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You need to use Netscape version 2.0 or greater, or Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0, or an HTTP/1.1 compliant browser for this to work. Please contact the cache administrator if you have difficulties authenticating yourself or, if you are the administrator, read Squid documentation on cache manager interface and check cache log for more detailed error messages.
����Ҫʹ�� Netscape version 2.0 �����µİ汾������ʹ�� Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0������һ�� HTTP/1.1 ���ݵ�����������й��������������������֤�Ϸ� �����⣬����ȷ������Ȩ�Ի���ʹ�ù������� ��������������ϵ����������������ߣ�����ϸ�Ķ� Squid �����ļ����� cache manager �йز��ݻ��� cache log �Ա�õ����꾡��ϸ�ڡ�
