/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2023 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ #include "squid.h" #if USE_DELAY_POOLS #include "acl/Gadgets.h" #include "cache_cf.h" #include "ConfigParser.h" #include "DelaySpec.h" #include "event.h" #include "MessageBucket.h" #include "MessageDelayPools.h" #include "Parsing.h" #include "SquidTime.h" #include "Store.h" #include #include MessageDelayPools::~MessageDelayPools() { freePools(); } MessageDelayPools * MessageDelayPools::Instance() { static MessageDelayPools pools; return &pools; } MessageDelayPool::Pointer MessageDelayPools::pool(const SBuf &name) { auto it = std::find_if(pools.begin(), pools.end(), [&name](const MessageDelayPool::Pointer p) { return p->poolName == name; }); return it == pools.end() ? 0 : *it; } void MessageDelayPools::add(MessageDelayPool *p) { const auto it = std::find_if(pools.begin(), pools.end(), [&p](const MessageDelayPool::Pointer mp) { return mp->poolName == p->poolName; }); if (it != pools.end()) { debugs(3, DBG_CRITICAL, "WARNING: Ignoring duplicate " << p->poolName << " response delay pool"); return; } pools.push_back(p); } void MessageDelayPools::freePools() { pools.clear(); } MessageDelayPool::MessageDelayPool(const SBuf &name, int64_t bucketSpeed, int64_t bucketSize, int64_t aggregateSpeed, int64_t aggregateSize, uint16_t initialBucketPercent): access(0), poolName(name), individualRestore(bucketSpeed), individualMaximum(bucketSize), aggregateRestore(aggregateSpeed), aggregateMaximum(aggregateSize), initialBucketLevel(initialBucketPercent), lastUpdate(squid_curtime) { theBucket.level() = aggregateMaximum; } MessageDelayPool::~MessageDelayPool() { if (access) aclDestroyAccessList(&access); } void MessageDelayPool::refillBucket() { if (noLimit()) return; const int incr = squid_curtime - lastUpdate; if (incr >= 1) { lastUpdate = squid_curtime; DelaySpec spec; spec.restore_bps = aggregateRestore; spec.max_bytes = aggregateMaximum; theBucket.update(spec, incr); } } void MessageDelayPool::dump(StoreEntry *entry) const { SBuf name("response_delay_pool_access "); name.append(poolName); dump_acl_access(entry, name.c_str(), access); storeAppendPrintf(entry, "response_delay_pool parameters %" PRId64 " %" PRId64 " %" PRId64 " %" PRId64 " %d\n", individualRestore, individualMaximum, aggregateRestore, aggregateMaximum, initialBucketLevel); storeAppendPrintf(entry, "\n"); } MessageBucket::Pointer MessageDelayPool::createBucket() { return new MessageBucket(individualRestore, initialBucketLevel, individualMaximum, this); } void MessageDelayConfig::parseResponseDelayPool() { static const SBuf bucketSpeedLimit("individual-restore"); static const SBuf maxBucketSize("individual-maximum"); static const SBuf aggregateSpeedLimit("aggregate-restore"); static const SBuf maxAggregateSize("aggregate-maximum"); static const SBuf initialBucketPercent("initial-bucket-level"); static std::map params; params[bucketSpeedLimit] = -1; params[maxBucketSize] = -1; params[aggregateSpeedLimit] = -1; params[maxAggregateSize] = -1; params[initialBucketPercent] = 50; const SBuf name(ConfigParser::NextToken()); if (name.isEmpty()) { debugs(3, DBG_CRITICAL, "FATAL: response_delay_pool missing required \"name\" parameter."); self_destruct(); return; } char *key = nullptr; char *value = nullptr; while (ConfigParser::NextKvPair(key, value)) { if (!value) { debugs(3, DBG_CRITICAL, "FATAL: '" << key << "' option missing value"); self_destruct(); return; } auto it = params.find(SBuf(key)); if (it == params.end()) { debugs(3, DBG_CRITICAL, "FATAL: response_delay_pool unknown option '" << key << "'"); self_destruct(); return; } it->second = (it->first == initialBucketPercent) ? xatos(value) : xatoll(value, 10); } const char *fatalMsg = nullptr; if ((params[bucketSpeedLimit] < 0) != (params[maxBucketSize] < 0)) fatalMsg = "'individual-restore' and 'individual-maximum'"; else if ((params[aggregateSpeedLimit] < 0) != (params[maxAggregateSize] < 0)) fatalMsg = "'aggregate-restore' and 'aggregate-maximum'"; if (fatalMsg) { debugs(3, DBG_CRITICAL, "FATAL: must use " << fatalMsg << " options in conjunction"); self_destruct(); return; } MessageDelayPool *pool = new MessageDelayPool(name, params[bucketSpeedLimit], params[maxBucketSize], params[aggregateSpeedLimit], params[maxAggregateSize], static_cast(params[initialBucketPercent]) ); MessageDelayPools::Instance()->add(pool); } void MessageDelayConfig::parseResponseDelayPoolAccess() { const char *token = ConfigParser::NextToken(); if (!token) { debugs(3, DBG_CRITICAL, "ERROR: required pool_name option missing"); return; } MessageDelayPool::Pointer pool = MessageDelayPools::Instance()->pool(SBuf(token)); static ConfigParser parser; if (pool) aclParseAccessLine("response_delay_pool_access", parser, &pool->access); } void MessageDelayConfig::freePools() { MessageDelayPools::Instance()->freePools(); } void MessageDelayConfig::dumpResponseDelayPoolParameters(StoreEntry *entry, const char *name) { auto &pools = MessageDelayPools::Instance()->pools; for (auto pool: pools) pool->dump(entry); } #endif