/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2023 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ /* DEBUG: section 33 Client-side Routines */ /** \defgroup ClientSide Client-Side Logics * \section cserrors Errors and client side * \par Problem the first: * the store entry is no longer authoritative on the * reply status. EBITTEST (E_ABORT) is no longer a valid test outside * of client_side_reply.c. * Problem the second: resources are wasted if we delay in cleaning up. * Problem the third we can't depend on a connection close to clean up. * \par Nice thing the first: * Any step in the stream can callback with data * representing an error. * Nice thing the second: once you stop requesting reads from upstream, * upstream can be stopped too. * \par Solution #1: * Error has a callback mechanism to hand over a membuf * with the error content. The failing node pushes that back as the * reply. Can this be generalised to reduce duplicate efforts? * A: Possibly. For now, only one location uses this. * How to deal with pre-stream errors? * Tell client_side_reply that we *want* an error page before any * stream calls occur. Then we simply read as normal. * * \section pconn_logic Persistent connection logic: * \par * requests (httpClientRequest structs) get added to the connection * list, with the current one being chr * \par * The request is *immediately* kicked off, and data flows through * to clientSocketRecipient. * \par * If the data that arrives at clientSocketRecipient is not for the current * request, clientSocketRecipient simply returns, without requesting more * data, or sending it. * \par * ConnStateData::kick() will then detect the presence of data in * the next ClientHttpRequest, and will send it, restablishing the * data flow. */ #include "squid.h" #include "acl/FilledChecklist.h" #include "anyp/PortCfg.h" #include "base/AsyncCallbacks.h" #include "base/Subscription.h" #include "base/TextException.h" #include "CachePeer.h" #include "client_db.h" #include "client_side.h" #include "client_side_reply.h" #include "client_side_request.h" #include "ClientRequestContext.h" #include "clientStream.h" #include "comm.h" #include "comm/Connection.h" #include "comm/Loops.h" #include "comm/Read.h" #include "comm/TcpAcceptor.h" #include "comm/Write.h" #include "CommCalls.h" #include "debug/Messages.h" #include "error/ExceptionErrorDetail.h" #include "errorpage.h" #include "fd.h" #include "fde.h" #include "fqdncache.h" #include "FwdState.h" #include "globals.h" #include "helper.h" #include "helper/Reply.h" #include "http.h" #include "http/one/RequestParser.h" #include "http/one/TeChunkedParser.h" #include "http/Stream.h" #include "HttpHdrContRange.h" #include "HttpHeaderTools.h" #include "HttpReply.h" #include "HttpRequest.h" #include "internal.h" #include "ipc/FdNotes.h" #include "ipc/StartListening.h" #include "log/access_log.h" #include "MemBuf.h" #include "MemObject.h" #include "mime_header.h" #include "parser/Tokenizer.h" #include "proxyp/Header.h" #include "proxyp/Parser.h" #include "sbuf/Stream.h" #include "security/Certificate.h" #include "security/CommunicationSecrets.h" #include "security/Io.h" #include "security/KeyLog.h" #include "security/NegotiationHistory.h" #include "servers/forward.h" #include "SquidConfig.h" #include "StatCounters.h" #include "StatHist.h" #include "Store.h" #include "TimeOrTag.h" #include "tools.h" #if USE_AUTH #include "auth/UserRequest.h" #endif #if USE_DELAY_POOLS #include "ClientInfo.h" #include "MessageDelayPools.h" #endif #if USE_OPENSSL #include "ssl/bio.h" #include "ssl/context_storage.h" #include "ssl/gadgets.h" #include "ssl/helper.h" #include "ssl/ProxyCerts.h" #include "ssl/ServerBump.h" #include "ssl/support.h" #endif #include #include #include #if HAVE_SYSTEMD_SD_DAEMON_H #include #endif // TODO: Remove this custom dialer and simplify by creating the TcpAcceptor // subscription later, inside clientListenerConnectionOpened() callback, just // like htcpOpenPorts(), icpOpenPorts(), and snmpPortOpened() do it. /// dials clientListenerConnectionOpened call class ListeningStartedDialer: public CallDialer, public WithAnswer { public: typedef void (*Handler)(AnyP::PortCfgPointer &portCfg, const Ipc::FdNoteId note, const Subscription::Pointer &sub); ListeningStartedDialer(Handler aHandler, AnyP::PortCfgPointer &aPortCfg, const Ipc::FdNoteId note, const Subscription::Pointer &aSub): handler(aHandler), portCfg(aPortCfg), portTypeNote(note), sub(aSub) {} /* CallDialer API */ void print(std::ostream &os) const override { os << '(' << answer_ << ", " << FdNote(portTypeNote) << " port=" << (void*)&portCfg << ')'; } virtual bool canDial(AsyncCall &) const { return true; } virtual void dial(AsyncCall &) { (handler)(portCfg, portTypeNote, sub); } /* WithAnswer API */ Ipc::StartListeningAnswer &answer() override { return answer_; } public: Handler handler; private: // answer_.conn (set/updated by IPC code) is portCfg.listenConn (used by us) Ipc::StartListeningAnswer answer_; ///< StartListening() results AnyP::PortCfgPointer portCfg; ///< from HttpPortList Ipc::FdNoteId portTypeNote; ///< Type of IPC socket being opened Subscription::Pointer sub; ///< The handler to be subscribed for this connection listener }; static void clientListenerConnectionOpened(AnyP::PortCfgPointer &s, const Ipc::FdNoteId portTypeNote, const Subscription::Pointer &sub); static IOACB httpAccept; static int clientIsRequestBodyTooLargeForPolicy(int64_t bodyLength); static void clientUpdateStatHistCounters(const LogTags &logType, int svc_time); static void clientUpdateStatCounters(const LogTags &logType); static void clientUpdateHierCounters(HierarchyLogEntry *); static bool clientPingHasFinished(ping_data const *aPing); void prepareLogWithRequestDetails(HttpRequest *, const AccessLogEntryPointer &); static void ClientSocketContextPushDeferredIfNeeded(Http::StreamPointer deferredRequest, ConnStateData * conn); char *skipLeadingSpace(char *aString); void clientUpdateStatCounters(const LogTags &logType) { ++statCounter.client_http.requests; if (logType.isTcpHit()) ++statCounter.client_http.hits; if (logType.oldType == LOG_TCP_HIT) ++statCounter.client_http.disk_hits; else if (logType.oldType == LOG_TCP_MEM_HIT) ++statCounter.client_http.mem_hits; } void clientUpdateStatHistCounters(const LogTags &logType, int svc_time) { statCounter.client_http.allSvcTime.count(svc_time); /** * The idea here is not to be complete, but to get service times * for only well-defined types. For example, we don't include * LOG_TCP_REFRESH_FAIL because its not really a cache hit * (we *tried* to validate it, but failed). */ switch (logType.oldType) { case LOG_TCP_REFRESH_UNMODIFIED: statCounter.client_http.nearHitSvcTime.count(svc_time); break; case LOG_TCP_INM_HIT: case LOG_TCP_IMS_HIT: statCounter.client_http.nearMissSvcTime.count(svc_time); break; case LOG_TCP_HIT: case LOG_TCP_MEM_HIT: case LOG_TCP_OFFLINE_HIT: statCounter.client_http.hitSvcTime.count(svc_time); break; case LOG_TCP_MISS: case LOG_TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS: statCounter.client_http.missSvcTime.count(svc_time); break; default: /* make compiler warnings go away */ break; } } bool clientPingHasFinished(ping_data const *aPing) { if (0 != aPing->stop.tv_sec && 0 != aPing->start.tv_sec) return true; return false; } void clientUpdateHierCounters(HierarchyLogEntry * someEntry) { ping_data *i; switch (someEntry->code) { #if USE_CACHE_DIGESTS case CD_PARENT_HIT: case CD_SIBLING_HIT: ++ statCounter.cd.times_used; break; #endif case SIBLING_HIT: case PARENT_HIT: case FIRST_PARENT_MISS: case CLOSEST_PARENT_MISS: ++ statCounter.icp.times_used; i = &someEntry->ping; if (clientPingHasFinished(i)) statCounter.icp.querySvcTime.count(tvSubUsec(i->start, i->stop)); if (i->timeout) ++ statCounter.icp.query_timeouts; break; case CLOSEST_PARENT: case CLOSEST_DIRECT: ++ statCounter.netdb.times_used; break; default: break; } } void ClientHttpRequest::updateCounters() { clientUpdateStatCounters(loggingTags()); if (request->error) ++ statCounter.client_http.errors; clientUpdateStatHistCounters(loggingTags(), tvSubMsec(al->cache.start_time, current_time)); clientUpdateHierCounters(&request->hier); } void prepareLogWithRequestDetails(HttpRequest *request, const AccessLogEntryPointer &aLogEntry) { assert(request); assert(aLogEntry != nullptr); if (Config.onoff.log_mime_hdrs) { MemBuf mb; mb.init(); request->header.packInto(&mb); //This is the request after adaptation or redirection aLogEntry->headers.adapted_request = xstrdup(mb.buf); // the virgin request is saved to aLogEntry->request if (aLogEntry->request) { mb.reset(); aLogEntry->request->header.packInto(&mb); aLogEntry->headers.request = xstrdup(mb.buf); } #if USE_ADAPTATION const Adaptation::History::Pointer ah = request->adaptLogHistory(); if (ah != nullptr) { mb.reset(); ah->lastMeta.packInto(&mb); aLogEntry->adapt.last_meta = xstrdup(mb.buf); } #endif mb.clean(); } #if ICAP_CLIENT const Adaptation::Icap::History::Pointer ih = request->icapHistory(); if (ih != nullptr) ih->processingTime(aLogEntry->icap.processingTime); #endif aLogEntry->http.method = request->method; aLogEntry->http.version = request->http_ver; aLogEntry->hier = request->hier; aLogEntry->cache.extuser = request->extacl_user.termedBuf(); // Adapted request, if any, inherits and then collects all the stats, but // the virgin request gets logged instead; copy the stats to log them. // TODO: avoid losses by keeping these stats in a shared history object? if (aLogEntry->request) { aLogEntry->request->dnsWait = request->dnsWait; aLogEntry->request->error = request->error; } } void ClientHttpRequest::logRequest() { if (!out.size && loggingTags().oldType == LOG_TAG_NONE) debugs(33, 5, "logging half-baked transaction: " << log_uri); al->icp.opcode = ICP_INVALID; al->url = log_uri; debugs(33, 9, "clientLogRequest: al.url='" << al->url << "'"); const auto findReply = [this]() -> const HttpReply * { if (al->reply) return al->reply.getRaw(); if (const auto le = loggingEntry()) return le->hasFreshestReply(); return nullptr; }; if (const auto reply = findReply()) { al->http.code = reply->sline.status(); al->http.content_type = reply->content_type.termedBuf(); } debugs(33, 9, "clientLogRequest: http.code='" << al->http.code << "'"); if (loggingEntry() && loggingEntry()->mem_obj && loggingEntry()->objectLen() >= 0) al->cache.objectSize = loggingEntry()->contentLen(); // payload duplicate ?? with or without TE ? al->http.clientRequestSz.header = req_sz; // the virgin request is saved to al->request if (al->request && al->request->body_pipe) al->http.clientRequestSz.payloadData = al->request->body_pipe->producedSize(); al->http.clientReplySz.header = out.headers_sz; // XXX: calculate without payload encoding or headers !! al->http.clientReplySz.payloadData = out.size - out.headers_sz; // pretend its all un-encoded data for now. al->cache.highOffset = out.offset; tvSub(al->cache.trTime, al->cache.start_time, current_time); if (request) prepareLogWithRequestDetails(request, al); #if USE_OPENSSL && 0 /* This is broken. Fails if the connection has been closed. Needs * to snarf the ssl details some place earlier.. */ if (getConn() != NULL) al->cache.ssluser = sslGetUserEmail(fd_table[getConn()->fd].ssl); #endif if (request) { SBuf matched; for (auto h: Config.notes) { if (h->match(request, al->reply.getRaw(), al, matched)) { request->notes()->add(h->key(), matched); debugs(33, 3, h->key() << " " << matched); } } // The al->notes and request->notes must point to the same object. al->syncNotes(request); HTTPMSGUNLOCK(al->adapted_request); al->adapted_request = request; HTTPMSGLOCK(al->adapted_request); } ACLFilledChecklist checklist(nullptr, request); checklist.updateAle(al); // no need checklist.syncAle(): already synced accessLogLog(al, &checklist); bool updatePerformanceCounters = true; if (Config.accessList.stats_collection) { ACLFilledChecklist statsCheck(Config.accessList.stats_collection, request); statsCheck.updateAle(al); updatePerformanceCounters = statsCheck.fastCheck().allowed(); } if (updatePerformanceCounters) { if (request) updateCounters(); if (getConn() != nullptr && getConn()->clientConnection != nullptr) clientdbUpdate(getConn()->clientConnection->remote, loggingTags(), AnyP::PROTO_HTTP, out.size); } } void ClientHttpRequest::freeResources() { safe_free(uri); safe_free(redirect.location); range_iter.boundary.clean(); clearRequest(); if (client_stream.tail) clientStreamAbort((clientStreamNode *)client_stream.tail->data, this); } void httpRequestFree(void *data) { ClientHttpRequest *http = (ClientHttpRequest *)data; assert(http != nullptr); delete http; } /* This is a handler normally called by comm_close() */ void ConnStateData::connStateClosed(const CommCloseCbParams &) { if (clientConnection) { clientConnection->noteClosure(); // keep closed clientConnection for logging, clientdb cleanup, etc. } deleteThis("ConnStateData::connStateClosed"); } #if USE_AUTH void ConnStateData::setAuth(const Auth::UserRequest::Pointer &aur, const char *by) { if (auth_ == nullptr) { if (aur != nullptr) { debugs(33, 2, "Adding connection-auth to " << clientConnection << " from " << by); auth_ = aur; } return; } // clobered with self-pointer // NP: something nasty is going on in Squid, but harmless. if (aur == auth_) { debugs(33, 2, "WARNING: Ignoring duplicate connection-auth for " << clientConnection << " from " << by); return; } /* * Connection-auth relies on a single set of credentials being preserved * for all requests on a connection once they have been setup. * There are several things which need to happen to preserve security * when connection-auth credentials change unexpectedly or are unset. * * 1) auth helper released from any active state * * They can only be reserved by a handshake process which this * connection can now never complete. * This prevents helpers hanging when their connections close. * * 2) pinning is expected to be removed and server conn closed * * The upstream link is authenticated with the same credentials. * Expecting the same level of consistency we should have received. * This prevents upstream being faced with multiple or missing * credentials after authentication. * NP: un-pin is left to the cleanup in ConnStateData::swanSong() * we just trigger that cleanup here via comm_reset_close() or * ConnStateData::stopReceiving() * * 3) the connection needs to close. * * This prevents attackers injecting requests into a connection, * or gateways wrongly multiplexing users into a single connection. * * When credentials are missing closure needs to follow an auth * challenge for best recovery by the client. * * When credentials change there is nothing we can do but abort as * fast as possible. Sending TCP RST instead of an HTTP response * is the best-case action. */ // clobbered with nul-pointer if (aur == nullptr) { debugs(33, 2, "WARNING: Graceful closure on " << clientConnection << " due to connection-auth erase from " << by); auth_->releaseAuthServer(); auth_ = nullptr; // XXX: need to test whether the connection re-auth challenge is sent. If not, how to trigger it from here. // NP: the current situation seems to fix challenge loops in Safari without visible issues in others. // we stop receiving more traffic but can leave the Job running to terminate after the error or challenge is delivered. stopReceiving("connection-auth removed"); return; } // clobbered with alternative credentials if (aur != auth_) { debugs(33, 2, "ERROR: Closing " << clientConnection << " due to change of connection-auth from " << by); auth_->releaseAuthServer(); auth_ = nullptr; // this is a fatal type of problem. // Close the connection immediately