Subject: Standards docs. Subject: Re: A couple of problems... Subject: Re: Easy video mode changes, nonstandard disk support, and v86 mode Subject: interim Subject: Re: Gcc 2.0, new libc.a and alpha test Subject: catman Subject: Re: catman Subject: Re: catman Subject: Backing up Linux partitions (was Re: A couple of problems...) Subject: Can't run off of hard disk. Subject: Re: Can't run off of hard disk. Subject: swapon binary Subject: HELP (or am I an idiot?) Subject: linux-standards Subject: startup shell? Subject: Re: More questions about Linux :-) Subject: Re: More questions about Linux :-) Subject: tsx-11, new upload (was Re: bug fix for the new gcc 1.40) Subject: tubes on tsx-11 Subject: May be a small bug in poe-IGL Subject: problem? or just me? Subject: trouble dialing in with poe-IGL Subject: Re: Easy video mode changes, nonstandard disk support, and v86 mode Subject: Floating point performance Subject: Re: Floating point performance Subject: Making whatis, roff Subject: some bugs in gcc 1.40 Subject: WD ESDI works, but only 1 partition... Subject: Problem with UNCOMPRESS Subject: emacs question Subject: Hard disk boot (full), non shoelace questions Subject: Re: startup shell? Subject: Re: Easy video mode changes, nonstandard disk support, and v86 mode Subject: Re: emacs question Subject: Re: Floating point performance Subject: Re: Floating point performance Subject: v86 mode is [not] useless Subject: Re: v86 mode is [not] useless Subject: Re: gcc 1.04 libraries and utilities Subject: Yikes! Thanks! Subject: A question on standards Subject: thnks for kermit & com4 help Subject: Re: Problem with UNCOMPRESS Subject: Re: catman Subject: Installation problems Subject: Re: v86 mode is [not] useless Subject: Re: Networking 2 release, BSDI, etc Subject: Re: Few comments about Linux Subject: uemacs kills symbolic link !! Subject: Re: Problem with UNCOMPRESS Subject: Re: trouble dialing in with poe-IGL Subject: Re: startup shell? Subject: Re: Easy video mode changes, nonstandard disk support, and v86 mode Subject: Re: Easy video mode changes, nonstandard disk support, and v86 mode Subject: setting video modes & emacs keys.. Subject: Re: Floating point performance Subject: Here's a thought... Subject: Re: Problem with UNCOMPRESS Subject: FAQ: the new gcc 1.40 Subject: gcc 2.0 Subject: gcc-2.0 available for anonymous ftp from ~Subject: GCC 2.0 released Subject: Xon / xoff bug? Subject: Re: Xon / xoff bug? Subject: Re: newgcc installation error (fwd) | Subject: Re: newgcc installation error Subject: Re: A question on standards Subject: Re: Few comments about Linux Subject: Re: v86 mode is [not] useless Subject: Undefined Symbol: __stderr in text segment Subject: mkswap sources Subject: Linux for the Amiga Subject: mount can't open lock file? Subject: Used copy of PC Minix wanted. Subject: pcomm: has anyone ported it? Subject: Announcement: poeigl 1.2 (init/getty/login) Subject: Fix for make problem with setuid? Subject: Re: Networking 2 release, BSDI, etc Subject: problem with termcap entry Subject: initial tty speed Subject: poe-IGL troubles Subject: Re: v86 mode is [not] useless Subject: Re: Linux-Activists Digest #74 Subject: Re: Easy video mode changes, nonstandard disk support, and v86 mode Subject: SCSI support Subject: Re: SCSI support Subject: Re: SCSI support Subject: Re: SCSI support Subject: Re: Networking 2 release, BSDI, etc Subject: Re: Networking 2 release, BSDI, etc Subject: Re: Small filesystem problem Subject: SCSI drivers are uploaded Subject: EGA/VGA screen fonts in Linux Subject: Re: EGA/VGA screen fonts in Linux Subject: Re: EGA/VGA screen fonts in Linux Subject: swapon hint Subject: Killing init, shutdown, reaping zombies, anoying kernel messages Subject: Re: Killing init, shutdown, reaping zombies, anoying kernel messages Subject: Slip? Subject: Re: initial tty speed Subject: Re: initial tty speed Subject: Linux 0.13? Subject: Re: Linux 0.13? Subject: Various problems and some solutions Subject: Re: Various problems and some solutions