/* * DEBUG: section 82 External ACL * AUTHOR: Henrik Nordstrom, MARA Systems AB * * SQUID Web Proxy Cache http://www.squid-cache.org/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * The contents of this file is Copyright (C) 2002 by MARA Systems AB, * Sweden, unless otherwise is indicated in the specific function. The * author gives his full permission to include this file into the Squid * software product under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from * the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full * details. Many organizations have provided support for Squid's * development; see the SPONSORS file for full details. Squid is * Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of * California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid * incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other * sources; see the CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * */ #include "squid.h" #include "acl/Acl.h" #include "acl/FilledChecklist.h" #include "cache_cf.h" #include "client_side.h" #include "comm/Connection.h" #include "ExternalACL.h" #include "ExternalACLEntry.h" #include "fde.h" #include "helper.h" #include "HttpHeaderTools.h" #include "HttpReply.h" #include "HttpRequest.h" #include "ip/tools.h" #include "MemBuf.h" #include "mgr/Registration.h" #include "rfc1738.h" #include "SquidConfig.h" #include "SquidString.h" #include "SquidTime.h" #include "Store.h" #include "tools.h" #include "URL.h" #include "URLScheme.h" #include "wordlist.h" #if USE_SSL #include "ssl/support.h" #endif #if USE_AUTH #include "auth/Acl.h" #include "auth/Gadgets.h" #include "auth/UserRequest.h" #endif #if USE_IDENT #include "ident/AclIdent.h" #endif #ifndef DEFAULT_EXTERNAL_ACL_TTL #define DEFAULT_EXTERNAL_ACL_TTL 1 * 60 * 60 #endif #ifndef DEFAULT_EXTERNAL_ACL_CHILDREN #define DEFAULT_EXTERNAL_ACL_CHILDREN 5 #endif typedef struct _external_acl_format external_acl_format; static char *makeExternalAclKey(ACLFilledChecklist * ch, external_acl_data * acl_data); static void external_acl_cache_delete(external_acl * def, const ExternalACLEntryPointer &entry); static int external_acl_entry_expired(external_acl * def, const ExternalACLEntryPointer &entry); static int external_acl_grace_expired(external_acl * def, const ExternalACLEntryPointer &entry); static void external_acl_cache_touch(external_acl * def, const ExternalACLEntryPointer &entry); static ExternalACLEntryPointer external_acl_cache_add(external_acl * def, const char *key, ExternalACLEntryData const &data); /****************************************************************** * external_acl directive */ class external_acl { public: external_acl *next; void add(const ExternalACLEntryPointer &); void trimCache(); int ttl; int negative_ttl; int grace; char *name; external_acl_format *format; wordlist *cmdline; HelperChildConfig children; helper *theHelper; hash_table *cache; dlink_list lru_list; int cache_size; int cache_entries; dlink_list queue; #if USE_AUTH /** * Configuration flag. May only be altered by the configuration parser. * * Indicates that all uses of this external_acl_type helper require authentication * details to be processed. If none are available its a fail match. */ bool require_auth; #endif enum { QUOTE_METHOD_SHELL = 1, QUOTE_METHOD_URL } quote; Ip::Address local_addr; }; struct _external_acl_format { enum format_type { EXT_ACL_UNKNOWN, #if USE_AUTH EXT_ACL_LOGIN, #endif #if USE_IDENT EXT_ACL_IDENT, #endif EXT_ACL_SRC, EXT_ACL_SRCPORT, #if USE_SQUID_EUI EXT_ACL_SRCEUI48, EXT_ACL_SRCEUI64, #endif EXT_ACL_MYADDR, EXT_ACL_MYPORT, EXT_ACL_URI, EXT_ACL_DST, EXT_ACL_PROTO, EXT_ACL_PORT, EXT_ACL_PATH, EXT_ACL_METHOD, EXT_ACL_HEADER_REQUEST, EXT_ACL_HEADER_REQUEST_MEMBER, EXT_ACL_HEADER_REQUEST_ID, EXT_ACL_HEADER_REQUEST_ID_MEMBER, EXT_ACL_HEADER_REPLY, EXT_ACL_HEADER_REPLY_MEMBER, EXT_ACL_HEADER_REPLY_ID, EXT_ACL_HEADER_REPLY_ID_MEMBER, #if USE_SSL EXT_ACL_USER_CERT, EXT_ACL_USER_CA_CERT, EXT_ACL_USER_CERT_RAW, EXT_ACL_USER_CERTCHAIN_RAW, #endif #if USE_AUTH EXT_ACL_EXT_USER, #endif EXT_ACL_EXT_LOG, EXT_ACL_TAG, EXT_ACL_ACLNAME, EXT_ACL_ACLDATA, EXT_ACL_PERCENT, EXT_ACL_END } type; external_acl_format *next; char *header; char *member; char separator; http_hdr_type header_id; }; /* FIXME: These are not really cbdata, but it is an easy way * to get them pooled, refcounted, accounted and freed properly... */ CBDATA_TYPE(external_acl); CBDATA_TYPE(external_acl_format); static void free_external_acl_format(void *data) { external_acl_format *p = static_cast(data); safe_free(p->header); } static void free_external_acl(void *data) { external_acl *p = static_cast(data); safe_free(p->name); while (p->format) { external_acl_format *f = p->format; p->format = f->next; cbdataFree(f); } wordlistDestroy(&p->cmdline); if (p->theHelper) { helperShutdown(p->theHelper); delete p->theHelper; p->theHelper = NULL; } while (p->lru_list.tail) { ExternalACLEntryPointer e(static_cast(p->lru_list.tail->data)); external_acl_cache_delete(p, e); } if (p->cache) hashFreeMemory(p->cache); } /** * Parse the External ACL format %<{.*} and %>{.