with TCP RST to abort all traffic flow comm_reset_close(clientConnection); return; } /* NOT REACHABLE */ } #endif void ConnStateData::resetReadTimeout(const time_t timeout) { typedef CommCbMemFunT TimeoutDialer; AsyncCall::Pointer callback = JobCallback(33, 5, TimeoutDialer, this, ConnStateData::requestTimeout); commSetConnTimeout(clientConnection, timeout, callback); } void ConnStateData::extendLifetime() { typedef CommCbMemFunT TimeoutDialer; AsyncCall::Pointer callback = JobCallback(5, 4, TimeoutDialer, this, ConnStateData::lifetimeTimeout); commSetConnTimeout(clientConnection, Config.Timeout.lifetime, callback); } // cleans up before destructor is called void ConnStateData::swanSong() { debugs(33, 2, clientConnection); flags.readMore = false; clientdbEstablished(clientConnection->remote, -1); /* decrement */ terminateAll(ERR_NONE, LogTagsErrors()); checkLogging(); // XXX: Closing pinned conn is too harsh: The Client may want to continue! unpinConnection(true); Server::swanSong(); #if USE_AUTH // NP: do this bit after closing the connections to avoid side effects from unwanted TCP RST setAuth(nullptr, "ConnStateData::SwanSong cleanup"); #endif flags.swanSang = true; } void ConnStateData::callException(const std::exception &ex) { Server::callException(ex); // logs ex and stops the job ErrorDetail::Pointer errorDetail; if (const auto tex = dynamic_cast(&ex)) errorDetail = new ExceptionErrorDetail(tex->id()); else errorDetail = new ExceptionErrorDetail(Here().id()); updateError(ERR_GATEWAY_FAILURE, errorDetail); } void ConnStateData::updateError(const Error &error) { if (const auto context = pipeline.front()) { const auto http = context->http; assert(http); http->updateError(error); } else { bareError.update(error); } } bool ConnStateData::isOpen() const { return cbdataReferenceValid(this) && // XXX: checking "this" in a method Comm::IsConnOpen(clientConnection) && !fd_table[clientConnection->fd].closing(); } ConnStateData::~ConnStateData() { debugs(33, 3, clientConnection); if (isOpen()) debugs(33, DBG_IMPORTANT, "ERROR: Squid BUG: ConnStateData did not close " << clientConnection); if (!flags.swanSang) debugs(33, DBG_IMPORTANT, "ERROR: Squid BUG: ConnStateData was not destroyed properly; " << clientConnection); if (bodyPipe != nullptr) stopProducingFor(bodyPipe, false); delete bodyParser; // TODO: pool #if USE_OPENSSL delete sslServerBump; #endif } /** * clientSetKeepaliveFlag() sets request->flags.proxyKeepalive. * This is the client-side persistent connection flag. We need * to set this relatively early in the request processing * to handle hacks for broken servers and clients. */ void clientSetKeepaliveFlag(ClientHttpRequest * http) { HttpRequest *request = http->request; debugs(33, 3, "http_ver = " << request->http_ver); debugs(33, 3, "method = " << request->method); // TODO: move to HttpRequest::hdrCacheInit, just like HttpReply. request->flags.proxyKeepalive = request->persistent(); } int clientIsRequestBodyTooLargeForPolicy(int64_t bodyLength) { if (Config.maxRequestBodySize && bodyLength > Config.maxRequestBodySize) return 1; /* too large */ return 0; } bool ClientHttpRequest::multipartRangeRequest() const { return request->multipartRangeRequest(); } void clientPackTermBound(String boundary, MemBuf *mb) { mb->appendf("\r\n--" SQUIDSTRINGPH "--\r\n", SQUIDSTRINGPRINT(boundary)); debugs(33, 6, "buf offset: " << mb->size); } void clientPackRangeHdr(const HttpReplyPointer &rep, const HttpHdrRangeSpec * spec, String boundary, MemBuf * mb) { HttpHeader hdr(hoReply); assert(rep); assert(spec); /* put boundary */ debugs(33, 5, "appending boundary: " << boundary); /* rfc2046 requires to _prepend_ boundary with ! */ mb->appendf("\r\n--" SQUIDSTRINGPH "\r\n", SQUIDSTRINGPRINT(boundary)); /* stuff the header with required entries and pack it */ if (rep->header.has(Http::HdrType::CONTENT_TYPE)) hdr.putStr(Http::HdrType::CONTENT_TYPE, rep->header.getStr(Http::HdrType::CONTENT_TYPE)); httpHeaderAddContRange(&hdr, *spec, rep->content_length); hdr.packInto(mb); hdr.clean(); /* append (we packed a header, not a reply) */ mb->append("\r\n", 2); } /** returns expected content length for multi-range replies * note: assumes that httpHdrRangeCanonize has already been called * warning: assumes that HTTP headers for individual ranges at the * time of the actuall assembly will be exactly the same as * the headers when clientMRangeCLen() is called */ int64_t ClientHttpRequest::mRangeCLen() const { int64_t clen = 0; MemBuf mb; assert(memObject()); mb.init(); HttpHdrRange::iterator pos = request->range->begin(); while (pos != request->range->end()) { /* account for headers for this range */ mb.reset(); clientPackRangeHdr(&storeEntry()->mem().freshestReply(), *pos, range_iter.boundary, &mb); clen += mb.size; /* account for range content */ clen += (*pos)->length; debugs(33, 6, "clientMRangeCLen: (clen += " << mb.size << " + " << (*pos)->length << ") == " << clen); ++pos; } /* account for the terminating boundary */ mb.reset(); clientPackTermBound(range_iter.boundary, &mb); clen += mb.size; mb.clean(); return clen; } /** * generates a "unique" boundary string for multipart responses * the caller is responsible for cleaning the string */ String ClientHttpRequest::rangeBoundaryStr() const { const char *key; String b(visible_appname_string); b.append(":",1); key = storeEntry()->getMD5Text(); b.append(key, strlen(key)); return b; } /** * Write a chunk of data to a client socket. If the reply is present, * send the reply headers down the wire too, and clean them up when * finished. * Pre-condition: * The request is one backed by a connection, not an internal request. * data context is not NULL * There are no more entries in the stream chain. */ void clientSocketRecipient(clientStreamNode * node, ClientHttpRequest * http, HttpReply * rep, StoreIOBuffer receivedData) { // do not try to deliver if client already ABORTED if (!http->getConn() || !cbdataReferenceValid(http->getConn()) || !Comm::IsConnOpen(http->getConn()->clientConnection)) return; /* Test preconditions */ assert(node != nullptr); /* TODO: handle this rather than asserting * - it should only ever happen if we cause an abort and * the callback chain loops back to here, so we can simply return. * However, that itself shouldn't happen, so it stays as an assert for now. */ assert(cbdataReferenceValid(node)); assert(node->node.next == nullptr); Http::StreamPointer context = dynamic_cast(node->data.getRaw()); assert(context != nullptr); /* TODO: check offset is what we asked for */ // TODO: enforces HTTP/1 MUST on pipeline order, but is irrelevant to HTTP/2 if (context != http->getConn()->pipeline.front()) context->deferRecipientForLater(node, rep, receivedData); else if (http->getConn()->cbControlMsgSent) // 1xx to the user is pending context->deferRecipientForLater(node, rep, receivedData); else http->getConn()->handleReply(rep, receivedData); } /** * Called when a downstream node is no longer interested in * our data. As we are a terminal node, this means on aborts * only */ void clientSocketDetach(clientStreamNode * node, ClientHttpRequest * http) { /* Test preconditions */ assert(node != nullptr); /* TODO: handle this rather than asserting * - it should only ever happen if we cause an abort and * the callback chain loops back to here, so we can simply return. * However, that itself shouldn't happen, so it stays as an assert for now. */ assert(cbdataReferenceValid(node)); /* Set null by ContextFree */ assert(node->node.next == nullptr); /* this is the assert discussed above */ assert(nullptr == dynamic_cast(node->data.getRaw())); /* We are only called when the client socket shutsdown. * Tell the prev pipeline member we're finished */ clientStreamDetach(node, http); } void ConnStateData::readNextRequest() { debugs(33, 5, clientConnection << " reading next req"); fd_note(clientConnection->fd, "Idle client: Waiting for next request"); /** * Set the timeout BEFORE calling readSomeData(). */ resetReadTimeout(clientConnection->timeLeft(idleTimeout())); readSomeData(); /** Please don't do anything with the FD past here! */ } static void ClientSocketContextPushDeferredIfNeeded(Http::StreamPointer deferredRequest, ConnStateData * conn) { debugs(33, 2, conn->clientConnection << " Sending next"); /** If the client stream is waiting on a socket write to occur, then */ if (deferredRequest->flags.deferred) { /** NO data is allowed to have been sent. */ assert(deferredRequest->http->out.size == 0); /** defer now. */ clientSocketRecipient(deferredRequest->deferredparams.node, deferredRequest->http, deferredRequest->deferredparams.rep, deferredRequest->deferredparams.queuedBuffer); } /** otherwise, the request is still active in a callbacksomewhere, * and we are done */ } void ConnStateData::kick() { if (!Comm::IsConnOpen(clientConnection)) { debugs(33, 2, clientConnection << " Connection was closed"); return; } if (pinning.pinned && !Comm::IsConnOpen(pinning.serverConnection)) { debugs(33, 2, clientConnection << " Connection was pinned but server side gone. Terminating client connection"); clientConnection->close(); return; } /** \par * We are done with the response, and we are either still receiving request * body (early response!) or have already stopped receiving anything. * * If we are still receiving, then parseRequests() below will fail. * (XXX: but then we will call readNextRequest() which may succeed and * execute a smuggled request as we are not done with the current request). * * If we stopped because we got everything, then try the next request. * * If we stopped receiving because of an error, then close now to avoid * getting stuck and to prevent accidental request smuggling. */ if (const char *reason = stoppedReceiving()) { debugs(33, 3, "closing for earlier request error: " << reason); clientConnection->close(); return; } /** \par * Attempt to parse a request from the request buffer. * If we've been fed a pipelined request it may already * be in our read buffer. */ parseRequests(); if (!isOpen()) return; /** \par * At this point we either have a parsed request (which we've * kicked off the processing for) or not. If we have a deferred * request (parsed but deferred for pipeling processing reasons) * then look at processing it. If not, simply kickstart * another read. */ Http::StreamPointer deferredRequest = pipeline.front(); if (deferredRequest != nullptr) { debugs(33, 3, clientConnection << ": calling PushDeferredIfNeeded"); ClientSocketContextPushDeferredIfNeeded(deferredRequest, this); } else if (flags.readMore) { debugs(33, 3, clientConnection << ": calling readNextRequest()"); readNextRequest(); } else { // XXX: Can this happen? CONNECT tunnels have deferredRequest set. debugs(33, DBG_IMPORTANT, MYNAME << "abandoning " << clientConnection); } } void ConnStateData::stopSending(const char *error) { debugs(33, 4, "sending error (" << clientConnection << "): " << error << "; old receiving error: " << (stoppedReceiving() ? stoppedReceiving_ : "none")); if (const char *oldError = stoppedSending()) { debugs(33, 3, "already stopped sending: " << oldError); return; // nothing has changed as far as this connection is concerned } stoppedSending_ = error; if (!stoppedReceiving()) { if (const int64_t expecting = mayNeedToReadMoreBody()) { debugs(33, 5, "must still read " << expecting << " request body bytes with " << inBuf.length() << " unused"); return; // wait for the request receiver to finish reading } } clientConnection->close(); } void ConnStateData::afterClientWrite(size_t size) { if (pipeline.empty()) return; auto ctx = pipeline.front(); if (size) { statCounter.client_http.kbytes_out += size; if (ctx->http->loggingTags().isTcpHit()) statCounter.client_http.hit_kbytes_out += size; } ctx->writeComplete(size); } Http::Stream * ConnStateData::abortRequestParsing(const char *const uri) { ClientHttpRequest *http = new ClientHttpRequest(this); http->req_sz = inBuf.length(); http->setErrorUri(uri); auto *context = new Http::Stream(clientConnection, http); StoreIOBuffer tempBuffer; tempBuffer.data = context->reqbuf; tempBuffer.length = HTTP_REQBUF_SZ; clientStreamInit(&http->client_stream, clientGetMoreData, clientReplyDetach, clientReplyStatus, new clientReplyContext(http), clientSocketRecipient, clientSocketDetach, context, tempBuffer); return context; } void ConnStateData::startShutdown() { // RegisteredRunner API callback - Squid has been shut down // if connection is idle terminate it now, // otherwise wait for grace period to end if (pipeline.empty()) endingShutdown(); } void ConnStateData::endingShutdown() { // RegisteredRunner API callback - Squid shutdown grace period is over // force the client connection to close immediately // swanSong() in the close handler will cleanup. if (Comm::IsConnOpen(clientConnection)) clientConnection->close(); } char * skipLeadingSpace(char *aString) { char *result = aString; while (xisspace(*aString)) ++aString; return result; } /** * 'end' defaults to NULL for backwards compatibility * remove default value if we ever get rid of NULL-terminated * request buffers. */ const char * findTrailingHTTPVersion(const char *uriAndHTTPVersion, const char *end) { if (nullptr == end) { end = uriAndHTTPVersion + strcspn(uriAndHTTPVersion, "\r\n"); assert(end); } for (; end > uriAndHTTPVersion; --end) { if (*end == '\n' || *end == '\r') continue; if (xisspace(*end)) { if (strncasecmp(end + 1, "HTTP/", 5) == 0) return end + 1; else break; } } return nullptr; } static char * prepareAcceleratedURL(ConnStateData * conn, const Http1::RequestParserPointer &hp) { int vhost = conn->port->vhost; int vport = conn->port->vport; static char ipbuf[MAX_IPSTRLEN]; /* BUG: Squid cannot deal with '*' URLs (RFC2616 5.1.2) */ // XXX: re-use proper URL parser for this SBuf url = hp->requestUri(); // use full provided URI if we abort do { // use a loop so we can break out of it ::Parser::Tokenizer tok(url); if (tok.skip('/')) // origin-form URL already. break; if (conn->port->vhost) return nullptr; /* already in good shape */ // skip the URI scheme static const CharacterSet uriScheme = CharacterSet("URI-scheme","+-.") + CharacterSet::ALPHA + CharacterSet::DIGIT; static const SBuf uriSchemeEnd("://"); if (!tok.skipAll(uriScheme) || !tok.skip(uriSchemeEnd)) break; // skip the authority segment // RFC 3986 complex nested ABNF for "authority" boils down to this: static const CharacterSet authority = CharacterSet("authority","-._~%:@[]!