/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2023 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ /* DEBUG: none Generate squid.conf.default and cf_parser.cci */ /***************************************************************************** * Abstract: This program parses the input file and generates code and * files used to configure the variables in squid. * (ie it creates the squid.conf.default file from the cf.data file) * * The output files are as follows: * cf_parser.cci - this file contains, default_all() which * initializes variables with the default * values, parse_line() that parses line from * squid.conf.default, dump_config that dumps the * current the values of the variables. * squid.conf.default - default configuration file given to the server * administrator. *****************************************************************************/ /* * hack around a bug in intel's c++ compiler's libraries which do not * correctly support 64-bit iostreams */ #if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && defined(_FILE_OFFSET_BITS) && \ _FILE_OFFSET_BITS==64 #undef _FILE_OFFSET_BITS #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cf_gen_defines.cci" #define MAX_LINE 1024 /* longest configuration line */ #define _PATH_PARSER "cf_parser.cci" #define _PATH_SQUID_CONF "squid.conf.documented" #define _PATH_SQUID_CONF_SHORT "squid.conf.default" #define _PATH_CF_DEPEND "cf.data.depend" enum State { sSTART, s1, sDOC, sCFGLINES, sEXIT }; typedef std::list LineList; typedef std::list TypeDepList; typedef std::list EntryAliasList; class DefaultValues { public: /// Default config lines to be defined before parsing the config files. LineList preset; /// Default config lines to parse if the directive has no prior settings. /// This is mutually exclusive with preset values. /// An error will be printed during build if they clash. LineList if_none; /// Default config lines to parse and add to any prior settings. LineList postscriptum; /// Text description to use in documentation for the default. /// If unset the preset or if-none values will be displayed. LineList docs; }; class Entry { public: explicit Entry(const char *str) : name(str) {} std::string name; EntryAliasList alias; std::string type; std::string loc; DefaultValues defaults; std::string comment; std::string ifdef; LineList doc; LineList cfgLines; ///< between CONFIG_START and CONFIG_END int array_flag = 0; ///< TYPE is a raw array[] declaration void genParse(std::ostream &fout) const; private: void genParseAlias(const std::string &, std::ostream &) const; }; typedef std::list EntryList; class Type { public: Type(const char *str) : name(str) {} std::string name; TypeDepList depend; }; typedef std::list TypeList; static const char WS[] = " \t\n"; static int gen_default(const EntryList &, std::ostream &); static void gen_parse(const EntryList &, std::ostream &); static void gen_dump(const EntryList &, std::ostream&); static void gen_free(const EntryList &, std::ostream&); static void gen_conf(const EntryList &, std::ostream&, bool verbose_output); static void gen_default_if_none(const EntryList &, std::ostream&); static void gen_default_postscriptum(const EntryList &, std::ostream&); static bool isDefined(const std::string &name); static const char *available_if(const std::string &name); static const char *gen_quote_escape(const std::string &var); static void checkDepend(const std::string &directive, const char *name, const TypeList &types, const EntryList &entries) { for (const auto &t : types) { if (t.name.compare(name) != 0) continue; for (const auto &dep : t.depend) { EntryList::const_iterator entry = entries.begin(); for (; entry != entries.end(); ++entry) { if (entry->name.compare(dep) == 0) break; } if (entry == entries.end()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: '" << directive << "' (" << name << ") depends on '" << dep << "'\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } return; } std::cerr << "ERROR: Dependencies for cf.data type '" << name << "' used in ' " << directive << "' not defined\n" ; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } static void usage(const char *program_name) { std::cerr << "Usage: " << program_name << " cf.data cf.data.depend\n"; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } static void errorMsg(const char *filename, int line, const char *detail) { std::cerr << "Error in '" << filename << "' on line " << line << "--> " << detail << std::endl; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *input_filename; const char *output_filename = _PATH_PARSER; const char *conf_filename = _PATH_SQUID_CONF; const char *conf_filename_short = _PATH_SQUID_CONF_SHORT; const char *type_depend; int linenum = 0; EntryList entries; TypeList types; enum State state; int rc = 0; char *ptr = nullptr; char buff[MAX_LINE]; std::ifstream fp; std::stack IFDEFS; if (argc != 3) usage(argv[0]); input_filename = argv[1]; type_depend = argv[2]; /*-------------------------------------------------------------------* * Parse type dependencies *-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ fp.open(type_depend, std::ifstream::in); if (fp.fail()) { std::cerr << "Error while opening type dependencies file '" << type_depend << "': " << strerror(errno) << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } while (fp.good()) { fp.getline(buff,MAX_LINE); const char *type = strtok(buff, WS); const char *dep; if (!type || type[0] == '#') continue; Type t(type); while ((dep = strtok(nullptr, WS)) != nullptr) { t.depend.push_front(dep); } types.push_front(t); } fp.close(); fp.clear(); // BSD does not reset flags in close(). /*-------------------------------------------------------------------* * Parse input file *-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Open input file */ fp.open(input_filename, std::ifstream::in); if (fp.fail()) { std::cerr << "Error while opening input file '" << input_filename << "': " << strerror(errno) << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } state = sSTART; while (fp.getline(buff,MAX_LINE), fp.good() && state != sEXIT) { char *t; ++linenum; if ((t = strchr(buff, '\n'))) *t = '\0'; if (strncmp(buff, "IF ", 3) == 0) { if ((ptr = strtok(buff + 3, WS)) == nullptr) { errorMsg(input_filename, linenum, "Missing IF parameter"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } IFDEFS.push(ptr); continue; } else if (strcmp(buff, "ENDIF") == 0) { if (IFDEFS.size() == 0) { errorMsg(input_filename, linenum, "ENDIF without IF first"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } IFDEFS.pop(); } else if (!IFDEFS.size() || isDefined(IFDEFS.top())) switch (state) { case sSTART: if ((strlen(buff) == 0) || (!strncmp(buff, "#", 1))) { /* ignore empty and comment lines */ (void) 0; } else if (!strncmp(buff, "NAME:", 5)) { char *name, *aliasname; if ((name = strtok(buff + 5, WS)) == nullptr) { errorMsg(input_filename, linenum, buff); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } auto &newEntry = entries.emplace_back(name); while ((aliasname = strtok(nullptr, WS)) != nullptr) newEntry.alias.push_front(aliasname); state = s1; } else if (!strcmp(buff, "EOF")) { state = sEXIT; } else if (!strcmp(buff, "COMMENT_START")) { auto &newEntry = entries.emplace_back("comment"); newEntry.loc = "none"; state = sDOC; } else { errorMsg(input_filename, linenum, buff); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case s1: { Entry &curr = entries.back(); if ((strlen(buff) == 0) || (!strncmp(buff, "#", 1))) { /* ignore empty and comment lines */ (void) 0; } else if (!strncmp(buff, "COMMENT:", 8)) { ptr = buff + 8; while (isspace((unsigned char)*ptr)) ++ptr; curr.comment = ptr; } else if (!strncmp(buff, "DEFAULT:", 8)) { ptr = buff + 8; while (isspace((unsigned char)*ptr)) ++ptr; curr.defaults.preset.push_back(ptr); } else if (!strncmp(buff, "DEFAULT_IF_NONE:", 16)) { ptr = buff + 16; while (isspace((unsigned char)*ptr)) ++ptr; curr.defaults.if_none.push_back(ptr); } else if (!strncmp(buff, "POSTSCRIPTUM:", 13)) { ptr = buff + 13; while (isspace((unsigned char)*ptr)) ++ptr; curr.defaults.postscriptum.push_back(ptr); } else if (!strncmp(buff, "DEFAULT_DOC:", 12)) { ptr = buff + 12; while (isspace((unsigned char)*ptr)) ++ptr; curr.defaults.docs.push_back(ptr); } else if (!strncmp(buff, "LOC:", 4)) { if ((ptr = strtok(buff + 4, WS)) == nullptr) { errorMsg(input_filename, linenum, buff); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } curr.loc = ptr; } else if (!strncmp(buff, "TYPE:", 5)) { if ((ptr = strtok(buff + 5, WS)) == nullptr) { errorMsg(input_filename, linenum, buff); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* hack to support arrays, rather than pointers */ if (strcmp(ptr + strlen(ptr) - 2, "[]") == 0) { curr.array_flag = 1; *(ptr + strlen(ptr) - 2) = '\0'; } checkDepend(curr.name, ptr, types, entries); curr.type = ptr; } else if (!strncmp(buff, "IFDEF:", 6)) { if ((ptr = strtok(buff + 6, WS)) == nullptr) { errorMsg(input_filename, linenum, buff); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } curr.ifdef = ptr; } else if (!strcmp(buff, "DOC_START")) { state = sDOC; } else if (!strcmp(buff, "DOC_NONE")) { state = sSTART; } else { errorMsg(input_filename, linenum, buff); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } break; case sDOC: if (!strcmp(buff, "DOC_END") || !strcmp(buff, "COMMENT_END")) { state = sSTART; } else if (strcmp(buff, "CONFIG_START") == 0) { state = sCFGLINES; } else { entries.back().doc.push_back(buff); } break; case sCFGLINES: if (strcmp(buff, "CONFIG_END") == 0) { state = sDOC; } else { entries.back().cfgLines.push_back(buff); } break; case sEXIT: assert(0); /* should never get here */ break; } } if (state != sEXIT) { errorMsg(input_filename, linenum, "Error: unexpected EOF"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fp.close(); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------* * Generate default_all() * Generate parse_line() * Generate dump_config() * Generate free_all() * Generate example squid.conf.default file *-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Open output x.c file */ std::ofstream fout(output_filename,std::ostream::out); if (!fout.good()) { std::cerr << "Error while opening output .c file '" << output_filename << "': " << strerror(errno) << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } fout << "/*\n" << " * Generated automatically from " << input_filename << " by " << argv[0] << "\n" " *\n" " * Abstract: This file contains routines used to configure the\n" " * variables in the squid server.\n" " */\n" "\n"; rc = gen_default(entries, fout); gen_default_if_none(entries, fout); gen_default_postscriptum(entries, fout); gen_parse(entries, fout); gen_dump(entries, fout); gen_free(entries, fout); fout.close(); /* Open output x.conf file */ fout.open(conf_filename,std::ostream::out); if (!fout.good()) { std::cerr << "Error while opening output conf file '" << output_filename << "': " << strerror(errno) << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } gen_conf(entries, fout, 1); fout.close(); fout.open(conf_filename_short,std::ostream::out); if (!fout.good()) { std::cerr << "Error while opening output short conf file '" << output_filename << "': " << strerror(errno) << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } gen_conf(entries, fout, 0); fout.close(); return (rc); } static int gen_default(const EntryList &head, std::ostream &fout) { int rc = 0; fout << "static void" << std::endl << "default_line(const char *s)" << std::endl << "{" << std::endl << " char *tmp_line = xstrdup(s);" << std::endl << " int len = strlen(tmp_line);" << std::endl << " ProcessMacros(tmp_line, len);" << std::endl << " xstrncpy(config_input_line, tmp_line, sizeof(config_input_line));" << std::endl << " config_lineno++;" << std::endl << " parse_line(tmp_line);" << std::endl << " xfree(tmp_line);" << std::endl << "}" << std::endl << std::endl; fout << "static void" << std::endl << "default_all(void)" << std::endl << "{" << std::endl << " cfg_filename = \"Default Configuration\";" << std::endl << " config_lineno = 0;" << std::endl; for (const auto &entry : head) { assert(entry.name.size()); if (!entry.name.compare("comment")) continue; if (!entry.type.compare("obsolete")) continue; if (!entry.loc.size()) { std::cerr << "NO LOCATION FOR " << entry.name << std::endl; rc |= 1; continue; } if (!entry.defaults.preset.size() && entry.defaults.if_none.empty()) { std::cerr << "NO DEFAULT FOR " << entry.name << std::endl; rc |= 1; continue; } if (!entry.defaults.preset.size() || entry.defaults.preset.front().compare("none") == 0) { fout << " // No default for " << entry.name << std::endl; } else { if (entry.ifdef.size()) fout << "#if " << entry.ifdef << std::endl; for (const auto &l : entry.defaults.preset) fout << " default_line(\"" << entry.name << " " << gen_quote_escape(l) << "\");" << std::endl; if (entry.ifdef.size()) fout << "#endif" << std::endl; } } fout << " cfg_filename = nullptr;" << std::endl << "}" << std::endl << std::endl; return rc; } static void gen_default_if_none(const EntryList &head, std::ostream &fout) { fout << "static void" << std::endl << "defaults_if_none(void)" << std::endl << "{" << std::endl << " cfg_filename = \"Default Configuration (if absent)\";" << std::endl << " config_lineno = 0;" << std::endl; for (const auto &entry : head) { assert(entry.name.size()); if (!entry.loc.size()) continue; if (entry.defaults.if_none.empty()) continue; if (!entry.defaults.preset.empty()) { std::cerr << "ERROR: " << entry.name << " has preset defaults. DEFAULT_IF_NONE cannot be true." << std::endl; exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (entry.ifdef.size()) fout << "#if " << entry.ifdef << std::endl; fout << " if (check_null_" << entry.type << "(" << entry.loc << ")) {" << std::endl; for (const auto &l : entry.defaults.if_none) fout << " default_line(\"" << entry.name << " " << gen_quote_escape(l) <<"\");" << std::endl; fout << " }" << std::endl; if (entry.ifdef.size()) fout << "#endif" << std::endl; } fout << " cfg_filename = nullptr;" << std::endl << "}" << std::endl << std::endl; } /// append configuration options specified by POSTSCRIPTUM lines static void gen_default_postscriptum(const EntryList &head, std::ostream &fout) { fout << "static void" << std::endl << "defaults_postscriptum(void)" << std::endl << "{" << std::endl << " cfg_filename = \"Default Configuration (postscriptum)\";" << std::endl << " config_lineno = 0;" << std::endl; for (const auto &entry : head) { assert(entry.name.size()); if (!entry.loc.size()) continue; if (entry.defaults.postscriptum.empty()) continue; if (entry.ifdef.size()) fout << "#if " << entry.ifdef << std::endl; for (const auto &l : entry.defaults.postscriptum) fout << " default_line(\"" << entry.name << " " << l <<"\");" << std::endl; if (entry.ifdef.size()) fout << "#endif" << std::endl; } fout << " cfg_filename = nullptr;" << std::endl << "}" << std::endl << std::endl; } void Entry::genParseAlias(const std::string &aName, std::ostream &fout) const { fout << " if (!strcmp(token, \"" << aName << "\")) {" << std::endl; if (ifdef.size()) fout << "#if " << ifdef << std::endl; fout << " cfg_directive = \"" << aName << "\";" << std::endl; fout << " "; if (type.compare("obsolete") == 0) { fout << "debugs(0, DBG_CRITICAL, \"ERROR: Directive '" << aName << "' is obsolete.\");\n"; for (const auto &l : doc) { // offset line to strip initial whitespace tab byte fout << " debugs(0, DBG_PARSE_NOTE(DBG_IMPORTANT), \"" << aName << " : " << &l[1] << "\");" << std::endl; } fout << " parse_obsolete(token);"; } else if (!loc.size() || loc.compare("none") == 0) { fout << "parse_" << type << "();"; } else if (type.find("::") != std::string::npos) { fout << "ParseDirective<" << type << ">(" << loc << ", LegacyParser);"; } else { fout << "parse_" << type << "(&" << loc << (array_flag ? "[0]" : "") << ");"; } fout << std::endl; fout << " cfg_directive = nullptr;" << std::endl; if (ifdef.size()) { fout << "#else" << std::endl << " debugs(0, DBG_PARSE_NOTE(DBG_IMPORTANT), \"ERROR: '" << name << "' requires " << available_if(ifdef) << "\");" << std::endl << "#endif" << std::endl; } fout << " return 1;" << std::endl; fout << " };" << std::endl; } void Entry::genParse(std::ostream &fout) const { if (name.compare("comment") == 0) return; // Once for the current directive name genParseAlias(name, fout); // All accepted aliases for (const auto &a : alias) { genParseAlias(a, fout); } } static void gen_parse(const EntryList &head, std::ostream &fout) { fout << "static int\n" "parse_line(char *buff)\n" "{\n" "\tchar\t*token;\n" "\tif ((token = strtok(buff, \" \\t\")) == NULL) \n" "\t\treturn 1;\t/* ignore empty lines */\n" "\tConfigParser::SetCfgLine(strtok(nullptr, \"\"));\n"; for (const auto &e : head) e.genParse(fout); fout << "\treturn 0; /* failure */\n" "}\n\n"; } static