/* * $Id: cbdata.c,v 2008/01/02 15:52:58 hno Exp $ * * DEBUG: section 45 Callback Data Registry * ORIGINAL AUTHOR: Duane Wessels * Modified by Moez Mahfoudh (08/12/2000) * * SQUID Web Proxy Cache http://www.squid-cache.org/ * ---------------------------------------------------------- * * Squid is the result of efforts by numerous individuals from * the Internet community; see the CONTRIBUTORS file for full * details. Many organizations have provided support for Squid's * development; see the SPONSORS file for full details. Squid is * Copyrighted (C) 2001 by the Regents of the University of * California; see the COPYRIGHT file for full details. Squid * incorporates software developed and/or copyrighted by other * sources; see the CREDITS file for full details. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA. * */ /* * These routines manage a set of registered callback data pointers. * One of the easiest ways to make Squid coredump is to issue a * callback to for some data structure which has previously been * freed. With these routines, we register (add) callback data * pointers, lock them just before registering the callback function, * validate them before issuing the callback, and then free them * when finished. * * In terms of time, the sequence goes something like this: * * foo = cbdataAlloc(sizeof(foo),NULL); * ... * some_blocking_operation(..., callback_func, foo); * cbdataLock(foo); * ... * some_blocking_operation_completes() * if (cbdataValid(foo)) * callback_func(..., foo) * cbdataUnlock(foo); * ... * cbdataFree(foo); * * The nice thing is that, we do not need to require that Unlock * occurs before Free. If the Free happens first, then the * callback data is marked invalid and the callback will never * be made. When we Unlock and the lock count reaches zero, * we free the memory if it is marked invalid. */ #include "squid.h" #if WITH_VALGRIND #define HASHED_CBDATA 1 #endif static int cbdataCount = 0; typedef struct _cbdata { #if HASHED_CBDATA hash_link hash; #endif int valid; int locks; int type; #if CBDATA_DEBUG const char *file; int line; #endif void *y; /* cookie used while debugging */ #if !HASHED_CBDATA union { void *pointer; double double_float; int integer; } data; #endif } cbdata; static OBJH cbdataDump; #if HASHED_CBDATA static MemPool *cbdata_pool = NULL; static hash_table *cbdata_htable = NULL; static HASHCMP cbdata_cmp; static HASHHASH cbdata_hash; #endif struct { MemPool *pool; FREE *free_func; } *cbdata_index = NULL; int cbdata_types = 0; #if HASHED_CBDATA static int cbdata_cmp(const void *p1, const void *p2) { return (char *) p1 - (char *) p2; } static unsigned int cbdata_hash(const void *p, unsigned int mod) { return ((unsigned long) p >> 8) % mod; } #else #define OFFSET_OF(type, member) ((size_t)(char *)&((type *)0L)->member) #endif void cbdataInitType(cbdata_type type, const char *name, int size, FREE * free_func) { char *label; if (type >= cbdata_types) { cbdata_index = xrealloc(cbdata_index, (type + 1) * sizeof(*cbdata_index)); memset(&cbdata_index[cbdata_types], 0, (type + 1 - cbdata_types) * sizeof(*cbdata_index)); cbdata_types = type + 1; } if (cbdata_index[type].pool) return; label = xmalloc(strlen(name) + 20); snprintf(label, strlen(name) + 20, "cbdata %s (%d)", name, (int) type); #if !HASHED_CBDATA assert(OFFSET_OF(cbdata, data) == (sizeof(cbdata) - sizeof(((cbdata *) NULL)->data))); cbdata_index[type].pool = memPoolCreate(label, size + OFFSET_OF(cbdata, data)); #else cbdata_index[type].pool = memPoolCreate(label, size); #endif cbdata_index[type].free_func = free_func; } cbdata_type cbdataAddType(cbdata_type type, const char *name, int size, FREE * free_func) { if (type) return type; type = cbdata_types; cbdataInitType(type, name, size, free_func); return type; } void cbdataInit(void) { debug(45, 3) ("cbdataInit\n"); cachemgrRegister("cbdata", "Callback Data Registry Contents", cbdataDump, 0, 1); #define CREATE_CBDATA(type) cbdataInitType(CBDATA_##type, #type, sizeof(type), NULL) #define