BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//Meetup//Meetup Calendar 1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH NAME:Vegas Programmers X-WR-CALNAME:Vegas Programmers BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:America/Los_Angeles TZURL: X-LIC-LOCATION:America/Los_Angeles BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-0800 TZOFFSETTO:-0700 TZNAME:PDT DTSTART:19700308T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=3;BYDAY=2SU END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-0700 TZOFFSETTO:-0800 TZNAME:PST DTSTART:19701101T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=11;BYDAY=1SU END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:1 DTSTAMP:20250205T193023Z DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250218T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250218T200000 SUMMARY:Your API is a UI DESCRIPTION:Vegas Programmers\nJoin our Discord by clicking [here](https:/ / \\- https://discord\\.gg/RGFGV8gKxB\n\nOur monthly Vegas Programmers group meets at 6pm on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at Corporate Coworking. All levels of experience are welcome. We love to sha re knowledge and talk about the latest in programming\, AI\, mobile app de velopment\, and more. Every month we have a technical talk presented by me mbers of the group. If you have a talk you'd like to share\, email me Josh\n\nThis months talk is **"Your API is a UI"** presente d by Christopher Hoult\n\nWhether you're creating a complex web applicatio n or a simple library\, everything you create has a user. Why\, then\, do we concentrate on our users when developing a user interface\, but so ofte n forget them when developing APIs? In this talk\, Christopher presents a whirlwind overview of a variety of different User Experience consideration s when designing your APIs.\n\nRSVP now as seating is limited.\n\nWe uploa d talks to our YouTube channel a few days after the meetup. https://www.yo\n\nWe are looking for sponsors\ , speakers\, freelance developers\, and businesses looking to hire talent. Contact me at for more information.\n\nThanks for joining our group!\n\n-Joshua Copeland\n@OGProgrammer\n\n**\\~\\~\\~SPONS ORS\\~\\~\\~**\n\n** - a co-working community**\nChoose from either of the free 1 time options below:\nDay pass:\n\n* Includes 9a m-5pm access of our coworking office\n* Desk with wide screen monitor\n* C old brew tap and micro brew coffee\n* Privacy booths\n* Creative common ar eas and more\n\nEvent Space:\n\n* Pick one of our 4 event spaces options f rom a training room to an event space with a bar or kitchen.\n\nContact To ny at for more information.\n\n**JetBrains** \\- They make the best IDEs in the business\\.\nWe give out a free 1 year JetBrains license at every meetup. URL;VALUE=URI: STATUS:CONFIRMED CREATED:20250123T211415Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250123T211415Z CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:1 DTSTAMP:20250205T193023Z DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250318T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250318T200000 SUMMARY:Monthly Meetup @ Corporate Coworking DESCRIPTION:Vegas Programmers\nJoin our Discord by clicking [here](https:/ / \\- https://discord\\.gg/RGFGV8gKxB\n\nOur monthly Vegas Programmers group meets at 6pm on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at Corporate Coworking. All levels of experience are welcome. We love to sha re knowledge and talk about the latest in programming\, AI\, mobile app de velopment\, and more. Every month we have a technical talk presented by me mbers of the group. If you have a talk you'd like to share\, email me Josh\n\nSpeakers and topics are TBD.\n\nRSVP now as seating is limited.\n\nWe upload talks to our YouTube channel a few days after th e meetup.\n\nWe a re looking for sponsors\, speakers\, freelance developers\, and businesses looking to hire talent. Contact me at for more in formation.\n\nThanks for joining our group!\n\n-Joshua Copeland\n@OGProgra mmer\n\n**\\~\\~\\~SPONSORS\\~\\~\\~**\n\n** - a co-wor king community**\nChoose from either of the free 1 time options below:\nDa y pass:\n\n* Includes 9am-5pm access of our coworking office\n* Desk with wide screen monitor\n* Cold brew tap and micro brew coffee\n* Privacy boot hs\n* Creative common areas and more\n\nEvent Space:\n\n* Pick one of our 4 event spaces options from a training room to an event space with a bar o r kitchen.\n\nContact Tony at for more infor mation.\n\n**JetBrains** \\- They make the best IDEs in the business\\.