PORTS LIST Release 61 Last change 16jul00 Copyright (c) 1989-1999,2000 Ralf Brown [This file originally by Wim Osterholt , though it has grown considerably since.] XT, AT and PS/2 I/O port addresses Do NOT consider this information to be complete and accurate. If you want to do hardware programming ALWAYS check the appropriate data sheets (but even they are sometimes in error!). Be aware that erroneous port programming can put your data or even your hardware at risk. There are a number of memory-mapped addresses in use for I/O; see MEMORY.LST for details on memory-mapped I/O. --------!---Note----------------------------- Note: the port description format is: PPPPw RW description where: PPPP is the four-digit hex port number or a plus sign and three hex digits to indicate an offset from a base port address w is blank for byte-size port, 'w' for word, and 'd' for dword R is dash (or blank) if not readable, 'r' if sometimes readable, 'R' if "always" readable, '?' if readability unknown W is dash (or blank) if not writable, 'w' if sometimes writable, 'W' if "always" writable, 'C' if write-clear, and '?' if writability unknown ----------P0000001F-------------------------- PORT 0000-001F - DMA 1 - FIRST DIRECT MEMORY ACCESS CONTROLLER (8237) SeeAlso: PORT 0080h-008Fh"DMA",PORT 00C0h-00DFh 0000 R- DMA channel 0 current address byte 0, then byte 1 0000 -W DMA channel 0 base address byte 0, then byte 1 0001 RW DMA channel 0 word count byte 0, then byte 1 0002 R- DMA channel 1 current address byte 0, then byte 1 0002 -W DMA channel 1 base address byte 0, then byte 1 0003 RW DMA channel 1 word count byte 0, then byte 1 0004 R- DMA channel 2 current address byte 0, then byte 1 0004 -W DMA channel 2 base address byte 0, then byte 1 0005 RW DMA channel 2 word count byte 0, then byte 1 0006 R- DMA channel 3 current address byte 0, then byte 1 0006 -W DMA channel 3 base address byte 0, then byte 1 0007 RW DMA channel 3 word count byte 0, then byte 1 0008 R- DMA channel 0-3 status register (see #P0001) 0008 -W DMA channel 0-3 command register (see #P0002) 0009 -W DMA channel 0-3 write request register (see #P0003) 000A RW DMA channel 0-3 mask register (see #P0004) 000B -W DMA channel 0-3 mode register (see #P0005) 000C -W DMA channel 0-3 clear byte pointer flip-flop register any write clears LSB/MSB flip-flop of address and counter registers 000D R- DMA channel 0-3 temporary register 000D -W DMA channel 0-3 master clear register any write causes reset of 8237 000E -W DMA channel 0-3 clear mask register any write clears masks for all channels 000F rW DMA channel 0-3 write mask register (see #P0006) Notes: the temporary register is used as holding register in memory-to-memory DMA transfers; it holds the last transferred byte channel 2 is used by the floppy disk controller on the IBM PC/XT channel 0 was used for the memory refresh and channel 3 was used by the hard disk controller on AT and later machines with two DMA controllers, channel 4 is used as a cascade for channels 0-3 command and request registers do not exist on a PS/2 DMA controller Bitfields for DMA channel 0-3 status register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0001) 7 channel 3 request active 6 channel 2 request active 5 channel 1 request active 4 channel 0 request active 3 channel terminal count on channel 3 2 channel terminal count on channel 2 1 channel terminal count on channel 1 0 channel terminal count on channel 0 SeeAlso: #P0002,#P0481 Bitfields for DMA channel 0-3 command register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0002) 7 DACK sense active high 6 DREQ sense active high 5 =1 extended write selection =0 late write selection 4 rotating priority instead of fixed priority 3 compressed timing (two clocks instead of four per transfer) =1 normal timing (default) =0 compressed timing 2 =1 enable controller =0 enable memory-to-memory 1-0 channel number SeeAlso: #P0001,#P0004,#P0005,#P0482 Bitfields for DMA channel 0-3 request register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0003) 7-3 reserved (0) 2 =0 clear request bit =1 set request bit 1-0 channel number 00 channel 0 select 01 channel 1 select 10 channel 2 select 11 channel 3 select SeeAlso: #P0004 Bitfields for DMA channel 0-3 mask register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0004) 7-3 reserved (0) 2 =0 clear mask bit =1 set mask bit 1-0 channel number 00 channel 0 select 01 channel 1 select 10 channel 2 select 11 channel 3 select SeeAlso: #P0001,#P0002,#P0003,#P0484 Bitfields for DMA channel 0-3 mode register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0005) 7-6 transfer mode 00 demand mode 01 single mode 10 block mode 11 cascade mode 5 direction =0 increment address after each transfer =1 decrement address 3-2 operation 00 verify operation 01 write to memory 10 read from memory 11 reserved 1-0 channel number 00 channel 0 select 01 channel 1 select 10 channel 2 select 11 channel 3 select SeeAlso: #P0002,#P0485 Bitfields for DMA channel 0-3 write mask register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0006) 7-4 reserved 3 channel 3 mask bit 2 channel 2 mask bit 1 channel 1 mask bit 0 channel 0 mask bit Note: each mask bit is automatically set when the corresponding channel reaches terminal count or an extenal EOP sigmal is received SeeAlso: #P0004,#P0486 ----------P0010001F-------------------------- PORT 0010-001F - DMA CONTROLLER (8237) ON PS/2 MODEL 60 & 80 SeeAlso: PORT 0000h-001Fh,PORT 0080h-008Fh"DMA",PORT 00C0h-00DFh 0018 -W extended function register (see #P0007) 001A -W extended function execute register Bitfields for DMA extended function register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0007) 7-4 function code (see #P0008) 3 reserved (0) 2-0 channel number 000 channel 0 select 001 channel 1 select 010 channel 2 select 011 channel 3 select 100 channel 4 select 101 channel 5 select 110 channel 6 select 111 channel 7 select (Table P0008) Values for DMA extended function codes (data go to/from PORT 001Ah): Value Description Parameters Results 00h current address register - CA0,CA1 02h write address - A0,A1,P 03h read address A0,A1,P - 04h write word count register C0,C1 - 05h read word count register - C0,C1 06h read status register - S 07h mode register - M 09h mask channel - - 0Ah unmask channel - - 0Dh master clear - - Note: CA0/CA1 LSB/MSB of the current address register A0/A1 LSB/MSB of the base address register P DMA page address C0/C1 LSB/MSB of the word count register S status register value (see #P0001, #P0481) M mode register value (see #P0005, #P0485) first, the extended function register is written, then the extended function register execute register is read/written if the function being executing requires Bitfields for DMA extended mode register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0009) 7 reserved (0) 6 =0 8-bit transfer =1 16-bit transfer 5-4 reserved (0) 3 transfer type =0 read from memory =1 write to memory 2 =0 disable memory write =1 enable memory write 1 reserved (0) 0 address select =0 use 0 as base address =1 use a value from base address register Note: the IBM PS/2 model 80 technical reference doesn't seem to mention this register's address ----------P0020003F-------------------------- PORT 0020-003F - PIC 1 - PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT CONTROLLER (8259A) SeeAlso: PORT 00A0h-00AFh"PIC 2",INT 08"IRQ0",INT 0F"IRQ7" 0020 -W PIC initialization command word ICW1 (see #P0010) 0020 -W PIC output control word OCW2 (see #P0015) 0020 -W PIC output control word OCW3 (see #P0016) 0020 R- PIC interrupt request/in-service registers after OCW3 request register: bit 7-0 = 0 no active request for the corresponding int. line = 1 active request for corresponding interrupt line in-service register: bit 7-0 = 0 corresponding line not currently being serviced = 1 corresponding int. line currently being serviced 0021 -W PIC ICW2,ICW3,ICW4 immed after ICW1 to 0020 (see #P0011,#P0012,#P0013) 0021 RW PIC master interrupt mask register OCW1 (see #P0014) Bitfields for PIC initialization command word ICW1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0010) 7-5 0 (only used in 8080/8085 mode) 4 ICW1 is being issued 3 (LTIM) =0 edge triggered mode =1 level triggered mode 2 interrupt vector size =0 successive interrupt vectors use 8 bytes (8080/8085) =1 successive interrupt vectors use 4 bytes (80x86) 1 (SNGL) =0 cascade mode =1 single mode, no ICW3 needed 0 ICW4 needed SeeAlso: #P0011,#P0012,#P0013 Bitfields for PIC initialization command word ICW2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0011) 7-3 address lines A0-A3 of base vector address for PIC 2-0 reserved SeeAlso: #P0010,#P0012,#P0013 Bitfields for PIC initialization command word ICW3: Bit(s) Description (Table P0012) 7-0 =0 slave controller not attached to corresponding interrupt pin =1 slave controller attached to corresponding interrupt pin SeeAlso: #P0010,#P0011,#P0013 Bitfields for PIC initialization command word ICW4: Bit(s) Description (Table P0013) 7-5 reserved (0) 4 running in special fully-nested mode 3-2 mode 0x nonbuffered mode 10 buffered mode/slave 11 buffered mode/master 1 Auto EOI 0 =0 8085 mode =1 8086/8088 mode SeeAlso: #P0010,#P0011,#P0012 Bitfields for PIC output control word OCW1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0014) 7 disable IRQ7 (parallel printer interrupt) 6 disable IRQ6 (diskette interrupt) 5 disable IRQ5 (fixed disk interrupt) 4 disable IRQ4 (serial port 1 interrupt) 3 disable IRQ3 (serial port 2 interrupt) 2 disable IRQ2 (video interrupt) 1 disable IRQ1 (keyboard, mouse, RTC interrupt) 0 disable IRQ0 (timer interrupt) SeeAlso: #P0015,#P0016,#P0418 Bitfields for PIC output control word OCW2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0015) 7-5 operation 000 rotate in auto EOI mode (clear) 001 (WORD_A) nonspecific EOI 010 (WORD_H) no operation 011 (WORD_B) specific EOI 100 (WORD_F) rotate in auto EOI mode (set) 101 (WORD_C) rotate on nonspecific EOI command 110 (WORD_E) set priority command 111 (WORD_D) rotate on specific EOI command 4-3 reserved (00 - signals OCW2) 2-0 interrupt request to which the command applies (only used by WORD_B, WORD_D, and WORD_E) SeeAlso: #P0014,#P0016 Bitfields for PIC output control word OCW3: Bit(s) Description (Table P0016) 7 reserved (0) 6-5 special mask 0x no operation 10 reset special mask 11 set special mask mode 4-3 reserved (01 - signals OCW3) 2 poll command 1-0 function 0x no operation 10 read interrupt request register on next read from PORT 0020h 11 read interrupt in-service register on next read from PORT 0020h Note: the special mask mode permits all other interrupts (even those with lower priority) to be processed while an interrupt is already in service, but will not re-issue an interrupt for a particular IRQ while it remains in service SeeAlso: #P0014,#P0015 ----------P0022------------------------------ PORT 0022 - Intel 82439TX Chipset - Power Control register SeeAlso: PORT 0022h"82443BX" 0022 RW PM2 Register Block bits 7-1: reserved bit 0: Arbiter Disable --------p-P0022------------------------------ PORT 0022 - Intel 82443BX - "PM2_CTL" ACPI Power Control 2 Register SeeAlso: PORT 0022h"82439TX",#01142 at INT 1A/AX=B10Ah/SF=8086h 0022 RW ACPI Power Control Register 2 bits 7-1: reserved bit 0: disable primary PCI and AGP arbiter requests ----------P00220023-------------------------- PORT 0022-0023 - CHIP SET DATA Note: These two ports are used by numerous chipsets. Various chipsets are detailed below. 0022 -W index for accesses to data port 0023 RW chip set data ----------P00220023-------------------------- PORT 0022-0023 - Cyrix Cx486SLC/DLC PROCESSOR - CACHE CONFIGURATION REGISTERS SeeAlso: PORT 0022h"5x86",PORT 0022h"6x86" 0022 -W index for accesses to next port (see #P0017) 0023 RW cache configuration register array (indexed by PORT 0022h) Note: the index must be written to PORT 0022h before every access to PORT 0023h; out-of-sequence accesses or index values not supported by the processor generate external I/O cycles (Table P0017) Values for Cyrix Cx486SLC/DLC Cache Configuration register number: C0h CR0 (see #P0019) C1h CR1 (see #P0020) C4h non-cacheable region 1, start address bits 31-24 C5h non-cacheable region 1, start address bits 23-16 C6h non-cacheable region 1, start addr 15-12, size (low nibble) (see #P0018) C7h non-cacheable region 2, start address bits 31-24 C8h non-cacheable region 2, start address bits 23-16 C9h non-cacheable region 2, start addr 15-12, size (low nibble) (see #P0018) CAh non-cacheable region 3, start address bits 31-24 CBh non-cacheable region 3, start address bits 23-16 CCh non-cacheable region 3, start addr 15-12, size (low nibble) (see #P0018) CDh non-cacheable region 4, start address bits 31-24 CEh non-cacheable region 4, start address bits 23-16 CFh non-cacheable region 4, start addr 15-12, size (low nibble) (see #P0018) SeeAlso: #P0023,#P0021 (Table P0018) Values for Cyrix Cx486SLC/DLC non-cacheable region sizes: 00h disabled 01h 4K 02h 8K 03h 16K 04h 32K 05h 64K 06h 128K 07h 256K 08h 512K 09h 1M 0Ah 2M 0Bh 4M 0Ch 8M 0Dh 16M 0Eh 32M 0Fh 4G SeeAlso: #P0017 Bitfields for Cyrix Cx486SLC/DLC Configuration Register 0: Bit(s) Description (Table P0019) 0 "NC0" first 64K of each 1M noncacheable in real/V86 1 "NC1" 640K-1M noncacheable 2 "A20M" enables A20M# input pin 3 "KEN" enables KEN# input pin 4 "FLUSH" enables FLUSH input pin 5 "BARB" enables internal cache flushing on bus holds 6 "C0" cache direct-mapped instead of 2-way associative 7 "SUSPEND" enables SUSP# input and SUSPA# output pins SeeAlso: #P0017,#P0020,#P0032 Bitfields for Cyrix Cx486SLC/DLC Configuration Register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0020) 0 "RPL" enables output pins RPLSET and RPLVAL# SeeAlso: #P0017,#P0019,#P0024 ----------P00220023-------------------------- PORT 0022-0023 - Cyrix 486S2/D2/DX/DX2/DX4 PROCESSOR - CONFIGURATION REGISTERS SeeAlso: PORT 0022h"Cx486SLC",PORT 0022h"5x86",PORT 0022h"6x86" 0022 -W index for accesses to next port (see #P0021) 0023 RW cache configuration register array (indexed by PORT 0022h) Note: the index must be written to PORT 0022h before every access to PORT 0023h; out-of-sequence accesses or index values not supported by the processor generate external I/O cycles (Table P0021) Values for Cyrix 486S2/D2/DX/DX2/DX4 configuration register number: C2h CR2 (see #P0025) C3h CR3 (see #P0026) CDh SMM region, start address bits 31-24 CEh SMM region, start address bits 23-16 CFh SMM region, start addr 15-12, size (low nibble) (see #P0018) FEh R Device Identification #0 (see #P0022) CPU device ID FFh R Device Identification #1 bits 3-0: revision bits 7-4: stepping SeeAlso: #P0017,#P0023,#P0031 (Table P0022) Values for Cyrix device identification: (#0 /#1) 00h Cx486SLC 01h Cx486DlC 02h Cx486SLC2 03h Cx486DLC2 04h Cx486SRx 05h Cx486DRx 06h Cx486SRx2 07h Cx486DRx2 10h Cx486S (B-step) 11h Cx486S2 (B-step) 12h Cx486Se (B-step) 13h Cx486S2e (B-step) 1Ah/05h Cx486DX-40 1Bh/08h Cx486DX2-50 1Bh/0Bh Cx486DX2-66 1Bh/31h Cx486DX2-v80 1Fh/36h Cx486DX4-v100 28h 5x86 1xs 29h 5x86 2xs 2Ah 5x86 1xp 2Bh 5x86 2xp 2Ch 5x86 4xs 2Dh 5x86 3xs 2Eh 5x86 4xp 2Fh 5x86 3xp 30h 6x86 1xs 31h 6x86 2xs 32h 6x86 1xp 33h 6x86 2xp 34h 6x86 4xs 35h 6x86 3xs 36h 6x86 4xp 37h 6x86 3xp Note: #0 is the value in configuration register FEh, while #1 is the value in configuration register FFh SeeAlso: #P0021 ----------P00220023-------------------------- PORT 0022-0023 - Cyrix 5x86 PROCESSOR - CONFIGURATION CONTROL REGISTERS SeeAlso: PORT 0022h"Cx486SLC",PORT 0022h"486S2",PORT 0022h"6x86" 0022 -W index for accesses to next port (see #P0023) 0023 RW configuration control register array (indexed by PORT 0022h) Note: the index must be written to PORT 0022h before every access to PORT 0023h; out-of-sequence accesses or index values not supported by the processor generate external I/O cycles (Table P0023) Values for Cyrix 5x86 configuration registers: 20h Performance Control (see #P0028) C1h Configuration Control #1 (CCR1) (see #P0024) C2h Configuration Control #2 (CCR2) (see #P0025) C3h Configuration Control #3 (CCR3) (see #P0026) CDh System Memory Management address region #0 (smar0) (see #P0029) CEh System Memory Management address region #1 (smar1) CFh System Memory Management address region #2 (smar2) E8h Configuration Control Register 4 F0h Power Management (see #P0030) FEh R Device Identification #0 (see #P0022) CPU device ID FFh R Device Identification #1 bits 3-0: revision bits 7-4: stepping SeeAlso: #P0017,#P0021,#P0031 Bitfields for Cyrix 5x86,6x86 Configuration Control Register 1 (CCR1): Bit(s) Description (Table P0024) 0 reserved 1 enable SMM pins 2 system management memory access 3 main memory access 4 (6x86) no LOCK during bus cycles 6-5 reserved 7 (6x86) use address region 3 as SMM space Note: bits 1,2,7 may only be written when CCR3 bit 0 is enabled SeeAlso: #P0020,#P0025,#P0026,#P0027 Bitfields for Cyrix 5x86,6x86 Configuration Control Register 2 (CCR2): Bit(s) Description (Table P0025) 0 reserved 1 enable write-back cache interface pins 2 lock NW bit 3 suspend on HLT instruction 4 write-through region 1 5 reserved 6 enable burst write cycles 7 enable suspend pins SeeAlso: #P0024,#P0026,#P0027 Bitfields for Cyrix 5x86,6x86 Configuration Control Register 3 (CCR3): Bit(s) Description (Table P0026) 0 SMM register lock (can only be cleared in SMM mode or by CPU reset) 1 NMI enable 2 linear address burst cycles (5x86,6x86 only) =0 Pentium-compatible =1 linear sequencing 3 SMM mode (5x86 only) =0 486SL =1 Cyrix 7-4 map enable (5x86,6x86 only) 0000 only allow access to configuration registers C0h-CFh,FEh,FFh 0001 enable access to all configuration registers SeeAlso: #P0024,#P0025,#P0027,#P0028,#P0030 Bitfields for Cyrix 5x86,6x86 Configuration Control Register 4 (CCR4): Bit(s) Description (Table P0027) 2-0 I/O recovery time (000 = none, else 2^N clocks) 3 enable memory-read bypassing (5x86 only) 4 enable directory table entry cache 6-5 reserved 7 enable CPUID instruction (stepping 1+ and Cx6x86) Note: this register is only accessible when bits 7-4 of CCR3 are 0001 SeeAlso: #P0024,#P0025,#P0026 Bitfields for Cyrix 5x86 Performance Control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0028) 0 return stack enabled (speculatively execute code after current CALL) 1 branch-target buffer enabled 2 loop enable 6-3 reserved (0) 7 load-store serialization enabled (memory reads and writes may be reorganized into optimum order) Note: this register is only accessible when bits 7-4 of CCR3 are 0001 SeeAlso: #P0030,#P0024 Bitfields for Cyrix 5x86 SMM Address Region register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0029) 3-0 block size 23-4 starting address Bitfields for Cyrix 5x86 Power Management register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0030) 1-0 core clock to bus clock ratio 00 1:1 01 2:1 10 reserved 11 3:1 2 CPU running at half bus speed, ignore bits 1-0 Note: this register is only accessible when bits 7-4 of CCR3 are 0001 ----------P00220023-------------------------- PORT 0022-0023 - Cyrix 6x86 PROCESSOR - CONFIGURATION CONTROL REGISTERS SeeAlso: PORT 0022h"Cx486",PORT 0022h"5x86" 0022 -W index for accesses to next port (see #P0023) 0023 RW configuration control register array (indexed by PORT 0022h) Note: the index must be written to PORT 0022h before every access to PORT 0023h; out-of-sequence accesses or index values not supported by the processor generate external I/O cycles (Table P0031) Values for Cyrix 6x86 configuration registers: C0h Configuration Control Register 0 (CCR0) (see #P0032) C1h Configuration Control #1 (CCR1) (see #P0024) C2h Configuration Control #2 (CCR2) (see #P0025) C3h Configuration Control #3 (CCR3) (see #P0026) C4h Address region 0 (bits 31-24) C5h Address region 0 (bits 23-16) C6h Address region 0 (bits 15-12 and size) C7h Address region 1 (bits 31-24) C8h Address region 1 (bits 23-16) C9h Address region 1 (bits 15-12 and size) CAh Address region 2 (bits 31-24) CBh Address region 2 (bits 23-16) CCh Address region 2 (bits 15-12 and size) CDh Address region 3 (bits 31-24) CEh Address region 3 (bits 23-16) CFh Address region 3 (bits 15-12 and size) D0h Address region 4 (bits 31-24) D1h Address region 4 (bits 23-16) D2h Address region 4 (bits 15-12 and size) D3h Address region 5 (bits 31-24) D4h Address region 5 (bits 23-16) D5h Address region 5 (bits 15-12 and size) D6h Address region 6 (bits 31-24) D7h Address region 6 (bits 23-16) D8h Address region 6 (bits 15-12 and size) D9h Address region 7 (bits 31-24) DAh Address region 7 (bits 23-16) DBh Address region 7 (bits 15-12 and size) DCh Region Control 0 DDh Region Control 1 DEh Region Control 2 DFh Region Control 3 E0h Region Control 4 E1h Region Control 5 E2h Region Control 6 E3h Region Control 7 E8h Configuration Control Register 4 (see #P0027) E9h Configuration Control Register 5 (see #P0033) FEh R Device Identification #0 (see #P0022) CPU device ID FFh R Device Identification #1 bits 3-0: revision bits 7-4: stepping SeeAlso: #P0017,#P0023 Bitfields for Cyrix 6x86 Configuration Control Register 0: Bit(s) Description (Table P0032) 7-2 ??? 1 address region 640K-1M is noncacheable 0 ??? SeeAlso: #P0019 Bitfields for Cyrix 6x86 Configuration Control Register 5: Bit(s) Description (Table P0033) 7-6 reserved 5 enable all address-region registers (control registers C4h-DBh) 4 assert LBA# pin on all accesses to 640K-1M 3-1 reserved 0 allocate new cache lines only on read misses SeeAlso: #P0032,#P0027,#P0031 ----------P00220023-------------------------- PORT 0022-0023 - GoldStar 286 - CHIP SET CONFIGURATION REGISTERS SeeAlso: PORT 0022h"Cx486SLC",PORT 0022h"486S2",PORT 0022h"6x86" 0022 -W index for accesses to next port (see #P0034) 0023 RW configuration control register array (indexed by PORT 0022h) (Table P0034) Values for GoldStar 286 chipset configuration register index: 60h turbo control write 00h to PORT 0023h to turn on turbo, 10h to turn it off --------X-P00220023-------------------------- PORT 0022-0023 - Intel 82358DT 'Mongoose' EISA CHIPSET - 82359 DRAM CONTROLLER Notes: this chip uses a chip ID of 01 the LIM register herein use a chip ID of 1A Index: Intel 82351 0022 -W index for accesses to data port (see #P0036,#P0037,#P0038) 0023 RW chip set data (Table P0035) Values for Intel 82351/82359 chip ID: 01h 82359 DRAM controller, general registers 02h 82351 EISA local I/O support A1h 82359 DRAM controller, EMS registers FFh no chip accessible (default) SeeAlso: #P0036,#P0037,#P0038 (Table P0036) Values for 82359 DRAM controller general register index: 00h DRAM bank 0 type bit 7 unknown bit 6-4 000 DRAM in bank 0 (standard) 001 bank 1 010 bank 2 011 bank 3 100 banks 0,1 101 banks 2,3 110 banks 0,1,2,3 111 empty (standard for 1,2,3) bit 3-2 unknown bit 1-0 00 64K chips used 01 256K 10 1M 11 4M 01h DRAM bank 1 type 02h DRAM bank 2 type 03h DRAM bank 3 type 04h DRAM speed detection/selection 05h DRAM interleave control 06h RAS line mode 07h cache-enable selection 08h mode register A (DRAM, cache) 09h mode register B (cache, burst modes, BIOS size) 0Ah mode register C (concurrency control, burst/cycle speed) 10h host timing 11h host-system delay timing 12h system timing 13h DRAM row precharge time 14h DRAM row timing 15h DRAM column timing 16h CAS pulse width 17h CAS-to-MDS delay 21h chip ID register -- selects which chip responds on these ports (see #P0035) 28h-2Ch parity-error trap address 30h page hit cycle length (read) 31h page miss cycle length (read) 32h row miss cycle length (read) 33h page hit cycle length (write) 34h page miss cycle length (write) 35h row miss cycle length (write) 40h memory enable 00000h-7FFFFh 41h memory enable 80000h-9FFFFh 42h memory enable A0000h-AFFFFh 43h memory enable B0000h-BFFFFh 44h memory enable C0000h-CFFFFh 45h memory enable D0000h-DFFFFh 46h memory enable E0000h-EFFFFh 47h memory enable F0000h-FFFFFh 4Eh remap 80000h-FFFFFh to extended memory 50h-53h programmable attribute map 1 54h-57h programmable attribute map 2 58h-5Bh programmable attribute map 3 5Ch-5Fh programmable attribute map 4 83h-84h split address register (address bits A31-A20) 85h cache control 8Bh system throttle 8Ch host throttle 8Dh host memory throttle watchdog 8Eh host system throttle 8Fh host system throttle watchdog 90h RAM enable 91h RAM disable 92h-93h elapsed-time registers 94h-95h host memory ownership request 96h-97h system memory ownership request 98h-99h host memory ownership 9Ah-9Bh system bus ownership 9Ch-9Dh host system bus request 9Eh-9Fh memory ownership transfer SeeAlso: #P0037,#P0038 (Table P0037) Values for Intel 82359 DRAM controller EMS register index: 00h EMS cotnrol 21h chip ID register -- selects which chip responds on these ports (see #P0035) 80h-8Fh EMS page registers, pages 0-7 SeeAlso: #P0036,#P0038 (Table P0038) Values for Intel 82351 EISA Local I/O register index: 21h chip ID register -- selects which chip responds on these ports (see #P0035) C0h peripheral enable register A C1h peripheral enable register B C2h parallel configuration register C3h serial configuration register A C4h floppy disk controller configuration register C5h serial configuration register B C6h COM3 port address (low) C7h COM3 port address (high) C8h COM4 port address (low) C9h COM4 port address (high) D0h-D3h general chip select lines 0-3 (mask registers) D4h-D7h general chip select line addresses 0-3 (low bytes) D8h-DBh general chip select line addresses 0-3 (high bytes) DCh extended CMOS RAM page port address (low) DDh extended CMOS RAM page port address (high) DFh extended CMOS RAM access select address (high byte) E8h-EBh EISA ID configuration registers (reflect at PORT 0C80h) SeeAlso: #P0036,#P0037 --------X-P00220023-------------------------- PORT 0022-0023 - Intel 82374EB/SB EISA CHIPSET Index: Intel 82374EB;Intel 82374SB 0022 -W index for accesses to data port (see #P0039) 0023 RW chip set data !!!29047604.pdf pg. 36 (Table P0039) Values for Intel 82374 register index: 02h ESC identification register (82374 will only respond to ports 0022h and 0023h after an 0Fh is written to this register) 08h revision ID register 40h mode select (see #P0040) 42h BIOS Chip Select A (see #P0041) 43h BIOS Chip Select B (see #P0042) 4Dh EISA clock divisor (see #P0043) 4Eh peripheral Chip Select A (see #P0044) 4Fh peripheral Chip Select B (see #P0045) 50h-53h EISA ID registers 57h scatter/gather relocate base address (see also #01075) (specifies bits 15-0 if S/G port addresses [low byte always 10h-3Fh]) 59h APIC base address relocation 60h-63h PCI IRQn# route control (see also #01076) 64h general-purpose chip select low address 0 65h general-purpose chip select high address 0 66h general-purpose chip select mask register 0 68h general-purpose chip select low address 1 69h general-purpose chip select high address 1 6Ah general-purpose chip select mask register 1 6Ch general-purpose chip select low address 2 6Dh general-purpose chip select high address 2 6Eh general-purpose chip select mask register 2 6Fh general-purpose peripheral X-Bus control ---SB only--- 70h PCI/APIC control (see #P0046) 88h test control A0h SMI control (see #P0047) A2h-A3h SMI enable (see #P0048) A4h-A7h System Event Enable (see #P0049) A8h Fast-Off timer AAh-ABh SMI Request (see #P0050) ACh Clock Scale STPCLK# low timer AEh Clock Scale STPCLK# high timer Bitfields for 82374EB mode select (register 40h): Bit(s) Description (Table P0040) 7 reserved 6 enable the selected (MREQ[7:4]#/PIRQ[3:0]# functionality 5 enable/disable configuration RAM Page Address (CPG[4:0]) generation =1 accesses to the configuration RAM space will generate the RAM page address on the LA[31:27]# pins (default) =0 the CPG[4:0] signals will not be activated 4 General Purpose Chip Selects: select GPCS[2:0]#/ECS[2:0] pins' function =0 GPCS[2:0]# functionality is selected =1 ESC[2:0] functionality is selected 3 System Error: enable generation of NMI based on SERR# signal pulsing =0 NMI is negated and SERR# is disabled from generating an NMI =1 NMI signal is asserted when NMIs are enabled via the NMIERTC Register and SERR# is asserted Note: other NMI sources are enabled/disabled via the NMISC register 2-0 PIRQx Mux/Mapping Control: select muxing/mapping of PIRQ[3:0]# with MREQ[7:4] and group of X-Bus signals (DLIGHT#, RTCWR#, RTCRD#). Different bit combinations select the number of EISA slots or group of X-Bus signals which can be supported with the certain number of PIRQx# signals by determining the functionality of pins AEN[4:1]/EAEN[4:1], MACK[3:0]#/EMACK[3:0]#, MREQ[7:4]/PIRQ[3:0]#, DLIGHT#/PIRQ0#, FDCCS#/PIRQ1#, RTCWR#/PIRQ2#, and RTCRD#/PIRQ3#. SeeAlso: #P0039 Bitfields for 82374EB BIOS Chip Select A "BIOSCSA" (register 42h): Bit(s) Description (Table P0041) 7-6 reserved 5 Enlarged BIOS: assert LBIOSCS# for memory read cycles to locations FFF80000h-FFFDFFFFh 4 High BIOS: assert LBIOSCS# for memory read cycles to locations 0F0000h-0FFFFFh, FF0000h-FFFFFFh, and FFFF0000h-FFFFFFFFh 3 Low BIOS 4: assert LBIOSCS# for memory read cycles to locations 0EC000h-0EFFFFh, FFEEC000h-FFEEFFFFh, and FFFEC000h-FFFEFFFFh 2 Low BIOS 3: assert LBIOSCS# for memory read cycles to locations 0E8000h-0EBFFFh, FFEE8000h-FFEEBFFFh, and FFFE8000h-FFFEBFFFh 1 Low BIOS 2: assert LBIOSCS# for memory read cycles to locations 0E4000h-0E7FFFh, FFEE4000h-FFEE7FFFh, and FFFE4000h-FFFE7FFFh 0 Low BIOS 1: assert LBIOSCS# for memory read cycles to locations 0E0000h-0E3FFFh, FFEE0000h-FFEE3FFFh, and FFFE0000h-FFFE3FFFh Note: if bit 3 of register 43h (BIOSCSB) is set, then LBIOSCS# will be asserted for write cycles as well as read cycles on any enabled range SeeAlso: #P0039,#P0042 Bitfields for 82374EB BIOS Chip Select B (register 43h): Bit(s) Description (Table P0042) 7-4 Reserved 3 BIOS Write Enable: assert LBIOSCS# for both memory read AND write cycles for addresses in the decoded and enabled BIOS range (see #P0041) 2 16 Meg BIOS: assert LBIOSCS# for memory read cycles to locations FF0000h-FFFFFFh 1 High VGA BIOS: assert LBIOSCS# for memory read cycles to locations 0C4000h-0C7FFFh 0 Low VGA BIOS: assert LBIOSCS# for memory read cycles to locations 0C0000h-0C3FFFh Note: if bit 3 of register 43h (BIOSCSB) is set, then LBIOSCS# will be asserted for write cycles as well as read cycles on any enabled range above SeeAlso: #P0039,#P0041 Bitfields for 82374EB EISA clock divisor (register 4Dh): Bit(s) Description (Table P0043) 7-6 Reserved 5 Co-processor Error: specify if the FERR# signal is connected to the ESC internal IRQ13 interrupt signal. =0 FERR# signal is ignored by the ESC (i.e. this signal is not connected to any logic in the ESC). =1 assert IRQ13 to the interrupt controller if FERR# signal is asserted 4 82374EB: Reserved 82374SB: ABFULL (with IRQ12): =0 internal IRQ12 is directed to the interrupt controller and transitions on ABFULL have no effect on this interrupt signal =1 the assertion of ABFULL is latched and directed to the internal IRQ12 signal in the following manner: If the interrupt controller is programmed for edge detect mode on IRQ12, a low-to-high transition is generated on the internal IRQ12 signal. Transitions on the IRQ12 input pin are not reflected on the internal IRQ12 signal. If the interrupt controller is programmed for level-sensitive mode, a high-to-low transition is generated on the internal IRQ12 signal. Transitions on the IRQ12 input pin are also reflected on the internal IRQ12 signal. The latching of the ABFULL signal is cleared by an I/O read of address 60h (no aliasing) or by a hard reset. 3 82374EB: Reserved 82374SB: Keyboard Full (KBFULL): select edge-detect KBFULL function on the IRQ1 input signal =0 IRQ1 is directed to the interrupt controller =1 (default) IRQ1 is latched and directed to the interrupt controller. The latched IRQ1 is cleared by an I/O read of address 60h (no aliasing) or by a hard reset. 2-0 Clock Divisor: select the integer used to divide the PCICLK down to generate the BCLK. 000 4 (33.33 MHz) 8.33 MHz (default after reset) 001 3 (25 MHz) 8.33 MHz 01x reserved 1xx reserved SeeAlso: #P0039 Bitfields for 82374EB peripheral Chip Select A (register 4Eh): Bit(s) Description (Table P0044) 7 Reserved 6 Keyboard Controller Mapping =0 the keyboard controller encoded chip select signal and the X-Bus transceiver enable (XBUSOE#) are generated for accesses to address locations 60h (82374EB/SB), 62h (82374EB only), 64h (82374EB/SB) and 66h (82374EB only). =1 the keyboard controller chip select signals are generated for accesses to the above address locations. However XBUSOE# is disabled. Note: bit 1 must be 1 for either value of this configuration bit to decode an access to locations 60h, 62h, 64h, or 66h. 5 Floppy Disk/IDE Controller Address range =0 primary (1Fxh and 3Fxh) =1 secondary (17xh and 37xh) 4 IDE DECODE: enable or disable IDE locations 1F0h-1F7h (primary) or 170h-177h (secondary) and 3F6h,3F7h (primary) or 376h,377h (sec). 