/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2021 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ #include "squid.h" #include "base/AsyncJobCalls.h" #include "base/TextException.h" #include "BodyPipe.h" // BodySink is a BodyConsumer class which just consume and drops // data from a BodyPipe class BodySink: public BodyConsumer { CBDATA_CLASS(BodySink); public: BodySink(const BodyPipe::Pointer &bp): AsyncJob("BodySink"), body_pipe(bp) {} virtual ~BodySink() { assert(!body_pipe); } virtual void noteMoreBodyDataAvailable(BodyPipe::Pointer bp) { size_t contentSize = bp->buf().contentSize(); bp->consume(contentSize); } virtual void noteBodyProductionEnded(BodyPipe::Pointer) { stopConsumingFrom(body_pipe); } virtual void noteBodyProducerAborted(BodyPipe::Pointer) { stopConsumingFrom(body_pipe); } bool doneAll() const {return !body_pipe && AsyncJob::doneAll();} private: BodyPipe::Pointer body_pipe; ///< the pipe we are consuming from }; CBDATA_CLASS_INIT(BodySink); // The BodyProducerDialer is an AsyncCall class which used to schedule BodyProducer calls. // In addition to a normal AsyncCall checks if the BodyProducer is still the producer of // the BodyPipe passed as argument class BodyProducerDialer: public UnaryMemFunT { public: typedef UnaryMemFunT Parent; BodyProducerDialer(const BodyProducer::Pointer &aProducer, Parent::Method aHandler, BodyPipe::Pointer bp): Parent(aProducer, aHandler, bp) {} virtual bool canDial(AsyncCall &call); }; // The BodyConsumerDialer is an AsyncCall class which used to schedule BodyConsumer calls. // In addition to a normal AsyncCall checks if the BodyConsumer is still the reciptient // of the BodyPipe passed as argument class BodyConsumerDialer: public UnaryMemFunT { public: typedef UnaryMemFunT Parent; BodyConsumerDialer(const BodyConsumer::Pointer &aConsumer, Parent::Method aHandler, BodyPipe::Pointer bp): Parent(aConsumer, aHandler, bp) {} virtual bool canDial(AsyncCall &call); }; bool BodyProducerDialer::canDial(AsyncCall &call) { if (!Parent::canDial(call)) return false; const BodyProducer::Pointer &producer = job; BodyPipe::Pointer aPipe = arg1; if (!aPipe->stillProducing(producer)) { debugs(call.debugSection, call.debugLevel, producer << " no longer producing for " << aPipe->status()); return call.cancel("no longer producing"); } return true; } bool BodyConsumerDialer::canDial(AsyncCall &call) { if (!Parent::canDial(call)) return false; const BodyConsumer::Pointer &consumer = job; BodyPipe::Pointer aPipe = arg1; if (!aPipe->stillConsuming(consumer)) { debugs(call.debugSection, call.debugLevel, consumer << " no longer consuming from " << aPipe->status()); return call.cancel("no longer consuming"); } return true; } /* BodyProducer */ // inform the pipe that we are done and clear the Pointer void BodyProducer::stopProducingFor(RefCount &p, bool atEof) { debugs(91,7, this << " will not produce for " << p << "; atEof: " << atEof); assert(p != NULL); // be strict: the caller state may depend on this p->clearProducer(atEof); p = NULL; } /* BodyConsumer */ // inform the pipe that we are done and clear the Pointer void BodyConsumer::stopConsumingFrom(RefCount &p) { debugs(91,7, this << " will not consume from " << p); assert(p != NULL); // be strict: the caller state may depend on this p->clearConsumer(); p = NULL; } /* BodyPipe */ BodyPipe::BodyPipe(Producer *aProducer): theBodySize(-1), theProducer(aProducer), theConsumer(0), thePutSize(0), theGetSize(0), mustAutoConsume(false), abortedConsumption(false), isCheckedOut(false) { // TODO: teach MemBuf to start with zero minSize // TODO: limit maxSize by theBodySize, when known? theBuf.init(2*1024, MaxCapacity); debugs(91,7, HERE << "created BodyPipe" << status()); } BodyPipe::~BodyPipe() { debugs(91,7, HERE << "destroying BodyPipe" << status()); assert(!theProducer); assert(!theConsumer); theBuf.clean(); } void BodyPipe::setBodySize(uint64_t aBodySize) { assert(!bodySizeKnown()); assert(thePutSize <= aBodySize); // If this assert fails, we need to add code to check for eof and inform // the consumer about the eof condition via scheduleBodyEndNotification, // because just setting a body size limit may trigger the eof condition. assert(!theConsumer); theBodySize = aBodySize; debugs(91,7, HERE << "set body size" << status()); } uint64_t BodyPipe::bodySize() const { assert(bodySizeKnown()); return static_cast(theBodySize); } bool BodyPipe::expectMoreAfter(uint64_t offset) const { assert(theGetSize <= offset); return offset < thePutSize || // buffer has more now or (!productionEnded() && mayNeedMoreData()); // buffer