\nW e give out a free 1 year JetBrains license at every meetup. URL;VALUE=URI: b/ STATUS:CONFIRMED CREATED:20250122T030326Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250122T030326Z CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:1 DTSTAMP:20250205T193023Z DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250415T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250415T200000 SUMMARY:Monthly Meetup @ Corporate Coworking DESCRIPTION:Vegas Programmers\nJoin our Discord by clicking [here](https:/ / \\- https://discord\\.gg/RGFGV8gKxB\n\nOur monthly Vegas Programmers group meets at 6pm on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at Corporate Coworking. All levels of experience are welcome. We love to sha re knowledge and talk about the latest in programming\, AI\, mobile app de velopment\, and more. Every month we have a technical talk presented by me mbers of the group. If you have a talk you'd like to share\, email me Josh\n\nSpeakers and topics are TBD.\n\nRSVP now as seating is limited.\n\nWe upload talks to our YouTube channel a few days after th e meetup.\n\nWe a re looking for sponsors\, speakers\, freelance developers\, and businesses looking to hire talent. Contact me at for more in formation.\n\nThanks for joining our group!\n\n-Joshua Copeland\n@OGProgra mmer\n\n**\\~\\~\\~SPONSORS\\~\\~\\~**\n\n** - a co-wor king community**\nChoose from either of the free 1 time options below:\nDa y pass:\n\n* Includes 9am-5pm access of our coworking office\n* Desk with wide screen monitor\n* Cold brew tap and micro brew coffee\n* Privacy boot hs\n* Creative common areas and more\n\nEvent Space:\n\n* Pick one of our 4 event spaces options from a training room to an event space with a bar o r kitchen.\n\nContact Tony at for more infor mation.\n\n**JetBrains** \\- They make the best IDEs in the business\\.\nW e give out a free 1 year JetBrains license at every meetup. URL;VALUE=URI: b/ STATUS:CONFIRMED CREATED:20250122T030326Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250122T030326Z CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:1 DTSTAMP:20250205T193023Z DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250520T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250520T200000 SUMMARY:Monthly Meetup @ Corporate Coworking DESCRIPTION:Vegas Programmers\nJoin our Discord by clicking [here](https:/ / \\- https://discord\\.gg/RGFGV8gKxB\n\nOur monthly Vegas Programmers group meets at 6pm on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at Corporate Coworking. All levels of experience are welcome. We love to sha re knowledge and talk about the latest in programming\, AI\, mobile app de velopment\, and more. Every month we have a technical talk presented by me mbers of the group. If you have a talk you'd like to share\, email me Josh\n\nSpeakers and topics are TBD.\n\nRSVP now as seating is limited.\n\nWe upload talks to our YouTube channel a few days after th e meetup.\n\nWe a re looking for sponsors\, speakers\, freelance developers\, and businesses looking to hire talent. Contact me at for more in formation.\n\nThanks for joining our group!\n\n-Joshua Copeland\n@OGProgra mmer\n\n**\\~\\~\\~SPONSORS\\~\\~\\~**\n\n** - a co-wor king community**\nChoose from either of the free 1 time options below:\nDa y pass:\n\n* Includes 9am-5pm access of our coworking office\n* Desk with wide screen monitor\n* Cold brew tap and micro brew coffee\n* Privacy boot hs\n* Creative common areas and more\n\nEvent Space:\n\n* Pick one of our 4 event spaces options from a training room to an event space with a bar o r kitchen.\n\nContact Tony at for more infor mation.\n\n**JetBrains** \\- They make the best IDEs in the business\\.\nW e give out a free 1 year JetBrains license at every meetup. URL;VALUE=URI: c/ STATUS:CONFIRMED CREATED:20250122T030326Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250122T030326Z CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:1 DTSTAMP:20250205T193023Z DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250617T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250617T200000 SUMMARY:Monthly Meetup @ Corporate Coworking DESCRIPTION:Vegas Programmers\nJoin our Discord by clicking [here](https:/ / \\- https://discord\\.gg/RGFGV8gKxB\n\nOur monthly Vegas Programmers group meets at 6pm on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at Corporate Coworking. All levels of experience are welcome. We love to sha re knowledge and talk about the latest in programming\, AI\, mobile app de velopment\, and more. Every month we have a technical talk presented by me mbers of the group. If you have a talk you'd like to share\, email me Josh\n\nSpeakers and topics are TBD.\n\nRSVP now as seating is limited.\n\nWe upload talks to our YouTube channel a few days after th e meetup.\n\nWe a re looking for sponsors\, speakers\, freelance developers\, and businesses looking to hire talent. Contact me at for more in formation.\n\nThanks for joining our group!\n\n-Joshua Copeland\n@OGProgra mmer\n\n**\\~\\~\\~SPONSORS\\~\\~\\~**\n\n** - a co-wor king community**\nChoose from either of the free 1 time options below:\nDa y pass:\n\n* Includes 9am-5pm access of our coworking office\n* Desk with wide screen monitor\n* Cold brew tap and micro brew coffee\n* Privacy boot hs\n* Creative common areas and more\n\nEvent Space:\n\n* Pick one of our 4 event spaces options from a training room to an event space with a bar o r kitchen.