82374EB: When this bit is set to 0, the IDE encoded chip select signals and the X-Bus transceiver signal (XBUSOE#) are not generated for these addresses. 82374SB: When this bit is set to 0, the IDE encoded chip select signals and the X-Bus transceiver signal (XBUSOE#) are not generated for addresses 1F0h-1F7h (primary) or 170h-177h (secondary) and 3F6h or 376h. Read/write accesses to addresses 377h and 3F7h are not disabled and still generate XBUSOE#. 3-2 Floppy Disk and IDE/Floppy Disk Decodes: Bits 2 and 3 are used to enable or disable the floppy locations as indicated. Bit 2 defaults to enabled (1) and bit 3 defaults to disabled (0) when a reset occurs 1 Keyboard Controller Decode: enable the keyboard controller address locations 60h (82374EB/SB), 62h (82374EB only), 64h (82374EB/SB), and 66h (82374EB only). =0 the keyboard controller encoded chip select signals and the X-Bus transceiver signal (XBUSOE#) are not generated for these locations Note: the value of this bit affects control function (keyboard controlling mapping) provided by bit 6 of this register. 0 Real Time Clock Decode: enable the RTC address locations 70h-77h. =0 the RTC encoded chip select signals RTCALE, RTCRD, RTCWR#, and XBUSOE# signals are not generated for these addresses. SeeAlso: #P0039,#P0045 Bitfields for 82374EB peripheral Chip Select B (register 4Fh): Bit(s) Description (Table P0045) 7 CRAM Decode: enable I/O write accesses to location 0C00h and I/O read/write accesses to locations 0800h-08FFh. The configuration RAM read and write (CRAMRD#, CRAMWR#) strobes are valid for accesses to 0800h-08FFh. 6 Port 92 Decode: enable access to Port 92 (default at PCIRST is enabled) 5-4 select which Parallel Port address range (LPT1, 2, or 3) is decoded. 00 LPT1 (3BCh-3BFh) 01 LPT2 (378h-37Fh) 10 LPT3 (278h-27Fh) 11 disabled 3-2 Serial Port B Address Decode: If either COM1 or COM2 address ranges are selected, these bits default to disabled upon PCIRST. 00 3F8h-3FFh (COM1) 01 2F8h-2FFh (COM2) 10 Reserved 11 Port B disabled 1-0 Serial Port A Address Decode: If either COM1 or COM2 address ranges are selected, these bits default to disabled upon PCIRST. 00 3F8h-3FFh (COM1) 01 2F8h-2FFh (COM2) 10 Reserved 11 Port A disabled SeeAlso: #P0039,#P0044 Bitfields for 82374SB PCI/APIC control (register 70h): Bit(s) Description (Table P0046) 7-2 Reserved 1 SMI Routing Control (SMIRC) =1 SMI is routed via the APIC =0 SMI is routed via the SMI# signal Note: when SMRCe1, INTR can not be routed through the APIC, since it is sharing the APIC interrupt input with SMI#. 0 INTR Routing Control (INTRC): When APIC is enabled (in mixed or pure APIC mode), this bit allows the ESC's external INTR signal to be masked (forces INTR to the inactive state but does not tri-states the signal). Thus, the CPU's INTR pin can be used (by providing a simple -gate) for the APIC Local Interrupt (LINTRx). However, INTR must not be masked via this bit when APIC is disabled and INTR is the only mechanism to signal the 8259 recognized interrupts to the CPU. =1 INTR is disabled (APIC must be enabled) =0 INTR is enabled SeeAlso: #P0039 Bitfields for 82374SB SMI control (register A0h): Bit(s) Description (Table P0047) 7 reserved (0) 6-4 reserved 3 Fast Off Timer Freeze (CTMRFRZ): disable the Fast Off Timer Disabling the timer prevents time-outs from occurring while executing SMM code. 2 STPCLK# Scaling Enable (CSTPCLKSC) =0 (default) scaling control of the STPCLK# signal is disabled. =1, the STPCLK# signal scaling control is enabled. When enabled (and bit 1=1, enabling the STPCLK# signal), the high and low times for the STPCLK# signal are controlled by the Clock Scaling STPCLK# High Timer and Clock Scaling STPCLK# Low Timer Registers, respectively. 1 STPCLK# Signal Enable (CSTPCLKE): permits software to place the CPU into a low power state. =0 (default) STPCLK# signal is disabled and is negated (high) =1 the STPCLK# signal is enabled and a read from the APMC Register causes STPCLK# to be asserted Software can set this bit to 0 by writing a 0 to it or by any write to the APMC Register. 0 SMI# Gate (CSMIGATE) =0 (default) the SMI# signal is masked and negated =1 SMI# signal is enabled and a system management interrupt condition causes the SMI# signal to be asserted Note: bit 0 only affects the SMI# signal and does not affect the detection/recording of SMI events (i.e., it does not affect the SMI status bits in the SMIREQ Register). Thus, SMI conditions can be pending when bit 0 is set to 1; if an SMI is already pending, the SMI# signal is asserted. SeeAlso: #P0039 Bitfields for 82374SB SMI enable (register A2h-A3h): Bit(s) Description (Table P0048) 15-8 Reserved 7 APMC Write SMI Enable =0 writes to the APMC Register do not generate an SMI =1 writes to the APMC Register generate an SMI 6 EXTSMI# SMI Enable =1 asserting the EXTSMI# input signal generates an SMI 5 Fast Off Timer SMI Enable =1 Fast-Off timer generates an SMI when it decrements to zero 4 IRQ12 SMI Enable (PS/2 Mouse Interrupt) =1 asserting the IRQ12 input signal generates an SMI 3 IRQ8 SMI Enable (RTC Alarm Interrupt) =1 asserting the IRQ8 input signal generates an SMI 2 IRQ4 SMI Enable (COM2/COM4 Interrupt or Mouse) =1 asserting the IRQ3 input signal generates an SMI 1 IRQ3 SMI Enable (COM1/COM3 Interrupt or Mouse) =1 asserting the IRQ3 input signal generates an SMI 0 IRQ1 SMI Enable (Keyboard Interrupt) =1 asserting the IRQ1 input signal generates an SMI SeeAlso: #P0039 Bitfields for 82374SB System Event Enable (register A4h-A7h): Bit(s) Description (Table P0049) 31 Fast Off SMI Enable (FSMIEN) =1 an SMI causes a system event that re-loads the Fast Off Timer and a break event that negates the STPCLK# signal =0 an SMI does not re-load the Fast Off Timer or negate the STPCLK# signal 30 reserved 29 Fast Off NMI Enable (FNMIEN) =1 an NMI (e.g., parity error) causes a system event that re-loads the Fast Off Timer and a break event that negates the STPCLK# signal =0 an SMI does not re-load the Fast Off Timer or negate the STPCLK# signal. 28-16 reserved 15-3 These bits are used to prevent the system from entering Fast Off and break any current powerdown state when the selected hardware interrupt (IRQ15-IRQ3) occurs =1 the corresponding interrupt causes a system event that re-loads the Fast Off Timer and a break event that negates the STPCLK# signal =0 the corresponding interrupt does not re-load the Fast Off Timer or negate the STPCLK# signal 2 reserved 1-0 These bits are used to prevent the system from entering Fast Off and break any current powerdown state when the selected hardware interrupt (IRQ1-IRQ0) occurs =1 the corresponding interrupt causes a system event that re-loads the Fast Off Timer and a break event that negates the STPCLK# signal =0 the corresponding interrupt does not re-load the Fast Off Timer or negate the STPCLK# signal SeeAlso: #P0039 Bitfields for 82374SB SMI Request (register AAh-ABh): Bit(s) Description (Table P0050) 15-8 Reserved 7 APM SMI Status (RAPMC): set to 1 to indicate that a write to the APM Control Register caused an SMI 6 EXTSMI# SMI Status (REXT): set to 1 when EXTSMI# caused an SMI 5 Fast Off Timer Expired Status (RFOT): set to 1 to indicate that the Fast Off Timer expired and caused an SMI. The Fast Off timer re-starts counting on the next clock after it expires. 4 SMI caused by IRQ12 3 SMI caused by IRQ8 2 SMI caused by IRQ4 1 SMI caused by IRQ3 0 SMI caused by IRQ1 SeeAlso: #P0039 ----------P00220023-------------------------- PORT 0022-0023 - CHIPSET FROM ETEC CHEETAH ET6000 (SINGLE CHIP) 0022 RW chip set data 0023 ?W index for accesses to data port (see #P0051) (Table P0051) Values for Etec Cheetah ET6000 chip set register index: 10h system configuration register (see #P0052) 11h cache configuration & non-cacheable block size register (see #P0053) 12h non-cacheable block address register bit 7-1 non-cacheable address, A25-A19 bit 0 reserved 13h DRAM bank & type configuration register (see #P0054) 14h DRAM configuration register (see #P0055) 15h shadow RAM configuration register (see #P0056) Bitfields for Etec Cheetah ET6000 system configuration register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0052) 7-6 00 turbo/non-turbo 01 local device supported 10 suspend mode 11 illegal 5 reserved 4 refresh selection 0 = AT type refresh 1 = concurrent refresh 3 slow refresh 95mSec enabled 2 fast reset delay 0 = do not use delay 1 = wait for 2mSec delay 1 wait for HALT after KBDRST 0 RAM at A0000-BFFFF 0 = AT bus cycle 1 = local bus cycle SeeAlso: #P0051 Bitfields for Etec Cheetah ET6000 cache configuration register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0053) 7-5 000 disabled 001 512K 010 1M 011 2M 100 4M 101 8M 110 16M 111 32M 4 DRAM banks 0 = 2-bank DRAM 1 = 4-bank DRAM 3-0 reserved SeeAlso: #P0051 Bitfields for Etec Cheetah ET6000 DRAM bank & type configuration register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0054) 7-6 bank 3 DRAM type 00 none 01 256K 10 1M 11 4M 5-4 bank 2 DRAM type 3-2 bank 1 DRAM type 1-0 bank 0 DRAM type SeeAlso: #P0051 Bitfields for Etec Cheetah ET6000 DRAM configuration register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0055) 7 on-board memory range 15M to 16M disabled 6 on-board memory range 512K-640K disabled 5 ROM chip select at C0000-DFFFF enabled 4 RAS to CAS time 0 = 1 SYSCLCK, not for R0WS 1 = 2 SYSCLCK 3 RAS precharge time 0 = 1.5 SYSCLCK 1 = 2.5 SYSCLCK 2-1 read cycle wait state 00 = 0 wait state 01 = 1 ws 10 = 2 ws 11 = 3 ws 0 write cycle wait state 0 = 0 ws 1 = 1 ws SeeAlso: #P0051 Bitfields for Etec Cheetah ET6000 shadow RAM configuration register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0056) 7 shadow at C0000-FFFFF 0 = non-cacheable 1 = cacheable and cache-write-proteced 6 access ROM/RAM at F0000-FFFFF 0 = read from ROM, write to RAM 1 = read from shadow, write is protected 5 access ROM/RAM at E0000-EFFFF 0 = access on-board ROM, AT bus cycle 1 = access shadow E0000-EFFFF enabled 4 RAM at E0000-EFFFF is read-only 3 access ROM/RAM at D0000-DFFFF 0 = access on-board ROM, AT bus cycle 1 = access shadow D0000-DFFFF enabled 2 RAM at D0000-DFFFF is read-only 1 access ROM/RAM at C0000-CFFFF 0 = access on-board ROM, AT bus cycle 1 = access shadow C0000-CFFFF enabled 0 RAM at C0000-CFFFF is read-only SeeAlso: #P0051 ----------P00220023-------------------------- PORT 0022-0023 - Hewlett-Packard Hornet chipset (HP 100LX/200LX) 0022 RW index for accesses to data port (see Table P189) 0023 RW chip set data (Table P0057) Values for HP Hornet chipset register index: 1Eh buzzer volume/clock oscillator speed bit 7-6: buzzer volume bit 5-4: system oscillator speed 00: 10.738636MHz 01: 15.836773MHz(HP 100/200LX has oscillator with this speed) 10: 21.477272MHz 11: 31.673550MHz 21h display timing??? 23h LCD contrast (see INT15h AH=62h) valid values: 00h-1fh (1fh is the darkest) 51h power adapter status bit 7-1: ??? bit 0: power adapter status(0=inactive/1=active) 52h nicad charge status bit 7-3: ??? bit 2: battery charging status(0=???/1=slow charge) bit 1-0: ??? 53h nicad charge status bit 7-1: ??? bit 0: battery charging status(0=???/1=fast charge) 80h memory wait for internal ROM valid values: 00h-07h 81h memory wait for internal RAM valid values: 00h-03h 82h memory wait for external RAM valid values: 00h-0fh 87h battery status??? ----------P00220023-------------------------- PORT 0022-0023 - Chips&Technologies 82C100/110 - CONFIGURATION REGISTERS Note: each access to PORT 0023h must immediately follow a write to PORT 0022h (this is to avoid accidental accesses) 0022 -W configuration register index (see #P0058) 0023 RW configuration register data (Table P0058) Values for Chips&Technologies 82C100/110 configuration register index: 40h clock mode/size (see #P0059) 41h system configuration (see #P0060) 42h configuration valid (see #P0061) 43h DIP switch emulation (see #P0062) 44h-47h substitute NMI vector, bytes 0-3 (these specify the vector to be substituted at the INT 02 vector's memory address whenever an NMI occurs, preventing application software from modifying the NMI handler) 48h refresh timer counter (see #P0063) 49h wait state select, refresh enable, keyboard type (see #P0064) 4Ah reserved 4Bh sleep/memory configuration (see #P0065) 4Ch EMS configuration (see #P0066) 4Dh-4Fh reserved Bitfields for Chips&Technologies 82C100 clock mode/size register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0059) !!! !!!chips\82c110.pdf p.35 SeeAlso: #P0058 Bitfields for Chips&Technologies 82C100 system configuration register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0060) !!! SeeAlso: #P0058 Bitfields for Chips&Technologies 82C100 configuration valid register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0061) !!! SeeAlso: #P0058 Bitfields for Chips&Technologies 82C110 DIP Switch Emulation register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0062) !!!chips\82c110.pdf p.36 SeeAlso: #P0058 Bitfields for Chips&Technologies 82C100 refresh timer count register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0063) !!! SeeAlso: #P0058 Bitfields for Chips&Technologies 82C100 wait state select register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0064) !!! SeeAlso: #P0058 Bitfields for Chips&Technologies 82C100 sleep/memory configuration: Bit(s) Description (Table P0065) !!! SeeAlso: #P0058 Bitfields for Chips&Technologies 82C100 EMS configuration register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0066) !!! SeeAlso: #P0058 ----------P00220023-------------------------- PORT 0022-0023 - Chips&Technologies 82C235 "SCAT" - CONFIGURATION REGISTERS Note: each access to PORT 0023h must immediately follow a write to PORT 0022h (this is to avoid accidental accesses) 0022 -W configuration register index (see #P0067) 0023 RW configuration register data (Table P0067) Values for Chips&Technologies 82C235 configuration register index: 01h DMA wait-state control 40h version (read-only) 41h clock control 42h-43h reserved (but listed as read-write in docs) 44h peripheral control 45h miscellaneous status 46h power management 47h reserved 48h ROM enable 49h RAM write-protect control 4Ah shadow RAM enable 1 4Bh shadow RAM enable 2 4Ch shadow RAM enable 3 4Dh DRAM configuration 4Eh extended boundary 4Fh EMS control !!!chips\82c235.pdf p.87, p.140 ----------P00220023-------------------------- PORT 0022-0023 - Chips&Technologies 82C311 - CONFIGURATION REGISTERS Note: each access to PORT 0023h must immediately follow a write to PORT 0022h (this is to avoid accidental accesses) 0022 -W configuration register index (see #P0068) 0023 RW configuration register data (Table P0068) Values for Chips&Technologies 82C311 configuration register index: 04h version (read-only) !!!chips\82c311.pdf p.65 05h AT-bus command delay 06h AT-bus wait-state control 08h identification 09h low RAM/ROM configuration 0Ch memory enable map (80000h-9FFFFh) 0Dh memory enable map (A0000h-BFFFFh) 0Eh memory enable map (C0000h-DFFFFh) 0Fh memory enable map (E0000h-FFFFFh) 10h block 0 type and start address 11h block 0 DRAM timing 12h block 1 type and start address 13h block 1 DRAM timing 14h block 2 type and start address 15h block 2 DRAM timing 16h block 3 type and start address 17h block 3 DRAM timing 18h memory block types 20h cache control 21h directory RAM control 1 22h tag RAM directory address (low) 23h reference location 24h SRAM configuration/direct access address 25h directory RAM control 2 26h READY timeout 28h error source/address 29h error address (bits 23-16) 2Ah memory enable map (00000h-7FFFFh) 2Bh miscellaneous control 2Ch middle RAM/ROM configuration 2Fh page mode posted-write control (82C311 rev. C only) 30h block 0 non-cacheable address (bits 23-16) 31h block 0 non-cacheable address (bits 15-12) and size 32h block 1 non-cacheable address (bits 23-16) 33h block 1 non-cacheable address (bits 15-12) and size 34h block 2 non-cacheable address (bits 23-16) 35h block 2 non-cacheable address (bits 15-12) and size 36h block 3 non-cacheable address (bits 23-16) 37h block 3 non-cacheable address (bits 15-12) and size 38h block 0/1 non-cacheable addresses (bits 26-24) 39h block 2/3 non-cacheable addresses (bits 26-24) 60h fast reset control !!!chips\82c311.pdf p.76, p.115 ----------P00220023-------------------------- PORT 0022-0023 - Chips&Technologies 82C315 - CONFIGURATION REGISTERS Note: each access to PORT 0023h must immediately follow a write to PORT 0022h (this is to avoid accidental accesses) SeeAlso: PORT 0022h"82C311",PORT 0022h"82C316" 0022 -W configuration register index (see #P0069) 0023 RW configuration register data (Table P0069) Values for Chips&Technologies 82C315 configuration register index: 07h processor and bus clock source selection (see #P0070) Bitfields for C&T 82C315 clock source selection register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0070) 7-5 reserved (0) 4 80387 is present 3 processor clock select =0 CLK2IN =1 AT bus state machine clock 2-0 bus clock source select 000 CLK2IN/5 001 CLK2IN/4 010 CLK2IN/3 011 CLK2IN/2 100 ATCLK SeeAlso: #P0069 ----------P00220023-------------------------- PORT 0022-0023 - Chips&Technologies 82C316 - CONFIGURATION REGISTERS Note: each access to PORT 0023h must immediately follow a write to PORT 0022h (this is to avoid accidental accesses) SeeAlso: PORT 0022h"82C311",PORT 0022h"82C315",PORT 0022h"82C811" 0022 -W configuration register index (see #P0071) 0023 RW configuration register data (Table P0071) Values for Chips&Technologies 82C316 configuration register index: 01h clock/wait-state control !!!chips\cs8233.pdf p.178 26h RTC/NMI/Coprocessor reset !!!chips\cs8233.pdf p.231 71h programmable I/O port 1 address, bits 15-8 72h programmable I/O port 1 address, bits 7-0 73h programmable I/O port 1 enable 74h programmable I/O port 2 address, bits 15-8 75h programmable I/O port 2 address, bits 7-0 76h programmable I/O port 2 enable 77h programmable I/O port 3 address, bits 15-8 78h programmable I/O port 3 address, bits 7-0 79h programmable I/O port 3 enable SeeAlso: #P0069 --------h-P00220023-------------------------- PORT 0022-0023 - Chips&Technologies 82C811/82C812 - CONFIGURATION REGISTERS Note: each access to PORT 0023h must immediately follow a write to PORT 0022h (this is to avoid accidental accesses) SeeAlso: PORT 0022h"82C311",PORT 0022h"82C315" 0022 -W configuration register index (see #P0072) 0023 RW configuration register data (Table P0072) Values for Chips&Technologies 82C811/812 configuration register index: 60h (82C811) processor clock select (see #P0073) 61h (82C811) command delay (see #P0074) 62h (82C811) wait states (see #P0075) ---82C812--- 64h version (see #P0076) 65h ROM configuration 66h memory enable 1 67h memory enable 2 68h memory enable 3 69h memory enable 4 6Ah bank 0/1 enable 6Bh memory configuration 6Ch bank 2/3 enable 6Dh EMS base address 6Eh EMS address extension 6Fh miscellaneous !!!chips\cs8281.pdf p.48 Bitfields for C&T 82C811 processor clock select: Bit(s) Description (Table P0073) 7-6 82C811 release number (00 = initial release) 5 fast CPU reset initiated by changing this bit from 0 to 1 4 processor clock 0 CLK2IN (default) 1 BCLK 3 reserved 2 enable NMI generate on timeout of local-bus READY# signal 1 reserved 0 local-bus READY# signal timed out (128 clock cycles0 SeeAlso: #P0072,#P0074,#P0075 Bitfields for C&T 82C811 command delay register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0074) 7 enable additional address bus hold time 6 reserved (1) 5-4 AT-bus 16-bit memory access delay, in BCLK cycles (default = 0) 3-2 AT-bus 8-bit memory access delay, in BCLK cycles (default = 1) 1-0 I/O command delay, in BCLK cycles (default = 1) SeeAlso: #P0072,#P0073,#P0075 Bitfields for C&T 82C811 wait states register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0075) 7 80387sx is present 6 coprocessor is ready 5-4 AT-bus 16-bit cycle wait states (default = 3) 3-2 AT-bus 8-bit cycle wait states (00=two ... 11=five [default]) 1-0 bus clock (BCLK) 00 CLK2IN/2 (default) 01 CLK2IN/3 10 ATCLK 11 reserved SeeAlso: #P0072,#P0073,#P0074 Bitfields for C&T 82C812 version register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0076) 7 NEATsx memory controller (0 = 82C812) 6-5 82C812 revision (00 = initial release) 4-0 reserved SeeAlso: #P0072 --------h-P00220023-------------------------- PORT 0022-0023 - Chips&Technologies 84031/84035 - CONFIGURATION REGISTERS Note: each access to PORT 0023h must immediately follow a write to PORT 0022h (this is to avoid accidental accesses) SeeAlso: PORT 0022h"82C311",PORT 0022h"82C315" 0022 -W configuration register index (see #P0077) 0023 RW configuration register data (Table P0077) Values for Chips&Technologies 84031/84035 configuration register index: 01h (84035) IPC DMA controller wait states and clock (see #P0078) !!!chips\82310.pdf p.71 !!!chips\api22.pdf p.33 05h (84031) ISA-bus command delays (see #P0079) 06h (84031) ISA-bus wait states (see #P0080) 07h (84031) ISA-bus clock select (see #P0081) 08h (84035) performance control (see #P0082) 09h (84035) miscellaneous control (see #P0083) 0Ah (84035) DMA clock select (see #P0084) 10h (84031) DRAM timing (see #P0085) !!!chips\api22.pdf p.49 11h (84031) DRAM setup 12h (84031) block 0/1 DRAM configuration 13h (84031) block 2/3 DRAM configuration 14h (84031) DRAM block 0 start address 15h (84031) DRAM block 1 start address 16h (84031) DRAM block 2 start address 17h (84031) DRAM block 3 start address 18h (84031) video shadow / local bus control 19h (84031) shadow RAM read enable 1Ah (84031) shadow RAM write enable 1Bh (84031) ROMCS enable 1Ch (84031) soft reset / GATEA20 Bitfields for C&T 84035 IPC DMA controller configuration: Bit(s) Description (Table P0078) 7-6 reserved 5-4 wait states for 16-bit DMA 00 one (default) 01 two 10 three 11 four 3-2 wait states for 8-bit DMA (settings same as bits 5-4) 1 disable one-cycle delay of MEMR# signal after IOR# 0 DMA clock (0 = BUSCLK/2 [default], 1 = BUSCLK) SeeAlso: #P0077,#P0082 Bitfields for C&T 84031 ISA-bus command delays: Bit(s) Description (Table P0079) !!! SeeAlso: #P0077,#P0080,#P0081 Bitfields for C&T 84031 ISA-bus wait states: Bit(s) Description (Table P0080) !!! SeeAlso: #P0077,#P0079,#P0081 Bitfields for C&T 84031 ISA-bus clock select: Bit(s) Description (Table P0081) !!! SeeAlso: #P0077,#P0079,#P0080 Bitfields for C&T 84035 performance control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0082) 7 flush 486 cache during every slow-mode hold (keeps CPU from running out of L1 cache during holds) 6-0 width of CPU hold pulse in BUSCLKs (0-127) SeeAlso: #P0077,#P0078,#P0083 Bitfields for C&T 84035 miscellaneous control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0083) 7 floating-point error mode =0 generate IRQ13 internally on FERR# =1 use external logic to generate IRQ13 6 keyboard interrupt mode =0 receive IRQ1 directly on IRQ1 pin =1 receive IRQ1 over control link 5 disable GATEA20 emulation =0 A20 controlled solely by PORT 0092h =1 A20 is OR of PORT 0092h and emulated 8042 A20 control 4 A20M#/TEST# function =0 pin is TEST# input =1 pin is A29M# output 3 reserved 2 enable 8254 Timer 1 refresh requests clearing this bit prevents problems that may be caused by a refresh request which occurs during a reset sequence 1 use VL-bus-compatible preemptive arbitration for LGNT# 0 deturbo mode (enable CPU holds as specified by performance-control register) (see #P0082) Note: the documentation says that bit 6 should remain clear SeeAlso: #P0077,#P0082 Bitfields for C&T 84035 DMA clock select: Bit(s) Description (Table P0084) 7 disable internal real-time clock 6-4 reserved (0) 3-0 DMA clock 0000 SCLK/10 0001 SCLK/8 0010 SCLK/6 1000 SCLK/5 (use with 40 MHz SCLK) 1001 SCLK/4 (use with 33 MHz SCLK) 1010 SCLK/3 (use with 25 MHz SCLK) 1011 SCLK/2.5 (for 20 MHz SCLK) 1100 SCLK/2 (for 16 MHz SCLK) 1101 SCLK/1.5 else reserved Note: bits 3-0 should normally be set the same as register 07h bits 3-0 SeeAlso: #P0077 Bitfields for C&T 84031 DRAM timing: Bit(s) Description (Table P0085) 7-6 reserved (0) 5 4 3 2 !!! 1 reserved (0) 0 read timing 0 = 3-2-2-2 1 = 4-3-3-3 SeeAlso: #P0077,#P0086 Bitfields for C&T 84031 DRAM setup: Bit(s) Description (Table P0086) 7 enable DRAM parity (PORT 0061h bits 7 and 2 must also both be clear to enable parity) 6-4 reserved (0) 3-0 enable interleave for banks 3-0 (enabling interleave doubles address range for bank; banks 0/2 and 1/3 may be interleaved with each other) SeeAlso: #P0077,#P0085 ----------P00220023-------------------------- PORT 0022-0023 - OPTi 82C206 chipset - CONFIGURATION REGISTERS Note: many other OPTi chipsets integrate the functionality of the 82C206, and thus support the 82C206's configuration register (e.g. the 82C558 from the Viper chipset) 0022 ?W index for accesses to data port (set to 01h) 0023 RW chip set data Bitfields for OPTi 82C206 configuration register 01h: Bit(s) Description (Table P0087) 7-6 82C206 wait states 00 1 SYSCLK 01 2 SYSCLKs 10 3 SYSCLKs 11 4 SYSCLKs (default) 5-4 number of wait states for 16-bit DMA cycles 00 1 wait state (default) 01 2 wait states 10 3 wait states 11 4 wait states 3-2 number of wait states for 8-bit DMA cycles 00 1 wait state (default) 01 2 wait states 10 3 wait states 11 4 wait states 1 enable early DMAMEMR# 0 DMA speed 0 SYSCLK/2 1 SYSCLK ----------P00220023-------------------------- PORT 0022-0023 - Intel 82091AA Advanced Integrated Peripheral Range: PORT 0022h (X-Bus), PORT 0024h (X-Bus), PORT 026Eh (ISA), or PORT 0398h (ISA) SeeAlso: PORT 0024h"82091AA",PORT 026Eh"82091AA",PORT 0398h"82091AA" 0022 ?W configuration register index (see #P0088) 0023 RW configuration register data (Table P0088) Values for Intel 82091AA configuration register index: 00h product ID (read-only) A0h Intel 82091AA 01h product revision (read-only) (see #P0089) 02h configuration 1 (see #P0090) 03h configuration 2 (see #P0091) 04h-0Fh reserved 10h floppy-disk controller configuration (see #P0092) 11h floppy-disk controller power management/status (see #P0093) 12h-1Fh reserved 20h parallel port configuration (see #P0094) 21h parallel port power management/status (see #P0095) 22h-2Fh reserved 30h serial port A configuration (see #P0096) 31h serial port A power management/status (see #P0097) 32h-3Fh reserved 40h serial port B configuration (see #P0096) 41h serial port B power management/status (see #P0097) 42h-4Fh reserved 50h IDE configuration (see #P0098) 51h-FFh reserved Bitfields for Intel 82091AA product revision register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0089) 7-4 stepping number 3-0 "dash"-number SeeAlso: #P0088 Bitfields for Intel 82091AA configuration register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0090) 7 unused (0) 6 supply voltage (read-only) (1 = 3.3V, 0 = 5.0V) 5-4 configuration mode 00 software motherboard 01 software add-in 10 extended hardware 11 basic hardware 3 configuration address (read-only) 0 primary address (PORT 0022h for X-Bus, PORT 026Eh for ISA) 1 secondary address (PORT 0024h for X-Bus, PORT 0398h for ISA) 2-1 reserved 0 power-down AIP's main clock circuitry SeeAlso: #P0088,#P0091 Bitfields for Intel 82091AA configuration register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0091) 7-3 IRQ7-IRQ3 mode select 0 = active high (ISA-compatible tri-state drive) 1 = active low (EISA-compatible open-collector drive) 2-0 reserved SeeAlso: #P0088,#P0090 Bitfields for Intel 82091AA floppy-disk controller configuration register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0092) 7 four floppy drive support enabled (with external decoder) 6-2 reserved 1 FDC address 0 = primary (03F0h) 1 = secondary (0370h) 0 enable FDC SeeAlso: #P0088,#P0093 Bitfields for Intel 82091AA floppy-disk controller power management register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0093) 7-4 reserved 3 enable FDC auto-powerdown on idle 2 reset FDC (this bit must be pulsed, remaining high for at least 1.2 us) 1 (read-only) FDC is idle 0 power-down FDC Note: to restore FDC from explicit powerdown via bit 0, clear bit 0, then reset the FDC using bit 2 (hardware reset) or using a software reset (FDC's DOR bit 2 or DSR bit 7) SeeAlso: #P0088,#P0092 Bitfields for Intel 82091AA parallel port configuration: Bit(s) Description (Table P0094) 7 FIFO threshold 0 = 8 slots in each direction 1 = one slot forward, 15 reverse 6-5 parallel-port hardware mode 00 ISA-compatible 01 PS/2-compatible 10 EPP 11 ECP (read only -- ECP mode must be set via ECP Extended Control Reg) 4 reserved 3 IRQ select 0 = IRQ5 1 = IRQ7 2-1 address select 00 PORT 0378h-037Bh 01 PORT 0278h-027Bh 10 PORT 03BCh-03BEh (not for EPP mode) 11 reserved 0 enable parallel port SeeAlso: #P0088,#P0095,#P0920,PORT 0678h"ECP" Bitfields for Intel 82091AA parallel port power managment register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0095) 7-6 reserved 5 FIFO overrun or underrun has occurred this bit is cleared by resetting the port via bit 2 4 reserved 3 enable auto-powerdown 2 reset parallel port (pulse this bit; must remain high for 1.13 us) 1 (read-only) parallel port is idle 0 power-down parallel port Note: an explicit power-down may be canceled by either clearing bit 0 or pulsing bit 2 to reset the port SeeAlso: #P0088,#P0094 Bitfields for Intel 82091AA serial port configuration: Bit(s) Description (Table P0096) 7 enable 2MHz MIDI clock for MIDI baud rate 6-5 reserved 4 IRQ select 0 = IRQ3 1 = IRQ4 3-1 address select 000 PORT 03F8h-03FFh 001 PORT 02F8h-02FFh 010 PORT 0220h-0227h 011 PORT 0228h-022Fh 100 PORT 0238h-023Fh 101 PORT 02E8h-02EFh 110 PORT 0338h-033Fh 111 PORT 03E8h-03EFh 0 enable serial port Note: although it is possible to configure both serial ports at the same address, this is not recommended because the 82091AA disables serial port B without placing it into powerdown mode SeeAlso: #P0088,#P0097 Bitfields for Intel 82091AA serial port power management register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0097) 7-5 reserved 4 enable test mode when enabled, and DLAB bit in LCR is set, the baud rate clock is output on the SOUTA pin 3 enable auto-powerdown on idle 2 reset serial port (should be pulsed, high for at least 1.13 us) 1 (read-only) serial port is idle 0 power-down serial port Notes: setting powerdown mode via bit 0 resets both receiver and transmitter, including the FIFOs, so software should check that port is idle before powering it down the serial port may be brought out of an explicit powerdown by either clearing bit 0 or pulsing bit 2 SeeAlso: #P0088,#P0096 Bitfields for Intel 82091AA IDE configuration: Bit(s) Description (Table P0098) 7-3 reserved 2 enable both primary and secondary addresses 1 address select (when bit 2 is clear) 0 PORT 01F0h-01F7h and 03F6h (primary) 1 PORT 0170h-0177h and 0376h (secondary) 0 enable IDE interface !!!intel\29048603.pdf p.45 SeeAlso: #P0088,#P0092 ----------P00220024-------------------------- PORT 0022-0024 - CHIPSET FROM PICO POWER, UMC or PCChips 0022 ?W index for accesses to data port 0024 RW chip set data ----------P00220024-------------------------- PORT 0022-0024 - OPTi 82C281/282/283 CHIPSETS - CONFIGURATION REGISTERS Note: every access to PORT 0024h must be preceded by a write to PORT 0022h, even if the same register is being accessed a second time SeeAlso: PORT 0022h"82C206" 0022 ?W index for accesses to data port (see #P0099) 0024 RW chip set data (Table P0099) Values for OPTi 82C281/82C282/82C283 configuration register index: 10h DRAM configuration register (see #P0100) 11h Shadow RAM control register (see #P0101) 12h Shadow RAM control register 2 (see #P0102) 13h Shadow RAM control register 3 (see #P0103) 14h miscellaneous control register (see #P0104) 15h cache control register (see #P0105) 16h cache control register 2 (see #P0106) Bitfields for OPTi 82C281/282/283 DRAM configuration register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0100) 7-6 82C281/2 revision number (read-only) 7 82C283 revision (0 = A, 1 = B) 6 82C283A: reserved 82C283B: DRAM is pipelined 5 local DRAM read wait states 82C281/2: 0=one, 1=two 82C283: 0=none, 1=one 4 local DRAM write wait states 82C281/2: 0=one, 1=two 82C283: 0=none, 1=one 3-0 local DRAM memory configuration (val) Bank0 Bank1 Bank2 Bank3 0001 256K 256K 256K 256K 0010 256K 256K 1M - 0011 256K 256K 1M 1M 0100 256K 256K 4M - 0101 1M - - - 0110 1M 1M - - 0111 1M 1M 1M - 1000 1M 1M 1M 1M 1001 1M 4M - - 1010 1M 1M 4M - 1011 4M 4M - - 1100 4M - - - (82C283B only) 1111 256K 256K - - SeeAlso: #P0099 Bitfields for OPTi 82C281 shadow RAM control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0101) 7 BIOS ROM F000-FFFF shadowing 0 read-only from shadow RAM 1 read from ROM, write to shadow RAM 6 adapter ROM at E000-EFFF 0 disable shadow RAM 1 shadow RAM selectively enabled by configuration register 12h (see #P0102) 5 adapter ROM at D000-DFFF 0 disable shadow RAM 1 shadow RAM selectively enabled by configuration register 12h 4 adapter ROM at C000-CFFF 0 disable shadow RAM 1 shadow RAM selectively enabled by configuration register 13h (see #P0103) 3 shadow RAM Copy Enable control (C000-EFFF) 0 write to expansion bus 1 write to local DRAM 2 shadow RAM E000-EFFF writeability 0 read/write 1 read-only 1 shadow RAM D000-DFFF writeability 0 read/write 1 read-only 0 shadow RAM C000-CFFF writeability 0 read/write 1 read-only SeeAlso: #P0099,#P0102 Bitfields for OPTi 82C281 shadow RAM control register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0102) 7 enable EC00-EFFF 6 enable E800-EBFF 5 enable E400-E7FF 4 enable E000-E3FF 3 enable DC00-DFFF 2 enable D800-DBFF 1 enable D400-D7FF 0 enable D000-D3FF Note: bits 7-4 are only in effect when register 11h bit 6 is set; bits 3-0 are only in effect when register 11h bit 5 is set SeeAlso: #P0099,#P0101,#P0103 Bitfields for OPTi 82C281 shadow RAM control register 3: Bit(s) Description (Table P0103) 7 enable CC00-CFFF 6 enable C800-CBFF 5 enable C400-C7FF 4 enable C000-C3FF 3-0 unused shadow RAM remap address; supplies bits 23-20 of address at which to map A000-BFFFF and D000-EFFF is not used for shadowing (except if this field is set to 0, the remapping is disabled) SeeAlso: #P0099,#P0101,#P0102 Bitfields for OPTi 82C281 miscellaneous control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0104) 7 allow F0000-F0FFF to be written even while F0000-FFFFF is write-protected ("Zenith mode") 6 keyboard reset control =1 HLT must be executed before 82C281 generates CPU reset from keyboard controller Reset command 5 master byte swap enable 4 82C281/2: fast NMI request 82C283A: reserved (0) 82C283B: ATCLK setting (=0 from register 14h bit 0; =1 CLK/8) 3 82C281/2/3A: reserved 82C283B: on-board DRAM parity error enable 2 enable slow refresh mode (every 95.5 us (281/282) or 63.6 us (283) instead of 15.9 us) 1 enable turbo switch function 0 clock select =0 ATCLK2 = CPUCLK2 / 6 =1 ATCLK2 = CPUCLK2 / 4 SeeAlso: #P0099 Bitfields for OPTi 82C281/82C282 cache control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0105) 7 enable cache 6 reserved (0) 5 enable posted write (82C281 only) 4 ALL accesses are non-cacheable 3 reserved (0) 2-0 non-cacheable region size (see also #P0106) 000 64K 001 128K ... 