/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2021 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ /* DEBUG: section 12 Internet Cache Protocol (ICP) */ /** \defgroup ServerProtocolICPInternal2 ICPv2 Internals \ingroup ServerProtocolICPAPI */ #include "squid.h" #include "AccessLogEntry.h" #include "acl/Acl.h" #include "acl/FilledChecklist.h" #include "client_db.h" #include "comm.h" #include "comm/Connection.h" #include "comm/Loops.h" #include "comm/UdpOpenDialer.h" #include "fd.h" #include "HttpRequest.h" #include "icmp/net_db.h" #include "ICP.h" #include "ip/Address.h" #include "ip/tools.h" #include "ipcache.h" #include "md5.h" #include "multicast.h" #include "neighbors.h" #include "refresh.h" #include "rfc1738.h" #include "SquidConfig.h" #include "SquidTime.h" #include "StatCounters.h" #include "Store.h" #include "store_key_md5.h" #include "tools.h" #include "wordlist.h" // for tvSubUsec() which should be in SquidTime.h #include "util.h" #include static void icpIncomingConnectionOpened(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, int errNo); /// \ingroup ServerProtocolICPInternal2 static void icpLogIcp(const Ip::Address &, const LogTags &, int, const char *, int); /// \ingroup ServerProtocolICPInternal2 static void icpHandleIcpV2(int, Ip::Address &, char *, int); /// \ingroup ServerProtocolICPInternal2 static void icpCount(void *, int, size_t, int); /** \ingroup ServerProtocolICPInternal2 * IcpQueueHead is global so comm_incoming() knows whether or not * to call icpUdpSendQueue. */ static icpUdpData *IcpQueueHead = NULL; /// \ingroup ServerProtocolICPInternal2 static icpUdpData *IcpQueueTail = NULL; /// \ingroup ServerProtocolICPInternal2 Comm::ConnectionPointer icpIncomingConn = NULL; /// \ingroup ServerProtocolICPInternal2 Comm::ConnectionPointer icpOutgoingConn = NULL; /* icp_common_t */ _icp_common_t::_icp_common_t() : opcode(ICP_INVALID), version(0), length(0), reqnum(0), flags(0), pad(0), shostid(0) {} _icp_common_t::_icp_common_t(char *buf, unsigned int len) : opcode(ICP_INVALID), version(0), reqnum(0), flags(0), pad(0), shostid(0) { if (len < sizeof(_icp_common_t)) { /* mark as invalid */ length = len + 1; return; } memcpy(this, buf, sizeof(icp_common_t)); /* * Convert network order sensitive fields */ length = ntohs(length); reqnum = ntohl(reqnum); flags = ntohl(flags); pad = ntohl(pad); } icp_opcode _icp_common_t::getOpCode() const { if (opcode > static_cast(icp_opcode::ICP_END)) return ICP_INVALID; return static_cast(opcode); } /* ICPState */ ICPState::ICPState(icp_common_t &aHeader, HttpRequest *aRequest): header(aHeader), request(aRequest), fd(-1), url(NULL) { HTTPMSGLOCK(request); } ICPState::~ICPState() { safe_free(url); HTTPMSGUNLOCK(request); } /* End ICPState */ /* ICP2State */ /// \ingroup ServerProtocolICPInternal2 class ICP2State : public ICPState, public StoreClient { public: ICP2State(icp_common_t & aHeader, HttpRequest *aRequest): ICPState(aHeader, aRequest),rtt(0),src_rtt(0),flags(0) {} ~ICP2State(); void created(StoreEntry * newEntry); int rtt; int src_rtt; uint32_t flags; }; ICP2State::~ICP2State() {} void ICP2State::created(StoreEntry *newEntry) { StoreEntry *entry = newEntry->isNull () ? NULL : newEntry; debugs(12, 5, "icpHandleIcpV2: OPCODE " << icp_opcode_str[header.opcode]); icp_opcode codeToSend; if (icpCheckUdpHit(entry, request)) { codeToSend = ICP_HIT; } else { #if USE_ICMP if (Config.onoff.test_reachability && rtt == 0) { if ((rtt = netdbHostRtt(request->url.host())) == 0) netdbPingSite(request->url.host()); } #endif /* USE_ICMP */ if (icpGetCommonOpcode() != ICP_ERR) codeToSend = icpGetCommonOpcode(); else if (Config.onoff.test_reachability && rtt == 0) codeToSend = ICP_MISS_NOFETCH; else codeToSend = ICP_MISS; } icpCreateAndSend(codeToSend, flags, url, header.reqnum, src_rtt, fd, from); delete this; } /* End ICP2State */ /// \ingroup ServerProtocolICPInternal2 static void icpLogIcp(const Ip::Address &caddr, const LogTags &logcode, int len, const char *url, int delay) { AccessLogEntry::Pointer al = new AccessLogEntry(); if (LOG_TAG_NONE == logcode.oldType) return; if (LOG_ICP_QUERY == logcode.oldType) return; clientdbUpdate(caddr, logcode, AnyP::PROTO_ICP, len); if (!Config.onoff.log_udp) return; al->icp.opcode = ICP_QUERY; al->url = url; al->setVirginUrlForMissingRequest(al->url); al->cache.caddr = caddr; // XXX: move to use icp.clientReply instead al->http.clientReplySz.payloadData = len; al->cache.code = logcode; al->cache.trTime.tv_sec = delay; accessLogLog(al, NULL); } /// \ingroup ServerProtocolICPInternal2 void icpUdpSendQueue(int fd, void *) { icpUdpData *q; while ((q = IcpQueueHead) != NULL) { int delay = tvSubUsec(q->queue_time, current_time); /* increment delay to prevent looping */ const int x = icpUdpSend(fd, q->address, (icp_common_t *) q->msg, q->logcode, ++delay); IcpQueueHead = q->next; xfree(q); if (x < 0) break; } } _icp_common_t * _icp_common_t::createMessage( icp_opcode opcode, int flags, const char *url, int reqnum, int pad) { char *buf = NULL; icp_common_t *headerp = NULL; char *urloffset = NULL; int buf_len; buf_len = sizeof(icp_common_t) + strlen(url) + 1; if (opcode == ICP_QUERY) buf_len += sizeof(uint32_t); buf = (char *) xcalloc(buf_len, 1); headerp = (icp_common_t *) (void *) buf; headerp->opcode = (char) opcode; headerp->version = ICP_VERSION_CURRENT; headerp->length = (uint16_t) htons(buf_len); headerp->reqnum = htonl(reqnum); headerp->flags = htonl(flags); headerp->pad = htonl(pad); headerp->shostid = 0; urloffset = buf + sizeof(icp_common_t); if (opcode == ICP_QUERY) urloffset += sizeof(uint32_t); memcpy(urloffset, url, strlen(url)); return (icp_common_t *)buf; } int icpUdpSend(int fd, const Ip::Address &to, icp_common_t * msg, const LogTags &logcode, int delay) { icpUdpData *queue; int x; int len; len = (int) ntohs(msg->length); debugs(12, 5, "icpUdpSend: FD " << fd << " sending " << icp_opcode_str[msg->opcode] << ", " << len << " bytes to " << to); x = comm_udp_sendto(fd, to, msg, len); if (x >= 0) { /* successfully written */ icpLogIcp(to, logcode, len, (char *) (msg + 1), delay); icpCount(msg, SENT, (size_t) len, delay); safe_free(msg); } else if (0 == delay) { /* send failed, but queue it */ queue = (icpUdpData *) xcalloc(1, sizeof(icpUdpData)); queue->address = to; queue->msg = msg; queue->len = (int) ntohs(msg->length); queue->queue_time = current_time; queue->logcode = logcode; if (IcpQueueHead == NULL) { IcpQueueHead = queue; IcpQueueTail = queue; } else if (IcpQueueTail == IcpQueueHead) { IcpQueueTail = queue; IcpQueueHead->next = queue; } else { IcpQueueTail->next = queue; IcpQueueTail = queue; } Comm::SetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_WRITE, icpUdpSendQueue, NULL, 0); ++statCounter.icp.replies_queued; } else { /* don't queue it */ ++statCounter.icp.replies_dropped; } return x; } int icpCheckUdpHit(StoreEntry * e, HttpRequest * request) { if (e == NULL) return 0; if (!e->validToSend()) return 0; if (Config.onoff.icp_hit_stale) return 1; if (refreshCheckICP(e, request)) return 0; return 1; } /** * This routine selects an ICP opcode for ICP misses. * \retval ICP_ERR no opcode selected here \retval ICP_MISS_NOFETCH store is rebuilding, no fetch is possible yet */ icp_opcode icpGetCommonOpcode() { /* if store is rebuilding, return a UDP_MISS_NOFETCH */ if ((StoreController::store_dirs_rebuilding && opt_reload_hit_only) || hit_only_mode_until > squid_curtime) { return ICP_MISS_NOFETCH; } return ICP_ERR; } LogTags icpLogFromICPCode(icp_opcode opcode) { if (opcode == ICP_ERR) return LOG_UDP_INVALID; if (opcode == ICP_DENIED) return LOG_UDP_DENIED; if (opcode == ICP_HIT) return LOG_UDP_HIT; if (opcode == ICP_MISS) return LOG_UDP_MISS; if (opcode == ICP_MISS_NOFETCH) return LOG_UDP_MISS_NOFETCH; fatal("expected ICP opcode\n"); return LOG_UDP_INVALID; } void icpCreateAndSend(icp_opcode opcode, int flags, char const *url, int reqnum, int pad, int fd, const Ip::Address &from) { icp_common_t *reply = _icp_common_t::createMessage(opcode, flags, url, reqnum, pad); icpUdpSend(fd, from, reply, icpLogFromICPCode(opcode), 0); } void icpDenyAccess(Ip::Address &from, char *url, int reqnum, int fd) { debugs(12, 2, "icpDenyAccess: Access Denied for " << from << " by " << AclMatchedName << "."); if (clientdbCutoffDenied(from)) { /* * count this DENIED query in the clientdb, even though * we're not sending an ICP reply... */ clientdbUpdate(from, LOG_UDP_DENIED, AnyP::PROTO_ICP, 0); } else { icpCreateAndSend(ICP_DENIED, 0, url, reqnum, 0, fd, from); } } bool icpAccessAllowed(Ip::Address &from, HttpRequest * icp_request) { /* absent any explicit rules, we deny all */ if (!Config.accessList.icp) return false; ACLFilledChecklist checklist(Config.accessList.icp, icp_request, NULL); checklist.src_addr = from; checklist.my_addr.setNoAddr(); return checklist.fastCheck().allowed(); } char const * icpGetUrlToSend(char *url) { if (strpbrk(url, w_space)) return rfc1738_escape(url); else return url; } HttpRequest * icpGetRequest(char *url, int reqnum, int fd, Ip::Address &from) { if (strpbrk(url, w_space)) { url = rfc1738_escape(url); icpCreateAndSend(ICP_ERR, 0, rfc1738_escape(url), reqnum, 0, fd, from); return NULL; } const MasterXaction::Pointer mx = new MasterXaction(XactionInitiator::initIcp); auto *result = HttpRequest::FromUrlXXX(url, mx); if (!result) icpCreateAndSend(ICP_ERR, 0, url, reqnum, 0, fd, from); return result; } static void doV2Query(int fd, Ip::Address &from, char *buf, icp_common_t header) { int rtt = 0; int src_rtt = 0; uint32_t flags = 0; /* We