will have more } bool BodyPipe::exhausted() const { return !expectMoreAfter(theGetSize); } uint64_t BodyPipe::unproducedSize() const { return bodySize() - thePutSize; // bodySize() asserts that size is known } void BodyPipe::expectProductionEndAfter(uint64_t size) { const uint64_t expectedSize = thePutSize + size; if (bodySizeKnown()) Must(bodySize() == expectedSize); else theBodySize = expectedSize; } void BodyPipe::clearProducer(bool atEof) { if (theProducer.set()) { debugs(91,7, HERE << "clearing BodyPipe producer" << status()); theProducer.clear(); if (atEof) { if (!bodySizeKnown()) theBodySize = thePutSize; else if (bodySize() != thePutSize) debugs(91,3, HERE << "aborting on premature eof" << status()); } else { // asserta that we can detect the abort if the consumer joins later assert(!bodySizeKnown() || bodySize() != thePutSize); } scheduleBodyEndNotification(); } } size_t BodyPipe::putMoreData(const char *aBuffer, size_t size) { if (bodySizeKnown()) size = min((uint64_t)size, unproducedSize()); const size_t spaceSize = static_cast(theBuf.potentialSpaceSize()); if ((size = min(size, spaceSize))) { theBuf.append(aBuffer, size); postAppend(size); return size; } return 0; } bool BodyPipe::setConsumerIfNotLate(const Consumer::Pointer &aConsumer) { assert(!theConsumer); assert(aConsumer.set()); // but might be invalid // TODO: convert this into an exception and remove IfNotLate suffix // If there is something consumed already, we are in an auto-consuming mode // and it is too late to attach a real consumer to the pipe. if (theGetSize > 0) { assert(mustAutoConsume); return false; } Must(!abortedConsumption); // did not promise to never consume theConsumer = aConsumer; debugs(91,7, HERE << "set consumer" << status()); if (theBuf.hasContent()) scheduleBodyDataNotification(); if (!theProducer) scheduleBodyEndNotification(); return true; } void BodyPipe::clearConsumer() { if (theConsumer.set()) { debugs(91,7, HERE << "clearing consumer" << status()); theConsumer.clear(); // do not abort if we have not consumed so that HTTP or ICAP can retry // benign xaction failures due to persistent connection race conditions if (consumedSize()) expectNoConsumption(); } } void BodyPipe::expectNoConsumption() { // We may be called multiple times because multiple jobs on the consumption // chain may realize that there will be no more setConsumer() calls (e.g., // consuming code and retrying code). It is both difficult and not really // necessary for them to coordinate their expectNoConsumption() calls. // As a consequence, we may be called when we are auto-consuming already. if (!abortedConsumption && !exhausted()) { // Before we abort, any regular consumption should be over and auto // consumption must not be started. Must(!theConsumer); AsyncCall::Pointer call= asyncCall(91, 7, "BodyProducer::noteBodyConsumerAborted", BodyProducerDialer(theProducer, &BodyProducer::noteBodyConsumerAborted, this)); ScheduleCallHere(call); abortedConsumption = true; // in case somebody enabled auto-consumption before regular one aborted startAutoConsumptionIfNeeded(); } } size_t BodyPipe::getMoreData(MemBuf &aMemBuffer) { if (!theBuf.hasContent()) return 0; // did not touch the possibly uninitialized buf if (aMemBuffer.isNull()) aMemBuffer.init(); const size_t size = min(theBuf.contentSize(), aMemBuffer.potentialSpaceSize()); aMemBuffer.append(theBuf.content(), size); theBuf.consume(size); postConsume(size); return size; // cannot be zero if we called buf.init above } void BodyPipe::consume(size_t size) { theBuf.consume(size); postConsume(size); } void BodyPipe::enableAutoConsumption() { mustAutoConsume = true; debugs(91,5, HERE << "enabled auto consumption" << status()); startAutoConsumptionIfNeeded(); } /// Check the current need and, if needed, start auto consumption. In auto /// consumption mode, the consumer is gone, but the producer continues to /// produce data. We use a BodySink BodyConsumer to discard that data. void BodyPipe::startAutoConsumptionIfNeeded() { const auto startNow = mustAutoConsume && // was enabled !theConsumer && // has not started yet theProducer.valid() && // still useful (and will eventually stop) theBuf.hasContent(); // has something to consume right now if (!startNow) return; theConsumer = new BodySink(this); debugs(91,7, HERE << "starting auto consumption" << status()); scheduleBodyDataNotification(); } MemBuf & BodyPipe::checkOut() { assert(!isCheckedOut); isCheckedOut = true; return theBuf; } void BodyPipe::checkIn(Checkout &checkout) { assert(isCheckedOut); isCheckedOut = false; const size_t