101 4M 110 8M 111 disabled SeeAlso: #P0099,#P0106 Bitfields for OPTi 82C281/82C282 cache control register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0106) 7-0 starting address bits 23-16 of non-cacheable region Note: the specified starting address must be a multiple of the region size SeeAlso: #P0099,#P0105 ----------P00220024-------------------------- PORT 0022-0024 - OPTi 82C291/82C295 CHIPSETS - CONFIGURATION REGISTERS Note: every access to PORT 0024h must be preceded by a write to PORT 0022h, even if the same register is being accessed a second time SeeAlso: PORT 0022h"82C206" 0022 ?W index for accesses to data port (see #P0107) 0024 RW chip set data (Table P0107) Values for OPTi 82C291/82C295 configuration register index: 20h Revision/AT Bus configuration register (see #P0108) 21h System Control register (see #P0109) 22h DRAM configuration register (see #P0110) 23h ROM Chip Select Control register (see #P0111) 24h Shadow RAM control register E (see #P0112) 25h Shadow RAM control register D (see #P0113) 26h Shadow RAM control register C (see #P0114) 27h Shadow RAM Write Protect/Remap Area (see #P0115) 28h Cache Control register (see #P0116) 29h Cacheable Upper Bound register (see #P0117) 2Ah Non-Cacheable Segments register 1 (see #P0118) 2Bh Non-Cacheable Segments register 2 (see #P0119) 2Ch Non-Cacheable Segments register 3 (see #P0120) Bitfields for OPTi 82C291/82C295 AT Bus configuration register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0108) 7-6 82C291/295 revision (read-only) 5-4 back-to-back I/O recovery time 00-11 = 3-6 ATCLKs between I/O accesses 3 enable slow refresh mode 2 enable hidden refresh 1-0 AT clock selection 00 ATCLK = CLK2 / 10 01 ATCLK = CLK2 / 8 10 ATCLK = CLK2 / 6 11 ATCLK = CLK2 / 4 SeeAlso: #P0107 Bitfields for OPTi 82C291/82C295 System Control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0109) 7 AT bus master byte swap enabled 6 ALE generation for each AT cycle 0 a new ALE will be generated during bus conversion cycles 1 multiple ALEs will be generated during bus conversion cycles 5 keyboard fast reset emulation control 0 enable, a "Halt" is required before a fast CPU reset is generated 1 disable, fast CPU reset is generated directly after the "FE" I/O command to port 64h is decoded 4 AT cycle additional wait state 0 disable, standard AT cycle 1 enable, inserts one extra wait state in standard AT bus cycle 3-2 reserved 1 local device ready control 0 RDYI# input to the 82C291 will be synchronized and set as RDY# to the CPU one T-state delayed 1 RDYI# input to the 82C291 will not be output to the CPU. RDY# from the local device must be directed to the 82C291 and the CPU 0 system memory parity checking 0 disable, no parity checking 1 enable, will check parity SeeAlso: #P0107 Bitfields for OPTi 82C291/82C295 DRAM Configuration register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0110) 7-6 number of DRAM read cycle wait states 5-4 number of DRAM write cycle wait states 3-0 Banks 0 thru 3 DRAM configuration (val) Bank0 Bank1 Bank2 Bank3 0000 256K 256KB - - 0001 256K 256K 256K 256K 0010 256K 256K 1M - 0011 256K 256K 1M 1M 0100 256K 256K 4M - 0101 1M - - - 0110 1M 1M - - 0111 1M 1M 1M - 1000 1M 1M 1M 1M 1001 1M 4M - - 1010 1M 1M 4M - 1011 4M - - - 1100 4M 4M - - 1101 reserved 1110 reserved 1111 reserved SeeAlso: #P0107 Bitfields for OPTi 82C291/82C295 ROM Chip Select Control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0111) 7 enable ROM Chip Select for write cycles (to support flash ROMs) 6 enable ROMCS# for 0F0000-0FFFFF segments 5 enable ROMCS# for 0E8000-0EFFFF segments 4 enable ROMCS# for 0E0000-0E7FFF segments 3 enable ROMCS# for 0D8000-0DFFFF segments 2 enable ROMCS# for 0D0000-0D7FFF segments 1 enable ROMCS# for 0C8000-0CFFFF segments 0 enable ROMCS# for 0C0000-0C7FFF segments SeeAlso: #P0107 Bitfields for OPTi 82C291/82C295 Shadow RAM control register E: Bit(s) Description (Table P0112) 7 enable shadow RAM reads for EC000-EFFFF segments 6 enable shadow RAM reads for E8000-EBFFF segments 5 enable shadow RAM reads for E4000-E7FFF segments 4 enable shadow RAM reads for E0000-E3FFF segments 3 enable shadow RAM writes for EC000-EFFFF segments 2 enable shadow RAM writes for E8000-EBFFF segments 1 enable shadow RAM writes for E4000-E7FFF segments 0 enable shadow RAM writes for E0000-E3FFF segments Note: OPTi documentation incorrectly states the segment range for bits 5 and 1 as E4000-E7000. SeeAlso: #P0107 Bitfields for OPTi 82C291/82C295 Shadow RAM control register D: Bit(s) Description (Table P0113) 7 enable shadow RAM reads for DC000-DFFFF segments 6 enable shadow RAM reads for D8000-DBFFF segments 5 enable shadow RAM reads for D4000-D7FFF segments 4 enable shadow RAM reads for D0000-D3FFF segments 3 enable shadow RAM writes for DC000-DFFFF segments 2 enable shadow RAM writes for D8000-DBFFF segments 1 enable shadow RAM writes for D4000-D7FFF segments 0 enable shadow RAM writes for D0000-D3FFF segments Note: OPTi documentation incorrectly states the segment range for bits 5 and 1 as D4000-D7000. SeeAlso: #P0107 Bitfields for OPTi 82C291/82C295 Shadow RAM control register C: Bit(s) Description (Table P0114) 7 enable shadow RAM reads for CC000-CFFFF segments 6 enable shadow RAM reads for C8000-CBFFF segments 5 enable shadow RAM reads for C4000-C7FFF segments 4 enable shadow RAM reads for C0000-C3FFF segments 3 enable shadow RAM writes for CC000-CFFFF segments 2 enable shadow RAM writes for C8000-CBFFF segments 1 enable shadow RAM writes for C4000-C7FFF segments 0 enable shadow RAM writes for C0000-C3FFF segments Note: OPTi documentation incorrectly states the segment range for bits 5 and 1 as C4000-C7000. SeeAlso: #P0107 Bitfields for OPTi 82C291/82C295 Shadow RAM Write Protect/Remap Area: Bit(s) Description (Table P0115) 7 enable Write Protect for F0000-FFFFF segments 6 enable Write Protect for E0000-EFFFF segments 5 enable Write Protect for D0000-DFFFF segments 4 enable Write Protect for C0000-CFFFF segments 3-0 DRAM remap starting address, bits 23-20 0000 disabled, no mapping 0001 1M 0010 2M ... 1111 15M SeeAlso: #P0107 Bitfields for OPTi 82C291/82C295 Cache Control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0116) 7 enable write-back cache controller operation 6 enable DRAM performance mode this bit should not be enabled unless external cache is disabled (intended to optimize DRAM performance) 5 enable all memory accesses no-cacheable mode 4 enable 640K-1M area no-cacheable mode 3-2 cache timing control bits 00 invalid 01 0 wait state cache write w/o CAWE# extended, use when 8K*8 SRAMs 10 1 wait state cache write hit 11 0 wait state cache write hit with CAWE# extended when 32K*8 SRAMs 1-0 cache size/cacheable DRAM 00 16K / 2M 01 32K / 4M 10 64K / 8M 11 128K / 16M SeeAlso: #P0107 Bitfields for OPTi 82C291/82C295 Cacheable Upper Bound register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0117) 7-4 reserved 3-0 cacheable upper bound address, bits 23-20 0000 feature disabled 0001 1M 0010 2M ... 1111 15M SeeAlso: #P0107 Bitfields for OPTi 82C291/82C295 Non-Cacheable Segments register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0118) 7 enable non-cacheable segment A 6-4 size of no-cacheable memory segment A 000 64K 001 128K 010 256K 011 512K 100 1M 101 2M 110 4M 111 8M 3 enable non-cacheable segment B 2-0 size of no-cacheable memory segment B (same values as bits 6-4) SeeAlso: #P0107,#P0119 Bitfields for OPTi 82C291/82C295 Non-Cacheable Segments register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0119) 7-0 address bits 23-16 for starting address of non-cacheable memory segment A SeeAlso: #P0107,#P0118,#P0120 Bitfields for OPTi 82C291/82C295 Non-Cacheable Segments register 3: Bit(s) Description (Table P0120) 7-0 address bits 23-16 for starting address of non-cacheable memory segment B SeeAlso: #P0107,#P0118,#P0119 ----------P00220024-------------------------- PORT 0022-0024 - OPTi 82C381/82C382 CHIPSETS - CONFIGURATION REGISTERS Note: every access to PORT 0024h must be preceded by a write to PORT 0022h, even if the same register is being accessed a second time SeeAlso: PORT 0022h"82C206" 0022 ?W index for accesses to data port (see #P0121) 0024 RW chip set data (Table P0121) Values for OPTi 82C381/82C382 configuration register index: 00h clock selects (see #P0122) 01h reset control (see #P0123) 10h remapping address (see #P0124) 11h shadow RAM (see #P0125) 12h memory enable (see #P0126) 13h bank configuration (see #P0127) 14h DRAM configuration (see #P0128) 15h video adapter shadow (see #P0129) 16h fast GateA20 (see #P0130) 17h cache configuration (see #P0131) 18h non-cacheable block 1 size (see #P0132) 19h non-cacheable block 1 address (see #P0133) 1Ah non-cacheable block 2 size (see #P0132) 1Bh non-cacheable block 2 address (see #P0133) 1Ch cacheable area (see #P0134) Note: registers 00h and 01h address the 82C381, the remaining registers address the 82C382 SeeAlso: #P0189 Bitfields for OPTi 82C381/82C382 clock selects: Bit(s) Description (Table P0122) 7-6 cache controller enable 00 cache controller disabled (default) 01 cache controller disabled; PPCS#, SPCS#, NPCS# signals are active if selected 10 external cache controller installed 11 on-chip cache controller installed 5 hot CPU reset (low->high transition generates reset) 4 enable ATCLK stretch 3 turbo clock =0 CLKIN is CPU clock =1 HIGH pin selected clock (HIGH=0: CLKIN, HIGH=1: ICLK) 2-1 ICLK clock select 00 CLKIN/4 (default) 01 CLKIN/3 10 CLKIN/2 11 reserved 0 master byte swap enable (default = 0) SeeAlso: #P0121,#P0123 Bitfields for OPTi 82C381/82C382 reset control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0123) 7-2 reserved 1 RESET3 control =1 generate RESET3 on RESET2 only after a HLT instruction =0 generate RESET3 immediately on RESET2 (default) 0 activate cache controller FLUSH# pin (default = 1) SeeAlso: #P0121,#P0122,#P0124 Bitfields for OPTi 82C381/82C382 remapping address: Bit(s) Description (Table P0124) 7-5 reserved 4 enable remapping 3-0 remap address range, bits 23-20 0000 no mapping 0001 1M 0010 2M ... 1111 15M SeeAlso: #P0121 Bitfields for OPTi 82C381/82C382 shadow RAM control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0125) 7 BIOS ROM at F0000-FFFFF Shadowing 0 read only from shadow RAM 1 read from ROM, write to shadow RAM 6 ROM at D0000-DFFFF 0 disable shadow RAM 1 shadow RAM selectively enabled by configuration register 12h 5 Adaptor ROM at E0000-EFFFF 0 disable shadow RAM 1 shadow RAM selectively enabled by configuration register 12h 4 write-protect shadow RAM at D0000h-DFFFFh (default = not protected) 3 write-protect shadow RAM at E0000h-EFFFFh 2 enable Timeout precharge counter 1-0 reserved SeeAlso: #P0121 Bitfields for OPTi 82C381/82C382 memory enable: Bit(s) Description (Table P0126) 7 enable EC000-EFFFF 6 enable E8000-EBFFF 5 enable E4000-E7FFF 4 enable E0000-E3FFF 3 enable DC000-DFFFF 2 enable D8000-DBFFF 1 enable D4000-D7FFF 0 enable D0000-D3FFF Note: 0 = disable Shadow RAM (default), 1 = enable Shadow RAM SeeAlso: #P0121 Bitfields for OPTi 82C381/82C382 memory bank configuration: Bit(s) Description (Table P0127) 7 Reserved 6-4 Bank0 and Bank1 configuration (val) Bank0 Bank1 000 256K - 001 256K 256K 010 256K 1M 011 1M 256K 100 1M - 101 1M 1M 110 - - 111 256K - 3 reserved 2-0 Bank2 and Bank3 configuration (val) Bank2 Bank3 000 256K - 001 256K 256K 010 - - 011 1M 256K 100 1M - 101 1M 1M 11X - - SeeAlso: #P0121,#P0128 Bitfields for OPTi 82C381/82C382 DRAM configuration: Bit(s) Description (Table P0128) 7,6 number of read cycle wait states (default = 01) 5 write cycle wait state 0 = 0 wait 1 = 1 wait (default) 4-0 reserved SeeAlso: #P0121 Bitfields for OPTi 82C381/82C382 video adapter shadow: Bit(s) Description (Table P0129) 7 reserved 6 copy enable for C0000-EFFFF 0 write to AT Channel (default) 1 write to local DRAM 5 Shadow RAM at C0000-CFFFF writability 0 read/write (default) 1 read only 4 ROM at C0000-CFFFF 0 disable shadow RAM 1 shadow RAM selectively enabled by Bits<0:3> (default) 3 enable Shadow RAM at CC000-CFFFF 2 enable Shadow RAM at C8000-CbFFF 1 enable Shadow RAM at C4000-C7FFF 0 enable Shadow RAM at C0000-C3FFF SeeAlso: #P0121 Bitfields for OPTi 82C381/82C382 fast GateA20 control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0130) 7-4 Reserved 3 Fast GateA20 Control 0 Signal controled by GATEA20 signal from Keyboard Controler 1 CPUA20 enabled onto GA20 2-0 reserved SeeAlso: #P0121 Bitfields for OPTi 82C381/82C382 cache configuration: Bit(s) Description (Table P0131) 7 force NCA* Output Pin low if this bit is clear, it has no effect on NCA* Output Pin 6 enable Cache 5 write-through cache (Note: this bit must be set) 4-3 line size 00 4 bytes 01 8 bytes 10 16 bytes 11 reserved 2-0 reserved SeeAlso: #P0121 Bitfields for OPTi 82C381/82C382 non-cacheable block size: Bit(s) Description (Table P0132) 7-5 block size 000 64K 001 128K 010 256K 011 512K 100 1M 101 4M (block 1 only) 101 reserved (block 2 only) 110 8M (block 1 only) 110 reserved (block 2 only) 111 disabled (default) 4-0 reserved (0) SeeAlso: #P0121,#P0131,#P0133 Bitfields for OPTi 82C381/82C382 non-cacheable block address: Bit(s) Description (Table P0133) 7-0 bits 23-16 of non-cacheable block's address Note: the selected address must be a multiple of the block size selected by register 18h/1Ah SeeAlso: #P0121,#P0132,#P0134 Bitfields for OPTi 82C381/82C382 cacheable area: Bit(s) Description (Table P0134) 7-4 cacheable address range 0000 16M 0001 1M 0010 2M 0011 3M ... 1111 15M 3 256K remapped area is cacheable 2-0 reserved SeeAlso: #P0121 ----------P00220024-------------------------- PORT 0022-0024 - OPTi 82C463MV CHIPSET - CONFIGURATION REGISTERS Desc: the 82C463MV contains a memory control unit (MCU), an AT Bus Control Unit (BCU), a Power Management Unit (PMU), data buffers and a 82C206 type IPC (without real time clock) Note: every access to PORT 0024h must be preceded by a write to PORT 0022h, even if the same register is being accessed a second time SeeAlso: PORT 0022h"82C206" 0022 ?W index for accesses to data port (see #P0135) 0024 RW chip set data (Table P0135) Values for OPTi 82C463MV configuration register index: 30h general control 1 (see #P0136) 31h general control 2 (see #P0137) 32h shadow RAM control 1 (see #P0138) 33h shadow RAM control 2 (see #P0139) 34h DRAM size (see #P0140) 35h DRAM timing and caching control (see #P0141) 36h shadow RAM control 3 (see #P0142) 37h D000h and E000h segment access control (see #P0143) 38h non-cacheable block 1 size, controls and address bit A24 (see #P0144) 39h non-cacheable block 1 address bits A23-A16 3Ah non-cacheable block 2 size and address bit A24 (see #P0145) 3Bh non-cacheable block 2 address bits A23-A16 3Ch-3Fh reserved 40h PMU control 1 (see #P0146) 41h PMU control 2: doze timer (see #P0147) 42h PMU control 3: other timers (see #P0148) 43h PMU control 4 (see #P0149) 44h LCD timer count (should not be loaded with a value <5) 45h disk timer count (should not be loaded with a value <5) 46h keyboard timer count (should not be loaded with a value <5) 47h GNR_ACCESS timer count (should not be loaded with a value <5) 48h GNR_ACCESS I/O base address (lines A8-A1, A0 is a "don't care") 49h GNR_ACCESS control and I/O base address line A9 (see #P0150) 4Ah CSG0# base address (lines A8-A1, A0 is a "don't care") 4Bh CSG0# control and base address line A9 (see #P0151) 4Ch CSG1# base address (lines A8-A1, A0 is a "don't care") 4Dh CSG1# control and base address line A9 (see #P0152) 4Eh idle timer control (see #P0153) 4Fh idle timer count (should not be loaded with a value <5) 50h suspend/resume control (see #P0154) 51h beeper/sequencer control (see #P0155) 52h PMU general-purpose storage 1 53h PMU general-purpose storage 2 54h PMU Periferal Power (PPWR) control 1 (see #P0156) 55h PMU Periferal Power (PPWR) control 2 (see #P0157) 56h PIO control 1 (see #P0158) 57h PIO control 2 (see #P0159) 58h PMU event control 1 (see #P0160) 59h PMU event control 2 (see #P0161) 5Ah PMU event control 3 (see #P0162) 5Bh PMU event control 4 (see #P0163) 5Ch SMI source (low) (see #P0164) 5Dh SMI source (high) (see #P0165) 5Eh clock stretching control (see #P0166) 5Fh resume interrupt control (see #P0167) 60h software sequencer address (write only) 61h debounce control (see #P0168) 62h doze-mode IRQ selects (see #P0169) 63h idle timer IRQ selects (see #P0170) 64h PMI#6 IRQ select (see #P0171) 65h doze-mode configuration (see #P0172) 66h suspend control (see #P0173) 67h CPU frequency (see #P0174) 68h timer clock source (see #P0175) 69h R_TIMER count (should not be loaded with a value <5) 6Ah resume IRQ selects (see #P0176) 6Bh resume sources (see #P0177) 6Ch-6Fh TMP0 - TMP3 Bitfields for 82C463MV general control 1 (register 30h): Bit(s) Description (Table P0136) 7-6 chipset revision number (read only) 5 MASTER#/RI pin function (RI = modem Ring Indicator) =1 RI (default) =0 MASTER# 4 enable turbo VGA 3 enable global relocation/translation for SMI addresses (see also register 31h bit 4 at #P0137) 2 enable extra wait state in AT cycle 1 fast reset control =1 does not require Halt instruction =0 requires Halt instruction before generation of CPURST (SRESET if Intel SL Enhanced or Cyrix Cx486S/S2 CPUs 0 reserved (0) SeeAlso: #P0135 Bitfields for 82C463MV general control 2 (register 31h): Bit(s) Description (Table P0137) 7 enable master byte swap 6 reserved, read-only (1) 5 disable parity check 4 Dynamic SMI relocation if no SMI sequence is running =1 allow relocation of addresses from the CPU in the 3000h/4000h segment to the B000h/A000h SMI memory space =0 disable relocation if SMI sequence is running (qualified by SMIACT#) =1 allow data accesses to the 3000h and 4000h segments =0 relocate all accesses in the 3000h/4000h segment to the B000h/A000h SMI segment (normal operation) if SMI sequence is running (qualified by SMIADS#) =1 not allowed =0 for a SMIADS# cycle, relocate all accesses in the 6000h/7000h segment to the A000h/B000h SMI segment for a normal ADS# operation, there is no relocation 3 EC000h-EFFFFh access control if register 36h bit 6=0 =1 R/W from ROMCS# =0 R/W from AT-Bus if register 36h bit 6=1 =1 Read from ROMCS# if not shadowed (see register 33h bits 7-4), write to DRAM =0 Read from AT-Bus if not shadowed (see register 33h bits 7-4), write to DRAM 2 E8000h-EBFFFh access control (see bit 3) 1 E4000h-E7FFFh access control (see bit 3) 0 E0000h-E3FFFh access control (see bit 3) SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0139,#P0142 Bitfields for 82C463MV shadow RAM control 1 (register 32h): Bit(s) Description (Table P0138) 7 segment F000h access control =1 read from ROMCS#, write to ROMCS# (if register 36h bit 7=1) or DRAM (if register 36h bit 7=0) =0 read from DRAM and write protect (enable shadowing) 6-5 reserved (1) 4 write protect segment D000h 3 write protect segment E000h 2 reserved, read-only (1) 1 reserved (0) 0 ALE control =1 single ALE during bus conversion =0 multiple ALE SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0142,#P0139 Bitfields for 82C463MV shadow RAM control 2 (register 33h): Bit(s) Description (Table P0139) 7 enable shadowing for EC000h-EFFFFh 6 enable shadowing for E8000h-EBFFFh 5 enable shadowing for E4000h-E7FFFh 4 enable shadowing for E0000h-E3FFFh 3 enable shadowing for DC000h-DFFFFh 2 enable shadowing for D8000h-DBFFFh 1 enable shadowing for D4000h-D7FFFh 0 enable shadowing for D0000h-D3FFFh SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0138 Bitfields for 82C463MV DRAM size (register 34h): Bit(s) Description (Table P0140) 7-4 DRAM Bank 0 and 1 Size 0000 256K, unused 0001 256K, 256K 0010 256K, 1M 0011 256K, 4M 0100 512K, unused 0101 512K, 512K 0110 512K, 1M 0111 512K, 4M 1000 1M, unused 1001 1M, 1M 1010 1M, 4M 1011 4M, 1M 1100 4M, unused 1101 4M, 4M 1110 1M, 2M 1111 both unused 3-0 DRAM Bank 2 and 3 Size 0000 1M, unused 0001 1M, 1M 0010 1M, 4M 0011 4M, 4M 0100 4M, unused 0101 both unused 0110 1M, 2M 0111 512K, 512K 10xx both unused 110x both unused 1110 2M, unused 1111 2M, 2M (default) SeeAlso: #P0135 Bitfields for 82C463MV DRAM timing and caching control (register 35h): Bit(s) Description (Table P0141) 7-6 DRAM read wait states 00 = 0 wait states, burst mode 2-1-1-1 01 = 1 wait state, burst mode 3-1-1-1 10 = 1 wait state, burst mode 3-2-2-2 11 = 2 wait states, burst mode 4-3-3-3 (default) 5-4 DRAM write wait states 00 = 0 wait states 01 = 1 wait state 10 = 2 wait states 11 = reserved (default) 3 MP2/STRAP2 status (read-only) =1 1X Clock =0 2X Clock 2 disable caching of F000h segment (this bit is effective only when register 32h bit 7 =0) 1 global DRAM cache control (1=disable, default) 0 disable caching of C0000h-C7FFFh (default) SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0138 Bitfields for 82C463MV shadow RAM control 3 (register 36h): Bit Description (Table P0142) 7 segment F000h write control =1 write to ROMCS# =0 write to DRAM don't care if register 32h bit 7=0 6 C0000h-EFFFFh control =1 read from AT-Bus or ROMCS# (if ROMCS# is enabled to that block), write to DRAM =0 R/W from AT bus or ROMCS# (if ROMCS# is enabled to that block) 5 write protect segment C000h 4 reserved (1) 3 enable shadowing for CC000h-CFFFFh 2 enable shadowing for C8000h-CBFFFh 1 enable shadowing for C4000h-C7FFFh 0 enable shadowing for C0000h-C3FFFh SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0138 Bitfields for 82C463MV D000h and E000h segments access control (register 37h): Bit Description (Table P0143) 7 DC000h-DFFFFh access control if register 36h bit 6=1 =1 read from ROMCS# if not shadowed, write to DRAM =0 read from AT-Bus if not shadowed, write to DRAM if register 36h bit 6=0 =1 R/W from ROMCS# =0 R/W from AT-Bus 6 D8000h-DBFFFh access control (see bit 7) 5 D4000h-D7FFFh access control (see bit 7) 4 D0000h-D3FFFh access control (see bit 7) 3 disable caching for EC000h-EFFFFh (default) 2 disable caching for E8000h-EBFFFh (default) 1 disable caching for E4000h-E7FFFh (default) 0 disable caching for E0000h-E3FFFh (default) SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0142 Bitfields for non-cacheable block 1 size, control and A24 (register 38h): Bit(s) Description (Table P0144) 7-5 size of non-cacheable memory block 1 000 64K 001 128K 010 256K 011 1M 1xx disabled (default) 4 CC000h-CFFFFh access control if register 36h bit 6=1 =1 read from ROMCS# if not shadowed, write to DRAM =0 read from AT-Bus if not shadowed, write to DRAM if register 36h bit 6=0 =1 R/W from ROMCS# =0 R/W from AT-Bus 3 C8000h-CBFFFh access control (see bit 4) 2 C4000h-C7FFFh access control (see bit 4) 1 C0000h-C3FFFh access control (see bit 4) 0 address bit A24 of non-cacheable memory block 1 SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0142 Bitfields for non-cacheable block 2 size and A24 (register 3Ah): Bit(s) Description (Table P0145) 7-5 size of non-cacheable memory block 2 000 64K 001 128K 010 256K 011 1M 1xx disabled (default) 4 unused 3 enable internal HLDA latch during stop clock (must be disabled before DMA transfers are performed) 2 reserved (1) 1 unused 0 address bit A24 of non-cacheable memory block 2 SeeAlso: #P0135 Bitfields for 82C463MV PMU control 1 (register 40h): Bit Description (Table P0146) 7 Reset/SMI indication (read-only) =1 the last read or fetch from address XXXFFFF0h was a SMIADS# cycle =0 the last read or fetch from address XXXFFFF0h was a regular ADS# cycle 6 divide global timer by 4 5 LLOWBAT polarity selector =1 low active =0 high active 4 LOWBAT polarity selector (see bit 5) 3 SQWIN input clock frequency =1 128KHz =0 32KHz 2 external EPMI2 pin polarity =1 active low =0 active high 1 external EPMI1 pin polarity (see bit 2) 0 send reset pulse during resume Note: for 1X clock with Intel SL Enhanced CPU, bit 6 must be =1 SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0147,#P0148 Bitfields for 82C463MV PMU control 2 (doze timer, register 41h): Bit(s) Description (Table P0147) 7-5 hardware doze time-out selector 101 512 ms 110 2 sec 111 8 sec 4-2 hardware doze-mode CPU clock selector 000 CPUCLK/1 001 CPUCLK/2 010 CPUCLK/4 011 CPUCLK/8 (should be used during CPU stop clock only) 100 CPUCLK/16 (should be used during CPU stop clock only) 101 CPUCLK/3 110 reserved 111 reserved 1 enable LCD_ACCESS, KBD_ACCESS, DSK_ACCESS access to auto trigger the hardware doze timer 0 disable hardware doze-mode (enable APM doze-mode support) SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0146,#P0148 Bitfields for 82C463MV PMU control 3 (timers other than doze, register 42h): Bit(s) Description (Table P0148) 7-6 clock source for general-purpose timer 00 SQW0 01 SQW1 10 SQW2 11 SQW3 5-4 clock source for keyboard timer (see bits 7-6) 3-2 clock source for disk timer (see bits 7-6) 1-0 clock source for LCD timer (see bits 7-6) SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0147,#P0149 Bitfields for 82C463MV PMU control 4 (register 43h): Bit(s) Description (Table P0149) 7 disable monitoring of PORT 3B0h-3DFh 6 disable monitoring of memory range A0000h-BFFFFh 5-4 LOWBAT pin sample rate if register 40h bit 6 =1 00 32 seconds 01 64 seconds 10 128 seconds 11 reserved if register 40h bit 6 =0 00 8 seconds 01 16 seconds 10 32 seconds 11 reserved 3 reserved (0) 2-0 AT clock select 000 OSCCLK2/8 001 OSCCLK2/6 010 OSCCLK2/4 011 OSCCLK2/3 100 OSC14/2 (7.2 MHz) 111 stop SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0146,#P0149,#P0150 Bitfields for 82C463MV GNR_ACCESS control, I/O base address line A9 (reg. 49h): Bit(s) Description (Table P0150) 7 GNR_ACCESS I/O base address bit A9 6 enable compare in WRITE cycle 5 enable compare in READ cycle 4-0 I/O address A5-A1 mask bits. For each bit =1, the corresponding bit in register 48h is not compared (this is used to determine I/O address block size) SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0149 Bitfields for 82C463MV CSG0# control and base address line A9 (register 4Bh): Bit(s) Description (Table P0151) 7 Programmable Chip Select 0 (CSG0#) - I/O base address line A9 6 enable CSG0# for I/O write cycles 5 enable CSG0# for I/O read cycles 4 =1 CSG0# active before ALE =0 CSG0# active just like I/O command pulse 3-0 I/O address A4-A1 mask bits. For each bit =1, the corresponding bit in register 4Ah (bits 4-1) is not compared (this is used to determine I/O address block size) SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0152 Bitfields for 82C463MV CSG1# control and base address line A9 (register 4Dh): Bit(s) Description (Table P0152) 7 Programmable Chip Select 1 (CSG1#) - I/O base address line A9 6 enable CSG1# for I/O write cycles 5 enable CSG1# for I/O read cycles 4 =1 CSG1# active before ALE =0 CSG1# active just like I/O command pulse 3-0 I/O address A4-A1 mask bits. For each bit =1, the corresponding bit in register 4Ch (bits 4-1) is not compared (this is used to determine I/O address block size) SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0151 Bitfields for OPTi 82C463MV idle timer control (register 4Eh): Bit Description (Table P0153) 7 CSG1 access 6 CSG0 access 5 LPT access (it refers to PORT 378h-37Fh, PORT 278h-27Fh and PORT 3BCh-3BFh) 4 COM access (it refers to PORT 3F8h-3FFh and PORT 2F8h-2FFh) 3 GNR_ACCESS 2 KBD_ACCESS 1 DSK_ACCESS 0 LCD_ACCESS Note: If a bit is =1, the corresponding access will reload IDLE_TIMER otherwise not. SeeAlso: #P0135 Bitfields for 82C463MV suspend/resume control (register 50h): Bit Description (Table P0154) 7 software generation of SMI (enabled by bit 7 of register 59h) writing 1 asserts SMI to CPU to start SMM operation writing 0 clears the SMI (the SMI routine must clear this bit) 6 reserved (0) 5 IRQ8 active level =1 high active =0 low active 4 disable the internal 14.3MHz clock (to conserve power) 3 start doze-mode / read DOZE_TIMER status write: start APM doze-mode =1 start doze-mode (if register 40h bit 0 =1) =0 no effect read: hardware DOZE_TIMER time-out status bit =1 hardware DOZE_TIMER has timed out =0 hardware DOZE_TIMER still counting 2 Ready To Resume (RTR), read-only 1 PMU mode (read-only) =1 suspend-mode still active =0 all other modes 0 start suspend-mode (write only) =1 start suspend-mode =0 no effect SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0146,#P0161 Bitfields for 82C463MV beeper/sequencer control (register 51h): Bit(s) Description (Table P0155) 7-2 sequencer base address translated-to A17-A12 (A19-A18 are always 1 during this operation) 1-0 beeper control (independent from PORT 61h) if register 40h bit 6 =1 00 no action 01 1KHz 10 off 11 2KHz if register 40h bit 6 =0 00 no action 01 4KHz 10 off 11 8KHz SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0146 Bitfields for 82C463MV PMU Periferal Power (PPWR) control 1 (register 54h): Bit(s) Description (Table P0156) 7-4 write mask of PPWR low nibble =1 enable write on corresponding bit =0 write disable 3-0 read/write data bits for PPWR (low nibble) SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0157 Bitfields for 82C463MV PMU Periferal Power (PPWR) control 2 (register 55h): Bit(s) Description (Table P0157) 7-4 write mask of PPWR high nibble =1 enable write on corresponding bit =0 write disable 3-0 read/write data bits for PPWR (high nibble) (default =1) SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0156 Bitfields for OPTi 82C463MV PIO control 1 (register 56h): Bit(s) Description (Table P0158) 7-4 write mask of PIO bits 3-0 =1 enable write on corresponding bit =0 write disable 3-0 read/write data bits for PIO SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0159,#P0173 Bitfields for OPTi 82C463MV PIO control 2 (register 57h): Bit Description (Table P0159) 7 enable refresh (BIOS must set this bit to 1 after power up) 6 enable interrupts to generate PMI #6 (see also #P0167,#P0171) 5 disable monitoring floppy drive accesses 4 disable monitoring hard drive accesses 3 PIO3/STPGNT# pin direction =1 output =0 input 2 PIO2/CPUSPD pin direction (see bit 3) 1 PIO1/NOWS# pin direction (see bit 3) 0 PIO0 pin direction (see bit 3) SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0158 