array ( 0 => 'index.php', 1 => 'PHP Manual', ), 'head' => array ( 0 => 'UTF-8', 1 => 'pt_BR', ), 'this' => array ( 0 => 'taint.detail.basic.php', 1 => 'Functions and Statements which will spread the tainted mark of a tainted string', ), 'up' => array ( 0 => 'taint.detail.php', 1 => 'More Details', ), 'prev' => array ( 0 => 'taint.detail.php', 1 => 'More Details', ), 'next' => array ( 0 => 'taint.detail.taint.php', 1 => 'Functions and statements which will check tainted string', ), 'alternatives' => array ( ), 'source' => array ( 'lang' => 'en', 'path' => 'reference/taint/detail.xml', ), 'history' => array ( ), ); $setup["toc"] = $TOC; $setup["toc_deprecated"] = $TOC_DEPRECATED; $setup["parents"] = $PARENTS; manual_setup($setup); contributors($setup); ?>

Functions and Statements which will spread the tainted mark of a tainted string

Function/Statement Since
= (assign) 0.1.0
. (concat) 0.1.0
"{$var}" (variable substitution) 0.1.0
.= (assign concat) 0.1.0
strval 0.3.0
explode/split 0.3.0
implode/join 0.3.0
sprintf 0.3.0
vsprintf 0.3.0
trim 0.4.0
rtrim 0.4.0
ltrim 0.4.0
strstr 0.5.0
str_pad 0.5.0
str_replace 0.5.0
substr 0.5.0
strtolower 0.5.0
strtoupper 0.5.0