\n\nContact Tony at for more infor mation.\n\n**JetBrains** \\- They make the best IDEs in the business\\.\nW e give out a free 1 year JetBrains license at every meetup. URL;VALUE=URI: b/ STATUS:CONFIRMED CREATED:20250122T030326Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250122T030326Z CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:1 DTSTAMP:20250205T193023Z DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250715T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250715T200000 SUMMARY:Monthly Meetup @ Corporate Coworking DESCRIPTION:Vegas Programmers\nJoin our Discord by clicking [here](https:/ / \\- https://discord\\.gg/RGFGV8gKxB\n\nOur monthly Vegas Programmers group meets at 6pm on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at Corporate Coworking. All levels of experience are welcome. We love to sha re knowledge and talk about the latest in programming\, AI\, mobile app de velopment\, and more. Every month we have a technical talk presented by me mbers of the group. If you have a talk you'd like to share\, email me Josh\n\nSpeakers and topics are TBD.\n\nRSVP now as seating is limited.\n\nWe upload talks to our YouTube channel a few days after th e meetup.\n\nWe a re looking for sponsors\, speakers\, freelance developers\, and businesses looking to hire talent. Contact me at for more in formation.\n\nThanks for joining our group!\n\n-Joshua Copeland\n@OGProgra mmer\n\n**\\~\\~\\~SPONSORS\\~\\~\\~**\n\n** - a co-wor king community**\nChoose from either of the free 1 time options below:\nDa y pass:\n\n* Includes 9am-5pm access of our coworking office\n* Desk with wide screen monitor\n* Cold brew tap and micro brew coffee\n* Privacy boot hs\n* Creative common areas and more\n\nEvent Space:\n\n* Pick one of our 4 event spaces options from a training room to an event space with a bar o r kitchen.\n\nContact Tony at for more infor mation.\n\n**JetBrains** \\- They make the best IDEs in the business\\.\nW e give out a free 1 year JetBrains license at every meetup. URL;VALUE=URI: b/ STATUS:CONFIRMED CREATED:20250122T030326Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250122T030326Z CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:1 DTSTAMP:20250205T193023Z DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250819T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250819T200000 SUMMARY:Monthly Meetup @ Corporate Coworking DESCRIPTION:Vegas Programmers\nJoin our Discord by clicking [here](https:/ / \\- https://discord\\.gg/RGFGV8gKxB\n\nOur monthly Vegas Programmers group meets at 6pm on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at Corporate Coworking. All levels of experience are welcome. We love to sha re knowledge and talk about the latest in programming\, AI\, mobile app de velopment\, and more. Every month we have a technical talk presented by me mbers of the group. If you have a talk you'd like to share\, email me Josh\n\nSpeakers and topics are TBD.\n\nRSVP now as seating is limited.\n\nWe upload talks to our YouTube channel a few days after th e meetup.\n\nWe a re looking for sponsors\, speakers\, freelance developers\, and businesses looking to hire talent. Contact me at for more in formation.\n\nThanks for joining our group!\n\n-Joshua Copeland\n@OGProgra mmer\n\n**\\~\\~\\~SPONSORS\\~\\~\\~**\n\n** - a co-wor king community**\nChoose from either of the free 1 time options below:\nDa y pass:\n\n* Includes 9am-5pm access of our coworking office\n* Desk with wide screen monitor\n* Cold brew tap and micro brew coffee\n* Privacy boot hs\n* Creative common areas and more\n\nEvent Space:\n\n* Pick one of our 4 event spaces options from a training room to an event space with a bar o r kitchen.\n\nContact Tony at for more infor mation.\n\n**JetBrains** \\- They make the best IDEs in the business\\.\nW e give out a free 1 year JetBrains license at every meetup. URL;VALUE=URI: b/ STATUS:CONFIRMED CREATED:20250122T030326Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250122T030326Z CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:1 DTSTAMP:20250205T193023Z DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250916T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20250916T200000 SUMMARY:Monthly Meetup @ Corporate Coworking DESCRIPTION:Vegas Programmers\nJoin our Discord by clicking [here](https:/ / \\- https://discord\\.gg/RGFGV8gKxB\n\nOur monthly Vegas Programmers group meets at 6pm on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at Corporate Coworking. All levels of experience are welcome. We love to sha re knowledge and talk about the latest in programming\, AI\, mobile app de velopment\, and more. Every month we have a technical talk presented by me mbers of the group. If you have a talk you'd like to share\, email me Josh\n\nSpeakers and topics are TBD.