Bitfields for OPTi 82C463MV PMU event control 1 (register 58h): Bit(s) Description (Table P0160) 7-6 LOWBAT PMI #3 configuration 00 disable 01 sequencer 10 reserved 11 SMI 5-4 EPMI2 PMI #2 configuration (see bits 7-6) 3-2 EPMI1 PMI #1 configuration (see bits 7-6) 1-0 LLOWBAT PMI #0 configuration (see bits 7-6) SeeAlso: #P0135 Bitfields for OPTi 82C463MV PMU event control 2 (register 59h): Bit(s) Description (Table P0161) 7 global software SMI enable (see also bit 7 of register 50h at #P0154) 6 reload timers during a resume sequence 5-4 resume or INTR PMI #6 and Suspend PMI #7 configuration 00 disable 01 sequencer 10 reserved 11 SMI 3-2 R_TIMER PMI #5 configuration (see bits 5-4) 1-0 IDLE_TIMER PMI #4 configuration (see bits 5-4) SeeAlso: #P0135 Bitfields for OPTi 82C463MV PMU event control 3 (register 5Ah): Bit(s) Description (Table P0162) 7-6 GNR_TIMER time out PMI #11 and access PMI #15 configuration 00 disable 01 sequencer 10 reserved 11 SMI 5-4 KBD_TIMER time out PMI #10 and access PMI #14 cfg (see bits 7-6) 3-2 DSK_TIMER time out PMI #9 and access PMI #13 cfg (see bits 7-6) 1-0 LCD_TIMER time out PMI #8 and access PMI #12 cfg (see bits 7-6) SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0163 Bitfields for OPTi 82C463MV PMU event control 4 (register 5Bh): Bit Description (Table P0163) 7 IRQ15 SMI select =1 enable SMI select (SMI internally connected to IRQ15) and disable IRQ15 hardware pin function =0 disable SMI select (enable IRQ15 pin function as normal) 6 disable all SMI 5 enable sequencer 4 SMI Type =0 Intel style SMI (SMM identified by SMIACT#) =1 AMD DXLV or Cyrix style SMI (SMM identified by SMIADS#) Note: for Intel-style SMI, the 3000h/4000h segments will relocate to B000h/A000h when in SMM; for AMD/Cyrix, the 7000h/6000h segments will relocate to B000h/A000h when in SMM 3 enable PMI source #15 2 enable PMI source #14 1 enable PMI source #13 0 enable PMI source #12 SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0162,#P0164 Bitfields for OPTi 82C463MV SMI source (low) (register 5Ch): Bit Description (Table P0164) 7 PMI #7 - SUSPEND 6 PMI #6 - RESUME or INTR 5 PMI #5 - R_TIMER time out 4 PMI #4 - IDLE_TIMER time out 3 PMI #3 - LOWBAT pin 2 PMI #2 - EPMI2 pin (external PMI source) 1 PMI #1 - EPMI1 pin (external PMI source) 0 PMI #0 - LLOWBAT pin SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0165 Bitfields for OPTi 82C463MV SMI source (high) (register 5Dh): Bit Description (Table P0165) 7 PMI #15 - GNR_ACCESS 6 PMI #14 - KBD_ACCESS 5 PMI #13 - DSK_ACCESS 4 PMI #12 - LCD_ACCESS 3 PMI #11 - GNR_TIMER 2 PMI #10 - KBD_TIMER 1 PMI #9 - DSK_TIMER 0 PMI #8 - LCD_TIMER SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0164 Bitfields for OPTi 82C463MV clock stretching control (register 5Eh): Bit Description (Table P0166) 7 enable CPU clock stretch memory code cycle 6 enable CPU clock stretch write cycle 5 enable CPU clock stretch read cycle 4 enable CPU clock stretch I/O cycle 3 enable CPU clock stretch memory data cycle 2 enable stop ATCLK when not in AT bus cycle 1 ATCLK stretch =1 synchronous =0 asynchronous 0 reserved (0) SeeAlso: #P0135 Bitfields for OPTi 82C463MV resume interrupt control (register 5Fh): Bit(s) Description (Table P0167) 7 LCD_ACCESS includes AT bus video access 6 LCD_ACCESS includes Local bus video access 5 enable all resume sources of register 6Ah (see also #P0176,#P0159) 4 RI counter count out will generate resume 3-0 number of RI counts SeeAlso: #P0135 Bitfields for OPTi 82C463MV debounce control (register 61h): Bit(s) Description (Table P0168) 7-6 LOWBAT and LLOWBAT pin debounce rate select if register 40h bit 6 =1 00 no debounce 01 250 microseconds 10 8ms 11 500ms if register 40h bit 6 =0 00 no debounce 01 62.5 microseconds 10 2 ms 11 125 ms 5-4 SUSP/RSM pin debounce rate select if register 40h bit 6 =1 00 reserved 01 latch high to low edge 10 4 ms (low to high) 11 8 ms (low to high) if register 40h bit 6 =0 00 reserved 01 latch high to low edge 10 1 ms (low to high) 11 2 ms (low to high) 3 reserved (0) 2 enable STPCLK protocol for switching CPU clock frequencies 1-0 STPCLK# delay (for use when STPCLK protocol is enabled) 00 no delay 01 120 microseconds 10 240 microseconds 11 1ms, if register 40h bit 6 set; 240 microseconds if clear SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0146 Bitfields for OPTi 82C463MV doze-mode IRQ selects (register 62h): Bit Description (Table P0169) 7 enable IRQ13 6 enable IRQ8 5 enable IRQ7 4 enable IRQ12 3 enable IRQ5 2 enable IRQ4 1 enable IRQ3 0 enable IRQ0 Notes: in hardware doze-mode the selected interrupts will be used to re-load the hardware DOZE_TIMER and/or trigger the system out of doze-mode in APM doze-mode the selected interrupts will be used to trigger the system out of doze-mode only SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0172,#P0170 Bitfields for OPTi 82C463MV idle timer IRQ selects (register 63h): Bit Description (Table P0170) 7 enable EPMI1 (level trigger) 6 enable IRQ13 5 enable IRQ8 4 enable IRQ7 3 enable IRQ5 2 enable IRQ4 1 enable IRQ3 0 enable IRQ0 SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0169,#P0171 Bitfields for OPTi 82C463MV PMI#6 IRQ selects (register 64h): Bit Description (Table P0171) 7 enable IRQ14 6 enable IRQ8 5 enable IRQ7 4 enable IRQ6 3 enable IRQ5 2 enable IRQ4 1 enable IRQ3 0 enable IRQ1 Note: the value written into this register selects which IRQs generate PMI#6 in normal mode, the value read from this register indicates active IRQs at the time of the read SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0159,#P0170 Bitfields for OPTi 82C463MV doze-mode configuration (register 65h): Bit Description (Table P0172) 7 enable monitoring all interrupt signals during hw or sw doze-mode 6 doze-mode STPCLK protocol selector (see also #P0168) =1 STPCLK will latch for stopping the CPU clock (APM) The delay is determined by register 61h bits 1-0 =0 STPCLK will pulse for changing the frequency of the CPU clock (hw doze-mode). The pulse width is determined by register 61h bits 1-0 5 enable EPMI1 to reload hardware DOZE_TIMER and exit from hardware or software doze-mode 4 enable recognition of SMI during APM stop clock 3 allow IRQ1 to exit from hw or sw doze-mode (write-only) (see also #P0169) 2-0 reserved (0) SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0173 Bitfields for OPTi 82C463MV suspend control (register 66h): Bit Description (Table P0173) 7 refresh type during suspend =1 self refresh =0 normal refresh (refresh rate selected by register 67h bit 6) 6 KBCLK during suspend =1 16 KHz =0 7.16 MHz (14.318 MHz /2) 5 software (APM) CPU stop-clock control =1 the CPU clock can be stopped by entering APM doze-mode (that is setting register 50h bit 3 to 1) =0 APM doze-mode will use the hw doze-mode clock selected by bits 4-2 of register 41h 4 avoid asserting HOLD before stopping the clock 3 PIO3/STPGNT# pin selector =1 STPGNT# function (set register 57h bit 3 to input mode) This is for use with CPUs that use the hw stop grant signal to acknowledge stop request =0 PIO3 function (set register 57h bit 3 to determine input or output mode) 2 PIO2/CPUSPD pin selector =1 CPUSPD function, CPU speed indicator output (set register 57h bit 2 to output mode) =0 PIO2 function (set register 57h bit 2 to determine input or output mode) 1 PIO1/NOWS# pin selector =1 NOWS# function (set register 57h bit 1 to input mode) =0 PIO1 function (set register 57h bit 1 to determine input or output mode) 0 enable CPU clock change request protocol Note: for hardware doze mode, bit 5 must be 0 SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0147,#P0154,#P0159,#P0174 Bitfields for OPTi 82C463MV CPU frequency (register 67h): Bit(s) Description (Table P0174) 7 CPU clock control during suspend =1 dynamic CPU (in suspend-mode, bits 2-0 select the CPU clock) =0 static CPU (in suspend-mode, 82C463MV stops the CPU clock) 6 refresh control =1 slow refresh (128 ms) =0 normal refresh (15 ms for normal operation, 30 ms for suspend mode) 5 PMU global enabler 4 reserved (1) 3 reserved (0) 2-0 CPU clock frequency 000 CPUCLK/1 001 CPUCLK/2 010 CPUCLK/4 101 CPUCLK/3 else reserved SeeAlso: #P0135 Bitfields for OPTi 82C463MV timer clock source (register 68h): Bit(s) Description (Table P0175) 7-6 R_TIMER clock source selector 00 SQW0 01 SQW1 10 SQW2 11 SQW3 5-4 IDLE_TIMER clock source selector (see bits 7-6) 3-2 resume recovery time if register 40h bit 6 =1 00 8 ms 01 32 ms 10 128 ms 11 256 ms if register 40h bit 6 =0 00 2 ms 01 8 ms 10 32 ms 11 64 ms 1 enable PPWR bit 1 suspend auto toggle (see also #P0156) 0 enable PPWR bit 0 suspend auto toggle (see also #P0156) Note: bits 1 and 0 are not influenced by mask bits 5 and 4 of register 54h SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0146 Bitfields for OPTi 82C463MV resume IRQ selects (register 6Ah): Bit Description (Table P0176) 7 enable EPMI2 (resume on a rising edge) 6 enable EPMI1 (resume on a rising edge) 5 enable IRQ8 (resume on a falling edge) 4 enable IRQ7 (resume on a rising edge) 3 enable IRQ5 (resume on a rising edge) 2 enable IRQ4 (resume on a rising edge) 1 enable IRQ3 (resume on a rising edge) 0 enable IRQ1 (resume on a rising edge) SeeAlso: #P0135 Bitfields for OPTi 82C463MV resume sources (register 6Bh): Bit(s) Description (Table P0177) 7 refresh pulse width during sequencer operation =1 6 AT clocks =0 4 AT clocks 6-3 reserved (0) 2-0 resume sources (read-only) 001 RI 010 INTR (as selected in register 6Ah) 100 SUSP/RSM pin else reserved SeeAlso: #P0135,#P0176 ----------P00220024-------------------------- PORT 0022-0024 - OPTi 82C493 System Controller (SYSC) - CONFIGURATION REGISTERS Desc: The OPTi 486SXWB contains three chips and is designed for systems running at 20, 25 and 33MHz. The chipset includes an 82C493 System Controller (SYSC), the 82C392 Data Buffer Controller, and the 82C206 Integrated peripheral Controller (IPC). Note: every access to PORT 0024h must be preceded by a write to PORT 0022h, even if the same register is being accessed a second time SeeAlso: PORT 0022h"82C206" 0022 ?W configuration register index (see #P0178) 0024 RW configuration register data (Table P0178) Values for OPTi 82C493 System Controller configuration register index: 20h Control Register 1 (see #P0179) 21h Control Register 2 (see #P0180) 22h Shadow RAM Control Register 1 (see #P0181) 23h Shadow RAM Control Register 2 (see #P0182) 24h DRAM Control Register 1 (see #P0183) 25h DRAM Control Register 2 (see #P0184) 26h Shadow RAM Control Register 3 (see #P0185) 27h Control Register 3 (see #P0186) 28h Non-cachable Block 1 Register 1 (see #P0187) 29h Non-cachable Block 1 Register 2 (see #P0188) 2Ah Non-cachable Block 2 Register 1 (see #P0187) 2Bh Non-cachable Block 2 Register 2 (see #P0188) Bitfields for OPTi-82C493 Control Register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0179) 7-6 Revision of 82C493 (readonly) (default=01) 5 Burst wait state control 1 = Secondary cache read hit cycle is 3-2-2-2 or 2-2-2-2 0 = Secondary cache read hit cycle is 3-1-1-1 or 2-1-1-1 (default) (if bit 5 is set to 1, bit 4 must be set to 0) 4 Cache memory data buffer output enable control 0 = disable (default) 1 = enable (must be disabled for frequency <= 33Mhz) 3 Single Address Latch Enable (ALE) 0 = disable (default) 1 = enable (if enabled, SYSC will activate single ALE rather than multiples during bus conversion cycles) 2 enable Extra AT Cycle Wait State (default is 0 = disabled) 1 Emulation keyboard Reset Control 0 = disable (default) 1 = enable Note: This bit must be enabled in BIOS default value; enabling this bit requires HALT instruction to be executed before SYSC generates processor reset (CPURST) 0 enable Alternative Fast Reset (default is 0 = disabled) SeeAlso: #P0180,#P0186 Bitfields for OPTi-82C493 Control Register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0180) 7 Master Mode Byte Swap Enable 0 = disable (default) 1 = enable 6 Emulation Keyboard Reset Delay Control 0 = Generate reset pulse 2us later (default) 1 = Generate reset pulse immediately 5 disable Parity Check (default is 0 = enabled) 4 Cache Enable 0 = Cache disabled and DRAM burst mode enabled (default) 1 = Cache enabled and DRAM burst mode disabled 3-2 Cache Size 00 64KB (default) 01 128KB 10 256KB 11 512KB 1 Secondary Cache Read Burst Cycles Control 0 = 3-1-1-1 cycle (default) 1 = 2-1-1-1 cycle 0 Cache Write Wait State Control 0 = 1 wait state (default) 1 = 0 wait state SeeAlso: #P0179,#P0186 Bitfields for OPTi-82C493 Shadow RAM Control Register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0181) 7 ROM(F0000h - FFFFFh) Enable 0 = read/write on write-protected DRAM 1 = read from ROM, write to DRAM (default) 6 Shadow RAM at D0000h - EFFFFh Area 0 = disable (default) 1 = enable 5 Shadow RAM at E0000h - EFFFFh Area 0 = disable shadow RAM (default) E0000h - EFFFFh ROM is defaulted to reside on XD bus 1 = enable shadow RAM 4 enable write-protect for Shadow RAM at D0000h - DFFFFh Area 0 = disable (default) 1 = enable 3 enable write-protect for Shadow RAM at E0000h - EFFFFh Area 0 = disable (default) 1 = enable 2 Hidden refresh enable (with holding CPU) (Hidden refresh must be disabled if 4Mx1 or 1M x4 bit DRAM are used) 1 = disable (default) 0 = enable 1 unused 0 enable Slow Refresh (four times slower than normal refresh) (default is 0 = disable) SeeAlso: #P0182 Bitfields for OPTi-82C493 Shadow RAM Control Register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0182) 7 enable Shadow RAM at EC000h - EFFFFh area 6 enable Shadow RAM at E8000h - EBFFFh area 5 enable Shadow RAM at E4000h - E7FFFh area 4 enable Shadow RAM at E0000h - E3FFFh area 3 enable Shadow RAM at DC000h - DFFFFh area 2 enable Shadow RAM at D8000h - DBFFFh area 1 enable Shadow RAM at D4000h - D7FFFh area 0 enable Shadow RAM at D0000h - D3FFFh area Note: the default is disabled (0) for all areas Bitfields for OPTi-82C493 DRAM Control Register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0183) 7 DRAM size 0 = 256K DRAM mode 1 = 1M and 4M DRAM mode 6-4 DRAM types used for bank0 and bank1 bits 7-4 Bank0 Bank1 0000 256K x 0001 256K 256K 0010 256K 1M 0011 x x 01xx x x 1000 1M x (default) 1001 1M 1M 1010 1M 4M 1011 4M 1M 1100 4M x 1101 4M 4M 111x x x 3 unused 2-0 DRAM types used for bank2 and bank3 bits 7,2-0 Bank2 Bank3 x000 1M x x001 1M 1M x010 x x x011 4M 1M x100 4M x x101 4M 4M x11x x x (default) SeeAlso: #P0184 Bitfields for OPTi-82C493 DRAM Control Register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0184) 7-6 Read cycle additional wait states 00 not used 01 = 0 10 = 1 11 = 2 (default) 5-4 Write cycle additional wait states 00 = 0 01 = 1 10 = 2 11 = 3 (default) 3 Fast decode enable 0 = disable fast decode. DRAM base wait states not changed (default) 1 = enable fast decode. DRAM base wait state is decreased by 1 Note: This function may be enabled in 20/25Mhz operation to speed up DRAM access. If bit 4 of index register 21h (cache enable bit) is enabled, this bit is automatically disabled--even if set to 1 2 unused 1-0 ATCLK selection 00 ATCLK = CLKI/6 (default) 01 ATCLK = CLKI/4 (default) 10 ATCLK = CLKI/3 11 ATCLK = CLK2I/5 (CLKI * 2 /5) Note: bit 0 will reflect the BCLKS (pin 142) status and bit 1 will be set to 0 when 82C493 is reset. SeeAlso: #P0183,#P0185 Bitfields for OPTi-82C493 Shadow RAM Control Register 3: Bit(s) Description (Table P0185) 7 unused 6 Shadow RAM copy enable for address C0000h - CFFFFh 0 = Read/write at AT bus (default) 1 = Read from AT bus and write into shadow RAM 5 Shadow write protect at address C0000h - CFFFFh 0 = Write protect disable (default) 1 = Write protect enable 4 enable Shadow RAM at C0000h - CFFFFh 3 enable Shadow RAM at CC000h - CFFFFh 2 enable Shadow RAM at C8000h - CBFFFh 1 enable Shadow RAM at C4000h - C7FFFh 0 enable Shadow RAM at C0000h - C3FFFh Note: the default is disabled (0) for bits 4-0 SeeAlso: #P0183,#P0184 Bitfields for OPTi-82C493 Control Register 3: Bit(s) Description (Table P0186) 7 enable NCA# pin to low state (default is 1 = enabled) 6-5 unused 4 Video BIOS at C0000h - C8000h non-cacheable 0 = cacheable 1 = non-cacheable (default) 3-0 Cacheable address range for local memory 0000 0 - 64MB 0001 0 - 4MB (default) 0010 0 - 8MB 0011 0 - 12MB 0100 0 - 16MB 0101 0 - 20MB 0110 0 - 24MB 0111 0 - 28MB 1000 0 - 32MB 1001 0 - 36MB 1010 0 - 40MB 1011 0 - 44MB 1100 0 - 48MB 1101 0 - 52MB 1110 0 - 56MB 1111 0 - 60MB Note: If total memory is 1MB or 2MB the cacheable range is 0-1 MB or 0-2 MB and independent of the value of bits 3-0 SeeAlso: #P0179,#P0180 Bitfields for OPTi-82C493 Non-cacheable Block Register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0187) 7-5 Size of non-cachable memory block 000 64K 001 128K 010 256K 011 512K 1xx disabled (default) 4-2 unused 1-0 Address bits 25 and 24 of non-cachable memory block (default = 00) Note: this register is used together with configuration register 29h (non-cacheable block 1) or register 2Bh (block 2) (see #P0188) to define a non-cacheable block. The starting address must be a multiple of the block size SeeAlso: #P0178,#P0188 Bitfields for OPTi-82C493 Non-cacheable Block Register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0188) 7-0 Address bits 23-16 of non-cachable memory block (default = 0001xxxx) Note: the block address is forced to be a multiple of the block size by ignoring the appropriate number of the least-significant bits SeeAlso: #P0178,#P0187 ----------P00220024-------------------------- PORT 0022-0024 - OPTi "Viper" (82C557) CHIPSET - SYSTEM CONTROL REGISTERS Note: every access to PORT 0024h must be preceded by a write to PORT 0022h, even if the same register is being accessed a second time SeeAlso: PORT 0022h"82C206" 0022 ?W index for accesses to data port (see #P0189) 0023 RW DMA clock select (see #P0087) 0024 RW chip set data (Table P0189) Values for OPTi "Viper" (82C557) system control registers: 00h Byte Merge/Prefetch and Sony Cache Module Control register (see #P0190) 00h Compatible DRAM Configuration register 1 (see #P0191) (refer to note) 01h DRAM Control register 1 (see #P0192) 02h Cache Control register 1 (see #P0193) 03h Cache Control register 2 (see #P0194) 04h Shadow RAM Control register 1 (see #P0195) 05h Shadow RAM Control register 2 (see #P0197) 06h Shadow RAM Control register 3 (see #P0198) 07h Tag Test register (see #P0199) 08h CPU Cache Control register (see #P0200) 09h System Memory Function register (see #P0201) 0Ah DRAM Hole A Address Decode register 1 (see #P0202) 0Bh DRAM Hole B Address Decode register 2 (see #P0203) 0Ch Extended DMA register (see #P0204) 0Dh Clock Control register (see #P0205) 0Eh Cycle Control register 1 (see #P0206) 0Fh Cycle Control register 2 (see #P0207) 10h Miscellaneous Control register 1 (see #P0208) 11h Miscellaneous Control register 2 (see #P0209) 12h Refresh Control register (see #P0210) 13h Memory Decode Control register 1 (see #P0211) 14h Memory Decode Control register 2 (see #P0213) 15h PCI Cycle Control register 1 (see #P0214) 16h Dirty/Tag RAM Control register (see #P0215) 17h PCI Cycle Control register 2 (see #P0216) 18h Tristate Control register (see #P0217) 19h Memory Decode Control register 3 (see #P0218) 1Ah-1Fh reserved Note: Byte Merge/Prefetch and Sony Cache Module Control register is accessed through register 00h when bit 7 of register 13h is set, otherwise Compatible DRAM Configuration register 1 is accessed as register 00h reserved registers 1Ah-1Fh must be written to 0 SeeAlso: #P0121,#P0211 Bitfields for OPTi "Viper" Byte Merge / Sony Cache Module Control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0190) 7 enable pipelining of single CPU cycles to memory 6 enable video memory byte/word read prefetch. Enables the prefetching of bytes/words from PCI video memory to the CPU 5 enable Sony SONIC-2WP support. If set, the ensure that the L2 cache has been disabled (register 02h bits 3-2) 4 enable byte/word merge support 3 enable byte/word merging with CPU pipelining (NA# generation) support 2-1 time-out counter for byte/word merge. Determines the maximum time difference between two consecutive PCI bye/word writes to allow merging 00 4 CPU CLKs 01 8 CPU CLKs 10 12 CPU CLKs 11 16 CPU CLKs 0 enable internal hold requests to be blocked while performing byte merge SeeAlso: #P0189 Bitfields for OPTi "Viper" Compatible DRAM Configuration register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0191) 7 enable pipelining of single CPU cycles to memory 6 second bank SIMM selection. SIMMs need to be single sided 0 single sided SIMM not installed in bank 0 1 single sided SIMM installed in bank 0 5 first bank SIMM selection. SIMMs need to be single sided 0 single sided SIMM not installed in bank 0 1 single sided SIMM installed in bank 0 4-0 banks 0 thru 3 DRAM configuration (val) Bank0 Bank1 Bank2 Bank3 00000 256K 256KB - - 00001 512K 512K - - 00010 1M 1M - - 00011 2M 2M - - 00100 4M 4M - - 00101 8M 8M - - 00110 256K 256K 256K 256K 00111 256K 256K 512K 512K 01000 512K 512K 512K 512K 01001 256K 256K 1M 1M 01010 512K 512K 1M 1M 01011 1M 1M 1M 1M 01100 256K 256K 2M 2M 01101 512K 512K 2M 2M 01110 1M 1M 2M 2M 01111 2M 2M 2M 2M 10000 256K 256K 4M 4M 10001 512K 512K 4M 4M 10010 1M 1M 4M 4M 10011 2M 2M 4M 4M 10100 4M 4M 4M 4M 10101 256K 256K 8M 8M 10110 512K 512K 8M 8M 10111 1M 1M 8M 8M 11000 2M 2M 8M 8M 11001 4M 4M 8M 8M 11010 8M 8M 8M 8M Note: these settings maintain backward compatibility with the "Python" (82C546/82C547) chipset, and they do not allow for much flexibility SeeAlso: #P0189 Bitfields for OPTi "Viper" (82C557) DRAM Control register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0192) 7 row address hold after RAS# active in CLKs 0 2 CLKs 1 1 CLK 6 RAS# active/inactive on entering master mode 0 normal page mode when starting a master cycle, RAS# will remain 1 RAS# inactive when starting a master cycle 5-4 RAS pulse width used during refresh 00 7 CLKs 01 6 CLKs 10 5 CLKs 11 4 CLKs 3 CAS pulse width during reads 0 3 CLKs 1 2 CLKs 2 CAS pulse width during writes 0 3 CLKs 1 2 CLKs 1-0 RAS precharge time 00 6 CLKs 01 5 CLKs 10 4 CLKs 11 3 CLKs SeeAlso: #P0189,#P0193,#P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Viper" (82C557) Cache Control register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0193) 7-6 cache size selection; determines size of the L2 cache, along with register 0Fh bit 0. When set, it works as a *16 multiplier 00 (Viper) 64K (1M when register 0Fh bit 0 set) (Vendetta) reserved 01 (Viper) 128K (2M when register 0Fh bit 0 set) (Vendetta) reserved 10 256K (reserved when register 0Fh bit 0 set) 11 512K (reserved when register 0Fh bit 0 set) 5-4 cache write policy; determines the write policy for the L2 cache 00 L2 cache write-through 01 Adaptive Write-back Mode 1 10 Adaptive Write-back Mode 2 11 L2 cache write-back 3-2 cache mode select; determines the operating mode of the L2 cache 00 disable 01 Test Mode 1, External Tag Write (Tag data write-through reg. 07h) 10 Test Mode 2, External Tag Read (Tag data read from register 07h) 11 enable L2 cache 1 enable DRAM posted write 0 CAS precharge time 0 2 CLKs 1 1 CLK SeeAlso: #P0189,#P0199,#P0207,#P0194,#P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Viper" (82C557) Cache Control register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0194) 7-6 L2 cache write burst mode timings 00 X-4-4-4 01 X-3-3-3 10 X-2-2-2 11 X-1-1-1 5-4 L2 cache write lead-off cycle timings 00 5-X-X-X 01 4-X-X-X 10 3-X-X-X 11 2-X-X-X 3-2 L2 cache read burst mode timings 00 X-4-4-4 01 X-3-3-3 10 X-2-2-2 11 X-1-1-1 1-0 L2 cache read lead-off cycle timings 00 5-X-X-X 01 4-X-X-X 10 3-X-X-X 11 2-X-X-X Note: SRAM double bank implementation does not support lead-off timing SeeAlso: #P0189,#P0193,#P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Viper"/"Vendetta" Shadow RAM Control register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0195) 7-6 CC000-CFFFF read/write control; determines the R/W control for these segments of the shadow RAM (see #P0196) 5-4 C8000-CBFFF read/write control; determines the R/W control for these segments of the shadow RAM (see #P0196) 3 enable synchronous SRAM pipelined read cycle 1-1-1-1 2 E0000-EFFFF range selection 0 area will always be non-cacheable 1 are will be treated like the F0000h BIOS area 1-0 C0000-C7FFF read/write control; determines the R/W control for these segments of the shadow RAM (see #P0196) Note: bit 3 will act only when register 11h bit 3 and register 03h bits 3-2 are all set when bit 2 is set, register 06h bits 3-0 should be set identically SeeAlso: #P0189,#P0197,#P0219 (Table P0196) Values for OPTi "Viper"/"Vendetta" Shadow RAM Control setting: 00 read/write PCI bus 01 read from DRAM/write to PCI 10 read from PCI/write to DRAM 11 read from/write to DRAM SeeAlso: #P0195,#P0197,#P0198,#P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Viper"/"Vendetta" Shadow RAM Control register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0197) 7-6 DC000-DFFFF read/write control; determines the R/W control for these segments of the shadow RAM (see #P0196) 5-4 D8000-DBFFF read/write control; determines the R/W control for these segments of the shadow RAM (see #P0196) 3-2 D4000-D7FFF read/write control; determines the R/W control for these segments of the shadow RAM (see #P0196) 1-0 D0000-D3FFF read/write control; determines the R/W control for these segments of the shadow RAM (see #P0196) SeeAlso: #P0189,#P0195,#P0198,#P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Viper"/"Vendetta" Shadow RAM Control register 3: Bit(s) Description (Table P0198) 7 DRAM hole in system memory from 80000-9FFFF; gives the user the option to have some other device in this address range instead of system memory. When set, the SYSC will not start the system DRAM controller for accesses to this particular address range 0 no memory hole 1 enable memory hole 6 wait state addition for PCI master snooping 0 do not add a wait state 1 add a wait state for the cycle access to finish and then do snooping 5 enable C0000-C7FFF cacheability in L1 and L2 cache memory 4 enable F0000-FFFFF cacheability in L1 and L2 cache memory 3-2 F0000-FFFFF read/write control; determines the R/W control for these segments of the shadow RAM (see #P0196) 1-0 E0000-EFFFF read/write control; determines the R/W control for these segments of the shadow RAM (see #P0196) Note: L1 cacheability can be disabled thru register 08h bit 0 If register 04h bit 2 is set, then F0000-FFFFF and E0000-EFFFF R/W control settings should have similar values SeeAlso: #P0189,#P0197,#P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Viper"/"Vendetta" Tag Test register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0199) 7-0 Tag Test register; when in cache Test Mode, data is read from/written to this register SeeAlso: #P0189,#P0193,#P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Viper"/"Vendetta" CPU Cache Control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0200) 7 L2 cache single/double bank select 0 (Viper) two banks of L2 cache (Vendetta) reserved 1 single bank of L2 cache (non-interleaved) 6 enable snoop filtering for bus masters 5 CPU HITM# pin sample timing 0 (Viper) delay one clock, therefore HITM# sampled on the third rising edge of LCLK after EADS# has been asserted (Vendetta) reserved 1 do not delay, therefore HITM# sampled on the second rising edge 4 enable parity checking 3 Tag/Dirty RAM implementation 0 (Viper) Tag and Dirty are on separate chips (Vendetta) reserved 1 Tag and Dirty are on the same chip 2 enable CPU address pipelining 1 enable L1 cache write-back and write-through control 0 write-through only 1 write-back enabled 0 disable BIOS and Video BIOS areas cacheability in L1 cache Notes: If asynchronous SRAM, then cache memory banks (when two are present) are interleaved, otherwise, they are not When register 04h bit 2 is set, bit 0 affects BIOS area E0000-EFFFF; when clear, bit 0 affects area F0000-FFFFF SeeAlso: #P0189,#P0201,#P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Viper" (82C557) System Memory Function register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0201) 7-6 DRAM Hole B size (address specified by register 0Bh, and register 0Ch bits 3-2) 00 512K 01 1M 10 2M 11 4M 5-4 DRAM Hole B control mode 00 disable 01 write-through for L1 and L2 cache 10 non-cacheable for L1 and L2 cache 11 enable hole in DRAM 3-2 DRAM Hole A size (settings same as bits 7-6) (address specified by register 0Ah, and register 0Ch bits 1-0) 1-0 DRAM Hole A control mode (settings same as bits 5-4) SeeAlso: #P0189,#P0203,#P0204,#P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Viper" (82C557) DRAM Hole A Address Decode register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0202) 7-0 DRAM Hole A address, bits 26-19 (bits 1-0 of register 0Ch map onto bits 28-27 of HA lines) SeeAlso: #P0189,#P0204,#P0203,#P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Viper" (82C557) DRAM Hole B Address Decode register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0203) 7-0 DRAM Hole B address, bits 26-19 (bits 3-2 of register 0Ch map onto bits 28-27 of HA lines) SeeAlso: #P0189,#P0204,#P0202,#P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Viper" (82C557) Extended DMA register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0204) 7 reserved (0) 6 Fast BRDY# generation for DRAM write page hits 0 BRDY# for DRAM writes generated on the fourth clock 1 BRDY# for DRAM writes generated on the third clock 5 (Viper) HACALE one-half a clock cycle earlier 0 HACALE normal timing 1 HACALE one-half a clock cycle early enabled (Vendetta) reserved 4 (Viper) wider cache WE# pulse 0 cache WE# pulse width is normal (~15ns) 1 cache WE# pulse is wider (~17.5ns) (Vendetta) reserved 3-2 DRAM Hole B starting address, bits 28-27 (see also #P0202) 1-0 DRAM Hole A starting address, bits 28-27 (see also #P0203) Note: bits 26-19 of memory holes A and B are mapped from Indices 0Ah and 0Bh SeeAlso: #P0189,#P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Viper" (82C557) Clock Control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0205) 7 (Viper) clock source for generation the syncronous SRAM timing 0 CPU clock is the source for the timing and control signals 1 ECLK is the source for the timing and control signals (Vendetta) reserved (1) 6 (Viper) this bit is set if the skew between ECLK and CPU clock is too large (read-only bit, set by the 82C557 chip) (Vendetta) reserved (read-only) 5 (Viper) enable auto skew detect; when this bit is set, bit 4 will be set automatically if the skew between CLK and ECLK is too large (Vendetta) BRDY# PCI-to-ISA bridge request remove BOFF# disable 4 (Viper) ECLK - CLK skew, activated when synchronou SRAMs are being used 0 skew between CLK and ECLK is not too large 1 skew is too large (Vendetta) 0 preemption when CPU needs memory 1 reserved 3 enable A0000-BFFFF as system memory 2 wait state addition for PCI master doing address toggling as a 486 0 linear burst mode style address toggling - no wait state addition 1 i486 burst style address toggling - one wait state needs to be added 1 (Viper) PCI cycle claimed by the 82C557 during PCI pre-snoop cycle 0 82C557 does not claim the PCI cycle after it asserts STOP# 1 82C557 claims the PCI cycle after it asserts STOP# (Vendetta) reserved 0 slow CPU clock; should be set if the CPU clock frequency has been reduced 0 CPU clock frequency is normal 1 CPU clock has been slowed down (Vendetta) reserved SeeAlso: #P0189,#P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Viper" (82C557) Cycle Control register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0206) 7-6 (Viper) PCI master read burst wait state control 00 4 cycles 01 3 cycles 10 2 cycles 11 reserved (Vendetta) reserved 5-4 (Viper) PCI master write burst wait state control (same settings as bits 7-6) (Vendetta) reserved 3 master cycle parity enable; this bit becomes applicable when bit 4 of register 08h is set 0 enable parity check during master cycles 1 disable parity check during master cycles 2 (Viper) HACALE timing control 0 HACALE high during HITM# before CPU ADS# 1 HACALE low and CA4 always enabled during HITM cycle (Vendetta) fast NA# generation enable 1 enable write protection for L1 BIOS 0 PCI line comparator; this bit is only valid when bit 6 of register 08h is set 0 use line comparator in PCI master 1 generate inquire cycle for every new FRAME# SeeAlso: #P0189,#P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Viper" (82C557) Cycle Control register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0207) 7 enable PCI pre-snooping feature 6 (Viper) AT master wait state control 0 do not add any wait states for AT master cycles 1 