/* * $Id: http.c,v 1.439.2.8 2009/06/25 22:54:13 hno Exp $ * * DEBUG: section 11 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) * AUTHOR: Harvest Derived * * SQUID Web Proxy Cache http://www.squid-cache.org/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from * the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full * details. Many organizations have provided support for Squid's * development; see the SPONSORS file for full details. Squid is * Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of * California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid * incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other * sources; see the CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * */ /* * Anonymizing patch by lutz@as-node.jena.thur.de * have a look into http-anon.c to get more informations. */ #include "squid.h" static const char *const crlf = "\r\n"; static CWCB httpSendComplete; static CWCB httpSendRequestEntry; static PF httpReadReply; static void httpSendRequest(HttpStateData *); static PF httpStateFree; static PF httpTimeout; static void httpCacheNegatively(StoreEntry *); static void httpMakePrivate(StoreEntry *); static void httpMakePublic(StoreEntry *); static int httpCachableReply(HttpStateData *); static void httpMaybeRemovePublic(StoreEntry *, http_status); static int peer_supports_connection_pinning(HttpStateData * httpState); static void httpStateFree(int fd, void *data) { HttpStateData *httpState = data; #if DELAY_POOLS delayClearNoDelay(fd); #endif if (httpState == NULL) return; if (httpState->body_buf) { requestAbortBody(httpState->orig_request); if (httpState->body_buf) { memFree(httpState->body_buf, MEM_8K_BUF); httpState->body_buf = NULL; } } storeUnlockObject(httpState->entry); if (!memBufIsNull(&httpState->reply_hdr)) { memBufClean(&httpState->reply_hdr); } requestUnlink(httpState->request); requestUnlink(httpState->orig_request); httpState->request = NULL; httpState->orig_request = NULL; stringClean(&httpState->chunkhdr); cbdataFree(httpState); } int httpCachable(method_t method) { /* GET and HEAD are cachable. Others are not. */ if (method != METHOD_GET && method != METHOD_HEAD) return 0; /* else cachable */ return 1; } static void httpTimeout(int fd, void *data) { HttpStateData *httpState = data; StoreEntry *entry = httpState->entry; debug(11, 4) ("httpTimeout: FD %d: '%s'\n", fd, storeUrl(entry)); if (entry->store_status == STORE_PENDING) { fwdFail(httpState->fwd, errorCon(ERR_READ_TIMEOUT, HTTP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT, httpState->fwd->request)); } comm_close(fd); } /* This object can be cached for a long time */ static void httpMakePublic(StoreEntry * entry) { if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_CACHABLE)) storeSetPublicKey(entry); } /* This object should never be cached at all */ static void httpMakePrivate(StoreEntry * entry) { storeExpireNow(entry); storeReleaseRequest(entry); /* delete object when not used */ /* storeReleaseRequest clears ENTRY_CACHABLE flag */ } /* This object may be negatively cached */ static void httpCacheNegatively(StoreEntry * entry) { storeNegativeCache(entry); if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_CACHABLE)) storeSetPublicKey(entry); if (entry->expires <= squid_curtime) storeRelease(entry); } static void httpMaybeRemovePublic(StoreEntry * e, http_status status) { int remove = 0; int forbidden = 0; StoreEntry *pe; switch (status) { case HTTP_OK: case HTTP_NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION: case HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES: case HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY: case HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY: case HTTP_GONE: case HTTP_NOT_FOUND: remove = 1; break; case HTTP_FORBIDDEN: case HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED: forbidden = 1; break; #if WORK_IN_PROGRESS case HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED: forbidden = 1; break; #endif default: #if QUESTIONABLE /* * Any 2xx response should eject previously cached entities... */ if (status >= 200 && status < 300) remove = 1; #endif break; } if (!remove && !forbidden) return; if (EBIT_TEST(e->flags, KEY_PRIVATE)) { assert(e->mem_obj); if (e->mem_obj->request) pe = storeGetPublicByRequest(e->mem_obj->request); else pe = storeGetPublic(e->mem_obj->url, e->mem_obj->method); if (pe != NULL) { assert(e != pe); storeRelease(pe); } } /* * Also remove any cached HEAD response in case the object has * changed. */ if (e->mem_obj->request) pe = storeGetPublicByRequestMethod(e->mem_obj->request, METHOD_HEAD); else pe = storeGetPublic(e->mem_obj->url, METHOD_HEAD); if (pe != NULL && e != pe) { storeRelease(pe); } if (forbidden) return; switch (e->mem_obj->method) { case METHOD_PUT: case METHOD_DELETE: case METHOD_PROPPATCH: case METHOD_MKCOL: case METHOD_MOVE: case METHOD_BMOVE: case METHOD_BDELETE: /* * Remove any cached GET object if it is beleived that the * object may have changed as a result of other methods */ if (e->mem_obj->request) pe = storeGetPublicByRequestMethod(e->mem_obj->request, METHOD_GET); else pe = storeGetPublic(e->mem_obj->url, METHOD_GET); if (pe != NULL) { assert(e != pe); storeRelease(pe); } break; } } static int httpCachableReply(HttpStateData * httpState) { HttpReply *rep = httpState->entry->mem_obj->reply; HttpHeader *hdr = &rep->header; const int cc_mask = (rep->cache_control) ? rep->cache_control->mask : 0; const char *v; #if HTTP_VIOLATIONS const refresh_t *R = NULL; /* This strange looking define first looks up the frefresh pattern * and then checks if the specified flag is set. The main purpose * of this is to simplify the refresh pattern lookup */ #define REFRESH_OVERRIDE(flag) \ ((R = (R ? R : refreshLimits(httpState->entry->mem_obj->url))) , \ (R && R->flags.flag)) #else #define REFRESH_OVERRIDE(field) 0 #endif if (EBIT_TEST(cc_mask, CC_PRIVATE) && !REFRESH_OVERRIDE(ignore_private)) return 0; if (EBIT_TEST(cc_mask, CC_NO_CACHE) && !REFRESH_OVERRIDE(ignore_no_cache)) return 0; if (EBIT_TEST(cc_mask, CC_NO_STORE)) return 0; if (httpState->request->flags.auth_sent) { /* * Responses to requests with authorization may be cached * only if a Cache-Control: public reply header is present. * RFC 2068, sec 14.9.4 */ if (!EBIT_TEST(cc_mask, CC_PUBLIC) && !REFRESH_OVERRIDE(ignore_auth)) return 0; } /* Pragma: no-cache in _replies_ is not documented