/* * $Id: store_io_diskd.c,v 2008/02/16 12:43:57 adrian Exp $ * * DEBUG: section 79 Squid-side DISKD I/O functions. * AUTHOR: Duane Wessels * * SQUID Web Proxy Cache http://www.squid-cache.org/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from * the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full * details. Many organizations have provided support for Squid's * development; see the SPONSORS file for full details. Squid is * Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of * California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid * incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other * sources; see the CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * */ #include "config.h" #include "squid.h" #include #include #include #include "store_diskd.h" static int storeDiskdSend(int, SwapDir *, int, storeIOState *, int, off_t, int); static void storeDiskdIOCallback(storeIOState * sio, int errflag); static CBDUNL storeDiskdIOFreeEntry; CBDATA_TYPE(storeIOState); /* === PUBLIC =========================================================== */ storeIOState * storeDiskdOpen(SwapDir * SD, StoreEntry * e, STFNCB * file_callback, STIOCB * callback, void *callback_data) { sfileno f = e->swap_filen; int x; storeIOState *sio; char *buf; diskdstate_t *diskdstate; int shm_offset; diskdinfo_t *diskdinfo = SD->fsdata; debug(79, 3) ("storeDiskdOpen: fileno %08X\n", f); /* * Fail on open() if there are too many requests queued. */ if (diskdinfo->away > diskdinfo->magic1) { debug(79, 3) ("storeDiskdOpen: FAILING, too many requests away\n"); diskd_stats.open_fail_queue_len++; return NULL; } CBDATA_INIT_TYPE_FREECB(storeIOState, storeDiskdIOFreeEntry); sio = cbdataAlloc(storeIOState); sio->fsstate = diskdstate = memPoolAlloc(diskd_state_pool); sio->swap_filen = f; sio->swap_dirn = SD->index; sio->mode = O_RDONLY | O_BINARY | O_NOATIME; sio->callback = callback; sio->callback_data = callback_data; sio->e = e; cbdataLock(callback_data); diskdstate->flags.writing = 0; diskdstate->flags.reading = 0; diskdstate->flags.close_request = 0; diskdstate->id = diskd_stats.sio_id++; buf = storeDiskdShmGet(SD, &shm_offset); xstrncpy(buf, storeDiskdDirFullPath(SD, f, NULL), SHMBUF_BLKSZ); x = storeDiskdSend(_MQD_OPEN, SD, diskdstate->id, sio, strlen(buf) + 1, O_RDONLY, shm_offset); if (x < 0) { debug(79, 1) ("storeDiskdSend OPEN: %s\n", xstrerror()); storeDiskdShmPut(SD, shm_offset); cbdataUnlock(sio->callback_data); cbdataFree(sio); return NULL; } diskd_stats.open.ops++; return sio; } storeIOState * storeDiskdCreate(SwapDir * SD, StoreEntry * e, STFNCB * file_callback, STIOCB * callback, void *callback_data) { sfileno f; int x; storeIOState *sio; char *buf; int shm_offset; diskdinfo_t *diskdinfo = SD->fsdata; diskdstate_t *diskdstate; /* * Fail on open() if there are too many requests queued. */ if (diskdinfo->away > diskdinfo->magic1) { diskd_stats.open_fail_queue_len++; return NULL; } /* Allocate a number */ f = storeDiskdDirMapBitAllocate(SD); debug(79, 3) ("storeDiskdCreate: fileno %08X\n", f); CBDATA_INIT_TYPE_FREECB(storeIOState, storeDiskdIOFreeEntry); sio = cbdataAlloc(storeIOState); sio->fsstate = diskdstate = memPoolAlloc(diskd_state_pool); sio->swap_filen = f; sio->swap_dirn = SD->index; sio->mode = O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC; sio->callback = callback; sio->callback_data = callback_data; sio->e = e; cbdataLock(callback_data); diskdstate->flags.writing = 0; diskdstate->flags.reading = 