** 2016.07.15 ** Update for recordings API change Change column headings to 'MOVIE NAME' and 'EVENT NAME' when showing movies or sports respectively ** 2016.05.09 ** Added setting 'Load recording at startup if DVR is detected' (default=disabled) ** 2016.04.30 ** Refresh cached recordings after delete Fix for error causing failure when attempting to sort by program name/episode name Change column header to 'EPISODE NAME' when showing episodes for a single show to match the sort target ** 2016.04.29 ** Add single episode recording Add team recording Add recordings delete options Add ability to set a custom padding value Various interface fixes, tweaks and improvements ** 2016.03.24 ** Added 'None' to padding options (0 seconds) Fix 'Delete Task' button not showing properly when too many buttons were visible Channel slice now works for non DVR subscribers ** 2016.03.18 ** Add 'Channel Slice' to live TV ** 2016.03.07 ** Make guide 5 wide Movie category now shows poster thumbnails Change 'WATCH RECORDINGS' to 'RECORDED' Change 'GUIDE SEARCH' to 'DISCOVER' Change 'RECORDING RULES' to 'TASKS' Change 'DELETE' to 'DELETE TASK' on recording dialog Added start/end padding options to recording dialog DELETE TASK now closes record dialog when opened from TASKS ** 2015.11.09 ** Fix for errors caused by encoding issues ** 2015.10.18 ** Use new recording rules API Guide search is now 4 wide instead of 3 ** 2015.8.23 ** Now showing now opens record dialog instead of live tv Clicking a recording rule now opens the record dialog Added 'WATCH' button to record dialog to switch to live tv when show is currently playing Added 'PRIORITY', 'ALWAYS/RECENT' and 'DELETE' buttons to record dialog when show has a recording rule ** 2015.8.12 ** Remove Isengard alpha workaround Select now pauses/unpauses recordings ** 2015.8.11 ** Add 'Now Showing' to 'Guide Search' Fix issue where clicking to bring up seek bar while watching recordings occasionally starts live TV Fix for busy spinner not displaying when UI has focus but video is playing Fix some focus issues with mouse and keyboard Fix inability to navigate to rules/watch via keyboard when they are empty Hide 'All Shows' on Watch Recordings when there are now shows Make series title wrap to 2 lines on Guide Search and remove duplicate sub-text ** 2015.7.14 ** Fix for DVR search failure when addon is left open for extended periods Remove un-implemented context menu delete on recordings window Refresh rules and improve search refresh when addon remains open Fix seek not stopping after key release Fix guide search update resetting focus to first item Fix for busy spinner appearing during video playback Fix for rule priority values being inverted ** 2015.7.3 ** Change name to HDHomeRun Add DVR (requires a running DVR server) Move slideout options to options screen ESC/Previous Menu/Back now cycles through DVR (if available) -> Options -> LiveTV/Playing Recording ** 2015.6.18 ** Fix a bug in Windows interface detection ** 2015.6.4 ** Fix for discovery failure due to broadcast error on any interface ** 2015.5.22 ** When playing a channel, guide now hides automatically Fix for guide not updating properly ** 2015.5.9 ** Fix for video not being visible when addon is running (Kodi 15 beta1) ** 2015.4.8 ** Fix error causing issues with multiple devices Log lineup JSON decoding errors without traceback 2015.4.1a15 Do subnet broadcast to individual interfaces - fixes issues for devices with multiple interfaces Improved logging ** 2015.3.30 ** Channel entry now accepts 'down' for '.' instead of 'select' and includes instructions to this effect Added setting 'Show full detail on all guide items' Fix for errors when no devices are found Add handling for empty lineup Improved icons on options dialog Options dialog now auto-hides After selecting a channel from a filtered list, focus is maintained on the channel when the list resets Added channel changing via channel up/down buttons on remote (may not work - needs testing) Organized first run control info by control type and removed some text 2015.3.26a1 Added options dialog with buttons for search, video settings, audio settings and volume control Options dialog opens on context menu button or mouse right click Options dialog also opens on move right or swipe left when the guide overlay is visible Guide overlay now also opens/closes on swipe left/right When 'Enable enhancements for touch devices' is enabled, all guide overlay items are now full detail even when not selected Added first run dialog with basic control description ** 2015.3.25 ** Use more stable guide update method Update guide every 55 to 65 minutes On guide update failure, wait 5 minutes and try again - then return to normal interval Fix for DeviceAuth being encoded with a trailing newline Now logs addon version on startup ** 2015.3.20b1 ** Fix for error causing the addon to fail on startup when there is no guide data *************** ** 2015.3.19 ** *************** Initial public release Retry fetching guide data if it fails on first attempt ** 2015.3.19a1 ** Fix for un-escaped URLs Change name to 'HDHomeRun Live TV' Get guide via https Slightly darken currently playing background ** 2015.3.18 ** Use public guide data URL and DeviceAuth Change 'Guide auto-hide delay seconds' default to 0 Add font conversion for skins other than Confluence Added Gotham skin ** 0.0.10b ** Added setting 'Guide auto-hide delay seconds (0 = never hide)' default: 10 Context button now displays search input, allowing the user to set a channel filter Some focus fixes ** 0.0.9b ** Added 'Enable enhancements for touch devices' to settings. Currently allows "flinging" the guide Now hides DRM channels by default - enable with setting 'Show DRM channels' Now detects whether lineup has any subchannels and simplifies channel entry (ie select always submits) Channel entry now "backspaces" on nav back Channel entry now limits to 4 digits before a '.' ** 0.0.8b ** Video now closes when the addon exits with a settings option to disable this behavior Now, when entering channel numbers, select now inserts a period with a second select sumbitting the entry Now when a channel is entered via channel entry, the guide jumps to that channel Improved control focus when using mouse and keyboard Transcoding profile setting now has [Default = use tuner profile] and [None = no transcoding] Now displays an error notification on failure to load a channel Add WIP search which returns matches for currently playing channels ** 0.0.7b ** Disable showing Kodi OSD on click Clicking on video with mouse now shows/hides channel guide Hitting select will now show the channel guide Now uses more mouse/touch friendly scrolling on channel guide Now fetches guide data for all devices Added channel entry via remote numbers or keyboard numpad Added the ability to select transcode profiles in settings Added stream metadata to the currently playing OSD ** 0.0.6b ** Fix for error when parsing empty lineups causing no channels to be added ** 0.0.5b ** Improved error handling for case where no channels are found ** 0.0.4b ** Fix for errors on channel numbers without sub channel ** 0.0.3b ** Fix for startup failure if any devices did not respond correctly Added error handling for no devices, no compatible devices and other errors ** 0.0.2b ** Internal release ** 0.0.1b ** Initial creation