in HTTP, * but servers like "Active Imaging Webcast/2.0" sure do use it */ if (httpHeaderHas(hdr, HDR_PRAGMA)) { String s = httpHeaderGetList(hdr, HDR_PRAGMA); const int no_cache = strListIsMember(&s, "no-cache", ','); stringClean(&s); if (no_cache && !REFRESH_OVERRIDE(ignore_no_cache)) return 0; } /* * The "multipart/x-mixed-replace" content type is used for * continuous push replies. These are generally dynamic and * probably should not be cachable */ if ((v = httpHeaderGetStr(hdr, HDR_CONTENT_TYPE))) if (!strncasecmp(v, "multipart/x-mixed-replace", 25)) return 0; switch (httpState->entry->mem_obj->reply->sline.status) { /* Responses that are cacheable */ case HTTP_OK: case HTTP_NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION: case HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES: case HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY: case HTTP_GONE: /* * Don't cache objects that need to be refreshed on next request, * unless we know how to refresh it. */ if (!refreshIsCachable(httpState->entry)) return 0; /* don't cache objects from peers w/o LMT, Date, or Expires */ /* check that is it enough to check headers @?@ */ if (rep->date > -1) return 1; else if (rep->last_modified > -1) return 1; else if (!httpState->peer) return 1; /* @?@ (here and 302): invalid expires header compiles to squid_curtime */ else if (rep->expires > -1) return 1; else return 0; /* NOTREACHED */ break; /* Responses that only are cacheable if the server says so */ case HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY: if (rep->expires > rep->date && rep->date > 0) return 1; else return 0; /* NOTREACHED */ break; /* Errors can be negatively cached */ case HTTP_NO_CONTENT: case HTTP_USE_PROXY: case HTTP_BAD_REQUEST: case HTTP_FORBIDDEN: case HTTP_NOT_FOUND: case HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED: case HTTP_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG: case HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: case HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: case HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY: case HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE: case HTTP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT: return -1; /* NOTREACHED */ break; /* Some responses can never be cached */ case HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT: /* Not yet supported */ case HTTP_SEE_OTHER: case HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED: case HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED: case HTTP_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED: case HTTP_INVALID_HEADER: /* Squid header parsing error */ case HTTP_HEADER_TOO_LARGE: default: /* Unknown status code */ return 0; /* NOTREACHED */ break; } /* NOTREACHED */ } /* * For Vary, store the relevant request headers as * virtual headers in the reply * Returns false if the variance cannot be stored */ const char * httpMakeVaryMark(request_t * request, HttpReply * reply) { String vary = StringNull, hdr; const char *pos = NULL; const char *item; const char *value; int ilen; String vstr = StringNull; stringClean(&vstr); hdr = httpHeaderGetList(&reply->header, HDR_VARY); if (strBuf(hdr)) strListAdd(&vary, strBuf(hdr), ','); stringClean(&hdr); #if X_ACCELERATOR_VARY hdr = httpHeaderGetList(&reply->header, HDR_X_ACCELERATOR_VARY); if (strBuf(hdr)) strListAdd(&vary, strBuf(hdr), ','); stringClean(&hdr); #endif while (strListGetItem(&vary, ',', &item, &ilen, &pos)) { char *name = xmalloc(ilen + 1); xstrncpy(name, item, ilen + 1); Tolower(name); if (strcmp(name, "accept-encoding") == 0) { aclCheck_t checklist; memset(&checklist, 0, sizeof(checklist)); checklist.request = request; checklist.reply = reply; if (Config.accessList.vary_encoding && aclCheckFast(Config.accessList.vary_encoding, &checklist)) { stringClean(&request->vary_encoding); request->vary_encoding = httpHeaderGetStrOrList(&request->header, HDR_ACCEPT_ENCODING); strCat(request->vary_encoding, ""); } } if (strcmp(name, "*") == 0) { /* Can not handle "Vary: *" efficiently, bail out making the response not cached */ safe_free(name); stringClean(&vary); stringClean(&vstr); break; } strListAdd(&vstr, name, ','); hdr = httpHeaderGetByName(&request->header, name); safe_free(name); value = strBuf(hdr); if (value) { value = rfc1738_escape_part(value); stringAppend(&vstr, "=\"", 2); stringAppend(&vstr, value, strlen(value)); stringAppend(&vstr, "\"", 1); } stringClean(&hdr); } safe_free(request->vary_hdr); safe_free(request->vary_headers); if (strBuf(vary) && strBuf(vstr)) { request->vary_hdr = xstrdup(strBuf(vary)); request->vary_headers = xstrdup(strBuf(vstr)); } debug(11, 3) ("httpMakeVaryMark: %s\n", strBuf(vstr)); stringClean(&vary); stringClean(&vstr); return request->vary_headers; } /* rewrite this later using new interfaces @?@ */ static size_t httpProcessReplyHeader(HttpStateData * httpState, const char *buf, int size) { StoreEntry *entry = httpState->entry; size_t hdr_len; size_t hdr_size; size_t old_size; size_t done; HttpReply *reply = entry->mem_obj->reply; Ctx ctx = ctx_enter(entry->mem_obj->url); debug(11, 3) ("httpProcessReplyHeader: key '%s'\n", storeKeyText(entry->hash.key)); if (memBufIsNull(&httpState->reply_hdr)) memBufDefInit(&httpState->reply_hdr); assert(httpState->reply_hdr_state == 0); old_size = httpState->reply_hdr.size; memBufAppend(&httpState->reply_hdr, buf, size); hdr_len = httpState->reply_hdr.size; if (hdr_len > 4 && strncmp(httpState->reply_hdr.buf, "HTTP/", 5)) { debug(11, 3) ("httpProcessReplyHeader: Non-HTTP-compliant header: '%s'\n", httpState->reply_hdr.buf); { char *t, *t2; t = xstrdup(httpState->reply_hdr.buf); t2 = strchr(t, '\n'); if (t2) *t2 = '\0'; t2 = strchr(t, '\r'); if (t2) *t2 = '\0'; httpHeaderPutStr(&reply->header, HDR_X_HTTP09_FIRST_LINE, t); safe_free(t); } httpState->reply_hdr_state += 2; httpState->chunk_size = -1; /* Terminated by EOF */ httpState->reply_hdr.size = old_size; httpBuildVersion(&reply->sline.version, 0, 9); reply->sline.status = HTTP_INVALID_HEADER; ctx_exit(ctx); return 0; } hdr_size = headersEnd(httpState->reply_hdr.buf, hdr_len); if (hdr_size) hdr_len = hdr_size; if (hdr_len > Config.maxReplyHeaderSize) { debug(11, 1) ("httpProcessReplyHeader: Too large reply header\n"); storeAppend(entry, httpState->reply_hdr.buf, httpState->reply_hdr.size); memBufClean(&httpState->reply_hdr); reply->sline.status = HTTP_HEADER_TOO_LARGE; httpState->reply_hdr_state += 2; ctx_exit(ctx); return size; } /* headers can be incomplete only if object still arriving */ if (!hdr_size) { if (httpState->eof) hdr_size = hdr_len; else { ctx_exit(ctx); return size; /* headers not complete */ } } safe_free(entry->mem_obj->vary_headers); safe_free(entry->mem_obj->vary_encoding); /* Cut away any excess body data (only needed for debug?) */ memBufAppend(&httpState->reply_hdr, "\0", 1); httpState->reply_hdr.buf[hdr_size] = '\0'; httpState->reply_hdr_state++; assert(httpState->reply_hdr_state == 1); httpState->reply_hdr_state++; debug(11, 9) ("GOT HTTP REPLY HDR:\n---------\n%s\n----------\n", httpState->reply_hdr.buf); /* Parse headers into reply structure */ /* what happens if we fail to parse here? */ httpReplyParse(reply, httpState->reply_hdr.buf, hdr_size); done = hdr_size - old_size; /* Skip 1xx messages for now. Advertised in Via as an internal 1.0 hop */ if (reply->sline.status >= 100 && reply->sline.status < 200) { memBufClean(&httpState->reply_hdr); httpReplyReset(reply); httpState->reply_hdr_state = 0; ctx_exit(ctx); if (done < size) return done + httpProcessReplyHeader(httpState, buf + done, size - done); else return done; } storeAppend(entry, httpState->reply_hdr.buf, hdr_size); if (reply->sline.status >= HTTP_INVALID_HEADER) { debug(11, 3) ("httpProcessReplyHeader: Non-HTTP-compliant header: '%s'\n", httpState->reply_hdr.buf); memBufClean(&httpState->reply_hdr); ctx_exit(ctx); return done; } if (!peer_supports_connection_pinning(httpState)) httpState->orig_request->flags.no_connection_auth = 1; storeTimestampsSet(entry); /* Check if object is cacheable or not based on reply code */ debug(11, 3) ("httpProcessReplyHeader: HTTP CODE: %d\n", reply->sline.status); if (httpHeaderHas(&reply->header, HDR_TRANSFER_ENCODING)) { String tr = httpHeaderGetList(&reply->header, HDR_TRANSFER_ENCODING); const char *pos = NULL; const char *item = NULL; int ilen = 0; if (strListGetItem(&tr, ',', &item, &ilen, &pos)) { if (ilen == 7 && strncasecmp(item, "chunked", ilen) == 0) { httpState->flags.chunked = 1; if (!strListGetItem(&tr, ',', &item, &ilen, &pos)) item = NULL; } if (item) { /* Can't handle other transfer-encodings */ debug(11, 1) ("Unexpected transfer encoding '%s'\n", strBuf(tr)); reply->sline.status = HTTP_INVALID_HEADER; return done; } } stringClean(&tr); if (httpState->flags.chunked && reply->content_length >= 0) { /* Can't have a content-length in chunked encoding */ reply->content_length = -1; httpHeaderDelById(&reply->header, HDR_CONTENT_LENGTH); } } if (!httpState->flags.chunked) { /* non-chunked. Handle as one single big chunk (-1 if terminated by EOF) */ httpState->chunk_size = httpReplyBodySize(httpState->orig_request->method, reply); } if (httpHeaderHas(&reply->header, HDR_VARY) #if X_ACCELERATOR_VARY || httpHeaderHas(&reply->header, HDR_X_ACCELERATOR_VARY) #endif ) { const char *vary = NULL; if (Config.onoff.cache_vary) vary = httpMakeVaryMark(httpState->orig_request, reply); if (!vary) { httpMakePrivate(entry); goto no_cache; /* XXX Would be better if this was used by the swicht statement below */ } entry->mem_obj->vary_headers = xstrdup(vary); if (strBuf(httpState->orig_request->vary_encoding)) entry->mem_obj->vary_encoding = xstrdup(strBuf(httpState->orig_request->vary_encoding)); } if (entry->mem_obj->old_entry) EBIT_CLR(entry->mem_obj->old_entry->flags, REFRESH_FAILURE); switch (httpCachableReply(httpState)) { case 1: httpMakePublic(entry); break; case 0: httpMakePrivate(entry); break; case -1: httpCacheNegatively(entry); break; default: assert(0); break; } no_cache: if (reply->cache_control) { if (EBIT_TEST(reply->cache_control->mask, CC_PROXY_REVALIDATE)) EBIT_SET(entry->flags, ENTRY_REVALIDATE); else if (EBIT_TEST(reply->cache_control->mask, CC_MUST_REVALIDATE)) EBIT_SET(entry->flags, ENTRY_REVALIDATE); } if (neighbors_do_private_keys && !Config.onoff.collapsed_forwarding) httpMaybeRemovePublic(entry, reply->sline.status); if (httpState->flags.keepalive) if (httpState->peer) httpState->peer->stats.n_keepalives_sent++; if (reply->keep_alive) { if (httpState->peer) httpState->peer->stats.n_keepalives_recv++; if (Config.onoff.detect_broken_server_pconns && httpReplyBodySize(httpState->request->method, reply) == -1) { debug(11, 1) ("httpProcessReplyHeader: Impossible keep-alive header from '%s'\n", storeUrl(entry)); debug(11, 2) ("GOT HTTP REPLY HDR:\n---------\n%s\n----------\n", httpState->reply_hdr.buf); httpState->flags.keepalive_broken = 1; } } if (reply->date > -1 && !httpState->peer) { int skew = abs(reply->date - squid_curtime); if (skew > 86400) debug(11, 3) ("%s's clock is skewed by %d seconds!\n", httpState->request->host, skew); } ctx_exit(ctx); #if HEADERS_LOG headersLog(1, 0, httpState->request->method, reply); #endif return done; } /* Small helper function to verify if connection pinning is supported or not */ static int peer_supports_connection_pinning(HttpStateData * httpState) { const HttpReply *rep = httpState->entry->mem_obj->reply; const HttpHeader *hdr = &rep->header; const request_t *req = httpState->request; int rc; String header; if (!httpState->peer) return 1; if (!httpState->peer->connection_auth) return 0; if (rep->sline.status != HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED) return 1; if (httpState->peer->connection_auth == 1) return 1; if (httpState->peer->options.originserver) return 1; if (req->flags.pinned) return 1; if (!httpHeaderHas(hdr, HDR_PROXY_SUPPORT)) return 0; header = httpHeaderGetStrOrList(hdr, HDR_PROXY_SUPPORT); /* XXX This ought to be done in a case-insensitive manner */ rc = (strStr(header, "Session-Based-Authentication") != NULL); stringClean(&header); return rc; } static void httpAppendBody(HttpStateData * httpState, const char *buf, ssize_t len, int buffer_filled) { StoreEntry *entry = httpState->entry; const request_t *request = httpState->request; const request_t *orig_request = httpState->orig_request; struct in_addr *client_addr = NULL; u_short client_port = 0; int fd = httpState->fd; int complete = httpState->eof; int keep_alive = !httpState->eof; storeBuffer(entry); if (len == 0 && httpState->eof && httpState->flags.chunked) { fwdFail(httpState->fwd, errorCon(ERR_INVALID_RESP, HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY, httpState->fwd->request)); comm_close(fd); return; } while (len > 0) { if (httpState->chunk_size > 