0; diskdstate->flags.close_request = 0; diskdstate->id = diskd_stats.sio_id++; buf = storeDiskdShmGet(SD, &shm_offset); xstrncpy(buf, storeDiskdDirFullPath(SD, f, NULL), SHMBUF_BLKSZ); x = storeDiskdSend(_MQD_OPEN, SD, diskdstate->id, sio, strlen(buf) + 1, sio->mode, shm_offset); if (x < 0) { debug(79, 1) ("storeDiskdSend OPEN: %s\n", xstrerror()); storeDiskdShmPut(SD, shm_offset); cbdataUnlock(sio->callback_data); cbdataFree(sio); return NULL; } storeDiskdDirReplAdd(SD, e); diskd_stats.create.ops++; return sio; } void storeDiskdClose(SwapDir * SD, storeIOState * sio) { int x; diskdstate_t *diskdstate = sio->fsstate; debug(79, 3) ("storeDiskdClose: dirno %d, fileno %08X\n", SD->index, sio->swap_filen); diskdstate->flags.close_request = 1; x = storeDiskdSend(_MQD_CLOSE, SD, diskdstate->id, sio, 0, 0, -1); if (x < 0) { debug(79, 1) ("storeDiskdSend CLOSE: %s\n", xstrerror()); storeDiskdIOCallback(sio, DISK_ERROR); } diskd_stats.close.ops++; } void storeDiskdRead(SwapDir * SD, storeIOState * sio, char *buf, size_t size, squid_off_t offset, STRCB * callback, void *callback_data) { int x; int shm_offset; char *rbuf; diskdstate_t *diskdstate = sio->fsstate; debug(79, 3) ("storeDiskdRead: dirno %d, fileno %08X\n", sio->swap_dirn, sio->swap_filen); if (diskdstate->flags.close_request) { debug(79, 2) ("storeDiskRead: closing, so ignore!\n"); return; } if (!cbdataValid(sio)) return; if (diskdstate->flags.reading) { debug(79, 1) ("storeDiskdRead: already reading!\n"); return; } assert(sio->read.callback == NULL); assert(sio->read.callback_data == NULL); sio->read.callback = callback; sio->read.callback_data = callback_data; diskdstate->read_buf = buf; /* the one passed from above */ cbdataLock(sio->read.callback_data); sio->offset = offset; diskdstate->flags.reading = 1; rbuf = storeDiskdShmGet(SD, &shm_offset); assert(rbuf); x = storeDiskdSend(_MQD_READ, SD, diskdstate->id, sio, size, (off_t) offset, shm_offset); if (x < 0) { debug(79, 1) ("storeDiskdSend READ: %s\n", xstrerror()); storeDiskdShmPut(SD, shm_offset); storeDiskdIOCallback(sio, DISK_ERROR); } diskd_stats.read.ops++; } void storeDiskdWrite(SwapDir * SD, storeIOState * sio, char *buf, size_t size, squid_off_t offset, FREE * free_func) { int x; char *sbuf; int shm_offset; diskdstate_t *diskdstate = sio->fsstate; debug(79, 3) ("storeDiskdWrite: dirno %d, fileno %08X\n", SD->index, sio->swap_filen); assert(!diskdstate->flags.close_request); if (diskdstate->flags.close_request) { debug(79, 2) ("storeDiskWrite: closing, so ignore!\n"); free_func(buf); return; } if (!cbdataValid(sio)) { free_func(buf); return; } diskdstate->flags.writing = 1; sbuf = storeDiskdShmGet(SD, &shm_offset); xmemcpy(sbuf, buf, size); if (free_func) free_func(buf); x = storeDiskdSend(_MQD_WRITE, SD, diskdstate->id, sio, size, (off_t) offset, shm_offset); if (x < 0) { debug(79, 1) ("storeDiskdSend WRITE: %s\n", xstrerror()); storeDiskdShmPut(SD, shm_offset); storeDiskdIOCallback(sio, DISK_ERROR); } diskd_stats.write.ops++; } void storeDiskdUnlink(SwapDir * SD, StoreEntry * e) { int x; int shm_offset; char *buf; diskdinfo_t *diskdinfo = SD->fsdata; debug(79, 3) ("storeDiskdUnlink: dirno %d, fileno %08X\n", SD->index, e->swap_filen); storeDiskdDirReplRemove(e); storeDiskdDirMapBitReset(SD, e->swap_filen); if (diskdinfo->away >= diskdinfo->magic1) { /* Damn, we need to issue a sync unlink here :( */ debug(79, 2) ("storeDiskUnlink: Out of queue space, sync unlink\n"); storeDiskdDirUnlinkFile(SD, e->swap_filen); return; } /* We can attempt