CHANGELOG 1.2.4 - updated to new python api and context menu syntax in Jarvis 1.2.3 - Dutch translation 1.2.2 - Bug in countdown dialog fixed 1.2.1 - merge from pull request of W. Heisenberg: - Countdown dialog added - Notification or countdown dialog selectable 1.2.0 - adding context menu items of PVROSDGuide using the extension point kodi.context.item of Isengard 1.1.2 - Internationalization even for skin labels 1.1.1 - Channel switch could be aborted by pressing any key while switch message is displayed on screen 1.1.0 - complete rewrite, refactoring and optimization of code - timer t0-t9 now sorted by datetime (t0: nearest) 1.0.12 - Channelicon property added (t0:icon ... t9:icon) 1.0.11 - some JSONRPC Errors fixed - changelog added 1.0.0 - intial commit