/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2023 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ /* DEBUG: section 11 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) */ /* * Anonymizing patch by lutz@as-node.jena.thur.de * have a look into http-anon.c to get more information. */ #include "squid.h" #include "acl/FilledChecklist.h" #include "base/AsyncJobCalls.h" #include "base/DelayedAsyncCalls.h" #include "base/Raw.h" #include "base/TextException.h" #include "base64.h" #include "CachePeer.h" #include "client_side.h" #include "comm/Connection.h" #include "comm/Read.h" #include "comm/Write.h" #include "error/Detail.h" #include "errorpage.h" #include "fd.h" #include "fde.h" #include "globals.h" #include "http.h" #include "http/one/ResponseParser.h" #include "http/one/TeChunkedParser.h" #include "http/StatusCode.h" #include "http/Stream.h" #include "HttpControlMsg.h" #include "HttpHdrCc.h" #include "HttpHdrContRange.h" #include "HttpHdrSc.h" #include "HttpHdrScTarget.h" #include "HttpHeaderTools.h" #include "HttpReply.h" #include "HttpRequest.h" #include "HttpUpgradeProtocolAccess.h" #include "log/access_log.h" #include "MemBuf.h" #include "MemObject.h" #include "neighbors.h" #include "pconn.h" #include "peer_proxy_negotiate_auth.h" #include "refresh.h" #include "RefreshPattern.h" #include "rfc1738.h" #include "SquidConfig.h" #include "SquidMath.h" #include "StatCounters.h" #include "Store.h" #include "StrList.h" #include "tools.h" #include "util.h" #if USE_AUTH #include "auth/UserRequest.h" #endif #if USE_DELAY_POOLS #include "DelayPools.h" #endif CBDATA_CLASS_INIT(HttpStateData); static const char *const crlf = "\r\n"; static void httpMaybeRemovePublic(StoreEntry *, Http::StatusCode); static void copyOneHeaderFromClientsideRequestToUpstreamRequest(const HttpHeaderEntry *e, const String strConnection, const HttpRequest * request, HttpHeader * hdr_out, const int we_do_ranges, const Http::StateFlags &); HttpStateData::HttpStateData(FwdState *theFwdState) : AsyncJob("HttpStateData"), Client(theFwdState) { debugs(11,5, "HttpStateData " << this << " created"); serverConnection = fwd->serverConnection(); if (fwd->serverConnection() != nullptr) _peer = cbdataReference(fwd->serverConnection()->getPeer()); /* might be NULL */ flags.peering = _peer; flags.tunneling = (_peer && request->flags.sslBumped); flags.toOrigin = (!_peer || _peer->options.originserver || request->flags.sslBumped); if (_peer) { /* * This NEIGHBOR_PROXY_ONLY check probably shouldn't be here. * We might end up getting the object from somewhere else if, * for example, the request to this neighbor fails. */ if (!flags.tunneling && _peer->options.proxy_only) entry->releaseRequest(true); #if USE_DELAY_POOLS entry->setNoDelay(_peer->options.no_delay); #endif } /* * register the handler to free HTTP state data when the FD closes */ typedef CommCbMemFunT Dialer; closeHandler = JobCallback(9, 5, Dialer, this, HttpStateData::httpStateConnClosed); comm_add_close_handler(serverConnection->fd, closeHandler); } HttpStateData::~HttpStateData() { /* * don't forget that ~Client() gets called automatically */ if (httpChunkDecoder) delete httpChunkDecoder; cbdataReferenceDone(_peer); delete upgradeHeaderOut; debugs(11,5, "HttpStateData " << this << " destroyed; " << serverConnection); } const Comm::ConnectionPointer & HttpStateData::dataConnection() const { return serverConnection; } void HttpStateData::httpStateConnClosed(const CommCloseCbParams ¶ms) { debugs(11, 5, "httpStateFree: FD " << params.fd << ", httpState=" << params.data); doneWithFwd = "httpStateConnClosed()"; // assume FwdState is monitoring too mustStop("HttpStateData::httpStateConnClosed"); } void HttpStateData::httpTimeout(const CommTimeoutCbParams &) { debugs(11, 4, serverConnection << ": '" << entry->url() << "'"); if (entry->store_status == STORE_PENDING) { fwd->fail(new ErrorState(ERR_READ_TIMEOUT, Http::scGatewayTimeout, fwd->request, fwd->al)); } closeServer(); mustStop("HttpStateData::httpTimeout"); } static StoreEntry * findPreviouslyCachedEntry(StoreEntry *newEntry) { assert(newEntry->mem_obj); return newEntry->mem_obj->request ? storeGetPublicByRequest(newEntry->mem_obj->request.getRaw()) : storeGetPublic(newEntry->mem_obj->storeId(), newEntry->mem_obj->method); } /// Remove an existing public store entry if the incoming response (to be /// stored in a currently private entry) is going to invalidate it. static void httpMaybeRemovePublic(StoreEntry * e, Http::StatusCode status) { int remove = 0; int forbidden = 0; // If the incoming response already goes into a public entry, then there is // nothing to remove. This protects ready-for-collapsing entries as well. if (!EBIT_TEST(e->flags, KEY_PRIVATE)) return; // If the new/incoming response cannot be stored, then it does not // compete with the old stored response for the public key, and the // old stored response should be left as is. if (e->mem_obj->request && !e->mem_obj->request->flags.cachable) return; switch (status) { case Http::scOkay: case Http::scNonAuthoritativeInformation: case Http::scMultipleChoices: case Http::scMovedPermanently: case Http::scFound: case Http::scSeeOther: case Http::scGone: case Http::scNotFound: remove = 1; break; case Http::scForbidden: case Http::scMethodNotAllowed: forbidden = 1; break; #if WORK_IN_PROGRESS case Http::scUnauthorized: forbidden = 1; break; #endif default: break; } if (!remove && !forbidden) return; StoreEntry *pe = findPreviouslyCachedEntry(e); if (pe != nullptr) { assert(e != pe); #if USE_HTCP neighborsHtcpClear(e, e->mem_obj->request.getRaw(), e->mem_obj->method, HTCP_CLR_INVALIDATION); #endif pe->release(true); } /** \par * Also remove any cached HEAD response in case the object has * changed. */ if (e->mem_obj->request) pe = storeGetPublicByRequestMethod(e->mem_obj->request.getRaw(), Http::METHOD_HEAD); else pe = storeGetPublic(e->mem_obj->storeId(), Http::METHOD_HEAD); if (pe != nullptr) { assert(e != pe); #if USE_HTCP neighborsHtcpClear(e, e->mem_obj->request.getRaw(), HttpRequestMethod(Http::METHOD_HEAD), HTCP_CLR_INVALIDATION); #endif pe->release(true); } } void HttpStateData::processSurrogateControl(HttpReply *reply) { if (request->flags.accelerated && reply->surrogate_control) { HttpHdrScTarget *sctusable = reply->surrogate_control->getMergedTarget(Config.Accel.surrogate_id); if (sctusable) { if (sctusable->hasNoStore() || (Config.onoff.surrogate_is_remote && sctusable->noStoreRemote())) { surrogateNoStore = true; // Be conservative for now and make it non-shareable because // there is no enough information here to make the decision. entry->makePrivate(false); } /* The HttpHeader logic cannot tell if the header it's parsing is a reply to an * accelerated request or not... * Still, this is an abstraction breach. - RC */ if (sctusable->hasMaxAge()) { if (sctusable->maxAge() < sctusable->maxStale()) reply->expires = reply->date + sctusable->maxAge(); else reply->expires = reply->date + sctusable->maxStale(); /* And update the timestamps */ entry->timestampsSet(); } /* We ignore cache-control directives as per the Surrogate specification */ ignoreCacheControl = true; delete sctusable; } } } HttpStateData::ReuseDecision::Answers HttpStateData::reusableReply(HttpStateData::ReuseDecision &decision) { HttpReply const *rep = finalReply(); HttpHeader const *hdr = &rep->header; const char *v; #if USE_HTTP_VIOLATIONS const RefreshPattern *R = nullptr; /* This strange looking define first looks up the refresh pattern * and then checks if the specified flag is set. The main purpose * of this is to simplify the refresh pattern lookup and USE_HTTP_VIOLATIONS * condition */ #define REFRESH_OVERRIDE(flag) \ ((R = (R ? R : refreshLimits(entry->mem_obj->storeId()))) , \ (R && R->flags.flag)) #else #define REFRESH_OVERRIDE(flag) 0 #endif if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, RELEASE_REQUEST)) return decision.make(ReuseDecision::doNotCacheButShare, "the entry has been released"); // RFC 9111 section 4: // "When more than one suitable response is stored, // a cache MUST use the most recent one // (as determined by the Date header field)." // TODO: whether such responses could be shareable? if (sawDateGoBack) return decision.make(ReuseDecision::reuseNot, "the response has an older date header"); // Check for Surrogate/1.0 protocol conditions // NP: reverse-proxy traffic our parent server has instructed us never to cache if (surrogateNoStore) return decision.make(ReuseDecision::reuseNot, "Surrogate-Control:no-store"); // RFC 2616: HTTP/1.1 Cache-Control conditions if (!ignoreCacheControl) { // XXX: check to see if the request headers alone were enough to prevent caching earlier // (ie no-store request header) no need to check those all again here if so. // for now we are not reliably doing that so we waste CPU re-checking request CC // RFC 2616 section 14.9.2 - MUST NOT cache any response with request CC:no-store if (request && request->cache_control && request->cache_control->hasNoStore() && !REFRESH_OVERRIDE(ignore_no_store)) return decision.make(ReuseDecision::reuseNot, "client request Cache-Control:no-store"); // NP: request CC:no-cache only means cache READ is forbidden. STORE is permitted. if (rep->cache_control && rep->cache_control->hasNoCacheWithParameters()) { /* TODO: we are allowed to cache when no-cache= has parameters. * Provided we strip away any of the listed headers unless they are revalidated * successfully (ie, must revalidate AND these headers are prohibited on stale replies). * That is a bit tricky for squid right now so we avoid caching entirely. */ return decision.make(ReuseDecision::reuseNot, "server reply Cache-Control:no-cache has parameters"); } // NP: request CC:private is undefined. We ignore. // NP: other request CC flags are limiters on HIT/MISS. We don't care about here. // RFC 2616 section 14.9.2 - MUST NOT cache any response with CC:no-store if (rep->cache_control && rep->cache_control->hasNoStore() && !REFRESH_OVERRIDE(ignore_no_store)) return decision.make(ReuseDecision::reuseNot, "server reply Cache-Control:no-store"); // RFC 2616 section 14.9.1 - MUST NOT cache any response with CC:private in a shared cache like Squid. // CC:private overrides CC:public when both are present in a response. // TODO: add a shared/private cache configuration possibility. if (rep->cache_control && rep->cache_control->hasPrivate() && !REFRESH_OVERRIDE(ignore_private)) { /* TODO: we are allowed to cache when private= has parameters. * Provided we strip away any of the listed headers unless they