1 Introduction

Contents of this section

1.1 Why Build Boot Disks?

Linux boot disks are useful in a number of situations, such as:

There are several ways of producing boot disks:

I choose the last option - learn how it works so that you can do it yourself. That way, if something breaks, you can work out what to do to fix it. Plus you learn a lot about how Linux works along the way.

Experienced Linux users may find little of use in this document. However users new to Linux system administration who wish to protect against root disk loss and other mishaps may find it useful.

A note on versions - this document has been updated to support the following packages and versions:

Copyright (c) Graham Chapman 1995.

Permission is granted for this material to be freely used and distributed, provided the source is acknowledged. No warranty of any kind is provided. You use this material at your own risk.

1.2 Feedback and Credits

I welcome any feedback, good or bad, on the content of this document. Please let me know if you find any errors or omissions.

I thank the following people for correcting errors and providing useful suggestions for improvement:

        Randolph Bentson
        Bjxrn-Helge Mevik
        Johannes Stille

1.3 Change History

v1.01, 6 February 1995

v1.0, 2 January 1995

v0.10, 1 November 1994 Original version, labelled "draft".

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