Subject: Explanation of the new group... (and test of mail feed....) Subject: Whodunnit? Subject: Linux Information Sheet Subject: A question Subject: Question Subject: Re: Question Subject: ptrace Subject: Linux? Subject: Re: A question Subject: Re: Whodunnit? Subject: Z-modem in Linux Subject: Mach? Subject: /dev/screen Subject: Boot disk? Subject: Linux Bootable Rootable Subject: Re: Linux Bootable Rootable Subject: Re: Boot disk? Subject: making /dev/hd3 the root fs. Subject: Re: making /dev/hd3 the root fs. Subject: Re: making /dev/hd3 the root fs. Subject: Re: making /dev/hd3 the root fs. Subject: few things.. TCP/IP , IPC, and more Subject: Re: few things.. TCP/IP , IPC, and more Subject: Troubles with Partitions Subject: Re: Troubles with Partitions Subject: Re: Troubles with Partitions Subject: Re: Mach? Subject: Re: Whodunnit? Subject: Re: Z-modem in Linux Subject: rawrite on tsx-11 buggy? Subject: Re: rawrite on tsx-11 buggy? Subject: Re: rawrite on tsx-11 buggy? Subject: Shoelace help required Subject: What is Linux? Subject: Re: patch + backup Subject: COM1 and COM2 serial ports Subject: A couple of Linux questions... Subject: Re: No FTP ... HELP! Subject: NO FTP, Use an ftp mail server |>>Subject: No FTP ... HELP! Subject: anything you want Subject: whatever Subject: Kernel panic Subject: init/login Subject: v25i045: login - login replacement for Interactive or AT&T SysV/386, Subject: Math support Subject: Re: Question Subject: No X11, but why not *something* windowish? Subject: Re: No X11, but why not *something* windowish? Subject: Linix: where is /usr/bin/mvdir Subject: init/login and questions... Subject: Trying to cat a non text file Subject: Re: Trying to cat a non text file Subject: TCP/IP Subject: Tape drive device drivers? Subject: Re: Tape drive device drivers? Subject: Linux 0.12 and Segmentation Faults Subject: source to the root distribution binaries Subject: Re: Linix: where is /usr/bin/mvdir Subject: Re: Linux 0.12 and Segmentation Faults Subject: [Bob Pendelton: Re: A question] Subject: Re: A question Subject: Re: aha-1542 driver Subject: missing libm.a?? Subject: I can't boot from HD! Subject: Installation. Subject: Re: Installation. Subject: Re: Installation. Subject: make a tar file Subject: /proc, anyone? Subject: /proc, anyone? Subject: floppy problems Subject: Re: /proc, anyone? Subject: Anyone porting Linux to m68k? Subject: Re: Anyone porting Linux to m68k? Subject: Buggy omit-frame-pointer? Subject: Re: Buggy omit-frame-pointer? Subject: df and root fs Subject: Re: Installation. Subject: How to port kermit. Subject: Yes there is a VI (was Re: No VI, sorry ...) Subject: cron (vixie-cron) & postings Subject: Re: Buggy omit-frame-pointer? Subject: Yes, but how *big* is it? Subject: Installing GCC Subject: Re: Installing GCC Subject: Re: Installing GCC Subject: Re: /proc, anyone? Subject: No VI, sorry ... Subject: Re: No VI, sorry ... Subject: Re: No VI, sorry ... Subject: Re: No VI, sorry ... Subject: Re: No VI, sorry ... Subject: Linux on Intel Inboard 386. Subject: Re: Buggy omit-frame-pointer? Subject: tar (tar.Z) Subject: Re: I can't boot from HD! Subject: I wrote 'time' but ... Subject: Re: I wrote 'time' but ... Subject: X11R5 Re: [Bob Pendelton: Re: A question] >Subject: Re: A question Subject: compiling minix commands source on linux Subject: tty.c.shar [01/01] Subject: Newbie q's Subject: linux-dos-linux file access Subject: Re: Backups Subject: Re: compiling minix commands source on linux Subject: Re: df and root fs Subject: Re: compiling minix commands source on linux Subject: Re: Installation. Subject: FAQ (should be monthly posted) Subject: Re: compiling minix commands source on linux