostgreSQL 8.3 functions that use the language plsh. . PostgreSQL是一个关系型SQL数据库管理系统。 Package: proda Description-md5: d5d2cbc991291ce127addeb2f2ed3547 Description-zh_CN: 产生蛋白质序列的多种排序 ProDA 是自动探测和排列具有任意域结构的蛋白质集合的同源区域的系统。给定一个 未排列的序列,ProDA 确认出现在一个或多个序列的所有同源区域,并输出这些区域 的本地多排序集合。 . ProDA 发表于: Phuong T.M., Do C.B., Edgar R.C., 和 Batzoglou S. Multiple alignment of protein sequences with repeats and rearrangements. Nucleic Acids Research 2006 34(20), 5932-5942. Package: psi Description-md5: 9e0b5b58cc2762ddeeabc01d270fbea5 Description-zh_CN: 使用 Qt 的 Jabber 客户端 Psi is a free instant messaging application designed for the Jabber (XMPP) IM network (including Google Talk). It has full Unicode support, and supports most important XMPP features like file transfer, group chat, encryption etc. . Psi relies on the qca2 library for its encryption features. Therefore, it's necessary to install libqca2-plugin-ossl for SSL (client-to-server) encryption and libqca2-plugin-gnupg for PGP (end-to-end) encryption. Package: quicktime-utils Description-md5: cbd5af54db23762e0fd8ed5e16b2dfd6 Description-zh_CN: library for reading and writing Quicktime files (utilities) libquicktime is a library for reading and writing QuickTime files on UNIX systems. Video CODECs supported by this library are OpenDivX, MJPA, JPEG Photo, PNG, RGB, YUV 4:2:2, and YUV 4:2:0 compression. Supported audio CODECs are Ogg Vorbis, IMA4, ulaw, and any linear PCM format. . 这个软件包包括了额外的功能。 Package: ratmenu Description-md5: 9b0f734d36305afa286fae1a2c153028 Description-zh_CN: 用于shell的X菜单 This is ratmenu, a simple program that allows you to create X menus from the shell. Although designed for ratpoison, it will work with any ICCCM compliant window manager. . It was forked from 9menu version 1.5, to provide specific support for the ratpoison window manager. Where 9menu only responds to the mouse, and ignores the keyboard, ratmenu has all mouse sensitivity taken out, and only responds to the keyboard. Since then it has evolved nifty features and behaviors of its own. The source code was also cleaned up and old cruft weeded out. Package: rdoc Description-md5: 7feb2c69b69b2ea346f714745ae9ac65 Description-zh_CN: Generate documentation from ruby source files RDoc - Documentation from Ruby Source Files * Generates structured HTML and XML documentation from Ruby source and C extensions. * Automatically extracts class, module, method, and attribute definitions. These can be annonated using inline comments. * Analyzes method visibility. * Handles aliasing. * Uses non-intrusive and implicit markup in the comments. Readers of the original source needn't know that it is marked up at all. . 本软件包是一个依赖包,依赖于 Debian 的默认 Ruby 版本 (目前是 1.8.x)。 Package: re Description-md5: 389862bba4b538010cecc811f42fe422 Description-zh_CN: 俄语无处不再 -- 俄语文本转化器 俄语无处不再是一个俄语字符解码程序,可以将俄语字符在不同的编码间转换。 其主 要目标是将损坏的俄语电子邮件信息转化为可读的格式,还可以被用来将文件在未知 编码之间进行相互转换。 Package: reportbug Description-md5: 644aa3145aef1383b0f5175d189ee539 Description-zh_CN: 报告 Debian 发行版中的 bug reportbug 工具设计的目的是让用户能更方便地报告 Debian 及其衍生发行版中的 bug。它具有以下特性: . * Integration with the mutt, af, and mh/nmh mail readers. * Access to outstanding bug reports to make it easier to identify whether problems have already been reported. * Automatic checking for newer versions of packages. * Optional automatic verification of integrity of packages via debsums. * Support for following-up on outstanding reports. * Optional PGP/GnuPG integration. . reportbug 被设计成在安装了邮件传输代理(如 exim 或 sendmail)的系统上使 用;但是您也可以修改配置文件,使用任何可用的邮件服务器来发送报告。 . 本软件包还包括用于浏览 Debian bug 跟踪系统的 "querybts" 脚本。 Package: ri Description-md5: a108977b65c60063402caed0b60052a1 Description-zh_CN: Ruby Interactive reference (ri) ri is a command line tool that displays descriptions of built-in Ruby methods, classes, and modules. For methods, it shows you the calling sequence and a description. For classes and modules, it shows a synopsis along with a list of the methods the class or module implements. . 本软件包是一个依赖包,依赖于 Debian 的默认 Ruby 版本 (目前是 1.8.x)。 Package: rpc2-tools Description-md5: 7f40de7c2199a00287742c87d8c1c93c Description-zh_CN: Remote Procedure Call implementation 2 (utilities) RPC2 is a remote procedure call library layered on top of UDP sockets and is used by the Coda distributed filesystem. . 这个软件包包括了额外的功能。 Package: ruby-elisp Description-md5: ac87fb88d4183efe0109162cb36fdf9e Description-zh_CN: Emacs-lisp ruby-mode for Ruby This package provides major-mode for editing Ruby scripts and some emacs-lisp programs for Ruby programmers. . 本软件包是一个依赖包,依赖于 Debian 的默认 Ruby 版本 (目前是 1.8.x)。 Package: rxvt Description-md5: 66a3d03c2f89b2bd7ca372d0304de2dd Description-zh_CN: VT102 terminal emulator for the X Window System Rxvt 是一个八位精简、彩色 xterm 的替代品。其占用的内存比 xterm 小得多,因为 它不支持工具包配置或者 Tek 图形,还因为它可以在编译是根据您的需要定制组件。 . The distribution also includes rclock, the smaller/better xclock replacement with appointment scheduling and xbiff functionality. Package: rxvt-beta Description-md5: f581434bb54dfa3dcd6c7c25d4250cb0 Description-zh_CN: VT102 terminal emulator for the X Window System Rxvt 是一个八位精简、彩色 xterm 的替代品。其占用的内存比 xterm 小得多,因为 它不支持工具包配置或者 Tek 图形,还因为它可以在编译是根据您的需要定制组件。 . The distribution also includes rclock, the smaller/better xclock replacement with appointment scheduling and xbiff functionality. . This package contains the developer (beta) version of rxvt. See the rxvt package for the current stable version of rxvt. Package: rxvt-ml Description-md5: a48adc44f82318b903a143c97c20e91f Description-zh_CN: 供 X 窗口系统使用的多语言 VT102 终端模拟器 Rxvt 是一个八位精简、彩色 xterm 的替代品。其占用的内存比 xterm 小得多,因为 它不支持工具包配置或者 Tek 图形,还因为它可以在编译是根据您的需要定制组件。 . 本软件包包含三个版本的 rxvt: krxvt 和 crxvt 支持中文和日文字符,grxvt支持 ELOTELOT-928 (ISO-8859-7 标准) 和翻译为希腊字符集的IBM-437键盘。 Package: rxvt-unicode Description-md5: b1bb88648ec4fc73cae36abe84faa1ac Description-zh_CN: RXVT-like terminal emulator with Unicode support rxvt-unicode 是 xterm 的现代替代品,支持通用字符集和彩色显示。传统 xterm 和许多 其他支持通用字符集的终端模拟器相比,其占用的内存少得多。 . 支持同时使用包括 Xft 字体在内的多种字体, 在使用多个窗口的时候通过客户端-服 务器技术减少内存使用。 . This package contains the program version with most commonly-used features enabled, including transparency, (16-bit) Unicode and FreeType font support. Package: rxvt-unicode-lite Description-md5: 1f6cb80ad38fead42f73caa879303803 Description-zh_CN: RXVT-like terminal emulator with basic Unicode support rxvt-unicode 是 xterm 的现代替代品,支持通用字符集和彩色显示。传统 xterm 和许多 其他支持通用字符集的终端模拟器相比,其占用的内存少得多。 . 支持同时使用包括 Xft 字体在内的多种字体, 在使用多个窗口的时候通过客户端-服 务器技术减少内存使用。 . This package contains the small version with only a few extra features and without Freetype support. Package: rxvt-unicode-ml Description-md5: fa76e9f2cc1872844e493968052dca15 Description-zh_CN: 支持 Unicode 的多语言终端模拟器,X11 下使用 rxvt-unicode 是 xterm 的现代替代品,支持通用字符集和彩色显示。传统 xterm 和许多 其他支持通用字符集的终端模拟器相比,其占用的内存少得多。 . 支持同时使用包括 Xft 字体在内的多种字体, 在使用多个窗口的时候通过客户端-服 务器技术减少内存使用。 . 本软件包配置了所有附加功能,包括附加的多语言功能 (直接支持亚洲编码和扩展通 用编码3),而且嵌入了 Perl 脚本解释器。 Package: scim-chinese Description-md5: 3725ba9b3ceda94232f73b79fa7467fe Description-zh_CN: SCIM 的智能拼音输入引擎 (过渡包) 这是一个为系统升级而制作的过渡用空包。一旦你安装了 scim-pinyin, 就可以安全 地卸载本包了。 