/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2021 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ /* DEBUG: section 01 Main Loop */ #include "squid.h" #include "AsyncEngine.h" #include "base/AsyncCallQueue.h" #include "Debug.h" #include "EventLoop.h" #include "fatal.h" #include "SquidTime.h" EventLoop *EventLoop::Running = NULL; EventLoop::EventLoop() : errcount(0), last_loop(false), timeService(NULL), primaryEngine(NULL), loop_delay(EVENT_LOOP_TIMEOUT), error(false), runOnceResult(false) {} void EventLoop::checkEngine(AsyncEngine * engine, bool const primary) { int requested_delay; if (!primary) requested_delay = engine->checkEvents(0); else requested_delay = engine->checkEvents(loop_delay); if (requested_delay < 0) switch (requested_delay) { case AsyncEngine::EVENT_IDLE: debugs(1, 9, "Engine " << engine << " is idle."); break; case AsyncEngine::EVENT_ERROR: runOnceResult = false; error = true; break; default: fatal_dump("unknown AsyncEngine result"); } else { /* not idle or error */ runOnceResult = false; if (requested_delay < loop_delay) loop_delay = requested_delay; } } void EventLoop::prepareToRun() { last_loop = false; errcount = 0; } void EventLoop::registerEngine(AsyncEngine *engine) { engines.push_back(engine); } void EventLoop::run() { prepareToRun(); assert(!Running); Running = this; while (!runOnce()); Running = NULL; } bool EventLoop::runOnce() { bool sawActivity = false; runOnceResult = true; error = false; loop_delay = EVENT_LOOP_TIMEOUT; AsyncEngine *waitingEngine = primaryEngine; if (!waitingEngine && !engines.empty()) waitingEngine = engines.back(); do { // generate calls and events typedef engine_vector::iterator EVI; for (EVI i = engines.begin(); i != engines.end(); ++i) { if (*i != waitingEngine) checkEngine(*i, false); } // dispatch calls accumulated so far sawActivity = dispatchCalls(); if (sawActivity) runOnceResult = false; } while (sawActivity); if (waitingEngine != NULL) checkEngine(waitingEngine, true); if (timeService != NULL) timeService->tick(); // dispatch calls scheduled by waitingEngine and timeService sawActivity = dispatchCalls(); if (sawActivity) runOnceResult = false; if (error) { ++errcount; debugs(1, DBG_CRITICAL, "Select loop Error. Retry " << errcount); } else errcount = 0; if (errcount == 10) return true; if (last_loop) return true; return runOnceResult; } // dispatches calls accumulated during checkEngine() bool EventLoop::dispatchCalls() { bool dispatchedSome = AsyncCallQueue::Instance().fire(); return dispatchedSome; } void EventLoop::setPrimaryEngine(AsyncEngine * engine) { for (engine_vector::iterator i = engines.begin(); i != engines.end(); ++i) if (*i == engine) { primaryEngine = engine; return; } fatal("EventLoop::setPrimaryEngine: No such engine!."); } void EventLoop::setTimeService(TimeEngine *engine) { timeService = engine; } void EventLoop::stop() { last_loop = true; }