Subject: Re: Various problems and some solutions Subject: GCC Errors Subject: Elvis bug (was: Re: Killing init, shutdown, reaping zombies, anoying kernel messages) Subject: Re: Elvis bug (was: Re: Killing init, shutdown, reaping zombies, anoying kernel messages) Subject: Running linux in < 500kB Subject: Re: Running linux in < 500kB Subject: Re: Running linux in < 500kB Subject: Re: Running linux in < 500kB Subject: Re: Running linux in < 500kB Subject: Re: Running linux in < 500kB Subject: Re: Running linux in < 500kB Subject: Re: Running linux in < 500kB Subject: Pcomm 1.2 ported to Linux Subject: SCSI drivers : revisited Subject: Re: linux Subject: tubes for linux Subject: Re: pcomm: has anyone ported it? Subject: Re: Pcomm 1.2 ported to Linux Subject: tr Subject: emacs Subject: Re: emacs Subject: Re: emacs Subject: Re: Easy video mode changes, nonstandard disk support, and v86 mode Subject: Re: Easy video mode changes, nonstandard disk support, and v86 mode Subject: Re: Networking 2 release, BSDI, etc Subject: tape drives... Subject: gcc 1.40 libc.a: vXprintf, etc. Subject: ProComm: tty errors Subject: Re: ProComm: tty errors Subject: Re: ProComm: tty errors Subject: Re: ProComm: tty errors Subject: ARGGG Subject: Re: bug fix for the new gcc 1.40 Subject: Cawf, regexp: gcc can't hack it. Subject: signal(), elvis, and mmap Subject: Re: signal(), elvis, and mmap Subject: shell under emacs? Subject: ps uploaded to and Subject: Q's.: HD Boot, Oak SVGA, cm in termcap? Subject: Tape drive warning... Subject: parse errors Subject: Re: ProComm: tty errors Subject: Help with ESIA / ISA Subject: MGR + Cntl<->Caps + selecting video mode Subject: Bug in gcc-1.40 libc (in sscanf) Subject: Re: interim release Subject: Patches to poe-igl 1.2 Subject: Re: Tape drive warning... Subject: Re: ProComm: tty errors Subject: Re: ProComm: tty errors Subject: Hardware with Linux. Subject: Re: ProComm: tty errors Subject: Linux installing bootimage Subject: Re: Linux installing bootimage Subject: Re: gdb 4.4 available Subject: Re: Q's.: HD Boot, Oak SVGA, cm in termcap? Subject: need help with libcurses/probs with printw Subject: Re: emacs Subject: Keeping track of versions of the Source Code Subject: Re: emacs, Arrows how make them avail. Subject: mount/umount errors Subject: Nice new ps comments :-) Subject: Re: Nice new ps comments :-) Subject: Re: Bug in gcc-1.40 libc (in sscanf) Subject: Re: MGR + Cntl<->Caps + selecting video mode Subject: Re: MGR + Cntl<->Caps + selecting video mode Subject: Need some info. Subject: Re: Need some info. Subject: Re: ProComm: tty errors Subject: RCS Subject: Patch for exchange of Ctrl and CapsLock keys Subject: Re: parse errors Subject: Re: Running linux in < 500kB Subject: Re: Running linux in < 500kB Subject: Re: Running linux in < 500kB Subject: Re: Running linux in < 500kB Subject: Re: Running linux in < 500kB Subject: Re: Running linux in < 500kB Subject: Re: Running linux in < 500kB Subject: Re: Running linux in < 500kB Subject: Re: Running linux in < 500kB Subject: X windows person where did you go? Subject: mtools Subject: Undeliverable Mail Subject: net etiquette Subject: Re: Running linux in < 500kB Subject: Re: Running linux in < 500kB Subject: Re: parse errors (in porting BSD tr) Subject: 'struct file' in /usr/include/linux/fs.h Subject: tty_io.c Subject: Re: tty_io.c Subject: Virtual Consoles Subject: Re: Running linux in < 500kB Subject: Re: Running linux in < 500kB Subject: Installation troubles with Linux Subject: Re: Installation troubles with Linux Subject: Ethernet drivers Subject: Re: Ethernet drivers Subject: Reboot patch Subject: Re: Reboot patch Subject: Header files Subject: Has anyone ported....? Subject: Kernel configuration Subject: Re: reboot Subject: Re: symbolic links (was Re: Running linux in < 500kB) Subject: gcc problems? Subject: Re: gcc problems? Subject: Hrm...Got the stuff, but how do I get it to Linux? Subject: Rebooting - an observation Subject: a simple nlist to be used with /unix :-) Subject: Where is it?