/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2021 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ #ifndef _SQUID_ERR_DETAIL_H #define _SQUID_ERR_DETAIL_H typedef enum { ERR_DETAIL_NONE, ERR_DETAIL_START = 100000, // to avoid clashes with most OS error numbers ERR_DETAIL_REDIRECTOR_TIMEDOUT = ERR_DETAIL_START, // External redirector request timed-out ERR_DETAIL_CLT_REQMOD_ABORT, // client-facing code detected transaction abort ERR_DETAIL_CLT_REQMOD_REQ_BODY, // client-facing code detected REQMOD request body adaptation failure ERR_DETAIL_CLT_REQMOD_RESP_BODY, // client-facing code detected REQMOD satisfaction reply body failure ERR_DETAIL_SRV_REQMOD_REQ_BODY, // server-facing code detected REQMOD request body abort ERR_DETAIL_ICAP_RESPMOD_EARLY, // RESPMOD failed w/o store entry ERR_DETAIL_ICAP_RESPMOD_LATE, // RESPMOD failed with a store entry ERR_DETAIL_REQMOD_BLOCK, // REQMOD denied client access ERR_DETAIL_RESPMOD_BLOCK_EARLY, // RESPMOD denied client access to HTTP response, before any part of the response was sent ERR_DETAIL_RESPMOD_BLOCK_LATE, // RESPMOD denied client access to HTTP response, after [a part of] the response was sent ERR_DETAIL_ICAP_XACT_START, // transaction start failure ERR_DETAIL_ICAP_XACT_SSL_START, // transaction start failure ERR_DETAIL_ICAP_XACT_BODY_CONSUMER_ABORT, // transaction body consumer gone ERR_DETAIL_ICAP_INIT_GONE, // initiator gone ERR_DETAIL_ICAP_XACT_CLOSE, // ICAP connection closed unexpectedly ERR_DETAIL_ICAP_XACT_OTHER, // other ICAP transaction errors ERR_DETAIL_EXCEPTION_OTHER, //other errors ( eg std C++ lib errors) ERR_DETAIL_MAX, ERR_DETAIL_EXCEPTION_START = 110000 // offset for exception ID details } err_detail_type; extern const char *err_detail_type_str[]; inline const char *errorDetailName(int errDetailId) { if (errDetailId < ERR_DETAIL_START) return "SYSERR"; if (errDetailId < ERR_DETAIL_MAX) return err_detail_type_str[errDetailId-ERR_DETAIL_START+2]; if (errDetailId >=ERR_DETAIL_EXCEPTION_START) return "EXCEPTION"; return "UNKNOWN"; } #endif