/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2023 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ #include "squid.h" #include "cache_cf.h" #include "ConfigParser.h" #include "debug/Stream.h" #include "log/Config.h" Log::LogConfig Log::TheConfig; const char * Log::LogConfig::BuiltInFormatName(const Format::log_type logformatType) { switch (logformatType) { case Format::CLF_UNKNOWN: case Format::CLF_NONE: case Format::CLF_CUSTOM: return nullptr; // the above types are not built-in case Format::CLF_SQUID: return "squid"; case Format::CLF_COMBINED: return "combined"; case Format::CLF_COMMON: return "common"; #if ICAP_CLIENT case Format::CLF_ICAP_SQUID: return "icap_squid"; #endif case Format::CLF_USERAGENT: return "useragent"; case Log::Format::CLF_REFERER: return "referrer"; } // forgotten (by developers) type, invalid type, or unreachable code return nullptr; } Log::Format::log_type Log::LogConfig::FindBuiltInFormat(const char *logformatName) { assert(logformatName); if (strcmp(logformatName, "auto") == 0) { debugs(0, DBG_CRITICAL, "WARNING: Log format 'auto' no longer exists. Using 'squid' instead."); return Format::CLF_SQUID; } if (strcmp(logformatName, "squid") == 0) return Format::CLF_SQUID; if (strcmp(logformatName, "common") == 0) return Format::CLF_COMMON; if (strcmp(logformatName, "combined") == 0) return Format::CLF_COMBINED; #if ICAP_CLIENT if (strcmp(logformatName, "icap_squid") == 0) return Format::CLF_ICAP_SQUID; #endif if (strcmp(logformatName, "useragent") == 0) return Format::CLF_USERAGENT; if (strcmp(logformatName, "referrer") == 0) return Format::CLF_REFERER; // CLF_NONE, CLF_UNKNOWN, CLF_CUSTOM types cannot be specified explicitly. // TODO: Ban "none" and "unknown" custom logformat names to avoid confusion. return Format::CLF_UNKNOWN; } Format::Format * Log::LogConfig::findCustomFormat(const char *logformatName) const { assert(logformatName); for (auto i = logformats; i ; i = i->next) { if (strcmp(i->name, logformatName) == 0) return i; } return nullptr; } bool Log::LogConfig::knownFormat(const char *logformatName) const { return FindBuiltInFormat(logformatName) || findCustomFormat(logformatName); } void Log::LogConfig::parseFormats() { char *name, *def; if (!(name = ConfigParser::NextToken())) { debugs(3, DBG_CRITICAL, "FATAL: missing logformat details in " << cfg_filename << " line " << config_lineno); self_destruct(); return; } if (FindBuiltInFormat(name)) { debugs(3, DBG_PARSE_NOTE(DBG_IMPORTANT), "ERROR: logformat " << name << " is a built-in format. Ignoring redefinition attempt."); return; } if (findCustomFormat(name)) { debugs(3, DBG_PARSE_NOTE(DBG_IMPORTANT), "ERROR: logformat " << name << " is already defined. Ignoring redefinition attempt."); return; } ::Format::Format *nlf = new ::Format::Format(name); ConfigParser::EnableMacros(); if (!(def = ConfigParser::NextQuotedOrToEol())) { delete nlf; self_destruct(); return; } ConfigParser::DisableMacros(); debugs(3, 2, "Log Format for '" << name << "' is '" << def << "'"); if (!nlf->parse(def)) { delete nlf; self_destruct(); return; } // add to global config list nlf->next = logformats; logformats = nlf; }