have a valid packet */ char *url = buf + sizeof(icp_common_t) + sizeof(uint32_t); HttpRequest *icp_request = icpGetRequest(url, header.reqnum, fd, from); if (!icp_request) return; HTTPMSGLOCK(icp_request); if (!icpAccessAllowed(from, icp_request)) { icpDenyAccess(from, url, header.reqnum, fd); HTTPMSGUNLOCK(icp_request); return; } #if USE_ICMP if (header.flags & ICP_FLAG_SRC_RTT) { rtt = netdbHostRtt(icp_request->url.host()); int hops = netdbHostHops(icp_request->url.host()); src_rtt = ((hops & 0xFFFF) << 16) | (rtt & 0xFFFF); if (rtt) flags |= ICP_FLAG_SRC_RTT; } #endif /* USE_ICMP */ /* The peer is allowed to use this cache */ ICP2State *state = new ICP2State(header, icp_request); state->fd = fd; state->from = from; state->url = xstrdup(url); state->flags = flags; state->rtt = rtt; state->src_rtt = src_rtt; StoreEntry::getPublic(state, url, Http::METHOD_GET); HTTPMSGUNLOCK(icp_request); } void _icp_common_t::handleReply(char *buf, Ip::Address &from) { if (neighbors_do_private_keys && reqnum == 0) { debugs(12, DBG_CRITICAL, "icpHandleIcpV2: Neighbor " << from << " returned reqnum = 0"); debugs(12, DBG_CRITICAL, "icpHandleIcpV2: Disabling use of private keys"); neighbors_do_private_keys = 0; } char *url = buf + sizeof(icp_common_t); debugs(12, 3, "icpHandleIcpV2: " << icp_opcode_str[opcode] << " from " << from << " for '" << url << "'"); const cache_key *key = icpGetCacheKey(url, (int) reqnum); /* call neighborsUdpAck even if ping_status != PING_WAITING */ neighborsUdpAck(key, this, from); } static void icpHandleIcpV2(int fd, Ip::Address &from, char *buf, int len) { if (len <= 0) { debugs(12, 3, "icpHandleIcpV2: ICP message is too small"); return; } icp_common_t header(buf, len); /* * Length field should match the number of bytes read */ if (len != header.length) { debugs(12, 3, "icpHandleIcpV2: ICP message is too small"); return; } switch (header.opcode) { case ICP_QUERY: /* We have a valid packet */ doV2Query(fd, from, buf, header); break; case ICP_HIT: case ICP_DECHO: case ICP_MISS: case ICP_DENIED: case ICP_MISS_NOFETCH: header.handleReply(buf, from); break; case ICP_INVALID: case ICP_ERR: break; default: debugs(12, DBG_CRITICAL, "icpHandleIcpV2: UNKNOWN OPCODE: " << header.opcode << " from " << from); break; } } #ifdef ICP_PKT_DUMP static void icpPktDump(icp_common_t * pkt) { Ip::Address a; debugs(12, 9, "opcode: " << std::setw(3) << pkt->opcode << " " << icp_opcode_str[pkt->opcode]); debugs(12, 9, "version: "<< std::left << std::setw(8) << pkt->version); debugs(12, 9, "length: "<< std::left << std::setw(8) << ntohs(pkt->length)); debugs(12, 9, "reqnum: "<< std::left << std::setw(8) << ntohl(pkt->reqnum)); debugs(12, 9, "flags: "<< std::left << std::hex << std::setw(8) << ntohl(pkt->flags)); a = (struct in_addr)pkt->shostid; debugs(12, 9, "shostid: " << a ); debugs(12, 9, "payload: " << (char *) pkt + sizeof(icp_common_t)); } #endif void icpHandleUdp(int sock, void *) { int *N = &incoming_sockets_accepted; Ip::Address from; LOCAL_ARRAY(char, buf, SQUID_UDP_SO_RCVBUF); int len; int icp_version; int max = INCOMING_UDP_MAX; Comm::SetSelect(sock, COMM_SELECT_READ, icpHandleUdp, NULL, 0); while (max) { --max; len = comm_udp_recvfrom(sock, buf, SQUID_UDP_SO_RCVBUF - 1, 0, from); if (len == 0) break; if (len < 0) { int xerrno = errno; if (ignoreErrno(xerrno)) break; #if _SQUID_LINUX_ /* Some Linux systems seem to set the FD for reading and then * return ECONNREFUSED when sendto() fails and generates an ICMP * port unreachable message. */ /* or maybe an EHOSTUNREACH "No route to host" message */ if (xerrno != ECONNREFUSED && xerrno != EHOSTUNREACH) #endif debugs(50, DBG_IMPORTANT, "icpHandleUdp: FD " << sock << " recvfrom: " << xstrerr(xerrno)); break; } ++(*N); icpCount(buf, RECV, (size_t) len, 0); buf[len] = '\0'; debugs(12, 4, "icpHandleUdp: FD " << sock << ": received " << (unsigned long int)len << " bytes from " << from); #ifdef ICP_PACKET_DUMP icpPktDump(buf); #endif if ((size_t) len < sizeof(icp_common_t)) { debugs(12, 4, "icpHandleUdp: Ignoring too-small UDP packet"); break; } icp_version = (int) buf[1]; /* cheat! */ if (icpOutgoingConn->local == from) // ignore ICP packets which loop back (multicast usually) debugs(12, 4, "icpHandleUdp: Ignoring UDP packet sent by myself"); else if (icp_version == ICP_VERSION_2) icpHandleIcpV2(sock, from, buf, len); else if (icp_version == ICP_VERSION_3) icpHandleIcpV3(sock, from, buf, len); else debugs(12, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: Unused ICP version " << icp_version << " received from " << from); } } void icpOpenPorts(void) { uint16_t port; if ((port = Config.Port.icp) <= 0) return; icpIncomingConn = new Comm::Connection; icpIncomingConn->local = Config.Addrs.udp_incoming; icpIncomingConn->local.port(port); if (!Ip::EnableIpv6 && !icpIncomingConn->local.setIPv4()) { debugs(12, DBG_CRITICAL, "ERROR: IPv6 is disabled. " << icpIncomingConn->local << " is not an IPv4 address."); fatal("ICP port cannot be opened."); } /* split-stack for now requires default IPv4-only ICP */ if (Ip::EnableIpv6&IPV6_SPECIAL_SPLITSTACK && icpIncomingConn->local.isAnyAddr()) { icpIncomingConn->local.setIPv4(); } AsyncCall::Pointer call = asyncCall(12, 2, "icpIncomingConnectionOpened", Comm::UdpOpenDialer(&icpIncomingConnectionOpened)); Ipc::StartListening(SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP, icpIncomingConn, Ipc::fdnInIcpSocket, call); if ( !Config.Addrs.udp_outgoing.isNoAddr() ) { icpOutgoingConn = new Comm::Connection; icpOutgoingConn->local = Config.Addrs.udp_outgoing; icpOutgoingConn->local.port(port); if (!Ip::EnableIpv6 && !icpOutgoingConn->local.setIPv4()) { debugs(49, DBG_CRITICAL, "ERROR: IPv6 is disabled. " << icpOutgoingConn->local << " is not an IPv4 address."); fatal("ICP port cannot be opened."); } /* split-stack for now requires default IPv4-only ICP */ if (Ip::EnableIpv6&IPV6_SPECIAL_SPLITSTACK && icpOutgoingConn->local.isAnyAddr()) { icpOutgoingConn->local.setIPv4(); } enter_suid(); comm_open_listener(SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP, icpOutgoingConn, "Outgoing ICP Port"); leave_suid(); if (!Comm::IsConnOpen(icpOutgoingConn)) fatal("Cannot open Outgoing ICP Port"); debugs(12, DBG_CRITICAL, "Sending ICP messages from " << icpOutgoingConn->local); Comm::SetSelect(icpOutgoingConn->fd, COMM_SELECT_READ, icpHandleUdp, NULL, 0); fd_note(icpOutgoingConn->fd, "Outgoing