$&'()*+,;=") + CharacterSet::HEXDIG + CharacterSet::ALPHA + CharacterSet::DIGIT; if (!tok.skipAll(authority)) break; static const SBuf slashUri("/"); const SBuf t = tok.remaining(); if (t.isEmpty()) url = slashUri; else if (t[0]=='/') // looks like path url = t; else if (t[0]=='?' || t[0]=='#') { // looks like query or fragment. fix '/' url = slashUri; url.append(t); } // else do nothing. invalid path } while(false); #if SHOULD_REJECT_UNKNOWN_URLS // reject URI which are not well-formed even after the processing above if (url.isEmpty() || url[0] != '/') { hp->parseStatusCode = Http::scBadRequest; return conn->abortRequestParsing("error:invalid-request"); } #endif if (vport < 0) vport = conn->clientConnection->local.port(); char *receivedHost = nullptr; if (vhost && (receivedHost = hp->getHostHeaderField())) { SBuf host(receivedHost); debugs(33, 5, "ACCEL VHOST REWRITE: vhost=" << host << " + vport=" << vport); if (vport > 0) { // remove existing :port (if any), cope with IPv6+ without port const auto lastColonPos = host.rfind(':'); if (lastColonPos != SBuf::npos && *host.rbegin() != ']') { host.chop(0, lastColonPos); // truncate until the last colon } host.appendf(":%d", vport); } // else nothing to alter port-wise. const SBuf &scheme = AnyP::UriScheme(conn->transferProtocol.protocol).image(); const auto url_sz = scheme.length() + host.length() + url.length() + 32; char *uri = static_cast(xcalloc(url_sz, 1)); snprintf(uri, url_sz, SQUIDSBUFPH "://" SQUIDSBUFPH SQUIDSBUFPH, SQUIDSBUFPRINT(scheme), SQUIDSBUFPRINT(host), SQUIDSBUFPRINT(url)); debugs(33, 5, "ACCEL VHOST REWRITE: " << uri); return uri; } else if (conn->port->defaultsite /* && !vhost */) { debugs(33, 5, "ACCEL DEFAULTSITE REWRITE: defaultsite=" << conn->port->defaultsite << " + vport=" << vport); char vportStr[32]; vportStr[0] = '\0'; if (vport > 0) { snprintf(vportStr, sizeof(vportStr),":%d",vport); } const SBuf &scheme = AnyP::UriScheme(conn->transferProtocol.protocol).image(); const int url_sz = scheme.length() + strlen(conn->port->defaultsite) + sizeof(vportStr) + url.length() + 32; char *uri = static_cast(xcalloc(url_sz, 1)); snprintf(uri, url_sz, SQUIDSBUFPH "://%s%s" SQUIDSBUFPH, SQUIDSBUFPRINT(scheme), conn->port->defaultsite, vportStr, SQUIDSBUFPRINT(url)); debugs(33, 5, "ACCEL DEFAULTSITE REWRITE: " << uri); return uri; } else if (vport > 0 /* && (!vhost || no Host:) */) { debugs(33, 5, "ACCEL VPORT REWRITE: *_port IP + vport=" << vport); /* Put the local socket IP address as the hostname, with whatever vport we found */ conn->clientConnection->local.toHostStr(ipbuf,MAX_IPSTRLEN); const SBuf &scheme = AnyP::UriScheme(conn->transferProtocol.protocol).image(); const int url_sz = scheme.length() + sizeof(ipbuf) + url.length() + 32; char *uri = static_cast(xcalloc(url_sz, 1)); snprintf(uri, url_sz, SQUIDSBUFPH "://%s:%d" SQUIDSBUFPH, SQUIDSBUFPRINT(scheme), ipbuf, vport, SQUIDSBUFPRINT(url)); debugs(33, 5, "ACCEL VPORT REWRITE: " << uri); return uri; } return nullptr; } static char * buildUrlFromHost(ConnStateData * conn, const Http1::RequestParserPointer &hp) { char *uri = nullptr; /* BUG: Squid cannot deal with '*' URLs (RFC2616 5.1.2) */ if (const char *host = hp->getHostHeaderField()) { const SBuf &scheme = AnyP::UriScheme(conn->transferProtocol.protocol).image(); const int url_sz = scheme.length() + strlen(host) + hp->requestUri().length() + 32; uri = static_cast(xcalloc(url_sz, 1)); snprintf(uri, url_sz, SQUIDSBUFPH "://%s" SQUIDSBUFPH, SQUIDSBUFPRINT(scheme), host, SQUIDSBUFPRINT(hp->requestUri())); } return uri; } char * ConnStateData::prepareTlsSwitchingURL(const Http1::RequestParserPointer &hp) { Must(switchedToHttps()); if (!hp->requestUri().isEmpty() && hp->requestUri()[0] != '/') return nullptr; /* already in good shape */ char *uri = buildUrlFromHost(this, hp); #if USE_OPENSSL if (!uri) { Must(tlsConnectPort); Must(!tlsConnectHostOrIp.isEmpty()); SBuf useHost; if (!tlsClientSni().isEmpty()) useHost = tlsClientSni(); else useHost = tlsConnectHostOrIp; const SBuf &scheme = AnyP::UriScheme(transferProtocol.protocol).image(); const int url_sz = scheme.length() + useHost.length() + hp->requestUri().length() + 32; uri = static_cast(xcalloc(url_sz, 1)); snprintf(uri, url_sz, SQUIDSBUFPH "://" SQUIDSBUFPH ":%hu" SQUIDSBUFPH, SQUIDSBUFPRINT(scheme), SQUIDSBUFPRINT(useHost), *tlsConnectPort, SQUIDSBUFPRINT(hp->requestUri())); } #endif if (uri) debugs(33, 5, "TLS switching host rewrite: " << uri); return uri; } static char * prepareTransparentURL(ConnStateData * conn, const Http1::RequestParserPointer &hp) { // TODO Must() on URI !empty when the parser supports throw. For now avoid assert(). if (!hp->requestUri().isEmpty() && hp->requestUri()[0] != '/') return nullptr; /* already in good shape */ char *uri = buildUrlFromHost(conn, hp); if (!uri) { /* Put the local socket IP address as the hostname. */ static char ipbuf[MAX_IPSTRLEN]; conn->clientConnection->local.toHostStr(ipbuf,MAX_IPSTRLEN); const SBuf &scheme = AnyP::UriScheme(conn->transferProtocol.protocol).image(); const int url_sz = sizeof(ipbuf) + hp->requestUri().length() + 32; uri = static_cast(xcalloc(url_sz, 1)); snprintf(uri, url_sz, SQUIDSBUFPH "://%s:%d" SQUIDSBUFPH, SQUIDSBUFPRINT(scheme), ipbuf, conn->clientConnection->local.port(), SQUIDSBUFPRINT(hp->requestUri())); } if (uri) debugs(33, 5, "TRANSPARENT REWRITE: " << uri); return uri; } Http::Stream * ConnStateData::parseHttpRequest(const Http1::RequestParserPointer &hp) { /* Attempt to parse the first line; this will define where the method, url, version and header begin */ { Must(hp); if (preservingClientData_) preservedClientData = inBuf; const bool parsedOk = hp->parse(inBuf); // sync the buffers after parsing. inBuf = hp->remaining(); if (hp->needsMoreData()) { debugs(33, 5, "Incomplete request, waiting for end of request line"); return nullptr; } if (!parsedOk) { const bool tooBig = hp->parseStatusCode == Http::scRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge || hp->parseStatusCode == Http::scUriTooLong; auto result = abortRequestParsing( tooBig ? "error:request-too-large" : "error:invalid-request"); // assume that remaining leftovers belong to this bad request if (!inBuf.isEmpty()) consumeInput(inBuf.length()); return result; } } /* We know the whole request is in parser now */ debugs(11, 2, "HTTP Client " << clientConnection); debugs(11, 2, "HTTP Client REQUEST:\n---------\n" << hp->method() << " " << hp->requestUri() << " " << hp->messageProtocol() << "\n" << hp->mimeHeader() << "\n----------"); /* deny CONNECT via accelerated ports */ if (hp->method() == Http::METHOD_CONNECT && port != nullptr && port->flags.accelSurrogate) { debugs(33, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: CONNECT method received on " << transferProtocol << " Accelerator port " << port->s.port()); debugs(33, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: for request: " << hp->method() << " " << hp->requestUri() << " " << hp->messageProtocol()); hp->parseStatusCode = Http::scMethodNotAllowed; return abortRequestParsing("error:method-not-allowed"); } /* HTTP/2 connection magic prefix starts with "PRI ". * Deny "PRI" method if used in HTTP/1.x or 0.9 versions. * If seen it signals a broken client or proxy has corrupted the traffic. */ if (hp->method() == Http::METHOD_PRI && hp->messageProtocol() < Http::ProtocolVersion(2,0)) { debugs(33, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: PRI method received on " << transferProtocol << " port " << port->s.port()); debugs(33, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: for request: " << hp->method() << " " << hp->requestUri() << " " << hp->messageProtocol()); hp->parseStatusCode = Http::scMethodNotAllowed; return abortRequestParsing("error:method-not-allowed"); } if (hp->method() == Http::METHOD_NONE) { debugs(33, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: Unsupported method: " << hp->method() << " " << hp->requestUri() << " " << hp->messageProtocol()); hp->parseStatusCode = Http::scMethodNotAllowed; return abortRequestParsing("error:unsupported-request-method"); } // Process headers after request line debugs(33, 3, "complete request received. " << "prefix_sz = " << hp->messageHeaderSize() << ", request-line-size=" << hp->firstLineSize() << ", mime-header-size=" << hp->headerBlockSize() << ", mime header block:\n" << hp->mimeHeader() << "\n----------"); /* Ok, all headers are received */ ClientHttpRequest *http = new ClientHttpRequest(this); http->req_sz = hp->messageHeaderSize(); Http::Stream *result = new Http::Stream(clientConnection, http); StoreIOBuffer tempBuffer; tempBuffer.data = result->reqbuf; tempBuffer.length = HTTP_REQBUF_SZ; ClientStreamData newServer = new clientReplyContext(http); ClientStreamData newClient = result; clientStreamInit(&http->client_stream, clientGetMoreData, clientReplyDetach, clientReplyStatus, newServer, clientSocketRecipient, clientSocketDetach, newClient, tempBuffer); /* set url */ debugs(33,5, "Prepare absolute URL from " << (transparent()?"intercept":(port->flags.accelSurrogate ? "accel":""))); /* Rewrite the URL in transparent or accelerator mode */ /* NP: there are several cases to traverse here: * - standard mode (forward proxy) * - transparent mode (TPROXY) * - transparent mode with failures * - intercept mode (NAT) * - intercept mode with failures * - accelerator mode (reverse proxy) * - internal relative-URL * - mixed combos of the above with internal URL * - remote interception with PROXY protocol * - remote reverse-proxy with PROXY protocol */ if (switchedToHttps()) { http->uri = prepareTlsSwitchingURL(hp); } else if (transparent()) { /* intercept or transparent mode, properly working with no failures */ http->uri = prepareTransparentURL(this, hp); } else if (internalCheck(hp->requestUri())) { // NP: only matches relative-URI /* internal URL mode */ // XXX: By prepending our name and port, we create an absolute URL // that may mismatch the (yet unparsed) Host header in the request. http->uri = xstrdup(internalLocalUri(nullptr, hp->requestUri())); } else if (port->flags.accelSurrogate) { /* accelerator mode */ http->uri = prepareAcceleratedURL(this, hp); http->flags.accel = true; } if (!http->uri) { /* No special rewrites have been applied above, use the * requested url. may be rewritten later, so make extra room */ int url_sz = hp->requestUri().length() + Config.appendDomainLen + 5; http->uri = (char *)xcalloc(url_sz, 1); SBufToCstring(http->uri, hp->requestUri()); } result->flags.parsed_ok = 1; return result; } bool ConnStateData::shouldCloseOnEof() const { if (pipeline.empty() && inBuf.isEmpty()) { debugs(33, 4, "yes, without active requests and unparsed input"); return true; } if (!Config.onoff.half_closed_clients) { debugs(33, 3, "yes, without half_closed_clients"); return true; } // Squid currently tries to parse (possibly again) a partially received // request after an EOF with half_closed_clients. To give that last parse in // afterClientRead() a chance, we ignore partially parsed requests here. debugs(33, 3, "no, honoring half_closed_clients"); return false; } void ConnStateData::consumeInput(const size_t byteCount) { assert(byteCount > 0 && byteCount <= inBuf.length()); inBuf.consume(byteCount); debugs(33, 5, "inBuf has " << inBuf.length() << " unused bytes"); } void ConnStateData::clientAfterReadingRequests() { // Were we expecting to read more request body from half-closed connection? if (mayNeedToReadMoreBody() && commIsHalfClosed(clientConnection->fd)) { debugs(33, 3, "truncated body: closing half-closed " << clientConnection); clientConnection->close(); return; } if (flags.readMore) readSomeData(); } void ConnStateData::quitAfterError(HttpRequest *request) { // From HTTP p.o.v., we do not have to close after every error detected // at the client-side, but many such errors do require closure and the // client-side code is bad at handling errors so we play it safe. if (request) request->flags.proxyKeepalive = false; flags.readMore = false; debugs(33,4, "Will close after error: " << clientConnection); } #if USE_OPENSSL bool ConnStateData::serveDelayedError(Http::Stream *context) { ClientHttpRequest *http = context->http; if (!sslServerBump) return false; assert(sslServerBump->entry); // Did we create an error entry while processing CONNECT? if (!sslServerBump->entry->isEmpty()) { quitAfterError(http->request); // Get the saved error entry and send it to the client by replacing the // ClientHttpRequest store entry with it. clientStreamNode *node = context->getClientReplyContext(); clientReplyContext *repContext = dynamic_cast(node->data.getRaw()); assert(repContext); debugs(33, 5, "Responding with delated error for " << http->uri); repContext->setReplyToStoreEntry(sslServerBump->entry, "delayed SslBump error"); // Get error details from the fake certificate-peeking request. http->request->error.update(sslServerBump->request->error); context->pullData(); return true; } // In bump-server-first mode, we have not necessarily seen the intended // server name at certificate-peeking time. Check for domain mismatch now, // when we can extract the intended name from the bumped HTTP request. if (const Security::CertPointer &srvCert = sslServerBump->serverCert) { HttpRequest *request = http->request; if (!Ssl::checkX509ServerValidity(srvCert.get(), request->url.host())) { debugs(33, 2, "SQUID_X509_V_ERR_DOMAIN_MISMATCH: Certificate " << "does not match domainname " << request->url.host()); bool allowDomainMismatch = false; if (Config.ssl_client.cert_error) { ACLFilledChecklist check(Config.ssl_client.cert_error, nullptr); const auto sslErrors = std::make_unique(Security::CertError(SQUID_X509_V_ERR_DOMAIN_MISMATCH, srvCert)); check.sslErrors = sslErrors.get(); clientAclChecklistFill(check, http); allowDomainMismatch = check.fastCheck().allowed(); } if (!allowDomainMismatch) { quitAfterError(request); clientStreamNode *node = context->getClientReplyContext(); clientReplyContext *repContext = dynamic_cast(node->data.getRaw()); assert (repContext); request->hier = sslServerBump->request->hier; // Create an error object and fill it const auto err = new ErrorState(ERR_SECURE_CONNECT_FAIL, Http::scServiceUnavailable, request, http->al); err->src_addr = clientConnection->remote; const Security::ErrorDetail::Pointer errDetail = new Security::ErrorDetail( SQUID_X509_V_ERR_DOMAIN_MISMATCH, srvCert, nullptr); updateError(ERR_SECURE_CONNECT_FAIL, errDetail); repContext->setReplyToError(request->method, err); assert(context->http->out.offset == 0); context->pullData(); return true; } } } return false; } #endif // USE_OPENSSL /// initiate tunneling if possible or return false otherwise bool ConnStateData::tunnelOnError(const err_type requestError) { if (!Config.accessList.on_unsupported_protocol) { debugs(33, 5, "disabled; send error: " << requestError); return false; } if (!preservingClientData_) { debugs(33, 3, "may have forgotten client data; send error: " << requestError); return false; } ACLFilledChecklist checklist(Config.accessList.on_unsupported_protocol, nullptr); checklist.requestErrorType = requestError; fillChecklist(checklist); const auto &answer = checklist.fastCheck(); if (answer.allowed() && answer.kind == 1) { debugs(33, 3, "Request will be tunneled to server"); const auto context = pipeline.front(); const auto http = context ? context->http : nullptr; const auto request = http ? http->request : nullptr; if (context) context->finished(); // Will remove from pipeline queue Comm::SetSelect(clientConnection->fd, COMM_SELECT_READ, nullptr, nullptr, 0); return initiateTunneledRequest(request, "unknown-protocol", preservedClientData); } debugs(33, 3, "denied; send error: " << requestError); return false; } void clientProcessRequestFinished(ConnStateData *conn, const HttpRequest::Pointer &request) { /* * DPW 2007-05-18 * Moved the TCP_RESET feature from clientReplyContext::sendMoreData * to here because calling comm_reset_close() causes http to * be freed before accessing. */ if (request != nullptr && request->flags.resetTcp && Comm::IsConnOpen(conn->clientConnection)) { debugs(33, 3, "Sending TCP RST on " << conn->clientConnection); conn->flags.readMore = false; comm_reset_close(conn->clientConnection); } } void clientProcessRequest(ConnStateData *conn, const Http1::RequestParserPointer &hp, Http::Stream *context) { ClientHttpRequest *http = context->http; bool mustReplyToOptions = false; bool expectBody = false; // We already have the request parsed and checked, so we // only need to go through the final body/conn setup to doCallouts(). assert(http->request); HttpRequest::Pointer request = http->request; // temporary hack to avoid splitting this huge function with sensitive code const bool isFtp = !hp; // Some blobs below are still HTTP-specific, but we would have to rewrite // this entire function to remove them from the FTP code path. Connection // setup and body_pipe preparation blobs are needed for