/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2021 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ #ifndef SQUID_PEERPOOLMGR_H #define SQUID_PEERPOOLMGR_H #include "base/AsyncJob.h" #include "comm/forward.h" #include "security/forward.h" class HttpRequest; class CachePeer; class CommConnectCbParams; /// Maintains an fixed-size "standby" PconnPool for a single CachePeer. class PeerPoolMgr: public AsyncJob { CBDATA_CLASS(PeerPoolMgr); public: typedef CbcPointer Pointer; // syncs mgr state whenever connection-related peer or pool state changes static void Checkpoint(const Pointer &mgr, const char *reason); explicit PeerPoolMgr(CachePeer *aPeer); virtual ~PeerPoolMgr(); protected: /* AsyncJob API */ virtual void start(); virtual void swanSong(); virtual bool doneAll() const; /// whether the peer is still out there and in a valid state we can safely use bool validPeer() const; /// Starts new connection, or closes the excess connections /// according pool configuration void checkpoint(const char *reason); /// starts the process of opening a new standby connection (if possible) void openNewConnection(); /// closes 'howMany' standby connections void closeOldConnections(const int howMany); /// Comm::ConnOpener calls this when done opening a connection for us void handleOpenedConnection(const CommConnectCbParams ¶ms); /// Security::PeerConnector callback void handleSecuredPeer(Security::EncryptorAnswer &answer); /// called when the connection we are trying to secure is closed by a 3rd party void handleSecureClosure(const CommCloseCbParams ¶ms); /// the final step in connection opening (and, optionally, securing) sequence void pushNewConnection(const Comm::ConnectionPointer &conn); private: CachePeer *peer; ///< the owner of the pool we manage RefCount request; ///< fake HTTP request for conn opening code AsyncCall::Pointer opener; ///< whether we are opening a connection AsyncCall::Pointer securer; ///< whether we are securing a connection AsyncCall::Pointer closer; ///< monitors conn while we are securing it unsigned int addrUsed; ///< counter for cycling through peer addresses }; #endif /* SQUID_PEERPOOLMGR_H */