*} token(s) to pass a specific * request or reply header to external helper. * \param header - the token being parsed (without the identifying prefix) \param type - format enum identifier for this element, pulled from identifying prefix \param format - structure to contain all the info about this format element. */ void parse_header_token(external_acl_format *format, char *header, const _external_acl_format::format_type type) { /* header format */ char *member, *end; /** Cut away the closing brace */ end = strchr(header, '}'); if (end && strlen(end) == 1) *end = '\0'; else self_destruct(); member = strchr(header, ':'); if (member) { /* Split in header and member */ *member = '\0'; ++member; if (!xisalnum(*member)) { format->separator = *member; ++member; } else { format->separator = ','; } format->member = xstrdup(member); if (type == _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REQUEST) format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REQUEST_MEMBER; else format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REQUEST_MEMBER; } else { format->type = type; } format->header = xstrdup(header); format->header_id = httpHeaderIdByNameDef(header, strlen(header)); if (format->header_id != -1) { if (member) { if (type == _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REQUEST) format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REQUEST_ID_MEMBER; else format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REPLY_ID_MEMBER; } else { if (type == _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REQUEST) format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REQUEST_ID; else format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REPLY_ID; } } } void parse_externalAclHelper(external_acl ** list) { external_acl *a; char *token; external_acl_format **p; CBDATA_INIT_TYPE_FREECB(external_acl, free_external_acl); CBDATA_INIT_TYPE_FREECB(external_acl_format, free_external_acl_format); a = cbdataAlloc(external_acl); /* set defaults */ a->ttl = DEFAULT_EXTERNAL_ACL_TTL; a->negative_ttl = -1; a->cache_size = 256*1024; a->children.n_max = DEFAULT_EXTERNAL_ACL_CHILDREN; a->children.n_startup = a->children.n_max; a->children.n_idle = 1; a->local_addr.setLocalhost(); a->quote = external_acl::QUOTE_METHOD_URL; token = strtok(NULL, w_space); if (!token) self_destruct(); a->name = xstrdup(token); token = strtok(NULL, w_space); /* Parse options */ while (token) { if (strncmp(token, "ttl=", 4) == 0) { a->ttl = atoi(token + 4); } else if (strncmp(token, "negative_ttl=", 13) == 0) { a->negative_ttl = atoi(token + 13); } else if (strncmp(token, "children=", 9) == 0) { a->children.n_max = atoi(token + 9); debugs(0, DBG_CRITICAL, "WARNING: external_acl_type option children=N has been deprecated in favor of children-max=N and children-startup=N"); } else if (strncmp(token, "children-max=", 13) == 0) { a->children.n_max = atoi(token + 13); } else if (strncmp(token, "children-startup=", 17) == 0) { a->children.n_startup = atoi(token + 17); } else if (strncmp(token, "children-idle=", 14) == 0) { a->children.n_idle = atoi(token + 14); } else if (strncmp(token, "concurrency=", 12) == 0) { a->children.concurrency = atoi(token + 12); } else if (strncmp(token, "cache=", 6) == 0) { a->cache_size = atoi(token + 6); } else if (strncmp(token, "grace=", 6) == 0) { a->grace = atoi(token + 6); } else if (strcmp(token, "protocol=2.5") == 0) { a->quote = external_acl::QUOTE_METHOD_SHELL; } else if (strcmp(token, "protocol=3.0") == 0) { debugs(3, DBG_PARSE_NOTE(2), "WARNING: external_acl_type option protocol=3.0 is deprecated. Remove this from your config."); a->quote = external_acl::QUOTE_METHOD_URL; } else if (strcmp(token, "quote=url") == 0) { debugs(3, DBG_PARSE_NOTE(2), "WARNING: external_acl_type option quote=url is deprecated. Remove this from your config."); a->quote = external_acl::QUOTE_METHOD_URL; } else if (strcmp(token, "quote=shell") == 0) { debugs(3, DBG_PARSE_NOTE(2), "WARNING: external_acl_type option quote=shell is deprecated. Use protocol=2.5 if still needed."); a->quote = external_acl::QUOTE_METHOD_SHELL; /* INET6: allow admin to configure some helpers explicitly to bind to IPv4/v6 localhost port. */ } else if (strcmp(token, "ipv4") == 0) { if ( !a->local_addr.setIPv4() ) { debugs(3, DBG_CRITICAL, "WARNING: Error converting " << a->local_addr << " to IPv4 in " << a->name ); } } else if (strcmp(token, "ipv6") == 0) { if (!Ip::EnableIpv6) debugs(3, DBG_CRITICAL, "WARNING: --enable-ipv6 required for external ACL helpers to use IPv6: " << a->name ); // else nothing to do. } else { break; } token = strtok(NULL, w_space); } /* check that child startup value is sane. */ if (a->children.n_startup > a->children.n_max) a->children.n_startup = a->children.n_max; /* check that child idle value is sane. */ if (a->children.n_idle > a->children.n_max) a->children.n_idle = a->children.n_max; if (a->children.n_idle < 1) a->children.n_idle = 1; if (a->negative_ttl == -1) a->negative_ttl = a->ttl; /* Parse format */ p = &a->format; while (token) { external_acl_format *format; /* stop on first non-format token found */ if (*token != '%') break; format = cbdataAlloc(external_acl_format); if (strncmp(token, "%{", 2) == 0) { // deprecated. but assume the old configs all referred to request headers. debugs(82, DBG_PARSE_NOTE(DBG_IMPORTANT), "WARNING: external_acl_type format %{...} is being replaced by %>ha{...} for : " << token); parse_header_token(format, (token+2), _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REQUEST); } else if (strncmp(token, "%>{", 3) == 0) { debugs(82, DBG_PARSE_NOTE(DBG_IMPORTANT), "WARNING: external_acl_type format %>{...} is being replaced by %>ha{...} for : " << token); parse_header_token(format, (token+3), _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REQUEST); } else if (strncmp(token, "%>ha{", 5) == 0) { parse_header_token(format, (token+5), _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REQUEST); } else if (strncmp(token, "%<{", 3) == 0) { debugs(82, DBG_PARSE_NOTE(DBG_IMPORTANT), "WARNING: external_acl_type format %<{...