If you don't have Linux already and want to install this
1-floppy Linux distribution from DOS, follow these steps:

1) Get the DOS installer tomsrtbt-<version>.dos.zip,
   available from the web page http://www.toms.net/rb/

2) Pkunzip it.

3) If you are running Windows-95, do "shutdown and restart in msdos mode".
   You have to be in really-DOS mode.  Not a DOS session under Windows-95.

4) CD to the directory you pkunzipped it into.

5) Run the "install.bat" file.  Follow prompts to create the diskette.

This is for installing tomsrtbt when you don't already have Linux.

If you already have tomsrtbt on a floppy, don't use this, and if
you already have Linux, don't use this.  Use the normal archive.

If there are any questions, I can be reached at Tom@Toms.NET.