FTP. request->manager(conn, http->al); request->flags.accelerated = http->flags.accel; request->flags.sslBumped=conn->switchedToHttps(); // TODO: decouple http->flags.accel from request->flags.sslBumped request->flags.noDirect = (request->flags.accelerated && !request->flags.sslBumped) ? !conn->port->allow_direct : 0; request->sources |= isFtp ? Http::Message::srcFtp : ((request->flags.sslBumped || conn->port->transport.protocol == AnyP::PROTO_HTTPS) ? Http::Message::srcHttps : Http::Message::srcHttp); #if USE_AUTH if (request->flags.sslBumped) { if (conn->getAuth() != nullptr) request->auth_user_request = conn->getAuth(); } #endif http->checkForInternalAccess(); if (!isFtp) { // XXX: for non-HTTP messages instantiate a different Http::Message child type // for now Squid only supports HTTP requests const AnyP::ProtocolVersion &http_ver = hp->messageProtocol(); assert(request->http_ver.protocol == http_ver.protocol); request->http_ver.major = http_ver.major; request->http_ver.minor = http_ver.minor; } mustReplyToOptions = (request->method == Http::METHOD_OPTIONS) && (request->header.getInt64(Http::HdrType::MAX_FORWARDS) == 0); if (!urlCheckRequest(request.getRaw()) || mustReplyToOptions) { clientStreamNode *node = context->getClientReplyContext(); conn->quitAfterError(request.getRaw()); clientReplyContext *repContext = dynamic_cast(node->data.getRaw()); assert (repContext); repContext->setReplyToError(ERR_UNSUP_REQ, Http::scNotImplemented, nullptr, conn, request.getRaw(), nullptr, nullptr); assert(context->http->out.offset == 0); context->pullData(); clientProcessRequestFinished(conn, request); return; } const auto frameStatus = request->checkEntityFraming(); if (frameStatus != Http::scNone) { clientStreamNode *node = context->getClientReplyContext(); clientReplyContext *repContext = dynamic_cast(node->data.getRaw()); assert (repContext); conn->quitAfterError(request.getRaw()); repContext->setReplyToError(ERR_INVALID_REQ, frameStatus, nullptr, conn, request.getRaw(), nullptr, nullptr); assert(context->http->out.offset == 0); context->pullData(); clientProcessRequestFinished(conn, request); return; } clientSetKeepaliveFlag(http); // Let tunneling code be fully responsible for CONNECT requests if (http->request->method == Http::METHOD_CONNECT) { context->mayUseConnection(true); conn->flags.readMore = false; } #if USE_OPENSSL if (conn->switchedToHttps() && conn->serveDelayedError(context)) { clientProcessRequestFinished(conn, request); return; } #endif /* Do we expect a request-body? */ const auto chunked = request->header.chunked(); expectBody = chunked || request->content_length > 0; if (!context->mayUseConnection() && expectBody) { request->body_pipe = conn->expectRequestBody( chunked ? -1 : request->content_length); /* Is it too large? */ if (!chunked && // if chunked, we will check as we accumulate clientIsRequestBodyTooLargeForPolicy(request->content_length)) { clientStreamNode *node = context->getClientReplyContext(); clientReplyContext *repContext = dynamic_cast(node->data.getRaw()); assert (repContext); conn->quitAfterError(request.getRaw()); repContext->setReplyToError(ERR_TOO_BIG, Http::scContentTooLarge, nullptr, conn, http->request, nullptr, nullptr); assert(context->http->out.offset == 0); context->pullData(); clientProcessRequestFinished(conn, request); return; } if (!isFtp) { // We may stop producing, comm_close, and/or call setReplyToError() // below, so quit on errors to avoid http->doCallouts() if (!conn->handleRequestBodyData()) { clientProcessRequestFinished(conn, request); return; } if (!request->body_pipe->productionEnded()) { debugs(33, 5, "need more request body"); context->mayUseConnection(true); assert(conn->flags.readMore); } } } http->calloutContext = new ClientRequestContext(http); http->doCallouts(); clientProcessRequestFinished(conn, request); } void ConnStateData::add(const Http::StreamPointer &context) { debugs(33, 3, context << " to " << pipeline.count() << '/' << pipeline.nrequests); if (bareError) { debugs(33, 5, "assigning " << bareError); assert(context); assert(context->http); context->http->updateError(bareError); bareError.clear(); } pipeline.add(context); } int ConnStateData::pipelinePrefetchMax() const { // TODO: Support pipelined requests through pinned connections. if (pinning.pinned) return 0; return Config.pipeline_max_prefetch; } /** * Limit the number of concurrent requests. * \return true when there are available position(s) in the pipeline queue for another request. * \return false when the pipeline queue is full or disabled. */ bool ConnStateData::concurrentRequestQueueFilled() const { const int existingRequestCount = pipeline.count(); // default to the configured pipeline size. // add 1 because the head of pipeline is counted in concurrent requests and not prefetch queue #if USE_OPENSSL const int internalRequest = (transparent() && sslBumpMode == Ssl::bumpSplice) ? 1 : 0; #else const int internalRequest = 0; #endif const int concurrentRequestLimit = pipelinePrefetchMax() + 1 + internalRequest; // when queue filled already we can't add more. if (existingRequestCount >= concurrentRequestLimit) { debugs(33, 3, clientConnection << " max concurrent requests reached (" << concurrentRequestLimit << ")"); debugs(33, 5, clientConnection << " deferring new request until one is done"); return true; } return false; } /** * Perform proxy_protocol_access ACL tests on the client which * connected to PROXY protocol port to see if we trust the * sender enough to accept their PROXY header claim. */ bool ConnStateData::proxyProtocolValidateClient() { if (!Config.accessList.proxyProtocol) return proxyProtocolError("PROXY client not permitted by default ACL"); ACLFilledChecklist ch(Config.accessList.proxyProtocol, nullptr); fillChecklist(ch); if (!ch.fastCheck().allowed()) return proxyProtocolError("PROXY client not permitted by ACLs"); return true; } /** * Perform cleanup on PROXY protocol errors. * If header parsing hits a fatal error terminate the connection, * otherwise wait for more data. */ bool ConnStateData::proxyProtocolError(const char *msg) { if (msg) { // This is important to know, but maybe not so much that flooding the log is okay. #if QUIET_PROXY_PROTOCOL // display the first of every 32 occurrences at level 1, the others at level 2. static uint8_t hide = 0; debugs(33, (hide++ % 32 == 0 ? DBG_IMPORTANT : 2), msg << " from " << clientConnection); #else debugs(33, DBG_IMPORTANT, msg << " from " << clientConnection); #endif mustStop(msg); } return false; } /// Attempts to extract a PROXY protocol header from the input buffer and, /// upon success, stores the parsed header in proxyProtocolHeader_. /// \returns true if the header was successfully parsed /// \returns false if more data is needed to parse the header or on error bool ConnStateData::parseProxyProtocolHeader() { try { const auto parsed = ProxyProtocol::Parse(inBuf); proxyProtocolHeader_ = parsed.header; assert(bool(proxyProtocolHeader_)); inBuf.consume(parsed.size); needProxyProtocolHeader_ = false; if (proxyProtocolHeader_->hasForwardedAddresses()) { clientConnection->local = proxyProtocolHeader_->destinationAddress; clientConnection->remote = proxyProtocolHeader_->sourceAddress; if ((clientConnection->flags & COMM_TRANSPARENT)) clientConnection->flags ^= COMM_TRANSPARENT; // prevent TPROXY spoofing of this new IP. debugs(33, 5, "PROXY/" << proxyProtocolHeader_->version() << " upgrade: " << clientConnection); } } catch (const Parser::BinaryTokenizer::InsufficientInput &) { debugs(33, 3, "PROXY protocol: waiting for more than " << inBuf.length() << " bytes"); return false; } catch (const std::exception &e) { return proxyProtocolError(e.what()); } return true; } void ConnStateData::receivedFirstByte() { if (receivedFirstByte_) return; receivedFirstByte_ = true; resetReadTimeout(Config.Timeout.request); } /// Attempt to parse one or more requests from the input buffer. /// May close the connection. void ConnStateData::parseRequests() { debugs(33, 5, clientConnection << ": attempting to parse"); // Loop while we have read bytes that are not needed for producing the body // On errors, bodyPipe may become nil, but readMore will be cleared while (!inBuf.isEmpty() && !bodyPipe && flags.readMore) { // Prohibit concurrent requests when using a pinned to-server connection // because our Client classes do not support request pipelining. if (pinning.pinned && !pinning.readHandler) { debugs(33, 3, clientConnection << " waits for busy " << pinning.serverConnection); break; } /* Limit the number of concurrent requests */ if (concurrentRequestQueueFilled()) break; // try to parse the PROXY protocol header magic bytes if (needProxyProtocolHeader_) { if (!parseProxyProtocolHeader()) break; // we have been waiting for PROXY to provide client-IP // for some lookups, ie rDNS whenClientIpKnown(); // Done with PROXY protocol which has cleared preservingClientData_. // If the next protocol supports on_unsupported_protocol, then its // parseOneRequest() must reset preservingClientData_. assert(!preservingClientData_); } if (Http::StreamPointer context = parseOneRequest()) { debugs(33, 5, clientConnection << ": done parsing a request"); extendLifetime(); context->registerWithConn(); #if USE_OPENSSL if (switchedToHttps()) parsedBumpedRequestCount++; #endif processParsedRequest(context); if (context->mayUseConnection()) { debugs(33, 3, "Not parsing new requests, as this request may need the connection"); break; } } else { debugs(33, 5, clientConnection << ": not enough request data: " << inBuf.length() << " < " << Config.maxRequestHeaderSize); Must(inBuf.length() < Config.maxRequestHeaderSize); break; } } debugs(33, 7, "buffered leftovers: " << inBuf.length()); if (isOpen() && commIsHalfClosed(clientConnection->fd)) { if (pipeline.empty()) { // we processed what we could parse, and no more data is coming debugs(33, 5, "closing half-closed without parsed requests: " << clientConnection); clientConnection->close(); } else { // we parsed what we could, and no more data is coming debugs(33, 5, "monitoring half-closed while processing parsed requests: " << clientConnection); flags.readMore = false; // may already be false } } } void ConnStateData::afterClientRead() { #if USE_OPENSSL if (parsingTlsHandshake) { parseTlsHandshake(); return; } #endif /* Process next request */ if (pipeline.empty()) fd_note(clientConnection->fd, "Reading next request"); parseRequests(); if (!isOpen()) return; clientAfterReadingRequests(); } /** * called when new request data has been read from the socket * * \retval false called comm_close or setReplyToError (the caller should bail) * \retval true we did not call comm_close or setReplyToError */ bool ConnStateData::handleReadData() { // if we are reading a body, stuff data into the body pipe if (bodyPipe != nullptr) return handleRequestBodyData(); return true; } /** * called when new request body data has been buffered in inBuf * may close the connection if we were closing and piped everything out * * \retval false called comm_close or setReplyToError (the caller should bail) * \retval true we did not call comm_close or setReplyToError */ bool ConnStateData::handleRequestBodyData() { assert(bodyPipe != nullptr); if (bodyParser) { // chunked encoding if (const err_type error = handleChunkedRequestBody()) { abortChunkedRequestBody(error); return false; } } else { // identity encoding debugs(33,5, "handling plain request body for " << clientConnection); const auto putSize = bodyPipe->putMoreData(inBuf.rawContent(), inBuf.length()); if (putSize > 0) consumeInput(putSize); if (!bodyPipe->mayNeedMoreData()) { // BodyPipe will clear us automagically when we produced everything bodyPipe = nullptr; } } if (!bodyPipe) { debugs(33,5, "produced entire request body for " << clientConnection); if (const char *reason = stoppedSending()) { /* we've finished reading like good clients, * now do the close that initiateClose initiated. */ debugs(33, 3, "closing for earlier sending error: " << reason); clientConnection->close(); return false; } } return true; } /// parses available chunked encoded body bytes, checks size, returns errors err_type ConnStateData::handleChunkedRequestBody() { debugs(33, 7, "chunked from " << clientConnection << ": " << inBuf.length()); try { // the parser will throw on errors if (inBuf.isEmpty()) // nothing to do return ERR_NONE; BodyPipeCheckout bpc(*bodyPipe); bodyParser->setPayloadBuffer(&bpc.buf); const bool parsed = bodyParser->parse(inBuf); inBuf = bodyParser->remaining(); // sync buffers bpc.checkIn(); // dechunk then check: the size limit applies to _dechunked_ content if (clientIsRequestBodyTooLargeForPolicy(bodyPipe->producedSize())) return ERR_TOO_BIG; if (parsed) { finishDechunkingRequest(true); Must(!bodyPipe); return ERR_NONE; // nil bodyPipe implies body end for the caller } // if chunk parser needs data, then the body pipe must need it too Must(!bodyParser->needsMoreData() || bodyPipe->mayNeedMoreData()); // if parser needs more space and we can consume nothing, we will stall Must(!bodyParser->needsMoreSpace() || bodyPipe->buf().hasContent()); } catch (...) { // TODO: be more specific debugs(33, 3, "malformed chunks" << bodyPipe->status()); return ERR_INVALID_REQ; } debugs(33, 7, "need more chunked data" << *bodyPipe->status()); return ERR_NONE; } /// quit on errors related to chunked request body handling void ConnStateData::abortChunkedRequestBody(const err_type error) { finishDechunkingRequest(false); // XXX: The code below works if we fail during initial request parsing, // but if we fail when the server connection is used already, the server may send // us its response too, causing various assertions. How to prevent that? #if WE_KNOW_HOW_TO_SEND_ERRORS Http::StreamPointer context = pipeline.front(); if (context != NULL && !context->http->out.offset) { // output nothing yet clientStreamNode *node = context->getClientReplyContext(); clientReplyContext *repContext = dynamic_cast(node->data.getRaw()); assert(repContext); const Http::StatusCode scode = (error == ERR_TOO_BIG) ? Http::scContentTooLarge : HTTP_BAD_REQUEST; repContext->setReplyToError(error, scode, repContext->http->uri, CachePeer, repContext->http->request, inBuf, nullptr); context->pullData(); } else { // close or otherwise we may get stuck as nobody will notice the error? comm_reset_close(clientConnection); } #else debugs(33, 3, "aborting chunked request without error " << error); comm_reset_close(clientConnection); #endif flags.readMore = false; } void ConnStateData::noteBodyConsumerAborted(BodyPipe::Pointer ) { // request reader may get stuck waiting for space if nobody consumes body if (bodyPipe != nullptr) bodyPipe->enableAutoConsumption(); // kids extend } /** general lifetime handler for HTTP requests */ void ConnStateData::requestTimeout(const CommTimeoutCbParams &io) { if (!Comm::IsConnOpen(io.conn)) return; const err_type error = receivedFirstByte_ ? ERR_REQUEST_PARSE_TIMEOUT : ERR_REQUEST_START_TIMEOUT; updateError(error); if (tunnelOnError(error)) return; /* * Just close the connection to not confuse browsers * using persistent connections. Some browsers open * a connection and then do not use it until much * later (presumeably because the request triggering * the open has already been completed on another * connection) */ debugs(33, 3, "requestTimeout: FD " << io.fd << ": lifetime is expired."); io.conn->close(); } void ConnStateData::lifetimeTimeout(const CommTimeoutCbParams &io) { debugs(33, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: Closing client connection due to lifetime timeout" << Debug::Extra << "connection: " << io.conn); LogTagsErrors lte; lte.timedout = true; terminateAll(ERR_LIFETIME_EXP, lte); } ConnStateData::ConnStateData(const