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D.1 Amusements

This section lists the packages that provide fun and entertainment to Red Hat Linux system owners the world over.

D.1.1 Games

This section lists packages that contain a variety of games.

cxhextris -- (Version 1.0, 39K)

CXHextris is a color version of the popular xhextris game, which is a Tetris-like game that uses hexagon shapes instead of square shapes. CXHextris runs within the X Window System.

Install cxhextris if you enjoy playing Tetris or Tetris-like games and you'd like to play one on your system. You'll need to have X installed in order to play CXHextris.

fortune-mod -- (Version 1.0, 2,342K)

Fortune-mod contains the ever-popular fortune program. Want a little bit of random wisdom revealed to you when you log in? Fortune's your program. Fun-loving system administrators can add fortune to users' .login files, so that the users get their dose of wisdom each time they log in.

Install fortune if you want a program which will bestow these random bits o' wit.

gnome-games -- (Version 1.0.2, 3,356K)

GNOME is the GNU Network Object Model Environment. That's a fancy name, but really GNOME is a nice GUI desktop environment. Its powerful, friendly and easy-to-configure interface makes using your computer easy.

This package installs some GNOME games on your system, such as gnothello, solitaire, tetris and others.

gnuchess -- (Version 4.0.pl79, 1,428K)

The gnuchess package contains the GNU chess program. By default, GNUchess uses a curses text-based interface. Alternatively, GNUchess can be used in conjunction with the xboard user interface and the X Window System for a graphical chessboard.

You should install the gnuchess package if you would like to play chess on your computer. You'll also need to install the curses package. If you'd like to use a graphical interface with GNUchess, you'll also need to install the xboard package and the X Window System.

kdegames -- (Version 1.1, 5,289K)

Games for the K Desktop Environment. Included with this package are: kabalone, kasteroids, kblackbox,
kmahjongg, kmines, konquest, kpat, kpoker, kreversi, ksame, kshisen, ksokoban, ksmiletris, ksnake, ksirtet.

trojka -- (Version 1.1, 16K)

The game of Trojka involves a set of falling blocks. The point is to move the blocks around as they fall, so that three of the same blocks end up next to each other, either horizontally or diagonally. Once the blocks fill up the entire game area, the game is over.

Install the trojka package if you want to play a non-X game of falling blocks.

xbill -- (Version 2.0, 183K)

The xbill game tests your reflexes as you seek out and destroy all forms of Bill, establish new operating systems and boldly go where no geek has gone before. Xbill has become an increasingly attractive option as the Linux Age progresses, and it is very popular at Red Hat.

xboard -- (Version 4.0.0, 601K)

Xboard is an X Window System based graphical chessboard which can be used with the GNUchess and Crafty chess programs, with Internet Chess Servers (ICSs), with chess via email, or with your own saved games.

Install the xboard package if you need a graphical chessboard.

xboing -- (Version 2.4, 1,043K)

Xboing is an X Window System based game like the Breakout arcade game. The object of the game is to keep a ball bouncing on the bricks until you've broken through all of them.

xgammon -- (Version 0.98, 3,282K)

Xgammon is an X Window System based backgammon game. Xgammon allows you to play against the computer, or you can play against another person. Xgammon also supports playing a game against another person on a remote X terminal, and will display a second board there for their use.

xjewel -- (Version 1.6, 52K)

Xjewel is an X Window System game much like Domain/Jewelbox, Sega's Columns and/or Tetris. The point of the game is to move or rotate the blocks as they fall, to get jewels in patterns of three when they come to rest.

xpat2 -- (Version 1.04, 456K)

Xpat2 is a generic patience or Solitaire game for the X Window System. Xpat2 can be used with different rules sets, so it can be used to play Spider, Klondike, and other card games.

xpilot -- (Version 3.6.2, 1,617K)

Xpilot is an X Window System based multiplayer game of aerial combat. The object of the game is to shoot each other down, or you can use the race mode to just fly around. Xpilot resembles the Commodore 64 Thrust game, which is similar to Atari's Gravitar and Asteriods (note: this is not misspelled). Unless you already have an xpilot server on your network, you'll need to set up the server on one machine, and then set up xpilot clients on all of the players' machines.

xpuzzles -- (Version 5.4.1, 469K)

A set of geometric puzzles and toys for the X Window System. Xpuzzles includes a version of Rubik's cube and various other geometric Rubik's cube style puzzles.

xtrojka -- (Version 1.2.3, 216K)

The xtrojka game is an X Window System game of falling blocks, like Xjewel or Tetris.

D.1.2 Graphics

This section lists packages that provide graphics that are fun to look at.

mxp -- (Version 1.0, 55K)

The mxp (Mandelbrot explorer) program is an X Window System application for computing and exploring Mandelbrot sets. Mxp supports zoom/un-zoom, dynamic resizing of drawing windows, setup save/load, asynchronous image generation, GIF outputs, animation, nine color schemes, color rotation, color change options, and detailed statistics.

Install the mxp package if you need a Mandelbrot set generator for the X Window System.

xbanner -- (Version 1.31, 505K)
[W] [S]

The XBanner program allows the display of text, patterns and images in the root window, so users can customize the XDM style login screen and/or the normal X background.

Install XBanner if you'd like to change the look of your X login screen and/or X background.

xdaliclock -- (Version 2.14, 80K)

The xdaliclock program displays a digital clock, with digits that merge into the new digits as the time changes. Xdaliclock can display the time in 12 or 24 hour modes and will display the date if you hold your mouse button down over it. Xdaliclock has two large fonts built in, but is capable of animating other fonts.

Install the xdaliclock package if you want a fairly large clock, with a melting special effect, for your system.

xearth -- (Version 1.0, 192K)

Xearth is an X Window System based graphic that shows a globe of the Earth, including markers for major cities and Red Hat Software. The Earth is correctly shaded for the current position of the sun, and the displayed image is updated every five minutes.

xfishtank -- (Version 2.0, 388K)

The xfishtank program displays an animated aquarium background on your screen. Xfishtank works with the X Window System.

xloadimage -- (Version 4.1, 255K)

The xloadimage utility displays images in an X Window System window, loads images into the root window, or writes images into a file. Xloadimage supports many images types (GIF, TIFF, JPEG, XPM, XBM, etc.).

Install the xloadimage package if you need a utility for displaying images or loading images into the root window.

xlockmore -- (Version 4.13, 759K)

The xlockmore utility is an enhanced version of the standard xlock program, which allows you to lock an X session so that other users can't access it. Xlockmore runs a provided screensaver until you type in your password.

Install the xlockmore package if you need a locking program to secure X sessions.

xmorph -- (Version 1996.07.12, 127K)

Xmorph is a digital image warping (aka morphing) program. Xmorph provides the tools needed and comprehensible instructions for you to create morphs: changing one image into another. Xmorph runs under the X Window System.

Install the xmorph package if you need a program that will create morphed images.

xscreensaver -- (Version 3.08, 3,172K)

The xscreensaver package contains a variety of screensavers for your mind-numbing, ambition-eroding, time-wasting, hypnotized viewing pleasure.

Install the xscreensaver package if you need screensavers for use with the X Window System.

xwpick -- (Version 2.20, 50K)

The xwpick program allows you to choose an image or a rectangular piece of an image from an X Window System window and then write the image to a file in a variety of formats, incuding PostScript(TM), GIF, and PICT.

Install the xwpick program if you need to take screenshots from X Window System screens and write them to files.

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