currentSize = theBuf.contentSize(); if (checkout.checkedOutSize > currentSize) postConsume(checkout.checkedOutSize - currentSize); else if (checkout.checkedOutSize < currentSize) postAppend(currentSize - checkout.checkedOutSize); } void BodyPipe::undoCheckOut(Checkout &checkout) { assert(isCheckedOut); const size_t currentSize = theBuf.contentSize(); // We can only undo if size did not change, and even that carries // some risk. If this becomes a problem, the code checking out // raw buffers should always check them in (possibly unchanged) // instead of relying on the automated undo mechanism of Checkout. // The code can always use a temporary buffer to accomplish that. Must(checkout.checkedOutSize == currentSize); } // TODO: Optimize: inform consumer/producer about more data/space only if // they used the data/space since we notified them last time. void BodyPipe::postConsume(size_t size) { assert(!isCheckedOut); theGetSize += size; debugs(91,7, HERE << "consumed " << size << " bytes" << status()); if (mayNeedMoreData()) { AsyncCall::Pointer call= asyncCall(91, 7, "BodyProducer::noteMoreBodySpaceAvailable", BodyProducerDialer(theProducer, &BodyProducer::noteMoreBodySpaceAvailable, this)); ScheduleCallHere(call); } } void BodyPipe::postAppend(size_t size) { assert(!isCheckedOut); thePutSize += size; debugs(91,7, HERE << "added " << size << " bytes" << status()); // We should not consume here even if mustAutoConsume because the // caller may not be ready for the data to be consumed during this call. scheduleBodyDataNotification(); // Do this check after scheduleBodyDataNotification() to ensure the // natural order of "more body data" and "production ended" events. if (!mayNeedMoreData()) clearProducer(true); // reached end-of-body startAutoConsumptionIfNeeded(); } void BodyPipe::scheduleBodyDataNotification() { if (theConsumer.valid()) { // TODO: allow asyncCall() to check this instead AsyncCall::Pointer call = asyncCall(91, 7, "BodyConsumer::noteMoreBodyDataAvailable", BodyConsumerDialer(theConsumer, &BodyConsumer::noteMoreBodyDataAvailable, this)); ScheduleCallHere(call); } } void BodyPipe::scheduleBodyEndNotification() { if (theConsumer.valid()) { // TODO: allow asyncCall() to check this instead if (bodySizeKnown() && bodySize() == thePutSize) { AsyncCall::Pointer call = asyncCall(91, 7, "BodyConsumer::noteBodyProductionEnded", BodyConsumerDialer(theConsumer, &BodyConsumer::noteBodyProductionEnded, this)); ScheduleCallHere(call); } else { AsyncCall::Pointer call = asyncCall(91, 7, "BodyConsumer::noteBodyProducerAborted", BodyConsumerDialer(theConsumer, &BodyConsumer::noteBodyProducerAborted, this)); ScheduleCallHere(call); } } } // a short temporary string describing buffer status for debugging const char *BodyPipe::status() const { static MemBuf outputBuffer; outputBuffer.reset(); outputBuffer.append(" [", 2); outputBuffer.appendf("%" PRIu64 "<=%" PRIu64, theGetSize, thePutSize); if (theBodySize >= 0) outputBuffer.appendf("<=%" PRId64, theBodySize); else outputBuffer.append("<=?", 3); outputBuffer.appendf(" %" PRId64 "+%" PRId64, static_cast(theBuf.contentSize()), static_cast(theBuf.spaceSize())); outputBuffer.appendf(" pipe%p", this); if (theProducer.set()) outputBuffer.appendf(" prod%p", theProducer.get()); if (theConsumer.set()) outputBuffer.appendf(" cons%p", theConsumer.get()); if (mustAutoConsume) outputBuffer.append(" A", 2); if (abortedConsumption) outputBuffer.append(" !C", 3); if (isCheckedOut) outputBuffer.append(" L", 2); // Locked outputBuffer.append("]", 1); outputBuffer.terminate(); return outputBuffer.content(); } /* BodyPipeCheckout */ BodyPipeCheckout::BodyPipeCheckout(BodyPipe &aPipe): thePipe(aPipe), buf(aPipe.checkOut()), offset(aPipe.consumedSize()), checkedOutSize(buf.contentSize()), checkedIn(false) { } BodyPipeCheckout::~BodyPipeCheckout() { if (!checkedIn) { // Do not pipe.undoCheckOut(*this) because it asserts or throws // TODO: consider implementing the long-term solution discussed at // http://www.mail-archive.com/squid-dev@squid-cache.org/msg07910.html debugs(91,2, HERE << "Warning: cannot undo BodyPipeCheckout"); thePipe.checkIn(*this); } } void BodyPipeCheckout::checkIn() { assert(!checkedIn); thePipe.checkIn(*this); checkedIn = true; } BodyPipeCheckout::BodyPipeCheckout(const BodyPipeCheckout &c): thePipe(c.thePipe), buf(c.buf), offset(c.offset), checkedOutSize(c.checkedOutSize), checkedIn(c.checkedIn) { assert(false); // prevent copying } BodyPipeCheckout & BodyPipeCheckout::operator =(const BodyPipeCheckout &) { assert(false); // prevent assignment return *this; }