MasterXaction::Pointer &xact) : AsyncJob("ConnStateData"), // kids overwrite Server(xact) #if USE_OPENSSL , tlsParser(Security::HandshakeParser::fromClient) #endif { // store the details required for creating more MasterXaction objects as new requests come in log_addr = xact->tcpClient->remote; log_addr.applyClientMask(Config.Addrs.client_netmask); // register to receive notice of Squid signal events // which may affect long persisting client connections registerRunner(); } void ConnStateData::start() { BodyProducer::start(); HttpControlMsgSink::start(); if (port->disable_pmtu_discovery != DISABLE_PMTU_OFF && (transparent() || port->disable_pmtu_discovery == DISABLE_PMTU_ALWAYS)) { #if defined(IP_MTU_DISCOVER) && defined(IP_PMTUDISC_DONT) int i = IP_PMTUDISC_DONT; if (setsockopt(clientConnection->fd, SOL_IP, IP_MTU_DISCOVER, &i, sizeof(i)) < 0) { int xerrno = errno; debugs(33, 2, "WARNING: Path MTU discovery disabling failed on " << clientConnection << " : " << xstrerr(xerrno)); } #else static bool reported = false; if (!reported) { debugs(33, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: Path MTU discovery disabling is not supported on your platform."); reported = true; } #endif } typedef CommCbMemFunT Dialer; AsyncCall::Pointer call = JobCallback(33, 5, Dialer, this, ConnStateData::connStateClosed); comm_add_close_handler(clientConnection->fd, call); needProxyProtocolHeader_ = port->flags.proxySurrogate; if (needProxyProtocolHeader_) { if (!proxyProtocolValidateClient()) // will close the connection on failure return; } else whenClientIpKnown(); // requires needProxyProtocolHeader_ which is initialized above preservingClientData_ = shouldPreserveClientData(); } void ConnStateData::whenClientIpKnown() { debugs(33, 7, clientConnection->remote); if (Dns::ResolveClientAddressesAsap) fqdncache_gethostbyaddr(clientConnection->remote, FQDN_LOOKUP_IF_MISS); clientdbEstablished(clientConnection->remote, 1); #if USE_DELAY_POOLS fd_table[clientConnection->fd].clientInfo = nullptr; if (!Config.onoff.client_db) return; // client delay pools require client_db const auto &pools = ClientDelayPools::Instance()->pools; if (pools.size()) { ACLFilledChecklist ch(nullptr, nullptr); fillChecklist(ch); // TODO: we check early to limit error response bandwidth but we // should recheck when we can honor delay_pool_uses_indirect for (unsigned int pool = 0; pool < pools.size(); ++pool) { /* pools require explicit 'allow' to assign a client into them */ if (pools[pool]->access) { ch.changeAcl(pools[pool]->access); const auto &answer = ch.fastCheck(); if (answer.allowed()) { /* request client information from db after we did all checks this will save hash lookup if client failed checks */ ClientInfo * cli = clientdbGetInfo(clientConnection->remote); assert(cli); /* put client info in FDE */ fd_table[clientConnection->fd].clientInfo = cli; /* setup write limiter for this request */ const double burst = floor(0.5 + (pools[pool]->highwatermark * Config.ClientDelay.initial)/100.0); cli->setWriteLimiter(pools[pool]->rate, burst, pools[pool]->highwatermark); break; } else { debugs(83, 4, "Delay pool " << pool << " skipped because ACL " << answer); } } } } #endif // kids must extend to actually start doing something (e.g., reading) } Security::IoResult ConnStateData::acceptTls() { const auto handshakeResult = Security::Accept(*clientConnection); #if USE_OPENSSL // log ASAP, even if the handshake has not completed (or failed) const auto fd = clientConnection->fd; assert(fd >= 0); keyLogger.checkpoint(*fd_table[fd].ssl, *this); #else // TODO: Support fd_table[fd].ssl dereference in other builds. #endif return handshakeResult; } /** Handle a new connection on an HTTP socket. */ void httpAccept(const CommAcceptCbParams ¶ms) { Assure(params.port); // NP: it is possible the port was reconfigured when the call or accept() was queued. if (params.flag != Comm::OK) { // Its possible the call was still queued when the client disconnected debugs(33, 2, params.port->listenConn << ": accept failure: " << xstrerr(params.xerrno)); return; } debugs(33, 4, params.conn << ": accepted"); fd_note(params.conn->fd, "client http connect"); const auto xact = MasterXaction::MakePortful(params.port); xact->tcpClient = params.conn; // Socket is ready, setup the connection manager to start using it auto *srv = Http::NewServer(xact); // XXX: do not abandon the MasterXaction object AsyncJob::Start(srv); // usually async-calls readSomeData() } /// Create TLS connection structure and update fd_table static bool httpsCreate(const ConnStateData *connState, const Security::ContextPointer &ctx) { const auto conn = connState->clientConnection; if (Security::CreateServerSession(ctx, conn, connState->port->secure, "client https start")) { debugs(33, 5, "will negotiate TLS on " << conn); return true; } debugs(33, DBG_IMPORTANT, "ERROR: could not create TLS server context for " << conn); conn->close(); return false; } /** negotiate an SSL connection */ static void clientNegotiateSSL(int fd, void *data) { ConnStateData *conn = (ConnStateData *)data; const auto handshakeResult = conn->acceptTls(); switch (handshakeResult.category) { case Security::IoResult::ioSuccess: break; case Security::IoResult::ioWantRead: Comm::SetSelect(conn->clientConnection->fd, COMM_SELECT_READ, clientNegotiateSSL, conn, 0); return; case Security::IoResult::ioWantWrite: Comm::SetSelect(conn->clientConnection->fd, COMM_SELECT_WRITE, clientNegotiateSSL, conn, 0); return; case Security::IoResult::ioError: debugs(83, (handshakeResult.important ? Important(62) : 2), "ERROR: " << handshakeResult.errorDescription << " while accepting a TLS connection on " << conn->clientConnection << ": " << handshakeResult.errorDetail); // TODO: No ConnStateData::tunnelOnError() on this forward-proxy code // path because we cannot know the intended connection target? conn->updateError(ERR_SECURE_ACCEPT_FAIL, handshakeResult.errorDetail); conn->clientConnection->close(); return; } Security::SessionPointer session(fd_table[fd].ssl); #if USE_OPENSSL if (Security::SessionIsResumed(session)) { debugs(83, 2, "Session " << SSL_get_session(session.get()) << " reused on FD " << fd << " (" << fd_table[fd].ipaddr << ":" << (int)fd_table[fd].remote_port << ")"); } else { if (Debug::Enabled(83, 4)) { /* Write out the SSL session details.. actually the call below, but * OpenSSL headers do strange typecasts confusing GCC.. */ /* PEM_write_SSL_SESSION(DebugStream(), SSL_get_session(ssl)); */ #if defined(OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER) && OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x00908000L PEM_ASN1_write(reinterpret_cast(i2d_SSL_SESSION), PEM_STRING_SSL_SESSION, DebugStream(), reinterpret_cast(SSL_get_session(session.get())), nullptr, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr); #elif (ALLOW_ALWAYS_SSL_SESSION_DETAIL == 1) /* When using gcc 3.3.x and OpenSSL 0.9.7x sometimes a compile error can occur here. * This is caused by an unpredicatble gcc behaviour on a cast of the first argument * of PEM_ASN1_write(). For this reason this code section is disabled. To enable it, * define ALLOW_ALWAYS_SSL_SESSION_DETAIL=1. * Because there are two possible usable cast, if you get an error here, try the other * commented line. */ PEM_ASN1_write((int(*)())i2d_SSL_SESSION, PEM_STRING_SSL_SESSION, DebugStream(), reinterpret_cast(SSL_get_session(session.get())), nullptr, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr); /* PEM_ASN1_write((int(*)(...))i2d_SSL_SESSION, PEM_STRING_SSL_SESSION, DebugStream(), reinterpret_cast(SSL_get_session(session.get())), nullptr, nullptr, 0, nullptr, nullptr); */ #else debugs(83, 4, "With " OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT ", session details are available only defining ALLOW_ALWAYS_SSL_SESSION_DETAIL=1 in the source."); #endif /* Note: This does not automatically fflush the log file.. */ } debugs(83, 2, "New session " << SSL_get_session(session.get()) << " on FD " << fd << " (" << fd_table[fd].ipaddr << ":" << fd_table[fd].remote_port << ")"); } #else debugs(83, 2, "TLS session reuse not yet implemented."); #endif // Connection established. Retrieve TLS connection parameters for logging. conn->clientConnection->tlsNegotiations()->retrieveNegotiatedInfo(session); #if USE_OPENSSL X509 *client_cert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(session.get()); if (client_cert) { debugs(83, 3, "FD " << fd << " client certificate: subject: " << Security::SubjectName(*client_cert)); debugs(83, 3, "FD " << fd << " client certificate: issuer: " << Security::IssuerName(*client_cert)); X509_free(client_cert); } else { debugs(83, 5, "FD " << fd << " has no client certificate."); } #else debugs(83, 2, "Client certificate requesting not yet implemented."); #endif // If we are called, then bumped CONNECT has succeeded. Finalize it. if (auto xact = conn->pipeline.front()) { if (xact->http && xact->http->request && xact->http->request->method == Http::METHOD_CONNECT) xact->finished(); // cannot proceed with encryption if requests wait for plain responses Must(conn->pipeline.empty()); } /* careful: finished() above frees request, host, etc. */ conn->readSomeData(); } /** * If Security::ContextPointer is given, starts reading the TLS handshake. * Otherwise, calls switchToHttps to generate a dynamic Security::ContextPointer. */ static void httpsEstablish(ConnStateData *connState, const Security::ContextPointer &ctx) { assert(connState); const Comm::ConnectionPointer &details = connState->clientConnection; if (!ctx || !httpsCreate(connState, ctx)) return; connState->resetReadTimeout(Config.Timeout.request); Comm::SetSelect(details->fd, COMM_SELECT_READ, clientNegotiateSSL, connState, 0); } #if USE_OPENSSL /** * A callback function to use with the ACLFilledChecklist callback. */ static void httpsSslBumpAccessCheckDone(Acl::Answer answer, void *data) { ConnStateData *connState = (ConnStateData *) data; // if the connection is closed or closing, just return. if (!connState->isOpen()) return; if (answer.allowed()) { debugs(33, 2, "sslBump action " << Ssl::bumpMode(answer.kind) << "needed for " << connState->clientConnection); connState->sslBumpMode = static_cast(answer.kind); } else { debugs(33, 3, "sslBump not needed for " << connState->clientConnection); connState->sslBumpMode = Ssl::bumpSplice; } if (connState->sslBumpMode == Ssl::bumpTerminate) { connState->clientConnection->close(); return; } if (!connState->fakeAConnectRequest("ssl-bump", connState->inBuf)) connState->clientConnection->close(); } #endif /** handle a new HTTPS connection */ static void httpsAccept(const CommAcceptCbParams ¶ms) { Assure(params.port); // NP: it is possible the port was reconfigured when the call or accept() was queued. if (params.flag != Comm::OK) { // Its possible the call was still queued when the client disconnected debugs(33, 2, "httpsAccept: " << params.port->listenConn << ": accept failure: " << xstrerr(params.xerrno)); return; } const auto xact = MasterXaction::MakePortful(params.port); xact->tcpClient = params.conn; debugs(33, 4, params.conn << " accepted, starting SSL negotiation."); fd_note(params.conn->fd, "client https connect"); // Socket is ready, setup the connection manager to start using it auto *srv = Https::NewServer(xact); // XXX: do not abandon the MasterXaction object AsyncJob::Start(srv); // usually async-calls postHttpsAccept() } void ConnStateData::postHttpsAccept() { if (port->flags.tunnelSslBumping) { #if USE_OPENSSL debugs(33, 5, "accept transparent connection: " << clientConnection); if (!Config.accessList.ssl_bump) { httpsSslBumpAccessCheckDone(ACCESS_DENIED, this); return; } const auto mx = MasterXaction::MakePortful(port); mx->tcpClient = clientConnection; // Create a fake HTTP request and ALE for the ssl_bump ACL check, // using tproxy/intercept provided destination IP and port. // XXX: Merge with subsequent fakeAConnectRequest(), buildFakeRequest(). // XXX: Do this earlier (e.g., in Http[s]::One::Server constructor). HttpRequest *request = new HttpRequest(mx); static char ip[MAX_IPSTRLEN]; assert(clientConnection->flags & (COMM_TRANSPARENT | COMM_INTERCEPTION)); request->url.host(clientConnection->local.toStr(ip, sizeof(ip))); request->url.port(clientConnection->local.port()); request->myportname = port->name; const AccessLogEntry::Pointer connectAle = new AccessLogEntry; CodeContext::Reset(connectAle); // TODO: Use these request/ALE when waiting for new bumped transactions. auto acl_checklist = ACLFilledChecklist::Make(Config.accessList.ssl_bump, request); fillChecklist(*acl_checklist); // Build a local AccessLogEntry to allow requiresAle() acls work acl_checklist->al = connectAle; acl_checklist->al->cache.start_time = current_time; acl_checklist->al->tcpClient = clientConnection; acl_checklist->al->cache.port = port; acl_checklist->al->cache.caddr = log_addr; acl_checklist->al->proxyProtocolHeader = proxyProtocolHeader_; acl_checklist->al->updateError(bareError); HTTPMSGUNLOCK(acl_checklist->al->request); acl_checklist->al->request = request; HTTPMSGLOCK(acl_checklist->al->request); Http::StreamPointer context = pipeline.front(); ClientHttpRequest *http = context ? context->http : nullptr; const char *log_uri = http ? http->log_uri : nullptr; acl_checklist->syncAle(request, log_uri); ACLFilledChecklist::NonBlockingCheck(std::move(acl_checklist), httpsSslBumpAccessCheckDone, this); #else fatal("FATAL: SSL-Bump requires --with-openssl"); #endif return; } else { httpsEstablish(this, port->secure.staticContext); } } #if USE_OPENSSL void ConnStateData::sslCrtdHandleReplyWrapper(void *data, const Helper::Reply &reply) { ConnStateData * state_data = (ConnStateData *)(data); state_data->sslCrtdHandleReply(reply); } void ConnStateData::sslCrtdHandleReply(const Helper::Reply &reply) { if (!isOpen()) { debugs(33, 3, "Connection gone while waiting for ssl_crtd helper reply; helper reply:" << reply); return; } if (reply.result == Helper::BrokenHelper) { debugs(33, 5, "Certificate for " << tlsConnectHostOrIp << " cannot be generated. ssl_crtd response: " << reply); } else if (!reply.other().hasContent()) { debugs(1, DBG_IMPORTANT, "\"ssl_crtd\" helper returned reply."); } else { Ssl::CrtdMessage reply_message(Ssl::CrtdMessage::REPLY); if (reply_message.parse(reply.other().content(), reply.other().contentSize()) != Ssl::CrtdMessage::OK) { debugs(33, 5, "Reply from ssl_crtd for " << tlsConnectHostOrIp << " is incorrect"); } else { if (reply.result != Helper::Okay) { debugs(33, 5, "Certificate for " << tlsConnectHostOrIp << " cannot be generated. ssl_crtd response: " << reply_message.getBody()); } else { debugs(33, 5, "Certificate for " << tlsConnectHostOrIp << " was successfully received from ssl_crtd"); if (sslServerBump && (sslServerBump->act.step1 == Ssl::bumpPeek || sslServerBump->act.step1 == Ssl::bumpStare)) { doPeekAndSpliceStep(); auto ssl = fd_table[clientConnection->fd].ssl.get(); bool ret = Ssl::configureSSLUsingPkeyAndCertFromMemory(ssl, reply_message.getBody().c_str(), *port); if (!ret) debugs(33, 5, "Failed to set certificates to ssl object for PeekAndSplice mode"); Security::ContextPointer ctx(Security::GetFrom(fd_table[clientConnection->fd].ssl)); Ssl::configureUnconfiguredSslContext(ctx, signAlgorithm, *port); } else { Security::ContextPointer ctx(Ssl::GenerateSslContextUsingPkeyAndCertFromMemory(reply_message.getBody().c_str(), port->secure, (signAlgorithm == Ssl::algSignTrusted))); if (ctx && !sslBumpCertKey.isEmpty()) storeTlsContextToCache(sslBumpCertKey, ctx); getSslContextDone(ctx); } return; } } } Security::ContextPointer nil; getSslContextDone(nil); } void ConnStateData::buildSslCertGenerationParams(Ssl::CertificateProperties &certProperties) { certProperties.commonName = sslCommonName_.isEmpty() ? tlsConnectHostOrIp.c_str() : sslCommonName_.c_str(); const bool connectedOk = sslServerBump && sslServerBump->connectedOk(); if (connectedOk) { if (X509 *mimicCert = sslServerBump->serverCert.get()) certProperties.mimicCert.resetAndLock(mimicCert); ACLFilledChecklist checklist(nullptr, sslServerBump->request.getRaw()); fillChecklist(checklist); for (sslproxy_cert_adapt *ca = Config.ssl_client.cert_adapt; ca != nullptr; ca = ca->next) { // If the algorithm already set, then ignore it. if ((ca->alg == Ssl::algSetCommonName && certProperties.setCommonName) || (ca->alg == Ssl::algSetValidAfter && certProperties.setValidAfter) || (ca->alg == Ssl::algSetValidBefore && certProperties.setValidBefore) ) continue; if (ca->aclList && checklist.fastCheck(ca->aclList).allowed()) { const char *alg = Ssl::CertAdaptAlgorithmStr[ca->alg]; const char *param = ca->param; // For parameterless CN adaptation, use hostname from the // CONNECT request. if (ca->alg == Ssl::algSetCommonName) { if (!param) param = tlsConnectHostOrIp.c_str(); certProperties.commonName = param; certProperties.setCommonName = true; } else if (ca->alg == Ssl::algSetValidAfter) certProperties.setValidAfter = true; else if (ca->alg == Ssl::algSetValidBefore) certProperties.setValidBefore = true; debugs(33, 5, "Matches certificate adaptation aglorithm: " << alg << " param: " << (param ? param : "-")); } } certProperties.signAlgorithm = Ssl::algSignEnd; for (sslproxy_cert_sign *sg = Config.ssl_client.cert_sign; sg != nullptr; sg = sg->next) { if (sg->aclList && checklist.fastCheck(sg->aclList).allowed()) { certProperties.signAlgorithm = (Ssl::CertSignAlgorithm)sg->alg; break; } } } else {// did not try to connect (e.g. client-first) or failed to connect // In case of an error while connecting to the secure server, use a // trusted certificate, with no mimicked fields and no adaptation // algorithms. There is nothing we can mimic, so we want to minimize the // number of warnings the user will have to see to get to the error page. // We will close the connection, so that the trust is not extended to // non-Squid content. certProperties.signAlgorithm = Ssl::algSignTrusted; } assert(certProperties.signAlgorithm != Ssl::algSignEnd); if (certProperties.signAlgorithm == Ssl::algSignUntrusted) { assert(port->secure.untrustedSigningCa.cert); certProperties.signWithX509.resetAndLock(port->secure.untrustedSigningCa.cert.get()); certProperties.signWithPkey.resetAndLock(port->secure.untrustedSigningCa.pkey.get()); } else { assert(port->secure.signingCa.cert.get()); certProperties.signWithX509.resetAndLock(port->secure.signingCa.cert.get()); if (port->secure.signingCa.pkey) certProperties.signWithPkey.resetAndLock(port->secure.signingCa.pkey.get()); } signAlgorithm = certProperties.signAlgorithm; certProperties.signHash = Ssl::DefaultSignHash; } Security::ContextPointer ConnStateData::getTlsContextFromCache(const SBuf &cacheKey, const Ssl::CertificateProperties &certProperties) { debugs(33, 5, "Finding SSL certificate for " << cacheKey << " in cache"); Ssl::LocalContextStorage * ssl_ctx_cache = Ssl::TheGlobalContextStorage.getLocalStorage(port->s); if (const auto ctx = ssl_ctx_cache ? ssl_ctx_cache->get(cacheKey) : nullptr) { if (Ssl::verifySslCertificate(*ctx, certProperties)) { debugs(33, 5, "Cached SSL certificate for " << certProperties.commonName << " is valid"); return *ctx; } else { debugs(33, 5, "Cached SSL certificate for " << certProperties.commonName << " is out of date. Delete this certificate from cache"); if (ssl_ctx_cache) ssl_ctx_cache->del(cacheKey); } } return Security::ContextPointer(nullptr); } void ConnStateData::storeTlsContextToCache(const SBuf &cacheKey, Security::ContextPointer &ctx) { Ssl::LocalContextStorage *ssl_ctx_cache = Ssl::TheGlobalContextStorage.getLocalStorage(port->s); if (!ssl_ctx_cache || !ssl_ctx_cache->add(cacheKey, ctx)) { // If it is not in storage delete after using. Else storage deleted it. fd_table[clientConnection->fd].dynamicTlsContext = ctx; } } void ConnStateData::getSslContextStart() { if (port->secure.generateHostCertificates) { Ssl::CertificateProperties certProperties; buildSslCertGenerationParams(certProperties); // Disable caching for bumpPeekAndSplice mode if (!(sslServerBump && (sslServerBump->act.step1 == Ssl::bumpPeek || sslServerBump->act.step1 == Ssl::bumpStare))) { sslBumpCertKey.clear(); Ssl::InRamCertificateDbKey(certProperties, sslBumpCertKey); assert(!sslBumpCertKey.isEmpty()); Security::ContextPointer ctx(getTlsContextFromCache(sslBumpCertKey, certProperties)); if (ctx) { getSslContextDone(ctx); return; } } #if USE_SSL_CRTD try { debugs(33, 5, "Generating SSL certificate for " << certProperties.commonName << " using ssl_crtd."); Ssl::CrtdMessage request_message(Ssl::CrtdMessage::REQUEST); request_message.setCode(Ssl::CrtdMessage::code_new_certificate); request_message.composeRequest(certProperties); debugs(33, 5, "SSL crtd request: " << request_message.compose().c_str()); Ssl::Helper::Submit(request_message, sslCrtdHandleReplyWrapper, this); return; } catch (const std::exception &e) { debugs(33, DBG_IMPORTANT, "ERROR: Failed to compose ssl_crtd " << "request for " << certProperties.commonName << " certificate: " << e.what() << "; will now block to " << "generate that certificate."); // fall through to do blocking in-process generation. } #endif // USE_SSL_CRTD debugs(33, 5, "Generating SSL certificate for " << certProperties.commonName); if (sslServerBump && (sslServerBump->act.step1 == Ssl::bumpPeek || sslServerBump->act.step1 == Ssl::bumpStare)) { doPeekAndSpliceStep(); auto ssl = fd_table[clientConnection->fd].ssl.get(); if (!Ssl::configureSSL(ssl, certProperties, *port)) debugs(33, 5, "Failed to set certificates to ssl object for PeekAndSplice mode"); Security::ContextPointer ctx(Security::GetFrom(fd_table[clientConnection->fd].ssl)); Ssl::configureUnconfiguredSslContext(ctx, certProperties.signAlgorithm, *port); } else { Security::ContextPointer dynCtx(Ssl::GenerateSslContext(certProperties, port->secure, (signAlgorithm == Ssl::algSignTrusted))); if (dynCtx && !sslBumpCertKey.isEmpty()) storeTlsContextToCache(sslBumpCertKey, dynCtx); getSslContextDone(dynCtx); } return; } Security::ContextPointer nil; getSslContextDone(nil); } void ConnStateData::getSslContextDone(Security::ContextPointer &ctx) { if (port->secure.generateHostCertificates && !ctx) { debugs(33, 2, "Failed to generate TLS context for " << tlsConnectHostOrIp); } // If generated ssl context = nullptr, try to use static ssl context. if (!ctx) { if (!port->secure.staticContext) { debugs(83, DBG_IMPORTANT, "Closing " << clientConnection->remote << " as lacking TLS context"); clientConnection->close(); return; } else { debugs(33, 5, "Using static TLS context."); ctx = port->secure.staticContext; } } if (!httpsCreate(this, ctx)) return; // bumped intercepted conns should already have Config.Timeout.request set // but forwarded connections may only have Config.Timeout.lifetime. [Re]set // to make sure the connection does not get stuck on non-SSL clients. resetReadTimeout(Config.Timeout.request); switchedToHttps_ = true; auto ssl = fd_table[clientConnection->fd].ssl.get(); BIO *b = SSL_get_rbio(ssl); Ssl::ClientBio *bio = static_cast(BIO_get_data(b)); bio->setReadBufData(inBuf); inBuf.clear(); clientNegotiateSSL(clientConnection->fd, this); } void ConnStateData::switchToHttps(ClientHttpRequest *http, Ssl::BumpMode bumpServerMode) { assert(!switchedToHttps_); Must(http->request); auto &request = http->request; // Depending on receivedFirstByte_, we are at the start of either an // established CONNECT tunnel with the client or an intercepted TCP (and // presumably TLS) connection from the client. Expect TLS Client Hello. const auto insideConnectTunnel = receivedFirstByte_; debugs(33, 5, (insideConnectTunnel ? "post-CONNECT " : "raw TLS ") << clientConnection); tlsConnectHostOrIp = request->url.hostOrIp(); tlsConnectPort = request->url.port(); resetSslCommonName(request->url.host()); // We are going to read new request flags.readMore = true; // keep version major.minor details the same. // but we are now performing the HTTPS handshake traffic transferProtocol.protocol = AnyP::PROTO_HTTPS; // If sslServerBump is set, then we have decided to deny CONNECT // and now want to switch to SSL to send the error to the client // without even peeking at the origin server certificate. if (bumpServerMode == Ssl::bumpServerFirst && !sslServerBump) { request->flags.sslPeek = true; sslServerBump = new Ssl::ServerBump(http); } else if (bumpServerMode == Ssl::bumpPeek || bumpServerMode == Ssl::bumpStare) { request->flags.sslPeek = true; sslServerBump = new Ssl::ServerBump(http, nullptr, bumpServerMode); } // commSetConnTimeout() was called for this request before we switched. // Fix timeout to request_start_timeout resetReadTimeout(Config.Timeout.request_start_timeout); // Also reset receivedFirstByte_ flag to allow this timeout work in the case we have // a bumbed "connect" request on non transparent port. receivedFirstByte_ = false; // Get more data to peek at Tls parsingTlsHandshake = true; // If the protocol has changed, then reset preservingClientData_. // Otherwise, its value initially set in start() is still valid/fresh. // shouldPreserveClientData() uses parsingTlsHandshake which is reset above. if (insideConnectTunnel) preservingClientData_ = shouldPreserveClientData(); readSomeData(); } void ConnStateData::parseTlsHandshake() { Must(parsingTlsHandshake); assert(!inBuf.isEmpty()); receivedFirstByte(); fd_note(clientConnection->fd, "Parsing TLS handshake"); // stops being nil if we fail to parse the handshake ErrorDetail::Pointer parseErrorDetails; try { if (!tlsParser.parseHello(inBuf)) { // need more data to finish parsing readSomeData(); return; } } catch (const TextException &ex) { debugs(83, 2, "exception: " << ex); parseErrorDetails = new ExceptionErrorDetail(ex.id()); } catch (...) { debugs(83, 2, "exception: " << CurrentException); static const auto d = MakeNamedErrorDetail("TLS_ACCEPT_PARSE"); parseErrorDetails = d; } parsingTlsHandshake = false; // client data may be needed for splicing and for // tunneling unsupportedProtocol after an error preservedClientData = inBuf; // Even if the parser failed, each TLS detail should either be set // correctly or still be "unknown"; copying unknown detail is a no-op. Security::TlsDetails::Pointer const &details = tlsParser.details; clientConnection->tlsNegotiations()->retrieveParsedInfo(details); if (details && !details->serverName.isEmpty()) { resetSslCommonName(details->serverName.c_str()); tlsClientSni_ = details->serverName; } // We should disable read/write handlers Comm::ResetSelect(clientConnection->fd); if (parseErrorDetails) { Http::StreamPointer context = pipeline.front(); Must(context && context->http); HttpRequest::Pointer request = context->http->request; debugs(83, 5, "Got something other than TLS Client Hello. Cannot SslBump."); updateError(ERR_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN, parseErrorDetails); if (!tunnelOnError(ERR_PROTOCOL_UNKNOWN)) clientConnection->close(); return; } if (!sslServerBump || sslServerBump->act.step1 == Ssl::bumpClientFirst) { // Either means client-first. getSslContextStart(); return; } else if (sslServerBump->act.step1 == Ssl::bumpServerFirst) { debugs(83, 5, "server-first skips step2; start forwarding the request"); sslServerBump->step = XactionStep::tlsBump3; Http::StreamPointer context = pipeline.front(); ClientHttpRequest *http = context ? context->http : nullptr; // will call httpsPeeked() with certificate and connection, eventually FwdState::Start(clientConnection, sslServerBump->entry, sslServerBump->request.getRaw(), http ? http->al : nullptr); } else { Must(sslServerBump->act.step1 == Ssl::bumpPeek || sslServerBump->act.step1 == Ssl::bumpStare); startPeekAndSplice(); } } static void httpsSslBumpStep2AccessCheckDone(Acl::Answer answer, void *data) { ConnStateData *connState = (ConnStateData *) data; // if the connection is closed or closing, just return. if (!connState->isOpen()) return; debugs(33, 5, "Answer: " << answer << " kind:" << answer.kind); assert(connState->serverBump()); Ssl::BumpMode bumpAction; if (answer.allowed()) { bumpAction = (Ssl::BumpMode)answer.kind; } else bumpAction = Ssl::bumpSplice; connState->serverBump()->act.step2 = bumpAction; connState->sslBumpMode = bumpAction; Http::StreamPointer context = connState->pipeline.front(); if (ClientHttpRequest *http = (context ? context->http : nullptr)) http->al->ssl.bumpMode = bumpAction; if (bumpAction == Ssl::bumpTerminate) { connState->clientConnection->close(); } else if (bumpAction != Ssl::bumpSplice) { connState->startPeekAndSplice(); } else if (!connState->splice()) connState->clientConnection->close(); } bool ConnStateData::splice() { // normally we can splice here, because we just got client hello message // fde::ssl/tls_read_method() probably reads from our own inBuf. If so, then // we should not lose any raw bytes when switching to raw I/O here. if (fd_table[clientConnection->fd].ssl.get()) fd_table[clientConnection->fd].useDefaultIo(); // XXX: assuming that there was an HTTP/1.1 CONNECT to begin with... // reset the current protocol to HTTP/1.1 (was "HTTPS" for the bumping process) transferProtocol = Http::ProtocolVersion(); assert(!pipeline.empty()); Http::StreamPointer context = pipeline.front(); Must(context); Must(context->http); ClientHttpRequest *http = context->http; HttpRequest::Pointer request = http->request; context->finished(); if (transparent()) { // For transparent connections, make a new fake CONNECT request, now // with SNI as target. doCallout() checks, adaptations may need that. return fakeAConnectRequest("splice", preservedClientData); } else { // For non transparent connections make a new tunneled CONNECT, which // also sets the HttpRequest::flags::forceTunnel flag to avoid // respond with "Connection Established" to the client. // This fake CONNECT request required to allow use of SNI in // doCallout() checks and adaptations. return initiateTunneledRequest(request, "splice", preservedClientData); } } void ConnStateData::startPeekAndSplice() { // This is the Step2 of the SSL bumping assert(sslServerBump); Http::StreamPointer context = pipeline.front(); ClientHttpRequest *http = context ? context->http : nullptr; if (sslServerBump->at(XactionStep::tlsBump1)) { sslServerBump->step = XactionStep::tlsBump2; // Run a accessList check to check if want to splice or continue bumping auto acl_checklist = ACLFilledChecklist::Make(Config.accessList.ssl_bump, sslServerBump->request.getRaw()); acl_checklist->banAction(Acl::Answer(ACCESS_ALLOWED, Ssl::bumpNone)); acl_checklist->banAction(Acl::Answer(ACCESS_ALLOWED, Ssl::bumpClientFirst)); acl_checklist->banAction(Acl::Answer(ACCESS_ALLOWED, Ssl::bumpServerFirst)); fillChecklist(*acl_checklist); ACLFilledChecklist::NonBlockingCheck(std::move(acl_checklist), httpsSslBumpStep2AccessCheckDone, this); return; } // will call httpsPeeked() with certificate and connection, eventually Security::ContextPointer unConfiguredCTX(Ssl::createSSLContext(port->secure.signingCa.cert, port->secure.signingCa.pkey, port->secure)); fd_table[clientConnection->fd].dynamicTlsContext = unConfiguredCTX; if (!httpsCreate(this, unConfiguredCTX)) return; switchedToHttps_ = true; auto ssl = fd_table[clientConnection->fd].ssl.get(); BIO *b = SSL_get_rbio(ssl); Ssl::ClientBio *bio = static_cast(BIO_get_data(b)); bio->setReadBufData(inBuf); bio->hold(true); // We have successfully parsed client Hello, but our TLS handshake parser