/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2023 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ /* DEBUG: section 17 Request Forwarding */ #include "squid.h" #include "AccessLogEntry.h" #include "acl/Address.h" #include "acl/FilledChecklist.h" #include "acl/Gadgets.h" #include "anyp/PortCfg.h" #include "CacheManager.h" #include "CachePeer.h" #include "client_side.h" #include "clients/forward.h" #include "clients/HttpTunneler.h" #include "comm/Connection.h" #include "comm/ConnOpener.h" #include "comm/Loops.h" #include "CommCalls.h" #include "errorpage.h" #include "event.h" #include "fd.h" #include "fde.h" #include "FwdState.h" #include "globals.h" #include "gopher.h" #include "HappyConnOpener.h" #include "hier_code.h" #include "http.h" #include "http/Stream.h" #include "HttpReply.h" #include "HttpRequest.h" #include "icmp/net_db.h" #include "internal.h" #include "ip/Intercept.h" #include "ip/NfMarkConfig.h" #include "ip/QosConfig.h" #include "ip/tools.h" #include "MemObject.h" #include "mgr/Registration.h" #include "neighbors.h" #include "pconn.h" #include "PeerPoolMgr.h" #include "ResolvedPeers.h" #include "security/BlindPeerConnector.h" #include "SquidConfig.h" #include "SquidTime.h" #include "ssl/PeekingPeerConnector.h" #include "Store.h" #include "StoreClient.h" #include "urn.h" #include "whois.h" #if USE_OPENSSL #include "ssl/cert_validate_message.h" #include "ssl/Config.h" #include "ssl/helper.h" #include "ssl/ServerBump.h" #include "ssl/support.h" #else #include "security/EncryptorAnswer.h" #endif #include static CLCB fwdServerClosedWrapper; static OBJH fwdStats; #define MAX_FWD_STATS_IDX 9 static int FwdReplyCodes[MAX_FWD_STATS_IDX + 1][Http::scInvalidHeader + 1]; PconnPool *fwdPconnPool = new PconnPool("server-peers", nullptr); CBDATA_CLASS_INIT(FwdState); class FwdStatePeerAnswerDialer: public CallDialer, public Security::PeerConnector::CbDialer { public: typedef void (FwdState::*Method)(Security::EncryptorAnswer &); FwdStatePeerAnswerDialer(Method method, FwdState *fwd): method_(method), fwd_(fwd), answer_() {} /* CallDialer API */ virtual bool canDial(AsyncCall &call) { return fwd_.valid(); } void dial(AsyncCall &call) { ((&(*fwd_))->*method_)(answer_); } virtual void print(std::ostream &os) const { os << '(' << fwd_.get() << ", " << answer_ << ')'; } /* Security::PeerConnector::CbDialer API */ virtual Security::EncryptorAnswer &answer() { return answer_; } private: Method method_; CbcPointer fwd_; Security::EncryptorAnswer answer_; }; void FwdState::HandleStoreAbort(FwdState *fwd) { Pointer tmp = fwd; // Grab a temporary pointer to keep the object alive during our scope. if (Comm::IsConnOpen(fwd->serverConnection())) { fwd->closeServerConnection("store entry aborted"); } else { debugs(17, 7, HERE << "store entry aborted; no connection to close"); } fwd->stopAndDestroy("store entry aborted"); } void FwdState::closePendingConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, const char *reason) { debugs(17, 3, "because " << reason << "; " << conn); assert(!serverConn); assert(!closeHandler); if (IsConnOpen(conn)) { fwdPconnPool->noteUses(fd_table[conn->fd].pconn.uses); conn->close(); } } void FwdState::closeServerConnection(const char *reason) { debugs(17, 3, "because " << reason << "; " << serverConn); assert(Comm::IsConnOpen(serverConn)); comm_remove_close_handler(serverConn->fd, closeHandler); closeHandler = NULL; fwdPconnPool->noteUses(fd_table[serverConn->fd].pconn.uses); serverConn->close(); } /**** PUBLIC INTERFACE ********************************************************/ FwdState::FwdState(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &client, StoreEntry * e, HttpRequest * r, const AccessLogEntryPointer &alp): entry(e), request(r), al(alp), err(NULL), clientConn(client), start_t(squid_curtime), n_tries(0), waitingForDispatched(false), destinations(new ResolvedPeers()), pconnRace(raceImpossible), storedWholeReply_(nullptr) { debugs(17, 2, "Forwarding client request " << client << ", url=" << e->url()); HTTPMSGLOCK(request); e->lock("FwdState"); flags.connected_okay = false; flags.dont_retry = false; flags.forward_completed = false; flags.destinationsFound = false; debugs(17, 3, "FwdState constructed, this=" << this); } // Called once, right after object creation, when it is safe to set self void FwdState::start(Pointer aSelf) { // Protect ourselves from being destroyed when the only Server pointing // to us is gone (while we expect to talk to more Servers later). // Once we set self, we are responsible for clearing it when we do not // expect to talk to any servers. self = aSelf; // refcounted // We hope that either the store entry aborts or peer is selected. // Otherwise we are going to leak our object. // Ftp::Relay needs to preserve control connection on data aborts // so it registers its own abort handler that calls ours when needed. if (!request->flags.ftpNative) { AsyncCall::Pointer call = asyncCall(17, 4, "FwdState::Abort", cbdataDialer(&FwdState::HandleStoreAbort, this)); entry->registerAbortCallback(call); } // just in case; should already be initialized to false request->flags.pinned = false; #if STRICT_ORIGINAL_DST // Bug 3243: CVE 2009-0801 // Bypass of browser same-origin access control in intercepted communication // To resolve this we must force DIRECT and only to the original client destination. const bool isIntercepted = request && !request->flags.redirected && (request->flags.intercepted || request->flags.interceptTproxy); const bool useOriginalDst = Config.onoff.client_dst_passthru || (request && !request->flags.hostVerified); if (isIntercepted && useOriginalDst) { selectPeerForIntercepted(); return; } #endif // do full route