add wait wait states for AT master cycles (Vendetta) ISA master access wait states enable (use if PCICLK <33MHz) 5 (Viper) wait state addition for synchronous SRAM even byte access 0 do not add a wait state for a synchronous SRAM even byte access 1 add one wait state for a synchronous SRAM even byte access (Vendetta) L2 write-through mode CPU-to-DRAM deep buffer enable 4 PCI wait state addition for synchronous SRAM L2 cache implementation 0 master does not wait for end of current cycle + CPU-PCI clock to become synchronous 1 master waits for end of current cycle + wait for CPU-PCI clock to become synchronous 3 (Viper) reserved (Vendetta) L2 single cycle write hit when line already dirty 0 = 5 CLKs 1 = 3 CLKs 2 (Viper) ADSC# generation for synchronous SRAM read cycle 0 generate ADSC# immediately after CPU ADS# goes active 1 generate ADSC# one clock after CPU ADS# goes active (Vendetta) CPU to L2 cache hit cycle chipset ADSC# generation disable 1 (Viper) reserved (Vendetta) two-PCI master fix 0 revision 2.0 0 L2 cache size selector; works along with bits 1-0 of register 02h 0 below 1M 1 1M and above (Viper only) SeeAlso: #P0189,#P0193,#P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Viper" (82C557) Miscellaneous Control register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0208) 7 (Viper) early decode of PCI/VL/AT cycle (Vendetta) early decode of PCI/ISA cycle 0 CPU to slave cycle triggered after second T2 1 CPU to slave cycle triggered after first T2 6 (Viper) cache modified write cycle timing 0 use the old address changing method, as in the 82C546/82C547 1 two bank cache, CA4 delayed one-half a clock for write cycles (Vendetta) reserved 5 pipelined read cycle timing; determines the lead-off cycle 0 3-X-X-X read followed by a 3-X-X-X piped read cycle 1 3-X-X-X read followed by a 2-X-X-X piped read cycle 4 (Viper) enable write hit pipelined 0 do not enable 2-X-X-X pipelined write hit cycles 1 enable 2-X-X-X pipelined write hit cycles (Vendetta) reserved 3 (Viper) write pulse timing control for cache write hit cycles 0 do not change the write pulse timing during X-2-2-2 write hit cycles 1 move the write pulse one-half a clock later in X-2-2-2 write hit cycles (Vendetta) reserved 2 (Viper) write pulse timing control for cache write hit cycles 0 do not change the write pulse timing during 3-X-X-X write hit cycles 1 move the write pulse one-half a clock later in 3-X-X-X write hit cycles (Vendetta) reserved 1 (Viper) external 74F126 select 0 an external 74F126 is installed for CA3 and CA4 1 an external 74F126 is not installed for CA3 and CA4 (Vendetta) reserved (1) 0 LCLK select control; when this bit is set, the timing constraints between the LCLK and the CPUCLK inputs to the SYSC need to be met. This constraints are: LCLK <= 1/2 CPUCLK period before CPUCLK, and LCLK <= 0.5ns after CPUCLK 0 LCLK is asynchronous to the CPUCLK 1 LCLK is synchronous to the CPUCLK; LCLK = CPUCLK/2 Note: bit 1 should always be set to 1 SeeAlso: #P0189,#P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Viper" (82C557) Miscellaneous Control register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0209) 7-6 reserved; must be set to 0 5 cache inactive during Idle state control 0 SRAM always active 1 SRAM inactive during Idle state (Viper only) 4 next address (NA#) mode control 0 normal NA# timing used with asynchronous SRAMs 1 new NA# timing for synchronous SRAMs; used only when CPU operating at 50MHz 3 SRAM type 0 asynchronous SRAM (Viper only) 1 synchronous SRAM 2 (Viper) enable page miss posted write (Vendetta) reserved 1 (Viper) ISA/DMA IOCHRDY control 0 old mode, no IOCHRDY during line hit 1 drive IOCHRDY low until cycle is finished (Vendetta) reserved 0 (Viper) delay start 0 old mode, do not delay internal master cycle after an inquire cycle 1 delay internal master cycles by one LCLK after an inquire cycle (Vendetta) reserved SeeAlso: #P0189,#P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Viper" (82C557) Refresh Control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0210) 7 REFRESH#/32KHz source selection 0 REFRESH# source is REFRESH# pulse from the 82C558 or the ISA master 1 REFRESH# pulse source is a 32KHz clock 6 reserved; must be written to 0 5-4 suspend mode refresh 00 from CLK state machine 01 slef refresh based on 32KHz only 10 normal refresh based on 32KHz only 11 undefined 3-2 slow refresh 00 refresh on every REFRESH#/32KHz falling edge 01 refresh on alternate REFRESH#/32KHz falling edge 10 refresh on one in four REFRESH#/32KHz falling edge 1 refresh on every REFRESH#/32KHz toggle 1 enable bits 23-17 of LA from Refresh Page register (8Fh) during refresh 0 enable output of bits 7-4 of DBC MP during master write 0 disable the DBC from generation the MP[7:4] lines during PCI master writes; there must be a pull-up on MP0 1 enable the DBC to generate the MP[7:4] lines during PIC master writes; there must be a pull-down on MP0 SeeAlso: #P0189,#P0211 Bitfields for OPTi "Viper" (82C557) Memory Decode Control register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0211) 7 (Viper) memory decode select 0 Byte Merge/Prefetch and Sony Cache Module Control register is available in register 00h; compatible to 82C547 DRAM configurations 1 Compatible DRAM Configuration register is available in register 00h; full decode option; this gives the user maximum flexibility in choosing different DRAM configurations (Vendetta) reserved (1) 6-4 full decode for logical bank 1 (RAS#1), if bit 7 set. This settings apply to 36-pin banks only (see #P0212) 3 enable SMRAM 2-0 full decode for logical bank 0 (RAS#0), if bit 7 set. This settings apply to 36-pin banks only (see #P0212) SeeAlso: #P0189,#P0190,#P0191,#P0219 (Table P0212) Values for OPTi "Viper" (82C557) Memory Bank Decode Control registers: 000 0K 001 256K 010 512K 011 1M 100 2M 101 4M 110 8M 111 16M SeeAlso: #P0211,#P0213,#P0216 Bitfields for OPTi "Viper" (82C557) Memory Decode Control register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0213) 7 (Viper) reserved; must be written to 0 (Vendetta) reserved (1) 6-4 full decode for logical bank 3 (RAS#3), if register 13h bit 7 is set (see #P0212) 3 SMRAM control 0 disable SMRAM (enable SMRAM for both Code and Data if SMIACT# is active and register 13h bit 3 is set) 1 enable SMRAM (enable SMRAM for Code only if SMIACT# is active and register 13h bit 3 is set) 2-0 full decode for logical bank 2 (RAS#2), if register 13h bit 7 is set (see #P0212) SeeAlso: #P0189,#P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Viper" (82C557) PCI Cycle Control register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0214) 7-6 CPU master to PCI memory slave, write IRDY# control 00 3 LCLKs after end of address phase 01 2 LCLKs after end of address phase 10 1 LCLK after end of address phase 11 0 LCLK after end of address phase 5-4 CPU master to PCI slave write posting, bursting control 00 PCI slave write, no posting, no bursting 01 PCI slave write, posting enabled, no bursting 10 PCI slave write, posting enabled, conservative bursting 11 PCI slave write, posting enabled, aggressive bursting 3-2 master retry timer 00 retries unmasked after 10 PCICLKs 01 retries unmasked after 18 PCICLKs 10 retries unmasked after 34 PCICLKs 11 retries unmasked after 66 PCICLKs 1 reserved; must be written to 0 0 PCI cycle, FRAME# timing control for pipelined cycles 0 PCI cycle FRAME# assertion is done in the conservative mode style 1 PCI cycle FRAME# assertion is done in the aggressive mode style SeeAlso: #P0189,#P0216,#P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Viper"/"Vendetta" Dirty/Tag RAM Control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0215) 7 (Viper) Dirty pin selection; reflects the kind of SRAM chosen to implement the Dirty RAM; it also determines the functionality of the DIRTYI pin of the 82C557 0 DIRTYI pin is input-only 1 DIRTYI pin is bidirectional (Vendetta) reserved (1) 6 reserved; must be written to 0 5 Tag RAM size 0 = 8-bit Tag (Viper only) 1 = 7-bit Tag 4 write hit cycle lead-off time when combining Dirty/Tag RAM 0 single write hit lead-off cycle = 5 cycles 1 single write hit lead-off cycle = 4 cycles 3 pre-snoop control 0 pre-snoop for starting address 0 only 1 pre-snoop for all addresses except those on the line boundary 2 (Viper) reserved; must be written to 0 (Vendetta) synchronization between LCLK and CLK 0 LCLK is asynchronous to CLK 1 LCLK is synchronous to CLK 1 (Viper) CPU to VL read access, DBC DLE# bits 1-0 timing 0 LCLK high 1 LCLK low (Vendetta) reserved 0 (Viper) HDOE# timing control 0 HDOE# is negated normally 1 HDOE# is negated one clock before the cycle finishes (Vendetta) reserved Note: (Vendetta) bit 4 should be set same as register 22h bit 0 SeeAlso: #P0189,#P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Viper"/"Vendetta" PCI Cycle Control register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0216) 7 (Vipder) NA# assertion control for PCI slave accesses when synchronous PCI clock is used 0 no pipelining for accesses to PCI slave 1 pipelining enabled for accesses to PCI slave for both synchronous and asynchronous PCI solutions; if set, overrides bit 6 (Vendetta) MD drive strength 0 = 8 mA 1 = 12 mA 6 NA# assertion control for PCI slave accesses when asynchronous PCI clock is used 0 no pipelining for accesses to PCI slave 1 pipelining enabled for accesses to PCI slave for an asynchronous PCI implementation; this bit is overridden if bit 7 is set 5 (Viper) enable support for Intel standard BSRAM 0 no support for Intel standard BSRAM 1 support for Intel standard BSRAM; should be set only if using two banks of synchronous SRAM (Vendetta) reserved 4 (Viper only) enable fast BRDY# generation for PCI cycles 3 (Viper only) enable fast FRAME# generation for PCI cycles 2 (Viper only) byte merging/piping control 0 no pipelining when byte merging is on 1 pipelining enabled along with byte merging 1 pipelined synchronous SRAM support; this bit is applicable only if register 11h bit 3 is set 0 standard synchronous SRAM installed (Viper only) 1 pipelined synchronous SRAM installed 0 Cyrix linear burst mode support 0 normal Intel standard burst mode 1 support for Cyrix linear burst mode SeeAlso: #P0189,#P0214,#P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Viper"/"Vendetta" Tristate Control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0217) 7 (Viper) reserved; must be written to 0 (Vendetta) ISA retry (1) 6 (Viper) reserved; must be written to 0 (Vendetta) RAS line drive strength 0 = 16 mA 1 = 4 mA 5 (Viper) voltage selection for the CAS# lines 7-0 0 CAS# lines 7-0 are driven out at 5.0V logic level 1 CAS# lines 7-0 are driven out at 3.3V logic level (Vendetta) CAS1# and CAS5# drive strength 0 = 8 mA 1 = 16 mA 4 (Viper) programmable current drive for the MA[X], RAS[X]# and the DWE# lines (Vendetta) memory address lines and write enable line drive strength 0 driving capability on these lines is 4mA 1 driving capability on these lines is 16mA 3 enable tristate CPU interface during Suspend and during CPU power-off 2 enable tristate PCI interface during Suspend and during PCI power-off 1 enable tristate cache interface during Suspend and cache power-off 0 enable the pull-up/pull-down resistors during Suspend and power-off SeeAlso: #P0189,#P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Viper" (82C557) Memory Decode Control register 3: Bit(s) Description (Table P0218) 7 DIRTYWE# RAS5# selection; if six DRAM banks are chosen, then the line will become RAS#5, if this bit is set 0 DIRTYWE# functions as DIRTYWE# (six banks of DRAM are not chosen) 1 DIRTYWE# functions as RAS#5 (six banks of DRAM are chosen) (Vendetta must be set to RAS5# function (1)) 6-4 (Viper) full decode for logical bank 5 (RAS#5) if register 13h bit 7 and register 19h bit 7 are set (see #P0212) (Vendetta) full decode for logical bank 5 (RAS5#) if register 13h bit 7 set (see #P0212) 3 MA11/RAS#4 selection; if five DRAM banks are chosen, then the MA11 line will become RAS#4, if this bit is set 0 MA11 functions as MA11 (the fifth bank of DRAM is not chosen) 1 MA11 functions as RAS#4 (five banks of DRAM have been chosen) (Vendetta must be set to RAS4# function (1)) 2-0 (Viper) full decode for logical bank 4 (RAS#4) if register 13h bit 7 and register 19h bit 3 are set (see #P0212) (Vendetta) full decode for logical bank 4 (RAS4#) if register 13h bit 7 set (see #P0212) Notes: (Viper) if bit 7 is set, then a combined Dirty/Tag SRAM solution must be implemented or else it will not have a Dirty RAM (Viper) if bit 3 is set, then none of the DRAM banks will support the 8M*36 or 16M*36 options SeeAlso: #P0189,#P0219 ----------P00220024-------------------------- PORT 0022-0024 - OPTi "Vendetta" (82C750) CHIPSET - SYSTEM CONTROL REGISTERS Note: every access to PORT 0024h must be preceded by a write to PORT 0022h, even if the same register is being accessed a second time SeeAlso: PORT 0022h"82C206" 0022 ?W index for accesses to data port (see #P0219) 0023 RW DMA clock select (see #P0087) 0024 RW chip set data (Table P0219) Values for OPTi "Vendetta" (82C750) system control registers: 00h DRAM control register 1 (see #P0220) 01h DRAM control register 2 (see #P0192) 02h cache control register 1 (see #P0193) 03h cache control 2 (see #P0194) 04h shadow RAM control register 1 (see #P0195) 05h shadow RAM control register 2 (see #P0197) 06h shadow RAM control register 3 (see #P0198) 07h tag test register (see #P0199) 08h CPU cache control register (see #P0200) 09h system memory function register (see #P0201) 0Ah DRAM hole A address decode register 1 (see #P0202) 0Bh DRAM hole B address decode register 2 (see #P0203) 0Ch DRAM hole higher address (see #P0204) 0Dh clock control register (see #P0205) 0Eh PCI master burst control register 1 (see #P0206) 0Fh PCI master burst control register 2 (see #P0207) 10h miscellaneous control register 1 (see #P0208) 11h miscellaneous control register 2 (see #P0209) 12h miscellaneous control register 3 (see #P0221) 13h memory decode control register 1 (see #P0211) 14h memory decode control register 2 (see #P0213) 15h PCI cycle control register 1 (see #P0214) 16h dirty/tag RAM control register (see #P0215) 17h PCI cycle control register 2 (see #P0216) 18h tristate control register (see #P0217) 19h memory decode control register 3 (see #P0218) 1Ah memory shadow control register 1 (see #P0222) 1Bh memory shadow control register 2 (see #P0223) 1Ch EDO SDRAM control register (see #P0224) 1Dh miscellaneous control register 4 (see #P0225) 1Eh BOFF# control register (see #P0226) 1Fh EDO timing control register (see #P0227) 20h DRAM burst control register (see #P0228) 21h PCI concurrence control register (see #P0229) 22h inquire cycle control register (see #P0230) 23h pre-snoop control register (see #P0231) 24h asymmetric DRAM configuration register (see #P0232) 25h GUI memory location register (see #P0233) 26h UMA control register (see #P0234) 27h self refresh timing register (see #P0235) 28h SDRAM burst and latency control register (see #P0236) 29h SDRAM selection register (see #P0237) 2Ah PCI-to-DRAM deep buffer size register (see #P0238) 2Bh EDO/SDRAM time-out register (see #P0239) 2Ch CPU-to-DRAM buffer control register (see #P0240) 2Dh bank-wise EDO timing selection register (see #P0241) 2Eh PCI master - GUI retry control register (see #P0242) 2Fh CAS address setup time control register (see #P0243) 30h-7Fh reserved 80h PIC 1 ICW1 read-back register (read-only) 81h PIC 1 ICW2 read-back register (read-only) 82h PIC 1 ICW3 read-back register (read-only) 83h PIC 1 ICW4 read-back register (read-only) 84h reserved 85h PIC 1 OCW2 read-back register (read-only) 86h PIC 1 OCW3 read-back register (read-only) 87h reserved 88h PIC 2 ICW1 read-back register (read-only) 89h PIC 2 ICW2 read-back register (read-only) 8Ah PIC 2 ICW3 read-back register (read-only) 8Bh PIC 2 ICW4 read-back register (read-only) 8Ch reserved 8Dh PIC 2 OCW2 read-back register (read-only) 8Eh PIC 2 OCW3 read-back register (read-only) 8Fh refresh address register (see #P0244) 90h CTSC0LB (PIT counter 0 low byte) read-back register (read-only) 91h CTSC0HB (PIT counter 0 high byte) read-back register (read-only) 92h CTSC1LB (PIT counter 1 low byte) read-back register (read-only) 93h CTSC1HB (PIT counter 1 high byte) read-back register (read-only) 94h CTSC2LB (PIT counter 2 low byte) read-back register (read-only) 95h CTSC2HB (PIT counter 2 high byte) read-back register (read-only) 96h byte pointer register (read-only) (byte 2 pointer value) 97h-ACh reserved ADh general purpose chip select control register (see #P0270) AEh-DFh reserved E0h GREEN mode control/enable status (see #P0245) E1h EPMI control/GREEN event timer (see #P0246) E2h GREEN event timer initial count register (see #P0247) E3h IRQ event enable register 1 (see #P0248) E4h IRQ event enable register 2 (see #P0249) E5h DREQ event enable register (see #P0250) E6h device cycle monitor enable register (see #P0251) E7h wake-up source/programmable IO/memory address mask register (see #P0252) E8h programmable I/O/MEM address range register (see #P0253) E9h programmable I/O/MEM address range register (see #P0254) EAh enter GREEN state port register (see #P0255) EBh return to NORMAL state configuration port register (see #P0256) ECh shadow register for external power control latch register (see #P0257) EDh device cycle detection enable/status register (see #P0258) EEh STPCLK# modulation register (see #P0259) EFh miscellaneous register (see #P0260) F0h device timer CLK select/enable status register (see #P0261) F1h device timer 0 initial count register F2h device timer 1 initial count register F3h device timer IO/MEM select, mask bits register (see #P0262) F4h device 0 IO/MEM address register (see #P0263) F5h device 0 IO/MEM address register (see #P0264) F6h device 1 IO/MEM address register (see #P0265) F7h device 1 IO/MEM address register (see #P0266) FAh-FBh reserved FCh power management control register 1 (see #P0267) FDh power management control register 2 (see #P0268) FEh power management control register 3 (see #P0269) FFh general purpose chip select control register (see #P0270) Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" DRAM control register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0220) 7 reserved 6 SDRAM pipeline fix (1) 5-0 reserved SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" miscellaneous control register 3: Bit(s) Description (Table P0221) 7 buffered DMA register 8Fh latch to bits 23-16 of SA lines disable 6-0 reserved SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" memory shadow control register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0222) 7 reserved 6-5 CPU bus utilization time guarantee 00 = no guarantee 01 = 1 of every 15 microseconds 10 = 2 of every 15 microseconds 11 = 4 of every 15 microseconds 4 C8000-DFFFF shadow granularity 0 = 16 KB 1 = 8 KB 3-2 CE000-CFFFF read/write control; determines the R/W control for these segments of the shadow RAM; applicable if bit 4 is set (see #P0196) 1-0 CA000-CBFFF read/write control; determines the R/W control for these segments of the shadow RAM; applicable if bit 4 is set (see #P0196) SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" memory shadow control register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0223) 7-6 DE000-DFFFF read/write control; determines the R/W control for these segments of the shadow RAM; applicable if register 1Ah bit 4 is set (see #P0196) 5-4 DA000-DBFFF read/write control; determines the R/W control for these segments of the shadow RAM; applicable if register 1Ah bit 4 is set (see #P0196) 3-2 D6000-D7FFF read/write control; determines the R/W control for these segments of the shadow RAM; applicable if register 1Ah bit 4 is set (see #P0196) 1-0 D2000-D3FFF read/write control; determines the R/W control for these segments of the shadow RAM; applicable if register 1Ah bit 4 is set (see #P0196) SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" EDO SDRAM control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0224) 7-2 bank 5-0 EDO SDRAM usage 0 = standard page mode DRAM 1 = EDO SDRAM 1 reserved 0 DRAM access CAS pulse width 0 = determined by register 01h bit 3 1 = 1 CPUCLK SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" miscellaneous control register 4: Bit(s) Description (Table P0225) 7-6 reserved 5 DWE# timing 0 = normal 1 = removed 1 CLK earlier 4 DRAM read leadoff cycle 0 = normal 1 = 1 CLK reduced 3 system memory DMA access disable 2 reserved 1 SMM mode B0000-BFFFF access 0 = main memory 1 = PCI bus 0 SMM mode A0000-AFFFF access 0 = main memory 1 = PCI bus SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" BOFF# control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0226) 7 PCI master read cycle 0 = wait IRDY# assert before TRDY# assert 1 = generate TRDY# when checking IRDY# status 6 reserved (1) 5 reserved 4 A0000-BFFFF PCI retry cycle BOFF# generation 0 = not generated if bit 3 set 1 = generated if bit 3 set 3 deadlock situation avert 0 = no avert 1 = assert BOFF# 2 reserved (1) 1-0 reserved SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" EDO timing control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0227) 7 0 = normal 1 = EDO detection conflict generation (bit 6 set) 6 0 = normal fast page mode 1 = detect EDO 5 NA# generation 0 = aggresive 1 = normal 4 DRAM read cycle lead-off 1 CLK reduce enable 3-2 reserved 1 hidden refresh block AHOLD disable 0 D0000-DFFFF cacheable in L1 and L2 0 = not cacheable 1 = cacheable; area has to be read/writable and shadowed SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" DRAM burst control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0228) 7 reserved (1) 6 PCI master access HITM# cycle DRAM write post enable 5 reserved 4 PCI master parity enable 3-2 PCI master cycle DRAM write burst cycle 00 = reserved 01 = X-3-3-3 10 = X-2-2-2 11 = X-1-1-1 1-0 PCI master cycle DRAM read burst cycle 00 = reserved 01 = X-3-3-3 10 = X-2-2-2 11 = X-1-1-1 SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" PCI concurrence control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0229) 7 concurrence timer 0 = conservative 1 = aggressive 6-5 PCI master and CPU/L2 concurrence 00 = no concurrence x1 = PCI write invalid cycles 1x = PCI read multiple and read line cycles 4-3 reserved 2 0 = if tag = 11011111b => invalid combination 1 = if cache = 256K, tag = 00001100b => invalid combination (CF0000h). if cache > 256K, tag = 10111111b => invalid combination (valid only when bit 1 set) 1-0 reserved (1) SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" inquire cycle control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0230) 7 reserved 6-5 new mode pre-snoop function 00 = disable 11 = enable 4 HRQ synchronous to LCLK enable (must be 1 for ISA retry) 3-1 reserved 0 write hit cycle lead-off time when combining Dirty/Tag RAM 0 = single write hit lead-off cycle = 5 cycles 1 = single write hit lead-off cycle = 4 cycles Note: bit 0 should be set same as register 16h bit 4 SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" pre-snoop control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0231) 7 reserved 6 0 = bank 0 selected as first bank 1 = bank 0 selected as last bank 5 PCI X-1-1-1 write invalidate pre-snoop enable 4 PCI X-1-1-1 read multiple and read line pre-snoop enable 3 fast NA cache hit half clock shift enable 2-1 reserved (1) 0 reserved SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" asymmetric DRAM configuration register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0232) 7-6 logical bank 3 DRAM type 00 = symmetric 01 = asymmetric x8 10 = asymmetric x9 11 = asymmetric x10 5-4 logical bank 2 DRAM type 3-2 logical bank 1 DRAM type 1-0 logical bank 0 DRAM type Note: banks 4 and 5 do not support asymmetric DRAM SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" GUI memory location register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0233) 7-3 GUI memory location bits 31-27 2 UMA size 0 = decided by register 26h bits 5-4 1 = 0.5MB (register 26h bits 5-4 = 00) 1-0 reserved SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" UMA control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0234) 7 ISA master to DRAM cycle CAS width 0 = controlled by ISA read/write command pulse width 1 = 2 LCLKs 6 ISA SA address latch 0 = pass-through 1 = on only for retry 5-4 GUI memory size 00 = 1MB (0.5MB if register 25h bit 2 set) 01 = 2MB 10 = 3MB 11 = 4MB 3 66MHz 5-2-2-2 EDO DRAM read timing enable 2-1 GUI priority 00 = normal 01 = wait 2 CLKs for low priority GUI request 11 = high 0 UMA support enable SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" self refresh timing register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0235) 7-6 reserved 5 PCI master write line invalid cycle HITM# or L2 dirty no stop enable 4 CPU single write hit not dirty cycle second T2 AHOLD generate enable 3 fast NA# with L2 cache enable 2-0 self refresh 000 = disable, use external refresh pin 001-011 = reserved 100 = 66MHz external CPU clock 101 = 60MHz external CPU clock 110 = 50MHz external CPU clock 111 = 40MHz external CPU clock SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" SDRAM burst and latency control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0236) 7 CS# delay enable 6-4 SDRAM CAS# latency 000 = reserved 001 = 1 010 = 2 011 = 3 100-111 = reserved 3 0 = sequential write-through 1 = interleaved write-through 2-0 SDRAM burst length 000 = 1 001 = reserved 010 = 4 011-111 = reserved SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" SDRAM selection register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0237) 7 pipeline read 0 = 7-1-1-1-5-1-1-1-1 1 = 7-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-1 6 reserved 5 timing tRP tRAS tMRS 00 = 2 CLKs 4 CLKs 3 CLKs 01 = 4 CLKs 5 CLKs 3 CLKs 10 = 3 CLKs 6 CLKs 2 CLKs 11 = rsvd 7 CLKs rsvd tRP: command activate precharge time tRAS: command precharge RAS active time tMRS: mode register set cycle time 4-0 bank 4-0 SDRAM enable SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" PCI-to-DRAM deep buffer size register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0238) 7 reserved 6-5 PCI master read cycle GUI request time-out 00 = FP mode, grant DRAM bus when possible 01 = SDRAM or EDO time-out 10-11 = FP mode, SDRAM, or EDO time-out 4 PCI-to-DRAM deep buffer PCI TRDY# wait state 0 = 0 wait state (X-1-1-1) 1 = 1 wait state (X-2-2-2) 3 PCI-to-DRAM deep buffer write burst enable 2 PCI-to-DRAM deep buffer read burst enable 1-0 PCI-to-DRAM deep buffer size 00 = 16 dwords 01 = 24 dwords 10-11 = reserved SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" EDO/SDRAM time-out register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0239) 7-4 SDRAM time-out count on GUI request - 9 CLKs (delay count +9 CLKs) 3-0 EDO time-out count on GUI request (delay count +6 CLKs) SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" CPU-to-DRAM buffer control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0240) 7 concurrent CPU-to-PCI read and CPU-to-DRAM write enable 6 reserved 5 cache miss dirty cycle CPU-to-DRAM buffer control 1 = supply data to CPU before previous data write-back (CPU-to-DRAM buffer must be enabled) 4-3 reserved 2 DRAM read cycle BOFF# assert enable 1 CPU DRAM bus ownership data merge enable 0 write data while buffer flush enable SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" bank-wise EDO timing selection register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0241) 7 reserved 6 predictive reading enable 5-0 bank 5-0 EDO DRAM read cycle 0 = default 1 = 5-X-X-X (66MHz)/4-X-X-X (50MHz) enable SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" PCI master - GUI retry control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0242) 7-6 reserved 5 USB module enable 4 reserved 3 CPU-to-PCI FIFO control module enable 2 reserved 1 PCI master HITM# cycle, GUI high priority request before first BRDY# 0 = retry all 1 = retry only PCI master read 0 GUI cycle PCI master request retry 0 = retry all 1 = retry reads, accept writes SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" CAS address setup time control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0243) 7 page miss cycle CAS column address delay 0 = default 1 = 1 CLK 6 burst mode and length 5 reserved 4-3 burst mode and length bits 6 and 4-3: 000 = mode 0, RWM 5 001 = mode 1, RWM 5, BLEN 2 010 = BLEN 3 011 = BLEN 4 100 = mode 0, RWM 4 101 = mode 2, RWM 4, BLEN 1 110 = BLEN 2 111 = BLEN 3 RWM: refresh request water mark BLEN: minimum number of burst refresh cycles mode 0: generate refresh request on RWM reach/cross; if high priority GUI request pending, preempt refresh burst at end of current cycle; if CPU/PCI request pending, preempt refresh burst when count=BLEN; else refresh until count=0, then refresh ahead up to 3/7 mode 2: generate refresh request on RWM reach/cross; if high priority GUI request pending, preempt refresh burst at end of current cycle; if CPU request pending, preempt refresh burst when performed refresh cycles>=BLEN; if PCI request pending, preempt refresh burst when count=BLEN; else refresh until count=0, then refresh ahead up to 3/7 2-0 refresh ahead 000 = burst refresh disable 001 = starting bank 0, no refresh ahead 010 = starting bank 0, refresh ahead up to 3 011 = starting bank 0, refresh ahead up to 7 100 = burst refresh disable 101 = starting bank dynamic, no refresh ahead 110 = starting bank dynamic, refresh ahead up to 3 111 = starting bank dynamic, refresh ahead up to 7 SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" refresh address register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0244) 7-0 during buffered DMA cycle reflected on bits 23-16 of SA lines, bits 15-10 of SA lines cleared SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" GREEN mode control/enable status: Bit(s) Description (Table P0245) 7 power management SMI# generation enable 6 GREEN event SMI# generation (read) 0 = GREEN event did not generate SMI# 1 = GREEN event generated SMI# (write) 0 = disable GREEN event SMI# generation 1 = enable GREEN event SMI# generation (if bit 7 set) 5 reload GREEN event timer/wake-up event SMI# generation (read) 0 = wake-up event did not generate SMI# 1 = wake-up event generated SMI# (write) 0 = disable wake-up event SMI# generation 1 = enable wake-up event SMI# generation (if bit 7 set) 4 power management status (read-only) 0 = NORMAL 1 = GREEN 3 power management PPWRL# generation enable 2 GREEN event PPWRL# generation enable (if bit 3 set) 1 reload GREEN event timer/wake-up event PPWRL# generation enable (if bit 3 set) 0 software generation of GREEN event 0 = no action 1 = generate GREEN event (if register E1h bit 0 set) SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" EPMI control/GREEN event timer: Bit(s) Description (Table P0246) 7-6 GREEN event timer CLK period 00 = 119 microseconds 01 = 12.25 ms 10 = 1.94 s 11 = 62.5 s 5 EPMI0# polarity 0 = EPMI0# triggered on falling edge 1 = EPMI0# triggered on rising edge 4 EPMI0# debounce enable 3 EPMI0# polarity 0 = determined by bit 5 1 = EPMI0# triggered on transition 2 GREEN event timer time-out GREEN event generation (read) 0 = GREEN event timer time-out did not cause GREEN event 1 = GREEN event timer time-out did cause GREEN event (write) 0 = disable GREEN event timer time-out GREEN event generation 1 = enable GREEN event timer time-out GREEN event generation 1 EPMI0# trigger GREEN event generation (read) 0 = EPMI0# trigger did not cause GREEN event 1 = EPMI0# trigger did cause GREEN event (write) 0 = disable EPMI0# trigger GREEN event generation 1 = enable EPMI0# trigger GREEN event generation 0 software trigger GREEN event generation (read) 0 = software trigger did not cause GREEN event 1 = software trigger did cause GREEN event (write) 0 = disable software trigger GREEN event generation 1 = enable software trigger GREEN event generation SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" GREEN event timer initial count register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0247) 7-0 time-out timer count - 2 SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" IRQ event enable register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0248) 7-3 IRQ7-IRQ3 monitoring enable 2 IRQ15-IRQ0 deglitch enable 1-0 IRQ1-IRQ0 monitoring enable SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" IRQ event enable register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0249) 7-0 IRQ15-IRQ8 monitoring enable SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" DREQ event enable