} is being replaced by %type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_LOGIN; a->require_auth = true; #endif } #if USE_IDENT else if (strcmp(token, "%IDENT") == 0 || strcmp(token, "%ui") == 0) format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_IDENT; #endif else if (strcmp(token, "%SRC") == 0 || strcmp(token, "%>a") == 0) format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_SRC; else if (strcmp(token, "%SRCPORT") == 0 || strcmp(token, "%>p") == 0) format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_SRCPORT; #if USE_SQUID_EUI else if (strcmp(token, "%SRCEUI48") == 0) format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_SRCEUI48; else if (strcmp(token, "%SRCEUI64") == 0) format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_SRCEUI64; #endif else if (strcmp(token, "%MYADDR") == 0 || strcmp(token, "%la") == 0) format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_MYADDR; else if (strcmp(token, "%MYPORT") == 0 || strcmp(token, "%lp") == 0) format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_MYPORT; else if (strcmp(token, "%URI") == 0 || strcmp(token, "%>ru") == 0) format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_URI; else if (strcmp(token, "%DST") == 0) format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_DST; else if (strcmp(token, "%PROTO") == 0) format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_PROTO; else if (strcmp(token, "%PORT") == 0) format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_PORT; else if (strcmp(token, "%PATH") == 0 || strcmp(token, "%>rp") == 0) format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_PATH; else if (strcmp(token, "%METHOD") == 0 || strcmp(token, "%>rm") == 0) format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_METHOD; #if USE_SSL else if (strcmp(token, "%USER_CERT") == 0) format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_USER_CERT_RAW; else if (strcmp(token, "%USER_CERTCHAIN") == 0) format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_USER_CERTCHAIN_RAW; else if (strncmp(token, "%USER_CERT_", 11) == 0) { format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_USER_CERT; format->header = xstrdup(token + 11); } else if (strncmp(token, "%USER_CA_CERT_", 14) == 0) { format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_USER_CA_CERT; format->header = xstrdup(token + 14); } else if (strncmp(token, "%CA_CERT_", 9) == 0) { debugs(82, DBG_PARSE_NOTE(DBG_IMPORTANT), "WARNING: external_acl_type %CA_CERT_* code is obsolete. Use %USER_CA_CERT_* instead"); format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_USER_CA_CERT; format->header = xstrdup(token + 9); } #endif #if USE_AUTH else if (strcmp(token, "%EXT_USER") == 0) format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_EXT_USER; #endif else if (strcmp(token, "%EXT_LOG") == 0) format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_EXT_LOG; else if (strcmp(token, "%TAG") == 0) format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_TAG; else if (strcmp(token, "%ACL") == 0) format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_ACLNAME; else if (strcmp(token, "%DATA") == 0) format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_ACLDATA; else if (strcmp(token, "%%") == 0) format->type = _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_PERCENT; else { debugs(0, DBG_CRITICAL, "ERROR: Unknown Format token " << token); self_destruct(); } *p = format; p = &format->next; token = strtok(NULL, w_space); } /* There must be at least one format token */ if (!a->format) self_destruct(); /* helper */ if (!token) self_destruct(); wordlistAdd(&a->cmdline, token); /* arguments */ parse_wordlist(&a->cmdline); while (*list) list = &(*list)->next; *list = a; } void dump_externalAclHelper(StoreEntry * sentry, const char *name, const external_acl * list) { const external_acl *node; const external_acl_format *format; const wordlist *word; for (node = list; node; node = node->next) { storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "%s %s", name, node->name); if (!node->local_addr.isIPv6()) storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " ipv4"); else storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " ipv6"); if (node->ttl != DEFAULT_EXTERNAL_ACL_TTL) storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " ttl=%d", node->ttl); if (node->negative_ttl != node->ttl) storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " negative_ttl=%d", node->negative_ttl); if (node->grace) storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " grace=%d", node->grace); if (node->children.n_max != DEFAULT_EXTERNAL_ACL_CHILDREN) storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " children-max=%d", node->children.n_max); if (node->children.n_startup != 1) storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " children-startup=%d", node->children.n_startup); if (node->children.n_idle != (node->children.n_max + node->children.n_startup) ) storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " children-idle=%d", node->children.n_idle); if (node->children.concurrency) storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " concurrency=%d", node->children.concurrency); if (node->cache) storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " cache=%d", node->cache_size); if (node->quote == external_acl::QUOTE_METHOD_SHELL) storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " protocol=2.5"); for (format = node->format; format; format = format->next) { switch (format->type) { case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REQUEST: case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REQUEST_ID: storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " %%>{%s}", format->header); break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REQUEST_MEMBER: case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REQUEST_ID_MEMBER: storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " %%>{%s:%s}", format->header, format->member); break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REPLY: case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REPLY_ID: storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " %%<{%s}", format->header); break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REPLY_MEMBER: case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REPLY_ID_MEMBER: storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " %%<{%s:%s}", format->header, format->member); break; #define DUMP_EXT_ACL_TYPE(a) \ case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_##a: \ storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " %%%s", #a); \ break #define DUMP_EXT_ACL_TYPE_FMT(a, fmt, ...) \ case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_##a: \ storeAppendPrintf(sentry, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ break #if USE_AUTH DUMP_EXT_ACL_TYPE(LOGIN); #endif #if USE_IDENT DUMP_EXT_ACL_TYPE(IDENT); #endif DUMP_EXT_ACL_TYPE(SRC); DUMP_EXT_ACL_TYPE(SRCPORT); #if USE_SQUID_EUI DUMP_EXT_ACL_TYPE(SRCEUI48); DUMP_EXT_ACL_TYPE(SRCEUI64); #endif DUMP_EXT_ACL_TYPE(MYADDR); DUMP_EXT_ACL_TYPE(MYPORT); DUMP_EXT_ACL_TYPE(URI); DUMP_EXT_ACL_TYPE(DST); DUMP_EXT_ACL_TYPE(PROTO); DUMP_EXT_ACL_TYPE(PORT); DUMP_EXT_ACL_TYPE(PATH); DUMP_EXT_ACL_TYPE(METHOD); #if USE_SSL DUMP_EXT_ACL_TYPE_FMT(USER_CERT_RAW, " %%USER_CERT_RAW"); DUMP_EXT_ACL_TYPE_FMT(USER_CERTCHAIN_RAW, " %%USER_CERTCHAIN_RAW"); DUMP_EXT_ACL_TYPE_FMT(USER_CERT, " %%USER_CERT_%s", format->header); DUMP_EXT_ACL_TYPE_FMT(USER_CA_CERT, " %%USER_CA_CERT_%s", format->header); #endif #if USE_AUTH DUMP_EXT_ACL_TYPE(EXT_USER); #endif DUMP_EXT_ACL_TYPE(EXT_LOG); DUMP_EXT_ACL_TYPE(TAG); DUMP_EXT_ACL_TYPE_FMT(PERCENT, " %%%%"); default: fatal("unknown external_acl format error"); break; } } for (word = node->cmdline; word; word = word->next) storeAppendPrintf(sentry, " %s", word->key); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "\n"); } } void free_externalAclHelper(external_acl ** list) { while (*list) { external_acl *node = *list; *list = node->next; node->next = NULL; cbdataFree(node); } } static external_acl * find_externalAclHelper(const char *name) { external_acl *node; for (node = Config.externalAclHelperList; node; node = node->next) { if (strcmp(node->name, name) == 0) return node; } return NULL; } void external_acl::add(const ExternalACLEntryPointer &anEntry) { trimCache(); assert(anEntry != NULL); assert (anEntry->def == NULL); anEntry->def = this; ExternalACLEntry *e = const_cast(anEntry.getRaw()); // XXX: make hash a std::map of Pointer. hash_join(cache, e); dlinkAdd(e, &e->lru, &lru_list); e->lock(); //cbdataReference(e); // lock it on behalf of the hash ++cache_entries; } void external_acl::trimCache() { if (cache_size && cache_entries >= cache_size) { ExternalACLEntryPointer e(static_cast(lru_list.tail->data)); external_acl_cache_delete(this, e); } } /****************************************************************** * external acl type */ struct _external_acl_data { external_acl *def; const char *name; wordlist *arguments; }; CBDATA_TYPE(external_acl_data); static void free_external_acl_data(void *data) { external_acl_data *p = static_cast(data); safe_free(p->name); wordlistDestroy(&p->arguments); cbdataReferenceDone(p->def); } void ACLExternal::parse() { char *token; if (data) self_destruct(); CBDATA_INIT_TYPE_FREECB(external_acl_data, free_external_acl_data); data = cbdataAlloc(external_acl_data); token = strtokFile(); if (!token) self_destruct(); data->def = cbdataReference(find_externalAclHelper(token)); if (!data->def) self_destruct(); // def->name is the name of the external_acl_type. // this is the name of the 'acl' directive being tested data->name = xstrdup(AclMatchedName); while ((token = strtokFile())) { wordlistAdd(&data->arguments, token); } } bool ACLExternal::valid () const { #if USE_AUTH if (data->def->require_auth) { if (authenticateSchemeCount() == 0) { debugs(28, DBG_CRITICAL, "Can't use proxy auth because no authentication schemes were compiled."); return false; } if (authenticateActiveSchemeCount() == 0) { debugs(28, DBG_CRITICAL, "Can't use proxy auth because no authentication schemes are fully configured."); return false; } } #endif return true; } bool ACLExternal::empty () const { return false; } ACLExternal::~ACLExternal() { cbdataFree(data); safe_free (class_); } static void copyResultsFromEntry(HttpRequest *req, const ExternalACLEntryPointer &entry) { if (req) { #if USE_AUTH if (entry->user.size()) req->extacl_user = entry->user; if (entry->password.size()) req->extacl_passwd = entry->password; #endif if (!req->tag.size()) req->tag = entry->tag; if (entry->log.size()) req->extacl_log = entry->log; if (entry->message.size()) req->extacl_message = entry->message; } } static allow_t aclMatchExternal(external_acl_data *acl, ACLFilledChecklist *ch) { debugs(82, 9, HERE << "acl=\"" << acl->def->name << "\""); ExternalACLEntryPointer entry = ch->extacl_entry; external_acl_message = "MISSING REQUIRED INFORMATION"; if (entry != NULL) { if (entry->def == acl->def) { /* Ours, use it.. if the key matches */ const char *key = makeExternalAclKey(ch, acl); if (!key) return ACCESS_DUNNO; // insufficent data to continue if (strcmp(key, (char*)entry->key) != 0) { debugs(82, 9, "entry key='" << (char *)entry->key << "', our key='" << key << "' dont match. Discarded."); // too bad. need a new lookup. entry = ch->extacl_entry = NULL; } } else { /* Not ours.. get rid of it */ debugs(82, 9, "entry " << entry << " not valid or not ours. Discarded."); if (entry != NULL) { debugs(82, 9, "entry def=" << entry->def << ", our def=" << acl->def); const char *key = makeExternalAclKey(ch, acl); // may be nil debugs(82, 9, "entry key='" << (char *)entry->key << "', our key='" << key << "'"); } entry = ch->extacl_entry = NULL; } } if (!entry) { debugs(82, 9, HERE << "No helper entry available"); #if USE_AUTH if (acl->def->require_auth) { /* Make sure the user is authenticated */ debugs(82, 3, HERE << acl->def->name << " check user authenticated."); const allow_t ti = AuthenticateAcl(ch); if (ti != ACCESS_ALLOWED) { debugs(82, 2, HERE << acl->def->name << " user not authenticated (" << ti << ")"); return ti; } debugs(82, 3, HERE << acl->def->name << " user is authenticated."); } #endif const char *key = makeExternalAclKey(ch, acl); if (!key) { /* Not sufficient data to process */ return ACCESS_DUNNO; } entry = static_cast(hash_lookup(acl->def->cache, key)); const ExternalACLEntryPointer staleEntry = entry; if (entry != NULL && external_acl_entry_expired(acl->def, entry)) entry = NULL; if (entry != NULL && external_acl_grace_expired(acl->def, entry)) { // refresh in the background ExternalACLLookup::Start(ch, acl, true); debugs(82, 4, HERE << "no need to wait for the refresh of '" << key << "' in '" << acl->def->name << "' (ch=" << ch << ")."); } if (!entry) { debugs(82, 2, HERE << acl->def->name << "(\"" << key << "\") = lookup needed"); if (acl->def->theHelper->stats.queue_size < (int)acl->def->theHelper->childs.n_active) { debugs(82, 2, HERE << "\"" << key << "\": queueing a call."); if (!ch->goAsync(ExternalACLLookup::Instance())) debugs(82, 2, "\"" << key << "\": no async support!"); debugs(82, 2, HERE << "\"" << key << "\": return -1."); return ACCESS_DUNNO; // expired cached or simply absent entry } else { if (!staleEntry) { debugs(82, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: external ACL '" << acl->def->name << "' queue overload. Request rejected '" << key << "'."); external_acl_message = "SYSTEM TOO BUSY, TRY AGAIN LATER"; return ACCESS_DUNNO; } else { debugs(82, DBG_IMPORTANT, "WARNING: external ACL '" << acl->def->name << "' queue overload. Using stale result. '" << key << "'."); entry = staleEntry; /* Fall thru to processing below */ } } } } debugs(82, 4, HERE << "entry = { date=" << (long unsigned int) entry->date << ", result=" << entry->result << " tag=" << entry->tag << " log=" << entry->log << " }"); #if USE_AUTH debugs(82, 4, HERE << "entry user=" << entry->user); #endif external_acl_cache_touch(acl->def, entry); external_acl_message = entry->message.termedBuf(); debugs(82, 2, HERE << acl->def->name << " = " << entry->result); copyResultsFromEntry(ch->request, entry); return entry->result; } int ACLExternal::match(ACLChecklist *checklist) { allow_t answer = aclMatchExternal(data, Filled(checklist)); // convert to tri-state ACL match 1,0,-1 switch (answer) { case ACCESS_ALLOWED: return 1; // match case ACCESS_DENIED: return 0; // non-match case ACCESS_DUNNO: case ACCESS_AUTH_REQUIRED: default: // If the answer is not allowed or denied (matches/not matches) and // async authentication is not in progress, then we are done. if (checklist->keepMatching()) checklist->markFinished(answer, "aclMatchExternal exception"); return -1; // other } } wordlist * ACLExternal::dump() const { external_acl_data const *acl = data; wordlist *result = NULL; wordlist *arg; MemBuf mb; mb.init(); mb.Printf("%s", acl->def->name); for (arg = acl->arguments; arg; arg = arg->next) { mb.Printf(" %s", arg->key); } wordlistAdd(&result, mb.buf); mb.clean(); return result; } /****************************************************************** * external_acl cache */ static void external_acl_cache_touch(external_acl * def, const ExternalACLEntryPointer &entry) { // this must not be done when nothing is being cached. if (def->cache_size <= 0 || (def->ttl <= 0 && entry->result == 1) || (def->negative_ttl <= 0 && entry->result != 1)) return; dlinkDelete(&entry->lru, &def->lru_list); ExternalACLEntry *e = const_cast(entry.getRaw()); // XXX: make hash a std::map of Pointer. dlinkAdd(e, &entry->lru, &def->lru_list); } static char * makeExternalAclKey(ACLFilledChecklist * ch, external_acl_data * acl_data) { static MemBuf mb; char buf[256]; int first = 1; wordlist *arg; external_acl_format *format; HttpRequest *request = ch->request; HttpReply *reply = ch->reply; mb.reset(); bool data_used = false; for (format = acl_data->def->format; format; format = format->next) { const char *str = NULL; String sb; switch (format->type) { #if USE_AUTH case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_LOGIN: // if this ACL line was the cause of credentials fetch // they may not already be in the checklist if (ch->auth_user_request == NULL && ch->request) ch->auth_user_request = ch->request->auth_user_request; if (ch->auth_user_request != NULL) str = ch->auth_user_request->username(); break; #endif #if USE_IDENT case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_IDENT: str = ch->rfc931; if (!str || !