ICP socket"); } } static void icpIncomingConnectionOpened(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn, int) { if (!Comm::IsConnOpen(conn)) fatal("Cannot open ICP Port"); Comm::SetSelect(conn->fd, COMM_SELECT_READ, icpHandleUdp, NULL, 0); for (const wordlist *s = Config.mcast_group_list; s; s = s->next) ipcache_nbgethostbyname(s->key, mcastJoinGroups, NULL); // XXX: pass the conn for mcastJoinGroups usage. debugs(12, DBG_IMPORTANT, "Accepting ICP messages on " << conn->local); fd_note(conn->fd, "Incoming ICP port"); if (Config.Addrs.udp_outgoing.isNoAddr()) { icpOutgoingConn = conn; debugs(12, DBG_IMPORTANT, "Sending ICP messages from " << icpOutgoingConn->local); } } /** * icpConnectionShutdown only closes the 'in' socket if it is * different than the 'out' socket. */ void icpConnectionShutdown(void) { if (!Comm::IsConnOpen(icpIncomingConn)) return; debugs(12, DBG_IMPORTANT, "Stop receiving ICP on " << icpIncomingConn->local); /** Release the 'in' socket for lazy closure. * in and out sockets may be sharing one same FD. * This prevents this function from executing repeatedly. */ icpIncomingConn = NULL; /** * Normally we only write to the outgoing ICP socket, but * we also have a read handler there to catch messages sent * to that specific interface. During shutdown, we must * disable reading on the outgoing socket. */ assert(Comm::IsConnOpen(icpOutgoingConn)); Comm::SetSelect(icpOutgoingConn->fd, COMM_SELECT_READ, NULL, NULL, 0); } void icpClosePorts(void) { icpConnectionShutdown(); if (icpOutgoingConn != NULL) { debugs(12, DBG_IMPORTANT, "Stop sending ICP from " << icpOutgoingConn->local); icpOutgoingConn = NULL; } } static void icpCount(void *buf, int which, size_t len, int delay) { icp_common_t *icp = (icp_common_t *) buf; if (len < sizeof(*icp)) return; if (SENT == which) { ++statCounter.icp.pkts_sent; statCounter.icp.kbytes_sent += len; if (ICP_QUERY == icp->opcode) { ++statCounter.icp.queries_sent; statCounter.icp.q_kbytes_sent += len; } else { ++statCounter.icp.replies_sent; statCounter.icp.r_kbytes_sent += len; /* this is the sent-reply service time */ statCounter.icp.replySvcTime.count(delay); } if (ICP_HIT == icp->opcode) ++statCounter.icp.hits_sent; } else if (RECV == which) { ++statCounter.icp.pkts_recv; statCounter.icp.kbytes_recv += len; if (ICP_QUERY == icp->opcode) { ++statCounter.icp.queries_recv; statCounter.icp.q_kbytes_recv += len; } else { ++statCounter.icp.replies_recv; statCounter.icp.r_kbytes_recv += len; /* statCounter.icp.querySvcTime set in clientUpdateCounters */ } if (ICP_HIT == icp->opcode) ++statCounter.icp.hits_recv; } } #define N_QUERIED_KEYS 8192 #define N_QUERIED_KEYS_MASK 8191 static cache_key queried_keys[N_QUERIED_KEYS][SQUID_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH]; int icpSetCacheKey(const cache_key * key) { static int reqnum = 0; if (++reqnum < 0) reqnum = 1; storeKeyCopy(queried_keys[reqnum & N_QUERIED_KEYS_MASK], key); return reqnum; } const cache_key * icpGetCacheKey(const char *url, int reqnum) { if (neighbors_do_private_keys && reqnum) return queried_keys[reqnum & N_QUERIED_KEYS_MASK]; return storeKeyPublic(url, Http::METHOD_GET); }