/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2018 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ #include "squid.h" #include "HttpReply.h" #define STUB_API "HttpReply.cc" #include "tests/STUB.h" HttpReply::HttpReply() : HttpMsg(hoReply), date (0), last_modified (0), expires(0), surrogate_control(nullptr), keep_alive(0), protoPrefix("HTTP/"), do_clean(false), bodySizeMax(-2), content_range(nullptr) STUB_NOP HttpReply::~HttpReply() STUB void HttpReply::setHeaders(Http::StatusCode status, const char *reason, const char *ctype, int64_t clen, time_t lmt, time_t expires_) STUB void HttpReply::packHeadersInto(Packer * p) const STUB void HttpReply::reset() STUB void httpBodyPackInto(const HttpBody * body, Packer * p) STUB bool HttpReply::sanityCheckStartLine(MemBuf *buf, const size_t hdr_len, Http::StatusCode *error) STUB_RETVAL(false) int HttpReply::httpMsgParseError() STUB_RETVAL(0) bool HttpReply::expectingBody(const HttpRequestMethod&, int64_t&) const STUB_RETVAL(false) bool HttpReply::parseFirstLine(const char *start, const char *end) STUB_RETVAL(false) void HttpReply::hdrCacheInit() STUB HttpReply * HttpReply::clone() const STUB_RETVAL(NULL) bool HttpReply::inheritProperties(const HttpMsg *aMsg) STUB_RETVAL(false) int64_t HttpReply::bodySize(const HttpRequestMethod&) const STUB_RETVAL(0) const HttpHdrContRange *HttpReply::contentRange() const STUB_RETVAL(nullptr)