/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2023 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ #include "squid.h" #include "AccessLogEntry.h" #include "HttpReply.h" #include "HttpRequest.h" #include "MemBuf.h" #include "proxyp/Header.h" #include "SquidConfig.h" #include "ssl/support.h" void AccessLogEntry::getLogClientIp(char *buf, size_t bufsz) const { Ip::Address log_ip; #if FOLLOW_X_FORWARDED_FOR if (Config.onoff.log_uses_indirect_client && request) log_ip = request->indirect_client_addr; else #endif if (tcpClient) log_ip = tcpClient->remote; else log_ip = cache.caddr; // internally generated requests (and some ICAP) lack client IP if (log_ip.isNoAddr()) { strncpy(buf, "-", bufsz); return; } // Apply so-called 'privacy masking' to IPv4 clients // - localhost IP is always shown in full // - IPv4 clients masked with client_netmask // - IPv6 clients use 'privacy addressing' instead. log_ip.applyClientMask(Config.Addrs.client_netmask); log_ip.toStr(buf, bufsz); } SBuf AccessLogEntry::getLogMethod() const { static const SBuf dash("-"); SBuf method; if (icp.opcode) method.append(icp_opcode_str[icp.opcode]); else if (htcp.opcode) method.append(htcp.opcode); else if (http.method) method = http.method.image(); else method = dash; return method; } void AccessLogEntry::syncNotes(HttpRequest *req) { // XXX: auth code only has access to HttpRequest being authenticated // so we must handle the case where HttpRequest is set without ALE being set. assert(req); if (!notes) notes = req->notes(); else assert(notes == req->notes()); } const char * AccessLogEntry::getClientIdent() const { if (tcpClient) return tcpClient->rfc931; if (cache.rfc931 && *cache.rfc931) return cache.rfc931; return nullptr; } const char * AccessLogEntry::getExtUser() const { if (request && request->extacl_user.size()) return request->extacl_user.termedBuf(); if (cache.extuser && *cache.extuser) return cache.extuser; return nullptr; } AccessLogEntry::AccessLogEntry() {} AccessLogEntry::~AccessLogEntry() { safe_free(headers.request); #if USE_ADAPTATION safe_free(adapt.last_meta); #endif safe_free(headers.adapted_request); HTTPMSGUNLOCK(adapted_request); safe_free(lastAclName); HTTPMSGUNLOCK(request); #if ICAP_CLIENT HTTPMSGUNLOCK(icap.reply); HTTPMSGUNLOCK(icap.request); #endif } ScopedId AccessLogEntry::codeContextGist() const { if (request) { if (const auto &mx = request->masterXaction) return mx->id.detach(); } // TODO: Carefully merge ALE and MasterXaction. return ScopedId("ALE w/o master"); } std::ostream & AccessLogEntry::detailCodeContext(std::ostream &os) const { // TODO: Consider printing all instead of the first most important detail. if (request) { if (const auto &mx = request->masterXaction) return os << Debug::Extra << "current master transaction: " << mx->id; } // provide helpful details since we cannot identify the transaction exactly if (tcpClient) return os << Debug::Extra << "current from-client connection: " << tcpClient; else if (!cache.caddr.isNoAddr()) return os << Debug::Extra << "current client: " << cache.caddr; const auto optionalMethod = [this,&os]() { if (hasLogMethod()) os << getLogMethod() << ' '; return ""; }; if (const auto uri = effectiveVirginUrl()) return os << Debug::Extra << "current client request: " << optionalMethod() << *uri; else if (!url.isEmpty()) return os << Debug::Extra << "current request: " << optionalMethod() << url; else if (hasLogMethod()) return os << Debug::Extra << "current request method: " << getLogMethod(); return os; } const SBuf * AccessLogEntry::effectiveVirginUrl() const { const SBuf *effectiveUrl = request ? &request->effectiveRequestUri() : &virginUrlForMissingRequest_; if (effectiveUrl && !effectiveUrl->isEmpty()) return effectiveUrl; // We can not use ALE::url here because it may contain a request URI after // adaptation/redirection. When the request is missing, a non-empty ALE::url // means that we missed a setVirginUrlForMissingRequest() call somewhere. return nullptr; } const Error * AccessLogEntry::error() const { // the order ensures that the first-imported error is returned if (error_) // updateError() was called before importing the request return &error_; if (request && request->error) // request was imported before updateError() return &request->error; return nullptr; // we imported no errors and no requests } void AccessLogEntry::updateError(const Error &err) { // the order ensures that error() returns the first-imported error if (request) request->error.update(err); else error_.update(err); } void AccessLogEntry::packReplyHeaders(MemBuf &mb) const { if (reply) reply->packHeadersUsingFastPacker(mb); }