0) { size_t size = len; if (size > httpState->chunk_size) size = httpState->chunk_size; httpState->chunk_size -= size; storeAppend(httpState->entry, buf, size); buf += size; len -= size; } else if (httpState->chunk_size < 0) { /* non-chunked without content-length */ storeAppend(httpState->entry, buf, len); len = 0; } else if (httpState->flags.chunked) { char *eol = memchr(buf, '\n', len); size_t size = eol - buf + 1; if (!eol) size = len; stringAppend(&httpState->chunkhdr, buf, size); buf += size; len -= size; if (strLen(httpState->chunkhdr) > 256) { debug(11, 1) ("Oversized chunk header on port %d, url %s\n", comm_local_port(fd), entry->mem_obj->url); fwdFail(httpState->fwd, errorCon(ERR_INVALID_RESP, HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY, httpState->fwd->request)); comm_close(fd); return; } if (eol) { if (!httpState->flags.trailer) { /* chunk header */ char *end = NULL; int badchunk = 0; int emptychunk = 0; debug(11, 3) ("Chunk header '%s'\n", strBuf(httpState->chunkhdr)); errno = 0; httpState->chunk_size = strto_off_t(strBuf(httpState->chunkhdr), &end, 16); if (end == strBuf(httpState->chunkhdr)) emptychunk = 1; else if (errno) badchunk = 1; while (end && (*end == '\r' || *end == ' ' || *end == '\t')) end++; if (httpState->chunk_size < 0 || badchunk || !end || (*end != '\n' && *end != ';')) { debug(11, 1) ("Invalid chunk header '%s'\n", strBuf(httpState->chunkhdr)); fwdFail(httpState->fwd, errorCon(ERR_INVALID_RESP, HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY, httpState->fwd->request)); comm_close(fd); return; } if (emptychunk) continue; /* Skip blank lines */ debug(11, 2) ("Chunk size %" PRINTF_OFF_T "\n", httpState->chunk_size); if (httpState->chunk_size == 0) { debug(11, 3) ("Processing trailer\n"); httpState->flags.trailer = 1; } } else { /* trailer */ const char *p = strBuf(httpState->chunkhdr); while (*p == '\r') p++; if (*p == '\n') { complete = 1; debug(11, 2) ("Chunked response complete\n"); } } stringReset(&httpState->chunkhdr, NULL); } } else { /* Don't know what to do with this data. Bail out */ break; } if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_ABORTED)) { /* * the above storeAppend() call could ABORT this entry, * in that case, the server FD should already be closed. * there's nothing for us to do. */ return; } } storeBufferFlush(entry); if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_ABORTED)) { /* * the above storeBufferFlush() call could ABORT this entry, * in that case, the server FD should already be closed. * there's nothing for us to do. */ return; } if (!httpState->chunk_size && !httpState->flags.chunked) complete = 1; if (!complete && len == 0) { /* Wait for more data or EOF condition */ if (httpState->flags.keepalive_broken) { commSetTimeout(fd, 10, NULL, NULL); } else { commSetTimeout(fd, Config.Timeout.read, NULL, NULL); } commSetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_READ, httpReadReply, httpState, 0); return; } /* Is it a incomplete reply? */ if (httpState->chunk_size > 0) { debug(11, 2) ("Short response from '%s' on port %d. Expecting %" PRINTF_OFF_T " octets more\n", storeUrl(entry), comm_local_port(fd), httpState->chunk_size); comm_close(fd); return; } /* * Verify that the connection is clean */ if (len == 0 && buffer_filled >= 0) { char buf2[4]; statCounter.syscalls.sock.reads++; len = FD_READ_METHOD(fd, buf2, sizeof(buf2)); if ((len < 0 && !ignoreErrno(errno)) || len == 0) { keep_alive = 0; } } if (len > 0) { debug(11, Config.onoff.relaxed_header_parser <= 0 || keep_alive ? 1 : 2) ("httpReadReply: Excess data from \"%s %s\"\n", RequestMethods[orig_request->method].str, storeUrl(entry)); comm_close(fd); return; } /* * Verified and done with the reply */ /* * If we didn't send a keep-alive request header, then this * can not be a persistent connection. */ if (!httpState->flags.keepalive) keep_alive = 0; /* * If we haven't sent the whole request then this can not be a persistent * connection. */ if (!httpState->flags.request_sent) { debug(11, 1) ("httpAppendBody: Request not yet fully sent \"%s %s\"\n", RequestMethods[orig_request->method].str, storeUrl(entry)); keep_alive = 0; } /* * What does the reply have to say about keep-alive? */ if (!entry->mem_obj->reply->keep_alive) keep_alive = 0; if (keep_alive) { int pinned = 0; #if LINUX_TPROXY if (orig_request->flags.tproxy) { client_addr = &httpState->request->client_addr; } #endif /* yes we have to clear all these! */ commSetDefer(fd, NULL, NULL); commSetTimeout(fd, -1, NULL, NULL); commSetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_READ, NULL, NULL, 0); #if DELAY_POOLS delayClearNoDelay(fd); #endif comm_remove_close_handler(fd, httpStateFree, httpState); fwdUnregister(fd, httpState->fwd); if (request->flags.pinned) { pinned = 1; } else if (request->flags.connection_auth && request->flags.auth_sent) { pinned = 1; } if (orig_request->pinned_connection && pinned) { clientPinConnection(orig_request->pinned_connection, fd, orig_request, httpState->peer, request->flags.connection_auth); } else if (httpState->peer) { if (httpState->peer->options.originserver) pconnPush(fd, httpState->peer->name, httpState->peer->http_port, httpState->orig_request->host, client_addr, client_port); else pconnPush(fd, httpState->peer->name, httpState->peer->http_port, "*", client_addr, client_port); } else { pconnPush(fd, request->host, request->port, NULL, client_addr, client_port); } fwdComplete(httpState->fwd); httpState->fd = -1; httpStateFree(fd, httpState); } else { fwdComplete(httpState->fwd); comm_close(fd); } } /* This will be called when data is ready to be read from fd. Read until * error or connection closed. */ /* XXX this function is too long! */ static void httpReadReply(int fd, void *data) { HttpStateData *httpState = data; LOCAL_ARRAY(char, buf, SQUID_TCP_SO_RCVBUF + 1); StoreEntry *entry = httpState->entry; ssize_t len; int bin; int clen; int done = 0; size_t read_sz = SQUID_TCP_SO_RCVBUF; #if DELAY_POOLS delay_id delay_id; #endif int buffer_filled; if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_ABORTED)) { comm_close(fd); return; } #if DELAY_POOLS /* special "if" only for http (for nodelay proxy conns) */ if (delayIsNoDelay(fd)) delay_id = 0; else delay_id = delayMostBytesAllowed(entry->mem_obj, &read_sz); #endif errno = 0; statCounter.syscalls.sock.reads++; len = FD_READ_METHOD(fd, buf, read_sz); buffer_filled = len == read_sz; debug(11, 5) ("httpReadReply: FD %d: len %d.