options selection startSelectingDestinations(request, al, entry); } /// ends forwarding; relies on refcounting so the effect may not be immediate void FwdState::stopAndDestroy(const char *reason) { debugs(17, 3, "for " << reason); cancelStep(reason); PeerSelectionInitiator::subscribed = false; // may already be false self = nullptr; // we hope refcounting destroys us soon; may already be nil /* do not place any code here as this object may be gone by now */ } /// Notify a pending subtask, if any, that we no longer need its help. We do not /// have to do this -- the subtask job will eventually end -- but ending it /// earlier reduces waste and may reduce DoS attack surface. void FwdState::cancelStep(const char *reason) { transportWait.cancel(reason); encryptionWait.cancel(reason); peerWait.cancel(reason); } #if STRICT_ORIGINAL_DST /// bypasses peerSelect() when dealing with intercepted requests void FwdState::selectPeerForIntercepted() { // We do not support re-wrapping inside CONNECT. // Our only alternative is to fake a noteDestination() call. // use pinned connection if available if (ConnStateData *client = request->pinnedConnection()) { // emulate the PeerSelector::selectPinned() "Skip ICP" effect entry->ping_status = PING_DONE; usePinned(); return; } // use client original destination as second preferred choice const auto p = new Comm::Connection(); p->peerType = ORIGINAL_DST; p->remote = clientConn->local; getOutgoingAddress(request, p); debugs(17, 3, HERE << "using client original destination: " << *p); destinations->addPath(p); destinations->destinationsFinalized = true; PeerSelectionInitiator::subscribed = false; useDestinations(); } #endif /// updates ALE when we finalize the transaction error (if any) void FwdState::updateAleWithFinalError() { if (!err || !al) return; LogTagsErrors lte; lte.timedout = (err->xerrno == ETIMEDOUT || err->type == ERR_READ_TIMEOUT); al->cache.code.err.update(lte); if (!err->detail) { static const auto d = MakeNamedErrorDetail("WITH_SERVER"); err->detailError(d); } al->updateError(Error(err->type, err->detail)); } void FwdState::completed() { if (flags.forward_completed) { debugs(17, DBG_IMPORTANT, HERE << "FwdState::completed called on a completed request! Bad!"); return; } flags.forward_completed = true; request->hier.stopPeerClock(false); if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_ABORTED)) { debugs(17, 3, HERE << "entry aborted"); return ; } #if URL_CHECKSUM_DEBUG entry->mem_obj->checkUrlChecksum(); #endif if (entry->store_status == STORE_PENDING) { if (entry->isEmpty()) { assert(!storedWholeReply_); if (!err) // we quit (e.g., fd closed) before an error or content fail(new ErrorState(ERR_READ_ERROR, Http::scBadGateway, request, al)); assert(err); updateAleWithFinalError(); errorAppendEntry(entry, err); err = NULL; #if USE_OPENSSL if (request->flags.sslPeek && request->clientConnectionManager.valid()) { CallJobHere1(17, 4, request->clientConnectionManager, ConnStateData, ConnStateData::httpsPeeked, ConnStateData::PinnedIdleContext(Comm::ConnectionPointer(nullptr), request)); // no flags.dont_retry: completed() is a post-reforward() act } #endif } else { updateAleWithFinalError(); // if any if (storedWholeReply_) entry->completeSuccessfully(storedWholeReply_); else entry->completeTruncated("FwdState default"); } } if (storePendingNClients(entry) > 0) assert(!EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_FWD_HDR_WAIT)); } FwdState::~FwdState() { debugs(17, 3, "FwdState destructor start"); if (! flags.forward_completed) completed(); doneWithRetries(); HTTPMSGUNLOCK(request); delete err; entry->unregisterAbortCallback("FwdState object destructed"); entry->unlock("FwdState"); entry = NULL; cancelStep("~FwdState"); if (Comm::IsConnOpen(serverConn)) closeServerConnection("~FwdState"); debugs(17, 3, "FwdState destructed, this=" << this); } /** * This is the entry point for client-side to start forwarding * a transaction. It is a static method that may or may not * allocate a FwdState. */ void FwdState::Start(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &clientConn, StoreEntry *entry, HttpRequest *request, const AccessLogEntryPointer &al) { /** \note * client_addr == no_addr indicates this is an "internal" request * from peer_digest.c, asn.c, netdb.c, etc and should always * be allowed. yuck, I know. */ if ( Config.accessList.miss && !request->client_addr.isNoAddr() && !request->flags.internal && request->url.getScheme() != AnyP::PROTO_CACHE_OBJECT) { /** * Check if this host is allowed to fetch MISSES from us (miss_access). * Intentionally replace the src_addr automatically selected by the checklist code * we do NOT want the indirect client address to be tested here. */ ACLFilledChecklist ch(Config.accessList.miss, request, NULL); ch.al = al; ch.src_addr = request->client_addr; ch.syncAle(request, nullptr); if (ch.fastCheck().denied()) { err_type page_id; page_id = aclGetDenyInfoPage(&Config.denyInfoList, AclMatchedName, 1); if (page_id == ERR_NONE) page_id = ERR_FORWARDING_DENIED; const auto anErr = new ErrorState(page_id, Http::scForbidden, request, al); errorAppendEntry(entry, anErr); // frees anErr return; } } debugs(17, 3, HERE << "'" << entry->url() << "'"); /* * This seems like an odd place to bind mem_obj and request. * Might want to assert that request is NULL at this point */ entry->mem_obj->request = request; #if URL_CHECKSUM_DEBUG entry->mem_obj->checkUrlChecksum(); #endif if (shutting_down) { /* more yuck */ const auto anErr = new ErrorState(ERR_SHUTTING_DOWN, Http::scServiceUnavailable, request, al); errorAppendEntry(entry, anErr); // frees anErr return; } if (request->flags.internal) { debugs(17, 2, "calling