/* * (C) 2000 Francesco Chemolli * Distributed freely under the terms of the GNU General Public License, * version 2. See the file COPYING for licensing details * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * */ #include "config.h" #include "ntlmauth.h" #include "ntlm_smb_lm_auth.h" #include "squid_endian.h" #include "util.h" #include "smbval/smblib-common.h" #include "smbval/rfcnb-error.h" #include /* these are part of rfcnb-priv.h and smblib-priv.h */ extern int SMB_Get_Error_Msg(int msg, char *msgbuf, int len); extern int SMB_Get_Last_Error(void); extern int SMB_Get_Last_SMB_Err(void); extern int RFCNB_Get_Last_Error(void); #include #define BUFFER_SIZE 10240 #if HAVE_STDLIB_H #include #endif #if HAVE_GETOPT_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_CTYPE_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_ASSERT_H #include #endif /* local functions */ void send_bh_or_ld(char const *bhmessage, ntlm_authenticate * failedauth, int authlen); void usage(void); void process_options(int argc, char *argv[]); const char * obtain_challenge(void); void manage_request(void); #ifdef DEBUG char error_messages_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; #endif char load_balance = 0, protocol_pedantic = 0; #ifdef NTLM_FAIL_OPEN char last_ditch_enabled = 0; #endif dc *controllers = NULL; int numcontrollers = 0; dc *current_dc; char smb_error_buffer[1000]; /* signal handler to be invoked when the authentication operation * times out */ static char got_timeout = 0; static void timeout_during_auth(int signum) { dc_disconnect(); } /* makes a null-terminated string upper-case. Changes CONTENTS! */ static void uc(char *string) { char *p = string, c; while ((c = *p)) { *p = xtoupper(c); p++; } } /* makes a null-terminated string lower-case. Changes CONTENTS! */ static void lc(char *string) { char *p = string, c; while ((c = *p)) { *p = xtolower(c); p++; } } void send_bh_or_ld(char const *bhmessage, ntlm_authenticate * failedauth, int authlen) { #ifdef NTLM_FAIL_OPEN char *creds = NULL; if (last_ditch_enabled) { creds = fetch_credentials(failedauth, authlen); if (creds) { lc(creds); SEND2("LD %s", creds); } else { SEND("NA last-ditch on, but no credentials"); } } else { #endif SEND2("BH %s", bhmessage); #ifdef NTLM_FAIL_OPEN } #endif } /* * options: * -b try load-balancing the domain-controllers * -f fail-over to another DC if DC connection fails. * DEPRECATED and VERBOSELY IGNORED. This is on by default now. * -l last-ditch-mode * domain\controller ... */ char *my_program_name = NULL; void usage() { fprintf(stderr, "%s usage:\n%s [-b] [-f] [-d] [-l] domain\\controller [domain\\controller ...]\n" "-b enables load-balancing among controllers\n" "-f enables failover among controllers (DEPRECATED and always active)\n" "-l changes behavior on domain controller failyures to last-ditch.\n" "-d enables debugging statements if DEBUG was defined at build-time.\n\n" "You MUST specify at least one Domain Controller.\n" "You can use either \\ or / as separator between the domain name \n" "and the controller name\n", my_program_name, my_program_name); } char debug_enabled=0; void process_options(int argc, char *argv[]) { int opt, j, had_error = 0; dc *new_dc = NULL, *last_dc = NULL; while (-1 != (opt = getopt(argc, argv, "bfld"))) { switch (opt) { case 'b': load_balance = 1; break; case 'f': fprintf(stderr, "WARNING. The -f flag is DEPRECATED and always active.