/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2023 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ /* DEBUG: section 54 Interprocess Communication */ #include "squid.h" #include "base/TextException.h" #include "comm.h" #include "comm/Connection.h" #include "comm/Write.h" #include "CommCalls.h" #include "ipc/UdsOp.h" Ipc::UdsOp::UdsOp(const String& pathAddr): AsyncJob("Ipc::UdsOp"), address(PathToAddress(pathAddr)), options(COMM_NONBLOCKING) { debugs(54, 5, HERE << '[' << this << "] pathAddr=" << pathAddr); } Ipc::UdsOp::~UdsOp() { debugs(54, 5, HERE << '[' << this << ']'); if (Comm::IsConnOpen(conn_)) conn_->close(); conn_ = NULL; } void Ipc::UdsOp::setOptions(int newOptions) { options = newOptions; } Comm::ConnectionPointer & Ipc::UdsOp::conn() { if (!Comm::IsConnOpen(conn_)) { if (options & COMM_DOBIND) unlink(address.sun_path); if (conn_ == NULL) conn_ = new Comm::Connection; conn_->fd = comm_open_uds(SOCK_DGRAM, 0, &address, options); Must(Comm::IsConnOpen(conn_)); } return conn_; } void Ipc::UdsOp::setTimeout(int seconds, const char *handlerName) { typedef CommCbMemFunT Dialer; AsyncCall::Pointer handler = asyncCall(54,5, handlerName, Dialer(CbcPointer(this), &UdsOp::noteTimeout)); commSetConnTimeout(conn(), seconds, handler); } void Ipc::UdsOp::clearTimeout() { commUnsetConnTimeout(conn()); } void Ipc::UdsOp::noteTimeout(const CommTimeoutCbParams &) { timedout(); // our kid handles communication timeout } struct sockaddr_un Ipc::PathToAddress(const String& pathAddr) { assert(pathAddr.size() != 0); struct sockaddr_un unixAddr; memset(&unixAddr, 0, sizeof(unixAddr)); unixAddr.sun_family = AF_LOCAL; xstrncpy(unixAddr.sun_path, pathAddr.termedBuf(), sizeof(unixAddr.sun_path)); return unixAddr; } CBDATA_NAMESPACED_CLASS_INIT(Ipc, UdsSender); Ipc::UdsSender::UdsSender(const String& pathAddr, const TypedMsgHdr& aMessage): UdsOp(pathAddr), codeContext(CodeContext::Current()), message(aMessage), retries(10), // TODO: make configurable? timeout(10), // TODO: make configurable? sleeping(false), writing(false) { message.address(address); } void Ipc::UdsSender::swanSong() { // did we abort while waiting between retries? if (sleeping) cancelSleep(); UdsOp::swanSong(); } void Ipc::UdsSender::start() { UdsOp::start(); write(); if (timeout > 0) setTimeout(timeout, "Ipc::UdsSender::noteTimeout"); } bool Ipc::UdsSender::doneAll() const { return !writing && !sleeping && UdsOp::doneAll(); } void Ipc::UdsSender::write() { debugs(54, 5, HERE); typedef CommCbMemFunT Dialer; AsyncCall::Pointer writeHandler = JobCallback(54, 5, Dialer, this, UdsSender::wrote); Comm::Write(conn(), message.raw(), message.size(), writeHandler, NULL); writing = true; } void Ipc::UdsSender::wrote(const CommIoCbParams& params) { debugs(54, 5, HERE << params.conn << " flag " << params.flag << " retries " << retries << " [" << this << ']'); writing = false; if (params.flag != Comm::OK && retries-- > 0) { // perhaps a fresh connection and more time will help? conn()->close(); startSleep(); } } /// pause for a while before resending the message void Ipc::UdsSender::startSleep() { Must(!sleeping); sleeping = true; eventAdd("Ipc::UdsSender::DelayedRetry", Ipc::UdsSender::DelayedRetry, new Pointer(this), 1, 0, false); // TODO: Use Fibonacci increments } /// stop sleeping (or do nothing if we were not) void Ipc::UdsSender::cancelSleep() { if (sleeping) { // Why not delete the event? See Comm::ConnOpener::cancelSleep(). sleeping = false; debugs(54, 9, "stops sleeping"); } } /// legacy wrapper for Ipc::UdsSender::delayedRetry() void Ipc::UdsSender::DelayedRetry(void *data) { Pointer *ptr = static_cast(data); assert(ptr); if (UdsSender *us = dynamic_cast(ptr->valid())) { CallBack(us->codeContext, [&us] { CallJobHere(54, 4, us, UdsSender, delayedRetry); }); } delete ptr; } /// make another sending attempt after a pause void Ipc::UdsSender::delayedRetry() { debugs(54, 5, HERE << sleeping); if (sleeping) { sleeping = false; write(); // reopens the connection if needed } } void Ipc::UdsSender::timedout() { debugs(54, 5, HERE); mustStop("timedout"); } void Ipc::SendMessage(const String& toAddress, const TypedMsgHdr &message) { AsyncJob::Start(new UdsSender(toAddress, message)); } const Comm::ConnectionPointer & Ipc::ImportFdIntoComm(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, int socktype, int protocol, Ipc::FdNoteId noteId) { struct sockaddr_storage addr; socklen_t len = sizeof(addr); if (getsockname(conn->fd, reinterpret_cast(&addr), &len) == 0) { conn->remote = addr; struct addrinfo* addr_info = NULL; conn->remote.getAddrInfo(addr_info); addr_info->ai_socktype = socktype; addr_info->ai_protocol = protocol; comm_import_opened(conn, Ipc::FdNote(noteId), addr_info); Ip::Address::FreeAddr(addr_info); } else { int xerrno = errno; debugs(54, DBG_CRITICAL, "ERROR: Ipc::ImportFdIntoComm: " << conn << ' ' << xstrerr(xerrno)); conn->close(); } return conn; }