*str) { // if we fail to go async, we still return NULL and the caller // will detect the failure in ACLExternal::match(). (void)ch->goAsync(IdentLookup::Instance()); return NULL; } break; #endif case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_SRC: str = ch->src_addr.toStr(buf,sizeof(buf)); break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_SRCPORT: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", request->client_addr.port()); str = buf; break; #if USE_SQUID_EUI case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_SRCEUI48: if (request->clientConnectionManager.valid() && request->clientConnectionManager->clientConnection != NULL && request->clientConnectionManager->clientConnection->remoteEui48.encode(buf, sizeof(buf))) str = buf; break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_SRCEUI64: if (request->clientConnectionManager.valid() && request->clientConnectionManager->clientConnection != NULL && request->clientConnectionManager->clientConnection->remoteEui64.encode(buf, sizeof(buf))) str = buf; break; #endif case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_MYADDR: str = request->my_addr.toStr(buf, sizeof(buf)); break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_MYPORT: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", request->my_addr.port()); str = buf; break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_URI: str = urlCanonical(request); break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_DST: str = request->GetHost(); break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_PROTO: str = AnyP::ProtocolType_str[request->protocol]; break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_PORT: snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", request->port); str = buf; break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_PATH: str = request->urlpath.termedBuf(); break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_METHOD: str = RequestMethodStr(request->method); break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REQUEST: sb = request->header.getByName(format->header); str = sb.termedBuf(); break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REQUEST_ID: sb = request->header.getStrOrList(format->header_id); str = sb.termedBuf(); break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REQUEST_MEMBER: sb = request->header.getByNameListMember(format->header, format->member, format->separator); str = sb.termedBuf(); break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REQUEST_ID_MEMBER: sb = request->header.getListMember(format->header_id, format->member, format->separator); str = sb.termedBuf(); break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REPLY: if (reply) { sb = reply->header.getByName(format->header); str = sb.termedBuf(); } break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REPLY_ID: if (reply) { sb = reply->header.getStrOrList(format->header_id); str = sb.termedBuf(); } break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REPLY_MEMBER: if (reply) { sb = reply->header.getByNameListMember(format->header, format->member, format->separator); str = sb.termedBuf(); } break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_HEADER_REPLY_ID_MEMBER: if (reply) { sb = reply->header.getListMember(format->header_id, format->member, format->separator); str = sb.termedBuf(); } break; #if USE_SSL case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_USER_CERT_RAW: if (ch->conn() != NULL && Comm::IsConnOpen(ch->conn()->clientConnection)) { SSL *ssl = fd_table[ch->conn()->clientConnection->fd].ssl; if (ssl) str = sslGetUserCertificatePEM(ssl); } break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_USER_CERTCHAIN_RAW: if (ch->conn() != NULL && Comm::IsConnOpen(ch->conn()->clientConnection)) { SSL *ssl = fd_table[ch->conn()->clientConnection->fd].ssl; if (ssl) str = sslGetUserCertificateChainPEM(ssl); } break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_USER_CERT: if (ch->conn() != NULL && Comm::IsConnOpen(ch->conn()->clientConnection)) { SSL *ssl = fd_table[ch->conn()->clientConnection->fd].ssl; if (ssl) str = sslGetUserAttribute(ssl, format->header); } break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_USER_CA_CERT: if (ch->conn() != NULL && Comm::IsConnOpen(ch->conn()->clientConnection)) { SSL *ssl = fd_table[ch->conn()->clientConnection->fd].ssl; if (ssl) str = sslGetCAAttribute(ssl, format->header); } break; #endif #if USE_AUTH case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_EXT_USER: str = request->extacl_user.termedBuf(); break; #endif case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_EXT_LOG: str = request->extacl_log.termedBuf(); break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_TAG: str = request->tag.termedBuf(); break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_ACLNAME: str = acl_data->name; break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_ACLDATA: data_used = true; for (arg = acl_data->arguments; arg; arg = arg->next) { if (!first) sb.append(" ", 1); if (acl_data->def->quote == external_acl::QUOTE_METHOD_URL) { const char *quoted = rfc1738_escape(arg->key); sb.append(quoted, strlen(quoted)); } else { static MemBuf mb2; mb2.init(); strwordquote(&mb2, arg->key); sb.append(mb2.buf, mb2.size); mb2.clean(); } first = 0; } break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_PERCENT: str = "%"; break; case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_UNKNOWN: case _external_acl_format::EXT_ACL_END: fatal("unknown external_acl format error"); break; } if (str) if (!