/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2018 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ /* DEBUG: section 93 ICAP (RFC 3507) Client */ #include "squid.h" #include "adaptation/icap/Config.h" #include "adaptation/icap/Launcher.h" #include "adaptation/icap/Xaction.h" #include "base/TextException.h" #include "comm.h" #include "comm/Connection.h" #include "comm/ConnOpener.h" #include "comm/Read.h" #include "comm/Write.h" #include "CommCalls.h" #include "err_detail_type.h" #include "fde.h" #include "FwdState.h" #include "HttpMsg.h" #include "HttpReply.h" #include "HttpRequest.h" #include "icap_log.h" #include "ipcache.h" #include "Mem.h" #include "pconn.h" #include "SquidConfig.h" #include "SquidTime.h" Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::Xaction(const char *aTypeName, Adaptation::Icap::ServiceRep::Pointer &aService): AsyncJob(aTypeName), Adaptation::Initiate(aTypeName), icapRequest(NULL), icapReply(NULL), attempts(0), connection(NULL), theService(aService), commBuf(NULL), commBufSize(0), commEof(false), reuseConnection(true), isRetriable(true), isRepeatable(true), ignoreLastWrite(false), stopReason(NULL), connector(NULL), reader(NULL), writer(NULL), closer(NULL), alep(new AccessLogEntry), al(*alep), cs(NULL) { debugs(93,3, typeName << " constructed, this=" << this << " [icapx" << id << ']'); // we should not call virtual status() here icapRequest = new HttpRequest; HTTPMSGLOCK(icapRequest); icap_tr_start = current_time; memset(&icap_tio_start, 0, sizeof(icap_tio_start)); memset(&icap_tio_finish, 0, sizeof(icap_tio_finish)); } Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::~Xaction() { debugs(93,3, typeName << " destructed, this=" << this << " [icapx" << id << ']'); // we should not call virtual status() here HTTPMSGUNLOCK(icapRequest); } Adaptation::Icap::ServiceRep & Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::service() { Must(theService != NULL); return *theService; } void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::disableRetries() { debugs(93,5, typeName << (isRetriable ? " from now on" : " still") << " cannot be retried " << status()); isRetriable = false; } void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::disableRepeats(const char *reason) { debugs(93,5, typeName << (isRepeatable ? " from now on" : " still") << " cannot be repeated because " << reason << status()); isRepeatable = false; } void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::start() { Adaptation::Initiate::start(); readBuf.init(SQUID_TCP_SO_RCVBUF, SQUID_TCP_SO_RCVBUF); commBuf = (char*)memAllocBuf(SQUID_TCP_SO_RCVBUF, &commBufSize); // make sure maximum readBuf space does not exceed commBuf size Must(static_cast(readBuf.potentialSpaceSize()) <= commBufSize); } static void icapLookupDnsResults(const ipcache_addrs *ia, const DnsLookupDetails &, void *data) { Adaptation::Icap::Xaction *xa = static_cast(data); xa->dnsLookupDone(ia); } // TODO: obey service-specific, OPTIONS-reported connection limit void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::openConnection() { Must(!haveConnection()); Adaptation::Icap::ServiceRep &s = service(); if (!TheConfig.reuse_connections) disableRetries(); // this will also safely drain pconn pool bool wasReused = false; connection = s.getConnection(isRetriable, wasReused); if (wasReused && Comm::IsConnOpen(connection)) { // Set comm Close handler // fake the connect callback // TODO: can we sync call Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::noteCommConnected here instead? typedef CommCbMemFunT Dialer; CbcPointer self(this); Dialer dialer(self, &Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::noteCommConnected); dialer.params.conn = connection; dialer.params.flag = Comm::OK; // fake other parameters by copying from the existing connection connector = asyncCall(93,3, "Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::noteCommConnected", dialer); ScheduleCallHere(connector); return; } disableRetries(); // we only retry pconn failures // Attempt to open a new connection... debugs(93,3, typeName << " opens connection to " << s.cfg().host.termedBuf() << ":" << s.cfg().port); // Locate the Service IP(s) to open ipcache_nbgethostbyname(s.cfg().host.termedBuf(), icapLookupDnsResults, this); } void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::dnsLookupDone(const ipcache_addrs *ia) { Adaptation::Icap::ServiceRep &s = service(); if (ia == NULL) { debugs(44, DBG_IMPORTANT, "ICAP: Unknown service host: " << s.cfg().host); #if WHEN_IPCACHE_NBGETHOSTBYNAME_USES_ASYNC_CALLS dieOnConnectionFailure(); // throws #else // take a step back into protected Async call dialing. // fake the connect callback typedef CommCbMemFunT Dialer; CbcPointer self(this); Dialer dialer(self, &Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::noteCommConnected); dialer.params.conn = connection; dialer.params.flag = Comm::COMM_ERROR; // fake other parameters by copying from the existing connection connector = asyncCall(93,3, "Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::noteCommConnected", dialer); ScheduleCallHere(connector); #endif return; } assert(ia->cur < ia->count); connection = new Comm::Connection; connection->remote = ia->in_addrs[ia->cur]; connection->remote.port(s.cfg().port); getOutgoingAddress(NULL, connection); // TODO: service bypass status may differ from that of a transaction typedef CommCbMemFunT ConnectDialer; connector = JobCallback(93,3, ConnectDialer, this, Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::noteCommConnected); cs = new Comm::ConnOpener(connection, connector, TheConfig.connect_timeout(service().cfg().bypass)); cs->setHost(s.cfg().host.termedBuf()); AsyncJob::Start(cs.get()); } /* * This event handler is necessary to work around the no-rentry policy * of Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::callStart() */ #if 0 void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::reusedConnection(void *data) { debugs(93, 5, HERE << "reused connection"); Adaptation::Icap::Xaction *x = (Adaptation::Icap::Xaction*)data; x->noteCommConnected(Comm::OK); } #endif void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::closeConnection() { if (haveConnection()) { if (closer != NULL) { comm_remove_close_handler(connection->fd, closer); closer = NULL; } cancelRead(); // may not work if (reuseConnection && !doneWithIo()) { //status() adds leading spaces. debugs(93,5, HERE << "not reusing pconn due to pending I/O" << status()); reuseConnection = false; } if (reuseConnection) disableRetries(); const bool reset = !reuseConnection && (al.icap.outcome == xoGone || al.icap.outcome == xoError); Adaptation::Icap::ServiceRep &s = service(); s.putConnection(connection, reuseConnection, reset, status()); writer = NULL; reader = NULL; connector = NULL; connection = NULL; } } // connection with the ICAP service established void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::noteCommConnected(const CommConnectCbParams &io) { cs = NULL; if (io.flag == Comm::TIMEOUT) { handleCommTimedout(); return; } Must(connector != NULL); connector = NULL; if (io.flag != Comm::OK) dieOnConnectionFailure(); // throws typedef CommCbMemFunT TimeoutDialer; AsyncCall::Pointer timeoutCall = asyncCall(93, 5, "Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::noteCommTimedout", TimeoutDialer(this,&Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::noteCommTimedout)); commSetConnTimeout(io.conn, TheConfig.connect_timeout(service().cfg().bypass), timeoutCall); typedef CommCbMemFunT CloseDialer; closer = asyncCall(93, 5, "Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::noteCommClosed", CloseDialer(this,&Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::noteCommClosed)); comm_add_close_handler(io.conn->fd, closer); // ?? fd_table[io.conn->fd].noteUse(icapPconnPool); service().noteConnectionUse(connection); handleCommConnected(); } void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::dieOnConnectionFailure() { debugs(93, 2, HERE << typeName << " failed to connect to " << service().cfg().uri); service().noteConnectionFailed("failure"); detailError(ERR_DETAIL_ICAP_XACT_START); throw TexcHere("cannot connect to the ICAP service"); } void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::scheduleWrite(MemBuf &buf) { Must(haveConnection()); // comm module will free the buffer typedef CommCbMemFunT Dialer; writer = JobCallback(93, 3, Dialer, this, Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::noteCommWrote); Comm::Write(connection, &buf, writer); updateTimeout(); } void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::noteCommWrote(const CommIoCbParams &io) { Must(writer != NULL); writer = NULL; if (ignoreLastWrite) { // a hack due to comm inability to