are revalidated * successfully (ie, must revalidate AND these headers are prohibited on stale replies). * That is a bit tricky for squid right now so we avoid caching entirely. */ return decision.make(ReuseDecision::reuseNot, "server reply Cache-Control:private"); } } // RFC 2068, sec 14.9.4 - MUST NOT cache any response with Authentication UNLESS certain CC controls are present // allow HTTP violations to IGNORE those controls (ie re-block caching Auth) if (request && (request->flags.auth || request->flags.authSent)) { if (!rep->cache_control) return decision.make(ReuseDecision::reuseNot, "authenticated and server reply missing Cache-Control"); if (ignoreCacheControl) return decision.make(ReuseDecision::reuseNot, "authenticated and ignoring Cache-Control"); bool mayStore = false; // HTTPbis pt6 section 3.2: a response CC:public is present if (rep->cache_control->hasPublic()) { debugs(22, 3, "Authenticated but server reply Cache-Control:public"); mayStore = true; // HTTPbis pt6 section 3.2: a response CC:must-revalidate is present } else if (rep->cache_control->hasMustRevalidate()) { debugs(22, 3, "Authenticated but server reply Cache-Control:must-revalidate"); mayStore = true; #if USE_HTTP_VIOLATIONS // NP: given the must-revalidate exception we should also be able to exempt no-cache. // HTTPbis WG verdict on this is that it is omitted from the spec due to being 'unexpected' by // some. The caching+revalidate is not exactly unsafe though with Squids interpretation of no-cache // (without parameters) as equivalent to must-revalidate in the reply. } else if (rep->cache_control->hasNoCacheWithoutParameters()) { debugs(22, 3, "Authenticated but server reply Cache-Control:no-cache (equivalent to must-revalidate)"); mayStore = true; #endif // HTTPbis pt6 section 3.2: a response CC:s-maxage is present } else if (rep->cache_control->hasSMaxAge()) { debugs(22, 3, "Authenticated but server reply Cache-Control:s-maxage"); mayStore = true; } if (!mayStore) return decision.make(ReuseDecision::reuseNot, "authenticated transaction"); // NP: response CC:no-cache is equivalent to CC:must-revalidate,max-age=0. We MAY cache, and do so. // NP: other request CC flags are limiters on HIT/MISS/REFRESH. We don't care about here. } /* HACK: The "multipart/x-mixed-replace" content type is used for * continuous push replies. These are generally dynamic and * probably should not be cachable */ if ((v = hdr->getStr(Http::HdrType::CONTENT_TYPE))) if (!strncasecmp(v, "multipart/x-mixed-replace", 25)) return decision.make(ReuseDecision::reuseNot, "Content-Type:multipart/x-mixed-replace"); // TODO: if possible, provide more specific message for each status code static const char *shareableError = "shareable error status code"; static const char *nonShareableError = "non-shareable error status code"; ReuseDecision::Answers statusAnswer = ReuseDecision::reuseNot; const char *statusReason = nonShareableError; switch (rep->sline.status()) { /* There are several situations when a non-cacheable response may be * still shareable (e.g., among collapsed clients). We assume that these * are 3xx and 5xx responses, indicating server problems and some of * 4xx responses, common for all clients with a given cache key (e.g., * 404 Not Found or 414 URI Too Long). On the other hand, we should not * share non-cacheable client-specific errors, such as 400 Bad Request * or 406 Not Acceptable. */ /* Responses that are cacheable */ case Http::scOkay: case Http::scNonAuthoritativeInformation: case Http::scMultipleChoices: case Http::scMovedPermanently: case Http::scPermanentRedirect: case Http::scGone: /* * Don't cache objects that need to be refreshed on next request, * unless we know how to refresh it. */ if (refreshIsCachable(entry) || REFRESH_OVERRIDE(store_stale)) decision.make(ReuseDecision::cachePositively, "refresh check returned cacheable"); else decision.make(ReuseDecision::doNotCacheButShare, "refresh check returned non-cacheable"); break; /* Responses that only are cacheable if the server says so */ case Http::scFound: case Http::scTemporaryRedirect: if (rep->date <= 0) decision.make(ReuseDecision::doNotCacheButShare, "Date is missing/invalid"); else if (rep->expires > rep->date) decision.make(ReuseDecision::cachePositively, "Expires > Date"); else decision.make(ReuseDecision::doNotCacheButShare, "Expires <= Date"); break; /* These responses can be negatively cached. Most can also be shared. */ case Http::scNoContent: case Http::scUseProxy: case Http::scForbidden: case Http::scNotFound: case Http::scMethodNotAllowed: case Http::scUriTooLong: case Http::scInternalServerError: case Http::scNotImplemented: case Http::scBadGateway: case Http::scServiceUnavailable: case Http::scGatewayTimeout: case Http::scMisdirectedRequest: statusAnswer = ReuseDecision::doNotCacheButShare; statusReason = shareableError; [[fallthrough]]; // to the actual decision making below case Http::scBadRequest: // no sharing; perhaps the server did not like something specific to this request #if USE_HTTP_VIOLATIONS if (Config.negativeTtl > 0) decision.make(ReuseDecision::cacheNegatively, "Config.negativeTtl > 0"); else #endif decision.make(statusAnswer, statusReason); break; /* these responses can never be cached, some of them can be shared though */ case Http::scSeeOther: case Http::scNotModified: case Http::scUnauthorized: case Http::scProxyAuthenticationRequired: case Http::scPaymentRequired: case Http::scInsufficientStorage: // TODO: use more specific reason for non-error status codes decision.make(ReuseDecision::doNotCacheButShare, shareableError); break; case Http::scPartialContent: /* Not yet supported. TODO: make shareable for suitable ranges */ case Http::scNotAcceptable: case Http::scRequestTimeout: // TODO: is this shareable? case Http::scConflict: // TODO: is this shareable? case Http::scLengthRequired: case Http::scPreconditionFailed: case Http::scContentTooLarge: case Http::scUnsupportedMediaType: case Http::scUnprocessableEntity: case Http::scLocked: // TODO: is this shareable? case Http::scFailedDependency: case Http::scRequestedRangeNotSatisfied: case Http::scExpectationFailed: case Http::scInvalidHeader: /* Squid header parsing error */ case Http::scHeaderTooLarge: decision.make(ReuseDecision::reuseNot, nonShareableError); break; default: /* RFC 2616 section 6.1.1: an unrecognized response MUST NOT be cached. */ decision.make(ReuseDecision::reuseNot, "unknown status code"); break; } return decision.answer; } /// assemble a variant key (vary-mark) from the given Vary header and HTTP request static void assembleVaryKey(String &vary, SBuf &vstr, const HttpRequest &request) { static const SBuf asterisk("*"); const char *pos = nullptr; const char *item = nullptr; int ilen = 0; while (strListGetItem(&vary, ',', &item, &ilen, &pos)) { SBuf name(item, ilen); if (name == asterisk) { vstr = asterisk; break; } name.toLower(); if (!vstr.isEmpty()) vstr.append(", ", 2); vstr.append(name); String hdr(request.header.getByName(name)); const char *value = hdr.termedBuf(); if (value) { value = rfc1738_escape_part(value); vstr.append("=\"", 2); vstr.append(value); vstr.append("\"", 1); } hdr.clean(); } } /* * For Vary, store the relevant request headers as * virtual headers in the reply * Returns an empty SBuf if the variance cannot be stored */ SBuf httpMakeVaryMark(HttpRequest * request, HttpReply const * reply) { SBuf vstr; String vary; vary = reply->header.getList(Http::HdrType::VARY); assembleVaryKey(vary, vstr, *request); #if X_ACCELERATOR_VARY vary.clean(); vary = reply->header.getList(Http::HdrType::HDR_X_ACCELERATOR_VARY); assembleVaryKey(vary, vstr, *request); #endif debugs(11, 3, vstr); return vstr; } void HttpStateData::keepaliveAccounting(HttpReply *reply) { if (flags.keepalive) if (flags.peering && !flags.tunneling) ++ _peer->stats.n_keepalives_sent; if (reply->keep_alive) { if (flags.peering && !flags.tunneling) ++ _peer->stats.n_keepalives_recv; if (Config.onoff.detect_broken_server_pconns && reply->bodySize(request->method) == -1 && !flags.chunked) { debugs(11, DBG_IMPORTANT, "keepaliveAccounting: Impossible keep-alive header from '" << entry->url() << "'" ); // debugs(11, 2, "GOT HTTP REPLY HDR:\n---------\n" << readBuf->content() << "\n----------" ); flags.keepalive_broken = true; } } } void HttpStateData::checkDateSkew(HttpReply *reply) { if (reply->date > -1 && flags.toOrigin) { int skew = abs((int)(reply->date - squid_curtime)); if (skew > 86400) debugs(11, 3, "" << request->url.host() << "'s clock is skewed by " << skew << " seconds!"); } } /** * This creates the error page itself.. its likely * that the forward ported reply header max size patch * generates non http conformant error pages - in which * case the errors where should be 'BAD_GATEWAY' etc */ void HttpStateData::processReplyHeader() { /** Creates a blank header. If this routine is made incremental, this will not do */ debugs(11, 3, "processReplyHeader: key '" << entry->getMD5Text() << "'"); assert(!flags.headers_parsed); if (!inBuf.length()) return; /* Attempt to parse the first line; this will define where the protocol, status, reason-phrase and header begin */ { if (hp == nullptr) hp = new Http1::ResponseParser; bool parsedOk = hp->parse(inBuf); // remember the actual received status-code before returning on errors, // overwriting any previously stored value from earlier forwarding attempts request->hier.peer_reply_status = hp->messageStatus(); // may still be scNone // sync the buffers after parsing. inBuf = hp->remaining(); if (hp->needsMoreData()) { if (eof) { // no more data coming assert(!parsedOk); // fall through to handle this premature EOF as an error } else { debugs(33, 5, "Incomplete response, waiting for end of response headers"); return; } } if (!parsedOk) { // unrecoverable parsing error // TODO: Use Raw! XXX: inBuf no longer has the [beginning of the] malformed header. debugs(11, 3, "Non-HTTP-compliant header:\n---------\n" << inBuf << "\n----------"); flags.headers_parsed = true; HttpReply *newrep = new HttpReply; // hp->needsMoreData() means hp->parseStatusCode is unusable, but, here, // it also means that the reply header got truncated by a premature EOF assert(!hp->needsMoreData() || eof); const auto scode = hp->needsMoreData() ? Http::scInvalidHeader : hp->parseStatusCode; newrep->sline.set(Http::ProtocolVersion(), scode); setVirginReply(newrep); return; } } /* We know the whole response is in parser now */ debugs(11, 2, "HTTP Server " << serverConnection); debugs(11, 2, "HTTP Server