*str) str = NULL; if (!str) str = "-"; if (!first) mb.append(" ", 1); if (acl_data->def->quote == external_acl::QUOTE_METHOD_URL) { const char *quoted = rfc1738_escape(str); mb.append(quoted, strlen(quoted)); } else { strwordquote(&mb, str); } sb.clean(); first = 0; } if (!data_used) { for (arg = acl_data->arguments; arg; arg = arg->next) { if (!first) mb.append(" ", 1); if (acl_data->def->quote == external_acl::QUOTE_METHOD_URL) { const char *quoted = rfc1738_escape(arg->key); mb.append(quoted, strlen(quoted)); } else { strwordquote(&mb, arg->key); } first = 0; } } return mb.buf; } static int external_acl_entry_expired(external_acl * def, const ExternalACLEntryPointer &entry) { if (def->cache_size <= 0) return 1; if (entry->date + (entry->result == 1 ? def->ttl : def->negative_ttl) < squid_curtime) return 1; else return 0; } static int external_acl_grace_expired(external_acl * def, const ExternalACLEntryPointer &entry) { if (def->cache_size <= 0) return 1; int ttl; ttl = entry->result == 1 ? def->ttl : def->negative_ttl; ttl = (ttl * (100 - def->grace)) / 100; if (entry->date + ttl <= squid_curtime) return 1; else return 0; } static ExternalACLEntryPointer external_acl_cache_add(external_acl * def, const char *key, ExternalACLEntryData const & data) { ExternalACLEntryPointer entry; // do not bother caching this result if TTL is going to expire it immediately if (def->cache_size <= 0 || (def->ttl <= 0 && data.result == 1) || (def->negative_ttl <= 0 && data.result != 1)) { debugs(82,6, HERE); entry = new ExternalACLEntry; entry->key = xstrdup(key); entry->update(data); entry->def = def; return entry; } entry = static_cast(hash_lookup(def->cache, key)); debugs(82, 2, "external_acl_cache_add: Adding '" << key << "' = " << data.result); if (entry != NULL) { debugs(82, 3, "updating existing entry"); entry->update(data); external_acl_cache_touch(def, entry); return entry; } entry = new ExternalACLEntry; entry->key = xstrdup(key); entry->update(data); def->add(entry); return entry; } static void external_acl_cache_delete(external_acl * def, const ExternalACLEntryPointer &entry) { assert(entry != NULL); assert(def->cache_size > 0 && entry->def == def); ExternalACLEntry *e = const_cast(entry.getRaw()); // XXX: make hash a std::map of Pointer. hash_remove_link(def->cache, e); dlinkDelete(&e->lru, &def->lru_list); e->unlock(); // unlock on behalf of the hash def->cache_entries -= 1; } /****************************************************************** * external_acl helpers */ typedef struct _externalAclState externalAclState; struct _externalAclState { EAH *callback; void *callback_data; char *key; external_acl *def; dlink_node list; externalAclState *queue; }; CBDATA_TYPE(externalAclState); static void free_externalAclState(void *data) { externalAclState *state = static_cast(data); safe_free(state->key); cbdataReferenceDone(state->callback_data); cbdataReferenceDone(state->def); } /* * The helper program receives queries on stdin, one * per line, and must return the result on on stdout * * General result syntax: * * OK/ERR keyword=value ... * * Keywords: * * user= The users name (login) * message= Message describing the reason * tag= A string tag to be applied to the request that triggered the acl match. * applies to both OK and ERR responses. * Won't override existing request tags. * log= A string to be used in access logging * * Other keywords may be added to the protocol later * * value needs to be URL-encoded or enclosed in double quotes (") * with \-escaping on any whitespace, quotes, or slashes (\). */ static void externalAclHandleReply(void *data, const HelperReply &reply) { externalAclState *state = static_cast(data); externalAclState *next; ExternalACLEntryData entryData; entryData.result = ACCESS_DENIED; debugs(82, 2, HERE << "reply=" << reply); if (reply.result == HelperReply::Okay) entryData.result = ACCESS_ALLOWED; // XXX: handle other non-DENIED results better // XXX: make entryData store a proper HelperReply object instead of copying. entryData.notes.append(&reply.notes); const char *label = reply.notes.findFirst("tag"); if (label != NULL && *label != '\0') entryData.tag = label; label = reply.notes.findFirst("message"); if (label != NULL && *label != '\0') entryData.message = label; label = reply.notes.findFirst("log"); if (label != NULL && *label != '\0') entryData.log = label; #if USE_AUTH label = reply.notes.findFirst("user"); if (label != NULL && *label != '\0') entryData.user = label; label = reply.notes.findFirst("password"); if (label != NULL && *label != '\0') entryData.password = label; #endif dlinkDelete(&state->list, &state->def->queue); ExternalACLEntryPointer entry; if (cbdataReferenceValid(state->def)) { // only cache OK and ERR results. if (reply.result == HelperReply::Okay || reply.result == HelperReply::Error) entry = external_acl_cache_add(state->def, state->key, entryData); else { const ExternalACLEntryPointer oldentry = static_cast(hash_lookup(state->def->cache, state->key)); if (oldentry != NULL) external_acl_cache_delete(state->def, oldentry); } } do { void *cbdata; cbdataReferenceDone(state->def); if (state->callback && cbdataReferenceValidDone(state->callback_data, &cbdata)) state->callback(cbdata, entry); next = state->queue; cbdataFree(state); state = next; } while (state); } void ACLExternal::ExternalAclLookup(ACLChecklist *checklist, ACLExternal * me) { ExternalACLLookup::Start(checklist, me->data, false); } void ExternalACLLookup::Start(ACLChecklist *checklist, external_acl_data *acl, bool inBackground) { external_acl *def = acl->def; ACLFilledChecklist *ch = Filled(checklist); const char *key = makeExternalAclKey(ch, acl); assert(key); // XXX: will fail if EXT_ACL_IDENT case needs an async lookup debugs(82, 2, HERE << (inBackground ? "bg" : "fg") << " lookup in '" << def->name << "' for '" << key << "'"); /* Check for a pending lookup to hook into */ // only possible if we are caching results. externalAclState *oldstate = NULL; if (def->cache_size > 0) { for (dlink_node *node = def->queue.head; node; node = node->next) { externalAclState *oldstatetmp = static_cast(node->data); if (strcmp(key, oldstatetmp->key) == 0) { oldstate = oldstatetmp; break; } } } // A background refresh has no need to piggiback on a pending request: // When the pending request completes, the cache will be refreshed anyway. if (oldstate && inBackground) { debugs(82, 7, HERE << "'" << def->name << "' queue is already being refreshed (ch=" << ch << ")"); return; } externalAclState *state = cbdataAlloc(externalAclState); state->def = cbdataReference(def); state->key = xstrdup(key); if (!inBackground) { state->callback = &ExternalACLLookup::LookupDone; state->callback_data = cbdataReference(checklist); } if (oldstate) { /* Hook into pending lookup */ state->queue = oldstate->queue; oldstate->queue = state; } else { /* No pending lookup found. Sumbit to helper */ /* Check for queue overload */ if (def->theHelper->stats.queue_size >= (int)def->theHelper->childs.n_running) { debugs(82, 7, HERE << "'" << def->name << "' queue is too long"); assert(inBackground); // or the caller should have checked cbdataFree(state); return; } /* Send it off to the helper */ MemBuf buf; buf.init(); buf.Printf("%s\n", key); debugs(82, 4, "externalAclLookup: looking up for '" << key << "' in '" << def->name << "'."); helperSubmit(def->theHelper, buf.buf, externalAclHandleReply, state); dlinkAdd(state, &state->list, &def->queue); buf.clean(); } debugs(82, 4, "externalAclLookup: will wait for the result of '" << key << "' in '" << def->name << "' (ch=" << ch << ")."); } static void externalAclStats(StoreEntry * sentry) { external_acl *p; for (p = Config.externalAclHelperList; p; p = p->next) { storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "External ACL Statistics: %s\n", p->name); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "Cache size: %d\n", p->cache->count); helperStats(sentry, p->theHelper); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "\n"); } } static void externalAclRegisterWithCacheManager(void) { Mgr::RegisterAction("external_acl", "External ACL stats", externalAclStats, 0, 1); } void externalAclInit(void) { static int firstTimeInit = 1; external_acl *p; for (p = Config.externalAclHelperList; p; p = p->next) { if (!p->cache) p->cache = hash_create((HASHCMP *) strcmp, hashPrime(1024), hash4); if (!p->theHelper) p->theHelper = new helper(p->name); p->theHelper->cmdline = p->cmdline; p->theHelper->childs.updateLimits(p->children); p->theHelper->ipc_type = IPC_TCP_SOCKET; p->theHelper->addr = p->local_addr; helperOpenServers(p->theHelper); } if (firstTimeInit) { firstTimeInit = 0; CBDATA_INIT_TYPE_FREECB(externalAclState, free_externalAclState); } externalAclRegisterWithCacheManager(); } void externalAclShutdown(void) { external_acl *p; for (p = Config.externalAclHelperList; p; p = p->next) { helperShutdown(p->theHelper); } } ExternalACLLookup ExternalACLLookup::instance_; ExternalACLLookup * ExternalACLLookup::Instance() { return &instance_; } void ExternalACLLookup::checkForAsync(ACLChecklist *checklist)const { /* TODO: optimise this - we probably have a pointer to this * around somewhere */ ACL *acl = ACL::FindByName(AclMatchedName); assert(acl); ACLExternal *me = dynamic_cast (acl); assert (me); ACLExternal::ExternalAclLookup(checklist, me); } /// Called when an async lookup returns void ExternalACLLookup::LookupDone(void *data, const ExternalACLEntryPointer &result) { ACLFilledChecklist *checklist = Filled(static_cast(data)); checklist->extacl_entry = result; // attach the helper kv-pair to the transaction if (checklist->extacl_entry != NULL) { if (HttpRequest * req = checklist->request) { // XXX: we have no access to the transaction / AccessLogEntry so cant SyncNotes(). // workaround by using anything already set in HttpRequest // OR use new and rely on a later Sync copying these to AccessLogEntry if (!req->notes) req->notes = new NotePairs; req->notes->appendNewOnly(&checklist->extacl_entry->notes); } } checklist->resumeNonBlockingCheck(ExternalACLLookup::Instance()); } /* This registers "external" in the registry. To do dynamic definitions * of external ACL's, rather than a static prototype, have a Prototype instance * prototype in the class that defines each external acl 'class'. * Then, then the external acl instance is created, it self registers under * it's name. * Be sure that clone is fully functional for that acl class though! */ ACL::Prototype ACLExternal::RegistryProtoype(&ACLExternal::RegistryEntry_, "external"); ACLExternal ACLExternal::RegistryEntry_("external"); ACL * ACLExternal::clone() const { return new ACLExternal(*this); } ACLExternal::ACLExternal (char const *theClass) : data (NULL), class_ (xstrdup (theClass)) {} ACLExternal::ACLExternal (ACLExternal const & old) : data (NULL), class_ (old.class_ ? xstrdup (old.class_) : NULL) { /* we don't have copy constructors for the data yet */ assert (!old.data); } char const * ACLExternal::typeString() const { return class_; } bool ACLExternal::isProxyAuth() const { #if USE_AUTH return data->def->require_auth; #else return false; #endif }