register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0250) 7-5 DREQ7-DREQ5 monitoring enable (if register EFh bit 6 set) 4 reserved 3-0 DREQ3-DREQ0 monitoring enable (if register EFh bit 6 set) SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" device cycle monitor enable register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0251) 7 programmable IO/MEM monitoring enable 6 parallel ports monitoring enable 5 video monitoring enable 4 hard disk monitoring enable 3 floppy disk monitoring enable 2 keyboard monitoring enable 1 COM1/COM3 monitoring enable 0 COM2/COM4 monitoring enable SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" wake-up source/programmable IO/memory address: Bit(s) Description (Table P0252) 7 PREQ# monitoring enable (if register EFh bit 7 set) 6 LDEV#/DEVSEL# monitoring enable 5 EPMI0# trigger monitoring enable 4 reserved 3 programmable IO/MEM address type 0 = I/O 1 = non-system memory 2-0 programmable IO/MEM address mask bits 2-0 (bit 3 = register FFh bit 0) (mask lowest n bits) SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" programmable I/O/MEM address range register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0253) 7-0 I/O address bits 7-0 or non-system memory address bits 23-16 (use register E7h bit 3 to select I/O or non-system memory address) SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" programmable I/O/MEM address range register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0254) 7-0 I/O address bits 15-8 or non-system memory address bits 31-24 (use register E7h bit 3 to select I/O or non-system memory address) SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" enter GREEN state port register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0255) 7-0 GREEN state values for external power control latch (transfered to register ECh on enter GREEN state PPWRL#) SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" return to NORMAL state configuration port: Bit(s) Description (Table P0256) 7-0 NORMAL state values for external power control latch (transfered to register ECh on return to NORMAL state PPWRL#) SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" shadow register for external power control latch: Bit(s) Description (Table P0257) 7-0 external power control latch value (write generates PPWRL#) SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" device cycle detection enable/status register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0258) 7 programmed range access SMI# generation (read) 0 = programmed range access did not generate SMI# 1 = programmed range access generated SMI# (write) 0 = disable programmed range access SMI# generation 1 = enable programmed range access SMI# generation 6 LPT access SMI# generation (read) 0 = LPT access did not generate SMI# 1 = LPT access generated SMI# (write) 0 = disable LPT access SMI# generation 1 = enable LPT access SMI# generation 5 video access SMI# generation (read) 0 = video access did not generate SMI# 1 = video access generated SMI# (write) 0 = disable video access SMI# generation 1 = enable video access SMI# generation 4 hard disk access SMI# generation (read) 0 = hard disk access did not generate SMI# 1 = hard disk access to generated SMI# (write) 0 = disable hard disk access SMI# generation 1 = enable hard disk access SMI# generation 3 floppy disk access SMI# generation (read) 0 = floppy disk access did not generate SMI# 1 = floppy disk access generated SMI# (write) 0 = disable floppy disk access SMI# generation 1 = enable floppy disk access SMI# generation 2 keyboard access SMI# generation (read) 0 = keyboard access did not generate SMI# 1 = keyboard access generated SMI# (write) 0 = disable keyboard access SMI# generation 1 = enable keyboard access SMI# generation 1 COM1/COM3 access SMI# generation (read) 0 = COM1/COM3 access did not generate SMI# 1 = COM1/COM3 access generated SMI# (write) 0 = disable COM1/COM3 access SMI# generation 1 = enable COM1/COM3 access SMI# generation 0 COM2/COM4 access SMI# generation (read) 0 = COM2/COM4 access did not generate SMI# 1 = COM2/COM4 access generated SMI# (write) 0 = disable COM2/COM4 access SMI# generation 1 = enable COM2/COM4 access SMI# generation SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" STPCLK# modulation register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0259) 7 CPU STOPCLK state support enable 6 STOPCLK state CPU hold enable 5-4 reserved 3 STPCLK# modulation enable 2-0 STPCLK# modulation duty cycle; in effect if bit 3 set 000 = STPCLK# = 1 always (no modulation) 001 = STPCLK# = 1 for 1/2 period 010 = STPCLK# = 1 for 1/4 period 011 = STPCLK# = 1 for 1/8 period 100 = STPCLK# = 1 for 1/16 period 101-111 = reserved SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" miscellaneous register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0260) 7 PREQ# wake-up enable 6 DREQ# wake-up enable 5 reserved 4 GPCS1# and GPCS#2 generation for addresses in registers F4h-F7h enable 3 reserved 2 PPWRL# inititiate clock 0 = 14 MHz 1 = 33 KHz 1 timer count read (registers E0h-E2h, EDh, F0h-F2h, FCh-FEh) 0 = return current value 1 = return original value 0 reserved SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" device timer CLK select/enable status register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0261) 7-6 device timer 1 CLK period 00 = 119 microseconds 01 = 12.25 ms 10 = 1.94 s 11 = 62.5 s 5-4 device timer 0 CLK period 00 = 119 microseconds 01 = 12.25 ms 10 = 1.94 s 11 = 62.5 s 3 device timer 1 time-out GREEN event generation (read) 0 = device timer 1 time-out did not cause GREEN event 1 = device timer 1 time-out did cause GREEN event (write) 0 = disable device timer 1 time-out GREEN event generation 1 = enable device timer 1 time-out GREEN event generation 2 device timer 0 time-out GREEN event generation (read) 0 = device timer 0 time-out did not cause GREEN event 1 = device timer 0 time-out did cause GREEN event (write) 0 = disable device timer 0 time-out GREEN event generation 1 = enable device timer 0 time-out GREEN event generation 1 device 1 access wake-up event generation (read) 0 = device 1 access did not cause wake-up event 1 = device 1 access did cause wake-up event (write) 0 = disable device 1 access wake-up event generation 1 = enable device 1 access wake-up event generation 0 device 0 access wake-up event generation (read) 0 = device 0 access did not cause wake-up event 1 = device 0 access did cause wake-up event (write) 0 = disable device 0 access wake-up event generation 1 = enable device 0 access wake-up event generation SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" device timer IO/MEM select, mask bits register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0262) 7 device 1 address type 0 = I/O 1 = memory 6-4 device 1 IO/MEM address mask bits 2-0 (bit 3 = register FFh bit 2) (mask lowest n bits) 3 device 0 address type 0 = I/O 1 = memory 2-0 device 0 IO/MEM address mask bits 2-0 (bit 3 = register FFh bit 2) (mask lowest n bits) SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" device 0 IO/MEM address register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0263) 7-0 I/O address bits 7-0 or memory address bits 23-16 (use register F3h bit 3 to select I/O or memory address) SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" device 0 IO/MEM address register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0264) 7-0 I/O address bits 15-8 or memory address bits 31-24 (use register F3h bit 3 to select I/O or memory address) SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" device 1 IO/MEM address register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0265) 7-0 I/O address bits 7-0 or memory address bits 23-16 (use register F3h bit 7 to select I/O or memory address) SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" device 1 IO/MEM address register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0266) 7-0 I/O address bits 15-8 or memory address bits 31-24 (use register F3h bit 7 to select I/O or memory address) SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" power management control register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0267) 7 EPMI1# GREEN event generation (read) 0 = EPMI1# did not cause GREEN event 1 = EPMI1# caused GREEN event (write) 0 = disable EPMI1# GREEN event generation 1 = enable EPMI1# GREEN event generation 6 EPMI1# reload wake-up GREEN state timer enable 5 EPMI1# polarity 0 = determined by bit 4 1 = EPMI1# triggered on transition 4 EPMI1# polarity 0 = EPMI1# triggered on falling edge 1 = EPMI1# triggered on rising edge 3 EPMI1# debounce enable 2-0 reserved Note: bits 7 and 6 cannot both be set at the same time SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" power management control register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0268) 7 EPMI2# GREEN event generation (read) 0 = EPMI2# did not cause GREEN event 1 = EPMI2# caused GREEN event (write) 0 = disable EPMI2# GREEN event generation 1 = enable EPMI2# GREEN event generation 6 EPMI2# reload wake-up GREEN state timer enable 5 EPMI2# polarity 0 = determined by bit 4 1 = EPMI2# triggered on transition 4 EPMI2# polarity 0 = EPMI2# triggered on falling edge 1 = EPMI2# triggered on rising edge 3 EPMI2# debounce enable 2-0 reserved Note: bits 7 and 6 cannot both be set at the same time SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" power management control register 3: Bit(s) Description (Table P0269) 7 EPMI3# GREEN event generation (read) 0 = EPMI3# did not cause GREEN event 1 = EPMI3# caused GREEN event (write) 0 = disable EPMI3# GREEN event generation 1 = enable EPMI3# GREEN event generation 6 EPMI3# reload wake-up GREEN state timer enable 5 EPMI3# polarity 0 = determined by bit 4 1 = EPMI3# triggered on transition 4 EPMI3# polarity 0 = EPMI3# triggered on falling edge 1 = EPMI3# triggered on rising edge 3 EPMI3# debounce enable 2-0 reserved Note: bits 7 and 6 cannot both be set at the same time SeeAlso: #P0219 Bitfields for OPTi "Vendetta" general purpose chip select control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0270) 7 CPU type 0 = Intel/AMD 1 = Cyrix M1 6 reserved 5-4 IDE module device ID 00 = C621h 01 = D568h 10 = D768h (ultra DMA) 11 = reserved 3 reserved 2 GPCS2# address bit masking (fourth bit to register F3h bits 6-4) 1 GPCS1# address bit masking (fourth bit to register F3h bits 2-0) 0 GPCS0# address bit masking (fourth bit to register E7h bits 2-0) Note: indexes ADh and FFh address same register SeeAlso: #P0219 ----------P00220025-------------------------- PORT 0022-0025 - INTEL 82360SL CHIPSET (FOR 386SL) 0022 -W CPU write mode register 0023 R- configuration status register bit 7: 82360 configuration is open 0024 -W 82360 configuration index 0025 RW 82360 configuration data Bitfields for Intel 82360SL CPU write mode register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0271) 0 unlock configuration space 1 enable selected unit 3-2 unit 00 memory configuration 01 cache 10 internal bus 11 external bus ----------P0022002B-------------------------- PORT 0022-002B - INTEL 82355, PART OF CHIPSET FOR 386sx Note: initialisation in POST will disable these addresses, only a hard reset will enable them again. 0022w RW 82335 MCR memory configuration register (if LOCK=0) (see #P0272) 0024w RW 82335 RC1 roll compare register (if LOCK=0) (see #P0273) 0026w RW 82335 RC2 roll compare register (if LOCK=0) (see #P0273) 0028w RW 82335 CC0 address range compare register (if LOCK=0) (see #P0274) 002Aw RW 82335 CC1 address range compare register (if LOCK=0) (see #P0274) Bitfields for 82335 MCR memory configuration register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0272) 15-12 reserved 11 "VRO" video read only (0=r/w, 1=r/o) 10 "EN#" 0=enable video RAM accesses (A0000h-8FFFFh) 1=disable accesses 9 "ENADP#" 0=enable adapter ROM accesses (C0000h-8FFFFh) 1=disable adapter ROM accesses, shadow enabled 8 "ROMSIZE" 0=256KB ROM, 1=512KB ROM 7-6 "INTERL" memory interleaving 00 = 1 memory bank installed (no interleave) 01 = 2 memory banks installed 10 = 3 memory banks installed 11 = 4 memory banks installed 5 reserved 4 "DSIZE" 0=1MBx1DRAMs, 1=256KBx1 or 256KBx4 DRAMs 3 "S640" base memory size is 0=512KB, 1=640KB 2-1 reserved 0 "ROMEN#" ROM enable 0 enable BIOS ROM accesses (E0000h-FFFFFh) 1 disable BIOS ROM accesses, enable shadow Note: One of the remaining reserved bits is the LOCK bit, which will be set during power on, disabling access to the 82335s registers. Bitfields for 82335 roll compare register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0273) 15-9 selects address range to be remapped (C23-C17) 8 reserved 7-1 selects address bits to be included in re-mapping comparision (M23-M17) 0 "EN" enables roll address mapping Bitfields for 82335 address range compare register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0274) 15-11 specifies top of address range (C23-C19) 10-8 reserved 7-3 selects address bits to be included in address range comparision (M23-M19) 2-1 reserved 0 "EN" enable address range comparision ----------P00240025-------------------------- PORT 0024-0025 - Intel 82091AA Advanced Integrated Peripheral Range: PORT 0022h (X-Bus), PORT 0024h (X-Bus), PORT 026Eh (ISA), or PORT 0398h (ISA) SeeAlso: PORT 0022h"82091AA",PORT 026Eh"82091AA",PORT 0398h"82091AA" 0024 ?W configuration register index 0025 RW configuration register data ----------P00240026-------------------------- PORT 0024-0026 - PicoPower Vesuvius - V3-LS Note: software must use 8-bit accesses to these ports; 16-bit accesses will be directed to the V1-LS chip in the chipset instead of the V3-LS SeeAlso: PORT 0024h"V1-LS" 0024b ?W V3-LS register index (see #P0275) 0026b RW V3-LS register data (Table P0275) Values for PicoPower Vesuvius V3-LS register index: 00h revision ID register (see #P0276) 01h AT control register 1 (see #P0277) 02h AT control register 2 (see #P0278) 03h BIOS CS# control register (see #P0279) 05h port 92h control register (see #P0280) 06h GPEXT low byte register (write high byte into register 07h before writing low byte) 07h GPEXT high byte register (write high byte before writing low byte into register 06h) 08h miscellaneous configuration register (see #P0281) 10h PCI interrupt mapping register 1 (see #P0282) 11h PCI interrupt mapping register 2 (see #P0283) 12h PCI INT# configuration register (see #P0284) 13h serial IRQ control register (see #P0285) 14h serial IRQ control register 2 (see #P0286) 20h power management control register (see #P0287) 21h primary activity IRQ mask register 1 (see #P0288) 22h primary activity IRQ mask register 2 (see #P0289) 23h PMI trigger IRQ mask register 1 (see #P0290) 24h PMI trigger IRQ mask register 2 (see #P0291) 25h PMI trigger source register 1 (see #P0292) 26h PMI trigger source register 2 (see #P0293) 30h 8254 counter 0 initial count low byte shadow 31h 8254 counter 0 initial count high byte shadow 32h 8254 counter 1 initial count low byte shadow 33h 8254 counter 1 initial count high byte shadow 34h 8254 counter 2 initial count low byte shadow 35h 8254 counter 2 initial count high byte shadow 36h 8254 counter 0 control word shadow 37h 8254 counter 1 control word shadow 38h 8254 counter 2 control word shadow 39h 8237 DMA controller mode register for channel 0 shadow 3Ah 8237 DMA controller mode register for channel 1 shadow 3Bh 8237 DMA controller mode register for channel 2 shadow 3Ch 8237 DMA controller mode register for channel 3 shadow 3Dh 8237 DMA controller mode register for channel 4 shadow 3Eh 8237 DMA controller mode register for channel 5 shadow 3Fh 8237 DMA controller mode register for channel 6 shadow 40h 8237 DMA controller mode register for channel 7 shadow 41h 8259 PIC 1 ICW 1 shadow 42h 8259 PIC 1 ICW 2 shadow 43h 8259 PIC 1 ICW 3 shadow 44h 8259 PIC 1 ICW 4 shadow 45h 8259 PIC 1 OCW 2 shadow 46h 8259 PIC 1 OCW 3 shadow 47h 8259 PIC 2 ICW 1 shadow 48h 8259 PIC 2 ICW 2 shadow 49h 8259 PIC 2 ICW 3 shadow 4Ah 8259 PIC 2 ICW 4 shadow 4Bh 8259 PIC 2 OCW 2 shadow 4Ch 8259 PIC 2 OCW 3 shadow 4Dh RTC index register shadow 4Eh reserved 4Fh fixed disk register (port 3F6h) shadow 50h hard disk write precompression register (port 1F1h) shadow 51h DMA controller 1 status register shadow 52h DMA controller 2 status register shadow 53h DMAC mask register shadow 54h DMA channel 0 base address low byte shadow 55h DMA channel 0 base address high byte shadow 56h DMA channel 0 base count low byte shadow 57h DMA channel 0 base count high byte shadow 58h DMA channel 1 base address low byte shadow 59h DMA channel 1 base address high byte shadow 5Ah DMA channel 1 base count low byte shadow 5Bh DMA channel 1 base count high byte shadow 5Ch DMA channel 2 base address low byte shadow 5Dh DMA channel 2 base address high byte shadow 5Eh DMA channel 2 base count low byte shadow 5Fh DMA channel 2 base count high byte shadow 60h DMA channel 3 base address low byte shadow 61h DMA channel 3 base address high byte shadow 62h DMA channel 3 base count low byte shadow 63h DMA channel 3 base count high byte shadow 64h DMA channel 5 base address low byte shadow 65h DMA channel 5 base address high byte shadow 66h DMA channel 5 base count low byte shadow 67h DMA channel 5 base count high byte shadow 68h DMA channel 6 base address low byte shadow 69h DMA channel 6 base address high byte shadow 6Ah DMA channel 6 base count low byte shadow 6Bh DMA channel 6 base count high byte shadow 6Ch DMA channel 7 base address low byte shadow 6Dh DMA channel 7 base address high byte shadow 6Eh DMA channel 7 base count low byte shadow 6Fh DMA channel 7 base count high byte shadow 70h DMA controller 1 command register shadow 71h DMA controller 2 command register shadow Note: shadow registers (30h-71h) are read-only SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V3-LS revision ID register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0276) 7-4 V3-LS revision ID 1h = revision A 2h = revision B 3h = revision C 3-0 V3-LS metal-mask version ID 0h = version A 1h = version B 3h = version C SeeAlso: #P0275 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V3-LS AT control register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0277) 7-6 (revision BB and later) back-to-back delay for 8-bit I/O cycle 00 = 0.5 SYSCLKs 01 = 2.5 SYSCLKs 10 = 4.5 SYSCLKs 11 = 6.5 SYSCLKs 5-4 (revision BB and later) back-to-back delay for 16-bit I/O cycle 00 = 0.5 SYSCLKs 01 = 1.5 SYSCLKs 10 = 2.5 SYSCLKs 11 = 3.5 SYSCLKs 3 reserved 2-0 SYSCLK divisor select 000 = BSERCLK/2 001 = BSERCLK/3 010 = BSERCLK/4 011 = BSERCLK/5 100 = BSERCLK/6 101-110 = reserved 111 = 14MHZCLK/2 SeeAlso: #P0275 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V3-LS AT control register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0278) 7 reserved 6 (revision BB and later) external keyboard chip select 0 = ROM_KBCS# decodes ports 60h/64h as keyboard ports 1 = ROM_KBCS# decodes ports 60h/62h/64h/66h as keyboard ports 5-4 reserved 3 (revision BB and later) EISA type CMOS RAM interface control enable 2 (revision BB and later) V3-LS internal I/O port option 0 = normal V3-LS internal I/O port access 1 = speed up V3-LS internal I/O port access 1 extended AT address 0 AT bus refresh enable SeeAlso: #P0275 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V3-LS BIOS CS# control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0279) 7 reserved 6 flash enable 5 E8000h-EFFFFh ROMCS# enable 4 E0000h-E7FFFh ROMCS# enable 3 D8000h-DFFFFh ROMCS# enable 2 D0000h-D7FFFh ROMCS# enable 1 C8000h-CFFFFh ROMCS# enable 0 C0000h-C7FFFh ROMCS# enable Notes: FE000000h-FFFFFFFFh access always generates ROMCS# F0000h-FFFFFh access generates ROMCS# if not shadowed SeeAlso: #P0275 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V3-LS port 92h control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0280) 7-2 reserved 1 security lock 1 (port 92h bit 3) function enable 0 port 92h enable SeeAlso: #P0275 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V3-LS miscellaneous configuration register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0281) 7 reserved 6 reserved (ISA master I/O command synchronizer disable) 5 reserved (timer synchronous IOW# fix disable) 4 reserved 3 (revision BB and later) DDMA grant 0 = V3-LS uses REQ#/GNT# for DDMA retry cycle 1 = V3-LS does not use REQ#/GNT# for DDMA retry cycle 2 BSER interrupt enable 1 (revision BB and later) DDMARETRY 0 = pin 44 (176-pin) / pin 48 (208-pin) is DDMA_RETRY 1 = pin 44 (176-pin) / pin 48 (208-pin) is ISA_WAKE 0 BSER arbitration enable SeeAlso: #P0275 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V3-LS PCI interrupt mapping register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0282) 7-4 map INTB# to IRQ 0000 = disabled 0001-0010 = reserved 0011-0111 = IRQ3-IRQ7 1000 = reserved 1001-1100 = IRQ9-IRQ12 1101 = reserved 1110-1111 = IRQ14-IRQ15 3-0 map INTA# to IRQ (same values as bits 7-4) SeeAlso: #P0275,#P0283 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V3-LS PCI interrupt mapping register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0283) 7-4 map INTD# to IRQ 0000 = disabled 0001-0010 = reserved 0011-0111 = IRQ3-IRQ7 1000 = reserved 1001-1100 = IRQ9-IRQ12 1101 = reserved 1110-1111 = IRQ14-IRQ15 3-0 map INTC# to IRQ (same values as bits 7-4) SeeAlso: #P0275,#P0282,#P0284 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V3-LS PCI INT# configuration register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0284) 7-4 reserved 3 interrupt D / mappable IRQ 3 configuration 0 = INTD#, go through level-to-edge conversion 1 = MIRQ3, bypass level-to-edge conversion 2 interrupt C / mappable IRQ 2 configuration 0 = INTC#, go through level-to-edge conversion 1 = MIRQ2, bypass level-to-edge conversion 1 interrupt B / mappable IRQ 1 configuration 0 = INTB#, go through level-to-edge conversion 1 = MIRQ1, bypass level-to-edge conversion 0 interrupt A / mappable IRQ 0 configuration 0 = INTA#, go through level-to-edge conversion 1 = MIRQ0, bypass level-to-edge conversion SeeAlso: #P0275 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V3-LS serial IRQ control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0285) 7 reserved 6 serial IRQ mode 0 = host (primary V3-LS) 1 = source (secondary V3-LS) 5-4 reserved 3-2 start cycle length = 2N+4 clocks 1 host poll 0 serial IRQ bus enable SeeAlso: #P0275 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V3-LS serial IRQ control register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0286) 7-4 reserved 3-0 (revision BB and later) serial IRQ sampling slot length 1111 = 32 slots SeeAlso: #P0275 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V3-LS power management control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0287) 7 secondary activity triggered by IRQ1 (write 0 to clear) 6 secondary activity triggered by IRQ0 (write 0 to clear) 5 mask IRQ1 from secondary activity 4 mask IRQ0 from secondary activity 3 (revision BB and later) IMR disable 2 primary activity enables PMI 1 reserved 0 burst serial bus enable SeeAlso: #P0275 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V3-LS primary activity IRQ mask register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0288) 7-3 mask IRQ7 - IRQ3 from primary activity 2 mask NMI from primary activity 1 mask IRQ1 from primary activity 0 reserved SeeAlso: #P0275 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V3-LS primary activity IRQ mask register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0289) 7-1 mask IRQ15 - IRQ9 from primary activity 0 mask IRQ8 from primary activity SeeAlso: #P0275 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V3-LS PMI trigger IRQ mask register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0290) 7-3 mask IRQ7 - IRQ3 from PMI 2 reserved 1 mask IRQ1 from PMI 0 mask DDMA slave lock from PMI SeeAlso: #P0275 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V3-LS PMI trigger IRQ mask register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0291) 7-1 mask IRQ15 - IRQ9 from PMI 0 mask IRQ8 from PMI SeeAlso: #P0275 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V3-LS PMI trigger source register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0292) 7-3 PMI trigger source IRQ7 - IRQ3 active (write 0 to clear) 2 reserved 1 PMI trigger source IRQ1 active (write 0 to clear) 0 PMI trigger source DDMA slave lock active (write 0 to clear) SeeAlso: #P0275 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V3-LS PMI trigger source register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0293) 7-1 PMI trigger source IRQ15 - IRQ9 active (write 0 to clear) 0 PMI trigger source IRQ8 active (write 0 to clear) SeeAlso: #P0275 ----------P00240027-------------------------- PORT 0024-0027 - PicoPower Vesuvius - V1-LS Note: software must use 16-bit accesses to these ports; 8-bit accesses will be directed to the V3-LS chip in the chipset instead of the V1-LS SeeAlso: PORT 0024h"V3-LS" 0024w ?W V1-LS register index (see #P0294) 0026w RW V1-LS register data (Table P0294) Values for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS register index: 01xxh (reset sampling and miscellaneous) 0100h revision ID register (see #P0295) 0101h V1 power on register (see #P0296) 0108h V2 version ID register (see #P0297) 0109h V2 configuration register (see #P0298) 010Ah V2 miscellaneous status register (see #P0299) 0110h programmable region 1 register (see #P0300) 0111h programmable region 2 register (see #P0300) 0112h programmable region 3 register (see #P0300) 0113h programmable region 4 register (see #P0300) 0114h programmable region control register (see #P0301) 0118h SMM control register (see #P0302) 0119h processor control register (see #P0303) 011Ah write FIFO control register (see #P0304) 011Bh PCI control register (see #P0305) 011Ch clock skew adjust register (see #P0306) 011Dh bus master and snooping control register (see #P0307) 011Eh arbiter control register (see #P0308) 011Fh docking control register (see #P0309) 02xxh (DRAM registers) 0200h shadow RAM read enable control register (see #P0310) 0201h shadow RAM write enable control register (see #P0311) 0202h bank 0 control register (see #P0312) 0203h bank 1 control register (see #P0312) 0204h bank 0/1 timing control register (see #P0313) 0205h bank 2 control register (see #P0312) 0206h bank 3 control register (see #P0312) 0207h bank 2/3 timing control register (see #P0313) 0208h bank 4 control register (see #P0312) 0209h bank 5 control register (see #P0312) 020Ah bank 4/5 timing control register (see #P0313) 020Bh bank 6 control register (see #P0312) 020Ch bank 7 control register (see #P0312) 020Dh bank 6/7 timing control register (see #P0313) 020Eh DRAM configuration register 1 (see #P0314) 020Fh DRAM configuration register 2 (see #P0315) 0210h DRAM configuration register 3 (see #P0316) 0211h DRAM refresh control register (see #P0317) 0212h burst EDO control register (see #P0318) 03xxh (Power Management control) 0300h clock control register (see #P0319) 0301h clock throttling period control register (see #P0320) 0302h conserve clock throttling ratio/control register (see #P0321) 0303h heat regulator clock throttling ratio/control register (see #P0322) 0304h doze/sleep mode clock throttling ratio/control register (see #P0323) 0310h wake/SMI source register (see #P0324) 0311h power management timer status register (see #P0326) 0312h power management pin status register (see #P0327) 0313h wake mask control register (see #P0328) 0314h activity flag register 1 (see #P0329) 0315h activity flag register 2 (see #P0330) 0316h I/O trap SMI mask register (see #P0331) 0317h external SMI trigger mask register (see #P0332) 0318h internal SMI trigger mask register (see #P0333) 0319h software SMI trigger mask register (see #P0334) 031Ah primary activity option control register (see #P0335) 031Bh primary activity mask register 1 (see #P0336) 031Ch primary activity mask register 2 (see #P0337) 031Dh secondary activity mask register (see #P0338) 031Eh RING count control register (see #P0339) 0320h programmable range monitor control register 1 (see #P0340) 0321h programmable range monitor control register 2 (see #P0341) 0322h programmable range monitor 0 address register (see #P0342) 0323h programmable range monitor 0 compare register (see #P0343) 0324h programmable range monitor 1 address register (see #P0342) 0325h programmable range monitor 1 compare register (see #P0343) 0326h programmable range monitor 2 address register (see #P0342) 0327h programmable range monitor 2 compare register (see #P0343) 0328h programmable range monitor 3 address register (see #P0342) 0329h programmable range monitor 3 compare register (see #P0343) 032Ah programmable range monitor 4 address register (see #P0342) 032Bh programmable range monitor 4 compare register (see #P0343) 032Ch programmable range monitor 5 address register (see #P0342) 032Dh programmable range monitor 5 compare register (see #P0343) 0330h power management mode register (see #P0344) 0331h on/doze mode power control register (see #P0345) 0332h sleep mode power control register (see #P0346) 0333h suspend mode power control register (see #P0347) 0335h doze mode timer register (see #P0348) 0336h sleep mode timer register (see #P0349) 0337h suspend mode timer register (see #P0349) 0338h secondary activity timer register (see #P0350) 0339h power on demand primary activity timer register (see #P0351) 0340h general purpose control register (see #P0352) 0341h general purpose counter/timer control register (see #P0353) 0342h general purpose counter/timer current value register (see #P0354) 0343h general purpose counter/timer compare register (see #P0355) 0344h device timer 0 time-out register (see #P0356) 0345h device timer 1 time-out register (see #P0356) 0346h device timer 2 time-out register (see #P0356) 0347h device timer 3 time-out register (see #P0356) 0348h device timer 4 time-out register (see #P0356) 0349h device timer 5 time-out register (see #P0356) 034Ah device timer time-out source register 1 (see #P0357) 034Bh device timer time-out source register 2 (see #P0358) 034Ch device timer time-out source register 3 (see #P0359) 034Dh device timer time-out source register 4 (see #P0360) 0350h LED indicator control register (see #P0361) 0351h leakage control register (see #P0362) 0352h pin multiplexing control register (see #P0363) 0353h debounce control register (see #P0364) 0354h edge detect control register (see #P0365) 04xxh (Level-2 Cache) 0400h L2 cache configuration register (see #P0366) 0401h L2 cache timing register (see #P0367) 0402h L2 cache miscellaneous register (see #P0368) SeeAlso: #P0275 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS revision ID register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0295) 15-4 reserved 3-0 V1-LS metal-mask version ID 3h = revision AA 4h = revision BB 5h = revision CC SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS V1 power on register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0296) 15-12 reserved 11 use internal clocks for simulation 0 = internal clock speedup disabled 0 = internal clock speedup enabled 10 tristate all outputs 0 = no tristate condition 1 = tristate condition 9 reserved 8 (revision CC and later) snooping scheme 0 = HOLD/HLDA 1 = BOFF#/LOCK# 7 (revision BB and later) PCI power plane voltage 0 = 3.3 V 1 = 5 V 6 (revision BB and later) DRAM power plane voltage 0 = 3.3 V 1 = 5 V 5-3 clock skew adjust 000 = 0.0 ns 001 = +0.55 ns 010 = +1.10 ns 011 = +1.65 ns 100 = -2.20 ns 101 = -1.65 ns 110 = -1.10 ns 111 = -0.55 ns 2-0 miscellaneous configuration Note: this register is read-only SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V2-LS V2 version ID register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0297) 15-12 reserved 11-8 V2-LS version ID (even) 3h = revision AA 4h = revision BB 7-4 reserved 3-0 V2-LS version ID (odd) (same values as bits 11-8) SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V2-LS V2 configuration register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0298) 15 V2-LS process monitor enable (odd) 14-9 reserved 8 fast PCI master address transfer enable (odd) 7 V2-LS process monitor enable (even) 6-1 reserved 0 fast PCI master address transfer enable (even) SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V2-LS V2 miscellaneous status register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0299) 15-10 reserved 9 (revision BB & later) PCI power plane voltage (odd) 0 = 3.3 V 1 = 5 V 8 (revision BB & later) DRAM power plane voltage (odd) (as for bit 9) 7-2 reserved 1 (revision BB & later) PCI power plane voltage (even) (as for bit 9) 0 (revision