/* * Copyright (C) 1996-2018 The Squid Software Foundation and contributors * * Squid software is distributed under GPLv2+ license and includes * contributions from numerous individuals and organizations. * Please see the COPYING and CONTRIBUTORS files for details. */ /* DEBUG: section 77 Delay Pools */ #include "squid.h" #if USE_DELAY_POOLS && USE_AUTH #include "auth/User.h" #include "auth/UserRequest.h" #include "comm/Connection.h" #include "DelayUser.h" #include "NullDelayId.h" #include "Store.h" void * DelayUser::operator new(size_t size) { DelayPools::MemoryUsed += sizeof (DelayUser); return ::operator new (size); } void DelayUser::operator delete (void *address) { DelayPools::MemoryUsed -= sizeof (DelayUser); ::operator delete (address); } DelayUser::DelayUser() { DelayPools::registerForUpdates (this); } static Splay::SPLAYFREE DelayUserFree; DelayUser::~DelayUser() { DelayPools::deregisterForUpdates (this); buckets.destroy(DelayUserFree); } static Splay::SPLAYCMP DelayUserCmp; int DelayUserCmp(DelayUserBucket::Pointer const &left, DelayUserBucket::Pointer const &right) { /* Verify for re-currance of Bug 2127. either of these missing will crash strcasecmp() */ assert(left->authUser->username() != NULL); assert(right->authUser->username() != NULL); /* for rate limiting, case insensitive */ return strcasecmp(left->authUser->username(), right->authUser->username()); } void DelayUserFree(DelayUserBucket::Pointer &) {} void DelayUserStatsWalkee(DelayUserBucket::Pointer const ¤t, void *state) { current->stats ((StoreEntry *)state); } struct DelayUserStatsVisitor { StoreEntry *se; explicit DelayUserStatsVisitor(StoreEntry *s) : se(s) {} void operator() (DelayUserBucket::Pointer const ¤t) { current->stats(se); } }; void DelayUser::stats(StoreEntry * sentry) { spec.stats (sentry, "Per User"); if (spec.restore_bps == -1) return; storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "\t\tCurrent: "); if (buckets.empty()) { storeAppendPrintf (sentry, "Not used yet.\n\n"); return; } DelayUserStatsVisitor visitor(sentry); buckets.visit(visitor); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "\n\n"); } void DelayUser::dump(StoreEntry *entry) const { spec.dump(entry); } struct DelayUserUpdater { DelayUserUpdater (DelaySpec &_spec, int _incr):spec(_spec),incr(_incr) {}; DelaySpec spec; int incr; }; void DelayUserUpdateWalkee(DelayUserBucket::Pointer const ¤t, void *state) { DelayUserUpdater *t = (DelayUserUpdater *)state; /* This doesn't change the value of the DelayUserBucket, so is safe */ const_cast(current.getRaw())->theBucket.update(t->spec, t->incr); } struct DelayUserUpdateVisitor { DelayUserUpdater *t; DelayUserUpdateVisitor(DelayUserUpdater *updater) : t(updater) {} void operator() (DelayUserBucket::Pointer const ¤t) { const_cast(current.getRaw())->theBucket.update(t->spec, t->incr); } }; void DelayUser::update(int incr) { DelayUserUpdater updater(spec, incr); DelayUserUpdateVisitor visitor(&updater); buckets.visit(visitor); } void DelayUser::parse() { spec.parse(); } DelayIdComposite::Pointer DelayUser::id(CompositePoolNode::CompositeSelectionDetails &details) { if (!details.user || !details.user->user() || !details.user->user()->username()) return new NullDelayId; debugs(77, 3, HERE << "Adding a slow-down for User '" << details.user->user()->username() << "'"); return new Id(this, details.user->user()); } void * DelayUser::Id::operator new(size_t size) { DelayPools::MemoryUsed += sizeof (Id); return ::operator new (size); } void DelayUser::Id::operator delete (void *address) { DelayPools::MemoryUsed -= sizeof (Id); ::operator delete (address); } void * DelayUserBucket::operator new(size_t size) { DelayPools::MemoryUsed += sizeof (DelayUserBucket); return ::operator new (size); } void DelayUserBucket::operator delete(void *address) { DelayPools::MemoryUsed -= sizeof(DelayUserBucket); ::operator delete(address); } DelayUserBucket::DelayUserBucket(Auth::User::Pointer aUser) : authUser(aUser) { debugs(77, 3, "DelayUserBucket::DelayUserBucket"); } DelayUserBucket::~DelayUserBucket() { authUser = NULL; debugs(77, 3, "DelayUserBucket::~DelayUserBucket"); } void DelayUserBucket::stats (StoreEntry *entry) const { storeAppendPrintf(entry, " %s:", authUser->username()); theBucket.stats(entry); } DelayUser::Id::Id(DelayUser::Pointer aDelayUser, Auth::User::Pointer aUser) : theUser(aDelayUser) { theBucket = new DelayUserBucket(aUser); DelayUserBucket::Pointer const *existing = theUser->buckets.find(theBucket, DelayUserCmp); if (existing) { theBucket = *existing; return; } theBucket->theBucket.init(theUser->spec); theUser->buckets.insert (theBucket, DelayUserCmp); } DelayUser::Id::~Id() { debugs(77, 3, "DelayUser::Id::~Id"); } int DelayUser::Id::bytesWanted (int min, int max) const { return theBucket->theBucket.bytesWanted(min,max); } void DelayUser::Id::bytesIn(int qty) { theBucket->theBucket.bytesIn(qty); } #endif /* USE_DELAY_POOLS && USE_AUTH */