\n", fd, (int) len); if (len > 0) { fd_bytes(fd, len, FD_READ); #if DELAY_POOLS delayBytesIn(delay_id, len); #endif kb_incr(&statCounter.server.all.kbytes_in, len); kb_incr(&statCounter.server.http.kbytes_in, len); IOStats.Http.reads++; for (clen = len - 1, bin = 0; clen; bin++) clen >>= 1; IOStats.Http.read_hist[bin]++; buf[len] = '\0'; } if (!httpState->reply_hdr.size && len > 0 && fd_table[fd].uses > 1) { /* Skip whitespace */ while (len > 0 && xisspace(*buf)) xmemmove(buf, buf + 1, len--); if (len == 0) { /* Continue to read... */ /* Timeout NOT increased. This whitespace was from previous reply */ commSetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_READ, httpReadReply, httpState, 0); return; } } if (len < 0) { debug(11, 2) ("httpReadReply: FD %d: read failure: %s.\n", fd, xstrerror()); if (ignoreErrno(errno)) { commSetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_READ, httpReadReply, httpState, 0); } else { ErrorState *err; err = errorCon(ERR_READ_ERROR, HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY, httpState->fwd->request); err->xerrno = errno; fwdFail(httpState->fwd, err); comm_close(fd); } } else if (len == 0 && entry->mem_obj->inmem_hi == 0 && !httpState->reply_hdr.size) { fwdFail(httpState->fwd, errorCon(ERR_ZERO_SIZE_OBJECT, HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY, httpState->fwd->request)); httpState->eof = 1; comm_close(fd); } else if (len == 0) { /* Connection closed; retrieval done. */ httpState->eof = 1; if (httpState->reply_hdr_state < 2) { /* * Yes Henrik, there is a point to doing this. When we * called httpProcessReplyHeader() before, we didn't find * the end of headers, but now we are definately at EOF, so * we want to process the reply headers. */ /* Fake an "end-of-headers" to work around such broken servers */ httpProcessReplyHeader(httpState, "\r\n", 2); } if (entry->mem_obj->reply->sline.status == HTTP_HEADER_TOO_LARGE) { storeEntryReset(entry); fwdFail(httpState->fwd, errorCon(ERR_TOO_BIG, HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY, httpState->fwd->request)); httpState->fwd->flags.dont_retry = 1; } else if (entry->mem_obj->reply->sline.status == HTTP_INVALID_HEADER && !(entry->mem_obj->reply->sline.version.major == 0 && entry->mem_obj->reply->sline.version.minor == 9)) { storeEntryReset(entry); fwdFail(httpState->fwd, errorCon(ERR_INVALID_RESP, HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY, httpState->fwd->request)); httpState->fwd->flags.dont_retry = 1; } else { httpAppendBody(httpState, NULL, 0, -1); /* EOF */ return; } comm_close(fd); return; } else { if (httpState->reply_hdr_state < 2) { /* Temporarily buffer the entry. Main purpose is to ensure it gets flushed to the client side * when the headers is complete as ENTRY_HDR_WAIT may delay the callback. It's flushed by * httpAppendBody(). */ storeBuffer(entry); done = httpProcessReplyHeader(httpState, buf, len); if (httpState->reply_hdr_state == 2) { http_status s = entry->mem_obj->reply->sline.status; if (s == HTTP_HEADER_TOO_LARGE) { debug(11, 1) ("WARNING: %s:%d: HTTP header too large\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); storeEntryReset(entry); fwdFail(httpState->fwd, errorCon(ERR_TOO_BIG, HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY, httpState->fwd->request)); httpState->fwd->flags.dont_retry = 1; comm_close(fd); return; } if (s == HTTP_INVALID_HEADER && !(entry->mem_obj->reply->sline.version.major == 0 && entry->mem_obj->reply->sline.version.minor == 9)) { storeEntryReset(entry); fwdFail(httpState->fwd, errorCon(ERR_INVALID_RESP, HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY, httpState->fwd->request)); httpState->fwd->flags.dont_retry = 1; comm_close(fd); return; } else if (s == HTTP_INVALID_HEADER) { MemBuf mb; HttpReply *reply = entry->mem_obj->reply; httpBuildVersion(&reply->sline.version, 0, 9); reply->sline.status = HTTP_OK; httpHeaderPutTime(&reply->header, HDR_DATE, squid_curtime); mb = httpReplyPack(reply); storeAppend(entry, mb.buf, mb.size); storeAppend(entry, httpState->reply_hdr.buf, httpState->reply_hdr.size); memBufClean(&httpState->reply_hdr); httpReplyReset(reply); httpReplyParse(reply, mb.buf, mb.size); memBufClean(&mb); } #if WIP_FWD_LOG fwdStatus(httpState->fwd, s); #endif /* * If its not a reply that we will re-forward, then * allow the client to get it. */ if (!fwdReforwardableStatus(s)) EBIT_CLR(entry->flags, ENTRY_FWD_HDR_WAIT); } else { commSetTimeout(fd, Config.Timeout.read, NULL, NULL); commSetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_READ, httpReadReply, httpState, 0); return; } } httpAppendBody(httpState, buf + done, len - done, buffer_filled); return; } } /* This will be called when request write is complete. Schedule read of * reply. */ static void httpSendComplete(int fd, char *bufnotused, size_t size, int errflag, void *data) { HttpStateData *httpState = data; StoreEntry *entry = httpState->entry; debug(11, 5) ("httpSendComplete: FD %d: size %d: errflag %d.\n", fd, (int) size, errflag); #if URL_CHECKSUM_DEBUG assert(entry->mem_obj->chksum == url_checksum(entry->mem_obj->url)); #endif if (size > 0) { fd_bytes(fd, size, FD_WRITE); kb_incr(&statCounter.server.all.kbytes_out, size); kb_incr(&statCounter.server.http.kbytes_out, size); } if (errflag == COMM_ERR_CLOSING) return; if (errflag) { ErrorState *err; err = errorCon(ERR_WRITE_ERROR, HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY, httpState->fwd->request); err->xerrno = errno; fwdFail(httpState->fwd, err); comm_close(fd); return; } else { /* * Set the read timeout here because it hasn't been set yet. * We only set the read timeout after the request has been * fully written to the server-side. If we start the timeout * after connection establishment, then we are likely to hit * the timeout for POST/PUT requests that have very large * request bodies. */ commSetTimeout(fd, Config.Timeout.read, httpTimeout, httpState); commSetDefer(fd, fwdCheckDeferRead, entry); } httpState->flags.request_sent = 1; } /* * build request headers and append them to a given MemBuf * used by httpBuildRequestPrefix() * note: calls httpHeaderInit(), the caller is responsible for Clean()-ing */ void httpBuildRequestHeader(request_t * request, request_t * orig_request, StoreEntry * entry, HttpHeader * hdr_out, http_state_flags flags) { /* building buffer for complex strings */ #define BBUF_SZ (MAX_URL+32) LOCAL_ARRAY(char, bbuf, BBUF_SZ); String strConnection = StringNull; const HttpHeader *hdr_in = &orig_request->header; int we_do_ranges; const HttpHeaderEntry *e; String strFwd; HttpHeaderPos pos = HttpHeaderInitPos; String etags = StringNull; httpHeaderInit(hdr_out, hoRequest); /* append our IMS header */ if (request->lastmod > -1) httpHeaderPutTime(hdr_out, HDR_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, request->lastmod); if (request->etag) { etags = httpHeaderGetList(hdr_in, HDR_IF_NONE_MATCH); strListAddUnique(&etags, request->etag, ','); } else if (request->etags) { int i; etags = httpHeaderGetList(hdr_in, HDR_IF_NONE_MATCH); for (i = 0; i < request->etags->count; i++) strListAddUnique(&etags, request->etags->items[i], ','); } if (strLen(etags)) httpHeaderPutStr(hdr_out, HDR_IF_NONE_MATCH, strBuf(etags)); stringClean(&etags); /* decide if we want to do Ranges ourselves * (and fetch the whole object now) * We want to handle Ranges ourselves iff * - we can actually parse client Range specs * - the specs are expected to be simple enough (e.g. no out-of-order ranges) * - reply will be cachable * (If the reply will be uncachable we have to throw it away after * serving this request, so it is better to forward ranges to * the server and fetch only the requested content) */ if (NULL == orig_request->range) we_do_ranges = 0; else if (!orig_request->flags.cachable) we_do_ranges = 0; else if (orig_request->flags.auth) we_do_ranges = 0; else if (httpHdrRangeOffsetLimit(orig_request->range)) we_do_ranges = 0; else we_do_ranges = 1; debug(11, 8) ("httpBuildRequestHeader: range specs: %p, cachable: %d; we_do_ranges: %d\n", orig_request->range, orig_request->flags.cachable, we_do_ranges); strConnection = httpHeaderGetList(hdr_in, HDR_CONNECTION); while ((e = httpHeaderGetEntry(hdr_in, &pos))) { debug(11, 5) ("httpBuildRequestHeader: %s: %s\n", strBuf(e->name), strBuf(e->value)); if (!httpRequestHdrAllowed(e, &strConnection)) { debug(11, 2) ("'%s' header is a hop-by-hop connections header\n", strBuf(e->name)); continue; } switch (e->id) { case HDR_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION: /* Only pass on proxy authentication to peers for which * authentication forwarding is explicitly enabled */ if (flags.proxying && orig_request->peer_login && strcmp(orig_request->peer_login, "PASS") == 0) { httpHeaderAddClone(hdr_out, e); if (request->flags.connection_proxy_auth) request->flags.pinned = 1; } break; case HDR_AUTHORIZATION: /* Pass on WWW authentication. */ if (!flags.originpeer) { httpHeaderAddClone(hdr_out, e); if (orig_request->flags.connection_auth) orig_request->flags.pinned = 1; } else { /* In accelerators, only forward authentication if enabled * (see also below for proxy->server authentication) */ if (orig_request->peer_login && (strcmp(orig_request->peer_login, "PASS") == 0 || strcmp(orig_request->peer_login, "PROXYPASS") == 0)) { httpHeaderAddClone(hdr_out, e); if (orig_request->flags.connection_auth) orig_request->flags.pinned = 1; } } break; case HDR_HOST: /* * Normally Squid rewrites the Host: header. * However, there is one case when we don't: If the URL * went through our redirector and the admin configured * 'redir_rewrites_host' to be off. */ if (orig_request->peer_domain) httpHeaderPutStr(hdr_out, HDR_HOST, orig_request->peer_domain); else if (request->flags.redirected && !Config.onoff.redir_rewrites_host) httpHeaderAddClone(hdr_out, e); else { /* use port# only if not default */ if (orig_request->port == urlDefaultPort(orig_request->protocol)) { httpHeaderPutStr(hdr_out, HDR_HOST, orig_request->host); } else { httpHeaderPutStrf(hdr_out, HDR_HOST, "%s:%d", orig_request->host, (int) orig_request->port); } } break; case HDR_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE: /* append unless we added our own; * note: at most one client's ims header can pass through */ if (!httpHeaderHas(hdr_out, HDR_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE)) if (!Config.onoff.ignore_ims_on_miss || !orig_request->flags.cachable || orig_request->flags.auth) httpHeaderAddClone(hdr_out, e); break; case HDR_IF_NONE_MATCH: /* append unless ignore_ims_on_miss is in effect */ if (!httpHeaderHas(hdr_out, HDR_IF_NONE_MATCH)) if (!Config.onoff.ignore_ims_on_miss || !orig_request->flags.cachable || orig_request->flags.auth) httpHeaderAddClone(hdr_out, e); break; case HDR_MAX_FORWARDS: if (orig_request->method == METHOD_TRACE) { /* sacrificing efficiency over clarity, etc. */ const int hops = httpHeaderGetInt(hdr_in, HDR_MAX_FORWARDS); if (hops > 0) httpHeaderPutInt(hdr_out, HDR_MAX_FORWARDS, hops - 1); } break; case HDR_X_FORWARDED_FOR: if (!opt_forwarded_for) httpHeaderAddClone(hdr_out, e); break; case HDR_RANGE: case HDR_IF_RANGE: case HDR_REQUEST_RANGE: if (!we_do_ranges) httpHeaderAddClone(hdr_out, e); break; case HDR_VIA: /* If Via is disabled then forward any received header as-is */ if (!Config.onoff.via) httpHeaderAddClone(hdr_out, e); break; case HDR_CONNECTION: case HDR_KEEP_ALIVE: /* case HDR_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION: is special and handled above */ case HDR_PROXY_AUTHENTICATE: case HDR_TE: case HDR_TRAILER: case HDR_TRANSFER_ENCODING: case HDR_UPGRADE: case HDR_PROXY_CONNECTION: /* hop-by-hop headers. Don't forward */ break; case HDR_CACHE_CONTROL: /* append these after the loop if needed */ break; case HDR_FRONT_END_HTTPS: if (!flags.front_end_https) httpHeaderAddClone(hdr_out, e); break; default: /* pass on all other header fields */ httpHeaderAddClone(hdr_out, e); } } /* append Via */ if (Config.onoff.via) { String strVia = httpHeaderGetList(hdr_in, HDR_VIA); snprintf(bbuf, BBUF_SZ, "%d.