void gen_dump(const EntryList &head, std::ostream &fout) { fout << "static void" << std::endl << "dump_config(StoreEntry *entry)" << std::endl << "{" << std::endl << " debugs(5, 4, MYNAME);" << std::endl; for (const auto &e : head) { if (!e.loc.size() || e.loc.compare("none") == 0) continue; if (e.name.compare("comment") == 0) continue; if (e.ifdef.size()) fout << "#if " << e.ifdef << std::endl; if (e.type.find("::") != std::string::npos) fout << " DumpDirective<" << e.type << ">(" << e.loc << ", entry, \"" << e.name << "\");\n"; else fout << " dump_" << e.type << "(entry, \"" << e.name << "\", " << e.loc << ");" << std::endl; if (e.ifdef.size()) fout << "#endif" << std::endl; } fout << "}" << std::endl << std::endl; } static void gen_free(const EntryList &head, std::ostream &fout) { fout << "static void" << std::endl << "free_all(void)" << std::endl << "{" << std::endl << " debugs(5, 4, MYNAME);" << std::endl; for (const auto &e : head) { if (!e.loc.size() || e.loc.compare("none") == 0) continue; if (e.name.compare("comment") == 0) continue; if (e.ifdef.size()) fout << "#if " << e.ifdef << std::endl; if (e.type.find("::") != std::string::npos) fout << " FreeDirective<" << e.type << ">(" << e.loc << ");\n"; else fout << " free_" << e.type << "(&" << e.loc << (e.array_flag ? "[0]" : "") << ");" << std::endl; if (e.ifdef.size()) fout << "#endif" << std::endl; } fout << "}" << std::endl << std::endl; } static bool isDefined(const std::string &name) { if (!name.size()) return true; for (int i = 0; defines[i].name; ++i) { if (name.compare(defines[i].name) == 0) return defines[i].defined; } return false; } static const char * available_if(const std::string &name) { assert(name.size()); for (int i = 0; defines[i].name; ++i) { if (name.compare(defines[i].name) == 0) return defines[i].enable; } return name.c_str(); } static void gen_conf(const EntryList &head, std::ostream &fout, bool verbose_output) { for (const auto &entry : head) { char buf[8192]; LineList def; int enabled = 1; // Display TAG: line if (!entry.name.compare("comment")) (void) 0; else if (!entry.name.compare("obsolete")) (void) 0; else if (verbose_output) { fout << "# TAG: " << entry.name; if (entry.comment.size()) fout << "\t" << entry.comment; fout << std::endl; } // Display --enable/--disable disclaimer if (!isDefined(entry.ifdef)) { if (verbose_output) { fout << "# Note: This option is only available if Squid is rebuilt with the" << std::endl << "# " << available_if(entry.ifdef) << std::endl << "#" << std::endl; } enabled = 0; } // Display DOC_START section if (verbose_output && entry.doc.size()) { for (const auto &line : entry.doc) { fout << "#" << line << std::endl; } } if (entry.defaults.docs.size()) { // Display the DEFAULT_DOC line(s) def = entry.defaults.docs; } else { if (entry.defaults.preset.size() && entry.defaults.preset.front().compare("none") != 0) { // Display DEFAULT: line(s) for (const auto &l : entry.defaults.preset) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %s", entry.name.c_str(), l.c_str()); def.push_back(buf); } } else if (entry.defaults.if_none.size()) { // Display DEFAULT_IF_NONE: line(s) for (const auto &l : entry.defaults.if_none) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %s", entry.name.c_str(), l.c_str()); def.push_back(buf); } } } // Display "none" if no default is set or comments to display if (def.empty() && entry.cfgLines.empty() && entry.name.compare("comment") != 0) def.push_back("none"); if (verbose_output && def.size()) { fout << "#Default:\n"; while (def.size()) { fout << "# " << def.front() << std::endl; def.pop_front(); } if (entry.doc.empty() && entry.cfgLines.empty()) fout << std::endl; } if (verbose_output && entry.cfgLines.size()) fout << "#" << std::endl; if (enabled || verbose_output) { for (const auto &line : entry.cfgLines) { if (!enabled && line.at(0) != '#') fout << "#"; fout << line << std::endl; } } if (verbose_output && entry.doc.size()) { fout << std::endl; } } } static const char * gen_quote_escape(const std::string &var) { static std::string esc; esc.clear(); for (const auto c : var) { switch (c) { case '"': case '\\': esc += '\\'; [[fallthrough]]; default: esc += c; } } return esc.c_str(); }