RESPONSE:\n---------\n" << hp->messageProtocol() << " " << hp->messageStatus() << " " << hp->reasonPhrase() << "\n" << hp->mimeHeader() << "----------"); // reset payload tracking to begin after message headers payloadSeen = inBuf.length(); const auto newrep = HttpReply::Pointer::Make(); // XXX: RFC 7230 indicates we MAY ignore the reason phrase, // and use an empty string on unknown status. // We do that now to avoid performance regression from using SBuf::c_str() newrep->sline.set(hp->messageProtocol(), hp->messageStatus() /* , hp->reasonPhrase() */); // parse headers if (!newrep->parseHeader(*hp)) { newrep->sline.set(hp->messageProtocol(), Http::scInvalidHeader); debugs(11, 2, "error parsing response headers mime block"); } // done with Parser, now process using the HttpReply hp = nullptr; newrep->sources |= request->url.getScheme() == AnyP::PROTO_HTTPS ? Http::Message::srcHttps : Http::Message::srcHttp; if (newrep->sline.version.protocol == AnyP::PROTO_HTTP && Http::Is1xx(newrep->sline.status())) { handle1xx(newrep.getRaw()); return; } flags.chunked = false; if (newrep->sline.version.protocol == AnyP::PROTO_HTTP && newrep->header.chunked()) { flags.chunked = true; httpChunkDecoder = new Http1::TeChunkedParser; } if (!peerSupportsConnectionPinning()) request->flags.connectionAuthDisabled = true; const auto vrep = setVirginReply(newrep.getRaw()); flags.headers_parsed = true; keepaliveAccounting(vrep); checkDateSkew(vrep); processSurrogateControl (vrep); } /// ignore or start forwarding the 1xx response (a.k.a., control message) void HttpStateData::handle1xx(const HttpReply::Pointer &reply) { if (fwd->al) fwd->al->reply = reply; // one 1xx at a time: we must not be called while waiting for previous 1xx Must(!flags.handling1xx); flags.handling1xx = true; const auto statusCode = reply->sline.status(); // drop1xx() needs to handle HTTP 101 (Switching Protocols) responses // specially because they indicate that the server has stopped speaking HTTP Must(!flags.serverSwitchedProtocols); flags.serverSwitchedProtocols = (statusCode == Http::scSwitchingProtocols); if (statusCode == Http::scContinue && request->forcedBodyContinuation) return drop1xx("we have sent it already"); if (!request->canHandle1xx()) return drop1xx("the client does not support it"); #if USE_HTTP_VIOLATIONS // check whether the 1xx response forwarding is allowed by squid.conf if (Config.accessList.reply) { ACLFilledChecklist ch(Config.accessList.reply, originalRequest().getRaw()); ch.updateAle(fwd->al); ch.updateReply(reply); ch.syncAle(originalRequest().getRaw(), nullptr); if (!ch.fastCheck().allowed()) // TODO: support slow lookups? return drop1xx("http_reply_access blocked it"); } #endif // USE_HTTP_VIOLATIONS if (flags.serverSwitchedProtocols) { if (const auto reason = blockSwitchingProtocols(*reply)) return drop1xx(reason); } debugs(11, 2, "forwarding 1xx to client"); // the Sink will use this to call us back after writing 1xx to the client typedef NullaryMemFunT CbDialer; const AsyncCall::Pointer cb = JobCallback(11, 3, CbDialer, this, HttpStateData::proceedAfter1xx); CallJobHere1(11, 4, request->clientConnectionManager, ConnStateData, ConnStateData::sendControlMsg, HttpControlMsg(reply, cb)); // If the call is not fired, then the Sink is gone, and HttpStateData // will terminate due to an aborted store entry or another similar error. // If we get stuck, it is not handle1xx fault if we could get stuck // for similar reasons without a 1xx response. } /// if possible, safely ignores the received 1xx control message /// otherwise, terminates the server connection void HttpStateData::drop1xx(const char *reason) { if (flags.serverSwitchedProtocols) { debugs(11, 2, "bad 101 because " << reason); const auto err = new ErrorState(ERR_INVALID_RESP, Http::scBadGateway, request.getRaw(), fwd->al); fwd->fail(err); closeServer(); mustStop("prohibited HTTP/101 response"); return; } debugs(11, 2, "ignoring 1xx because " << reason); proceedAfter1xx(); } /// \retval nil if the HTTP/101 (Switching Protocols) reply should be forwarded /// \retval reason why an attempt to switch protocols should be stopped const char * HttpStateData::blockSwitchingProtocols(const HttpReply &reply) const { if (!upgradeHeaderOut) return "Squid offered no Upgrade at all, but server switched to a tunnel"; // See RFC 7230 section 6.7 for the corresponding MUSTs if (!reply.header.has(Http::HdrType::UPGRADE)) return "server did not send an Upgrade header field"; if (!reply.header.hasListMember(Http::HdrType::CONNECTION, "upgrade", ',')) return "server did not send 'Connection: upgrade'"; const auto acceptedProtos = reply.header.getList(Http::HdrType::UPGRADE); const char *pos = nullptr; const char *accepted = nullptr; int acceptedLen = 0; while (strListGetItem(&acceptedProtos, ',', &accepted, &acceptedLen, &pos)) { debugs(11, 5, "server accepted at least" << Raw(nullptr, accepted, acceptedLen)); return nullptr; // OK: let the client validate server's selection } return "server sent an essentially empty Upgrade header field"; } /// restores state and resumes processing after 1xx is ignored or forwarded void HttpStateData::proceedAfter1xx() { Must(flags.handling1xx); if (flags.serverSwitchedProtocols) { // pass server connection ownership to request->clientConnectionManager ConnStateData::ServerConnectionContext scc(serverConnection, inBuf); typedef UnaryMemFunT MyDialer; AsyncCall::Pointer call = asyncCall(11, 3, "ConnStateData::noteTakeServerConnectionControl", MyDialer(request->clientConnectionManager, &ConnStateData::noteTakeServerConnectionControl, scc)); ScheduleCallHere(call); fwd->unregister(serverConnection); comm_remove_close_handler(serverConnection->fd, closeHandler); closeHandler = nullptr; serverConnection = nullptr; doneWithFwd = "switched protocols"; mustStop(doneWithFwd); return; } debugs(11, 2, "continuing with " << payloadSeen << " bytes in buffer after 1xx"); CallJobHere(11, 3, this, HttpStateData, HttpStateData::processReply); } /** * returns true if the peer can support connection pinning */ bool HttpStateData::peerSupportsConnectionPinning() const { if (!_peer) return true; // we are talking "through" rather than "to" our _peer if (flags.tunneling) return true; /*If this peer does not support connection pinning (authenticated connections) return false */ if (!_peer->connection_auth) return false; const auto &rep = entry->mem().freshestReply(); /*The peer supports connection pinning and the http reply status is not unauthorized, so the related connection can be pinned */ if (rep.sline.status() != Http::scUnauthorized) return true; /*The server respond with Http::scUnauthorized and the peer configured with "connection-auth=on" we know that the peer supports pinned connections */ if (_peer->connection_auth == 1) return true; /*At this point peer has configured with "connection-auth=auto" parameter so we need some extra checks to decide if we are going to allow pinned connections or not */ /*if the peer configured with originserver just allow connection pinning (squid 2.6 behaviour) */ if (_peer->options.originserver) return true; /*if the connections it is already pinned it is OK*/ if (request->flags.pinned) return true; /*Allow pinned connections only if the Proxy-support header exists in reply and has in its list the "Session-Based-Authentication" which means that the peer supports connection pinning. */ if (rep.header.hasListMember(Http::HdrType::PROXY_SUPPORT, "Session-Based-Authentication", ',')) return true; return false; } // Called when we parsed (and possibly adapted) the headers but // had not starting storing (a.k.a., sending) the body yet. void HttpStateData::haveParsedReplyHeaders() { Client::haveParsedReplyHeaders(); HttpReply *rep = finalReply(); const Http::StatusCode statusCode = rep->sline.status(); entry->timestampsSet(); /* Check if object is cacheable or not based on reply code */ debugs(11, 3, "HTTP CODE: " << statusCode); if (StoreEntry *oldEntry = findPreviouslyCachedEntry(entry)) { oldEntry->lock("HttpStateData::haveParsedReplyHeaders"); sawDateGoBack = rep->olderThan(oldEntry->hasFreshestReply()); oldEntry->unlock("HttpStateData::haveParsedReplyHeaders"); } if (neighbors_do_private_keys && !sawDateGoBack) httpMaybeRemovePublic(entry, rep->sline.status()); bool varyFailure = false; if (rep->header.has(Http::HdrType::VARY) #if X_ACCELERATOR_VARY || rep->header.has(Http::HdrType::HDR_X_ACCELERATOR_VARY) #endif ) { const SBuf vary(httpMakeVaryMark(request.getRaw(), rep)); if (vary.isEmpty()) { // TODO: check whether such responses are shareable. // Do not share for now. entry->makePrivate(false); if (Http::IsReforwardableStatus(rep->sline.status())) EBIT_SET(entry->flags, ENTRY_FWD_HDR_WAIT); varyFailure = true; } else { entry->mem_obj->vary_headers = vary; // RFC 7231 section 7.1.4 // Vary:* can be cached, but has mandatory revalidation static const SBuf asterisk("*"); if (vary == asterisk) EBIT_SET(entry->flags, ENTRY_REVALIDATE_ALWAYS); } } if (!varyFailure) { /* * If its not a reply that we will re-forward, then * allow the client to get it. */ if (Http::IsReforwardableStatus(rep->sline.status())) EBIT_SET(entry->flags, ENTRY_FWD_HDR_WAIT); ReuseDecision decision(entry, statusCode); switch (reusableReply(decision)) { case ReuseDecision::reuseNot: entry->makePrivate(false); break; case ReuseDecision::cachePositively: if (!entry->makePublic()) { decision.make(ReuseDecision::doNotCacheButShare, "public key creation error"); entry->makePrivate(true); } break; case ReuseDecision::cacheNegatively: if (!entry->cacheNegatively()) { decision.make(ReuseDecision::doNotCacheButShare, "public key creation error"); entry->makePrivate(true); } break; case ReuseDecision::doNotCacheButShare: entry->makePrivate(true); break; default: assert(0); break; } debugs(11, 3, "decided: " << decision); } if (!ignoreCacheControl) { if (rep->cache_control) { // We are required to revalidate on many conditions. // For security reasons we do so even if storage was caused by refresh_pattern ignore-* option // CC:must-revalidate or CC:proxy-revalidate const bool ccMustRevalidate = (rep->cache_control->hasProxyRevalidate() || rep->cache_control->hasMustRevalidate()); // CC:no-cache (only if there are no parameters) const bool ccNoCacheNoParams = rep->cache_control->hasNoCacheWithoutParameters(); // CC:s-maxage=N const bool ccSMaxAge = rep->cache_control->hasSMaxAge(); // CC:private (yes, these can sometimes be stored) const bool ccPrivate = rep->cache_control->hasPrivate(); if (ccNoCacheNoParams || ccPrivate) EBIT_SET(entry->flags, ENTRY_REVALIDATE_ALWAYS); else