Package: scribus-ng Description-md5: 242c3c2a3a478cc219ef363023f8ec09 Description-zh_CN: Open Source Desktop Page Layout - developmental branch . This is the developmental branch of Scribus - the open source desktop page layout program. This package is intended for tracking fast-paced development of scribus to make new features available to those who need them. . Scribus is an open source desktop page layout program with the aim of producing commercial grade output in PDF and Postscript, primarily, though not exclusively for Linux. . Scribus can be used for many tasks; from brochure design to newspapers, magazines, newsletters and posters to technical documentation. It has sophisticated page layout features like precision placing and rotating of text and/or images on a page, manual kerning of type, bezier curves polygons, precision placement of objects, layering with RGB and CMYK custom colors. The Scribus document file format is XML-based. Unlike proprietary binary file formats, even damaged documents, can be recovered with a simple text editor. . Scribus supports professional DTP features, such as CMYK color and a color management system to soft proof images for high quality color printing, flexible PDF creation options, Encapsulated PostScript import/export and creation of 4 color separations, import of EPS/PS and SVG as native vector graphics, Unicode text including right to left scripts such as Arabic and Hebrew via freetype. Graphic formats which can be placed in Scribus as images include PDF, Encapsulated Post Script (eps), TIFF, JPEG, PNG and XPixMap(xpm), and any bitmap type supported by QT3. . Printing, PDF and SVG creation are done via custom driver libraries and plug-ins, giving Scribus inventive features: the abilities to include presentation effects with PDF output, fully scriptable interactive PDF forms, SVG vector file output. The internal printer drivers fully support Level 2 and Level 3/PDF 1.4 postscript features including transparency and font embedding. . When run from KDE, Drag and Drop, for example from desktop to the canvas, is enabled. There is easy to use drag and drop scrapbook for frequently used items such as text blocks, pictures and custom shaped frames. . Homepage: Package: scribus-ng-doc Description-md5: dcac75fc0d603978ec9283e712cd5ed1 Description-zh_CN: non-free documentation for the developmental Scribus version . This is the original on-line documentation from reformatted for the Help Browser. . Homepage: Package: scribus-template Description-md5: e88a419c7c6bbfc970a7a1159c736342 Description-zh_CN: additional scribus templates . These templates are distributed in addition to the three example templates present in the main scribus package. Some of them were prepared by members of the core Scribus development team and some were contributions by the community members. . Homepage: Package: sear Description-md5: 212cf7504c08c9e8780fd0862b3b7e65 Description-zh_CN: Worldforge 游戏服务器的 3D 客户端 这是一个用 C++ 编写、使用 SDL 和 OpenGL 绘图的 3D 客户端, 目前可以在 Linux 和 Windows (通过交叉编译) 下运行, 并将连接到 Worldforge 项目的 Cyphesis 和 Stage 服务器上。 Package: skytools Description-md5: 8bc8d02e21bd9928b50e7916c3501e5c Description-zh_CN: Skype database tools - Python parts . londiste - replication pgqadm - generic event queue walmgr - failover server scripts Package: stardic Description-md5: 5f3f0843951038635c3c6c07451c7658 Description-zh_CN: Unix 下的英中辞典软件 stardic 是 Unix 下的英中辞典软件。包含单词超过50000个,其中一部分附有 国际音标。特点包括规则匹配和屏幕取词。可以使用简体中文或繁体中文的字体。 . 作者: Ma Su An Package: stardict Description-md5: 3ca3c32e07b7e9cbcb83b43b2d468720 Description-zh_CN: 国际字典 星译王是用 GTK+ 2.x 写成的跨平台、国际化的字典。具有“通配符匹配”,“扫描所选 字符”,“模糊查找”等强大功能。 Package: stardict-gnome Description-md5: af1d0223bd0fb7d3ab8b2a7921a4886a Description-zh_CN: International dictionary for GNOME 2 星译王是用 GTK+ 2.x 写成的跨平台、国际化的字典。具有“通配符匹配”,“扫描所选 字符”,“模糊查找”等强大功能。 . This package is compiled with GNOME 2 support and contains only the program of stardict and will be of limited use without the dictionary files. For more information about how to get the dictionary files, please read /usr/share/doc/stardict/README.Debian. Package: stardict-gtk Description-md5: b29fc75119b309e5bbeb9f6186a207e3 Description-zh_CN: International dictionary written in GTK+ 2.x 星译王是用 GTK+ 2.x 写成的跨平台、国际化的字典。具有“通配符匹配”,“扫描所选 字符”,“模糊查找”等强大功能。 . This package is compiled without GNOME 2 support and contains only the program of stardict and will be of limited use without the dictionary files. For more information about how to get the dictionary files, please read /usr/share/doc/stardict/README.Debian. Package: swath Description-md5: cc8172e68f3a82c310d1f7330de223ee Description-zh_CN: 泰语文字拆分程序 swath 是泰语通用工具,可以分析单词边界并插入提前定义的单词定界码。可作为泰 语 LaTeX 文件的过滤器,保证用泰语宏的时候文字行被正确的分割。此外 swath 还 可以处理 HTML、RTF和纯文本文件。 Package: swfdec-mozilla Description-md5: 09dbddc63012f2b84db3308a6e2953ad Description-zh_CN: SWF 文件 (Macromedia Flash) 的 Mozilla 插件 A GTK+ and swfdec based Mozilla plugin for SWF files, commonly known as Macromedia Flash animations. Package: swig-examples Description-md5: 3ab5c9257106ba955b283c3165f0b8c9 Description-zh_CN: SWIG 应用程序示例 本软件包包含了一个将 C 代码嵌入脚本语言之中的包装接口生成器 --- SWIG 的 示例。 Package: swig1.3-examples Description-md5: d4a47a6e841873d29a127efd4284c089 Description-zh_CN: SWIG 应用程序示例 Contains examples for applications of SWIG. These examples are for the 1.3 release. . This is a dependency package for the real swig-examples package. Package: t1-teams Description-md5: c49109f275ea6fb868d7ec6974978027 Description-zh_CN: Teams -- 一个PostScript字体包含ASCII和基本西里尔字符 这是一个Type1字体系列(包含标准,粗体,斜体,粗斜体样式),由保加利亚 出版社TopTeam公司开发。他们用它来发行他们的报纸和杂志。 . 这些字体仅包含英语拉丁字母和保加利亚语以及俄语西里尔字符。 Package: tcsh Description-md5: 076ecaac273ce329ed97e7c0b4030a3c Description-zh_CN: TENEX C Shell,增强版本的 Berkeley csh TENEX C Shell 是一个增强版本的 Berkeley Unix C shell.它提供 4.4BSD C shell 的所有功能.外加一个命令行编辑器,可编程的单词补全功能,拼写校正以及更多其他功能.可在 找到 tcsh 的主页. . 主页: Package: texlive-latex3 Description-md5: 4f9839cfc9f9de888a22dff60b7fae8f Description-zh_CN: TeX Live: LaTeX3 packages . This package includes the following CTAN packages: galley -- The galley package. template -- The template package. xinitials -- The xinitials package. xor -- The xor package. xparse -- The xparse package. xtab -- Break tables across pages. xtcapts -- Defining language-dependent text macros. xtheorem -- The xtheorem package. Package: thttpd Description-md5: 849960d57d0e373207a581d7b9799bf6 Description-zh_CN: 一种微型高效的HTTP服务程序 thttpd是一种小型、高速并且安全的网页服务程序。它支持CGI,能依据URL流量调节限速,并且允许基本的论证。 thttpd只需要非常少量的内存,它仅在运行外部CGI脚本时才申请额外的内存。其设计目标是成为一个高速,全能的网页服务程序,并能在重负担的情况下表现出极度优秀的性能。 . 本软件包包含thttpd服务程序。如果需要thttpd的辅助程序,请查阅thttpd-util软件包。 Package: thttpd-util Description-md5: 54009bbd66fe7690c9c4e173dd087f64 Description-zh_CN: tiny/turbo/throttling HTTP server (utilities) thttpd是一种小型、高速并且安全的网页服务程序。它支持CGI,能依据URL流量调节限速,并且允许基本的论证。 thttpd只需要非常少量的内存,它仅在运行外部CGI脚本时才申请额外的内存。其设计目标是成为一个高速,全能的网页服务程序,并能在重负担的情况下表现出极度优秀的性能。 . This package contains various support utilities for thttpd web-server. Package: tpconfig Description-md5: bc9efbe53745a3035a82802f9edb7e22 Description-zh_CN: 配置触摸板设备 该程序可以显示及修改几种触摸板的配置,包括 Synaptics 触摸板以及 ALPS Glidepad/Stickpointer。 Package: tshark Description-md5: b647dcf1d96b5be2595a200b8e74d413 Description-zh_CN: network traffic analyzer (console) Wireshark 是一个用于 Unix 和 类Unix 操作系统的网络通信分析器,或曰“嗅探器”。 嗅探器是一种网络包捕捉工具。Wireshark 能够解码许多通信协议(太多,请恕不一一列举)。 . This package provides the console version of wireshark, named "tshark". Package: ttf-arhangai Description-md5: 3cd2f407630aedb89577d59cb5673f2a Description-zh_CN: 包含蒙古语西里尔字母的TrueType字体 Arhangai是一个Sans Serif字体。它没有斜体和粗体变体。它支持蒙古语 西里尔字母表但是也可以用于所有字母表是蒙古语字母表子集的语言(特 别是保加利亚语和俄语)。它对于ASCII语言如英语也是有用的。 . 请注意,这个字体在Latin1字符的位置包含了蒙古语字符。如果你需要非 ASCII拉丁语字符请不要使用这个字体。 Package: ttf-bpg-georgian-fonts Description-md5: 6dce9d874f0bc95b278c5b1d9f5c19a8 Description-zh_CN: BPG格鲁吉亚文字 一个包含三种格鲁吉亚字体的集合,由BPG-InfoTech提供。 Package: ttf-mona Description-md5: a1f783c894d86a313c8cb25312b10c43 Description-zh_CN: Japanese TrueType font for 2ch ASCII art 这些字体适合一些ASCII艺术如mona,gikoneko等。 Package: ttf2pt1 Description-md5: 27b3578756bcf6efc9463a23fa051944 Description-zh_CN: TrueType 到 PostScript 类型1 的字体转换器 ttf2pt1 是一个从 TrueType 格式(以及其他 FreeType 库支持的格式)到 Adobe 类型1 字体的转换器。 尽管 XFree86 现在已经直接支持 TrueTpye,本程序还有其他用途, 例如使 TeX 能够使用 TrueType 字体。 Package: ttf2pt1-chinese Description-md5: 7214b0befee75d41d376615a7fabfb55 Description-zh_CN: Chinese fonts encoding maps for ttf2pt1 This package contains the encoding maps needed by ttf2pt1 to convert Chinese TrueType fonts (Big5, Big5+, GB2312, GBK) to PostScript format for use with CJK for LaTeX and with GhostScript. . 主页: Package: twm Description-md5: 68a4936c620d35f590b904c66528006f Description-zh_CN: Tab 窗口管理器 twm 是用于 X 窗口系统的窗口管理器。提供标题栏、窗口轮廓、不同形式的图标管 理、用户定义宏函数点击和指针驱动的键盘焦点,用户可以指定键和光标按钮的绑定。 Package: uim Description-md5: 20ef484306a7f9d0b4dd2856f1fd5022 Description-zh_CN: 简单灵活的输入法集合和函数库 uim 是一个输入法模块,支持许多语言,是 Anthy,SKK,Canna,T-Code,TUT-Code, Pinyin(中文输入法),Hangul(韩文输入法), IPA(国际音标)等的前端。大部分的函数 都经过规划,所以简单而灵活。 . 本软件包是为新手提供的傻瓜包,可以安全的升级或删除。但本软件包不依赖于日文 插件软件包,因为 uim 并不是专为日语准备的。 如果希望使用日语输入法,需要安装如下软件包中的一个: . uim-anthy: Anthy 的 uim 插件 uim-canna: Canna 的 uim 插件 uim-prime: PRIME 的 uim 插件 uim-skk: SKK 的 uim 插件 Package: uim-anthy Description-md5: 6599d4a6cfa7514c6fadfdb93ed4fb16 Description-zh_CN: Anthy plugin for uim uim 是一个输入法模块,支持许多语言,是 Anthy,SKK,Canna,T-Code,TUT-Code, Pinyin(中文输入法),Hangul(韩文输入法), IPA(国际音标)等的前端。大部分的功能 都由 Scheme 实现,所以简单而灵活。 . This package contains Anthy plugin for uim. Package: uim-applet-gnome Description-md5: d9871f9a81df95594914f8507f294907 Description-zh_CN: GNOME applet for uim uim 是一个输入法模块,支持许多语言,是 Anthy,SKK,Canna,T-Code,TUT-Code, Pinyin(中文输入法),Hangul(韩文输入法), IPA(国际音标)等的前端。大部分的功能 都由 Scheme 实现,所以简单而灵活。 . This package contains an GNOME applet which works as a monitor for conversion mode, configuring uim and so on. Package: uim-applet-kde Description-md5: fd154e08485e7db333d1bf95846bd830 Description-zh_CN: KDE applet for uim uim 是一个输入法模块,支持许多语言,是 Anthy,SKK,Canna,T-Code,TUT-Code, Pinyin(中文输入法),Hangul(韩文输入法), IPA(国际音标)等的前端。大部分的功能 都由 Scheme 实现,所以简单而灵活。 . This package contains an KDE applet which works as a monitor for conversion mode, configuring uim and so on. Package: uim-byeoru Description-md5: 3314ff4bcab2268d17d8f58156784a06 Description-zh_CN: The Byeoru Hangul input suite for uim uim 是一个输入法模块,支持许多语言,是 Anthy,SKK,Canna,T-Code,TUT-Code, Pinyin(中文输入法),Hangul(韩文输入法), IPA(国际音标)等的前端。大部分的功能 都由 Scheme 实现,所以简单而灵活。 . This package contains "the Byeoru Hangul input suite" for uim. Package: uim-canna Description-md5: 1c1dcf26cfd38566db6ca3e99cd039b6 Description-zh_CN: Canna plugin for uim uim 是一个输入法模块,支持许多语言,是 Anthy,SKK,Canna,T-Code,TUT-Code, Pinyin(中文输入法),Hangul(韩文输入法), IPA(国际音标)等的前端。大部分的功能 都由 Scheme 实现,所以简单而灵活。 . This package contains Canna plugin for uim. Package: uim-common Description-md5: 109cf968ddc5acb13bdee6a74f6ae530 Description-zh_CN: Common files for uim uim 是一个输入法模块,支持许多语言,是 Anthy,SKK,Canna,T-Code,TUT-Code, Pinyin(中文输入法),Hangul(韩文输入法), IPA(国际音标)等的前端。大部分的功能 都由 Scheme 实现,所以简单而灵活。 . This package contains a common files for uim packages. Package: uim-el Description-md5: ac965f3c15e4887209de872036d96b0e Description-zh_CN: Emacs frontend for uim uim 是一个输入法模块,支持许多语言,是 Anthy,SKK,Canna,T-Code,TUT-Code, Pinyin(中文输入法),Hangul(韩文输入法), IPA(国际音标)等的前端。大部分的功能 都由 Scheme 实现,所以简单而灵活。 . This package contains emacs frontend for uim. Package: uim-fep Description-md5: 6f539bfa9f411c6d52b1df8a4f6b4659 Description-zh_CN: uim Front End Processor uim 是一个输入法模块,支持许多语言,是 Anthy,SKK,Canna,T-Code,TUT-Code, Pinyin(中文输入法),Hangul(韩文输入法), IPA(国际音标)等的前端。大部分的功能 都由 Scheme 实现,所以简单而灵活。 . This package is a FEP (Front End Processer) on curses. Package: uim-gtk2.0 Description-md5: c39058244a590686d8cc3dc449f7f495 Description-zh_CN: GTK+2.x immodule for uim uim 是一个输入法模块,支持许多语言,是 Anthy,SKK,Canna,T-Code,TUT-Code, Pinyin(中文输入法),Hangul(韩文输入法), IPA(国际音标)等的前端。大部分的功能 都由 Scheme 实现,所以简单而灵活。 . This package contains a input method module on GTK+2.0. Package: uim-hangul Description-md5: 2d1b6e0b3552c02334a7fd360fcfd4dd Description-zh_CN: Hangul input style(2-beol, 3-beol and Romaja) for uim uim 是一个输入法模块,支持许多语言,是 Anthy,SKK,Canna,T-Code,TUT-Code, Pinyin(中文输入法),Hangul(韩文输入法), IPA(国际音标)等的前端。大部分的功能 都由 Scheme 实现,所以简单而灵活。 . This package contains 2-beol style, 3-beol style and Romaja input style hangul input method for uim. Package: uim-ipa-x-sampa Description-md5: c2a4c12017d469c0cd8fa3a196b427d4 Description-zh_CN: International Phonetic Alphabet (X-SAMPA) input style for uim uim 是一个输入法模块,支持许多语言,是 Anthy,SKK,Canna,T-Code,TUT-Code, Pinyin(中文输入法),Hangul(韩文输入法), IPA(国际音标)等的前端。大部分的功能 都由 Scheme 实现,所以简单而灵活。 . This package contains International Phonetic Alphabet (X-SAMPA) input style for uim. Package: uim-latin Description-md5: 0704a5352901df644d333737700627d6 Description-zh_CN: Latin and Germanic languages input style for uim uim 是一个输入法模块,支持许多语言,是 Anthy,SKK,Canna,T-Code,TUT-Code, Pinyin(中文输入法),Hangul(韩文输入法), IPA(国际音标)等的前端。大部分的功能 都由 Scheme 实现,所以简单而灵活。 . This package contains Latin and Germanic languages input style for uim. Package: uim-m17nlib Description-md5: 4a79a20fa92d2c27dc0ec2fb393898e2 Description-zh_CN: m17nlib plugin for uim uim 是一个输入法模块,支持许多语言,是 Anthy,SKK,Canna,T-Code,TUT-Code, Pinyin(中文输入法),Hangul(韩文输入法), IPA(国际音标)等的前端。大部分的功能 都由 Scheme 实现,所以简单而灵活。 . This package contains m17nlib plugin for uim. Package: uim-pinyin Description-md5: cbeef04fb164e1421acf48d4fb86ddfa Description-zh_CN: Pinyin input method for uim uim 是一个输入法模块,支持许多语言,是 Anthy,SKK,Canna,T-Code,TUT-Code, Pinyin(中文输入法),Hangul(韩文输入法), IPA(国际音标)等的前端。大部分的功能 都由 Scheme 实现,所以简单而灵活。 . This package contains Pinyin input method(Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and Unicode) for uim. Package: uim-prime Description-md5: 2ed412e3977b88a9f99a294003cac779 Description-zh_CN: PRIME plugin for uim uim 是一个输入法模块,支持许多语言,是 Anthy,SKK,Canna,T-Code,TUT-Code, Pinyin(中文输入法),Hangul(韩文输入法), IPA(国际音标)等的前端。大部分的功能 都由 Scheme 实现,所以简单而灵活。 . This package contains PRIME plugin for uim. Package: uim-qt Description-md5: f9e599dac8ca5080ddfba436eb604473 Description-zh_CN: Qt 4.x immodule for uim uim 是一个输入法模块,支持许多语言,是 Anthy,SKK,Canna,T-Code,TUT-Code, Pinyin(中文输入法),Hangul(韩文输入法), IPA(国际音标)等的前端。大部分的功能 都由 Scheme 实现,所以简单而灵活。 . This package contains only utilities which build againt libqt4. A input method module on Qt 4.x, which is newly implemented from immodule for Qt does not contain in this package for now. Package: uim-qt3 Description-md5: ad02333d59f6f8a19edc852b2c21ea1a Description-zh_CN: Qt 3.x immodule for uim uim 是一个输入法模块,支持许多语言,是 Anthy,SKK,Canna,T-Code,TUT-Code, Pinyin(中文输入法),Hangul(韩文输入法), IPA(国际音标)等的前端。大部分的功能 都由 Scheme 实现,所以简单而灵活。 . This package contains only utilities which build againt libqt3. Package: uim-skk Description-md5: 32e85080e5ee0a479a7ce1b7f2dc74c2 Description-zh_CN: SKK plugin for uim uim 是一个输入法模块,支持许多语言,是 Anthy,SKK,Canna,T-Code,TUT-Code, Pinyin(中文输入法),Hangul(韩文输入法), IPA(国际音标)等的前端。大部分的功能 都由 Scheme 实现,所以简单而灵活。 . This package contains SKK plugin for uim. Package: uim-tcode Description-md5: 61efe7355df317bd586b1c2d512e7e80 Description-zh_CN: T-Code input style for uim uim 是一个输入法模块,支持许多语言,是 Anthy,SKK,Canna,T-Code,TUT-Code, Pinyin(中文输入法),Hangul(韩文输入法), IPA(国际音标)等的前端。大部分的功能 都由 Scheme 实现,所以简单而灵活。 . This package contains T-Code/TUT-Code/Try-Code input style for uim. Package: uim-utils Description-md5: 2e5eb50cca6caba8131dbceae81a0c4f Description-zh_CN: uim 工具 uim 是一个输入法模块,支持许多语言,是 Anthy,SKK,Canna,T-Code,TUT-Code, Pinyin(中文输入法),Hangul(韩文输入法), IPA(国际音标)等的前端。大部分的功能 都由 Scheme 实现,所以简单而灵活。 . 这个包包含处理脚本,IPC 服务器及其它。 Package: uim-viqr Description-md5: 095d8d13e913bfc249de11318c0f735f Description-zh_CN: Vietnamese Quoted-Readable input style for uim uim 是一个输入法模块,支持许多语言,是 Anthy,SKK,Canna,T-Code,TUT-Code, Pinyin(中文输入法),Hangul(韩文输入法), IPA(国际音标)等的前端。大部分的功能 都由 Scheme 实现,所以简单而灵活。 . This package contains Vietnamese Quoted-Readable input style for uim. Package: uim-xim Description-md5: 7c44405e62e4f96eabdefc2d444f2d0d Description-zh_CN: A bridge between uim and XIM uim 是一个输入法模块,支持许多语言,是 Anthy,SKK,Canna,T-Code,TUT-Code, Pinyin(中文输入法),Hangul(韩文输入法), IPA(国际音标)等的前端。大部分的功能 都由 Scheme 实现,所以简单而灵活。 . This package contains a uim-XIM bridge. Package: upslug2 Description-md5: 04eff832a7deac2a546378d825acb48c Description-zh_CN: utility to upgrade the firmware of a Linksys NSLU2 via the network upslug2 is a command line program intended to allow the upgrade of a Linksys NSLU2 (Network Storage Link for USB 2.0 Disk Drives) firmware to new or different versions. When a NSLU2 in the local network is put in upgrade mode, upslug2 can connect to it and upload a new firmware. . upslug2 接受完整的固件镜像,它也可以在保持内核,内存模拟磁盘和根文件系统不变的情况下从单 独的文件升级闪存。在升级过程中 upslug2 提供状态信息,在升级完成后它会校验写入的镜像。 Package: uw-imapd Description-md5: f03a450013f7900ad77839f002bff52d Description-zh_CN: remote mail folder access server using IMAP4rev1 IMAP (因特网信息访问协议)是一种访问保存在邮件服务器(可能是共享的)上电子信 息的方式。 . The UW (University of Washington) IMAP toolkit provides the c-client mail-handling library supporting various network transport methods, file system storage formats, and authentication and authorization methods. . 该软件包包括 imapd,这是一个使用 c-client 库的 IMAP4rev1 服务器调试程序 Package: uw-mailutils Description-md5: 45e2e7554cd7cf146c8c6e3357a99140 Description-zh_CN: c-client support programs IMAP (因特网信息访问协议)是一种访问保存在邮件服务器(可能是共享的)上电子信 息的方式。 . The UW (University of Washington) IMAP toolkit provides the c-client mail-handling library supporting various network transport methods, file system storage formats, and authentication and authorization methods. . This package contains helper tools for the libc-client library: - mailutil: utility program which helps manage email mailboxes (both local and IMAP/POP3/NNTP); - dmail: MDA (Mail Delivery Agent) for use with procmail; - tmail: MDA for use with the system mailer (such as Sendmail or Postfix). Package: velocity Description-md5: 7de85d6527e36950dc1e78317cd8fc37 Description-zh_CN: 基于 Java 的 web 应用模板引擎 Velocity 是一个基于 Java 的模板引擎。它允许任何人使用简单而强大的模板 语言来引用 Java 代码中定义的对象。 当 Velocity 被用于 web 开发时, Web 设计者可以使用 MVC 设计模式并行开发 网站, 也就是说, 网页设计者可以仅仅关注网页外观, 制作漂亮的网站, 而程序 员则可以仅仅书写优秀的代码。Velocity 将 Java 代码和网页分开, 使得网站 更加易于长期运转和维护, 提供了一种 JSP 或 PHP 的不同的替代方案。 Package: vrweb Description-md5: 2c4d35f5fc1488c9ec7103b1afe314d9 Description-zh_CN: 一种VRML浏览器和编辑器 VRweb是一种VRML 1浏览器,您可以用它浏览虚拟世界(WRL)。 . 由于开发出了一种名为VRwave的Java版替代程序,VRweb已经不再被支持了。然而,由于目前在自由版本的Java实现中对图形用户界面(GUI)的支持尚不完善,建议您暂且继续使用VRweb Package: weex Description-md5: 0384f5da288b8fe975836b5c6092890b Description-zh_CN: 用于升级网页的非交互 FTP 客户端 weex 是远程自动维护网页或 FTP 档案的实用工具。通过 weex,那些必须通过 FTP 交互才能进行网页或档案进行管理的维护者基本可以省略这个过程。 档案管理者只需要简单的建立一个本地目录,作为外部数据的精确模型。所有修改和 直接交互都通过对本地目录结构的修改完成。当管理员希望将远程数据和本地模型数 据进行同步的时候,只需要执行 weex ,就可以用最节省带宽的方式完成。因为只 传输需要升级的文件。本程序将创建或删除(!)必要的文件和目录,使远程服务器上 的文件和本地模型完全相同。 Package: wesnoth-music Description-md5: 1636c5f67bc0d5f52a4c03a742e62a19 Description-zh_CN: Wesnoth 的音乐文件 This package contains the music files for Wesnoth. It is not required but gives nice background music and encouraged. . Battle for control of villages, using variety of units which have advantages and disadvantages in different types of terrains and against different types of attacks. Units gain experience and advance levels, and are carried over from one scenario to the next in a campaign. Package: wims Description-md5: 02599d9ddcd6e54e2b930a40e8bacc0e Description-zh_CN: WWW 交互式数学服务器 一个教学应用服务器。提供了一个基于 web 的访问界面,允许任何可以显示 HTML 的主机访问。 . Wims 是很多独立的应用程序调用模块的引擎、胶水。 Package: wireshark Description-md5: 517779263d9e5653935ee64fc78cc084 Description-zh_CN: 网络通信分析器 Wireshark 是一个用于 Unix 和 类Unix 操作系统的网络通信分析器,或曰“嗅探器”。 嗅探器是一种网络包捕捉工具。Wireshark 能够解码许多通信协议(太多,请恕不一一列举)。 . 本软件包提供 GTK+ 版本的 wireshark。 Package: wireshark-common Description-md5: 5e93bc4fb5021b913ce77bd048cae3be Description-zh_CN: network traffic analyser (common files) Wireshark 是一个用于 Unix 和 类Unix 操作系统的网络通信分析器,或曰“嗅探器”。 嗅探器是一种网络包捕捉工具。Wireshark 能够解码许多通信协议(太多,请恕不一一列举)。 . This package provides files common to both wireshark (the GTK+ version) and tshark (the console version). Package: wireshark-dev Description-md5: 49df06d44e130bef20f35a79c911c5b6 Description-zh_CN: network traffic analyser (development tools) Wireshark 是一个用于 Unix 和 类Unix 操作系统的网络通信分析器,或曰“嗅探器”。 嗅探器是一种网络包捕捉工具。Wireshark 能够解码许多通信协议(太多,请恕不一一列举)。 . This package provides idl2wrs and other necessary files to develop new packet dissectors. Package: worlded Description-md5: 740d986168a75431316c79e265ab887d Description-zh_CN: world editor for Arkrpg Arkrpg 是一个强大而灵活的框架,不需要写一行 C++ 代码,用户就可以用它创建 (网络或单用户模式的)角色扮演类游戏。用户所需要做的只是用 Lua 语言创建游戏 数据(模型、组织、世界),并定义 NPC 们的行为。这个框架包含了完善的户外 3D 引擎,支持骨骼动画和三点精度的碰撞检测,也包含创建世界和任务的工具,以及最 常见的低多边形 3D 格式的载入程序。 . Worlded is a tool designed to create worlds for games using the Arkrpg roleplaying kernel. It is possible to build a game environment by using externaly defined 3D objects, like a house, and placing them on a 3D view. Ground properties can be set up, and you can move into your world to test it during the creation. Package: x2vnc Description-md5: b1e570efe49871c19a2e352cc2274d7b Description-zh_CN: 一个双屏程序──将微软Windows和X视窗连接起来 本程序将x2x和vncviewer的功能合二为一,它可以将一台运行X视窗的电脑和一台运行VNC服务端的电脑连接起来,仿佛把两者的显示器接到了同一台电脑上。当您把鼠标按照预先选定的方向移动到屏幕之外时,鼠标指针将在另一个屏幕上出现。 Package: xcin Description-md5: 1416bc5251a9efe379973df571e71d3d Description-zh_CN: X11中的中文输入服务器 本软件包包括XCIN中文输入服务器,用于X Window系统中的中文Rxvt(在rxvt-ml 软件包中提供)。它同时支持Big5(繁体中文)和BG(简体中文)字符集。 . 