is // forgiving. Now we use a TLS library to parse the same bytes, so that we // can honor on_unsupported_protocol if needed. If there are no errors, we // expect Security::Accept() to ask us to write (our) TLS server Hello. We // also allow an ioWantRead result in case some fancy TLS extension that // Squid does not yet understand requires reading post-Hello client bytes. const auto handshakeResult = acceptTls(); if (!handshakeResult.wantsIo()) return handleSslBumpHandshakeError(handshakeResult); // We need to reset inBuf here, to be used by incoming requests in the case // of SSL bump inBuf.clear(); debugs(83, 5, "Peek and splice at step2 done. Start forwarding the request!!! "); sslServerBump->step = XactionStep::tlsBump3; FwdState::Start(clientConnection, sslServerBump->entry, sslServerBump->request.getRaw(), http ? http->al : nullptr); } /// process a problematic Security::Accept() result on the SslBump code path void ConnStateData::handleSslBumpHandshakeError(const Security::IoResult &handshakeResult) { auto errCategory = ERR_NONE; switch (handshakeResult.category) { case Security::IoResult::ioSuccess: { static const auto d = MakeNamedErrorDetail("TLS_ACCEPT_UNEXPECTED_SUCCESS"); updateError(errCategory = ERR_GATEWAY_FAILURE, d); break; } case Security::IoResult::ioWantRead: { static const auto d = MakeNamedErrorDetail("TLS_ACCEPT_UNEXPECTED_READ"); updateError(errCategory = ERR_GATEWAY_FAILURE, d); break; } case Security::IoResult::ioWantWrite: { static const auto d = MakeNamedErrorDetail("TLS_ACCEPT_UNEXPECTED_WRITE"); updateError(errCategory = ERR_GATEWAY_FAILURE, d); break; } case Security::IoResult::ioError: debugs(83, (handshakeResult.important ? DBG_IMPORTANT : 2), "ERROR: " << handshakeResult.errorDescription << " while SslBump-accepting a TLS connection on " << clientConnection << ": " << handshakeResult.errorDetail); updateError(errCategory = ERR_SECURE_ACCEPT_FAIL, handshakeResult.errorDetail); break; } if (!tunnelOnError(errCategory)) clientConnection->close(); } void ConnStateData::doPeekAndSpliceStep() { auto ssl = fd_table[clientConnection->fd].ssl.get(); BIO *b = SSL_get_rbio(ssl); assert(b); Ssl::ClientBio *bio = static_cast(BIO_get_data(b)); debugs(33, 5, "PeekAndSplice mode, proceed with client negotiation. Current state:" << SSL_state_string_long(ssl)); bio->hold(false); Comm::SetSelect(clientConnection->fd, COMM_SELECT_WRITE, clientNegotiateSSL, this, 0); switchedToHttps_ = true; } void ConnStateData::httpsPeeked(PinnedIdleContext pic) { Must(sslServerBump != nullptr); Must(sslServerBump->request == pic.request); Must(pipeline.empty() || pipeline.front()->http == nullptr || pipeline.front()->http->request == pic.request.getRaw()); if (Comm::IsConnOpen(pic.connection)) { notePinnedConnectionBecameIdle(pic); debugs(33, 5, "bumped HTTPS server: " << tlsConnectHostOrIp); } else debugs(33, 5, "Error while bumping: " << tlsConnectHostOrIp); getSslContextStart(); } #endif /* USE_OPENSSL */ bool ConnStateData::initiateTunneledRequest(HttpRequest::Pointer const &cause, const char *reason, const SBuf &payload) { // fake a CONNECT request to force connState to tunnel SBuf connectHost; AnyP::Port connectPort; if (pinning.serverConnection != nullptr) { static char ip[MAX_IPSTRLEN]; connectHost = pinning.serverConnection->remote.toStr(ip, sizeof(ip)); if (const auto remotePort = pinning.serverConnection->remote.port()) connectPort = remotePort; } else if (cause) { connectHost = cause->url.hostOrIp(); connectPort = cause->url.port(); #if USE_OPENSSL } else if (!tlsConnectHostOrIp.isEmpty()) { connectHost = tlsConnectHostOrIp; connectPort = tlsConnectPort; #endif } else if (transparent()) { static char ip[MAX_IPSTRLEN]; connectHost = clientConnection->local.toStr(ip, sizeof(ip)); connectPort = clientConnection->local.port(); } if (!connectPort) { // Typical cases are malformed HTTP requests on http_port and malformed // TLS handshakes on non-bumping https_port. TODO: Discover these // problems earlier so that they can be classified/detailed better. debugs(33, 2, "Not able to compute URL, abort request tunneling for " << reason); // TODO: throw when NonBlockingCheck() callbacks gain job protections static const auto d = MakeNamedErrorDetail("TUNNEL_TARGET"); updateError(ERR_INVALID_REQ, d); return false; } debugs(33, 2, "Request tunneling for " << reason); const auto http = buildFakeRequest(connectHost, *connectPort, payload); HttpRequest::Pointer request = http->request; request->flags.forceTunnel = true; http->calloutContext = new ClientRequestContext(http); http->doCallouts(); clientProcessRequestFinished(this, request); return true; } bool ConnStateData::fakeAConnectRequest(const char *reason, const SBuf &payload) { debugs(33, 2, "fake a CONNECT request to force connState to tunnel for " << reason); SBuf connectHost; assert(transparent()); const unsigned short connectPort = clientConnection->local.port(); #if USE_OPENSSL if (!tlsClientSni_.isEmpty()) connectHost.assign(tlsClientSni_); else #endif { static char ip[MAX_IPSTRLEN]; clientConnection->local.toHostStr(ip, sizeof(ip)); connectHost.assign(ip); } ClientHttpRequest *http = buildFakeRequest(connectHost, connectPort, payload); http->calloutContext = new ClientRequestContext(http); HttpRequest::Pointer request = http->request; http->doCallouts(); clientProcessRequestFinished(this, request); return true; } ClientHttpRequest * ConnStateData::buildFakeRequest(SBuf &useHost, const AnyP::KnownPort usePort, const SBuf &payload) { ClientHttpRequest *http = new ClientHttpRequest(this); Http::Stream *stream = new Http::Stream(clientConnection, http); StoreIOBuffer tempBuffer; tempBuffer.data = stream->reqbuf; tempBuffer.length = HTTP_REQBUF_SZ; ClientStreamData newServer = new clientReplyContext(http); ClientStreamData newClient = stream; clientStreamInit(&http->client_stream, clientGetMoreData, clientReplyDetach, clientReplyStatus, newServer, clientSocketRecipient, clientSocketDetach, newClient, tempBuffer); stream->flags.parsed_ok = 1; // Do we need it? stream->mayUseConnection(true); extendLifetime(); stream->registerWithConn(); const auto mx = MasterXaction::MakePortful(port); mx->tcpClient = clientConnection; // Setup Http::Request object. Maybe should be replaced by a call to (modified) // clientProcessRequest HttpRequest::Pointer request = new HttpRequest(mx); request->url.setScheme(AnyP::PROTO_AUTHORITY_FORM, nullptr); request->method = Http::METHOD_CONNECT; request->url.host(useHost.c_str()); request->url.port(usePort); http->uri = SBufToCstring(request->effectiveRequestUri()); http->initRequest(request.getRaw()); request->manager(this, http->al); request->header.putStr(Http::HOST, useHost.c_str()); request->sources |= ((switchedToHttps() || port->transport.protocol == AnyP::PROTO_HTTPS) ? Http::Message::srcHttps : Http::Message::srcHttp); #if USE_AUTH if (getAuth()) request->auth_user_request = getAuth(); #endif inBuf = payload; flags.readMore = false; return http; } /// check FD after clientHttp[s]ConnectionOpened, adjust HttpSockets as needed static bool OpenedHttpSocket(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &c, const Ipc::FdNoteId portType) { if (!Comm::IsConnOpen(c)) { Must(NHttpSockets > 0); // we tried to open some --NHttpSockets; // there will be fewer sockets than planned Must(HttpSockets[NHttpSockets] < 0); // no extra fds received if (!NHttpSockets) // we could not open any listen sockets at all fatalf("Unable to open %s",FdNote(portType)); return false; } return true; } /// find any unused HttpSockets[] slot and store fd there or return false static bool AddOpenedHttpSocket(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn) { bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < NHttpSockets && !found; ++i) { if ((found = HttpSockets[i] < 0)) HttpSockets[i] = conn->fd; } return found; } static void clientHttpConnectionsOpen(void) { const auto savedContext = CodeContext::Current(); for (AnyP::PortCfgPointer s = HttpPortList; s != nullptr; s = s->next) { CodeContext::Reset(s); const SBuf &scheme = AnyP::UriScheme(s->transport.protocol).image(); if (MAXTCPLISTENPORTS == NHttpSockets) { debugs(1, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: You have too many '" << scheme << "_port' lines." << Debug::Extra << "The limit is " << MAXTCPLISTENPORTS << " HTTP ports."); continue; } #if USE_OPENSSL if (s->flags.tunnelSslBumping) { if (!Config.accessList.ssl_bump) { debugs(33, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: No ssl_bump configured. Disabling ssl-bump on " << scheme << "_port " << s->s); s->flags.tunnelSslBumping = false; } if (!s->secure.staticContext && !s->secure.generateHostCertificates) { debugs(1, DBG_IMPORTANT, "Will not bump SSL at " << scheme << "_port " << s->s << " due to TLS initialization failure."); s->flags.tunnelSslBumping = false; if (s->transport.protocol == AnyP::PROTO_HTTP) s->secure.encryptTransport = false; } if (s->flags.tunnelSslBumping) { // Create ssl_ctx cache for this port. Ssl::TheGlobalContextStorage.addLocalStorage(s->s, s->secure.dynamicCertMemCacheSize); } } #endif if (s->secure.encryptTransport && !s->secure.staticContext) { debugs(1, DBG_CRITICAL, "ERROR: Ignoring " << scheme << "_port " << s->s << " due to TLS context initialization failure."); continue; } const auto protocol = s->transport.protocol; assert(protocol == AnyP::PROTO_HTTP || protocol == AnyP::PROTO_HTTPS); const auto isHttps = protocol == AnyP::PROTO_HTTPS; using AcceptCall = CommCbFunPtrCallT; RefCount subCall = commCbCall(5, 5, isHttps ? "httpsAccept" : "httpAccept", CommAcceptCbPtrFun(isHttps ? httpsAccept : httpAccept, CommAcceptCbParams(nullptr))); clientStartListeningOn(s, subCall, isHttps ? Ipc::fdnHttpsSocket : Ipc::fdnHttpSocket); } CodeContext::Reset(savedContext); } void clientStartListeningOn(AnyP::PortCfgPointer &port, const RefCount< CommCbFunPtrCallT > &subCall, const Ipc::FdNoteId fdNote) { // Fill out a Comm::Connection which IPC will open as a listener for us port->listenConn = new Comm::Connection; port->listenConn->local = port->s; port->listenConn->flags = COMM_NONBLOCKING | (port->flags.tproxyIntercept ? COMM_TRANSPARENT : 0) | (port->flags.natIntercept ? COMM_INTERCEPTION : 0) | (port->workerQueues ? COMM_REUSEPORT : 0); // route new connections to subCall typedef CommCbFunPtrCallT AcceptCall; Subscription::Pointer sub = new CallSubscription(subCall); const auto listenCall = asyncCall(33, 2, "clientListenerConnectionOpened", ListeningStartedDialer(&clientListenerConnectionOpened, port, fdNote, sub)); AsyncCallback callback(listenCall); Ipc::StartListening(SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP, port->listenConn, fdNote, callback); assert(NHttpSockets < MAXTCPLISTENPORTS); HttpSockets[NHttpSockets] = -1; ++NHttpSockets; } /// process clientHttpConnectionsOpen result static void clientListenerConnectionOpened(AnyP::PortCfgPointer &s, const Ipc::FdNoteId portTypeNote, const Subscription::Pointer &sub) { Must(s != nullptr); if (!OpenedHttpSocket(s->listenConn, portTypeNote)) return; Must(Comm::IsConnOpen(s->listenConn)); // TCP: setup a job to handle accept() with subscribed handler AsyncJob::Start(new Comm::TcpAcceptor(s, FdNote(portTypeNote), sub)); debugs(1, Important(13), "Accepting " << (s->flags.natIntercept ? "NAT intercepted " : "") << (s->flags.tproxyIntercept ? "TPROXY intercepted " : "") << (s->flags.tunnelSslBumping ? "SSL bumped " : "") << (s->flags.accelSurrogate ? "reverse-proxy " : "") << FdNote(portTypeNote) << " connections at " << s->listenConn); Must(AddOpenedHttpSocket(s->listenConn)); // otherwise, we have received a fd we did not ask for #if HAVE_LIBSYSTEMD // When the very first port opens, tell systemd we are able to serve connections. // Subsequent sd_notify() calls, including calls during reconfiguration, // do nothing because the first call parameter is 1. // XXX: Send the notification only after opening all configured ports. if (opt_foreground || opt_no_daemon) { const auto result = sd_notify(1, "READY=1"); if (result < 0) { debugs(1, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: failed to send start-up notification to systemd" << Debug::Extra << "sd_notify() error: " << xstrerr(-result)); } } #endif } void clientOpenListenSockets(void) { clientHttpConnectionsOpen(); Ftp::StartListening(); if (NHttpSockets < 1) fatal("No HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP ports configured"); } void clientConnectionsClose() { const auto savedContext = CodeContext::Current(); for (AnyP::PortCfgPointer s = HttpPortList; s != nullptr; s = s->next) { CodeContext::Reset(s); if (s->listenConn != nullptr) { debugs(1, Important(14), "Closing HTTP(S) port " << s->listenConn->local); s->listenConn->close(); s->listenConn = nullptr; } } CodeContext::Reset(savedContext); Ftp::StopListening(); // TODO see if we can drop HttpSockets array entirely */ for (int i = 0; i < NHttpSockets; ++i) { HttpSockets[i] = -1; } NHttpSockets = 0; } int varyEvaluateMatch(StoreEntry * entry, HttpRequest * request) { SBuf vary(request->vary_headers); const auto &reply = entry->mem().freshestReply(); auto has_vary = reply.header.has(Http::HdrType::VARY); #if X_ACCELERATOR_VARY has_vary |= reply.header.has(Http::HdrType::HDR_X_ACCELERATOR_VARY); #endif if (!has_vary || entry->mem_obj->vary_headers.isEmpty()) { if (!vary.isEmpty()) { /* Oops... something odd is going on here.. */ debugs(33, DBG_IMPORTANT, "varyEvaluateMatch: Oops. Not a Vary object on second attempt, '" << entry->mem_obj->urlXXX() << "' '" << vary << "'"); request->vary_headers.clear(); return VARY_CANCEL; } if (!has_vary) { /* This is not a varying object */ return VARY_NONE; } /* virtual "vary" object found. Calculate the vary key and * continue the search */ vary = httpMakeVaryMark(request, &reply); if (!vary.isEmpty()) { request->vary_headers = vary; return VARY_OTHER; } else { /* Ouch.. we cannot handle this kind of variance */ /* XXX This cannot really happen, but just to be complete */ return VARY_CANCEL; } } else { if (vary.isEmpty()) { vary = httpMakeVaryMark(request, &reply); if (!vary.isEmpty()) request->vary_headers = vary; } if (vary.isEmpty()) { /* Ouch.. we cannot handle this kind of variance */ /* XXX This cannot really happen, but just to be complete */ return VARY_CANCEL; } else if (vary.cmp(entry->mem_obj->vary_headers) == 0) { return VARY_MATCH; } else { /* Oops.. we have already been here and still haven't * found the requested variant. Bail out */ debugs(33, DBG_IMPORTANT, "varyEvaluateMatch: Oops. Not a Vary match on second attempt, '" << entry->mem_obj->urlXXX() << "' '" << vary << "'"); return VARY_CANCEL; } } } ACLFilledChecklist::MakingPointer clientAclChecklistCreate(const acl_access * acl, ClientHttpRequest * http) { auto checklist = ACLFilledChecklist::Make(acl, nullptr); clientAclChecklistFill(*checklist, http); return checklist; } void clientAclChecklistFill(ACLFilledChecklist &checklist, ClientHttpRequest *http) { assert(http); if (!checklist.request && http->request) checklist.setRequest(http->request); if (!checklist.al && http->al) { checklist.updateAle(http->al); checklist.syncAle(http->request, http->log_uri); } if (const auto conn = http->getConn()) checklist.setConn(conn); // may already be set } void ConnStateData::fillChecklist(ACLFilledChecklist &checklist) const { const auto context = pipeline.front(); if (const auto http = context ? context->http : nullptr) return clientAclChecklistFill(checklist, http); // calls checklist.setConn() // no requests, but we always have connection-level details // TODO: ACL checks should not require a mutable ConnStateData. Adjust the // code that accidentally violates that principle to remove this