if (ccMustRevalidate || ccSMaxAge) EBIT_SET(entry->flags, ENTRY_REVALIDATE_STALE); } #if USE_HTTP_VIOLATIONS // response header Pragma::no-cache is undefined in HTTP else { // Expensive calculation. So only do it IF the CC: header is not present. /* HACK: Pragma: no-cache in _replies_ is not documented in HTTP, * but servers like "Active Imaging Webcast/2.0" sure do use it */ if (rep->header.has(Http::HdrType::PRAGMA) && rep->header.hasListMember(Http::HdrType::PRAGMA,"no-cache",',')) EBIT_SET(entry->flags, ENTRY_REVALIDATE_ALWAYS); } #endif } } HttpStateData::ConnectionStatus HttpStateData::statusIfComplete() const { const HttpReply *rep = virginReply(); /** \par * If the reply wants to close the connection, it takes precedence */ static SBuf close("close", 5); if (httpHeaderHasConnDir(&rep->header, close)) return COMPLETE_NONPERSISTENT_MSG; /** \par * If we sent a Connection:close request header, then this * can not be a persistent connection. */ if (!flags.keepalive) return COMPLETE_NONPERSISTENT_MSG; /** \par * If we banned reuse, then this cannot be a persistent connection. */ if (flags.forceClose) return COMPLETE_NONPERSISTENT_MSG; /** \par * If we haven't sent the whole request then this can not be a persistent * connection. */ if (!flags.request_sent) { debugs(11, 2, "Request not yet fully sent " << request->method << ' ' << entry->url()); return COMPLETE_NONPERSISTENT_MSG; } /** \par * What does the reply have to say about keep-alive? */ /* XXX: BUG? * If the origin server (HTTP/1.0) does not send a keep-alive * header, but keeps the connection open anyway, what happens? * We'll return here and wait for an EOF before changing * store_status to STORE_OK. Combine this with ENTRY_FWD_HDR_WAIT * and an error status code, and we might have to wait until * the server times out the socket. */ if (!rep->keep_alive) return COMPLETE_NONPERSISTENT_MSG; return COMPLETE_PERSISTENT_MSG; } HttpStateData::ConnectionStatus HttpStateData::persistentConnStatus() const { debugs(11, 3, serverConnection << " eof=" << eof); if (eof) // already reached EOF return COMPLETE_NONPERSISTENT_MSG; /* If server fd is closing (but we have not been notified yet), stop Comm I/O to avoid assertions. TODO: Change Comm API to handle callers that want more I/O after async closing (usually initiated by others). */ // XXX: add canReceive or s/canSend/canTalkToServer/ if (!Comm::IsConnOpen(serverConnection)) return COMPLETE_NONPERSISTENT_MSG; /** \par * In chunked response we do not know the content length but we are absolutely * sure about the end of response, so we are calling the statusIfComplete to * decide if we can be persistent */ if (lastChunk && flags.chunked) return statusIfComplete(); const HttpReply *vrep = virginReply(); debugs(11, 5, "persistentConnStatus: content_length=" << vrep->content_length); const int64_t clen = vrep->bodySize(request->method); debugs(11, 5, "persistentConnStatus: clen=" << clen); /* If the body size is unknown we must wait for EOF */ if (clen < 0) return INCOMPLETE_MSG; /** \par * If the body size is known, we must wait until we've gotten all of it. */ if (clen > 0) { debugs(11,5, "payloadSeen=" << payloadSeen << " content_length=" << vrep->content_length); if (payloadSeen < vrep->content_length) return INCOMPLETE_MSG; if (payloadTruncated > 0) // already read more than needed return COMPLETE_NONPERSISTENT_MSG; // disable pconns } /** \par * If there is no message body or we got it all, we can be persistent */ return statusIfComplete(); } void HttpStateData::noteDelayAwareReadChance() { waitingForDelayAwareReadChance = false; maybeReadVirginBody(); } void HttpStateData::readReply(const CommIoCbParams &io) { debugs(11, 5, io.conn); waitingForCommRead = false; // Bail out early on Comm::ERR_CLOSING - close handlers will tidy up for us if (io.flag == Comm::ERR_CLOSING) { debugs(11, 3, "http socket closing"); return; } if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_ABORTED)) { abortTransaction("store entry aborted while reading reply"); return; } Must(Comm::IsConnOpen(serverConnection)); Must(io.conn->fd == serverConnection->fd); /* * Don't reset the timeout value here. The value should be * counting Config.Timeout.request and applies to the request * as a whole, not individual read() calls. * Plus, it breaks our lame *HalfClosed() detection */ const auto moreDataPermission = canBufferMoreReplyBytes(); if (!moreDataPermission) { abortTransaction("ready to read required data, but the read buffer is full and cannot be drained"); return; } const auto readSizeMax = maybeMakeSpaceAvailable(moreDataPermission.value()); // TODO: Move this logic inside maybeMakeSpaceAvailable(): const auto readSizeWanted = readSizeMax ? entry->bytesWanted(Range(0, readSizeMax)) : 0; if (readSizeWanted <= 0) { // XXX: If we avoid Comm::ReadNow(), we should not Comm::Read() again // when the wait is over. We should go straight to readReply() instead. #if USE_ADAPTATION // XXX: We are duplicating Client::calcBufferSpaceToReserve() logic. // XXX: Some other delayRead() cases may lack kickReads() guarantees. // TODO: Refactor maybeMakeSpaceAvailable() to properly treat each // no-read case instead of calling delayRead() for the remaining cases. if (responseBodyBuffer) { debugs(11, 5, "avoid delayRead() to give adaptation a chance to drain overflow buffer: " << responseBodyBuffer->contentSize()); return; // wait for Client::noteMoreBodySpaceAvailable() } if (virginBodyDestination && virginBodyDestination->buf().hasContent()) { debugs(11, 5, "avoid delayRead() to give adaptation a chance to drain body pipe buffer: " << virginBodyDestination->buf().contentSize()); return; // wait for Client::noteMoreBodySpaceAvailable() } #endif delayRead(); /// wait for Client::noteDelayAwareReadChance() return; } CommIoCbParams rd(this); // will be expanded with ReadNow results rd.conn = io.conn; rd.size = readSizeWanted; switch (Comm::ReadNow(rd, inBuf)) { case Comm::INPROGRESS: if (inBuf.isEmpty()) debugs(33, 2, io.conn << ": no data to process, " << xstrerr(rd.xerrno)); maybeReadVirginBody(); return; case Comm::OK: { payloadSeen += rd.size; #if USE_DELAY_POOLS DelayId delayId = entry->mem_obj->mostBytesAllowed(); delayId.bytesIn(rd.size); #endif statCounter.server.all.kbytes_in += rd.size; statCounter.server.http.kbytes_in += rd.size; ++ IOStats.Http.reads; int bin = 0; for (int clen = rd.size - 1; clen; ++bin) clen >>= 1; ++ IOStats.Http.read_hist[bin]; request->hier.notePeerRead(); } /* Continue to process previously read data */ break; case Comm::ENDFILE: // close detected by 0-byte read eof = 1; /* Continue to process previously read data */ break; // case Comm::COMM_ERROR: default: // no other flags should ever occur debugs(11, 2, io.conn << ": read failure: " << xstrerr(rd.xerrno)); const auto err = new ErrorState(ERR_READ_ERROR, Http::scBadGateway, fwd->request, fwd->al); err->xerrno = rd.xerrno; fwd->fail(err); closeServer(); mustStop("HttpStateData::readReply"); return; } /* Process next response from buffer */ processReply(); } /// processes the already read and buffered response data, possibly after /// waiting for asynchronous 1xx control message processing void HttpStateData::processReply() { if (flags.handling1xx) { // we came back after handling a 1xx response debugs(11, 5, "done with 1xx handling"); flags.handling1xx = false; Must(!flags.headers_parsed); } if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_ABORTED)) { abortTransaction("store entry aborted while we were waiting for processReply()"); return; } if (!flags.headers_parsed) { // have not parsed headers yet? processReplyHeader(); if (!continueAfterParsingHeader()) // parsing error or need more data return; // TODO: send errors to ICAP adaptOrFinalizeReply(); // may write to, abort, or "close" the entry } // kick more reads if needed and/or process the response body, if any processReplyBody(); // may call serverComplete() } /** \retval true if we can continue with processing the body or doing ICAP. */ bool HttpStateData::continueAfterParsingHeader() { if (flags.handling1xx) { debugs(11, 5, "wait for 1xx handling"); Must(!flags.headers_parsed); return false; } if (!flags.headers_parsed && !eof) { debugs(11, 9, "needs more at " << inBuf.length()); /** \retval false If we have not finished parsing the headers and may get more data. * Schedules more reads to retrieve the missing data. */ maybeReadVirginBody(); // schedules all kinds of reads; TODO: rename return false; } /** If we are done with parsing, check for errors */ err_type error = ERR_NONE; if (flags.headers_parsed) { // parsed headers, possibly with errors // check for header parsing errors if (HttpReply *vrep = virginReply()) { const Http::StatusCode s = vrep->sline.status(); const AnyP::ProtocolVersion &v = vrep->sline.version; if (s == Http::scInvalidHeader && v != Http::ProtocolVersion(0,9)) { debugs(11, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: HTTP: Invalid Response: Bad header encountered from " << entry->url() << " AKA " << request->url); error = ERR_INVALID_RESP; } else if (s == Http::scHeaderTooLarge) { fwd->dontRetry(true); error = ERR_TOO_BIG; } else if (vrep->header.conflictingContentLength()) { fwd->dontRetry(true); error = ERR_INVALID_RESP; } else if (vrep->header.unsupportedTe()) { fwd->dontRetry(true); error = ERR_INVALID_RESP; } else { return true; // done parsing, got reply, and no error } } else { // parsed headers but got no reply debugs(11, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: HTTP: Invalid Response: No reply at all for " << entry->url() << " AKA " << request->url); error = ERR_INVALID_RESP; } } else { assert(eof); if (inBuf.length()) { error = ERR_INVALID_RESP; debugs(11, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: HTTP: Invalid Response: Headers did not parse at all for " << entry->url() << " AKA " << request->url); } else { error = ERR_ZERO_SIZE_OBJECT; debugs(11, (request->flags.accelerated?DBG_IMPORTANT:2), "WARNING: HTTP: Invalid Response: No object data received for " << entry->url() << " AKA " << request->url); } } assert(error != ERR_NONE); entry->reset(); fwd->fail(new ErrorState(error, Http::scBadGateway, fwd->request, fwd->al)); closeServer(); mustStop("HttpStateData::continueAfterParsingHeader"); return false; // quit on error } /** truncate what we read if we read too much so that writeReplyBody() writes no more than what we should have read */ void HttpStateData::truncateVirginBody() { assert(flags.headers_parsed); HttpReply *vrep = virginReply(); int64_t clen = -1; if (!vrep->expectingBody(request->method, clen) || clen < 0) return; // no body or a body of unknown size, including chunked if (payloadSeen - payloadTruncated <= clen) return; // we did not read too much or already took care of the extras if (const int64_t extras = payloadSeen - payloadTruncated - clen) { // server sent more that the advertised content length debugs(11, 5, "payloadSeen=" << payloadSeen << " clen=" << clen << '/' << vrep->content_length << " truncated=" << payloadTruncated << '+' << extras); inBuf.chop(0, inBuf.length() - extras); payloadTruncated += extras; } } /// called on a premature EOF discovered when reading response body void HttpStateData::markPrematureReplyBodyEofFailure() { const auto err = new ErrorState(ERR_READ_ERROR, Http::scBadGateway, fwd->request, fwd->al); static const auto d = MakeNamedErrorDetail("SRV_PREMATURE_EOF"); err->detailError(d); fwd->fail(err); } /** * Call this when there is data from the origin server * which should be sent to either StoreEntry, or to ICAP... */ void HttpStateData::writeReplyBody() { truncateVirginBody(); // if needed const char *data = inBuf.rawContent(); int len = inBuf.length(); addVirginReplyBody(data, len); inBuf.consume(len); // after addVirginReplyBody() wrote (when not adapting) everything we have // received to Store, check whether we have received/parsed the entire reply int64_t clen = -1; const char *parsedWhole = nullptr; if (!virginReply()->expectingBody(request->method, clen)) parsedWhole = "http parsed header-only reply"; else if (clen >= 0 && clen == payloadSeen - payloadTruncated) parsedWhole = "http parsed Content-Length body bytes"; else if (clen < 0 && eof) parsedWhole = "http parsed body ending with expected/required EOF"; if (parsedWhole) markParsedVirginReplyAsWhole(parsedWhole); else if (eof) markPrematureReplyBodyEofFailure(); } bool HttpStateData::decodeAndWriteReplyBody() { assert(flags.chunked); assert(httpChunkDecoder); try { MemBuf decodedData; decodedData.init(); httpChunkDecoder->setPayloadBuffer(&decodedData); const bool doneParsing = httpChunkDecoder->parse(inBuf); inBuf = httpChunkDecoder->remaining(); // sync buffers after parse addVirginReplyBody(decodedData.content(), decodedData.contentSize()); if (doneParsing) { lastChunk = 1; markParsedVirginReplyAsWhole("http parsed last-chunk"); } else if (eof) { markPrematureReplyBodyEofFailure(); } return true; } catch (...) { debugs (11, 2, "de-chunking failure: " << CurrentException); } return false; } /** * processReplyBody has two purposes: * 1 - take the reply body data, if any, and put it into either * the StoreEntry, or give it over to ICAP. * 2 - see if we made it to the end of the response (persistent * connections and such) */ void HttpStateData::processReplyBody() { if (!flags.headers_parsed) { maybeReadVirginBody(); return; } #if USE_ADAPTATION debugs(11,5, "adaptationAccessCheckPending=" << adaptationAccessCheckPending); if (adaptationAccessCheckPending) return; #endif /* * At this point the reply headers have been parsed and consumed. * That means header content has been removed from readBuf and * it contains only body data. */ if (entry->isAccepting()) { if (flags.chunked) { if (!decodeAndWriteReplyBody()) { serverComplete(); return; } } else writeReplyBody(); } // storing/sending methods like earlier adaptOrFinalizeReply() or // above writeReplyBody() may release/abort the store entry. if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_ABORTED)) { // TODO: In some cases (e.g., 304), we should keep persistent conn open. // Detect end-of-reply (and, hence, pool our idle pconn) earlier (ASAP). abortTransaction("store entry aborted while storing reply"); return; } else switch (persistentConnStatus()) { case INCOMPLETE_MSG: { debugs(11, 5, "processReplyBody: INCOMPLETE_MSG from " << serverConnection); /* Wait for more data or EOF condition */ AsyncCall::Pointer nil; if (flags.keepalive_broken) { commSetConnTimeout(serverConnection, 10, nil); } else { commSetConnTimeout(serverConnection, Config.Timeout.read, nil); } } break; case COMPLETE_PERSISTENT_MSG: { debugs(11, 5, "processReplyBody: COMPLETE_PERSISTENT_MSG from " << serverConnection); // TODO: Remove serverConnectionSaved but preserve exception safety. commUnsetConnTimeout(serverConnection); comm_remove_close_handler(serverConnection->fd, closeHandler); closeHandler = nullptr; Ip::Address client_addr; // XXX: Remove as unused. Why was it added? if (request->flags.spoofClientIp) client_addr = request->client_addr; auto serverConnectionSaved = serverConnection; fwd->unregister(serverConnection); serverConnection = nullptr; bool ispinned = false; // TODO: Rename to isOrShouldBePinned if (request->flags.pinned) { ispinned = true; } else if (request->flags.connectionAuth && request->flags.authSent) { ispinned = true; } if (ispinned) { if (request->clientConnectionManager.valid()) { CallJobHere1(11, 4, request->clientConnectionManager, ConnStateData, notePinnedConnectionBecameIdle, ConnStateData::PinnedIdleContext(serverConnectionSaved, request)); } else { // must not pool/share ispinned connections, even orphaned ones serverConnectionSaved->close(); } } else { fwdPconnPool->push(serverConnectionSaved, request->url.host()); } serverComplete(); return; } case COMPLETE_NONPERSISTENT_MSG: debugs(11, 5, "processReplyBody: COMPLETE_NONPERSISTENT_MSG from " << serverConnection); serverComplete(); return; } maybeReadVirginBody(); } bool HttpStateData::mayReadVirginReplyBody() const { // TODO: Be more precise here. For example, if/when reading trailer, we may // not be doneWithServer() yet, but we should return false. Similarly, we // could still be writing the request body after receiving the whole reply. return !doneWithServer(); } void HttpStateData::maybeReadVirginBody() { if (!Comm::IsConnOpen(serverConnection) || fd_table[serverConnection->fd].closing()) { debugs(11, 3, "no, peer connection gone"); return; } if (eof) { // tolerate hypothetical calls between Comm::ENDFILE and closeServer() debugs(11, 3, "no, saw EOF"); return; } if (lastChunk) { // tolerate hypothetical calls between setting lastChunk and clearing serverConnection debugs(11, 3, "no, saw last-chunk"); return; } if (!canBufferMoreReplyBytes()) { abortTransaction("more response bytes required, but the read buffer is full and cannot be drained"); return; } if (waitingForDelayAwareReadChance) { debugs(11, 5, "no, still waiting for noteDelayAwareReadChance()"); return; } if (waitingForCommRead) { debugs(11, 3, "no, already waiting for readReply()"); return; } assert(!Comm::MonitorsRead(serverConnection->fd)); // wait for read(2) to be possible. typedef CommCbMemFunT Dialer; AsyncCall::Pointer call = JobCallback(11, 5, Dialer, this, HttpStateData::readReply); Comm::Read(serverConnection, call); waitingForCommRead = true; } /// Desired inBuf capacity based on various capacity preferences/limits: /// * a smaller buffer may not hold enough for look-ahead header/body parsers; /// * a smaller buffer may result in inefficient tiny network reads; /// * a bigger buffer may waste memory; /// * a bigger buffer may exceed SBuf storage capabilities (SBuf::maxSize); size_t HttpStateData::calcReadBufferCapacityLimit() const { if (!flags.headers_parsed) return Config.maxReplyHeaderSize; // XXX: Our inBuf is not used to maintain the read-ahead gap, and using // Config.readAheadGap like this creates huge read buffers for large // read_ahead_gap values. TODO: Switch to using tcp_recv_bufsize as the // primary read buffer capacity factor. // // TODO: Cannot reuse throwing NaturalCast() here. Consider removing // .value() dereference in NaturalCast() or add/use NaturalCastOrMax(). const auto configurationPreferences = NaturalSum(Config.readAheadGap).value_or(SBuf::maxSize); // TODO: Honor TeChunkedParser look-ahead and trailer parsing requirements // (when explicit configurationPreferences are set too low). return std::min(configurationPreferences, SBuf::maxSize); } /// The maximum number of virgin reply bytes we may buffer before we violate /// the currently configured response buffering limits. /// \retval std::nullopt means that no more virgin response bytes can be read /// \retval 0 means that more virgin response bytes may be read later /// \retval >0 is the number of bytes that can be read now (subject to other constraints) std::optional HttpStateData::canBufferMoreReplyBytes() const { #if USE_ADAPTATION // If we do not check this now, we may say the final "no" prematurely below // because inBuf.length() will decrease as adaptation drains buffered bytes. if (responseBodyBuffer) { debugs(11, 3, "yes, but waiting for adaptation to drain read buffer"); return 0; // yes, we may be able to buffer more (but later) } #endif const auto maxCapacity = calcReadBufferCapacityLimit(); if (inBuf.length() >= maxCapacity) { debugs(11, 3, "no, due to a full buffer: " << inBuf.length() << '/' << inBuf.spaceSize() << "; limit: " << maxCapacity); return std::nullopt; // no, configuration prohibits buffering more } const auto maxReadSize = maxCapacity - inBuf.length(); // positive debugs(11, 7, "yes, may read up to " << maxReadSize << " into " << inBuf.length() << '/' << inBuf.spaceSize()); return maxReadSize; // yes, can read up to this many bytes (subject to other constraints) } /// prepare read buffer for reading /// \return the maximum number of bytes the caller should attempt to read /// \retval 0 means that the caller should delay reading size_t HttpStateData::maybeMakeSpaceAvailable(const size_t maxReadSize) { // how much we want to read const size_t read_size = calcBufferSpaceToReserve(inBuf.spaceSize(), maxReadSize); if (read_size < 2) { debugs(11, 7, "will not read up to " << read_size << " into buffer (" << inBuf.length() << "/" << inBuf.spaceSize() << ") from " << serverConnection); return 0; } // we may need to grow the buffer inBuf.reserveSpace(read_size); debugs(11, 7, "may read up to " << read_size << " bytes info buffer (" << inBuf.length() << "/" << inBuf.spaceSize() << ") from " << serverConnection); return read_size; } /// called after writing the very last request byte (body, last-chunk, etc) void HttpStateData::wroteLast(const CommIoCbParams &io) { debugs(11, 5, serverConnection << ": size " << io.size << ": errflag " << io.flag << "."); #if URL_CHECKSUM_DEBUG entry->mem_obj->checkUrlChecksum(); #endif // XXX: Keep in sync with Client::sentRequestBody(). // TODO: Extract common parts. if (io.size > 0) { fd_bytes(io.fd, io.size, IoDirection::Write); statCounter.server.all.kbytes_out += io.size; statCounter.server.http.kbytes_out += io.size; } if (io.flag == Comm::ERR_CLOSING) return; // both successful and failed writes affect response times request->hier.notePeerWrite(); if (io.flag) { const auto err = new ErrorState(ERR_WRITE_ERROR, Http::scBadGateway, fwd->request, fwd->al); err->xerrno = io.xerrno; fwd->fail(err); closeServer(); mustStop("HttpStateData::wroteLast"); return; } sendComplete(); } /// successfully wrote the entire request (including body, last-chunk, etc.) void HttpStateData::sendComplete() { /* * Set the read timeout here because it hasn't been set yet. * We only set the read timeout after the request has been * fully written to the peer. If we start the timeout * after connection establishment, then we are likely to hit * the timeout for POST/PUT requests that have very large * request bodies. */ typedef CommCbMemFunT TimeoutDialer; AsyncCall::Pointer timeoutCall = JobCallback(11, 5, TimeoutDialer, this, HttpStateData::httpTimeout); commSetConnTimeout(serverConnection, Config.Timeout.read, timeoutCall); flags.request_sent = true; } void HttpStateData::closeServer() { debugs(11,5, "closing HTTP server " << serverConnection << " this " << this); if (Comm::IsConnOpen(serverConnection)) { fwd->unregister(serverConnection); comm_remove_close_handler(serverConnection->fd, closeHandler); closeHandler = nullptr; serverConnection->close(); } } bool HttpStateData::doneWithServer() const { return !Comm::IsConnOpen(serverConnection); } /* * Fixup authentication request headers for special cases */ static void httpFixupAuthentication(HttpRequest * request, const HttpHeader * hdr_in, HttpHeader * hdr_out, const Http::StateFlags &flags) { /* Nothing to do unless we are forwarding to a peer */ if (!flags.peering) return; // This request is going "through" rather than "to" our _peer. if (flags.tunneling) return; /* Needs to be explicitly enabled */ if (!request->peer_login) return; const auto header = flags.toOrigin ? Http::HdrType::AUTHORIZATION : Http::HdrType::PROXY_AUTHORIZATION; /* Maybe already dealt with? */ if (hdr_out->has(header)) return; /* Nothing to do here for PASSTHRU */ if (strcmp(request->peer_login, "PASSTHRU") == 0) return; // Dangerous and undocumented PROXYPASS is a single-signon to servers with // the proxy password. Only Basic Authentication can work this way. This // statement forwards a "basic" Proxy-Authorization value from our client // to an originserver peer. Other PROXYPASS cases are handled lower. if (flags.toOrigin && strcmp(request->peer_login, "PROXYPASS") == 0 && hdr_in->has(Http::HdrType::PROXY_AUTHORIZATION)) { const char *auth = hdr_in->getStr(Http::HdrType::PROXY_AUTHORIZATION); if (auth && strncasecmp(auth, "basic ", 6) == 0) { hdr_out->putStr(header, auth); return; } } char loginbuf[base64_encode_len(MAX_LOGIN_SZ)]; size_t blen; struct base64_encode_ctx ctx; base64_encode_init(&ctx); /* Special mode to pass the username to the upstream cache */ if (*request->peer_login == '*') { const char *username = "-"; if (request->extacl_user.size()) username = request->extacl_user.termedBuf(); #if USE_AUTH else if (request->auth_user_request != nullptr) username = request->auth_user_request->username(); #endif blen = base64_encode_update(&ctx, loginbuf, strlen(username), reinterpret_cast(username)); blen += base64_encode_update(&ctx, loginbuf+blen, strlen(request->peer_login +1), reinterpret_cast(request->peer_login +1)); blen += base64_encode_final(&ctx, loginbuf+blen); httpHeaderPutStrf(hdr_out, header, "Basic %.*s", (int)blen, loginbuf); return; } /* external_acl provided credentials */ if (request->extacl_user.size() && request->extacl_passwd.size() && (strcmp(request->peer_login, "PASS") == 0 || strcmp(request->peer_login, "PROXYPASS") == 0)) { blen = base64_encode_update(&ctx, loginbuf, request->extacl_user.size(), reinterpret_cast(request->extacl_user.rawBuf())); blen += base64_encode_update(&ctx, loginbuf+blen, 1, reinterpret_cast(":")); blen += base64_encode_update(&ctx, loginbuf+blen, request->extacl_passwd.size(), reinterpret_cast(request->extacl_passwd.rawBuf())); blen += base64_encode_final(&ctx, loginbuf+blen); httpHeaderPutStrf(hdr_out, header, "Basic %.*s", (int)blen, loginbuf); return; } // if no external user credentials are available to fake authentication with PASS acts like PASSTHRU if (strcmp(request->peer_login, "PASS") == 0) return; /* Kerberos login to peer */ #if HAVE_AUTH_MODULE_NEGOTIATE && HAVE_KRB5 && HAVE_GSSAPI if (strncmp(request->peer_login, "NEGOTIATE",strlen("NEGOTIATE")) == 0) { char *Token=nullptr; char *PrincipalName=nullptr,*p; int negotiate_flags = 0; if ((p=strchr(request->peer_login,':')) != nullptr ) { PrincipalName=++p; } if (request->flags.auth_no_keytab) { negotiate_flags |= PEER_PROXY_NEGOTIATE_NOKEYTAB; } Token = peer_proxy_negotiate_auth(PrincipalName, request->peer_host, negotiate_flags); if (Token) { httpHeaderPutStrf(hdr_out, header, "Negotiate %s",Token); } return; } #endif /* HAVE_KRB5 && HAVE_GSSAPI */ blen = base64_encode_update(&ctx, loginbuf, strlen(request->peer_login), reinterpret_cast(request->peer_login)); blen += base64_encode_final(&ctx, loginbuf+blen); httpHeaderPutStrf(hdr_out, header, "Basic %.*s", (int)blen, loginbuf); return; } /* * build request headers and append them to a given MemBuf * used by buildRequestPrefix() * note: initialised the HttpHeader, the caller is responsible for Clean()-ing */ void HttpStateData::httpBuildRequestHeader(HttpRequest * request, StoreEntry * entry, const AccessLogEntryPointer &al, HttpHeader * hdr_out, const Http::StateFlags &flags) { /* building buffer for complex strings */ #define BBUF_SZ (MAX_URL+32) LOCAL_ARRAY(char, bbuf, BBUF_SZ); LOCAL_ARRAY(char, ntoabuf, MAX_IPSTRLEN); const HttpHeader *hdr_in = &request->header; const HttpHeaderEntry *e = nullptr; HttpHeaderPos pos = HttpHeaderInitPos; assert (hdr_out->owner == hoRequest); /* use our IMS header if the cached entry has Last-Modified time */ if (request->lastmod > -1) hdr_out->putTime(Http::HdrType::IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, request->lastmod); // Add our own If-None-Match field if the cached entry has a strong ETag. // copyOneHeaderFromClientsideRequestToUpstreamRequest() adds client ones. if (request->etag.size() > 0) { hdr_out->addEntry(new HttpHeaderEntry(Http::HdrType::IF_NONE_MATCH, SBuf(), request->etag.termedBuf())); } bool we_do_ranges = decideIfWeDoRanges (request); String strConnection (hdr_in->getList(Http::HdrType::CONNECTION)); while ((e = hdr_in->getEntry(&pos))) copyOneHeaderFromClientsideRequestToUpstreamRequest(e, strConnection, request, hdr_out, we_do_ranges, flags); /* Abstraction break: We should interpret multipart/byterange responses * into offset-length data, and this works around our inability to do so. */ if (!we_do_ranges && request->multipartRangeRequest()) { /* don't cache the result */ request->flags.cachable.veto(); /* pretend it's not a range request */ request->ignoreRange("want to request the whole object"); request->flags.isRanged = false; } hdr_out->addVia(request->http_ver, hdr_in); if (request->flags.accelerated) { /* Append Surrogate-Capabilities */ String strSurrogate(hdr_in->getList(Http::HdrType::SURROGATE_CAPABILITY)); snprintf(bbuf, BBUF_SZ, "%s=\"Surrogate/1.0\"", Config.Accel.surrogate_id); strListAdd(&strSurrogate, bbuf, ','); hdr_out->putStr(Http::HdrType::SURROGATE_CAPABILITY, strSurrogate.termedBuf()); } /** \pre Handle X-Forwarded-For */ if (strcmp(opt_forwarded_for, "delete") != 0) { String strFwd = hdr_in->getList(Http::HdrType::X_FORWARDED_FOR); // Detect unreasonably long header values. And paranoidly check String // limits: a String ought to accommodate two reasonable-length values. if (strFwd.size() > 32*1024 || !strFwd.canGrowBy(strFwd.size())) { // There is probably a forwarding loop with Via detection disabled. // If we do nothing, String will assert on overflow soon. // TODO: Terminate all transactions with huge XFF? strFwd = "error"; static int warnedCount = 0; if (warnedCount++ < 100) { const SBuf url(entry ? SBuf(entry->url()) : request->effectiveRequestUri()); debugs(11, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: likely forwarding loop with " << url); } } if (strcmp(opt_forwarded_for, "on") == 0) { /** If set to ON - append client IP or 'unknown'. */ if ( request->client_addr.isNoAddr() ) strListAdd(&strFwd, "unknown", ','); else strListAdd(&strFwd, request->client_addr.toStr(ntoabuf, MAX_IPSTRLEN), ','); } else if (strcmp(opt_forwarded_for, "off") == 0) { /** If set to OFF - append 'unknown'. */ strListAdd(&strFwd, "unknown", ','); } else if (strcmp(opt_forwarded_for, "transparent") == 0) { /** If set to TRANSPARENT - pass through unchanged. */ } else if (strcmp(opt_forwarded_for, "truncate") == 0) { /** If set to TRUNCATE - drop existing list and replace with client IP or 'unknown'. */ if ( request->client_addr.isNoAddr() ) strFwd = "unknown"; else strFwd = request->client_addr.toStr(ntoabuf, MAX_IPSTRLEN); } if (strFwd.size() > 0) hdr_out->putStr(Http::HdrType::X_FORWARDED_FOR, strFwd.termedBuf()); } /** If set to DELETE - do not copy through. */ /* append Host if not there already */ if (!hdr_out->has(Http::HdrType::HOST)) { if (request->peer_domain) { hdr_out->putStr(Http::HdrType::HOST, request->peer_domain); } else { SBuf authority = request->url.authority(); hdr_out->putStr(Http::HdrType::HOST, authority.c_str()); } } /* append Authorization if known in URL, not in header and going direct */ if (!hdr_out->has(Http::HdrType::AUTHORIZATION)) { if (flags.toOrigin && !request->url.userInfo().isEmpty()) { static char result[base64_encode_len(MAX_URL*2)]; // should be big enough for a single URI segment struct base64_encode_ctx ctx; base64_encode_init(&ctx); size_t blen = base64_encode_update(&ctx, result, request->url.userInfo().length(), reinterpret_cast(request->url.userInfo().rawContent())); blen += base64_encode_final(&ctx, result+blen); result[blen] = '\0'; if (blen) httpHeaderPutStrf(hdr_out, Http::HdrType::AUTHORIZATION, "Basic %.