当前,Debian的xcin软件包使用12x24,taipei24 (zh_TW.Big5)和hanzigb24st (zh_CN.GB2312)字体,虽然也可以使用其他字体。 . 这里也有对新的zh_CN.GBK和zh_HK.Big5-HKSCS locales的有限支持。将来Debian 中将会有更多的字体和输入法。 . Authors: Edward Der-Hua Liu, Taiwan Suei-Jeng Wang Tung-Han Hsieh Package: xfce4 Description-md5: d860d94901ac50336ad5fbd61942e56f Description-zh_CN: Xfce 轻量级桌面环境的元软件包 Xfce 是一个轻量级桌面环境,用于unix系列的系统。目标是成为轻量级、速度快、外 观漂亮、简单易用的桌面。为了提高工作效率,启动和执行程序都很快,而且占用的系 统资源很少。 . 这是一个元软件包,依赖于 Xfce4 桌面环境的核心软件包,并推荐了一些额外的软件包。 如果希望使用 Xfce4 并进行全面的体验,请安装本软件包及其推荐的软件包。如果您 希望自己选择安装那些核心组件,可以删除本软件包。 Package: xfce4-terminal Description-md5: cb8a4012e2faea1249a302693d63f150 Description-zh_CN: Xfce 终端模拟器 本软件包包含 Terminal,一个用于 X11 的轻量、易用的终端模拟器。设计为与 Xfce 桌面环境完全整合,但同样适合其他环境。 . 如果您已经了解 GNOME 2 终端,并且正在寻找轻量级的兼容替代品,Terminal 就是 答案。 Package: xfe Description-md5: 7d7e9b52ff72257a4a0625deb2806db4 Description-zh_CN: 轻量级 X11 文件管理器 Xfe 基于已经停止开发的流行的文件管理器 X Win Commander。它合桌面环境无关, 是使用 C++ Fox 工具集编写的。它具有 Winows Commander 或 MS-Explorer 的外观 而且简单而快速。Xfe 的主要特性包括: 文件关联、加载/卸载设备、用于快速切换 目录的目录树、改变文件属性、自动保存注册表、压缩文件阅读/制作/解包等等。它 还包含一个图形化文件查看器 (xfileview), 一个 rpm 包管理器 (xfilequery) 和一个 简单的图像查看器 (xfileimage)。 Package: xfmedia Description-md5: 948feff85841bf676ac51a0a07700e19 Description-zh_CN: Xfce 多媒体播放器 Xfmedia 是 Xfce 桌面环境下使用的轻量级媒体播放器。 . 基于 Gtk+ 和 Xine,可以播放音频和视频。 Package: xfonts-a12k12 Description-md5: b89f6723cedbfa4030d4e9e2fff10fdb Description-zh_CN: X 的12点 Kanji 和 ASCII 字体 This package provides 12-dot fonts for Japanese (ASCII and Kana/Kanji). It provides: - a12: 12-dot ASCII fonts - k12: 12-dot Kanji fonts Package: xfonts-ayu Description-md5: 6006b27c7f71f2ef142c781c62fbfb02 Description-zh_CN: X11 的哥特体 18/20 点日文和 ISO-8859-1 的点阵字体 该软件包包含针对 X Window System 的日文(jisx0208.1990,jisx0201.1976)和 ISO-8859-1 的点阵字体,它们是:18点的哥特体 Ayu,20点的哥特体 Ayu 和18x18点的 Ayu mincho 字体。 Package: xfonts-baekmuk Description-md5: 607ef2de70ef7de40b1acb3673bcf284 Description-zh_CN: 供X使用的BAEKMUK朝鲜语字体 这个软件包含有4个75 dpi,可变大小的朝鲜语字体族。 Package: xfonts-bolkhov-75dpi Description-md5: 7e58e49050f6ae75e912ec63afce4601 Description-zh_CN: 供X使用的75 dpi、Unicode的斯拉夫字体(Cyr-RFX集) 这个软件包提供了一组基于75像素每英寸的位图化的斯拉夫字体。它们是Unicode (ISO10646-1)字体。 在大多数的情况下需要安装X字体服务器(xfs)和/或X server以便让这些字体对于 X clients可使用。 . 这个软件包里的字体并不是为大的显示器或者高屏幕分辨率(超过1024x768)而设计 的。你可以在软件包xfonts-cronyx-100dpi里找到大字体。 . 这些字体来自于最重要的75 dpi X-Window字体的修改(主要是添加了斯拉夫字体)。 . 上游来源作者: Dmitry Bolkhovityanov Package: xfonts-bolkhov-cp1251-75dpi Description-md5: 1006dae6d03a04023d1d8bc93f875871 Description-zh_CN: 75 dpi CP1251 encoded Cyrillic fonts for X (Cyr-RFX collection) This package provides a set of bitmapped Cyrillic fonts at 75 dots per inch. These are CP1251 (microsoft-cp1251) fonts. In most cases it is desirable to have the X font server (xfs) and/or an X server installed to make the fonts available to X clients. . The fonts from this package are not designed for big monitors and/or large screen resolutions (over 1024x768). You can find big fonts in the package xfonts-cronyx-cp1251-100dpi. . 这些字体来自于最重要的75 dpi X-Window字体的修改(主要是添加了斯拉夫字体)。 . 上游来源作者: Dmitry Bolkhovityanov Package: xfonts-bolkhov-cp1251-misc Description-md5: c7b187be752bb7c74f93a1a68f142de8 Description-zh_CN: 用于X的字符单元CP1251编码的西里尔字体 本软件包提供一个字符单元低分辨率西里尔字体的标准集合。它们是CP1251 (microsoft-cp1251)字体。在多数情况下值得安装X字体服务器(xfs)和/或一 个X服务器以使字体可用于X客户端。 . 本字体是从misc/来的标准X-Window字体的修改版本(主要添加了西里尔字符)。 上游作者: Dmitry Bolkhovityanov Package: xfonts-bolkhov-isocyr-75dpi Description-md5: 255fd4194d3a85e1154353446267b11e Description-zh_CN: 75 dpi ISO 8859-5 encoded Cyrillic fonts for X (Cyr-RFX collection) This package provides a set of bitmapped Cyrillic fonts at 75 dots per inch. These are ISO 8859-5 fonts. In most cases it is desirable to have the X font server (xfs) and/or an X server installed to make the fonts available to X clients. . The fonts from this package are not designed for big monitors and/or large screen resolutions (over 1024x768). You can find big fonts in the package xfonts-cronyx-isocyr-100dpi. . 这些字体来自于最重要的75 dpi X-Window字体的修改(主要是添加了斯拉夫字体)。 . 上游来源作者: Dmitry Bolkhovityanov Package: xfonts-bolkhov-isocyr-misc Description-md5: 3a2d60e35d1152dea7e76c6eb673c70c Description-zh_CN: Character-cell ISO-8859-5 encoded Cyrillic fonts for X (Cyr-RFX collection) This package provides a standard set of character-cell low-resolution Cyrillic fonts. These are ISO-8859-5 fonts. In most cases it is desirable to have the X font server (xfs) and/or an X server installed to make the fonts available to X clients. . 本字体是从misc/来的标准X-Window字体的修改版本(主要添加了西里尔字符)。 上游作者: Dmitry Bolkhovityanov Package: xfonts-bolkhov-koi8r-75dpi Description-md5: a917b3fa93946e836e4210b6ee01953c Description-zh_CN: 75 dpi KOI8-R encoded Cyrillic fonts for X (Cyr-RFX collection) This package provides a set of bitmapped Cyrillic fonts at 75 dots per inch. These are KOI8-R fonts. In most cases it is desirable to have the X font server (xfs) and/or an X server installed to make the fonts available to X clients. . The fonts from this package are not designed for big monitors and/or large screen resolutions (over 1024x768). You can find big fonts in the package xfonts-cronyx-koi8r-100dpi. . 这些字体来自于最重要的75 dpi X-Window字体的修改(主要是添加了斯拉夫字体)。 . 上游来源作者: Dmitry Bolkhovityanov Package: xfonts-bolkhov-koi8r-misc Description-md5: 29c836829b2fb21a2fb74b72aa6668f4 Description-zh_CN: Character-cell KOI8-R encoded Cyrillic fonts for X (Cyr-RFX collection) This package provides a standard set of character-cell low-resolution Cyrillic fonts. These are KOI8-R fonts. In most cases it is desirable to have the X font server (xfs) and/or an X server installed to make the fonts available to X clients. . 本字体是从misc/来的标准X-Window字体的修改版本(主要添加了西里尔字符)。 上游作者: Dmitry Bolkhovityanov Package: xfonts-bolkhov-koi8u-75dpi Description-md5: de622effb0735cf94fe0b1aca26cd16e Description-zh_CN: 75 dpi KOI8-U encoded Cyrillic fonts for X (Cyr-RFX collection) This package provides a set of bitmapped Cyrillic fonts at 75 dots per inch. These are KOI8-U fonts. In most cases it is desirable to have the X font server (xfs) and/or an X server installed to make the fonts available to X clients. . The fonts from this package are not designed for big monitors and/or large screen resolutions (over 1024x768). You can find big fonts in the package xfonts-cronyx-koi8u-100dpi. . 这些字体来自于最重要的75 dpi X-Window字体的修改(主要是添加了斯拉夫字体)。 . 上游来源作者: Dmitry Bolkhovityanov Package: xfonts-bolkhov-koi8u-misc Description-md5: a7057872b25ee6feae781b38ec5666aa Description-zh_CN: Character-cell KOI8-U encoded Cyrillic fonts for X (Cyr-RFX collection) This package provides a standard set of character-cell low-resolution Cyrillic fonts. These are KOI8-U fonts. In most cases it is desirable to have the X font server (xfs) and/or an X server installed to make the fonts available to X clients. . 本字体是从misc/来的标准X-Window字体的修改版本(主要添加了西里尔字符)。 上游作者: Dmitry Bolkhovityanov Package: xfonts-bolkhov-misc Description-md5: 40b5f487a72fd2655ad1e65b457a676f Description-zh_CN: Character-cell Unicode Cyrillic fonts for X (Cyr-RFX collection) This package provides a standard set of character-cell low-resolution Cyrillic fonts. These are Unicode (ISO10646-1) fonts. In most cases it is desirable to have the X font server (xfs) and/or an X server installed to make the fonts available to X clients. . 