/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2023 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ /* DEBUG: section 46 Access Log - Squid format */ #include "squid.h" #include "AccessLogEntry.h" #include "format/Quoting.h" #include "format/Token.h" #include "globals.h" #include "HttpRequest.h" #include "log/File.h" #include "log/Formats.h" #include "SquidConfig.h" #include "SquidTime.h" void Log::Format::SquidNative(const AccessLogEntry::Pointer &al, Logfile * logfile) { char hierHost[MAX_IPSTRLEN]; const char *user = NULL; #if USE_AUTH if (al->request && al->request->auth_user_request != NULL) user = ::Format::QuoteUrlEncodeUsername(al->request->auth_user_request->username()); #endif if (!user) user = ::Format::QuoteUrlEncodeUsername(al->getExtUser()); #if USE_OPENSSL if (!user) user = ::Format::QuoteUrlEncodeUsername(al->cache.ssluser); #endif if (!user) user = ::Format::QuoteUrlEncodeUsername(al->getClientIdent()); if (user && !*user) safe_free(user); char clientip[MAX_IPSTRLEN]; al->getLogClientIp(clientip, MAX_IPSTRLEN); const SBuf method(al->getLogMethod()); logfilePrintf(logfile, "%9ld.%03d %6ld %s %s/%03d %" PRId64 " " SQUIDSBUFPH " " SQUIDSBUFPH " %s %s%s/%s %s%s", (long int) current_time.tv_sec, (int) current_time.tv_usec / 1000, tvToMsec(al->cache.trTime), clientip, al->cache.code.c_str(), al->http.code, al->http.clientReplySz.messageTotal(), SQUIDSBUFPRINT(method), SQUIDSBUFPRINT(al->url), user ? user : dash_str, al->hier.ping.timedout ? "TIMEOUT_" : "", hier_code_str[al->hier.code], al->hier.tcpServer != NULL ? al->hier.tcpServer->remote.toStr(hierHost, sizeof(hierHost)) : "-", al->http.content_type, (Config.onoff.log_mime_hdrs?"":"\n")); safe_free(user); if (Config.onoff.log_mime_hdrs) { char *ereq = ::Format::QuoteMimeBlob(al->headers.request); MemBuf mb; mb.init(); al->packReplyHeaders(mb); auto erep = ::Format::QuoteMimeBlob(mb.content()); logfilePrintf(logfile, " [%s] [%s]\n", ereq, erep); safe_free(ereq); safe_free(erep); } }