%d %s", orig_request->http_ver.major, orig_request->http_ver.minor, ThisCache); strListAdd(&strVia, bbuf, ','); if (flags.http11) strListAdd(&strVia, "1.0 internal", ','); httpHeaderPutStr(hdr_out, HDR_VIA, strBuf(strVia)); stringClean(&strVia); } /* append X-Forwarded-For */ if (opt_forwarded_for) { strFwd = httpHeaderGetList(hdr_in, HDR_X_FORWARDED_FOR); strListAdd(&strFwd, (((orig_request->client_addr.s_addr != no_addr.s_addr) && opt_forwarded_for) ? inet_ntoa(orig_request->client_addr) : "unknown"), ','); httpHeaderPutStr(hdr_out, HDR_X_FORWARDED_FOR, strBuf(strFwd)); stringClean(&strFwd); } /* append Host if not there already */ if (!httpHeaderHas(hdr_out, HDR_HOST)) { if (orig_request->peer_domain) { httpHeaderPutStr(hdr_out, HDR_HOST, orig_request->peer_domain); } else if (orig_request->port == urlDefaultPort(orig_request->protocol)) { /* use port# only if not default */ httpHeaderPutStr(hdr_out, HDR_HOST, orig_request->host); } else { httpHeaderPutStrf(hdr_out, HDR_HOST, "%s:%d", orig_request->host, (int) orig_request->port); } } /* append Authorization if known in URL, not in header and going direct */ if (!httpHeaderHas(hdr_out, HDR_AUTHORIZATION)) { if (!request->flags.proxying) { if (*request->login) { httpHeaderPutStrf(hdr_out, HDR_AUTHORIZATION, "Basic %s", base64_encode(request->login)); } else if (orig_request->extacl_user && orig_request->extacl_passwd) { char loginbuf[256]; snprintf(loginbuf, sizeof(loginbuf), "%s:%s", orig_request->extacl_user, orig_request->extacl_passwd); httpHeaderPutStrf(hdr_out, HDR_AUTHORIZATION, "Basic %s", base64_encode(loginbuf)); } } } /* append Proxy-Authorization if configured for peer, and proxying */ if (request->flags.proxying && orig_request->peer_login && !httpHeaderHas(hdr_out, HDR_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION)) { if (*orig_request->peer_login == '*') { /* Special mode, to pass the username to the upstream cache */ char loginbuf[256]; const char *username = "-"; if (orig_request->extacl_user) username = orig_request->extacl_user; else if (orig_request->auth_user_request) username = authenticateUserRequestUsername(orig_request->auth_user_request); snprintf(loginbuf, sizeof(loginbuf), "%s%s", username, orig_request->peer_login + 1); httpHeaderPutStrf(hdr_out, HDR_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, "Basic %s", base64_encode(loginbuf)); } else if (strcmp(orig_request->peer_login, "PASS") == 0) { if (orig_request->extacl_user && orig_request->extacl_passwd) { char loginbuf[256]; snprintf(loginbuf, sizeof(loginbuf), "%s:%s", orig_request->extacl_user, orig_request->extacl_passwd); httpHeaderPutStrf(hdr_out, HDR_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, "Basic %s", base64_encode(loginbuf)); } } else if (strcmp(orig_request->peer_login, "PROXYPASS") == 0) { /* Nothing to do */ } else { httpHeaderPutStrf(hdr_out, HDR_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, "Basic %s", base64_encode(orig_request->peer_login)); } } /* append WWW-Authorization if configured for peer */ if (flags.originpeer && orig_request->peer_login && !httpHeaderHas(hdr_out, HDR_AUTHORIZATION)) { if (strcmp(orig_request->peer_login, "PASS") == 0) { /* No credentials to forward.. (should have been done above if available) */ } else if (strcmp(orig_request->peer_login, "PROXYPASS") == 0) { /* Special mode, convert proxy authentication to WWW authentication * (also applies to cookie authentication) */ const char *auth = httpHeaderGetStr(hdr_in, HDR_PROXY_AUTHORIZATION); if (auth && strncasecmp(auth, "basic ", 6) == 0) { httpHeaderPutStr(hdr_out, HDR_AUTHORIZATION, auth); if (orig_request->flags.connection_auth) orig_request->flags.pinned = 1; } else if (orig_request->extacl_user && orig_request->extacl_passwd) { char loginbuf[256]; snprintf(loginbuf, sizeof(loginbuf), "%s:%s", orig_request->extacl_user, orig_request->extacl_passwd); httpHeaderPutStrf(hdr_out, HDR_AUTHORIZATION, "Basic %s", base64_encode(loginbuf)); } } else if (*orig_request->peer_login == '*') { /* Special mode, to pass the username to the upstream cache */ char loginbuf[256]; const char *username = "-"; if (orig_request->auth_user_request) username = authenticateUserRequestUsername(orig_request->auth_user_request); else if (orig_request->extacl_user) username = orig_request->extacl_user; snprintf(loginbuf, sizeof(loginbuf), "%s%s", username, orig_request->peer_login + 1); httpHeaderPutStrf(hdr_out, HDR_AUTHORIZATION, "Basic %s", base64_encode(loginbuf)); } else { /* Fixed login string */ httpHeaderPutStrf(hdr_out, HDR_AUTHORIZATION, "Basic %s", base64_encode(orig_request->peer_login)); } } /* append Cache-Control, add max-age if not there already */ { HttpHdrCc *cc = httpHeaderGetCc(hdr_in); if (!cc) cc = httpHdrCcCreate(); if (!EBIT_TEST(cc->mask, CC_MAX_AGE)) { const char *url = entry ? storeUrl(entry) : urlCanonical(orig_request); httpHdrCcSetMaxAge(cc, getMaxAge(url)); if (strLen(request->urlpath)) assert(strstr(url, strBuf(request->urlpath))); } /* Set no-cache if determined needed but not found */ if (orig_request->flags.nocache && !httpHeaderHas(hdr_in, HDR_PRAGMA)) EBIT_SET(cc->mask, CC_NO_CACHE); /* Enforce sibling relations */ if (flags.only_if_cached) EBIT_SET(cc->mask, CC_ONLY_IF_CACHED); httpHeaderPutCc(hdr_out, cc); httpHdrCcDestroy(cc); } /* maybe append Connection: keep-alive */ if (flags.keepalive || request->flags.pinned) { if (flags.proxying) { httpHeaderPutStr(hdr_out, HDR_PROXY_CONNECTION, "keep-alive"); } else { httpHeaderPutStr(hdr_out, HDR_CONNECTION, "keep-alive"); } } /* append Front-End-Https */ if (flags.front_end_https) { if (flags.front_end_https == 1 || request->protocol == PROTO_HTTPS) httpHeaderPutStr(hdr_out, HDR_FRONT_END_HTTPS, "On"); } /* Now mangle the headers. */ httpHdrMangleList(hdr_out, orig_request); stringClean(&strConnection); } /* build request prefix and append it to a given MemBuf; * return the length of the prefix */ int httpBuildRequestPrefix(request_t * request, request_t * orig_request, StoreEntry * entry, MemBuf * mb, http_state_flags flags) { const int offset = mb->size; memBufPrintf(mb, "%s %s HTTP/1.%d\r\n", RequestMethods[request->method].str, strLen(request->urlpath) ? strBuf(request->urlpath) : "/", flags.http11); /* build and pack headers */ { HttpHeader hdr; Packer p; httpBuildRequestHeader(request, orig_request, entry, &hdr, flags); if (request->flags.pinned && request->flags.connection_auth) request->flags.auth_sent = 1; else request->flags.auth_sent = httpHeaderHas(&hdr, HDR_AUTHORIZATION); packerToMemInit(&p, mb); httpHeaderPackInto(&hdr, &p); httpHeaderClean(&hdr); packerClean(&p); } /* append header terminator */ memBufAppend(mb, crlf, 2); return mb->size - offset; } /* This will be called when connect completes. Write request. */ static void httpSendRequest(HttpStateData * httpState) { MemBuf mb; request_t *req = httpState->request; StoreEntry *entry = httpState->entry; peer *p = httpState->peer; CWCB *sendHeaderDone; int fd = httpState->fd; debug(11, 5) ("httpSendRequest: FD %d: httpState %p.