internalStart() due to request flag"); internalStart(clientConn, request, entry, al); return; } switch (request->url.getScheme()) { case AnyP::PROTO_CACHE_OBJECT: debugs(17, 2, "calling CacheManager due to request scheme " << request->url.getScheme()); CacheManager::GetInstance()->start(clientConn, request, entry, al); return; case AnyP::PROTO_URN: urnStart(request, entry, al); return; default: FwdState::Pointer fwd = new FwdState(clientConn, entry, request, al); fwd->start(fwd); return; } /* NOTREACHED */ } void FwdState::fwdStart(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &clientConn, StoreEntry *entry, HttpRequest *request) { // Hides AccessLogEntry.h from code that does not supply ALE anyway. Start(clientConn, entry, request, NULL); } /// subtracts time_t values, returning zero if smaller exceeds the larger value /// time_t might be unsigned so we need to be careful when subtracting times... static inline time_t diffOrZero(const time_t larger, const time_t smaller) { return (larger > smaller) ? (larger - smaller) : 0; } /// time left to finish the whole forwarding process (which started at fwdStart) time_t FwdState::ForwardTimeout(const time_t fwdStart) { // time already spent on forwarding (0 if clock went backwards) const time_t timeSpent = diffOrZero(squid_curtime, fwdStart); return diffOrZero(Config.Timeout.forward, timeSpent); } bool FwdState::EnoughTimeToReForward(const time_t fwdStart) { return ForwardTimeout(fwdStart) > 0; } void FwdState::useDestinations() { if (!destinations->empty()) { connectStart(); } else { if (PeerSelectionInitiator::subscribed) { debugs(17, 4, "wait for more destinations to try"); return; // expect a noteDestination*() call } debugs(17, 3, HERE << "Connection failed: " << entry->url()); if (!err) { const auto anErr = new ErrorState(ERR_CANNOT_FORWARD, Http::scInternalServerError, request, al); fail(anErr); } // else use actual error from last connection attempt stopAndDestroy("tried all destinations"); } } void FwdState::fail(ErrorState * errorState) { debugs(17, 3, err_type_str[errorState->type] << " \"" << Http::StatusCodeString(errorState->httpStatus) << "\"\n\t" << entry->url()); delete err; err = errorState; if (!errorState->request) errorState->request = request; if (err->type == ERR_ZERO_SIZE_OBJECT) reactToZeroSizeObject(); destinationReceipt = nullptr; // may already be nil } /// ERR_ZERO_SIZE_OBJECT requires special adjustments void FwdState::reactToZeroSizeObject() { assert(err->type == ERR_ZERO_SIZE_OBJECT); if (pconnRace == racePossible) { debugs(17, 5, HERE << "pconn race happened"); pconnRace = raceHappened; if (destinationReceipt) { destinations->reinstatePath(destinationReceipt); destinationReceipt = nullptr; } } if (ConnStateData *pinned_connection = request->pinnedConnection()) { pinned_connection->pinning.zeroReply = true; debugs(17, 4, "zero reply on pinned connection"); } } /** * Frees fwdState without closing FD or generating an abort */ void FwdState::unregister(Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn) { debugs(17, 3, HERE << entry->url() ); assert(serverConnection() == conn); assert(Comm::IsConnOpen(conn)); comm_remove_close_handler(conn->fd, closeHandler); closeHandler = NULL; serverConn = NULL; destinationReceipt = nullptr; } // \deprecated use unregister(Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn) instead void FwdState::unregister(int fd) { debugs(17, 3, HERE << entry->url() ); assert(fd == serverConnection()->fd); unregister(serverConn); } /** * FooClient modules call fwdComplete() when they are done * downloading an object. Then, we either 1) re-forward the * request somewhere else if needed, or 2) call storeComplete() * to finish it off */ void FwdState::complete() { const auto replyStatus = entry->mem().baseReply().sline.status(); debugs(17, 3, *entry << " status " << replyStatus << ' ' << entry->url()); #if URL_CHECKSUM_DEBUG entry->mem_obj->checkUrlChecksum(); #endif logReplyStatus(n_tries, replyStatus); // will already be false if complete() was called before/without dispatch() waitingForDispatched = false; if (reforward()) { debugs(17, 3, "re-forwarding " << replyStatus << " " << entry->url()); if (Comm::IsConnOpen(serverConn)) unregister(serverConn); serverConn = nullptr; destinationReceipt = nullptr; storedWholeReply_ = nullptr; entry->reset(); useDestinations(); } else { if (Comm::IsConnOpen(serverConn)) debugs(17, 3, "server FD " << serverConnection()->fd << " not re-forwarding status " << replyStatus); else debugs(17, 3, "server (FD closed) not re-forwarding status " << replyStatus); completed(); stopAndDestroy("forwarding completed"); } } /// Whether a forwarding attempt to some selected destination X is in progress /// (after successfully opening/reusing a transport connection to X). /// See also: transportWait bool FwdState::transporting() const { return peerWait || encryptionWait || waitingForDispatched; } void FwdState::markStoredReplyAsWhole(const char * const whyWeAreSure) { debugs(17, 5, whyWeAreSure << " for " << *entry); // the caller wrote everything to Store, but Store may silently abort writes if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_ABORTED)) return; storedWholeReply_ = whyWeAreSure; } void FwdState::noteDestination(Comm::ConnectionPointer path) { flags.destinationsFound = true; if (!path) { // We can call usePinned() without fear of clashing with an earlier // forwarding attempt because PINNED must be the first destination. assert(destinations->empty()); usePinned(); return; } debugs(17, 3, path); destinations->addPath(path); if (transportWait) { assert(!transporting()); notifyConnOpener(); return; // and continue to wait for FwdState::noteConnection() callback } if (transporting()) return; // and continue to receive destinations for backup useDestinations(); } void FwdState::noteDestinationsEnd(ErrorState *selectionError) { PeerSelectionInitiator::subscribed = false; destinations->destinationsFinalized = true; if (!flags.destinationsFound) { if (selectionError) { debugs(17, 3, "Will abort forwarding because path selection has failed."); Must(!err); // if we tried to connect, then path selection succeeded fail(selectionError); } stopAndDestroy("path selection found no paths"); return; } // else continue to use one of the previously noted destinations; // if all of them fail, forwarding as whole will fail Must(!selectionError); // finding at least one path means selection succeeded if (transportWait) { assert(!transporting()); notifyConnOpener(); return; // and continue to wait for FwdState::noteConnection() callback } if (transporting()) { // We are already using a previously opened connection (but were also // receiving more destinations in case we need to re-forward). debugs(17, 7, "keep transporting"); return; } // destinationsFound, but none of them worked, and we were waiting for more assert(err); stopAndDestroy("all found paths have failed"); } /// makes sure connection opener knows that the destinations have changed void FwdState::notifyConnOpener() { if (destinations->notificationPending) { debugs(17, 7, "reusing pending notification about " << *destinations); } else { debugs(17, 7, "notifying about " << *destinations); destinations->notificationPending = true; CallJobHere(17, 5, transportWait.job(), HappyConnOpener, noteCandidatesChange); } } /**** CALLBACK WRAPPERS ************************************************************/ static void fwdServerClosedWrapper(const CommCloseCbParams ¶ms) { FwdState *fwd = (FwdState *)params.data; fwd->serverClosed(); } /**** PRIVATE *****************************************************************/ /* * FwdState::checkRetry * * Return TRUE if the request SHOULD be retried. This method is * called when the HTTP connection fails, or when the connection * is closed before reading the end of HTTP headers from the server. */ bool FwdState::checkRetry() { if (shutting_down) return false; if (!self) { // we have aborted before the server called us back debugs(17, 5, HERE << "not retrying because of earlier abort"); // we will be destroyed when the server clears its Pointer to us return false; } if (entry->store_status != STORE_PENDING) return false; if (!entry->isEmpty()) return false; if (exhaustedTries()) return false; if (request->flags.pinned && !pinnedCanRetry()) return false; if (!EnoughTimeToReForward(start_t)) return false; if (flags.dont_retry) return false; if (request->bodyNibbled()) return false; // NP: not yet actually connected anywhere. retry is safe. if (!flags.connected_okay) return true; if (!checkRetriable()) return false; return true; } /// Whether we may try sending this request again after a failure. bool FwdState::checkRetriable() { // Optimize: A compliant proxy may retry PUTs, but Squid lacks the [rather // complicated] code required to protect the PUT request body from being // nibbled during the first try. Thus, Squid cannot retry some PUTs today. if (request->body_pipe != NULL) return false; // RFC2616 9.1 Safe and Idempotent Methods return (request->method.isHttpSafe() || request->method.isIdempotent()); } void FwdState::serverClosed() { // XXX: This method logic attempts to tolerate Connection::close() called // for serverConn earlier, by one of our dispatch()ed jobs. If that happens, // serverConn will already be closed here or, worse, it will already be open // for the next forwarding attempt. The current code prevents us getting // stuck, but the long term solution is to stop sharing serverConn. debugs(17, 2, serverConn); if (Comm::IsConnOpen(serverConn)) { const auto uses = fd_table[serverConn->fd].pconn.uses; debugs(17, 3, "prior uses: " << uses); fwdPconnPool->noteUses(uses); // XXX: May not have come from fwdPconnPool serverConn->noteClosure(); } serverConn = nullptr; closeHandler = nullptr; destinationReceipt = nullptr; // will already be false if this closure happened before/without dispatch() waitingForDispatched = false; retryOrBail(); } void FwdState::retryOrBail() { if (checkRetry()) { debugs(17, 3, HERE << "re-forwarding (" << n_tries << " tries, " << (squid_curtime - start_t) << " secs)"); useDestinations(); return; } // TODO: should we call completed() here and move doneWithRetries there? doneWithRetries(); request->hier.stopPeerClock(false); if (self != NULL && !err && shutting_down && entry->isEmpty()) { const auto anErr = new ErrorState(ERR_SHUTTING_DOWN, Http::scServiceUnavailable, request, al); errorAppendEntry(entry, anErr); } stopAndDestroy("cannot retry"); } // If the Server quits before nibbling at the request body, the body sender // will not know (so that we can retry). Call this if we will not retry. We // will notify the sender so that it does not get stuck waiting for space. void FwdState::doneWithRetries() { if (request && request->body_pipe != NULL) request->body_pipe->expectNoConsumption(); } // called by the server that failed after calling unregister() void FwdState::handleUnregisteredServerEnd() { debugs(17, 2, HERE << "self=" << self << " err=" << err << ' ' << entry->url()); assert(!Comm::IsConnOpen(serverConn)); serverConn = nullptr; destinationReceipt = nullptr; // might already be false due to uncertainties documented in serverClosed() waitingForDispatched = false; retryOrBail(); } /// starts a preparation step for an established connection; retries on failures template void FwdState::advanceDestination(const char *stepDescription, const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, const StepStart &startStep) { // TODO: Extract destination-specific handling from FwdState so that all the // awkward, limited-scope advanceDestination() calls can be replaced with a // single simple try/catch,retry block. try { startStep(); // now wait for the step callback } catch (...) { debugs (17, 2, "exception while trying to " << stepDescription << ": " << CurrentException); closePendingConnection(conn, "connection preparation exception"); if (!err) fail(new ErrorState(ERR_GATEWAY_FAILURE, Http::scInternalServerError, request, al)); retryOrBail(); } } /// called when a to-peer connection has been successfully obtained or /// when all candidate destinations have been tried and all have failed void FwdState::noteConnection(HappyConnOpener::Answer &answer) { assert(!destinationReceipt); transportWait.finish(); Must(n_tries <= answer.n_tries); // n_tries cannot decrease n_tries = answer.n_tries; ErrorState *error = nullptr; if ((error = answer.error.get())) { flags.dont_retry = true; // or HappyConnOpener would not have given up syncHierNote(answer.conn, request->url.host()); Must(!Comm::IsConnOpen(answer.conn)); answer.error.clear(); // preserve error for errorSendComplete() } else if (!Comm::IsConnOpen(answer.conn) || fd_table[answer.conn->fd].closing()) { // The socket could get closed while our callback was queued. Sync // Connection. XXX: Connection::fd may already be stale/invalid here. // We do not know exactly why the connection got closed, so we play it // safe, allowing retries only for persistent (reused) connections if (answer.reused) { destinationReceipt = answer.conn; assert(destinationReceipt); } syncHierNote(answer.conn, request->url.host()); closePendingConnection(answer.conn, "conn was closed while waiting for noteConnection"); error = new ErrorState(ERR_CANNOT_FORWARD, Http::scServiceUnavailable, request, al); } else { assert(!error); destinationReceipt = answer.conn; assert(destinationReceipt); // serverConn remains nil until syncWithServerConn() } if (error) { fail(error); retryOrBail(); return; } if (answer.reused) { syncWithServerConn(answer.conn, request->url.host(), answer.reused); return dispatch(); } // Check if we need to TLS before use if (const auto *peer = answer.conn->getPeer()) { // Assume that it is only possible for the client-first from the // bumping modes to try connect to a remote server. The bumped // requests with other modes are using pinned connections or fails. const bool clientFirstBump = request->flags.sslBumped; // We need a CONNECT tunnel to send encrypted traffic through a proxy, // but we do not support TLS inside TLS, so we exclude HTTPS proxies. const bool originWantsEncryptedTraffic = request->method == Http::METHOD_CONNECT || request->flags.sslPeek || clientFirstBump; if (originWantsEncryptedTraffic && // the "encrypted traffic" part !peer->options.originserver && // the "through a proxy" part !peer->secure.encryptTransport) // the "exclude HTTPS proxies" part return advanceDestination("establish tunnel through proxy", answer.conn, [this,&answer] { establishTunnelThruProxy(answer.conn); }); } secureConnectionToPeerIfNeeded(answer.conn); } void FwdState::establishTunnelThruProxy(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn) { AsyncCall::Pointer callback = asyncCall(17,4, "FwdState::tunnelEstablishmentDone", Http::Tunneler::CbDialer(&FwdState::tunnelEstablishmentDone, this)); HttpRequest::Pointer requestPointer = request; const auto tunneler = new Http::Tunneler(conn, requestPointer, callback, connectingTimeout(conn), al); // TODO: Replace this hack with proper Comm::Connection-Pool association // that is not tied to fwdPconnPool and can handle disappearing pools. tunneler->noteFwdPconnUse = true; #if USE_DELAY_POOLS Must(conn); Must(conn->getPeer()); if (!conn->getPeer()->options.no_delay) tunneler->setDelayId(entry->mem_obj->mostBytesAllowed()); #endif peerWait.start(tunneler, callback); } /// resumes operations after the (possibly failed) HTTP CONNECT exchange void FwdState::tunnelEstablishmentDone(Http::TunnelerAnswer &answer) { peerWait.finish(); ErrorState *error = nullptr; if (!answer.positive()) { Must(!answer.conn); error = answer.squidError.get(); Must(error); answer.squidError.clear(); // preserve error for fail() } else if (!Comm::IsConnOpen(answer.conn) || fd_table[answer.conn->fd].closing()) { // The socket could get closed while our callback was queued. Sync // Connection. XXX: Connection::fd may already be stale/invalid here. closePendingConnection(answer.conn, "conn was closed while waiting for tunnelEstablishmentDone"); error = new ErrorState(ERR_CANNOT_FORWARD, Http::scServiceUnavailable, request, al); } else if (!answer.leftovers.isEmpty()) { // This should not happen because TLS servers do not speak first. If we // have to handle this, then pass answer.leftovers via a PeerConnector // to ServerBio. See ClientBio::setReadBufData(). static int occurrences = 0; const auto level = (occurrences++ < 100) ? DBG_IMPORTANT : 2; debugs(17, level, "ERROR: Early data after CONNECT response. " << "Found " << answer.leftovers.length() << " bytes. " << "Closing " << answer.conn); error = new ErrorState(ERR_CONNECT_FAIL, Http::scBadGateway, request, al); closePendingConnection(answer.conn, "server spoke before tunnelEstablishmentDone"); } if (error) { fail(error); retryOrBail(); return; } secureConnectionToPeerIfNeeded(answer.conn); } /// handles an established TCP connection to peer (including origin servers) void FwdState::secureConnectionToPeerIfNeeded(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn) { assert(!request->flags.pinned); const auto p = conn->getPeer(); const bool peerWantsTls = p && p->secure.encryptTransport; // userWillTlsToPeerForUs assumes CONNECT == HTTPS const bool userWillTlsToPeerForUs = p && p->options.originserver && request->method == Http::METHOD_CONNECT; const bool needTlsToPeer = peerWantsTls && !userWillTlsToPeerForUs; const bool clientFirstBump = request->flags.sslBumped; // client-first (already) bumped connection const bool needsBump = request->flags.sslPeek || clientFirstBump; // 'GET https://...' requests. If a peer is used the request is forwarded // as is const bool needTlsToOrigin = !p && request->url.getScheme() == AnyP::PROTO_HTTPS && !clientFirstBump; if (needTlsToPeer || needTlsToOrigin || needsBump) { return advanceDestination("secure connection to peer", conn, [this,&conn] { secureConnectionToPeer(conn); }); } // if not encrypting just run the post-connect actions successfullyConnectedToPeer(conn); } /// encrypts an established TCP connection to peer (including origin servers) void FwdState::secureConnectionToPeer(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn) { HttpRequest::Pointer requestPointer = request; AsyncCall::Pointer callback = asyncCall(17,4, "FwdState::ConnectedToPeer", FwdStatePeerAnswerDialer(&FwdState::connectedToPeer, this)); const auto sslNegotiationTimeout = connectingTimeout(conn); Security::PeerConnector *connector = nullptr; #if USE_OPENSSL if (request->flags.sslPeek) connector = new Ssl::PeekingPeerConnector(requestPointer, conn, clientConn, callback, al, sslNegotiationTimeout); else #endif connector = new Security::BlindPeerConnector(requestPointer, conn, callback, al, sslNegotiationTimeout); connector->noteFwdPconnUse = true; encryptionWait.start(connector, callback); } /// called when all negotiations with the TLS-speaking peer have been completed void FwdState::connectedToPeer(Security::EncryptorAnswer &answer) { encryptionWait.finish(); ErrorState *error = nullptr; if ((error = answer.error.get())) { assert(!answer.conn); answer.error.clear(); // preserve error for errorSendComplete() } else if (answer.tunneled) { assert(!answer.conn); // TODO: When ConnStateData establishes tunnels, its state changes // [in ways that may affect logging?]. Consider informing // ConnStateData about our tunnel or otherwise unifying tunnel // establishment [side effects]. flags.dont_retry = true; // TunnelStateData took forwarding control entry->abort(); complete(); // destroys us return; } else if (!Comm::IsConnOpen(answer.conn) || fd_table[answer.conn->fd].closing()) { // The socket could get closed while our callback was queued. Sync // Connection. XXX: Connection::fd may already be stale/invalid here. closePendingConnection(answer.conn, "conn was closed while waiting for connectedToPeer"); error = new ErrorState(ERR_CANNOT_FORWARD, Http::scServiceUnavailable, request, al); } if (error) { fail(error); retryOrBail(); return; } successfullyConnectedToPeer(answer.conn); } /// called when all negotiations with the peer have been completed void FwdState::successfullyConnectedToPeer(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn) { syncWithServerConn(conn, request->url.host(), false); // should reach ConnStateData before the dispatched Client job starts CallJobHere1(17, 4, request->clientConnectionManager, ConnStateData, ConnStateData::notePeerConnection, serverConnection()); if (serverConnection()->getPeer()) peerConnectSucceded(serverConnection()->getPeer()); dispatch(); } /// commits to using the given open to-peer connection void FwdState::syncWithServerConn(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, const char *host, const bool reused) { Must(IsConnOpen(conn)); serverConn = conn; // no effect on destinationReceipt (which may even be nil here) closeHandler = comm_add_close_handler(serverConn->fd, fwdServerClosedWrapper, this); if (reused) { pconnRace = racePossible; ResetMarkingsToServer(request, *serverConn); } else { pconnRace = raceImpossible; // Comm::ConnOpener already applied proper/current markings } syncHierNote(serverConn, host); } void FwdState::syncHierNote(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &server, const char *host) { if (request) request->hier.resetPeerNotes(server, host); if (al) al->hier.resetPeerNotes(server, host); } /** * Called after forwarding path selection (via peer select) has taken place * and whenever forwarding needs to attempt a new connection (routing failover). * We have a vector of possible localIP->remoteIP paths now ready to start being connected. */ void FwdState::connectStart() { debugs(17, 3, *destinations << " to " << entry->url()); Must(!request->pinnedConnection()); assert(!destinations->empty()); assert(!transporting()); // Ditch error page if it was created before. // A new one will be created if there's another problem delete err; err = nullptr; request->clearError(); request->hier.startPeerClock(); AsyncCall::Pointer callback = asyncCall(17, 5, "FwdState::noteConnection", HappyConnOpener::CbDialer(&FwdState::noteConnection, this)); HttpRequest::Pointer cause = request; const auto cs = new HappyConnOpener(destinations, callback, cause, start_t, n_tries, al); cs->setHost(request->url.host()); bool retriable = checkRetriable(); if (!retriable && Config.accessList.serverPconnForNonretriable) { ACLFilledChecklist ch(Config.accessList.serverPconnForNonretriable, request, nullptr); ch.al = al; ch.syncAle(request, nullptr); retriable = ch.fastCheck().allowed(); } cs->setRetriable(retriable); cs->allowPersistent(pconnRace != raceHappened); destinations->notificationPending = true; // start() is async transportWait.start(cs, callback); } /// send request on an existing connection dedicated to the requesting client void