const_cast! checklist.setConn(const_cast(this)); // Set other checklist fields inside our fillConnectionLevelDetails() rather // than here because clientAclChecklistFill() code path calls that method // (via ACLFilledChecklist::setConn()) rather than calling us directly. } void ConnStateData::fillConnectionLevelDetails(ACLFilledChecklist &checklist) const { assert(checklist.conn() == this); assert(clientConnection); if (!checklist.request) { // preserve (better) addresses supplied by setRequest() checklist.src_addr = clientConnection->remote; checklist.my_addr = clientConnection->local; // TODO: or port->s? } #if USE_OPENSSL if (!checklist.sslErrors && sslServerBump) checklist.sslErrors = sslServerBump->sslErrors(); #endif } bool ConnStateData::transparent() const { return clientConnection != nullptr && (clientConnection->flags & (COMM_TRANSPARENT|COMM_INTERCEPTION)); } BodyPipe::Pointer ConnStateData::expectRequestBody(int64_t size) { bodyPipe = new BodyPipe(this); if (size >= 0) bodyPipe->setBodySize(size); else startDechunkingRequest(); return bodyPipe; } int64_t ConnStateData::mayNeedToReadMoreBody() const { if (!bodyPipe) return 0; // request without a body or read/produced all body bytes if (!bodyPipe->bodySizeKnown()) return -1; // probably need to read more, but we cannot be sure const int64_t needToProduce = bodyPipe->unproducedSize(); const int64_t haveAvailable = static_cast(inBuf.length()); if (needToProduce <= haveAvailable) return 0; // we have read what we need (but are waiting for pipe space) return needToProduce - haveAvailable; } void ConnStateData::stopReceiving(const char *error) { debugs(33, 4, "receiving error (" << clientConnection << "): " << error << "; old sending error: " << (stoppedSending() ? stoppedSending_ : "none")); if (const char *oldError = stoppedReceiving()) { debugs(33, 3, "already stopped receiving: " << oldError); return; // nothing has changed as far as this connection is concerned } stoppedReceiving_ = error; if (const char *sendError = stoppedSending()) { debugs(33, 3, "closing because also stopped sending: " << sendError); clientConnection->close(); } } void ConnStateData::expectNoForwarding() { if (bodyPipe != nullptr) { debugs(33, 4, "no consumer for virgin body " << bodyPipe->status()); bodyPipe->expectNoConsumption(); } } /// initialize dechunking state void ConnStateData::startDechunkingRequest() { Must(bodyPipe != nullptr); debugs(33, 5, "start dechunking" << bodyPipe->status()); assert(!bodyParser); bodyParser = new Http1::TeChunkedParser; } /// put parsed content into input buffer and clean up void ConnStateData::finishDechunkingRequest(bool withSuccess) { debugs(33, 5, "finish dechunking: " << withSuccess); if (bodyPipe != nullptr) { debugs(33, 7, "dechunked tail: " << bodyPipe->status()); BodyPipe::Pointer myPipe = bodyPipe; stopProducingFor(bodyPipe, withSuccess); // sets bodyPipe->bodySize() Must(!bodyPipe); // we rely on it being nil after we are done with body if (withSuccess) { Must(myPipe->bodySizeKnown()); Http::StreamPointer context = pipeline.front(); if (context != nullptr && context->http && context->http->request) context->http->request->setContentLength(myPipe->bodySize()); } } delete bodyParser; bodyParser = nullptr; } // XXX: this is an HTTP/1-only operation void ConnStateData::sendControlMsg(HttpControlMsg msg) { if (const auto context = pipeline.front()) { if (context->http) context->http->al->reply = msg.reply; } if (!isOpen()) { debugs(33, 3, "ignoring 1xx due to earlier closure"); return; } // HTTP/1 1xx status messages are only valid when there is a transaction to trigger them if (!pipeline.empty()) { HttpReply::Pointer rep(msg.reply); Must(rep); // remember the callback cbControlMsgSent = msg.cbSuccess; typedef CommCbMemFunT Dialer; AsyncCall::Pointer call = JobCallback(33, 5, Dialer, this, HttpControlMsgSink::wroteControlMsg); if (!writeControlMsgAndCall(rep.getRaw(), call)) { // but still inform the caller (so it may resume its operation) doneWithControlMsg(); } return; } debugs(33, 3, " closing due to missing context for 1xx"); clientConnection->close(); } void ConnStateData::doneWithControlMsg() { HttpControlMsgSink::doneWithControlMsg(); if (Http::StreamPointer deferredRequest = pipeline.front()) { debugs(33, 3, clientConnection << ": calling PushDeferredIfNeeded after control msg wrote"); ClientSocketContextPushDeferredIfNeeded(deferredRequest, this); } } /// Our close handler called by Comm when the pinned connection is closed void ConnStateData::clientPinnedConnectionClosed(const CommCloseCbParams &io) { // FwdState might repin a failed connection sooner than this close // callback is called for the failed connection. assert(pinning.serverConnection == io.conn); pinning.closeHandler = nullptr; // Comm unregisters handlers before calling const bool sawZeroReply = pinning.zeroReply; // reset when unpinning pinning.serverConnection->noteClosure(); unpinConnection(false); if (sawZeroReply && clientConnection != nullptr) { debugs(33, 3, "Closing client connection on pinned zero reply."); clientConnection->close(); } } void ConnStateData::pinBusyConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &pinServer, const HttpRequest::Pointer &request) { pinConnection(pinServer, *request); } void ConnStateData::notePinnedConnectionBecameIdle(PinnedIdleContext pic) { Must(pic.connection); Must(pic.request); pinConnection(pic.connection, *pic.request); // monitor pinned server connection for remote-end closures. startPinnedConnectionMonitoring(); if (pipeline.empty()) kick(); // in case parseRequests() was blocked by a busy pic.connection } /// Forward future client requests using the given server connection. void ConnStateData::pinConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &pinServer, const HttpRequest &request) { if (Comm::IsConnOpen(pinning.serverConnection) && pinning.serverConnection->fd == pinServer->fd) { debugs(33, 3, "already pinned" << pinServer); return; } unpinConnection(true); // closes pinned connection, if any, and resets fields pinning.serverConnection = pinServer; debugs(33, 3, pinning.serverConnection); Must(pinning.serverConnection != nullptr); const char *pinnedHost = "[unknown]"; pinning.host = xstrdup(request.url.host()); pinning.port = request.url.port(); pinnedHost = pinning.host; pinning.pinned = true; if (CachePeer *aPeer = pinServer->getPeer()) pinning.peer = cbdataReference(aPeer); pinning.auth = request.flags.connectionAuth; char stmp[MAX_IPSTRLEN]; char desc[FD_DESC_SZ]; snprintf(desc, FD_DESC_SZ, "%s pinned connection for %s (%d)", (pinning.auth || !pinning.peer) ? pinnedHost : pinning.peer->name, clientConnection->remote.toUrl(stmp,MAX_IPSTRLEN), clientConnection->fd); fd_note(pinning.serverConnection->fd, desc); typedef CommCbMemFunT Dialer; pinning.closeHandler = JobCallback(33, 5, Dialer, this, ConnStateData::clientPinnedConnectionClosed); // remember the pinned connection so that cb does not unpin a fresher one typedef CommCloseCbParams Params; Params ¶ms = GetCommParams(pinning.closeHandler); params.conn = pinning.serverConnection; comm_add_close_handler(pinning.serverConnection->fd, pinning.closeHandler); } /// [re]start monitoring pinned connection for peer closures so that we can /// propagate them to an _idle_ client pinned to that peer void ConnStateData::startPinnedConnectionMonitoring() { if (pinning.readHandler != nullptr) return; // already monitoring typedef CommCbMemFunT Dialer; pinning.readHandler = JobCallback(33, 3, Dialer, this, ConnStateData::clientPinnedConnectionRead); Comm::Read(pinning.serverConnection, pinning.readHandler); } void ConnStateData::stopPinnedConnectionMonitoring() { if (pinning.readHandler != nullptr) { Comm::ReadCancel(pinning.serverConnection->fd, pinning.readHandler); pinning.readHandler = nullptr; } } #if USE_OPENSSL bool ConnStateData::handleIdleClientPinnedTlsRead() { // A ready-for-reading connection means that the TLS server either closed // the connection, sent us some unexpected HTTP data, or started TLS // renegotiations. We should close the connection except for the last case. Must(pinning.serverConnection != nullptr); auto ssl = fd_table[pinning.serverConnection->fd].ssl.get(); if (!ssl) return false; char buf[1]; const int readResult = SSL_read(ssl, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (readResult > 0 || SSL_pending(ssl) > 0) { debugs(83, 2, pinning.serverConnection << " TLS application data read"); return false; } switch(const int error = SSL_get_error(ssl, readResult)) { case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE: debugs(83, DBG_IMPORTANT, pinning.serverConnection << " TLS SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE request for idle pinned connection"); [[fallthrough]]; // to restart monitoring, for now case SSL_ERROR_NONE: case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: startPinnedConnectionMonitoring(); return true; default: debugs(83, 2, pinning.serverConnection << " TLS error: " << error); return false; } // not reached return true; } #endif /// Our read handler called by Comm when the server either closes an idle pinned connection or /// perhaps unexpectedly sends something on that idle (from Squid p.o.v.) connection. void ConnStateData::clientPinnedConnectionRead(const CommIoCbParams &io) { pinning.readHandler = nullptr; // Comm unregisters handlers before calling if (io.flag == Comm::ERR_CLOSING) return; // close handler will clean up Must(pinning.serverConnection == io.conn); #if USE_OPENSSL if (handleIdleClientPinnedTlsRead()) return; #endif const bool clientIsIdle = pipeline.empty(); debugs(33, 3, "idle pinned " << pinning.serverConnection << " read " << io.size << (clientIsIdle ? " with idle client" : "")); pinning.serverConnection->close(); // If we are still sending data to the client, do not close now. When we are done sending, // ConnStateData::kick() checks pinning.serverConnection and will close. // However, if we are idle, then we must close to inform the idle client and minimize races. if (clientIsIdle && clientConnection != nullptr) clientConnection->close(); } Comm::ConnectionPointer ConnStateData::borrowPinnedConnection(HttpRequest *request, const AccessLogEntryPointer &ale) { debugs(33, 7, pinning.serverConnection); Must(request); const auto pinningError = [&](const err_type type) { unpinConnection(true); HttpRequestPointer requestPointer = request; return ErrorState::NewForwarding(type, requestPointer, ale); }; if (!Comm::IsConnOpen(pinning.serverConnection)) throw pinningError(ERR_ZERO_SIZE_OBJECT); if (pinning.auth && pinning.host && strcasecmp(pinning.host, request->url.host()) != 0) throw pinningError(ERR_CANNOT_FORWARD); // or generalize ERR_CONFLICT_HOST if (pinning.port != request->url.port()) throw pinningError(ERR_CANNOT_FORWARD); // or generalize ERR_CONFLICT_HOST if (pinning.peer && !cbdataReferenceValid(pinning.peer)) throw pinningError(ERR_ZERO_SIZE_OBJECT); if (pinning.peerAccessDenied) throw pinningError(ERR_CANNOT_FORWARD); // or generalize ERR_FORWARDING_DENIED stopPinnedConnectionMonitoring(); return pinning.serverConnection; } Comm::ConnectionPointer ConnStateData::BorrowPinnedConnection(HttpRequest *request, const AccessLogEntryPointer &ale) { if (const auto connManager = request ? request->pinnedConnection() : nullptr) return connManager->borrowPinnedConnection(request, ale); // ERR_CANNOT_FORWARD is somewhat misleading here; we can still forward, but // there is no point since the client connection is now gone HttpRequestPointer requestPointer = request; throw ErrorState::NewForwarding(ERR_CANNOT_FORWARD, requestPointer, ale); } void ConnStateData::unpinConnection(const bool andClose) { debugs(33, 3, pinning.serverConnection); cbdataReferenceDone(pinning.peer); if (Comm::IsConnOpen(pinning.serverConnection)) { if (pinning.closeHandler != nullptr) { comm_remove_close_handler(pinning.serverConnection->fd, pinning.closeHandler); pinning.closeHandler = nullptr; } stopPinnedConnectionMonitoring(); // close the server side socket if requested if (andClose) pinning.serverConnection->close(); pinning.serverConnection = nullptr; } safe_free(pinning.host); pinning.zeroReply = false; pinning.peerAccessDenied = false; /* NOTE: pinning.pinned should be kept. This combined with fd == -1 at the end of a request indicates that the host * connection has gone away */ } void ConnStateData::terminateAll(const Error &rawError, const LogTagsErrors <e) { auto error = rawError; // (cheap) copy so that we can detail // We detail even ERR_NONE: There should be no transactions left, and // detailed ERR_NONE will be unused. Otherwise, this detail helps in triage. if (error.details.empty()) { static const auto d = MakeNamedErrorDetail("WITH_CLIENT"); error.details.push_back(d); } debugs(33, 3, pipeline.count() << '/' << pipeline.nrequests << " after " << error); if (pipeline.empty()) { bareError.update(error); // XXX: bareLogTagsErrors } else { // We terminate the current CONNECT/PUT/etc. context below, logging any // error details, but that context may leave unparsed bytes behind. // Consume them to stop checkLogging() from logging them again later. const auto intputToConsume = #if USE_OPENSSL parsingTlsHandshake ? "TLS handshake" : // more specific than CONNECT #endif bodyPipe ? "HTTP request body" : pipeline.back()->mayUseConnection() ? "HTTP CONNECT" : nullptr; while (const auto context = pipeline.front()) { context->noteIoError(error, lte); context->finished(); // cleanup and self-deregister assert(context != pipeline.front()); } if (intputToConsume && !inBuf.isEmpty()) { debugs(83, 5, "forgetting client " << intputToConsume << " bytes: " << inBuf.length()); inBuf.clear(); } } clientConnection->close(); } /// log the last (attempt at) transaction if nobody else did void ConnStateData::checkLogging() { // to simplify our logic, we assume that terminateAll() has been called assert(pipeline.empty()); // do not log connections that closed after a transaction (it is normal) // TODO: access_log needs ACLs to match received-no-bytes connections if (pipeline.nrequests && inBuf.isEmpty()) return; /* Create a temporary ClientHttpRequest object. Its destructor will log. */ ClientHttpRequest http(this); http.req_sz = inBuf.length(); // XXX: Or we died while waiting for the pinned connection to become idle. http.setErrorUri("error:transaction-end-before-headers"); http.updateError(bareError); } bool ConnStateData::shouldPreserveClientData() const { // PROXY protocol bytes are meant for us and, hence, cannot be tunneled if (needProxyProtocolHeader_) return false; // If our decision here is negative, configuration changes are irrelevant. // Otherwise, clientTunnelOnError() rechecks configuration before tunneling. if (!Config.accessList.on_unsupported_protocol) return false; // TODO: Figure out whether/how we can support FTP tunneling. if (port->transport.protocol == AnyP::PROTO_FTP) return false; #if USE_OPENSSL if (parsingTlsHandshake) return true; // the 1st HTTP request on a bumped connection if (!parsedBumpedRequestCount && switchedToHttps()) return true; #endif // the 1st HTTP(S) request on a connection to an intercepting port if (!pipeline.nrequests && transparent()) return true; return false; } NotePairs::Pointer ConnStateData::notes() { if (!theNotes) theNotes = new NotePairs; return theNotes; } std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream &os, const ConnStateData::PinnedIdleContext &pic) { return os << pic.connection << ", request=" << pic.request; } std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream &os, const ConnStateData::ServerConnectionContext &scc) { return os << scc.conn_ << ", srv_bytes=" << scc.preReadServerBytes.length(); }