\n\nRSVP now as seating is limited.\n\nWe upload talks to our YouTube channel a few days after th e meetup.\n\nWe a re looking for sponsors\, speakers\, freelance developers\, and businesses looking to hire talent. Contact me at for more in formation.\n\nThanks for joining our group!\n\n-Joshua Copeland\n@OGProgra mmer\n\n**\\~\\~\\~SPONSORS\\~\\~\\~**\n\n** - a co-wor king community**\nChoose from either of the free 1 time options below:\nDa y pass:\n\n* Includes 9am-5pm access of our coworking office\n* Desk with wide screen monitor\n* Cold brew tap and micro brew coffee\n* Privacy boot hs\n* Creative common areas and more\n\nEvent Space:\n\n* Pick one of our 4 event spaces options from a training room to an event space with a bar o r kitchen.\n\nContact Tony at for more infor mation.\n\n**JetBrains** \\- They make the best IDEs in the business\\.\nW e give out a free 1 year JetBrains license at every meetup. URL;VALUE=URI: b/ STATUS:CONFIRMED CREATED:20250122T030326Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250122T030326Z CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:1 DTSTAMP:20250205T193023Z DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20251021T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20251021T200000 SUMMARY:Monthly Meetup @ Corporate Coworking DESCRIPTION:Vegas Programmers\nJoin our Discord by clicking [here](https:/ / \\- https://discord\\.gg/RGFGV8gKxB\n\nOur monthly Vegas Programmers group meets at 6pm on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at Corporate Coworking. All levels of experience are welcome. We love to sha re knowledge and talk about the latest in programming\, AI\, mobile app de velopment\, and more. Every month we have a technical talk presented by me mbers of the group. If you have a talk you'd like to share\, email me Josh\n\nSpeakers and topics are TBD.\n\nRSVP now as seating is limited.\n\nWe upload talks to our YouTube channel a few days after th e meetup.\n\nWe a re looking for sponsors\, speakers\, freelance developers\, and businesses looking to hire talent. Contact me at for more in formation.\n\nThanks for joining our group!\n\n-Joshua Copeland\n@OGProgra mmer\n\n**\\~\\~\\~SPONSORS\\~\\~\\~**\n\n** - a co-wor king community**\nChoose from either of the free 1 time options below:\nDa y pass:\n\n* Includes 9am-5pm access of our coworking office\n* Desk with wide screen monitor\n* Cold brew tap and micro brew coffee\n* Privacy boot hs\n* Creative common areas and more\n\nEvent Space:\n\n* Pick one of our 4 event spaces options from a training room to an event space with a bar o r kitchen.\n\nContact Tony at for more infor mation.\n\n**JetBrains** \\- They make the best IDEs in the business\\.\nW e give out a free 1 year JetBrains license at every meetup. URL;VALUE=URI: c/ STATUS:CONFIRMED CREATED:20250122T030326Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250122T030326Z CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT SEQUENCE:1 DTSTAMP:20250205T193023Z DTSTART;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20251118T180000 DTEND;TZID=America/Los_Angeles:20251118T200000 SUMMARY:Monthly Meetup @ Corporate Coworking DESCRIPTION:Vegas Programmers\nJoin our Discord by clicking [here](https:/ / \\- https://discord\\.gg/RGFGV8gKxB\n\nOur monthly Vegas Programmers group meets at 6pm on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at Corporate Coworking. All levels of experience are welcome. We love to sha re knowledge and talk about the latest in programming\, AI\, mobile app de velopment\, and more. Every month we have a technical talk presented by me mbers of the group. If you have a talk you'd like to share\, email me Josh\n\nSpeakers and topics are TBD.\n\nRSVP now as seating is limited.\n\nWe upload talks to our YouTube channel a few days after th e meetup.\n\nWe a re looking for sponsors\, speakers\, freelance developers\, and businesses looking to hire talent. Contact me at for more in formation.\n\nThanks for joining our group!\n\n-Joshua Copeland\n@OGProgra mmer\n\n**\\~\\~\\~SPONSORS\\~\\~\\~**\n\n** - a co-wor king community**\nChoose from either of the free 1 time options below:\nDa y pass:\n\n* Includes 9am-5pm access of our coworking office\n* Desk with wide screen monitor\n* Cold brew tap and micro brew coffee\n* Privacy boot hs\n* Creative common areas and more\n\nEvent Space:\n\n* Pick one of our 4 event spaces options from a training room to an event space with a bar o r kitchen.\n\nContact Tony at for more infor mation.\n\n**JetBrains** \\- They make the best IDEs in the business\\.\nW e give out a free 1 year JetBrains license at every meetup. URL;VALUE=URI: b/ STATUS:CONFIRMED CREATED:20250122T030326Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250122T030326Z CLASS:PUBLIC END:VEVENT X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALNAME:Vegas Programmers END:VCALENDAR