2.0.1 - Updated translations 2.0.0 - Rewrite - THUMBNAILS!!! :) - use api instead scraping html - New Icon - Thubmnail View 1.0.1 - Fix video-listing (website changes) 1.0.0 - Code-rewrite by sphere - Changed: Now using XBMC-InfoLabel for date - Added: Random Video - Added: Search for Videos by title - Added: German Translation 0.5 - Fixed: XBMC Compilance change: No longer using os.getcwd() 0.4 - Added: Supporting dump.com links now :) - Changed: Main Icon to look a bit better. 0.3 - Added: Settings to choose which stream to use (Flash or Mobile) 0.2 - Changed default stream from Mobile stream to Flash Stream 0.1 - Created Initial Version