/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2021 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ #include "squid.h" #include "base/Here.h" #include /* File name hashing helpers */ // Build prefix is the file system path leading to Squid src/ source directory. // It is "." for in-tree builds but may be lengthy and sensitive otherwise. /// \returns the build prefix length or, if estimation is not possible, zero static size_t BuildPrefixLength() { // The hard-coded tail must be kept in sync with this file actual name! const char *tail = "src/base/Here.cc"; const char *full = __FILE__; // Disable heuristic if it does not work. if (strstr(full, tail) == 0) return 0; return strlen(full) - strlen(tail); } /// \returns filename portion without the build prefix static const char * SkipBuildPrefix(const char* path) { static const size_t ToSkip = BuildPrefixLength(); return path + ToSkip; } /// quickly computes a (weak) hash of a file name static SourceLocationId FileNameHash(const char *path) { // Keep in sync with FileNameHash() in scripts/calc-must-ids.pl! const char *name = strrchr(path, '/'); if (name) ++name; // skip '/' else name = path; uint32_t hash = 0; uint32_t iterations = 0; while (*name) { ++iterations; hash ^= 271 * static_cast(*name); ++name; } return hash ^ (iterations * 271); } /* SourceLocation */ SourceLocationId SourceLocation::id() const { const auto fnameHashFull = fileNameHashCacher(fileName, &FileNameHash); // 32 bits = 18 bits for the filename hash + 14 bits for the line number. // Keep in sync with ComputeMustIds() in scripts/calc-must-ids.pl. const auto fnameHash = fnameHashFull % 0x3FFFF; return (fnameHash << 14) | (lineNo & 0x3FFF); } std::ostream & SourceLocation::print(std::ostream &os) const { if (fileName) { os << SkipBuildPrefix(fileName); // TODO: Use more common and search-friendlier fileName:lineNo: format. if (lineNo > 0) os << '(' << lineNo << ')'; } if (context) { if (fileName) os << ' '; os << context; } return os; }