cancel a pending write ignoreLastWrite = false; debugs(93, 7, HERE << "ignoring last write; status: " << io.flag); } else { Must(io.flag == Comm::OK); al.icap.bytesSent += io.size; updateTimeout(); handleCommWrote(io.size); } } // communication timeout with the ICAP service void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::noteCommTimedout(const CommTimeoutCbParams &io) { handleCommTimedout(); } void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::handleCommTimedout() { debugs(93, 2, HERE << typeName << " failed: timeout with " << theService->cfg().methodStr() << " " << theService->cfg().uri << status()); reuseConnection = false; const bool whileConnecting = connector != NULL; if (whileConnecting) { assert(!haveConnection()); theService->noteConnectionFailed("timedout"); } else closeConnection(); // so that late Comm callbacks do not disturb bypass throw TexcHere(whileConnecting ? "timed out while connecting to the ICAP service" : "timed out while talking to the ICAP service"); } // unexpected connection close while talking to the ICAP service void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::noteCommClosed(const CommCloseCbParams &io) { closer = NULL; handleCommClosed(); } void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::handleCommClosed() { detailError(ERR_DETAIL_ICAP_XACT_CLOSE); mustStop("ICAP service connection externally closed"); } void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::callException(const std::exception &e) { setOutcome(xoError); service().noteFailure(); Adaptation::Initiate::callException(e); } void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::callEnd() { if (doneWithIo()) { debugs(93, 5, HERE << typeName << " done with I/O" << status()); closeConnection(); } Adaptation::Initiate::callEnd(); // may destroy us } bool Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::doneAll() const { return !connector && !reader && !writer && Adaptation::Initiate::doneAll(); } void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::updateTimeout() { Must(haveConnection()); if (reader != NULL || writer != NULL) { // restart the timeout before each I/O // XXX: why does Config.Timeout lacks a write timeout? // TODO: service bypass status may differ from that of a transaction typedef CommCbMemFunT TimeoutDialer; AsyncCall::Pointer call = JobCallback(93, 5, TimeoutDialer, this, Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::noteCommTimedout); commSetConnTimeout(connection, TheConfig.io_timeout(service().cfg().bypass), call); } else { // clear timeout when there is no I/O // Do we need a lifetime timeout? commUnsetConnTimeout(connection); } } void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::scheduleRead() { Must(haveConnection()); Must(!reader); Must(readBuf.hasSpace()); /* * See comments in Adaptation::Icap::Xaction.h about why we use commBuf * here instead of reading directly into readBuf.buf. */ typedef CommCbMemFunT Dialer; reader = JobCallback(93, 3, Dialer, this, Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::noteCommRead); comm_read(connection, commBuf, readBuf.spaceSize(), reader); updateTimeout(); } // comm module read a portion of the ICAP response for us void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::noteCommRead(const CommIoCbParams &io) { Must(reader != NULL); reader = NULL; Must(io.flag == Comm::OK); if (!io.size) { commEof = true; reuseConnection = false; // detect a pconn race condition: eof on the first pconn read if (!al.icap.bytesRead && retriable()) { setOutcome(xoRace); mustStop("pconn race"); return; } } else { al.icap.bytesRead+=io.size; updateTimeout(); debugs(93, 3, HERE << "read " << io.size << " bytes"); /* * See comments in Adaptation::Icap::Xaction.h about why we use commBuf * here instead of reading directly into readBuf.buf. */ readBuf.append(commBuf, io.size); disableRetries(); // because pconn did not fail } handleCommRead(io.size); } void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::cancelRead() { if (reader != NULL) { Must(haveConnection()); Comm::ReadCancel(connection->fd, reader); reader = NULL; } } bool Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::parseHttpMsg(HttpMsg *msg) { debugs(93, 5, HERE << "have " << readBuf.contentSize() << " head bytes to parse"); Http::StatusCode error = Http::scNone; const bool parsed = msg->parse(&readBuf, commEof, &error); Must(parsed || !error); // success or need more data if (!parsed) { // need more data Must(mayReadMore()); msg->reset(); return false; } readBuf.consume(msg->hdr_sz); return true; } bool Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::mayReadMore() const { return !doneReading() && // will read more data readBuf.hasSpace(); // have space for more data } bool Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::doneReading() const { return commEof; } bool Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::doneWriting() const { return !writer; } bool Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::doneWithIo() const { return haveConnection() && !connector && !reader && !writer && // fast checks, some redundant doneReading() && doneWriting(); } bool Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::haveConnection() const { return connection != NULL && connection->isOpen(); } // initiator aborted void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::noteInitiatorAborted() { if (theInitiator.set()) { debugs(93,4, HERE << "Initiator gone before ICAP transaction ended"); clearInitiator(); detailError(ERR_DETAIL_ICAP_INIT_GONE); setOutcome(xoGone); mustStop("initiator aborted"); } } void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::setOutcome(const Adaptation::Icap::XactOutcome &xo) { if (al.icap.outcome != xoUnknown) { debugs(93, 3, HERE << "Warning: reseting outcome: from " << al.icap.outcome << " to " << xo); } else { debugs(93, 4, HERE << xo); } al.icap.outcome = xo; } // This 'last chance' method is called before a 'done' transaction is deleted. // It is wrong to call virtual methods from a destructor. Besides, this call // indicates that the transaction will terminate as planned. void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::swanSong() { // kids should sing first and then call the parent method. if (cs.valid()) { debugs(93,6, HERE << id << " about to notify ConnOpener!"); CallJobHere(93, 3, cs, Comm::ConnOpener, noteAbort); cs = NULL; service().noteConnectionFailed("abort"); } closeConnection(); // TODO: rename because we do not always close if (!readBuf.isNull()) readBuf.clean(); if (commBuf) memFreeBuf(commBufSize, commBuf); tellQueryAborted(); maybeLog(); Adaptation::Initiate::swanSong(); } void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::tellQueryAborted() { if (theInitiator.set()) { Adaptation::Icap::XactAbortInfo abortInfo(icapRequest, icapReply.getRaw(), retriable(), repeatable()); Launcher *launcher = dynamic_cast(theInitiator.get()); // launcher may be nil if initiator is invalid CallJobHere1(91,5, CbcPointer(launcher), Launcher, noteXactAbort, abortInfo); clearInitiator(); } } void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::maybeLog() { if (IcapLogfileStatus == LOG_ENABLE) { finalizeLogInfo(); icapLogLog(alep); } } void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::finalizeLogInfo() { //prepare log data al.icp.opcode = ICP_INVALID; const Adaptation::Icap::ServiceRep &s = service(); al.icap.hostAddr = s.cfg().host.termedBuf(); al.icap.serviceName = s.cfg().key; al.icap.reqUri = s.cfg().uri; al.icap.ioTime = tvSubMsec(icap_tio_start, icap_tio_finish); al.icap.trTime = tvSubMsec(icap_tr_start, current_time); al.icap.request = icapRequest; HTTPMSGLOCK(al.icap.request); if (icapReply != NULL) { al.icap.reply = icapReply.getRaw(); HTTPMSGLOCK(al.icap.reply); al.icap.resStatus = icapReply->sline.status(); } } // returns a temporary string depicting transaction status, for debugging const char *Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::status() const { static MemBuf buf; buf.reset(); buf.append(" [", 2); fillPendingStatus(buf); buf.append("/", 1); fillDoneStatus(buf); buf.Printf(" %s%u]", id.prefix(), id.value); buf.terminate(); return buf.content(); } void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::fillPendingStatus(MemBuf &buf) const { if (haveConnection()) { buf.Printf("FD %d", connection->fd); if (writer != NULL) buf.append("w", 1); if (reader != NULL) buf.append("r", 1); buf.append(";", 1); } } void Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::fillDoneStatus(MemBuf &buf) const { if (haveConnection() && commEof) buf.Printf("Comm(%d)", connection->fd); if (stopReason != NULL) buf.Printf("Stopped"); } bool Adaptation::Icap::Xaction::fillVirginHttpHeader(MemBuf &buf) const { return false; }