本字体是从misc/来的标准X-Window字体的修改版本(主要添加了西里尔字符)。 上游作者: Dmitry Bolkhovityanov Package: xfonts-cronyx-100dpi Description-md5: bb1b56684f62f685e480e11229768a17 Description-zh_CN: 用于X的100 dpi Unicode西里尔字体(Cronyx集) 本软件包提供一个100点每英寸(dots per inch)位图化的西里尔字体集合。 这些是Unicode (ISO10646-1)字体并且支持当前所有斯拉夫西里尔文字包括 一些俄罗斯革命前的文字。多数情况下会希望安装X字体服务器(xfs)和/或 一个X服务器以使这些字体可用于X客户端。 . 这个软件包和xfonts-cronyx-75dpi提供相同的字体集合,采用不同的分辨率 显示,但两者可以同时安装。xfonts-cronyx-100dpi可能更适合大显示器 和/或高屏幕分辨率(大于1024x768)。 . 本软件包的上游源代码是Serge Winitzki的软件包Xcyr。Xcyr演变自Andrey Chernov的软件包Xrus-2.3。 Package: xfonts-cronyx-75dpi Description-md5: 010992959f5525084a35a60a5f394d97 Description-zh_CN: 75 dpi Unicode Cyrillic fonts for X (Cronyx collection) This package provides a set of bitmapped Cyrillic fonts at 75 dots per inch. These are Unicode (ISO10646-1) fonts and support all current slavic Cyrillic letters as well as some Russian prerevolutionary letters. In most cases it is desirable to have the X font server (xfs) and/or an X server installed to make the fonts available to X clients. . This package and xfonts-cronyx-100dpi provide the same set of fonts, rendered at different resolutions; only one or the other is necessary, but both may be installed. xfonts-cronyx-75dpi may be more suitable for small monitors and/or small screen resolutions (under 1024x768). . 本软件包的上游源代码是Serge Winitzki的软件包Xcyr。Xcyr演变自Andrey Chernov的软件包Xrus-2.3。 Package: xfonts-cronyx-cp1251-100dpi Description-md5: c669992b2ae3dfaa0b50392158b866ca Description-zh_CN: 100 dpi CP1251 encoded Cyrillic fonts for X (Cronyx collection) This package provides a set of bitmapped Cyrillic fonts at 100 dots per inch. These are CP1251 (microsoft-cp1251) fonts and support all current slavic Cyrillic scripts. In most cases it is desirable to have the X font server (xfs) and/or an X server installed to make the fonts available to X clients. . This package and xfonts-cronyx-cp1251-75dpi provide the same set of fonts, rendered at different resolutions; only one or the other is necessary, but both may be installed. xfonts-cronyx-cp1251-100dpi may be more suitable for large monitors and/or large screen resolutions (over 1024x768). . 本软件包的上游源代码是Serge Winitzki的软件包Xcyr。Xcyr演变自Andrey Chernov的软件包Xrus-2.3。 Package: xfonts-cronyx-cp1251-75dpi Description-md5: 6b2c3b612111bcb04a1eff1e01548560 Description-zh_CN: 75 dpi CP1251 encoded Cyrillic fonts for X (Cronyx collection) This package provides a set of bitmapped Cyrillic fonts at 75 dots per inch. These are CP1251 (microsoft-cp1251) fonts and support all current slavic Cyrillic scripts. In most cases it is desirable to have the X font server (xfs) and/or an X server installed to make the fonts available to X clients. . This package and xfonts-cronyx-cp1251-100dpi provide the same set of fonts, rendered at different resolutions; only one or the other is necessary, but both may be installed. xfonts-cronyx-cp1251-75dpi may be more suitable for small monitors and/or small screen resolutions (under 1024x768). . 本软件包的上游源代码是Serge Winitzki的软件包Xcyr。Xcyr演变自Andrey Chernov的软件包Xrus-2.3。 Package: xfonts-cronyx-cp1251-misc Description-md5: b8ec7e1fe5ba2471a66c0947b291f276 Description-zh_CN: Character-cell CP1251 encoded Cyrillic fonts for X (Cronyx collection) This package provides a standard set of character-cell low-resolution Cyrillic fonts. These are CP1251 (microsoft-cp1251) fonts and support all current slavic Cyrillic scripts. In most cases it is desirable to have the X font server (xfs) and/or an X server installed to make the fonts available to X clients. . 本软件包的上游源代码是Serge Winitzki的软件包Xcyr。Xcyr演变自Andrey Chernov的软件包Xrus-2.3。 Package: xfonts-cronyx-isocyr-100dpi Description-md5: 25ed7b337b3e1db9fa79726673698fd8 Description-zh_CN: 100 dpi ISO 8859-5 encoded Cyrillic fonts for X (Cronyx collection) This package provides a set of bitmapped Cyrillic fonts at 100 dots per inch. These are ISO 8859-5 fonts and support the Belarusian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian and Serbian scripts. In most cases it is desirable to have the X font server (xfs) and/or an X server installed to make the fonts available to X clients. . This package and xfonts-cronyx-isocyr-75dpi provide the same set of fonts, rendered at different resolutions; only one or the other is necessary, but both may be installed. xfonts-cronyx-isocyr-100dpi may be more suitable for large monitors and/or large screen resolutions (over 1024x768). . 本软件包的上游源代码是Serge Winitzki的软件包Xcyr。Xcyr演变自Andrey Chernov的软件包Xrus-2.3。 Package: xfonts-cronyx-isocyr-75dpi Description-md5: 481d1fe29f0731a9b8b2a4aeeeb26ef7 Description-zh_CN: 75 dpi ISO 8859-5 encoded Cyrillic fonts for X (Cronyx collection) This package provides a set of bitmapped Cyrillic fonts at 75 dots per inch. These are ISO 8859-5 fonts and support the Belarusian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian and Serbian scripts. In most cases it is desirable to have the X font server (xfs) and/or an X server installed to make the fonts available to X clients. . This package and xfonts-cronyx-isocyr-100dpi provide the same set of fonts, rendered at different resolutions; only one or the other is necessary, but both may be installed. xfonts-cronyx-isocyr-75dpi may be more suitable for small monitors and/or small screen resolutions (under 1024x768). . 本软件包的上游源代码是Serge Winitzki的软件包Xcyr。Xcyr演变自Andrey Chernov的软件包Xrus-2.3。 Package: xfonts-cronyx-isocyr-misc Description-md5: 7715fb596a093667aa6814ad601c7c1b Description-zh_CN: Character-cell ISO-8859-5 encoded Cyrillic fonts for X (Cronyx collection) This package provides a standard set of character-cell low-resolution Cyrillic fonts. These are ISO-8859-5 fonts and support the Belarusian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian and Serbian scripts. In most cases it is desirable to have the X font server (xfs) and/or an X server installed to make the fonts available to X clients. . 本软件包的上游源代码是Serge Winitzki的软件包Xcyr。Xcyr演变自Andrey Chernov的软件包Xrus-2.3。 Package: xfonts-cronyx-koi8r-100dpi Description-md5: 1b6579a46f0f9772cc1805de7284bcc6 Description-zh_CN: 100 dpi KOI8-R encoded Cyrillic fonts for X (Cronyx collection) This package provides a set of bitmapped Cyrillic fonts at 100 dots per inch. These are KOI8-R fonts and are suitable for Russian. In most cases it is desirable to have the X font server (xfs) and/or an X server installed to make the fonts available to X clients. . This package and xfonts-cronyx-koi8r-75dpi provide the same set of fonts, rendered at different resolutions; only one or the other is necessary, but both may be installed. xfonts-cronyx-koi8r-100dpi may be more suitable for large monitors and/or large screen resolutions (over 1024x768). . 本软件包的上游源代码是Serge Winitzki的软件包Xcyr。Xcyr演变自Andrey Chernov的软件包Xrus-2.3。 