*s", (int)blen, result); } } /* Fixup (Proxy-)Authorization special cases. Plain relaying dealt with above */ httpFixupAuthentication(request, hdr_in, hdr_out, flags); /* append Cache-Control, add max-age if not there already */ { HttpHdrCc *cc = hdr_in->getCc(); if (!cc) cc = new HttpHdrCc(); /* Add max-age only without no-cache */ if (!cc->hasMaxAge() && !cc->hasNoCache()) { // XXX: performance regression. c_str() reallocates SBuf tmp(request->effectiveRequestUri()); cc->maxAge(getMaxAge(entry ? entry->url() : tmp.c_str())); } /* Enforce sibling relations */ if (flags.only_if_cached) cc->onlyIfCached(true); hdr_out->putCc(*cc); delete cc; } // Always send Connection because HTTP/1.0 servers need explicit // "keep-alive", HTTP/1.1 servers need explicit "close", Upgrade recipients // need bare "upgrade", and we do not always know the server expectations. if (!hdr_out->has(Http::HdrType::CONNECTION)) // forwardUpgrade() may add it hdr_out->putStr(Http::HdrType::CONNECTION, flags.keepalive ? "keep-alive" : "close"); /* append Front-End-Https */ if (flags.front_end_https) { if (flags.front_end_https == 1 || request->url.getScheme() == AnyP::PROTO_HTTPS) hdr_out->putStr(Http::HdrType::FRONT_END_HTTPS, "On"); } if (flags.chunked_request) { // Do not just copy the original value so that if the client-side // starts decode other encodings, this code may remain valid. hdr_out->putStr(Http::HdrType::TRANSFER_ENCODING, "chunked"); } /* Now mangle the headers. */ httpHdrMangleList(hdr_out, request, al, ROR_REQUEST); strConnection.clean(); } /// copies from-client Upgrade info into the given to-server header while /// honoring configuration filters and following HTTP requirements void HttpStateData::forwardUpgrade(HttpHeader &hdrOut) { if (!Config.http_upgrade_request_protocols) return; // forward nothing by default /* RFC 7230 section 6.7 paragraph 10: * A server MUST ignore an Upgrade header field that is received in * an HTTP/1.0 request. */ if (request->http_ver == Http::ProtocolVersion(1,0)) return; const auto &hdrIn = request->header; if (!hdrIn.has(Http::HdrType::UPGRADE)) return; const auto upgradeIn = hdrIn.getList(Http::HdrType::UPGRADE); String upgradeOut; ACLFilledChecklist ch(nullptr, request.getRaw()); ch.al = fwd->al; const char *pos = nullptr; const char *offeredStr = nullptr; int offeredStrLen = 0; while (strListGetItem(&upgradeIn, ',', &offeredStr, &offeredStrLen, &pos)) { const ProtocolView offeredProto(offeredStr, offeredStrLen); debugs(11, 5, "checks all rules applicable to " << offeredProto); Config.http_upgrade_request_protocols->forApplicable(offeredProto, [&ch, offeredStr, offeredStrLen, &upgradeOut] (const SBuf &cfgProto, const acl_access *guard) { debugs(11, 5, "checks " << cfgProto << " rule(s)"); ch.changeAcl(guard); const auto &answer = ch.fastCheck(); if (answer.implicit) return false; // keep looking for an explicit rule match if (answer.allowed()) strListAdd(upgradeOut, offeredStr, offeredStrLen); // else drop the offer (explicitly denied cases and ACL errors) return true; // stop after an explicit rule match or an error }); } if (upgradeOut.size()) { hdrOut.putStr(Http::HdrType::UPGRADE, upgradeOut.termedBuf()); /* RFC 7230 section 6.7 paragraph 10: * When Upgrade is sent, the sender MUST also send a Connection header * field that contains an "upgrade" connection option, in * order to prevent Upgrade from being accidentally forwarded by * intermediaries that might not implement the listed protocols. * * NP: Squid does not truly implement the protocol(s) in this Upgrade. * For now we are treating an explicit blind tunnel as "implemented" * regardless of the security implications. */ hdrOut.putStr(Http::HdrType::CONNECTION, "upgrade"); // Connection:close and Connection:keepalive confuse some Upgrade // recipients, so we do not send those headers. Our Upgrade request // implicitly offers connection persistency per HTTP/1.1 defaults. // Update the keepalive flag to reflect that offer. // * If the server upgrades, then we would not be talking HTTP past the // HTTP 101 control message, and HTTP persistence would be irrelevant. // * Otherwise, our request will contradict onoff.server_pconns=off or // other no-keepalive conditions (if any). We compensate by copying // the original no-keepalive decision now and honoring it later. flags.forceClose = !flags.keepalive; flags.keepalive = true; // should already be true in most cases } } /** * Decides whether a particular header may be cloned from the received Clients request * to our outgoing fetch request. */ void copyOneHeaderFromClientsideRequestToUpstreamRequest(const HttpHeaderEntry *e, const String strConnection, const HttpRequest * request, HttpHeader * hdr_out, const int we_do_ranges, const Http::StateFlags &flags) { debugs(11, 5, "httpBuildRequestHeader: " << e->name << ": " << e->value ); switch (e->id) { /** \par RFC 2616 sect 13.5.1 - Hop-by-Hop headers which Squid should not pass on. */ case Http::HdrType::PROXY_AUTHORIZATION: /** \par Proxy-Authorization: * Only pass on proxy authentication to peers for which * authentication forwarding is explicitly enabled */ if (!flags.toOrigin && request->peer_login && (strcmp(request->peer_login, "PASS") == 0 || strcmp(request->peer_login, "PROXYPASS") == 0 || strcmp(request->peer_login, "PASSTHRU") == 0)) { hdr_out->addEntry(e->clone()); } break; /** \par RFC 2616 sect 13.5.1 - Hop-by-Hop headers which Squid does not pass on. */ case Http::HdrType::CONNECTION: /** \par Connection: */ case Http::HdrType::TE: /** \par TE: */ case Http::HdrType::KEEP_ALIVE: /** \par Keep-Alive: */ case Http::HdrType::PROXY_AUTHENTICATE: /** \par Proxy-Authenticate: */ case Http::HdrType::TRAILER: /** \par Trailer: */ case Http::HdrType::TRANSFER_ENCODING: /** \par Transfer-Encoding: */ break; /// \par Upgrade is hop-by-hop but forwardUpgrade() may send a filtered one case Http::HdrType::UPGRADE: break; /** \par OTHER headers I haven't bothered to track down yet. */ case Http::HdrType::AUTHORIZATION: /** \par WWW-Authorization: * Pass on WWW authentication */ if (!flags.toOriginPeer()) { hdr_out->addEntry(e->clone()); } else { /** \note Assume that talking to a cache_peer originserver makes * us a reverse proxy and only forward authentication if enabled * (see also httpFixupAuthentication for special cases) */ if (request->peer_login && (strcmp(request->peer_login, "PASS") == 0 || strcmp(request->peer_login, "PASSTHRU") == 0 || strcmp(request->peer_login, "PROXYPASS") == 0)) { hdr_out->addEntry(e->clone()); } } break; case Http::HdrType::HOST: /** \par Host: * Normally Squid rewrites the Host: header. * However, there is one case when we don't: If the URL * went through our redirector and the admin configured * 'redir_rewrites_host' to be off. */ if (request->peer_domain) hdr_out->putStr(Http::HdrType::HOST, request->peer_domain); else if (request->flags.redirected && !Config.onoff.redir_rewrites_host) hdr_out->addEntry(e->clone()); else { SBuf authority = request->url.authority(); hdr_out->putStr(Http::HdrType::HOST, authority.c_str()); } break; case Http::HdrType::IF_MODIFIED_SINCE: /** \par If-Modified-Since: * append unless we added our own, * but only if cache_miss_revalidate is enabled, or * the request is not cacheable, or * the request contains authentication credentials. * \note at most one client's If-Modified-Since header can pass through */ // XXX: need to check and cleanup the auth case so cacheable auth requests get cached. if (hdr_out->has(Http::HdrType::IF_MODIFIED_SINCE)) break; else if (Config.onoff.cache_miss_revalidate || !request->flags.cachable || request->flags.auth) hdr_out->addEntry(e->clone()); break; case Http::HdrType::IF_NONE_MATCH: /** \par If-None-Match: * append if the wildcard '*' special case value is present, or * cache_miss_revalidate is disabled, or * the request is not cacheable in this proxy, or * the request contains authentication credentials. * \note this header lists a set of responses for the server to elide sending. Squid added values are extending that set. */ // XXX: need to check and cleanup the auth case so cacheable auth requests get cached. if (hdr_out->hasListMember(Http::HdrType::IF_MATCH, "*", ',') || Config.onoff.cache_miss_revalidate || !request->flags.cachable || request->flags.auth) hdr_out->addEntry(e->clone()); break; case Http::HdrType::MAX_FORWARDS: /** \par Max-Forwards: * pass only on TRACE or OPTIONS requests */ if (request->method == Http::METHOD_TRACE || request->method == Http::METHOD_OPTIONS) { const int64_t hops = e->getInt64(); if (hops > 0) hdr_out->putInt64(Http::HdrType::MAX_FORWARDS, hops - 1); } break; case Http::HdrType::VIA: /** \par Via: * If Via is disabled then forward any received header as-is. * Otherwise leave for explicit updated addition later. */ if (!Config.onoff.via) hdr_out->addEntry(e->clone()); break; case Http::HdrType::RANGE: case Http::HdrType::IF_RANGE: case Http::HdrType::REQUEST_RANGE: /** \par Range:, If-Range:, Request-Range: * Only pass if we accept ranges */ if (!we_do_ranges) hdr_out->addEntry(e->clone()); break; case Http::HdrType::PROXY_CONNECTION: // SHOULD ignore. But doing so breaks things. break; case Http::HdrType::CONTENT_LENGTH: // pass through unless we chunk; also, keeping this away from default // prevents request smuggling via Connection: Content-Length tricks if (!flags.chunked_request) hdr_out->addEntry(e->clone()); break; case Http::HdrType::X_FORWARDED_FOR: case Http::HdrType::CACHE_CONTROL: /** \par X-Forwarded-For:, Cache-Control: * handled specially by Squid, so leave off for now. * append these after the loop if needed */ break; case Http::HdrType::FRONT_END_HTTPS: /** \par Front-End-Https: * Pass thru only if peer is configured with front-end-https */ if (!flags.front_end_https) hdr_out->addEntry(e->clone()); break; default: /** \par default. * pass on all other header fields * which are NOT listed by the special Connection: header. */ if (strConnection.size()>0 && strListIsMember(&strConnection, e->name, ',')) { debugs(11, 2, "'" << e->name << "' header cropped by Connection: definition"); return; } hdr_out->addEntry(e->clone()); } } bool HttpStateData::decideIfWeDoRanges (HttpRequest * request) { bool result = true; /* decide if we want to do Ranges ourselves * and fetch the whole object now) * We want to handle Ranges ourselves iff * - we can actually parse client Range specs * - the specs are expected to be simple enough (e.g. no out-of-order ranges) * - reply will be cachable * (If the reply will be uncachable we have to throw it away after * serving this request, so it is better to forward ranges to * the server and fetch only the requested content) */ int64_t roffLimit = request->getRangeOffsetLimit(); if (nullptr == request->range || !request->flags.cachable || request->range->offsetLimitExceeded(roffLimit) || request->flags.connectionAuth) result = false; debugs(11, 8, "decideIfWeDoRanges: range specs: " << request->range << ", cachable: " << request->flags.cachable << "; we_do_ranges: " << result); return result; } /* build request prefix and append it to a given MemBuf; * return the length of the prefix */ mb_size_t HttpStateData::buildRequestPrefix(MemBuf * mb) { const int offset = mb->size; /* Uses a local httpver variable to print the HTTP label * since the HttpRequest may have an older version label. * XXX: This could create protocol bugs as the headers sent and * flow control should all be based on the HttpRequest version * not the one we are sending. Needs checking. */ const AnyP::ProtocolVersion httpver = Http::ProtocolVersion(); const SBuf url(flags.toOrigin ? request->url.path() : request->effectiveRequestUri()); mb->appendf(SQUIDSBUFPH " " SQUIDSBUFPH " %s/%d.