/* * DEBUG: section 52 URN Parsing * AUTHOR: Kostas Anagnostakis * * SQUID Web Proxy Cache http://www.squid-cache.org/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from * the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full * details. Many organizations have provided support for Squid's * development; see the SPONSORS file for full details. Squid is * Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of * California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid * incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other * sources; see the CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * */ #include "squid.h" #include "cbdata.h" #include "errorpage.h" #include "FwdState.h" #include "globals.h" #include "HttpReply.h" #include "HttpRequest.h" #include "icmp/net_db.h" #include "MemBuf.h" #include "mime_header.h" #include "RequestFlags.h" #include "SquidTime.h" #include "Store.h" #include "StoreClient.h" #include "tools.h" #include "URL.h" #include "urn.h" #define URN_REQBUF_SZ 4096 class UrnState : public StoreClient { public: void created (StoreEntry *newEntry); void start (HttpRequest *, StoreEntry *); char *getHost (String &urlpath); void setUriResFromRequest(HttpRequest *); bool RequestNeedsMenu(HttpRequest *r); void updateRequestURL(HttpRequest *r, char const *newPath, const size_t newPath_len); void createUriResRequest (String &uri); virtual ~UrnState(); StoreEntry *entry; store_client *sc; StoreEntry *urlres_e; HttpRequest::Pointer request; HttpRequest::Pointer urlres_r; struct { bool force_menu; } flags; char reqbuf[URN_REQBUF_SZ]; int reqofs; private: char *urlres; CBDATA_CLASS2(UrnState); }; typedef struct { char *url; char *host; int rtt; struct { int cached; } flags; } url_entry; static STCB urnHandleReply; static url_entry *urnParseReply(const char *inbuf, const HttpRequestMethod&); static const char *const crlf = "\r\n"; static QS url_entry_sort; CBDATA_CLASS_INIT(UrnState); UrnState::~UrnState() { safe_free(urlres); } static url_entry * urnFindMinRtt(url_entry * urls, const HttpRequestMethod& m, int *rtt_ret) { int min_rtt = 0; url_entry *u = NULL; url_entry *min_u = NULL; int i; int urlcnt = 0; debugs(52, 3, "urnFindMinRtt"); assert(urls != NULL); for (i = 0; NULL != urls[i].url; ++i) ++urlcnt; debugs(53, 3, "urnFindMinRtt: Counted " << i << " URLs"); if (1 == urlcnt) { debugs(52, 3, "urnFindMinRtt: Only one URL - return it!"); return urls; } for (i = 0; i < urlcnt; ++i) { u = &urls[i]; debugs(52, 3, "urnFindMinRtt: " << u->host << " rtt=" << u->rtt); if (u->rtt == 0) continue; if (u->rtt > min_rtt && min_rtt != 0) continue; min_rtt = u->rtt; min_u = u; } if (rtt_ret) *rtt_ret = min_rtt; debugs(52, DBG_IMPORTANT, "urnFindMinRtt: Returning '" << (min_u ? min_u->url : "NONE") << "' RTT " << min_rtt ); return min_u; } char * UrnState::getHost (String &urlpath) { char * result; size_t p; /** FIXME: this appears to be parsing the URL. *very* badly. */ /* a proper encapsulated URI/URL type needs to clear this up. */ if ((p=urlpath.find(':')) != String::npos) { result=xstrndup(urlpath.rawBuf(),p-1); } else { result = xstrndup(urlpath.rawBuf(),urlpath.size()); } return result; } bool UrnState::RequestNeedsMenu(HttpRequest *r) { if (r->urlpath.size() < 5) return false; //now we're sure it's long enough return strncasecmp(r->urlpath.rawBuf(), "menu.", 5) == 0; } void UrnState::updateRequestURL(HttpRequest *r, char const *newPath, const size_t newPath_len) { char *new_path = xstrndup (newPath, newPath_len); r->urlpath = new_path; xfree(new_path); } void UrnState::createUriResRequest (String &uri) { LOCAL_ARRAY(char, local_urlres, 4096); char *host = getHost (uri); snprintf(local_urlres, 4096, "http://%s/uri-res/N2L?urn:" SQUIDSTRINGPH, host, SQUIDSTRINGPRINT(uri)); safe_free (host); safe_free (urlres); urlres = xstrdup (local_urlres); urlres_r = HttpRequest::CreateFromUrl(urlres); } void UrnState::setUriResFromRequest(HttpRequest *r) { if (RequestNeedsMenu(r)) { updateRequestURL(r, r->urlpath.rawBuf() + 5, r->urlpath.size() - 5 ); flags.force_menu = true; } createUriResRequest (r->urlpath); if (urlres_r == NULL) { debugs(52, 3, "urnStart: Bad uri-res URL " << urlres); ErrorState *err = new ErrorState(ERR_URN_RESOLVE, Http::scNotFound, r); err->url = urlres; urlres = NULL; errorAppendEntry(entry, err); return; } urlres_r->header.putStr(HDR_ACCEPT, "text/plain"); } void UrnState::start(HttpRequest * r, StoreEntry * e) { debugs(52, 3, "urnStart: '" << e->url() << "'" ); entry = e; request = r; entry->lock(); setUriResFromRequest(r); if (urlres_r == NULL) return; StoreEntry::getPublic (this, urlres, Http::METHOD_GET); } void UrnState::created(StoreEntry *newEntry) { urlres_e = newEntry; if (urlres_e->isNull()) { urlres_e = storeCreateEntry(urlres, urlres, RequestFlags(), Http::METHOD_GET); sc = storeClientListAdd(urlres_e, this); FwdState::fwdStart(Comm::ConnectionPointer(), urlres_e, urlres_r.getRaw()); } else { urlres_e->lock(); sc = storeClientListAdd(urlres_e, this); } reqofs = 0; StoreIOBuffer tempBuffer; tempBuffer.offset = reqofs; tempBuffer.length = URN_REQBUF_SZ; tempBuffer.data = reqbuf; storeClientCopy(sc, urlres_e, tempBuffer, urnHandleReply, this); } void urnStart(HttpRequest * r, StoreEntry * e) { UrnState *anUrn = new UrnState(); anUrn->start (r, e); } static int url_entry_sort(const void *A, const void *B) { const url_entry *u1 = (const url_entry *)A; const url_entry *u2 = (const url_entry *)B; if (u2->rtt == u1->rtt) return 0; else if (0 == u1->rtt) return 1; else if (0 == u2->rtt) return -1; else return u1->rtt - u2->rtt; } static void urnHandleReplyError(UrnState *urnState, StoreEntry *urlres_e) { urlres_e->unlock(); urnState->entry->unlock(); delete urnState; } /* TODO: use the clientStream support for this */ static void urnHandleReply(void *data, StoreIOBuffer result) { UrnState *urnState = static_cast(data); StoreEntry *e = urnState->entry; StoreEntry *urlres_e = urnState->urlres_e; char *s = NULL; size_t k; HttpReply *rep; url_entry *urls; url_entry *u; url_entry *min_u; MemBuf *mb = NULL; ErrorState *err; int i; int urlcnt = 0; char *buf = urnState->reqbuf; StoreIOBuffer tempBuffer; debugs(52, 3, "urnHandleReply: Called with size=" << result.length << "."); if (EBIT_TEST(urlres_e->flags, ENTRY_ABORTED) || result.length == 0 || result.flags.error) { urnHandleReplyError(urnState, urlres_e); return; } /* Update reqofs to point to where in the buffer we'd be */ urnState->reqofs += result.length; /* Handle reqofs being bigger than normal */ if (urnState->reqofs >= URN_REQBUF_SZ) { urnHandleReplyError(urnState, urlres_e); return; } /* If we haven't received the entire object (urn), copy more */ if (urlres_e->store_status == STORE_PENDING && urnState->reqofs < URN_REQBUF_SZ) { tempBuffer.offset = urnState->reqofs; tempBuffer.length = URN_REQBUF_SZ; tempBuffer.data = urnState->reqbuf + urnState->reqofs; storeClientCopy(urnState->sc, urlres_e, tempBuffer, urnHandleReply, urnState); return; } /* we