CREATE_CBDATA_FREE(type, free_func) cbdataInitType(CBDATA_##type, #type, sizeof(type), free_func) CREATE_CBDATA(acl_access); CREATE_CBDATA(aclCheck_t); CREATE_CBDATA(clientHttpRequest); CREATE_CBDATA(ConnStateData); CREATE_CBDATA(ErrorState); CREATE_CBDATA(FwdState); CREATE_CBDATA(generic_cbdata); CREATE_CBDATA(helper); CREATE_CBDATA(helper_server); CREATE_CBDATA(statefulhelper); CREATE_CBDATA(helper_stateful_server); CREATE_CBDATA(HttpStateData); CREATE_CBDATA_FREE(peer, peerDestroy); CREATE_CBDATA(ps_state); CREATE_CBDATA(RemovalPolicy); CREATE_CBDATA(RemovalPolicyWalker); CREATE_CBDATA(RemovalPurgeWalker); CREATE_CBDATA(store_client); #if HASHED_CBDATA cbdata_pool = memPoolCreate("cbdata", sizeof(cbdata)); cbdata_htable = hash_create(cbdata_cmp, 1 << 12, cbdata_hash); #endif } #define CBDATA_COOKIE(p) ((void *)((unsigned long)(p) ^ 0xDEADBEEF)) void * #if CBDATA_DEBUG cbdataInternalAllocDbg(cbdata_type type, const char *file, int line) #else cbdataInternalAlloc(cbdata_type type) #endif { cbdata *c; void *p; assert(type > 0 && type < cbdata_types); #if HASHED_CBDATA c = memPoolAlloc(cbdata_pool); p = memPoolAlloc(cbdata_index[type].pool); c->hash.key = p; hash_join(cbdata_htable, &c->hash); #else c = memPoolAlloc(cbdata_index[type].pool); p = (void *) &c->data; #endif c->type = type; c->valid = 1; c->locks = 0; #if CBDATA_DEBUG c->file = file; c->line = line; #endif c->y = CBDATA_COOKIE(p); cbdataCount++; return p; } void * cbdataInternalFree(void *p) { cbdata *c; FREE *free_func; debug(45, 3) ("cbdataFree: %p\n", p); #if HASHED_CBDATA c = (cbdata *) hash_lookup(cbdata_htable, p); #else c = (cbdata *) (((char *) p) - OFFSET_OF(cbdata, data)); #endif assert(c->y == CBDATA_COOKIE(p)); assert(c->valid); c->valid = 0; if (c->locks) { debug(45, 3) ("cbdataFree: %p has %d locks, not freeing\n", p, c->locks); return NULL; } cbdataCount--; c->y = NULL; debug(45, 3) ("cbdataFree: Freeing %p\n", p); free_func = cbdata_index[c->type].free_func; if (free_func) free_func((void *) p); #if HASHED_CBDATA hash_remove_link(cbdata_htable, &c->hash); memPoolFree(cbdata_index[c->type].pool, p); memPoolFree(cbdata_pool, c); #else memPoolFree(cbdata_index[c->type].pool, c); #endif return NULL; } int cbdataLocked(const void *p) { cbdata *c; assert(p); #if HASHED_CBDATA c = (cbdata *) hash_lookup(cbdata_htable, p); #else c = (cbdata *) (((char *) p) - OFFSET_OF(cbdata, data)); #endif assert(c->y == CBDATA_COOKIE(p)); assert(c->locks || c->valid); debug(45, 3) ("cbdataLocked: %p = %d\n", p, c->locks); assert(c != NULL); return c->locks; } void #if CBDATA_DEBUG cbdataLockDbg(const void *p, const char *file, int line) #else cbdataLock(const void *p) #endif { cbdata *c; if (p == NULL) return; #if HASHED_CBDATA c = (cbdata *) hash_lookup(cbdata_htable, p); #else c = (cbdata *) (((char *) p) - OFFSET_OF(cbdata, data)); #endif assert(c->y == CBDATA_COOKIE(p)); assert(c->locks || c->valid); debug(45, 3) ("cbdataLock: %p\n", p); assert(c != NULL); c->locks++; #if CBDATA_DEBUG c->file = file; c->line = line; #endif } void #if CBDATA_DEBUG cbdataUnlockDbg(const void *p, const char *file, int line) #else cbdataUnlock(const void *p) #endif { cbdata *c; FREE *free_func; if (p == NULL) return; debug(45, 3) ("cbdataUnlock: %p\n", p); #if HASHED_CBDATA c = (cbdata *) hash_lookup(cbdata_htable, p); #else c = (cbdata *) (((char *) p) - OFFSET_OF(cbdata, data)); #endif assert(c->y == CBDATA_COOKIE(p)); assert(c->locks > 0); c->locks--; #if CBDATA_DEBUG c->file = file; c->line = line; #endif if (c->valid || c->locks) return; cbdataCount--; debug(45, 3) ("cbdataUnlock: Freeing %p\n", p); free_func = cbdata_index[c->type].free_func; if (free_func) free_func((void *) p); #if HASHED_CBDATA hash_remove_link(cbdata_htable, &c->hash); memPoolFree(cbdata_index[c->type].pool, (void *) p); memPoolFree(cbdata_pool, c); #else memPoolFree(cbdata_index[c->type].pool, c); #endif } int cbdataValid(const void *p) { cbdata *c; if (p == NULL) return 1; /* A NULL pointer cannot become invalid */ debug(45, 3) ("cbdataValid: %p\n", p); #if HASHED_CBDATA c = (cbdata *) hash_lookup(cbdata_htable, p); #else c = (cbdata *) (((char *) p) - OFFSET_OF(cbdata, data)); #endif assert(c->y == CBDATA_COOKIE(p)); assert(c->locks > 0); return c->valid; } static void cbdataDump(StoreEntry * sentry) { storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "%d cbdata entries\n", cbdataCount); storeAppendPrintf(sentry, "see also memory pools section\n"); }