\n", fd, httpState); /* Schedule read reply. (but no timeout set until request fully sent) */ commSetTimeout(fd, Config.Timeout.lifetime, httpTimeout, httpState); commSetSelect(fd, COMM_SELECT_READ, httpReadReply, httpState, 0); if (httpState->orig_request->body_reader) sendHeaderDone = httpSendRequestEntry; else sendHeaderDone = httpSendComplete; if (p != NULL) { if (p->options.originserver) httpState->flags.originpeer = 1; else httpState->flags.proxying = 1; } else { httpState->flags.proxying = 0; httpState->flags.originpeer = 0; } /* * Is keep-alive okay for all request methods? */ if (!Config.onoff.server_pconns) httpState->flags.keepalive = 0; else if (p == NULL) httpState->flags.keepalive = 1; else if (p->stats.n_keepalives_sent < 10) httpState->flags.keepalive = 1; else if ((double) p->stats.n_keepalives_recv / (double) p->stats.n_keepalives_sent > 0.50) httpState->flags.keepalive = 1; if (httpState->peer) { if (neighborType(httpState->peer, httpState->request) == PEER_SIBLING && !httpState->peer->options.allow_miss) httpState->flags.only_if_cached = 1; httpState->flags.front_end_https = httpState->peer->front_end_https; } if (httpState->peer) httpState->flags.http11 = httpState->peer->options.http11; else httpState->flags.http11 = Config.onoff.server_http11; memBufDefInit(&mb); httpBuildRequestPrefix(req, httpState->orig_request, entry, &mb, httpState->flags); if (req->flags.pinned) httpState->flags.keepalive = 1; debug(11, 6) ("httpSendRequest: FD %d:\n%s\n", fd, mb.buf); comm_write_mbuf(fd, mb, sendHeaderDone, httpState); } void httpStart(FwdState * fwd) { int fd = fwd->server_fd; HttpStateData *httpState; request_t *proxy_req; request_t *orig_req = fwd->request; debug(11, 3) ("httpStart: \"%s %s\"\n", RequestMethods[orig_req->method].str, storeUrl(fwd->entry)); httpState = cbdataAlloc(HttpStateData); storeLockObject(fwd->entry); httpState->fwd = fwd; httpState->entry = fwd->entry; httpState->fd = fd; if (fwd->servers) httpState->peer = fwd->servers->peer; /* might be NULL */ if (httpState->peer) { const char *url; if (httpState->peer->options.originserver) url = strBuf(orig_req->urlpath); else url = storeUrl(httpState->entry); proxy_req = requestCreate(orig_req->method, orig_req->protocol, url); xstrncpy(proxy_req->host, httpState->peer->host, SQUIDHOSTNAMELEN); proxy_req->port = httpState->peer->http_port; proxy_req->flags = orig_req->flags; proxy_req->lastmod = orig_req->lastmod; httpState->request = requestLink(proxy_req); httpState->orig_request = requestLink(orig_req); proxy_req->flags.proxying = 1; /* * This NEIGHBOR_PROXY_ONLY check probably shouldn't be here. * We might end up getting the object from somewhere else if, * for example, the request to this neighbor fails. */ if (httpState->peer->options.proxy_only) storeReleaseRequest(httpState->entry); #if DELAY_POOLS assert(delayIsNoDelay(fd) == 0); if (httpState->peer->options.no_delay) delaySetNoDelay(fd); #endif } else { httpState->request = requestLink(orig_req); httpState->orig_request = requestLink(orig_req); } /* * register the handler to free HTTP state data when the FD closes */ comm_add_close_handler(fd, httpStateFree, httpState); statCounter.server.all.requests++; statCounter.server.http.requests++; httpSendRequest(httpState); /* * We used to set the read timeout here, but not any more. * Now its set in httpSendComplete() after the full request, * including request body, has been written to the server. */ } static void httpSendRequestEntryDone(int fd, void *data) { HttpStateData *httpState = data; debug(11, 5) ("httpSendRequestEntryDone: FD %d\n", fd); if (!Config.accessList.brokenPosts) { debug(11, 5) ("httpSendRequestEntryDone: No brokenPosts list\n"); httpSendComplete(fd, NULL, 0, 0, data); } else if (!aclCheckFastRequest(Config.accessList.brokenPosts, httpState->request)) { debug(11, 5) ("httpSendRequestEntryDone: didn't match brokenPosts\n"); httpSendComplete(fd, NULL, 0, 0, data); } else { debug(11, 2) ("httpSendRequestEntryDone: matched brokenPosts\n"); comm_write(fd, "\r\n", 2, httpSendComplete, data, NULL); } } static void httpRequestBodyHandler2(void *data) { HttpStateData *httpState = (HttpStateData *) data; char *buf = httpState->body_buf; httpState->body_buf = NULL; comm_write(httpState->fd, buf, httpState->body_buf_sz, httpSendRequestEntry, data, memFree8K); } static void httpRequestBodyHandler(char *buf, ssize_t size, void *data) { HttpStateData *httpState = (HttpStateData *) data; httpState->body_buf = NULL; if (size > 0) { if (httpState->reply_hdr_state >= 2 && !httpState->flags.abuse_detected) { httpState->flags.abuse_detected = 1; debug(11, 1) ("httpRequestBodyHandler: Likely proxy abuse detected '%s' -> '%s'\n", inet_ntoa(httpState->orig_request->client_addr), storeUrl(httpState->entry)); if (httpState->entry->mem_obj->reply->sline.status == HTTP_INVALID_HEADER) { memFree8K(buf); comm_close(httpState->fd); return; } httpState->body_buf = buf; httpState->body_buf_sz = size; /* Give response some time to propagate before sending rest * of request in case of error */ eventAdd("POST delay on response", httpRequestBodyHandler2, httpState, 2.0, 1); return; } comm_write(httpState->fd, buf, size, httpSendRequestEntry, data, memFree8K); } else if (size == 0) { /* End of body */ memFree8K(buf); httpSendRequestEntryDone(httpState->fd, data); } else { /* Failed to get whole body, probably aborted */ memFree8K(buf); httpSendComplete(httpState->fd, NULL, 0, COMM_ERR_CLOSING, data); } } static void httpSendRequestEntry(int fd, char *bufnotused, size_t size, int errflag, void *data) { HttpStateData *httpState = data; StoreEntry *entry = httpState->entry; debug(11, 5) ("httpSendRequestEntry: FD %d: size %d: errflag %d.\n", fd, (int) size, errflag); if (size > 0) { fd_bytes(fd, size, FD_WRITE); kb_incr(&statCounter.server.all.kbytes_out, size); kb_incr(&statCounter.server.http.kbytes_out, size); } if (errflag == COMM_ERR_CLOSING) return; if (errflag) { ErrorState *err; err = errorCon(ERR_WRITE_ERROR, HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY, httpState->fwd->request); err->xerrno = errno; fwdFail(httpState->fwd, err); comm_close(fd); return; } if (EBIT_TEST(entry->flags, ENTRY_ABORTED)) { comm_close(fd); return; } httpState->body_buf = memAllocate(MEM_8K_BUF); requestReadBody(httpState->orig_request, httpState->body_buf, 8192, httpRequestBodyHandler, httpState); } void httpBuildVersion(http_version_t * version, unsigned int major, unsigned int minor) { version->major = major; version->minor = minor; }