Provides DNS services for the PHP domains.
Myra Security
DDoS protection, along with hosting www.php.net and git.php.net for us.
Provides servers and bandwidth for svn.php.net, gtk.php.net, people.php.net and europe.rsync.php.net.
Provides IP address to country lookup information.
Provides a server and bandwidth for rsync.php.net.
Provides a server and bandwidth for various php.net services.
Provides the servers and bandwidth used for buildbot testing and various Windows based servers.
Bauer + Kirch GmbH
Provides us with SSL certificates and a server and bandwidth for the php.net monitoring infrastructure.
Provides continuous integration for Windows builds of PHP.
Travis CI
Provides continuous integration for builds of PHP.
Thanks Emeritus
Special 'legacy' thanks go to the people and companies who have helped
us in our past.
Yahoo! Inc. provided us with many many
terabytes of bandwidth and hosting for www.php.net, and svn.php.net and git.php.net
for many years.
Synacor provided us with many
terabytes of bandwidth and hosting for www.php.net and others for
many years.
VA Software Corp. helped us
by donating a server and resources to enable us to build manuals
and distribute our content via rsync.
Krystal.uk provided a server and
bandwidth for the ci.qa.php.net build and quality assurance
NEXCESS.NET provided servers and
resources for various php.net services.
Oregon State University Open Source Lab
provided servers and resources for various php.net services.
pair Networks
provided servers and resources for hosting PEAR, PECL, and the mailing lists.
Rackspace provided servers and
resources for various php.net services.
Redpill Linpro provided servers and
resources for various php.net services.
ServerGrove provided managed
servers and resources for various php.net services.
Spry VPS Hosting provided servers
and resources for various php.net services.
And special thanks to all the companies who donated server space and
bandwidth to host our historical international array of mirror sites.
PHP.net is very grateful for all their support.