## Copyright (C) 1996-2023 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors ## ## Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes ## contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. ## Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. # # Tests for directives with time units # # a millisecond-precision parameter (time-units) # minimum checks dns_timeout 1 millisecond dns_timeout 0.001 second # check support for the maximum value (expressed in each supported time unit) dns_timeout 9223372036854 milliseconds dns_timeout 9223372036 seconds dns_timeout 153722867 minutes dns_timeout 2562047 hours dns_timeout 106751 days dns_timeout 15250 weeks dns_timeout 7625 fortnights dns_timeout 3558 months dns_timeout 292.27 years dns_timeout 29.227 decades # a second-precision parameter (time-units) # minimum checks max_stale 1 second max_stale 0.0167 minute # check support for the maximum value (expressed in each supported time unit) # XXX: Use a 32-bit maximum to avoid breaking tests on 32-bit platforms. # TODO: Generate these test lines based on the target build platform. max_stale 2147483647 seconds # 2^31-1 max_stale 35791394 minutes # floor(max_stale seconds/60) max_stale 596523 hours # floor(max_stale minutes/60) max_stale 24855 days # floor(max_stale hours/24) max_stale 3550 weeks # floor(max_stale days/7) max_stale 1775 fortnights # floor(max_stale weeks/2) max_stale 828.5 months # max_stale days/30 max_stale 68.04 years # approx(max_stale days/365.2522) max_stale 6.804 decades # max_stale years/10 # a multiple-options parameter url_rewrite_timeout 1 second on_timeout=bypass url_rewrite_timeout 0.001 year on_timeout=bypass url_rewrite_timeout 292 year on_timeout=bypass # should be a WARNING (-k parse) url_rewrite_timeout 1 on_timeout=bypass # TODO: a nanosecond-precison parameter (time-units-small)