%d\r\n", SQUIDSBUFPRINT(request->method.image()), SQUIDSBUFPRINT(url), AnyP::ProtocolType_str[httpver.protocol], httpver.major,httpver.minor); /* build and pack headers */ { HttpHeader hdr(hoRequest); forwardUpgrade(hdr); // before httpBuildRequestHeader() for CONNECTION httpBuildRequestHeader(request.getRaw(), entry, fwd->al, &hdr, flags); if (request->flags.pinned && request->flags.connectionAuth) request->flags.authSent = true; else if (hdr.has(Http::HdrType::AUTHORIZATION)) request->flags.authSent = true; // The late placement of this check supports reply_header_add mangling, // but also complicates optimizing upgradeHeaderOut-like lookups. if (hdr.has(Http::HdrType::UPGRADE)) { assert(!upgradeHeaderOut); upgradeHeaderOut = new String(hdr.getList(Http::HdrType::UPGRADE)); } hdr.packInto(mb); hdr.clean(); } /* append header terminator */ mb->append(crlf, 2); return mb->size - offset; } /* This will be called when connect completes. Write request. */ bool HttpStateData::sendRequest() { MemBuf mb; debugs(11, 5, serverConnection << ", request " << request << ", this " << this << "."); if (!Comm::IsConnOpen(serverConnection)) { debugs(11,3, "cannot send request to closing " << serverConnection); assert(closeHandler != nullptr); return false; } typedef CommCbMemFunT TimeoutDialer; AsyncCall::Pointer timeoutCall = JobCallback(11, 5, TimeoutDialer, this, HttpStateData::httpTimeout); commSetConnTimeout(serverConnection, Config.Timeout.lifetime, timeoutCall); maybeReadVirginBody(); if (request->body_pipe != nullptr) { if (!startRequestBodyFlow()) // register to receive body data return false; typedef CommCbMemFunT Dialer; requestSender = JobCallback(11,5, Dialer, this, HttpStateData::sentRequestBody); Must(!flags.chunked_request); // use chunked encoding if we do not know the length if (request->content_length < 0) flags.chunked_request = true; } else { assert(!requestBodySource); typedef CommCbMemFunT Dialer; requestSender = JobCallback(11,5, Dialer, this, HttpStateData::wroteLast); } /* * Is keep-alive okay for all request methods? */ if (request->flags.mustKeepalive) flags.keepalive = true; else if (request->flags.pinned) flags.keepalive = request->persistent(); else if (!Config.onoff.server_pconns) flags.keepalive = false; else if (flags.tunneling) // tunneled non pinned bumped requests must not keepalive flags.keepalive = !request->flags.sslBumped; else if (_peer == nullptr) flags.keepalive = true; else if (_peer->stats.n_keepalives_sent < 10) flags.keepalive = true; else if ((double) _peer->stats.n_keepalives_recv / (double) _peer->stats.n_keepalives_sent > 0.50) flags.keepalive = true; if (_peer && !flags.tunneling) { /*The old code here was if (neighborType(_peer, request->url) == PEER_SIBLING && ... which is equivalent to: if (neighborType(_peer, URL()) == PEER_SIBLING && ... or better: if (((_peer->type == PEER_MULTICAST && p->options.mcast_siblings) || _peer->type == PEER_SIBLINGS ) && _peer->options.allow_miss) flags.only_if_cached = 1; But I suppose it was a bug */ if (neighborType(_peer, request->url) == PEER_SIBLING && !_peer->options.allow_miss) flags.only_if_cached = true; flags.front_end_https = _peer->front_end_https; } mb.init(); request->peer_host=_peer?_peer->host:nullptr; buildRequestPrefix(&mb); debugs(11, 2, "HTTP Server " << serverConnection); debugs(11, 2, "HTTP Server REQUEST:\n---------\n" << mb.buf << "\n----------"); Comm::Write(serverConnection, &mb, requestSender); return true; } bool HttpStateData::getMoreRequestBody(MemBuf &buf) { // parent's implementation can handle the no-encoding case if (!flags.chunked_request) return Client::getMoreRequestBody(buf); MemBuf raw; Must(requestBodySource != nullptr); if (!requestBodySource->getMoreData(raw)) return false; // no request body bytes to chunk yet // optimization: pre-allocate buffer size that should be enough const mb_size_t rawDataSize = raw.contentSize(); // we may need to send: hex-chunk-size CRLF raw-data CRLF last-chunk buf.init(16 + 2 + rawDataSize + 2 + 5, raw.max_capacity); buf.appendf("%x\r\n", static_cast(rawDataSize)); buf.append(raw.content(), rawDataSize); buf.append("\r\n", 2); Must(rawDataSize > 0); // we did not accidentally created last-chunk above // Do not send last-chunk unless we successfully received everything if (receivedWholeRequestBody) { Must(!flags.sentLastChunk); flags.sentLastChunk = true; buf.append("0\r\n\r\n", 5); } return true; } void httpStart(FwdState *fwd) { debugs(11, 3, fwd->request->method << ' ' << fwd->entry->url()); AsyncJob::Start(new HttpStateData(fwd)); } void HttpStateData::start() { if (!sendRequest()) { debugs(11, 3, "httpStart: aborted"); mustStop("HttpStateData::start failed"); return; } ++ statCounter.server.all.requests; ++ statCounter.server.http.requests; /* * We used to set the read timeout here, but not any more. * Now its set in httpSendComplete() after the full request, * including request body, has been written to the server. */ } /// if broken posts are enabled for the request, try to fix and return true bool HttpStateData::finishingBrokenPost() { #if USE_HTTP_VIOLATIONS if (!Config.accessList.brokenPosts) { debugs(11, 5, "No brokenPosts list"); return false; } ACLFilledChecklist ch(Config.accessList.brokenPosts, originalRequest().getRaw()); ch.al = fwd->al; ch.syncAle(originalRequest().getRaw(), nullptr); if (!ch.fastCheck().allowed()) { debugs(11, 5, "didn't match brokenPosts"); return false; } if (!Comm::IsConnOpen(serverConnection)) { debugs(11, 3, "ignoring broken POST for closed " << serverConnection); assert(closeHandler != nullptr); return true; // prevent caller from proceeding as if nothing happened } debugs(11, 3, "finishingBrokenPost: fixing broken POST"); typedef CommCbMemFunT Dialer; requestSender = JobCallback(11,5, Dialer, this, HttpStateData::wroteLast); Comm::Write(serverConnection, "\r\n", 2, requestSender, nullptr); return true; #else return false; #endif /* USE_HTTP_VIOLATIONS */ } /// if needed, write last-chunk to end the request body and return true bool HttpStateData::finishingChunkedRequest() { if (flags.sentLastChunk) { debugs(11, 5, "already sent last-chunk"); return false; } Must(receivedWholeRequestBody); // or we should not be sending last-chunk flags.sentLastChunk = true; typedef CommCbMemFunT Dialer; requestSender = JobCallback(11,5, Dialer, this, HttpStateData::wroteLast); Comm::Write(serverConnection, "0\r\n\r\n", 5, requestSender, nullptr); return true; } void HttpStateData::doneSendingRequestBody() { Client::doneSendingRequestBody(); debugs(11,5, serverConnection); // do we need to write something after the last body byte? if (flags.chunked_request && finishingChunkedRequest()) return; if (!flags.chunked_request && finishingBrokenPost()) return; sendComplete(); } // more origin request body data is available void HttpStateData::handleMoreRequestBodyAvailable() { if (eof || !Comm::IsConnOpen(serverConnection)) { // XXX: we should check this condition in other callbacks then! // TODO: Check whether this can actually happen: We should unsubscribe // as a body consumer when the above condition(s) are detected. debugs(11, DBG_IMPORTANT, "Transaction aborted while reading HTTP body"); return; } assert(requestBodySource != nullptr); if (requestBodySource->buf().hasContent()) { // XXX: why does not this trigger a debug message on every request? if (flags.headers_parsed && !flags.abuse_detected) { flags.abuse_detected = true; debugs(11, DBG_IMPORTANT, "http handleMoreRequestBodyAvailable: Likely proxy abuse detected '" << request->client_addr << "' -> '" << entry->url() << "'" ); if (virginReply()->sline.status() == Http::scInvalidHeader) { closeServer(); mustStop("HttpStateData::handleMoreRequestBodyAvailable"); return; } } } HttpStateData::handleMoreRequestBodyAvailable(); } // premature end of the request body void HttpStateData::handleRequestBodyProducerAborted() { Client::handleRequestBodyProducerAborted(); if (entry->isEmpty()) { debugs(11, 3, "request body aborted: " << serverConnection); // We usually get here when ICAP REQMOD aborts during body processing. // We might also get here if client-side aborts, but then our response // should not matter because either client-side will provide its own or // there will be no response at all (e.g., if the the client has left). const auto err = new ErrorState(ERR_ICAP_FAILURE, Http::scInternalServerError, fwd->request, fwd->al); static const auto d = MakeNamedErrorDetail("SRV_REQMOD_REQ_BODY"); err->detailError(d); fwd->fail(err); } abortTransaction("request body producer aborted"); } // called when we wrote request headers(!) or a part of the body void HttpStateData::sentRequestBody(const CommIoCbParams &io) { if (io.size > 0) statCounter.server.http.kbytes_out += io.size; Client::sentRequestBody(io); } void HttpStateData::abortAll(const char *reason) { debugs(11,5, "aborting transaction for " << reason << "; " << serverConnection << ", this " << this); mustStop(reason); } HttpStateData::ReuseDecision::ReuseDecision(const StoreEntry *e, const Http::StatusCode code) : answer(HttpStateData::ReuseDecision::reuseNot), reason(nullptr), entry(e), statusCode(code) {} HttpStateData::ReuseDecision::Answers HttpStateData::ReuseDecision::make(const HttpStateData::ReuseDecision::Answers ans, const char *why) { answer = ans; reason = why; return answer; } std::ostream &operator <<(std::ostream &os, const HttpStateData::ReuseDecision &d) { static const char *ReuseMessages[] = { "do not cache and do not share", // reuseNot "cache positively and share", // cachePositively "cache negatively and share", // cacheNegatively "do not cache but share" // doNotCacheButShare }; assert(d.answer >= HttpStateData::ReuseDecision::reuseNot && d.answer <= HttpStateData::ReuseDecision::doNotCacheButShare); return os << ReuseMessages[d.answer] << " because " << d.reason << "; HTTP status " << d.statusCode << " " << *(d.entry); }