know its STORE_OK */ k = headersEnd(buf, urnState->reqofs); if (0 == k) { debugs(52, DBG_IMPORTANT, "urnHandleReply: didn't find end-of-headers for " << e->url() ); urnHandleReplyError(urnState, urlres_e); return; } s = buf + k; assert(urlres_e->getReply()); rep = new HttpReply; rep->parseCharBuf(buf, k); debugs(52, 3, "reply exists, code=" << rep->sline.status() << "."); if (rep->sline.status() != Http::scOkay) { debugs(52, 3, "urnHandleReply: failed."); err = new ErrorState(ERR_URN_RESOLVE, Http::scNotFound, urnState->request.getRaw()); err->url = xstrdup(e->url()); errorAppendEntry(e, err); delete rep; urnHandleReplyError(urnState, urlres_e); return; } delete rep; while (xisspace(*s)) ++s; urls = urnParseReply(s, urnState->request->method); for (i = 0; NULL != urls[i].url; ++i) ++urlcnt; debugs(53, 3, "urnFindMinRtt: Counted " << i << " URLs"); if (urls == NULL) { /* unkown URN error */ debugs(52, 3, "urnTranslateDone: unknown URN " << e->url()); err = new ErrorState(ERR_URN_RESOLVE, Http::scNotFound, urnState->request.getRaw()); err->url = xstrdup(e->url()); errorAppendEntry(e, err); urnHandleReplyError(urnState, urlres_e); return; } min_u = urnFindMinRtt(urls, urnState->request->method, NULL); qsort(urls, urlcnt, sizeof(*urls), url_entry_sort); e->buffer(); mb = new MemBuf; mb->init(); mb->Printf( "Select URL for %s\n" "\n" "

Select URL for %s

\n" "\n", e->url(), e->url()); for (i = 0; i < urlcnt; ++i) { u = &urls[i]; debugs(52, 3, "URL {" << u->url << "}"); mb->Printf( "", u->url, u->url); if (urls[i].rtt > 0) mb->Printf( "", u->rtt); else mb->Printf(""); mb->Printf( "\n", u->flags.cached ? " [cached]" : " "); } mb->Printf( "
%s%4d msUnknown%s
" "
\n" "
\n" "Generated by %s@%s\n" "
\n", APP_FULLNAME, getMyHostname()); rep = new HttpReply; rep->setHeaders(Http::scFound, NULL, "text/html", mb->contentSize(), 0, squid_curtime); if (urnState->flags.force_menu) { debugs(51, 3, "urnHandleReply: forcing menu"); } else if (min_u) { rep->header.putStr(HDR_LOCATION, min_u->url); } rep->body.setMb(mb); /* don't clean or delete mb; rep->body owns it now */ e->replaceHttpReply(rep); e->complete(); for (i = 0; i < urlcnt; ++i) { safe_free(urls[i].url); safe_free(urls[i].host); } safe_free(urls); /* mb was absorbed in httpBodySet call, so we must not clean it */ storeUnregister(urnState->sc, urlres_e, urnState); urnHandleReplyError(urnState, urlres_e); } static url_entry * urnParseReply(const char *inbuf, const HttpRequestMethod& m) { char *buf = xstrdup(inbuf); char *token; char *url; char *host; url_entry *list; url_entry *old; int n = 32; int i = 0; debugs(52, 3, "urnParseReply"); list = (url_entry *)xcalloc(n + 1, sizeof(*list)); for (token = strtok(buf, crlf); token; token = strtok(NULL, crlf)) { debugs(52, 3, "urnParseReply: got '" << token << "'"); if (i == n) { old = list; n <<= 2; list = (url_entry *)xcalloc(n + 1, sizeof(*list)); memcpy(list, old, i * sizeof(*list)); safe_free(old); } url = xstrdup(token); host = urlHostname(url); if (NULL == host) continue; #if USE_ICMP list[i].rtt = netdbHostRtt(host); if (0 == list[i].rtt) { debugs(52, 3, "urnParseReply: Pinging " << host); netdbPingSite(host); } #else list[i].rtt = 0; #endif list[i].url = url; list[i].host = xstrdup(host); // TODO: Use storeHas() or lock/unlock entry to avoid creating unlocked // ones. list[i].flags.cached = storeGetPublic(url, m) ? 1 : 0; ++i; } debugs(52, 3, "urnParseReply: Found " << i << " URLs"); return list; }