/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2018 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ #ifndef SQUID_FS_UFS_REBUILDSTATE_H #define SQUID_FS_UFS_REBUILDSTATE_H #include "base/RefCount.h" #include "store_rebuild.h" #include "UFSSwapDir.h" #include "UFSSwapLogParser.h" class StoreEntry; namespace Fs { namespace Ufs { /// \ingroup UFS class RebuildState : public RefCountable { public: static EVH RebuildStep; RebuildState(RefCount sd); ~RebuildState(); virtual bool error() const; virtual bool isDone() const; virtual StoreEntry *currentItem(); RefCount sd; int n_read; /* FILE *log;*/ Fs::Ufs::UFSSwapLogParser *LogParser; int curlvl1; int curlvl2; struct Flags { Flags() : need_to_validate(false), clean(false), init(false) {} bool need_to_validate; bool clean; bool init; } flags; int in_dir; int done; int fn; dirent_t *entry; DIR *td; char fullpath[MAXPATHLEN]; char fullfilename[MAXPATHLEN*2]; StoreRebuildData counts; private: CBDATA_CLASS2(RebuildState); void rebuildFromDirectory(); void rebuildFromSwapLog(); void rebuildStep(); void undoAdd(); int getNextFile(sfileno *, int *size); StoreEntry *currentEntry() const; void currentEntry(StoreEntry *); StoreEntry *e; bool fromLog; bool _done; /// \bug (callback) should be hidden behind a proper human readable name void (callback)(void *cbdata); void *cbdata; }; } /* namespace Ufs */ } /* namespace Fs */ #endif /* SQUID_FS_UFS_REBUILDSTATE_H */