Package: xfonts-cronyx-koi8r-75dpi Description-md5: d560c976f5db6c28b6f778c075c53a67 Description-zh_CN: 75 dpi KOI8-R encoded Cyrillic fonts for X (Cronyx collection) This package provides a set of bitmapped Cyrillic fonts at 75 dots per inch. These are KOI8-R fonts and are suitable for Russian. In most cases it is desirable to have the X font server (xfs) and/or an X server installed to make the fonts available to X clients. . This package and xfonts-cronyx-koi8r-100dpi provide the same set of fonts, rendered at different resolutions; only one or the other is necessary, but both may be installed. xfonts-cronyx-koi8r-75dpi may be more suitable for small monitors and/or small screen resolutions (under 1024x768). . 本软件包的上游源代码是Serge Winitzki的软件包Xcyr。Xcyr演变自Andrey Chernov的软件包Xrus-2.3。 Package: xfonts-cronyx-koi8r-misc Description-md5: 03413d9b2c830570e80eaeb7935428b9 Description-zh_CN: Character-cell KOI8-R encoded Cyrillic fonts for X (Cronyx collection) This package provides a standard set of character-cell low-resolution Cyrillic fonts. These are KOI8-R fonts and are suitable for Russian. In most cases it is desirable to have the X font server (xfs) and/or an X server installed to make the fonts available to X clients. . 本软件包的上游源代码是Serge Winitzki的软件包Xcyr。Xcyr演变自Andrey Chernov的软件包Xrus-2.3。 Package: xfonts-cronyx-koi8u-100dpi Description-md5: c8b32c4c7d1b848c720a64fb5e6c7a03 Description-zh_CN: 100 dpi KOI8-U encoded Cyrillic fonts for X (Cronyx collection) This package provides a set of bitmapped Cyrillic fonts at 100 dots per inch. These are KOI8-U fonts and are suitable for Ukrainian. In most cases it is desirable to have the X font server (xfs) and/or an X server installed to make the fonts available to X clients. . This package and xfonts-cronyx-koi8u-75dpi provide the same set of fonts, rendered at different resolutions; only one or the other is necessary, but both may be installed. xfonts-cronyx-koi8u-100dpi may be more suitable for large monitors and/or large screen resolutions (over 1024x768). . 本软件包的上游源代码是Serge Winitzki的软件包Xcyr。Xcyr演变自Andrey Chernov的软件包Xrus-2.3。 Package: xfonts-cronyx-koi8u-75dpi Description-md5: f4086ebe48934192adaf06593fd730d7 Description-zh_CN: 75 dpi KOI8-U encoded Cyrillic fonts for X (Cronyx collection) This package provides a set of bitmapped Cyrillic fonts at 75 dots per inch. These are KOI8-U fonts and are suitable for Ukrainian. In most cases it is desirable to have the X font server (xfs) and/or an X server installed to make the fonts available to X clients. . This package and xfonts-cronyx-koi8u-100dpi provide the same set of fonts, rendered at different resolutions; only one or the other is necessary, but both may be installed. xfonts-cronyx-koi8u-75dpi may be more suitable for small monitors and/or small screen resolutions (under 1024x768). . 本软件包的上游源代码是Serge Winitzki的软件包Xcyr。Xcyr演变自Andrey Chernov的软件包Xrus-2.3。 Package: xfonts-cronyx-koi8u-misc Description-md5: fa3aef4a2a34263874b60233c69dbb7d Description-zh_CN: Character-cell KOI8-U encoded Cyrillic fonts for X (Cronyx collection) This package provides a standard set of character-cell low-resolution Cyrillic fonts. These are KOI8-U fonts and are suitable for Ukrainian. In most cases it is desirable to have the X font server (xfs) and/or an X server installed to make the fonts available to X clients. . 本软件包的上游源代码是Serge Winitzki的软件包Xcyr。Xcyr演变自Andrey Chernov的软件包Xrus-2.3。 Package: xfonts-cronyx-misc Description-md5: 2d75fd6959e9b033fd03a32824982ed6 Description-zh_CN: Character-cell Unicode Cyrillic fonts for X (Cronyx collection) This package provides a standard set of character-cell low-resolution Cyrillic fonts. These are Unicode (ISO10646-1) fonts and support all current slavic Cyrillic letters as well as some Russian prerevolutionary letters. In most cases it is desirable to have the X font server (xfs) and/or an X server installed to make the fonts available to X clients. . 本软件包的上游源代码是Serge Winitzki的软件包Xcyr。Xcyr演变自Andrey Chernov的软件包Xrus-2.3。 Package: xfonts-intl-arabic Description-md5: 4c0239e901bf00bf138cc544d33d58f9 Description-zh_CN: International fonts for X -- Arabic This package includes some Arabic fonts (digits and single and double column). You will need the fonts if you plan to view, print or author documents written in any of the Arabic languages. . 这些字体用于X Window系统. Package: xfonts-intl-asian Description-md5: 930d70b7042c2c84f67b59a69c9996f1 Description-zh_CN: International fonts for X -- Asian This package includes some Vietnamese, Indian, Lao, and Thai fonts. You will need the fonts if you plan to view, print or author documents written in any of the languages mentioned above. . 这些字体用于X Window系统. Package: xfonts-intl-chinese Description-md5: 189ba1a6a875dea74f7b6def37dcf23a Description-zh_CN: X系统国际化字体 -- 中文 这个软件包包括了一些GB2312, GB8565-88, BIG5 (ETen), 和SiSheng中文字体. 如果你要用中文浏览,打印或创作文档和使用以上几种编码方式,你将需要使用这些 字体. . 这些字体用于X Window系统. Package: xfonts-intl-chinese-big Description-md5: 28871d725bc7716bae7a6e1f49b5a777 Description-zh_CN: International fonts for X -- Chinese big This package includes some GB2312 big Chinese fonts. You will need the fonts if you plan to view, print or author documents written in Chinese and using any of the encodings mentioned above. . 这些字体用于X Window系统. Package: xfonts-intl-european Description-md5: 1a2ec828636821112d7e26b94058c495 Description-zh_CN: International fonts for X -- European This package includes some ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1), ISO 8859-2 (Latin-2), ISO 8859-3 (Latin-3), ISO 8859-4 (Latin-4), ISO 8859-5 (Cyrillic), ISO 8859-7 (Greek), ISO 8859-8 (Hebrew), ISO 8859-9 (Latin-5), and KOI (Cyrillic) fonts. Also one ISO 8859-1 big font is included. You will need the fonts if you plan to view, print or author documents using any of the languages/encodings specified above. . 这些字体用于X Window系统. Package: xfonts-intl-japanese Description-md5: d978c06c4ff7cf5a2e5c658b1573c2d7 Description-zh_CN: International fonts for X -- Japanese This package includes some JISX0208.1990, JISX0208.1978, JISX0212.1990 (HojoKanji), JISX0208.1983, and JISX0201 (Roman & Kana) Japanese fonts. You will need the fonts if you plan to view, print or author documents using the Japanese language and any of the encodings specified above. . 这些字体用于X Window系统. Package: xfonts-intl-japanese-big Description-md5: 7eaf5a3c0bf26eb62b49470aeaf9583d Description-zh_CN: International fonts for X -- Japanese big This package includes some JISX0208.1983 and JISX0212.1990 (HojoKanji) big Japanese fonts. You will need the fonts if you plan to view, print or author documents using the Japanese language and any of the encodings specified above. . 这些字体用于X Window系统. Package: xfonts-intl-phonetic Description-md5: 592fab080a6870393b709435f9472442 Description-zh_CN: International fonts for X -- Phonetic Alphabet This package includes some fonts of International Phonetic Alphabet. You will need the fonts if you to view, print or author documents using the international phonetic alphabet. IPA is used, for instance, in dictionaries to represent the pronounciation of a word in a foreign language in a form common to all languages. . 这些字体用于X Window系统. Package: xfonts-kaname Description-md5: a4f13be4308755470145e019855fc4bc Description-zh_CN: 用于X11的Kaname Cho 12 dot日语汉字,拉丁1字体 本软件包包括用于X Window系统的Kaname Cho 12dot日语汉字,ISO-8859-1字体。 