/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2023 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ /* DEBUG: section 45 Callback Data Registry */ /* * Use these to find memory leaks */ #include "squid.h" #if USE_LEAKFINDER #include "LeakFinder.h" #include "SquidTime.h" #include "Store.h" /* ========================================================================= */ LeakFinderPtr::LeakFinderPtr(void *p, const char *f, const int l) : file(f), line(l), when(squid_curtime) { // XXX: these bits should be done by hash_link() key = p; next = NULL; } /* ========================================================================= */ LeakFinder::LeakFinder() : count(0), last_dump(0) { debugs(45, 3, "LeakFinder constructed"); table = hash_create(cmp, 1 << 8, hash); #if 0 /* if this is desired to reinstate, add a * RegisterWithCacheManager method */ cachemgrRegister("leaks", "Memory Leak Tracking", cachemgr_dump, 0, 1); #endif } void * LeakFinder::addSome(void *p, const char *file, int line) { assert(hash_lookup(table, p) == NULL); LeakFinderPtr *c = new LeakFinderPtr(p, file, line); hash_join(table, c); ++count; return p; } void * LeakFinder::touch(void *p, const char *file, int line) { assert(p); LeakFinderPtr *c = (LeakFinderPtr *) hash_lookup(table, p); assert(c); c->file = file; c->line = line; c->when = squid_curtime; return p; } void * LeakFinder::freeSome(void *p, const char *file, int line) { assert(p); LeakFinderPtr *c = (LeakFinderPtr *) hash_lookup(table, p); assert(c); hash_remove_link(table, c); --count; delete c; dump(); return p; } /* ========================================================================= */ int LeakFinder::cmp(const void *p1, const void *p2) { return (char *) p1 - (char *) p2; } unsigned int LeakFinder::hash(const void *p, unsigned int mod) { return ((unsigned long) p >> 8) % mod; } void LeakFinder::dump() { if (0 == count) return; if (squid_curtime == last_dump) return; last_dump = squid_curtime; debugs(45, DBG_IMPORTANT, "Tracking " << count << " pointers"); hash_first(table); LeakFinderPtr *c; while ((c = (LeakFinderPtr *)hash_next(table))) { debugs(45, DBG_IMPORTANT, std::setw(20) << c->key << " last used " << std::setw(9) << (squid_curtime - c->when) << " seconds ago by " << c->file << ":" << c->line); } } #endif /* USE_LEAKFINDER */