This directory contains MINIX demonstration disks.  To use them, first
download the correct one to your machine: (IBM PC, XT, AT, or 386) (Atari ST)
	demo_dsk.sp (SPARC) 
	amiga.lzh (Amiga)

Then copy it bit for bit to a floppy disk.  These files are exact disk images.
They are not files readable by any operating system.  They are bootable disks.
For the Atari, you must use a 360K diskette.  For the SPARC, you need a 1.44M 
diskette. The Amiga demo is a standard lharc archive.

To transfer the demo disk to a floppy, you need a program that can write
a raw disk image.  A program 'rawrite' has been provided for MS-DOS users.
The Turbo C source (rawrite.c), the executable (rawrite.exe), and the
user manual (rawrite.doc) are provided in this directory.  For the Atari,
use file2dsk instead of rawrite (see file2dsk.doc).

The demo user manual is available in PostScript form as or as
flat ASCII text as manual.txt.  If you can print PostScript, use the
former; if not, use the latter.  The manual.txt file can be printed
on any printer that can handle ASCII text (including Form Feed).

The announcement file tells more about MINIX, describes the MINIX newsgroup, 
comp.os.minix, and the MINIX archives.  It is a flat ASCII file.

The files ending in .Z are compressed using the UNIX compress program.
Not all the files are compressed, just the larger ones.  If you have the
UNIX or MINIX compress program, download the .Z files to save bandwidth, and
decompress them on your own machine.  Please do not FTP during business
hours European time, (i.e., please FTP after 11 a.m. Eastern Standard Time).

Once more, to avoid any confusion, MINIX is not public domain or shareware.
It is copyrighted software.  All the files in this directory, including
the demo disks are also fully protected by copyright.  The copyright owners 
hereby grant permission to copy and use the MINIX demo disks and other files 
in this directory only for the purpose of evaluating MINIX to see if it 
is suitable for your needs.

Andy Tanenbaum (

The crcs of most of the files in this directory are listed below.
The crc is the MINIX replacement for sum.  It gives a much stronger 
checksum.  The source is in crc.c, in case you don't already have it.

Cksum  Bytes File name		Description
----- ------ ---------		-----------
13973  26323 announcement	General info about the MINIX community
27342 181305 amiga.lzh		Amiga demo (lharc format)
50933   3844 crc.c		MINIX checksum program
57848 368640	IBM demo disk
26774 320512	Atari ST demo disk
24566 624640 demo_dsk.sp	SPARC demo disk
08584   2289 file2dsk.c		C program to write Atari boot disk
41135   2107 file2dsk.doc	Documentation for file2dsk
32394   9659 file2dsk.ttp	Executable for file2dsk for Atari TOS
59522 175493		Manual in postscript
58276  72014 manual.txt		Manual as flat ASCII file
24330   5153 rawrite.c		Turbo C program to write a raw disk image
54726   2138 rawrite.doc	Documentation for rawrite
58584  13052 rawrite.exe	Executable version of rawrite for MS-DOS
39214   3771 sparc.addendum     Additional documentation for the SPARC demo

42004  14451 announcement.Z	These are all compressed versions of the above
04519 201819	
39985 288826 demo_dsk.sp.Z
19632 184677	
01416  81289	
30559  34985 manual.txt.Z	


                          HOW TO ORDER MINIX 1.5

     MINIX 1.5 is being sold by Prentice-Hall.  The product numbers and prices
are as follows:

  - MINIX 1.5 for the IBM: 5 1/4"   (0-13-585076-2)  $169 
  - MINIX 1.5 for the IBM: 3 1/2"   (0-13-585068-1)  $169
  - MINIX 1.5 for the Amiga	    (0-13-585043-6)  $169
  - MINIX 1.5 for the Atari	    (0-13-585035-5)  $169
  - MINIX 1.5 for the Macintosh     (0-13-585050-9)  $169

  - MINIX 1.5 IBM demo disk         (0-13-582768-x)  $10
  - MINIX 1.5 Macintosh demo disk   (0-13-582784-1)  $10
  - MINIX 1.5 Atari demo disk       (0-13-582792-2)  $10

Sales tax and shipping are extra; Prices are slightly higher outside the U.S.

All versions include the executable binaries, a detailed manual, the complete 
source code (on diskettes), and an attractively typeset, cross-referenced
listing of the operating system code.

     P-H is making a big effort to get software stores to keep MINIX in stock.
The easiest way to order it is to go to a software store and ask them for
it.  If they don't stock it, they can always order it.  Alternatively, you
can order directly by email, FAX, phone, or mail from Prentice-Hall as follows.

In North America and the Far East
  To order by email:
  To order by FAX:  	(201) 767-5625
  To order by phone:	(800) 624-0023  or  (201) 767-5969
  To order by mail:	Microservice Customer Service
			Simon & Schuster
			200 Old Tappan Road
			Old Tappan, NJ 07675

In UK/Europe
  To order by email:	Not recommended as the email is printed out in the U.S.
			and then sent to England by regular letter
  To order by FAX:	Same problem as email
  To order by phone:	+44 (442) 231-555 (UK number)
  To order by mail:	Order Dept.
			Prentice-Hall International
			Campus 400
			Maylands Ave.
			Hemel Hempstead
			Herts. HP2 7E2 ENGLAND

For email and FAX orders, please include the product name and number, your
name and address, and your MasterCard or VISA card number and expiration date.
If you wish delivery by Federal Express (costs extra), please indicate so.

MINIX can also be ordered from the following addresses:

In England:	The MINIX Center
		Forncett End
		Norfolk NR16 1HT England

In Germany:	Prentice Hall
		Feldtorweg 24
		D3406 Bovenden 1

In the Benelux:	Fred van Kempen
		Postbus 184
		2100 AD Heemstede
		Tel: +31 23 287935
		FAX: +31 23 294229

In Scandinavia:	Frank O'Donell
		P.O. Box 88
		1371 Asker

In Spain and	Deborah Worth
   Portugal:	Appartado Numero 50672

In Italy:	Jim Blaho
                Piazza Santo Spirito 17
                50125 Florence

In Greece:	Vassilis Zahos
		Kritonos 5-7
		GR 11634 Athens

In Turkey:	Atilla Gullu
		Milli Mudafaa Cad 14/7
		Kizilay Ankara

     If you have previously purchased MINIX from Prentice-Hall, you can get
a discount of $60, but only if you order by mail and include the label from 
the original PH boot disk (or the entire disk) with your letter.  Not valid 
for email, phone or FAX orders since you must enclose the original boot disk 
label (not a photocopy).  Mail orders can be by credit card or check for 
$169.  You will be billed for tax and shipping.