\n"); break; #ifdef NTLM_FAIL_OPEN case 'l': last_ditch_enabled = 1; break; #endif case 'd': debug_enabled=1; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "unknown option: -%c. Exiting\n", opt); usage(); had_error = 1; } } if (had_error) exit(1); /* Okay, now begin filling controllers up */ /* we can avoid memcpy-ing, and just reuse argv[] */ for (j = optind; j < argc; j++) { char *d, *c; /* d will not be freed in case of non-error. Since we don't reconfigure, * it's going to live as long as the process anyways */ d = malloc(strlen(argv[j]) + 1); strcpy(d, argv[j]); debug("Adding domain-controller %s\n", d); if (NULL == (c = strchr(d, '\\')) && NULL == (c = strchr(d, '/'))) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't grok domain-controller %s\n", d); free(d); continue; } /* more than one delimiter is not allowed */ if (NULL != strchr(c + 1, '\\') || NULL != strchr(c + 1, '/')) { fprintf(stderr, "Broken domain-controller %s\n", d); free(d); continue; } *c++ = '\0'; new_dc = (dc *) malloc(sizeof(dc)); if (!new_dc) { fprintf(stderr, "Malloc error while parsing DC options\n"); free(d); continue; } /* capitalize */ uc(c); uc(d); numcontrollers++; new_dc->domain = d; new_dc->controller = c; new_dc->dead = 0; if (controllers == NULL) { /* first controller */ controllers = new_dc; last_dc = new_dc; } else { last_dc->next = new_dc; /* can't be null */ last_dc = new_dc; } } if (numcontrollers == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "You must specify at least one domain-controller!\n"); usage(); exit(1); } last_dc->next = controllers; /* close the queue, now it's circular */ } /** * tries connecting to the domain controllers in the "controllers" ring, * with failover if the adequate option is specified. */ const char * obtain_challenge() { int j = 0; const char *ch = NULL; for (j = 0; j < numcontrollers; j++) { debug("obtain_challenge: selecting %s\\%s (attempt #%d)\n", current_dc->domain, current_dc->controller, j + 1); if (current_dc->dead != 0) { if (time(NULL) - current_dc->dead >= DEAD_DC_RETRY_INTERVAL) { /* mark helper as retry-worthy if it's so. */ debug("Reviving DC\n"); current_dc->dead = 0; } else { /* skip it */ debug("Skipping it\n"); continue; } } /* else branch. Here we KNOW that the DC is fine */ debug("attempting challenge retrieval\n"); ch = make_challenge(current_dc->domain, current_dc->controller); debug("make_challenge retuned %p\n", ch); if (ch) { debug("Got it\n"); return ch; /* All went OK, returning */ } /* Huston, we've got a problem. Take this DC out of the loop */ debug("Marking DC as DEAD\n"); current_dc->dead = time(NULL); /* Try with the next */ debug("moving on to next controller\n"); current_dc = current_dc->next; } /* all DCs failed. */ return NULL; } void manage_request() { ntlmhdr *fast_header; char buf[BUFFER_SIZE]; const char *ch; char *ch2, *decoded, *cred = NULL; int plen; if (fgets(buf, BUFFER_SIZE, stdin) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "fgets() failed! dying..... errno=%d (%s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); exit(1); /* BIIG buffer */ } debug("managing request\n"); ch2 = memchr(buf, '\n', BUFFER_SIZE); /* safer against overrun than strchr */ if (ch2) { *ch2 = '\0'; /* terminate the string at newline. */ ch = ch2; } debug("ntlm authenticator. Got '%s' from Squid\n", buf); if (memcmp(buf, "KK ", 3) == 0) { /* authenticate-request */ /* figure out what we got */ decoded = base64_decode(buf + 3); /* Note: we don't need to manage memory at this point, since * base64_decode returns a pointer to static storage. */ if (!decoded) { /* decoding failure, return error */ SEND("NA Packet format error, couldn't base64-decode"); return; } /* fast-track-decode request type. */ fast_header = (struct _ntlmhdr *) decoded; /* sanity-check: it IS a NTLMSSP packet, isn't it? */ if (memcmp(fast_header->signature, "NTLMSSP", 8) != 0) { SEND("NA Broken authentication packet"); return; } switch (le32toh(fast_header->type)) { case NTLM_NEGOTIATE: SEND("NA Invalid negotiation request received"); return; /* notreached */ case NTLM_CHALLENGE: SEND("NA Got a challenge. We refuse to have our authority disputed"); return; /* notreached */ case NTLM_AUTHENTICATE: /* check against the DC */ plen = strlen(buf) * 3 / 4; /* we only need it here. Optimization */ signal(SIGALRM, timeout_during_auth); alarm(30); cred = ntlm_check_auth((ntlm_authenticate *) decoded, plen); alarm(0); signal(SIGALRM, SIG_DFL); if (got_timeout != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ntlm-auth[%ld]: Timeout during authentication.\n", (long)getpid()); SEND("BH Timeout during authentication"); got_timeout = 0; return; } if (cred == NULL) { int smblib_err, smb_errorclass, smb_errorcode, nb_error; if (ntlm_errno == NTLM_LOGON_ERROR) { /* hackish */ SEND("NA Logon Failure"); return; } /* there was an error. We have two errno's to look at. * libntlmssp's erno is insufficient, we'll have to look at * the actual SMB library error codes, to acually figure * out what's happening. The thing has braindamaged interfacess..*/ smblib_err = SMB_Get_Last_Error(); smb_errorclass = SMBlib_Error_Class(SMB_Get_Last_SMB_Err()); smb_errorcode = SMBlib_Error_Code(SMB_Get_Last_SMB_Err()); nb_error = RFCNB_Get_Last_Error(); debug("No creds. SMBlib error %d, SMB error class %d, SMB error code %d, NB error %d\n", smblib_err, smb_errorclass, smb_errorcode, nb_error); /* Should I use smblib_err? Actually it seems I can do as well * without it.. */ if (nb_error != 0) { /* netbios-level error */ send_bh_or_ld("NetBios error!", (ntlm_authenticate *) decoded, plen); fprintf(stderr, "NetBios error code %d (%s)\n", nb_error, RFCNB_Error_Strings[abs(nb_error)]); return; } switch (smb_errorclass) { case SMBC_SUCCESS: debug("Huh? Got a SMB success code but could check auth.."); SEND("NA Authentication failed"); /* * send_bh_or_ld("SMB success, but no creds. Internal error?", * (ntlm_authenticate *) decoded, plen); */ return; case SMBC_ERRDOS: /*this is the most important one for errors */ debug("DOS error\n"); switch (smb_errorcode) { /* two categories matter to us: those which could be * server errors, and those which are auth errors */ case SMBD_noaccess: /* 5 */ SEND("NA Access denied"); return; case SMBD_badformat: SEND("NA bad format in authentication packet"); return; case SMBD_badaccess: SEND("NA Bad access request"); return; case SMBD_baddata: SEND("NA Bad Data"); return; default: send_bh_or_ld("DOS Error", (ntlm_authenticate *) decoded, plen); return; } case SMBC_ERRSRV: /* server errors */ debug("Server error"); switch (smb_errorcode) { /* mostly same as above */ case SMBV_badpw: SEND("NA Bad password"); return; case SMBV_access: SEND("NA Server access error"); return; default: send_bh_or_ld("Server Error", (ntlm_authenticate *) decoded, plen); return; } case SMBC_ERRHRD: /* hardware errors don't really matter */ send_bh_or_ld("Domain Controller Hardware error", (ntlm_authenticate *) decoded, plen); return; case SMBC_ERRCMD: send_bh_or_ld("Domain Controller Command Error", (ntlm_authenticate *) decoded, plen); return; } SEND("BH unknown internal error."); return; } lc(cred); /* let's lowercase them for our convenience */ SEND2("AF %s", cred); return; default: SEND("BH unknown authentication packet type"); return; } return; } if (memcmp(buf, "YR", 2) == 0) { /* refresh-request */ dc_disconnect(); ch = obtain_challenge(); /* Robert says we can afford to wait forever. I'll trust him on this * one */ while (ch == NULL) { sleep(30); ch = obtain_challenge(); } SEND2("TT %s", ch); return; } SEND("BH Helper detected protocol error"); return; /********* END ********/ } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { debug("ntlm_auth build " __DATE__ ", " __TIME__ " starting up...\n"); my_program_name = argv[0]; process_options(argc, argv); debug("options processed OK\n"); /* initialize FDescs */ setbuf(stdout, NULL); setbuf(stderr, NULL); /* select the first domain controller we're going to use */ current_dc = controllers; if (load_balance != 0 && numcontrollers > 1) { int n; pid_t pid = getpid(); n = pid % numcontrollers; debug("load balancing. Selected controller #%d\n", n); while (n > 0) { current_dc = current_dc->next; n--; } } while (1) { manage_request(); } return 0; }