FwdState::usePinned() { const auto connManager = request->pinnedConnection(); debugs(17, 7, "connection manager: " << connManager); try { // TODO: Refactor syncWithServerConn() and callers to always set // serverConn inside that method. serverConn = ConnStateData::BorrowPinnedConnection(request, al); debugs(17, 5, "connection: " << serverConn); } catch (ErrorState * const anErr) { syncHierNote(nullptr, connManager ? connManager->pinning.host : request->url.host()); serverConn = nullptr; fail(anErr); // Connection managers monitor their idle pinned to-server // connections and close from-client connections upon seeing // a to-server connection closure. Retrying here is futile. stopAndDestroy("pinned connection failure"); return; } ++n_tries; request->flags.pinned = true; assert(connManager); if (connManager->pinnedAuth()) request->flags.auth = true; // the server may close the pinned connection before this request const auto reused = true; syncWithServerConn(serverConn, connManager->pinning.host, reused); dispatch(); } void FwdState::dispatch() { debugs(17, 3, clientConn << ": Fetching " << request->method << ' ' << entry->url()); /* * Assert that server_fd is set. This is to guarantee that fwdState * is attached to something and will be deallocated when server_fd * is closed. */ assert(Comm::IsConnOpen(serverConn)); assert(!waitingForDispatched); waitingForDispatched = true; fd_note(serverConnection()->fd, entry->url()); fd_table[serverConnection()->fd].noteUse(); /*assert(!EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_DISPATCHED)); */ assert(entry->ping_status != PING_WAITING); assert(entry->locked()); EBIT_SET(entry->flags, ENTRY_DISPATCHED); flags.connected_okay = true; netdbPingSite(request->url.host()); /* Retrieves remote server TOS or MARK value, and stores it as part of the * original client request FD object. It is later used to forward * remote server's TOS/MARK in the response to the client in case of a MISS. */ if (Ip::Qos::TheConfig.isHitNfmarkActive()) { if (Comm::IsConnOpen(clientConn) && Comm::IsConnOpen(serverConnection())) { fde * clientFde = &fd_table[clientConn->fd]; // XXX: move the fd_table access into Ip::Qos /* Get the netfilter CONNMARK */ clientFde->nfConnmarkFromServer = Ip::Qos::getNfConnmark(serverConnection(), Ip::Qos::dirOpened); } } #if _SQUID_LINUX_ /* Bug 2537: The TOS forward part of QOS only applies to patched Linux kernels. */ if (Ip::Qos::TheConfig.isHitTosActive()) { if (Comm::IsConnOpen(clientConn)) { fde * clientFde = &fd_table[clientConn->fd]; // XXX: move the fd_table access into Ip::Qos /* Get the TOS value for the packet */ Ip::Qos::getTosFromServer(serverConnection(), clientFde); } } #endif #if USE_OPENSSL if (request->flags.sslPeek) { // we were just asked to peek at the server, and we did that CallJobHere1(17, 4, request->clientConnectionManager, ConnStateData, ConnStateData::httpsPeeked, ConnStateData::PinnedIdleContext(serverConnection(), request)); unregister(serverConn); // async call owns it now flags.dont_retry = true; // we gave up forwarding control entry->abort(); complete(); // destroys us return; } #endif if (const auto peer = serverConnection()->getPeer()) { ++peer->stats.fetches; request->prepForPeering(*peer); httpStart(this); } else { assert(!request->flags.sslPeek); request->prepForDirect(); switch (request->url.getScheme()) { case AnyP::PROTO_HTTPS: httpStart(this); break; case AnyP::PROTO_HTTP: httpStart(this); break; case AnyP::PROTO_GOPHER: gopherStart(this); break; case AnyP::PROTO_FTP: if (request->flags.ftpNative) Ftp::StartRelay(this); else Ftp::StartGateway(this); break; case AnyP::PROTO_CACHE_OBJECT: case AnyP::PROTO_URN: fatal_dump("Should never get here"); break; case AnyP::PROTO_WHOIS: whoisStart(this); break; case AnyP::PROTO_WAIS: /* Not implemented */ default: debugs(17, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: Cannot retrieve '" << entry->url() << "'."); const auto anErr = new ErrorState(ERR_UNSUP_REQ, Http::scBadRequest, request, al); fail(anErr); // Set the dont_retry flag because this is not a transient (network) error. flags.dont_retry = true; if (Comm::IsConnOpen(serverConn)) { serverConn->close(); // trigger cleanup } break; } } } /* * FwdState::reforward * * returns TRUE if the transaction SHOULD be re-forwarded to the * next choice in the serverDestinations list. This method is called when * peer communication completes normally, or experiences * some error after receiving the end of HTTP headers. */ int FwdState::reforward() { StoreEntry *e = entry; if (EBIT_TEST(e->flags, ENTRY_ABORTED)) { debugs(17, 3, HERE << "entry aborted"); return 0; } assert(e->store_status == STORE_PENDING); assert(e->mem_obj); #if URL_CHECKSUM_DEBUG e->mem_obj->checkUrlChecksum(); #endif debugs(17, 3, HERE << e->url() << "?" ); if (request->flags.pinned && !pinnedCanRetry()) { debugs(17, 3, "pinned connection; cannot retry"); return 0; } if (!EBIT_TEST(e->flags, ENTRY_FWD_HDR_WAIT)) { debugs(17, 3, HERE << "No, ENTRY_FWD_HDR_WAIT isn't set"); return 0; } if (exhaustedTries()) return 0; if (request->bodyNibbled()) return 0; if (destinations->empty() && !PeerSelectionInitiator::subscribed) { debugs(17, 3, HERE << "No alternative forwarding paths left"); return 0; } const auto s = entry->mem().baseReply().sline.status(); debugs(17, 3, HERE << "status " << s); return reforwardableStatus(s); } static void fwdStats(StoreEntry * s) { int i; int j; storeAppendPrintf(s, "Status"); for (j = 1; j < MAX_FWD_STATS_IDX; ++j) { storeAppendPrintf(s, "\ttry#%d", j); } storeAppendPrintf(s, "\n"); for (i = 0; i <= (int) Http::scInvalidHeader; ++i) { if (FwdReplyCodes[0][i] == 0) continue; storeAppendPrintf(s, "%3d", i); for (j = 