BB & later) DRAM power plane voltage (even) (as for bit 9) SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS programmable region register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0300) 15-3 programmable region starting address bits 27-15 (bits 31-28 = 0) (starting address must be a multiple of block size) 2-0 programmable region block size 000 = 32 KB 001 = 64 KB 010 = 128 KB 011 = 256 KB 100 = 512 KB 101 = 1 MB 110-111 = reserved SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS programmable region control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0301) 15-8 reserved 7-6 programmable region 4 select 00 = disable 01 = write-through 10 = non-cacheable 11 = reserved 5-4 programmable region 3 select (same values as bits 7-6) 3-2 programmable region 2 select (same values as bits 7-6) 1-0 programmable region 1 select (same values as bits 7-6) SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS SMM control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0302) 15 SMM RAM access in normal mode lock (can only be written once) 0 = bit 14 not locked 1 = bit 14 locked to disabled 14 load SMI handler into SMM RAM 0 = access to SMM RAM during normal cycle disabled 1 = access to SMM RAM during normal cycle enabled 13 (revision BB and later) swap SMM D/E mapping 0 = D0000h-DFFFFh mapped to A0000h-AFFFFh and E0000h-EFFFFh mapped to B0000h-BFFFFh 1 = D0000h-DFFFFh mapped to B0000h-BFFFFh and E0000h-EFFFFh mapped to A0000h-AFFFFh 12 (revision BB and later) swap SMM 2/3 mapping 0 = 20000h-2FFFFh mapped to A0000h-AFFFFh and 30000h-3FFFFh mapped to B0000h-BFFFFh 1 = 20000h-2FFFFh mapped to B0000h-BFFFFh and 30000h-3FFFFh mapped to A0000h-AFFFFh 11-10 SMM E8000h-EFFFFh select 00 = normal memory space 01 = reserved 10 = SMM space (remap to B8000h-BFFFFh; E8000h-EFFFFh automatically set to non-cacheable) 11 = reserved 9-8 SMM E0000h-E7FFFh select 00 = normal memory space 01 = reserved 10 = SMM space (remap to B0000h-B7FFFh; E0000h-E7FFFh automatically set to non-cacheable) 11 = reserved 7-6 SMM D8000h-DFFFFh select 00 = normal memory space 01 = reserved 10 = SMM space (remap to A8000h-AFFFFh; D8000h-DFFFFh automatically set to non-cacheable) 11 = reserved 5-4 SMM D0000h-D7FFFh select 00 = normal memory space 01 = reserved 10 = SMM space (remap to A0000h-A7FFFh; D0000h-D7FFFh automatically set to non-cacheable) 11 = reserved 3 reserved 2 20000h-3FFFFh remap to A0000h-BFFFFh in SMM mode disable (can be used only when L1 and L2 are disabled) 1 SMRAM KEN disable 0 reserved SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS processor control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0303) 15-10 reserved 9 FPU error clearing by writing to I/O port F1h disable 8 FPU error clearing by writing to I/O port F0h disable 7 reserved 6 assert INV for write cycle only 5 write FIFO 0 = disabled (FIFO forced to one level) 1 = enabled (FIFO forced to eight level) 4 combine KEN# and INV pins 3 linear burst enable 2 processor pipeline mode enable 1 L1 write-back enable 0 CACHE enable SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS write FIFO control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0304) 15-7 reserved 6-5 PCI write buffering select 00 = disable 01 = post-write PCI IO write cycle only 10 = post-write PCI memory write cycle only 11 = post-write all PCI write cycles 4 (revision BB and later) PCI read reordering enable 3 (revision BB and later) DRAM read reordering enable 2-0 reserved SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS PCI control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0305) 15-4 reserved 3 optimized address transfer between V1-LS and V2-LS enable 2 reserved 1 PCI master-to-DRAM burst enable 0 reserved SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS clock skew adjust register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0306) 15-3 reserved 2-0 L2CLK skew adjust 000 = 0.0 ns 001 = +0.55 ns 010 = +1.10 ns 011 = +1.65 ns 100 = -2.20 ns 101 = -1.65 ns 110 = -1.10 ns 111 = -0.55 ns SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS bus master and snooping control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0307) 15-14 reserved 13 early DRAM cycle when PCI master accessing DRAM disable 12-0 reserved SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS arbiter control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0308) 15-7 reserved 6 REQ2# as FLOAT_REQ# and GNT2# as FLOAT_GNT# enable 5-4 SIO request/grant source 00 = none 01 = BSER interface (normal operation) 10-11 = reserved 3 preemptability of PCI request/grant 3 disable 2 preemptability of PCI request/grant 2 disable 1 preemptability of PCI request/grant 1 disable 0 preemptability of PCI request/grant 0 disable SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS docking control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0309) 15 system docked 14-4 reserved 3 DOCK_PCICLK follows state of PCICLK enable 2 deassert DOCK_PCIRST# 1 reserved 0 tristate DOCK_PCIRST# and DOCK_PCICLK in normal operating mode enable SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS shadow RAM read enable control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0310) 15 local memory FC000h-FFFFFh read enable 14 local memory F8000h-FBFFFh read enable 13 local memory F4000h-F7FFFh read enable 12 local memory F0000h-F3FFFh read enable 11 local memory EC000h-EFFFFh read enable 10 local memory E8000h-EBFFFh read enable 9 local memory E4000h-E7FFFh read enable 8 local memory E0000h-E3FFFh read enable 7-4 local memory Dx000h-DyFFFh read enable (x/y = 0/3 for bit 4, 4/7 for bit 5, etc.) 3-0 local memory Cx000h-CyFFFh read enable (x/y = 0/3 for bit 0, 4/7 for bit 1, etc.) SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS shadow RAM write enable control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0311) 15 local memory FC000h-FFFFFh write enable 14 local memory F8000h-FBFFFh write enable 13 local memory F4000h-F7FFFh write enable 12 local memory F0000h-F3FFFh write enable 11 local memory EC000h-EFFFFh write enable 10 local memory E8000h-EBFFFh write enable 9 local memory E4000h-E7FFFh write enable 8 local memory E0000h-E3FFFh write enable 7-4 local memory Dx000h-DyFFFh write enable (x/y = 0/3 for bit 4, 4/7 for bit 5, etc.) 3-0 local memory Cx000h-CyFFFh write enable (x/y = 0/3 for bit 0, 4/7 for bit 1, etc.) SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS bank control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0312) 15 reserved 14-12 number of column address bits for bank 000 = 8 bits 001 = 9 bits 010 = 10 bits 011 = 11 bits 100 = 12 bits 101-111 = reserved 11-9 bank DRAM size 000 = 1 MB 001 = 2 MB 010 = 4 MB 011 = 8 MB 100 = 16 MB 101 = 32 MB 110 = 64 MB 111 = reserved 8 reserved 7-0 bank starting address bits 27-20 SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS bank timing control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0313) 15-14 reserved 13-12 bank 0/2/4/6 and 1/3/5/7 CAS write pulse width 00 = 0.5T (EDO or burst EDO only) 01 = 1.0T 10 = 1.5T 11 = 2.0T 11-9 bank 0/2/4/6 and 1/3/5/7 CAS read pulse width 000 = 0.5T (EDO or burst EDO only) 001 = 1.0T ... 111 = 4.0T 8 bank 0/2/4/6 and 1/3/5/7 CAS precharge time 0 = 0.5T 1 = 1.0T 7 bank 0/2/4/6 and 1/3/5/7 CAS address hold time (same values as bit 8) 6-5 bank 0/2/4/6 and 1/3/5/7 RAS address setup time 00 = 0.0T 01 = 0.5T 10 = 1.0T 11 = 1.5T 4-3 bank 0/2/4/6 and 1/3/5/7 RAS address hold time = N/2 + 0.5T 2-0 bank 0/2/4/6 and 1/3/5/7 RAS precharge time = N/2 + 1.5T SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS DRAM configuration register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0314) 15-9 reserved 8 fast cacheless read enable (L2 must be disabled and L2 read lead-off must be 2T) 7-6 DRAM auto-detect mode 00 = normal mode 01 = setup for auto-detect 10 = reserved 11 = auto-detect read mode 5-3 DRAM inactive time-out 000 = never 001 = 8 T 010 = 32 T 011 = 128 T 100 = 512 T 101-110 = reserved 111 = immediate 2-0 reserved SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS DRAM configuration register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0315) 15-12 reserved 11 banks 6 and 7 0 = two 32-bit banks 1 = one 64-bit bank (bits 7-6 ignored; bank 6 DRAM parameters used; programmed bank 6 size doubled) 10 banks 4 and 5 (same settings as for bit 11) 9 banks 2 and 3 (same settings as for bit 11) 8 banks 0 and 1 0 = two 32-bit banks 1 = one 64-bit bank (bits 1-0 ignored; bank 0 DRAM parameters used; programmed bank 0 size doubled) 7-0 corresponding bank enable SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS DRAM configuration register 3: Bit(s) Description (Table P0316) 15-14 bank 7 DRAM type 00 = standard 01 = EDO 10 = burst EDO 11 = reserved 13-12 bank 6 DRAM type (same values as bits 15-14) 11-10 bank 5 DRAM type (same values as bits 15-14) 9-8 bank 4 DRAM type (same values as bits 15-14) 7-6 bank 3 DRAM type (same values as bits 15-14) 5-4 bank 2 DRAM type (same values as bits 15-14) 3-2 bank 1 DRAM type (same values as bits 15-14) 1-0 bank 0 DRAM type (same values as bits 15-14) SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS DRAM refresh control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0317) 15-14 reserved 13-12 refresh stagger select 00 = no staggering 01 = reserved 10 = stagger active edge of RAS 11 = stagger both edges of RAS 11 reserved 10 suspend mode self-refresh enable 9-8 reserved 7-5 refresh period 000 = 3.75 ęs 001 = 7.5 ęs 010 = 15 ęs 011 = 30 ęs 100 = 120 ęs 101 = stopped 110-111 = reserved 4-3 RAS pulse width for refresh cycles 00 = 6T 01 = 5T 10 = 4T 11 = 3T 2-1 RAS precharge time for refresh cycles 00 = 5T 01 = 4T 10 = 3T 11 = 2T 0 DRAM refresh scheme 0 = CAS-before-RAS 1 = RAS-only SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS burst EDO control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0318) 15-4 MA setting during write CAS-before-RAS cycle 3 trigger write CAS-before-RAS configuration cycle 2-1 DRAM bank configuration select 00 = bank 0/1 01 = bank 2/3 10 = bank 4/5 11 = bank 6/7 0 burst EDO write CAS-before-RAS configuration cycle enable SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS clock control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0319) 15 modular clocking on V2 clock enable 14-12 reserved 11 PCI clock control CLKRUN# method enable 10 reserved 9 PCI clock goes back to full speed on PCI LOCK# enable 8 PCI clock goes back to full speed on PCI request/grant enable 7-6 reserved 5-4 PCI idle count (PCI clocks) 00 = immediate 01 = 8 10 = 32 11 = 256 3-2 reserved 1-0 PCI clock divisor during idle 00 = 1 01 = 2 10 = 32 11 = 256 SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS clock throttling period control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0320) 15-3 reserved 2-0 clock throttling period select (T = CPU bus frequency period) 000 = 800T 001 = 1600T 010 = 3200T 011 = 6400T 100 = 12800T 101 = 25600T 110 = 102400T 111 = 409600T SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS conserve clock throttling ratio/control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0321) 15-5 reserved 4 conserve clock throttling enable 3-0 conserve clock throttling ratio 0000 = 5% duty cycle 0001-1001 = 10%-90% duty cycle 1010-1111 = reserved SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS heat regulator clock throttling: Bit(s) Description (Table P0322) 15-13 reserved 12 THERM input enable 11-4 reserved 3-0 heat regulator clock throttling ratio 0000 = 5% duty cycle 0001-1001 = 10%-90% duty cycle 1010-1111 = reserved SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS doze/sleep mode clock throttling: Bit(s) Description (Table P0323) 15-11 reserved 10-8 STPCLK release latency (PLL stabilization delay) 000 = 0 s 001 = 1 ęs 010 = 45 ęs 011 = 1 ms 100 = 2 ms 101-111 = reserved 7-5 sleep mode clock throttling enable 000 = disable 001 = enable in ratio set in bits 3-0 010 = enable LessStop mode (CPU stop grant state) 011 = enable MoreStop mode (CPU stop clock state) 100 = enable Deep Sleep mode (MoreStop and high speed oscillator off, only 32 kHz running) 4 doze mode clock throttling enable 3-0 doze/sleep mode clock throttling ratio 0000 = 5% duty cycle 0001-1001 = 10%-90% duty cycle 1010-1111 = reserved SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS wake/SMI source register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0324) 15-11 reserved 10-8 wake-up source 000 = none 001 = RING 010 = SWTCH 011 = GP timer compare 100 = WAKE0 101 = WAKE1 110 = reserved 111 = clear wake-up source (write to clear) 7-5 reserved 4-0 SMI source (see #00671) SeeAlso: #P0294 (Table P0325) Values for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS SMI source: 00h none 01h primary activity 02h I/O trap 03h device timer time-out 04h doze time-out 05h sleep time-out 06h suspend time-out 07h GP timer compare 08h SWTCH input toggling 09h reserved 0Ah WAKE0 input toggling 0Bh WAKE1 input toggling 0Ch EXTACT0 toggling 0Dh reserved 0Eh rescheduled SMI 0Fh software SMI 10h V3-LS INT SMI 11h-1Eh reserved 1Fh clear SMI source (write to clear) SeeAlso: #P0324 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS power management timer status register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0326) 15-3 reserved 2 suspend time-out status (write 0 to clear) 1 sleep time-out status (write 0 to clear) 0 doze time-out status (write 0 to clear) SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS power management pin status register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0327) 15-6 reserved 5 SWTCH pin status (read-only) 4 RING pin status (read-only) 3 reserved 2 EXTACT0 pin status (read-only) 1 WAKE1 pin status (read-only) 0 WAKE0 pin status (read-only) SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS wake mask control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0328) 15-5 reserved 4 mask GP timer compare from resume 3 mask RING from resume 2 mask SWTCH from resume 1 mask WAKE1 from resume 0 mask WAKE0 from resume SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS activity flag register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0329) 15-10 programmable range 5-0 monitor active (write 0 to clear) 9 reserved 8 HOLD active (write 0 to clear) 7 parallel I/O active (write 0 to clear) 6 serial I/O 2 active (write 0 to clear) 5 serial I/O 1 active (write 0 to clear) 4 keyboard active (write 0 to clear) 3 floppy disk active (write 0 to clear) 2 hard disk 2 active (write 0 to clear) 1 hard disk 1 active (write 0 to clear) 0 video active (write 0 to clear) SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS activity flag register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0330) 15-14 reserved 13-8 device timer 5-0 time-out (write 0 to clear) 7 FLOAT_REQ# active (write 0 to clear) 6 EXTACT0 active (write 0 to clear) 5 WAKE1 active (write 0 to clear) 4 WAKE0 active (write 0 to clear) 3 SWTCH active (write 0 to clear) 2 RING active (write 0 to clear) 1 reserved 0 V3-LS active (write 0 to clear) SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS I/O trap SMI mask register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0331) 15-10 programmable range 5-0 device on 9-8 reserved 7 parallel I/O on 6 serial I/O 2 on 5 serial I/O 1 on 4 keyboard on 3 floppy disk on 2 hard disk 2 on 1 hard disk 1 on 0 video on Note: No group mask for I/O trap. SMI generated if a bit is 0 and corresponding device is accessed. SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS external SMI trigger mask register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0332) 15-4 reserved 3 mask EXTACT0 from SMI 2 mask SWTCH from SMI 1 mask WAKE1 from SMI 0 mask WAKE0 from SMI SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS internal SMI trigger mask register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0333) 15-10 reserved 9 mask GP timer compare from SMI 8 mask suspend time-out from SMI 7 mask sleep time-out from SMI 6 mask doze time-out from SMI 5-0 mask device timer 5-0 time-out from SMI Note: Primary activity mask is in register 31Ah bit 1. SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS software SMI trigger mask register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0334) 15-10 reserved 9 soft SMI on I/O write to port B0h enable 8 soft SMI immediate (write 1 to trigger SMI; read value has no meaning) 7-5 reserved 4 reschedule SMI prescalar 0 = 10 ms 1 = 100 ms 3-0 reschedule SMI select 0000 = disable 0001-1001 = 1-9 1010-1111 = reserved SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS primary activity option control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0335) 15-5 reserved 4 (revision BB and later) mask SMI from primary activity 3 primary activity on disable 2 primary activity latching in SMM mode enable 1 mask primary activity from SMI 0 primary activity flag enable SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS primary activity mask register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0336) 15-10 primary activity mask programmable range 5-0 accesses 9 reserved 8 primary activity mask HOLD 7 primary activity mask parallel I/O accesses 6 primary activity mask serial I/O 2 accesses 5 primary activity mask serial I/O 1 accesses 4 primary activity mask keyboard accesses 3 primary activity mask floppy disk accesses 2 primary activity mask hard disk 2 accesses 1 primary activity mask hard disk 1 accesses 0 primary activity mask video accesses SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS primary activity mask register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0337) 15-13 reserved 12 primary activity mask FLOAT_REQ# 11 primary activity mask SWTCH 10 primary activity mask WAKE1 9 primary activity mask WAKE0 8 primary activity mask RING 7 reserved 6 primary activity mask EXTACT0 5-0 reserved SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS secondary activity mask register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0338) 15-7 reserved 6 mask EXTACT0 from secondary activity 5-2 reserved 1 mask HOLD from secondary activity 0 mask SMI from secondary activity SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS RING count control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0339) 15-5 reserved 4 RINGS ten's digit 0 = 0 1 = 1 3-0 RINGS one's digit 0000 = disabled (ring counter reset, if bit 4 = 0) 0001-1001 = 1-9 1010-1111 = reserved SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS programmable range monitor control 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0340) 15-14 reserved 13-8 programmable range monitor 5-0 enable 7-6 reserved 5-0 programmable range monitor 5-0 memory or I/O compare 0 = I/O 1 = memory SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS programmable range monitor control 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0341) 15-14 reserved 13-8 programmable range monitor 5-0 read enable 7-6 reserved 5-0 programmable range monitor 5-0 write enable SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS programmable range monitor address: Bit(s) Description (Table P0342) 15-0 programmable range monitor address (I/O address bits 15-0; memory address bits 31-16) SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS programmable range monitor compare: Bit(s) Description (Table P0343) 15-0 programmable range monitor compare enable (I/O address bits 15-0; memory address bits 31-16) SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS power management mode register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0344) 15-4 reserved 3 resume 2-0 system management mode 000 = on 001 = doze 010 = sleep or deep sleep 011 = suspend 100-111 = reserved SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS on/doze mode power control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0345) 15-6 reserved 5-0 power control on/doze mode (if on/doze mode active, 1 means corresponding power control pin is active) SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS sleep mode power control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0346) 15-6 reserved 5-0 power control sleep mode (if sleep mode active, 1 means corresponding power control pin is active) SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS suspend mode power control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0347) 15-6 reserved 5-0 power control suspend mode (if suspend mode active, 1 means corresponding power control pin is active) SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS doze mode timer register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0348) 15-10 reserved 9 doze mode timer enable 8 doze mode timer reset by primary activity enable 7 doze mode timer clock prescalar 0 = 100 ms 1 = 1 s 6-4 doze mode timer ten's digit 000-111 = 0-7 3-0 doze mode timer one's digit 0000-1001 = 0-9 1010-1111 = reserved Note: the timer is disabled when both ten's and one's digits are 0 SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS sleep/suspend mode timer register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0349) 15-10 reserved 9 sleep/suspend mode timer enable 8-7 reserved 6-4 sleep/suspend mode timer ten's digit (0-7) 3-0 sleep/suspend mode timer one's digit 0000-1001 = 0-9 1010-1111 = reserved Note: the timer is disabled when both ten's and one's digits are 0 SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS secondary activity timer register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0350) 15-10 reserved 9 secondary activity timer enable 8 reset secondary activity on SMI 7 secondary activity timer clock prescalar 0 = 100 ęs 1 = 1 ms 6-4 secondary activity timer ten's digit (0-7) 3-0 secondary activity timer one's digit 0000-1001 = 0-9 1010-1111 = reserved Note: the timer is disabled when both ten's and one's digits are 0 SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS power on demand primary activity timer: Bit(s) Description (Table P0351) 15-10 reserved 9 primary activity timer enable 8 reserved 7 primary activity timer clock prescalar 0 = 100 ęs 1 = 1 ms 6-4 primary activity timer ten's digit (0-7) 3-0 primary activity timer one's digit 0000-1001 = 0-9 1010-1111 = reserved SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS general purpose control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0352) 15-14 reserved 13-8 general purpose I/O 5-0 direction 0 = corresponding GPIO pin is an input 1 = corresponding GPIO pin is an output 7-6 reserved 5-0 general purpose I/O 5-0 data SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS general purpose counter/timer control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0353) 15-8 reserved 7 general purpose counter/timer enable 6-5 general purpose counter/timer select bit 4 = 0 bit 4 = 1 00 = 16-bit counter 16-bit counter (GPIO3 is counter clock) 01 = 24-bit counter 24-bit counter (GPIO3 is counter clock) 10 = 1 second timer 31.25 ęs timer 11 = 1 minute timer 1.875 ms timer 4 general purpose counter/timer clock select 0 = 1 Hz 1 = 32 kHz 3-0 reserved SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS general purpose counter/timer value: Bit(s) Description (Table P0354) 15-0 general purpose counter/timer current value (24-bit counter bits 23-8, otherwise counter/timer bits 15-0; any write resets counter/timer) SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS general purpose counter/timer compare: Bit(s) Description (Table P0355) 15-0 general purpose counter/timer compare (24-bit counter compare value bits 23-8, otherwise compare value bits 15-0) SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS device timer 5-0 time-out register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0356) 15-6 reserved 5-4 device timer time-out prescalar 00 = 1 s 01 = 10 s 10 = 1 min. 11 = 10 min. 3-0 device timer time-out select 0000 = disable 0001-1001 = 1-9 1010-1111 = reserved SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS device timer time-out source register 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0357) 15 reserved 14-12 keyboard activity device timer select 000 = none 001-110 = 0-5 111 = reserved 11-9 floppy disk activity device timer select (same values as bits 14-12) 8-6 hard disk 2 activity device timer select (same values as bits 14-12) 5-3 hard disk 1 activity device timer select (same values as bits 14-12) 2-0 video activity device timer select (same values as bits 14-12) SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS device timer time-out source register 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0358) 15 reserved 14-12 programmable range 1 activity device timer select 000 = none 001-110 = 0-5 111 = reserved 11-9 programmable range 0 activity device timer select (same values as bits 14-12) 8-6 parallel port activity device timer select (same values as bits 14-12) 5-3 serial port 2 activity device timer select (same values as bits 14-12) 2-0 serial port 1 activity device timer select (same values as bits 14-12) SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS device timer time-out source register 3: Bit(s) Description (Table P0359) 15-12 reserved 11-9 programmable range 5 activity device timer select 000 = none 001-110 = 0-5 111 = reserved 8-6 programmable range 4 activity device timer select (same values as bits 11-9) 5-3 programmable range 3 activity device timer select (same values as bits 11-9) 2-0 programmable range 2 activity device timer select (same values as bits 11-9) SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS device timer time-out source register 4: Bit(s) Description (Table P0360) 15-3 reserved 2-0 EXTACT0 activity device timer select 000 = none 001-110 = 0-5 111 = reserved SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS LED indicator control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0361) 15-13 reserved 12-11 LED1 flash duration 00 = 256 ms (cannot be set if flash rate is 2 or 4 Hz) 01 = 128 ms (cannot be set if flash rate is 4 Hz) 10 = 62.5 ms 11 = 31.25 ms 10-9 LED1 flash rate select 00 = 0.5 Hz 01 = 1 Hz 10 = 2 Hz 11 = 4 Hz 8 LED1 flasher enable 7-5 reserved 4-3 LED0 flash duration (same values as bits 12-11) 2-1 LED0 flash rate select (same values as bits 10-9) 0 LED0 flasher enable SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS leakage control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0362) 15-2 reserved 1 input leakage control during 5 V suspend enable 0 output leakage control during 5 V suspend enable SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS pin multiplexing control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0363) 15 PC5 function 0 = PC5 1 = reserved 14 PC4 function 0 = PC4 1 = LED1 output 13 PC3 function 0 = PC3 1 = LED0 output 12 reserved 11-10 GPIO5 function 00 = GPIO5 01 = reserved 10 = THERM input active-high 11 = THERM input active-low 9-8 GPIO4 function 00 = GPIO4 01 = reserved 10 = (revision BB and later) SUSPA# input 11 = reserved 7-6 GPIO3 function 00 = GPIO3 01 = SUPPRESS_RESUME input 10-11 = reserved 5-4 GPIO2 function 00 = GPIO2 01 = DDMA_RETRY input 10 = DPSLP_IRQPA input 11 = reserved 3-2 GPIO1 function 00 = GPIO1 01 = LED1 output 10 = (revision BB and later) FLOAT_GNT# output 11 = reserved 1-0 GPIO0 function 00 = GPIO0 01 = LED0 output 10 = (revision BB and later) FLOAT_REQ# input 11 = reserved SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS debounce control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0364) 15-5 reserved 4 EXTACT0 debounce select 0 = 0 s 1 = 20 ms 3 RING debounce select (same values as bit 4) 2 WAKE1 debounce select (same values as bit 4) 1 WAKE0 debounce select (same values as bit 4) 0 SWTCH debounce select (same values as bit 4) SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS edge detect control register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0365) 15-10 reserved 9-8 EXTACT0 edge detect 00 = reserved 01 = falling 10 = rising 11 = rising and falling 7-6 RING edge detect 00 = reserved 01 = falling 10 = rising 11 = reserved 5-4 WAKE1 edge detect (same values as bits 9-8) 3-2 WAKE0 edge detect (same values as bits 9-8) 1-0 SWTCH edge detect (same values as bits 9-8) SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS L2 cache configuration register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0366) 15-10 reserved 9 TAG initialization enable 8 NALE mode select 0 = TAGCS#/NALE# pin is in TAGCS# mode 1 = TAGCS#/NALE# pin is in NALE# mode 7 pipelined burst SRAM enable (if bits 5-4 = 01) 6 reserved 5-4 L2 cache type 00 = standard asynchronous 01 = standard synchronous 10-11 = reserved 3-1 L2 cache size select 000 = 128 KB 001 = 256 KB 010 = 512 KB 011 = 1 MB 100-111 = reserved 0 L2 cache enable SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS L2 cache timing register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0367) 15-8 reserved 7-6 L2 cache write follow-on 00 = 1T 01-11 = reserved 5-4 L2 cache write leadoff 00 = 2T 01 = 3T 10 = 4T 11 = reserved 3-2 L2 cache read follow-on (same values as bits 7-6) 1-0 L2 cache read leadoff (same values as bits 5-4) SeeAlso: #P0294 Bitfields for PicoPower Vesuvius V1-LS L2 cache miscellaneous register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0368) 15-10 reserved 9-8 (revision BB and later) pipeline on memory read-miss cycle enable x0 = disable 01 = enable (NA generated same time as first BRDY#) 11 = enable (NA generated as soon as internal read request recognized) 7 power management on CE# only for 50 MHz operation disable 6 advanced synchronous power enhanced cache timing enable 5-2 reserved 1 invalidation of ROM address disable 0 dead clock enable SeeAlso: #P0294 ----------P00240029-------------------------- PORT 0024-0029 - HEADLAND HTK340 SHASTA 386/486 CHIPSET 0024 Rw data port 0028 ?W index port to chipset registers (see #P0369,#P0370) (Table P0369) Values for Headland HT321 register index: 00h R chip/revision,read-only bit7-4: reserved (=0) bit3-0: chip revision, 0=A, 1=B, 3=D 01h RW system clocking (default=00h) bit7-4: reserved (=0) bit3-0: ISA speed set 02h RW system parameters (default=00h) (see #P0371) 04h RW co-processor (default=00h) bit7-3: reserved (=0) bit2=1: soft-NPU reset blocked (386 only) bit1=1: weitek installed bit0=1: 387 installed 06h RW DMA (default=00h) (see #P0372) 07h RW EPROM (default=00h) (see #P0373) 08h RW I/O and memory map holes (default=00h) bit7-4: reserved (=0) bit3 : 0/1 I/O map hole-A bit2 : reserved (=0) bit1 : 0/1 memory map hole-B bit0 : reserved (=0) 10h RW hole-A low address (default=00h) 11h RW hole-A high address (default=00h) 19h RW mem hole-B start address, lower (default=00h) 1Ah RW mem hole-B start address, higher (default=00h) bit7-6: reserved (=0) bit5-0: address of mem hole-B start 1Ch RW mem hole-B end address, lower (default=00h) 1Dh RW mem hole-B end address, higher (default=00h) bit7-6: reserved (=0) bit5-0: address of mem hole-B end SeeAlso: #P0370 (Table P0370) Values for Headland HT342 register index: 20h R identifier port read bit7-4: DRAM controller identifier (0010b) bit3-0: revision number (0=A) 21h R feature port read (default=00h) 24h RW DRAM options port #1 (default=00h) bit7 : 0/1 staggered refresh bit6 : refresh type bit5 : 0/1 DRAM paging bit4-2: CAS interleave bit1-0: banks 25h DRAM options port #2 (default=00h) bit7-6: DRAM bank 1 type bit5-4: DRAM bank 2 type bit3-2: DRAM bank 1?? type bit1-0: DRAM bank 0 type 26h RW DRAM options port #3 (default=FFh) (see #P0374) 27h RW DRAM options port #4 (default=FFh) (see #P0375) 28h RW data transfer control port (default=00h) doubled indexed registers (28h-2Ah) bit7 : initiate transfer bit6 : read/write transfer bit5-4: reserved bit3-0: transfer/destination 29h RW RAM address register (default=00h) doubled indexed registers (28h-2Ah) bit7-5: reserved bit4-0: RAM address registers contents 2Ah RW data transfer port (default=00h) doubled indexed registers (28h-2Ah) bit7-6: reserved bit5 : EMS translation bit4 : reserved bit3 : 0/1 cacheing bit2 : 0/1 write bit1 : 0/1 read bit0 : 0/1 shadow 2Bh RW other options (default=00h) (see #P0376) 2Dh RW DRAM options port #5 (default=03h) bit7-5: reserved bit4 : 0/1 10ęs RAS timeout bit3-2: BUS speed bit1-0: BUS recovery for DRAM cycles 00b=0: 4-1-1-1 10b=0.5 01b=1: 4-2-2-2 11b=1?? 82h read transfer C2h write transfer SeeAlso: #P0369 Bitfields for Headland HT321 register 02h (system parameters): Bit(s) Description (Table P0371) 7-6 IO recovery time (rev. D+) 5 parity override 4-3 cycle-width 2 0/1 PORT 0092h functionality 1 IO decode 0 0/1 posted backplane MEMWN cycles SeeAlso: #P0369 Bitfields for Headland HT321 register 06h (DMA control): Bit(s) Description (Table P0372) 7 reserved (=0) 6 1/0 IOCHRDY during master cycle (rev. C+) 5 0/1 fast sample DMA 4-3 DMA waitstate 00b=3 .. 