字体很有特点,很像歌特(Gothic)字体。它提供4种:中等,粗体,斜体和粗斜体。 它还提供2 spc: -p-和-c-用于日语字体。 Package: xfonts-kappa20 Description-md5: e0de142e8f9ac6e7323bdee5403cb873 Description-zh_CN: 含粗体的X11 Kappa 20dot字体 (ISO-8859-1..4/9/10/13..16, 日语) This package contains X11 Kappa 20dot Fonts including: * 10x20 ISO-8859 (-1, -2, -3, -4, -9, -10, -13, -14, -15, -16) Serif/Mincho * 20x20 Japanese (JIS X 0208:1983, 0208:1990, 0208:1997, 0213:2000) Mincho * 10x20 Mule IPA All fonts are provided with both medium and bold. Its shape is high quality, high readability, and useful for looking at high-resolution monitor. Package: xfonts-marumoji Description-md5: e9ee9d58597dfade2302a9663f337037 Description-zh_CN: 用于X的圆体字 (marumoji字体) Japanese and ASCII roundish fonts (marumoji in Japanese) for X servers. It provides: maru14: JIS X0208.1983 Roundish Characters (14 dots) maru16: JIS X0208.1983 Roundish Characters (16 dots) 7x14rkmr: JIS X0201.1976 Roman Roundish Characters (14 dots) 7x14maru: ISO8859-1 Roundish Characters (14 dots) Package: xfonts-mona Description-md5: 8b9cdecc43521e7b25e993078e5de49b Description-zh_CN: 用于2ch ASCII艺术的比例字体 这些字体适合一些ASCII艺术如mona,gikoneko等。 Package: xfonts-mplus Description-md5: 98bcd9b1d37530e308b2d188c862a604 Description-zh_CN: 用于X11的M+位图10/12 dot拉丁/日语字体 M+位图字体被设计得简单而且可读性很好。它包括ISO-8859-1,15 (6/10/12 dot) 字体和所有的日语jisx0208.1990汉字字体(10/12 dot)如下: . - mplus-gothic: M+ Gothic fonts (10/12dot, ISO-8859-1/Japanese) - mplus-goth_p: it's similar to mplus-gothic, but its latin character part is proportional fonts (10/12dot, ISO-8859-1/Japanese) - mplus-fxd: yet another "fixed" fonts (10/12dot, ISO-8859-1/15) - mplus-hlv: yet another "helvetica" fonts (10/12dot, ISO-8859-1/15) - mplus-hlvw: 1 dot wide fonts than mplus-hlv ( 12dot, ISO-8859-1/15) - mplus-sys: for window title/menu (10dot, ISO-8859-1/15) - mplus-qub: 6 dot very small font (6dot, ISO-8859-1/15) Package: xfonts-shinonome Description-md5: 193e3195d32c208865aef547f0d87eb1 Description-zh_CN: 用于X11的多种12,14,16 dot日语汉字,iso8859-1字体 xfonts-shinonome包括用于X11的多种12,14,16 dot日语汉字,和ISO-8859-1字体。 它包括k14goth 14 dot字体,Shinonome 12和16 dot字体。也包括只用于 ISO-8859-1的Shinonome 18 dot字体。 Package: xfonts-terminus Description-md5: 25e5affa17f0fa82b608970c4ed7489a Description-zh_CN: 便于快速阅读的等宽字体 这些是适用于终端,编辑器等的等宽字体。如果你必须在显示器前工作很长时候 (如超过八小时),你会发现使用这些字体能降低你的眼疲痨。 . 本软件包包含以下大小的标准和粗体字体:6x12, 8x14, 8x16, 10x20, 12x24, 14x28 和 16x32 并支持以下编码:ISO10646-1, ISO8859-1, ISO8859-2, ISO8859-5, ISO8859-9, ISO8859-13, ISO8859-15, ISO8859-16, KOI8-R, KOI8-U, CP1251 和 PT154. Package: xfprint4 Description-md5: 70fd59053a7b2d0e03f4376db7eba7fe Description-zh_CN: Xfce 4 的打印机图形界面 xfprint4 是 Xfce4 桌面环境下使用的打印机管理器。可以管理打印机任务并通过拖拽 打印文件。本软件包并不是必须的,但是如果您正在使用 Xfce4 ,这是管理打印机的优秀 图形程序。 Package: xmanpages-ja Description-md5: de6c26cc1c245ed16c8d6172ee6bef30 Description-zh_CN: 用于X的日语帮助手册 本软件包提供用于X Window系统的1,3,4,5和7部分的日语manpages,由X日语文档 项目翻译。这个版本有XFree86 4.1.0 manpages翻译而来。 Package: xpdf Description-md5: 75850b02571fb5a0c4b2eee546fa9a3b Description-zh_CN: 可移植文档格式 (PDF) 套件 xpdf 是一组工具集,用于可移植文档格式 (PDF) 文件。(这些文件有时在 Adobe PDF 文件后也称作 'Acrobat' 文件。) . 这些工具包括 xpdf,一个 PDF 阅读工具 (包含在 xpdf-reader 软件包里面),和一 个 PDF 转换工具 (与 PostScript 转换) (包含在 xpdf-utils 软件包内)。 . 此软件包的仅为与以前的软件包兼容。您可以安全地把它从系统中删除。 Package: xpdf-common Description-md5: 9fee58a029c086381dc2c19752fadf86 Description-zh_CN: Portable Document Format (PDF) suite -- common files xpdf 是一组工具集,用于可移植文档格式 (PDF) 文件。(这些文件有时在 Adobe PDF 文件后也称作 'Acrobat' 文件。) . This package contains common files needed by the other xpdf packages. Package: xpdf-reader Description-md5: 4c524250f6a9b853dabeb56fdd4673b8 Description-zh_CN: Portable Document Format (PDF) suite -- viewer for X11 xpdf 是一组工具集,用于可移植文档格式 (PDF) 文件。(这些文件有时在 Adobe PDF 文件后也称作 'Acrobat' 文件。) . This package contains xpdf itself, a PDF viewer for X11. xpdf is designed to be small and efficient. xpdf supports encrypted PDF files. Standard X fonts, Truetype fonts and Type 1 fonts are supported. . This package also contains pdftoppm, a utility for converting PDF files to PBM, PGM and PPM formats. . See also the xpdf-utils package for conversion utilities and the other xpdf-* packages for additional language support. Package: xpdf-utils Description-md5: 75641ab30f42d3de08b09579b34d0127 Description-zh_CN: Portable Document Format (PDF) suite -- utilities xpdf 是一组工具集,用于可移植文档格式 (PDF) 文件。(这些文件有时在 Adobe PDF 文件后也称作 'Acrobat' 文件。) . This package contains pdftops (PDF to PostScript converter), pdfinfo (PDF document information extractor), pdfimages (PDF image extractor), pdftotext (PDF to text converter), and pdffonts (PDF font analyzer). . To view PDF files, see the xpdf-reader package. That package also contains pdftoppm (PDF to Portable Bitmap converter). Package: xresprobe Description-md5: 4bbdbf14de2bcfe8ddfde9f7e215ef00 Description-zh_CN: X 分辨率探测 xresporbe 是一个探测笔记本和 DDC 兼容屏幕的标准分辨率的软件包,返回一个结构 特别,易于解析的输出。 . 它包含"ddcprobe"软件包,对显示器进行 DDC 探测;然而,ddcprobe 仅能在 i386 和 powerpc 上工作。笔记本的检测方式则比较通用,可以在其他架构下使用。 Package: xxkb Description-md5: a0739585863bb963c5d74937cfa8629a Description-zh_CN: 用于xkb的键盘状态指示器和切换器 This program is a keyboard state indicator and switcher for xkb. Features: - shows current xkb group (pixmap in its own window) - allows switch group by mouse click - allows individual state for every window - can install its own button (indicator/mouse switcher) on every window's title bar - can restrict keyboard states for every window to only two ("main group" - "alternative group") if xkb set up for more than two groups. Bugs: - documentation is partially in Russian (koi8-r charset) only . 主页: Package: yudit Description-md5: 65cba93e019bd2ded1d4f0b8560d4ff5 Description-zh_CN: Unicode text editor (arch-dependent binaries) yudit 是一个用于 X Window 的 Unicode 文本编辑器。它并不需要一个本地化的环境 和 Unicode 字体就可以工作。它支持同时处理多种语言、与本地字符标准进行相互转 换、双向书写字符输入, 并有自己的输入法。本软件包包含编码转换工具, 同时还支持 PostScript 打印。 . Homepage: Package: yudit-common Description-md5: 98256d5fc4ceb1322a26adc06ff7b209 Description-zh_CN: Unicode 文本编辑器 (平台架构无关文件) yudit 是一个用于 X Window 的 Unicode 文本编辑器。它并不需要一个本地化的环境 和 Unicode 字体就可以工作。它支持同时处理多种语言、与本地字符标准进行相互转 换、双向书写字符输入, 并有自己的输入法。本软件包包含编码转换工具, 同时还支持 PostScript 打印。 . 本软件包包含位于 /usr/share 的平台架构无关的文件。 . Homepage: Package: zh-autoconvert Description-md5: da892d3ce41beeeb22c2ccb3f63355a9 Description-zh_CN: 中文 HZ/GB/BIG5/UNI/UTF7/UTF8 编码自动转换 AutoConvert 是一种智能中文编码转换程序。它使用内置函数来判断输入的文件的中文编码(如 GB/Big5/HZ),然后转换输入文件到你需要的任何中文编码。你可以使用自动转换处理收到的邮件,自动地将消息转换到任何你想要的中文编码。 它现在可以处理 Unicode/UTF7/UTF8 编码。 . Author: Yu Guanghui Package: zhcon Description-md5: 6c8c7a7086563079953578594f028a7b Description-zh_CN: 命令行下最快的CJK环境(使用FrameBuffer) Zhcon is a fast Linux Console Chinese System which supports framebuffer device.It can display Chinese,Japanese or Korean double byte characters on console. Features include: Full support for Linux FrameBuffer device(from 640x480x8bpp to 1024x768x32bpp) Multiple language support (GB2312,GBK,BIG5,JIS,KSCM) Auto-detect and convert between GB2312 and BIG5 encoding(like hztty) Hot key to change language encoding on the fly Can use input method from MS Windows 98 Chinese version or UCDOS for MS-DOS