0; j <= MAX_FWD_STATS_IDX; ++j) { storeAppendPrintf(s, "\t%d", FwdReplyCodes[j][i]); } storeAppendPrintf(s, "\n"); } } /**** STATIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS *************************************************/ bool FwdState::reforwardableStatus(const Http::StatusCode s) const { switch (s) { case Http::scBadGateway: case Http::scGatewayTimeout: return true; case Http::scForbidden: case Http::scInternalServerError: case Http::scNotImplemented: case Http::scServiceUnavailable: return Config.retry.onerror; default: return false; } /* NOTREACHED */ } void FwdState::initModule() { RegisterWithCacheManager(); } void FwdState::RegisterWithCacheManager(void) { Mgr::RegisterAction("forward", "Request Forwarding Statistics", fwdStats, 0, 1); } void FwdState::logReplyStatus(int tries, const Http::StatusCode status) { if (status > Http::scInvalidHeader) return; assert(tries >= 0); if (tries > MAX_FWD_STATS_IDX) tries = MAX_FWD_STATS_IDX; ++ FwdReplyCodes[tries][status]; } bool FwdState::exhaustedTries() const { return n_tries >= Config.forward_max_tries; } bool FwdState::pinnedCanRetry() const { assert(request->flags.pinned); // pconn race on pinned connection: Currently we do not have any mechanism // to retry current pinned connection path. if (pconnRace == raceHappened) return false; // If a bumped connection was pinned, then the TLS client was given our peer // details. Do not retry because we do not ensure that those details stay // constant. Step1-bumped connections do not get our TLS peer details, are // never pinned, and, hence, never reach this method. if (request->flags.sslBumped) return false; // The other pinned cases are FTP proxying and connection-based HTTP // authentication. TODO: Do these cases have restrictions? return true; } time_t FwdState::connectingTimeout(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn) const { const auto connTimeout = conn->connectTimeout(start_t); return positiveTimeout(connTimeout); } /**** PRIVATE NON-MEMBER FUNCTIONS ********************************************/ /* * DPW 2007-05-19 * Formerly static, but now used by client_side_request.cc */ /// Checks for a TOS value to apply depending on the ACL tos_t aclMapTOS(acl_tos * head, ACLChecklist * ch) { for (acl_tos *l = head; l; l = l->next) { if (!l->aclList || ch->fastCheck(l->aclList).allowed()) return l->tos; } return 0; } /// Checks for a netfilter mark value to apply depending on the ACL Ip::NfMarkConfig aclFindNfMarkConfig(acl_nfmark * head, ACLChecklist * ch) { for (acl_nfmark *l = head; l; l = l->next) { if (!l->aclList || ch->fastCheck(l->aclList).allowed()) return l->markConfig; } return {}; } void getOutgoingAddress(HttpRequest * request, const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn) { // skip if an outgoing address is already set. if (!conn->local.isAnyAddr()) return; // ensure that at minimum the wildcard local matches remote protocol if (conn->remote.isIPv4()) conn->local.setIPv4(); // maybe use TPROXY client address if (request && request->flags.spoofClientIp) { if (!conn->getPeer() || !conn->getPeer()->options.no_tproxy) { #if FOLLOW_X_FORWARDED_FOR && LINUX_NETFILTER if (Config.onoff.tproxy_uses_indirect_client) conn->local = request->indirect_client_addr; else #endif conn->local = request->client_addr; conn->local.port(0); // let OS pick the source port to prevent address clashes // some flags need setting on the socket to use this address conn->flags |= COMM_DOBIND; conn->flags |= COMM_TRANSPARENT; return; } // else no tproxy today ... } if (!Config.accessList.outgoing_address) { return; // anything will do. } ACLFilledChecklist ch(NULL, request, NULL); ch.dst_peer_name = conn->getPeer() ? conn->getPeer()->name : NULL; ch.dst_addr = conn->remote; // TODO use the connection details in ACL. // needs a bit of rework in ACLFilledChecklist to use Comm::Connection instead of ConnStateData for (Acl::Address *l = Config.accessList.outgoing_address; l; l = l->next) { /* check if the outgoing address is usable to the destination */ if (conn->remote.isIPv4() != l->addr.isIPv4()) continue; /* check ACLs for this outgoing address */ if (!l->aclList || ch.fastCheck(l->aclList).allowed()) { conn->local = l->addr; return; } } } /// \returns the TOS value that should be set on the to-peer connection static tos_t GetTosToServer(HttpRequest * request, Comm::Connection &conn) { if (!Ip::Qos::TheConfig.tosToServer) return 0; ACLFilledChecklist ch(NULL, request, NULL); ch.dst_peer_name = conn.getPeer() ? conn.getPeer()->name : nullptr; ch.dst_addr = conn.remote; return aclMapTOS(Ip::Qos::TheConfig.tosToServer, &ch); } /// \returns the Netfilter mark that should be set on the to-peer connection static nfmark_t GetNfmarkToServer(HttpRequest * request, Comm::Connection &conn) { if (!Ip::Qos::TheConfig.nfmarkToServer) return 0; ACLFilledChecklist ch(NULL, request, NULL); ch.dst_peer_name = conn.getPeer() ? conn.getPeer()->name : nullptr; ch.dst_addr = conn.remote; const auto mc = aclFindNfMarkConfig(Ip::Qos::TheConfig.nfmarkToServer, &ch); return mc.mark; } void GetMarkingsToServer(HttpRequest * request, Comm::Connection &conn) { // Get the server side TOS and Netfilter mark to be set on the connection. conn.tos = GetTosToServer(request, conn); conn.nfmark = GetNfmarkToServer(request, conn); debugs(17, 3, "from " << conn.local << " tos " << int(conn.tos) << " netfilter mark " << conn.nfmark); } void ResetMarkingsToServer(HttpRequest * request, Comm::Connection &conn) { GetMarkingsToServer(request, conn); // TODO: Avoid these calls if markings has not changed. if (conn.tos) Ip::Qos::setSockTos(&conn, conn.tos); if (conn.nfmark) Ip::Qos::setSockNfmark(&conn, conn.nfmark); }