a diskd unlink */ buf = storeDiskdShmGet(SD, &shm_offset); xstrncpy(buf, storeDiskdDirFullPath(SD, e->swap_filen, NULL), SHMBUF_BLKSZ); x = storeDiskdSend(_MQD_UNLINK, SD, e->swap_filen, NULL, 0, 0, shm_offset); if (x < 0) { debug(79, 1) ("storeDiskdSend UNLINK: %s\n", xstrerror()); unlink(buf); /* XXX EWW! */ storeDiskdShmPut(SD, shm_offset); } diskd_stats.unlink.ops++; } void storeDiskdRecycle(SwapDir * SD, StoreEntry * e) { debug(79, 3) ("storeDiskdUnlink: fileno %08X\n", e->swap_filen); /* Detach from the underlying physical object */ if (e->swap_filen > -1) { storeDiskdDirReplRemove(e); storeDiskdDirMapBitReset(SD, e->swap_filen); e->swap_filen = -1; e->swap_dirn = -1; } } /* === STATIC =========================================================== */ static void storeDiskdOpenDone(diomsg * M) { storeIOState *sio = M->callback_data; statCounter.syscalls.disk.opens++; debug(79, 3) ("storeDiskdOpenDone: dirno %d, fileno %08x status %d\n", sio->swap_dirn, sio->swap_filen, M->status); if (M->status < 0) { FILE_MODE(sio->mode) == O_RDONLY ? diskd_stats.open.fail++ : diskd_stats.create.fail++; storeDiskdIOCallback(sio, DISK_ERROR); } else { FILE_MODE(sio->mode) == O_RDONLY ? diskd_stats.open.success++ : diskd_stats.create.success++; } } static void storeDiskdCloseDone(diomsg * M) { storeIOState *sio = M->callback_data; statCounter.syscalls.disk.closes++; debug(79, 3) ("storeDiskdCloseDone: dirno %d, fileno %08x status %d\n", sio->swap_dirn, sio->swap_filen, M->status); if (M->status < 0) { diskd_stats.close.fail++; storeDiskdIOCallback(sio, DISK_ERROR); return; } diskd_stats.close.success++; storeDiskdIOCallback(sio, DISK_OK); } static void storeDiskdReadDone(diomsg * M) { storeIOState *sio = M->callback_data; STRCB *callback = sio->read.callback; SwapDir *sd = INDEXSD(sio->swap_dirn); diskdstate_t *diskdstate = sio->fsstate; diskdinfo_t *diskdinfo = sd->fsdata; void *their_data = sio->read.callback_data; char *their_buf = diskdstate->read_buf; char *sbuf; size_t len; int valid; statCounter.syscalls.disk.reads++; diskdstate->flags.reading = 0; if (diskdstate->flags.close_request) { debug(79, 2) ("storeDiskReadDone: closing, so ignore!\n"); return; } valid = cbdataValid(sio->read.callback_data); cbdataUnlock(sio->read.callback_data); debug(79, 3) ("storeDiskdReadDone: dirno %d, fileno %08x status %d\n", sio->swap_dirn, sio->swap_filen, M->status); if (M->status < 0) { diskd_stats.read.fail++; storeDiskdIOCallback(sio, DISK_ERROR); return; } diskd_stats.read.success++; sbuf = diskdinfo->shm.buf + M->shm_offset; len = M->status; sio->offset += len; assert(callback); assert(their_data); sio->read.callback = NULL; sio->read.callback_data = NULL; if (valid) { assert(!diskdstate->flags.close_request); /* * Only copy the data if the callback is still valid, * if it isn't valid then the request should have been * aborted. * -- adrian */ xmemcpy(their_buf, sbuf, len); /* yucky copy */ callback(their_data, their_buf, len); } } static void storeDiskdWriteDone(diomsg * M) { storeIOState *sio = M->callback_data; diskdstate_t *diskdstate = sio->fsstate; statCounter.syscalls.disk.writes++; diskdstate->flags.writing = 0; debug(79, 3) ("storeDiskdWriteDone: dirno %d, fileno %08x status %d\n", sio->swap_dirn, sio->swap_filen, M->status); if (M->status < 0) { diskd_stats.write.fail++; if (!diskdstate->flags.close_request) storeDiskdIOCallback(sio, DISK_ERROR); return; } diskd_stats.write.success++; sio->offset += M->status; } static void storeDiskdUnlinkDone(diomsg * M) { debug(79, 3) ("storeDiskdUnlinkDone: fileno %08x status %d\n", M->id, M->status); statCounter.syscalls.disk.unlinks++; if (M->status < 0) diskd_stats.unlink.fail++; else diskd_stats.unlink.success++; } void storeDiskdHandle(diomsg * M) { int valid = M->callback_data ? cbdataValid(M->callback_data) : 1; if (M->callback_data) cbdataUnlock(M->callback_data); if (!valid) { debug(79, 3) ("storeDiskdHandle: Invalid callback_data %p\n", M->callback_data); /* * The read operation has its own callback. If we don't * call storeDiskdReadDone(), then we must make sure the * callback_data gets unlocked! */ if (_MQD_READ == M->mtype) { storeIOState *sio = M->callback_data; cbdataUnlock(sio->read.callback_data); } return; } /* set errno passed from diskd. makes debugging more meaningful */ if (M->status < 0) errno = -M->status; switch (M->mtype) { case _MQD_OPEN: storeDiskdOpenDone(M); break; case _MQD_CLOSE: storeDiskdCloseDone(M); break; case _MQD_READ: storeDiskdReadDone(M); break; case _MQD_WRITE: storeDiskdWriteDone(M); break; case _MQD_UNLINK: storeDiskdUnlinkDone(M); break; default: assert(0); break; } } static void storeDiskdIOCallback(storeIOState * sio, int errflag) { void *p = sio->callback_data; debug(79, 3) ("storeDiskdIOCallback: errflag=%d\n", errflag); if (cbdataValid(p)) sio->callback(p, errflag, sio); cbdataUnlock(p); cbdataFree(sio); } static int storeDiskdSend(int mtype, SwapDir * sd, int id, storeIOState * sio, int size, off_t offset, int shm_offset) { int x; diomsg M; static int send_errors = 0; static int last_seq_no = 0; static int seq_no = 0; diskdinfo_t *diskdinfo = sd->fsdata; struct timeval delay = {0, 1}; M.mtype = mtype; M.callback_data = sio; M.size = size; M.offset = offset; M.status = -1; M.shm_offset = (int) shm_offset; M.id = id; M.seq_no = ++seq_no; if (M.callback_data) cbdataLock(M.callback_data); if (M.seq_no < last_seq_no) debug(79, 1) ("WARNING: sequencing out of order\n"); /* * We have to drain the queue here if necessary. If we don't, * then we can have a lot of messages in the queue (probably * up to 2*magic1) and we can run out of shared memory buffers. */ /* * NOTE that it is important that we call storeDirCallback AFTER * locking the callback data M.callback_data because we need * to make sure the cbdata lock count doesn't go to zero (and * get freed) before we have a chance to send the current message * M! */ /* * Note that we call storeDirCallback (for all SDs), rather * than storeDiskdDirCallback for just this SD, so that while * we're "blocking" on this SD we can also handle callbacks * from other SDs that might be ready. */ while (diskdinfo->away > diskdinfo->magic2) { select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &delay); storeDirCallback(); if (delay.tv_usec < 1000000) delay.tv_usec <<= 1; } #if 0 debug(79, 3) ("msgsnd %ld %d %d %p %d %" PRINTF_OFF_T " %d %d\n", M.mtype, M.id, M.seq_no, M.callback_data, M.size, M.offset, M.status, M.shm_offset); #endif x = msgsnd(diskdinfo->smsgid, &M, msg_snd_rcv_sz, IPC_NOWAIT); last_seq_no = M.seq_no; if (0 == x) { diskd_stats.sent_count++; diskdinfo->away++; } else { debug(79, 1) ("storeDiskdSend: msgsnd: %s\n", xstrerror()); if (M.callback_data) cbdataUnlock(M.callback_data); assert(++send_errors < 100); } return x; } /* * We can't pass memFree() as a free function here, because we need to free * the fsstate variable .. */ static void storeDiskdIOFreeEntry(void *sio) { memPoolFree(diskd_state_pool, ((storeIOState *) sio)->fsstate); }