11b=0 2 0/1 DMA flow-through mode 1 0/1 extended DMA page register 0 DMA clock SeeAlso: #P0369 Bitfields for Headland HT321 register 07h (EPROM control): Bit(s) Description (Table P0373) 7-6 reserved (=0) 5 0/1 EADS CACHE invalidation for EPROM writes (rev. D+) 4 0/1 ROMEN for EPROM writes (rev. C+) 3 0/1 middle BIOS region of 64KB space below 16MB 2 ROM-size (0=64KB, 1=128KB) 1 V-BIOS-add (0=separate, 1=same device) 0 ROM-access time (0=250ns, 1=125ns) SeeAlso: #P0369 Bitfields for Headland HT342 register 26h (DRAM CAS control): Bit(s) Description (Table P0374) 7 CAS hold on RAS (CAS before RAS refresh) 6 CAS precharge 5 CAS burst delay 4 CAS delay (writes) 3 CAS delay (reads) 2 CAS active time (writes) 1-0 CAS active time (reads) SeeAlso: #P0370,#P0375 Bitfields for Headland HT342 register 27h (DRAM RAS control): Bit(s) Description (Table P0375) 7 RAS delay 6-5 RAS active (writes) 4-2 RAS active (reads) 1-0 RAS precharge SeeAlso: #P0370,#P0374 Bitfields for Headland HT342 register 2Bh (other options): Bit(s) Description (Table P0376) 7 reserved 6 0/1 middle BIOS 5 0/1 data pipeline 4 0/1 data pipeline 3 IO-decode 2 reserved 1 16bit DMA bridge 0 0/1 write buffering SeeAlso: #P0370 ----------P00260027-------------------------- PORT 0026-0027 - INTEL 82347 POWER MANAGEMENT PERIPHERAL SeeAlso: PORT 0178h-0179h 0026 -W index for data port (see #P0377) 0027 RW power management data (Table P0377) Values for Intel 82437 Power Management Peripheral register index: C0h suspend/wakeup status, system state C1h power supply and activity status, general-purpose output/control C2h control bits C3h activity mask C4h NMI mask C5h I/O range for activity monitor C6h power output control bits, ON state C7h power output control bits, Doze state C8h power output control bits, Sleep state C9h power output control bits, Suspend state CAh power control bits polarity control CBh current output bits CCh Doze timeout CDh Sleep timeout CEh Suspend timeout CFh LCD display power timeout D0h EL display power timeout ----------P00260027-------------------------- PORT 0026-0027 - Chips&Technologies CS4021 - "SuperState V" ALTERNATE CONFIG Desc: alternate copy of the configuration register access at PORT 0022h/0023h which may be used by system software in "SuperState V" to configure the chipset without disturbing accesses to PORT 0022h by user code Notes: SuperState V is an early version of system management mode these ports can only be accessed while the system is in SuperState V; similarly, some configuration registers are read-only via PORT 0022h and others can optionally be made read-only SeeAlso: PORT 0022h"Chips&Technologies" !!!chips\cs4021.pdf p.149 0026 -W configuration register index 0027 RW configuration register data ----------P0028002A-------------------------- PORT 0028-002A - 80486 "Deep Green" motherboard - ??? 0028 ?W index for data port 002A RW ??? data port Note: in order to access to the registers available through PORT 002A, an unlocking sequence must be written via PORT 0028: write A0h, 05h, index to PORT 0028, then read/write PORT 002A, then write A5h to PORT 0028 ----------P002E002F-------------------------- PORT 002E-002F - DELL ENHANCED PARALLEL PORT SeeAlso: PORT 015Ch,PORT 026Eh,PORT 0398h 002E -W index for data port (see #P0378) 002F RW EPP command data (Table P0378) Values for Dell Enhanced Parallel Port register index: 00h bit 0: ??? 02h bit 7: port in bidirectional mode 04h bits 0 and 2: ECP/EPP mode control ----------P002E002F-------------------------- PORT 002E-002F - Intel "Nonolet" Motherboard - POWER MANAGEMENT 002E ?W index for data port 002F ?W data port code sequence posted in fido7.nice.sources by Konstantin Mohorea: out 2Eh,0Ch out 2Fh,75h out 2Eh,11h out 2Fh,00h out 2Eh,0Dh out 2Fh,A0h ----------P002E002F-------------------------- PORT 002E-002F - NS PC87306 SuperI/O - CONFIGURATION REGISTERS InstallCheck: after a hardware reset, the first read of the index port returns 88h, and a second consecutive read always returns 00h (while read-after-write always returns the written value) Range: PORT 002Eh, PORT 015Ch, PORT 026Eh, or PORT 0398h, depending on external strapping Note: to set a register, the data port must be written twice in a row; the value is latched on the second write 002E RW configuration register index 002F RW configuration register data ----------P0038003F-------------------------- PORT 0038-003F - PC radio by CoZet Info Systems Notes: The I/O address range is dipswitch selectable from: 038-03F and 0B0-0BF 078-07F and 0F0-0FF 138-13F and 1B0-1BF 178-17F and 1F0-1FF 238-23F and 2B0-2BF 278-27F and 2F0-2FF 338-33F and 3B0-3BF 378-37F and 3F0-3FF All of these addresses show a readout of FF in initial state. Once started, all of the addresses show FB, whatever might happen. ----------P0040005F-------------------------- PORT 0040-005F - PIT - PROGRAMMABLE INTERVAL TIMER (8253, 8254) Notes: XT & AT use ports 40h-43h; PS/2 uses ports 40h, 42h-44h, and 47h the counter chip is driven with a 1.193 MHz clock (1/4 of the original PC's 4.77 MHz CPU clock) SeeAlso: PORT 0044h,PORT 0048h 0040 RW PIT counter 0, counter divisor (XT, AT, PS/2) Used to keep the system time; the default divisor of (1)0000h produces the 18.2Hz clock tick. 0041 RW PIT counter 1, RAM refresh counter (XT, AT) don't set below 3 on PCs (default 12h), and don't mess with this counter at all unless you really know what you're doing.... 0042 RW PIT counter 2, cassette & speaker (XT, AT, PS/2) During normal operation mode (8253) 40h-42h set the counter values on write and get the current counter value on read. In 16bit modes two consequtive writes/reads must be issued, first with the low byte, followed by the high byte. In 8254 read back modes, all selected counters and status are latched and must be read out completely before normal operation is valid again. Each counter switches back to normal operation after read out. In 'get status and counter' mode the first byte read is the status, followed by one or two counter values. (see #P0379) Note that 16-bit reads performed without using the "latch" command will get the current high/low portion of the counter at the instant of the port read, so it is possible for the low part of the counter to wrap around before the high part gets read, resulting in a significant measurement error 0043 RW PIT mode port, control word register for counters 0-2 (see #P0380) Once a control word has been written (43h), it must be followed immediately by performing the corresponding action to the counter registers (40h-42h), else the system may hang!! Bitfields for 8254 PIT counter status byte: Bit(s) Description (Table P0379) 7 PIN status of OUTx Pins (1=high, 0=low) 6 counter start value loaded =0: yes, so counter latch is valid to be read =1: no, wait for counter latch to be set (may last a while) 5-0 counter mode, same as bit5-0 at 43h SeeAlso: #P0380 Bitfields for 8253/8254 PIT mode control word: Bit(s) Description (Table P0380) 7-6 counter select 00 counter 0 select 01 counter 1 select (not PS/2) 10 counter 2 select 11 (8253) reserved (8254) read back counter (see #P0379) ---if counter select--- 5-4 counter access 00 counter latch command BUG: Intel Neptune/Mercury/Aries Chipset 8237IB (SIO) needs a short delay after issuing this command, else the latched MSB may be outdated with respect to the LSB, resulting in large measuring errors. Workaround: Check for this condition by comparing results with last results and don't use erroneous results. 01 read/write counter bits 0-7 only 10 read/write counter bits 8-15 only 11 read/write counter bits 0-7 first, then 8-15 3-1 counter mode 000 mode 0 select - zero detection interrupt 001 mode 1 select - programmable one shot x10 mode 2 select - rate generator x11 mode 3 select - square wave generator counts down twice by two at a time; latch status and check value of OUT pin to determine which half-cycle is active divisor factor 3 not allowed! 100 mode 4 select - software triggered strobe 101 mode 5 select - hardware triggered strobe 0 counting style 0 binary counter 16 bits 1 BCD counter (4 decades) ---if read back--- 5-4 what to read 00 counter status, then value 01 counter value 10 counter status 11 reserved 3 select counter 2 2 select counter 1 1 select counter 0 0 reserved (0) Note: after issuing a read back 'get status' command, any new read back command is ignored until the status is read from all selected counters. ----------P00440047-------------------------- PORT 0044-0047 - Microchannel - PROGRAMMABLE INTERVAL TIMER 2 SeeAlso: PORT 0040h,PORT 0048h 0044 RW PIT counter 3 (PS/2) used as fail-safe timer. generates an NMI on time out. for user generated NMI see at 0462. 0047 -W PIT control word register counter 3 (PS/2, EISA) bit 7-6 = 00 counter 3 select = 01 reserved = 10 reserved = 11 reserved bit 5-4 = 00 counter latch command counter 3 = 01 read/write counter bits 0-7 only = 1x reserved bit 3-0 = 00 ----------P0048004B-------------------------- PORT 0048-004B - EISA - PROGRAMMABLE INTERVAL TIMER 2 Note: this second timer is also supported by many Intel chipsets SeeAlso: PORT 0040h,PORT 0044h 0048 RW EISA PIT2 counter 3 (Watchdog Timer) 0049 ?? EISA 8254 timer 2, not used (counter 4) 004A RW EISA PIT2 counter 5 (CPU speed control) 004B -W EISA PIT2 control word ----------P00500052-------------------------- PORT 0050-0052 - Olivetti M24 - 8530 SIO CHIP SeeAlso: PORT 0065h"Olivetti" 0050 RW 8530 serial communications chip Note: At least MS-DOS 6 bypasses the initialization of serial devices if it finds an Olivetti M24 machine with an 8630 SIO port present at this address. An Olivetti-approved presence detection is to write 0Fh to port 50h and check if bit 0 is still cleared when reading port 50h again. SeeAlso: PORT 0066h, INT 14h/00h,INT 15h/C0h INTER 60 table 0515 --------K-P0060006F-------------------------- PORT 0060-006F - KEYBOARD CONTROLLER 804x (8041, 8042) (or PPI (8255) on PC,XT) Note: XT uses ports 60h-63h, AT uses ports 60h-64h 0060 RW KB controller data port or keyboard input buffer (ISA, EISA) should only be read from after status port bit0 = 1 should only be written to if status port bit1 = 0 0060 R- KeyBoard or KB controller data output buffer (via PPI on XT) PC: input from port A of 8255, if bit7 in 61h set (see #P0396) get scancodes, special codes (in PC: with bit7 in 61h cleared) (see #P0390) 0061 R- KB controller port B control register (ISA, EISA) system control port for compatibility with 8255 (see #P0393) 0061 -W KB controller port B (ISA, EISA) (PS/2 port A is at 0092) system control port for compatibility with 8255 (see #P0392) 0061 -W PPI Programmable Peripheral Interface 8255 (XT only) system control port (see #P0394) 0062 RW PPI (XT only) data port C (see #P0395) 0063 RW PPI (XT only) command mode register (see #P0397) 0064 R- keyboard controller read status (see #P0398,#P0399,#P0400) 0064 -W keyboard controller input buffer (ISA, EISA) (see #P0401) 0064 -W (Amstrad/Schneider PC1512) set 'DIP switch S1' setting stored in CMOS RAM that PPI should report for compatibility 0065 -W (Amstrad/Schneider PC1512) set 'DIP switch S2' RAM size setting stored in CMOS RAM, that PPI port C (PORT 0064h) should report for compatibility 0065 R- communications port (Olivetti M24) 0066 R? configuration port (Olivetti M24 with model byte 0) bit 5 set if 8530 SIO present (see also PORT 0065h"Olivetti") Bitfields for AT keyboard controller input port: Bit(s) Description (Table P0381) 7 keyboard enabled 6 =0 CGA, else MDA 5 =0 manufacturing jumper installed 4 =0 system RAM 512K, else 640K 3-0 reserved SeeAlso: #P0382,#P0384 Bitfields for AT keyboard controller input port (Compaq): Bit(s) Description (Table P0382) 7 security lock is unlocked 6 =0 Compaq dual-scan display, 1=non-Compaq display 5 system board dip switch 5 is OFF 4 =0 auto speed selected, 1=high speed selected 3 =0 slow (4MHz), 1 = fast (8MHz) 2 no math coprocessor installed 1-0 reserved SeeAlso: #P0383 Bitfields for AT keyboard controller output port: Bit(s) Description (Table P0383) 7 keyboard data output 6 keyboard clock output 5 input buffer NOT full 4 output buffer NOT empty 3 reserved (see note) 2 reserved (see note) 1 gate A20 0 system reset Note: bits 2 and 3 are the turbo speed switch or password lock on Award/AMI/Phoenix BIOSes. These bits make use of nonstandard keyboard controller BIOS functionality to manipulate pin 23 (8041 port 22) as turbo switch for AWARD pin 35 (8041 port 15) as turbo switch/pw lock for Phoenix SeeAlso: #P0381,#P0384 Bitfields for HP Vectra keyboard controller output port: Bit(s) Description (Table P0384) 7-5 reserved 4 output buffer full (OBF) interrupt 3 HP SVC interrupt 2 HP-HIL controller AutoPoll 1 A20 gate 0 system reset SeeAlso: #P0383,#P0385 Bitfields for HP Vectra command byte: Bit(s) Description (Table P0385) 7 reserved (0) 6 scancode conversion mode (1 = PC/XT, 0 = PC/AT) 5 unused 4 disable keyboard (unless bit 3 set) 3 override keyboard disable 2 System Flag (may be read from PORT 0060h) 1 reserved 0 OBF interrupt enable SeeAlso: #P0384 (Table P0386) Values for keyboard commands (data also goes to PORT 0060h): Value Count Description EDh double set/reset mode indicators Caps Num Scrl bit 2 = CapsLk, bit 1 = NumLk, bit 0 = ScrlLk all other bits must be zero. EEh sngl diagnostic echo. returns EEh. EFh sngl NOP (No OPeration). reserved for future use EF+26h double [Cherry MF2 G80-1501HAD] read 256 bytes of chipcard data keyboard must be disabled before this and has to be enabled after finished. F0h double get/set scan code set 00h get current set 01h scancode set 1 (PCs and PS/2 mod 30, except Type 2 ctrlr) 02h scancode set 2 (ATs, PS/2, default) 03h scancode set 3 F1h ??? select menu command F2h sngl read keyboard ID (read two ID bytes) AT keyboards returns FA (ACK) MF2 returns AB 41 (translation) or AB 83 (pass through) F3h double set typematic rate/delay format of the second byte: bit7=0 : reserved bit6-5 : typemativ delay 00b=250ms 10b= 750ms 01b=500ms 11b=1000ms bit4-0 : typematic rate (see #P0391) F4h sngl enable keyboard F5h sngl disable keyboard. set default parameters (no keyboard scanning) F6h sngl set default parameters F7h sngl [MCA] set all keys to typematic (scancode set 3) F8h sngl [MCA] set all keys to make/release F9h sngl [MCA] set all keys to make only FAh sngl [MCA] set all keys to typematic/make/release FBh sngl [MCA] set al keys to typematic FCh double [MCA] set specific key to make/release FDh double [MCA] set specific key to make only FEh sngl resend last scancode FFh sngl perform internal power-on reset function Note: each command is acknowledged by FAh (ACK), if not mentioned otherwise. See PORT 0060h-R for details. SeeAlso: #P0387 (Table P0387) Values for Mouse functions (for PS/2-like pointing devices): Value Count Description E6h sngl set mouse scaling to 1:1 E7h sngl set mouse scaling to 2:1 E8h double set mouse resolution (00h=1/mm, 01h=2/mm, 02h=4/mm, 03h=8/mm) E9h sngl get mouse information read two status bytes: byte 0: flags (see #P0388) byte 1: resolution EAh sngl set mouse to stream mode (mouse sends data on any changes) EBh sngl get mouse data (from mouse to controller) (see #P0389) on reading, each data packet consists of 8 bytes: ECh sngl reset mouse wrap mode (to normal mode) EEh sngl set wrap mode F0h sngl set remote mode (instead of stream mode), mouse sends data only on issueing command EBh. F2h sngl read mouse ID (read one, two?? ID bytes) 00h=mouse F3h double set mouse sample rate in reports per second 0Ah=10/s 50h= 80/s 14h=20/s 64h=100/s 28h=40/s C8h=200/s 3Ch=60/s F4h sngl enable mouse (in stream mode) F5h sngl disable mouse (in steam mode), set default parameters F6h sngl reset to defaults: 100/s, scaling 1:1, stream-mode, 4/mm, disabled FEh sngl resend last mouse data (8 bytes, see EBh) FFh sngl reset mouse Notes: must issue command D4h to PORT 0064h first to access mouse functions all commands except ECh and FFh are acknowledged by FAh (ACK) or FEh (Resend); get mouse ID (F2h) returns mouse ID. SeeAlso: #P0386 Bitfields for mouse status byte 0: Bit(s) Description (Table P0388) 7 unused 6 remote rather than stream mode 5 mouse enabled 4 scaling set to 2:1 3 unused 2 left button pressed 1 unused 0 right button pressed SeeAlso: #P0387,#P0389 Format of mouse data packet: Offset Size Description (Table P0389) 00h BYTE status bit7 : y-data overrun bit6 : x-data overrun bit5 : y-data negative bit4 : x-data negative bit3-2=0: reserved bit1 : right button pressed bit0 : left button pressed 01h BYTE reserved 02h BYTE x-data 03h BYTE reserved 04h BYTE y-data 05h BYTE reserved 06h BYTE z-data (0) 07h BYTE reserved SeeAlso: #P0387,#P0388 (Table P0390) Values for keyboard special codes: 00h (MF2 in codeset2&3 or AT keyboards) keydetection/overrun error 00h (mouse) ID AAh BAT completion code (sent after errorfree Basic Assurance Test) ABh first byte of general MF2 keyboard ID EEh Echo command return F0h keyboard break code FAh Acknowledge (all general commands except Resend and Echo) FAh (mouse) Acknowledge (all commands except commands ECh,F2h,FFh) FCh (MF2) BAT Failure Code (error in second half of the power on self test) FDh (AT-keyboard) BAT Failure Code (error in the second half of the power-on self test) FEh Resend: CPU to controller should resend last keyboard-command FEh (mouse) CPU to controller should resend last mouse-command FFh (MF2 in codeset1) keydetection/overrun error Note: keyboard stops scanning and waits for next command after returning code FCh or FDh SeeAlso: PORT 0060h-R (Table P0391) Values for keyboard typematic rate: 00000b=30.0 10000b=7.5 00001b=26.7 10001b=6.7 00010b=24.0 10010b=6.0 00011b=21.8 10011b=5.5 00100b=20.0 10100b=5.0 00101b=18.5 10101b=4.6 00110b=17.1 10110b=4.3 00111b=16.0 10111b=4.0 01000b=15.0 11000b=3.7 01001b=13.3 11001b=3.3 01010b=12.0 11010b=3.0 01011b=10.9 11011b=2.7 01100b=10.0 11100b=2.5 01101b= 9.2 11101b=2.3 01110b= 8.5 11110b=2.1 01111b= 8.0 11111b=2.0 SeeAlso: #P0386 Bitfields for KB controller port B (system control port) [output]: Bit(s) Description (Table P0392) 7 pulse to 1 for IRQ1 reset (PC,XT) 6-4 reserved 3 I/O channel parity check disable 2 RAM parity check disable 1 speaker data enable 0 timer 2 gate to speaker enable SeeAlso: PORT 0061h-W,#P0393 Bitfields for KB ctrller port B control register (system control port) [input]: Bit(s) Description (Table P0393) 7 RAM parity error occurred 6 I/O channel parity error occurred 5 mirrors timer 2 output condition 4 toggles with each refresh request 3 NMI I/O channel check status 2 NMI parity check status 1 speaker data status 0 timer 2 clock gate to speaker status Note: also supported by OPTi 82C392 SeeAlso: PORT 0061h-R,#P0392 Bitfields for Progr. Peripheral Interface (8255) system control port [output]: Bit(s) Description (Table P0394) 7 clear keyboard (only pulse, normally kept at 0) 6 =0 hold keyboard clock low 5 NMI I/O parity check disable 4 NMI RAM parity check disable 3 =0 read low nybble of switches S2 =1 read high nybble of switches S2 2 reserved, often used as turbo switch original PC: cassette motor off 1 speaker data enable 0 timer 2 gate to speaker enable Note: bits 2 and 3 are sometimes used as turbo switch SeeAlso: PORT 0061h-W,#P00051,#P0395,#P0396,#P0397 Bitfields for PPI (XT only) data port C: Bit(s) Description (Table P0395) 7 RAM parity error occurred 6 I/O channel parity error occurred 5 timer 2 channel out 4 reserved original PC: cassette data input --- 3 system board RAM size type 1 2 system board RAM size type 2 1 coprocessor installed 0 loop in POST --- 3-0 DIL switch S2 high/low nybble (depending on PORT 0061h bit 3) SeeAlso: PORT 0062h-RW,#P0394,#P0396,#P0397 Bitfields for PPI (PC,XT only) equipment switches [input]: Bit(s) Description (Table P0396) 7-6 number of disk drives 00 1 diskette drive 01 2 diskette drives 10 3 diskette drives 11 4 diskette drives 5-4 initial video 00 reserved (video adapter has on-board BIOS) 01 40*25 color (mono mode) 10 80*25 color (mono mode) 11 MDA 80*25 3-2 memory size (using 256K chips) 00 256K 01 512K 10 576K 11 640K 3-2 memory size (using 64K chips) 00 64K 01 128K 10 192K 11 256K 3-2 memory size (original PC) 00 16K 01 32K 10 48K 11 64K 1-0 reserved 1 NPU (math coprocessor) present 0 boot from floppy SeeAlso: #P0395,#P0397,PORT 0060h-R Bitfields for PPI (8255) command mode register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0397) 7 activation function (0 = bit set/reset, 1 = mode set function) 6,5 port A mode: 00 = mode0, 01 = mode1, 1x = mode2 4 port A direction: 0 = output, 1 = input 3 port C bits 7-4 direction: 0 = output, 1 = input 2 port B mode: 0 = mode0, 1 = mode1 1 port B direction: 0 = output, 1 = input 0 port C bits 3-0 direction: 0 = output, 1 = input Note: Attention: Never write anything other than 99h to this port (better: never write anything to this port, only during BIOS init), as other values may connect multiple output drivers and will cause hardware damage in PC/XTs! By setting command word to 99h, PPI will be set in input/output modes as it is necessary to support the commonly known IO-ports 60, 61, 62 as desired. SeeAlso: #P0394,#P0395,#P0396 Bitfields for keyboard controller read status (ISA, EISA): Bit(s) Description (Table P0398) 7 parity error on transmission from keyboard 6 receive timeout 5 transmit timeout 4 keyboard interface inhibited by keyboard lock or by password server mode (IBM PS/2-286 [model bytes FCh/09h], "Tortuga" [model F8h/19h]) (see #00515 at INT 15/AH=C0h) 3 =1 data written to input register is command (PORT 0064h) =0 data written to input register is data (PORT 0060h) 2 system flag status: 0=power up or reset 1=selftest OK 1 input buffer full (input 60/64 has data for 8042) no write access allowed until bit clears 0 output buffer full (output 60 has data for system) bit is cleared after read access SeeAlso: PORT 0064h-R,#P0399,#P0400,#P0401 Bitfields for keyboard controller read status (MCA): Bit(s) Description (Table P0399) 7 parity error on transmission from keyboard 6 general timeout 5 mouse output buffer full 4 keyboard interface inhibited by keyboard lock 3 =1 data written to input register is command (PORT 0064h) =0 data written to input register is data (PORT 0060h) 2 system flag status: 0=power up or reset 1=selftest OK 1 input buffer full (60/64 has data for 804x) no write access allowed until bit clears 0 output buffer full (output 60 has data for system) bit is cleared after read access SeeAlso: #P0398,#P0400,#P0401 Bitfields for keyboard controller read status (Compaq): Bit(s) Description (Table P0400) 7 parity error detected (11-bit format only). If an error is detected, a Resend command is sent to the keyboard once only, as an attempt to recover. 6 receive timeout. transmission didn't finish in 2mS. 5 transmission timeout error bit 5,6,7 cause 1 0 0 No clock 1 1 0 Clock OK, no response 1 0 1 Clock OK, parity error 4 =0 security lock engaged 3 =1 data in OUTPUT register is command =0 data in OUTPUT register is data 2 system flag status: 0=power up or reset 1=soft reset 1 input buffer full (60/64 has data for 804x) no write access allowed until bit clears 0 output buffer full (PORT 0060h has data for system) bit is cleared after read access SeeAlso: #P0398,#P0399,#P0401 (Table P0401) Values for keyboard controller commands (data goes to PORT 0060h): Value Description 20h read read byte zero of internal RAM, this is the last KB command sent to the 8041/8042 Compaq put current command byte on PORT 0060h (see #P0403,#P0404) 21-3F read reads the byte specified in the lower 5 bits of the command in the 804x's internal RAM (see #P0407) 60-7F double writes the data byte to the address specified in the 5 lower bits of the command 60h Compaq Load new command (60 to [64], command to [60]) (see #P0404) (also general AT-class machines) A0h AMI get ASCIZ copyright message on PORT 0060h A1h AMI get controller version byte on PORT 0060h A1h Compaq unknown speedfunction ?? A1h C&T CHIPS extensions (see #P0402) A2h Compaq unknown speedfunction ?? A2h AMI set keyboard controller pins 22 and 23 low A2h C&T turn on turbo LED A3h Compaq Enable system speed control A3h AMI set keyboard controller pins 22 and 23 high A3h C&T turn off turbo LED A4h MCA check if password installed returns PORT 0060h code F1h if no password, FAh if installed A4h Compaq Toggle speed A4h AMI set internal system speed flag to low A5h MCA load password write successive scan codes to PORT 0060h, terminate with 00h A5h AMI set internal system speed flag to high A5h Compaq Special read. the 8042 places the real values of port 2 except for bits 4 and 5 wich are given a new definition in the output buffer. No output buffer full is generated. if bit 5 = 0, a 9-bit keyboard is in use if bit 5 = 1, an 11-bit keyboard is in use if bit 4 = 0, output-buff-full interrupt disabled if bit 4 = 1, output-buffer-full interrupt enabled A6h MCA check password A6h AMI get internal system speed flag on PORT 0060h A6h Compaq unknown speedfunction ?? A7h MCA disable mouse port A7h AMI set internal flag indicating bad write cache A8h MCA enable mouse port A8h AMI set internal flag indicating good write cache A9h MCA test mouse port, return test result on PORT 0060h (see #P0406) A9h AMI get internal flag indicating cache OK to PORT 0060h AAh sngl initiate self-test. will return 55h to data port if self-test successful, FCh if failed AAh Compaq initializes ports 1 and 2, disables the keyboard and clears the buffer pointers. It then places 55h in the output buffer. ABh sngl initiate interface test, return result value on PORT 0060h (see #P0406) ACh read diagnostic dump. the contents of the 804x RAM, output port, input port, status word are sent to PORT 0060h in scan-code format; Chips&Technologies 8042's append "CHIPS Vxxx" where "xxx" is the controller version number ADh sngl disable keyboard (sets bit 4 of commmand byte) ADh Vectra HP Vectra diagnostic dump AEh sngl enable keyboard (resets bit 4 of commmand byte) AFh AWARD Enhanced Command: read keyboard version AFh AMI set extended controller RAM write address to PORT 0060h, wait for controller ready, then write value to PORT 0060h B1h AMI set keyboard controller P11 line low B2h AMI set keyboard controller P12 line low B3h AMI set keyboard controller P13 line low B4h AMI set keyboard controller P22 line low B5h AMI set keyboard controller P23 line low B8h AMI set keyboard controller P10 line high B9h AMI set keyboard controller P11 line high BAh AMI set keyboard controller P12 line high BBh AMI set keyboard controller P13 line high BCh AMI set keyboard controller P22 line high BDh AMI set keyboard controller P23 line high C0h read read input port and place on PORT 0060h bit 7 keyboard NOT locked bit 6 =0 first video is CGA =1 first video is MDA bit 5 =0 factory testmode =1 normal bit 4 =0 256KB RAM, 1=512KB bit 5,3-0 are used in Intel chipset 386sx machines with AMI/Phoenix BIOSes for BIOS specific hardware settings bit 2 (MCA) no keyboard power bit 1 (MCA) current mouse serial data input state bit 0 (MCA) current keyboard serial input state C0h Compaq places status of input port in output buffer. Use this command only when the output buffer is empty C1h MCA Enhanced Command: poll input port Low nibble, continuously place in PORT 0064h bits 7-4 until next command C2h MCA Enhanced Command: poll input port High nibble, continuously place in PORT 0064h bits 7-4 until next command C8h AMI unblock keyboard controller lines P22 and P23 C9h AMI block keyboard controller lines P22 and P23 CAh AMI read keyboard mode, return in 0060 bit 0 (bit clear if ISA mode, set if PS/2 mode) CBh AMI set keyboard mode (write back mode byte returned by CAh, modifying only bit 0) CCh AMI ??? (used by AMI BIOS v1.00.12.AX1T APM code) D0h read read output port and place on PORT 0060h (see #P0405) D0h Compaq places byte in output port in output buffer. Use this command only when the output buffer is empty D1h double write output port. The next byte written to PORT 0060h will be written to the 804x output port; the original IBM AT and many compatibles such as the OPTi 82C392 use bit 1 of the output port to control the A20 gate. Important: bit 0 (system reset) should always be set here, as the system may hang constantly; use pulse output port (FEh) instead. D1h Compaq the system speed bits are not set by this command use commands A1-A6 (!) for speed functions. D2h MCA Enhanced Command: write keyboard output buffer D3h MCA Enhanced Command: write pointing device out.buf. D4h MCA write to mouse/pointing device instead of to keyboard; this controller command must precede every PORT 0060h command directed to the mouse, otherwise it will be sent to the keyboard D4h AWARD Enhanced Command: write to auxiliary device DDh sngl disable address line A20 (HP Vectra only???) default in Real Mode DFh sngl enable address line A20 (HP Vectra only???) E0h read read test inputs, and place in PORT 0060h bit0 = kbd clock, bit1 = kbd data Exxx AWARD Enhanced Command: active output port E5h GoldStar set turbo LED color to yellow (turbo off) E7h GoldStar set turbo LED color to yellow (turbo off) E8h GoldStar set turbo LED color to green (turbo on) EAh GoldStar set turbo LED color to green (turbo on) EDh double this is a two part command to control the state of the NumLock, CpasLock and ScrollLock LEDs The second byte contains the state to set LEDs. bit 7-3 reserved. should be set to 0. bit 2 = 0 Caps Lock LED off bit 1 = 0 Num Lock LED off bit 0 = 0 Scroll Lock LED off F0-FF sngl pulse output port low for 6 microseconds. bits 0-3 contain the mask for the bits to be pulsed. A bit is pulsed if its mask bit is zero bit0=system reset. Don't set to zero. Pulse only! Note: keyboard controllers are widely different from each other. You cannot generally exchange them between different machines. (Award) Derived from Award's Enhanced KB controller advertising sheet. (Compaq) Derived from the Compaq Deskpro 386 Tech. Ref. Guide. (Table P0402) Values for Chips&Technologies extension commands: 00h return ID - returns A6h for a C&T controller, part # N93N8042/A 02h write input port next data byte to PORT 0060h is written to the controller's input port Warning: the system must be designed to support output devices connected to the input port to avoid potential damage 04h select turbo switch input next byte selects input: bit 7: switch polarity (=0 input low = high speed, =1 input low = low speed) bits 6-0: one bit set selects corresponding bit in Port1 as turbo 05h select turbo LED output next byte selects output: bit 7: LED polarity (=0 output low=LED on, =1 output low=LED off) bit 6: LED port (=0 Port1, =1 Port2) bits 5-0: one bit set selects corresponding bit in Port1/Port2 as LED output Note: these commands and any arguments are sent to PORT 0060h after writing command A1h to PORT 0064h SeeAlso: #P0401 Bitfields for Compaq keyboard command byte: Bit(s) Description (Table P0403) 7 reserved 6 =1 convert KB codes to 8086 scan codes 5 =0 use 11-bit codes, 1=use 8086 codes 4 =0 enable keyboard, 1=disable keyboard 3 ignore security lock state 2 this bit goes into bit2 status reg. 1 reserved (0) 0 generate interrupt (IRQ1) when output buffer full SeeAlso: #P0404 Bitfields for keyboard command byte (alternate description): Bit(s) Description (Table P0404) 7 reserved (0) 6 IBM PC compatibility mode 5 IBM PC mode no parity, no stop bits, no translation (PS/2) force mouse clock low 4 disable keyboard (clock) 3 (AT) inhibit override -- ignore keyboard lock switch (PS/2) reserved 2 system flag 1 (AT) reserved (0) (PS/2) enable mouse output buffer full interrupt (IRQ12) 0 enable output buffer full interrupt (IRQ1) SeeAlso: #P0403,#P0405 Bitfields for keyboard controller output port: Bit(s) Description (Table P0405) 7 keyboard data (output) 6 keyboard clock (output) 5 (AT) =0 input buffer empty (MCA) outptu buffer full with mouse byte (connected to IRQ12) 4 output buffer full with keyboard byte (connected to IRQ1) 3 (MCA) mouse data (output) 2 (MCA) mouse clock (output) used by Intel 386sx Chipset with AMI/Phoenix BIOSes for BIOS-specific configuration of turbo switch 1 gate address A20 0 system reset Note: bit 0 (system reset) should always be set when writing the output port, as the system may hang constantly; use pulse output port (command FEh) instead. SeeAlso: #P0404 (Table P0406) Values for keyboard/mouse test result on PORT 0060h: 00h no error 01h keyboard clock line stuck low 02h keyboard clock line stuck high 03h keyboard data line is stuck low 04h keyboard data line stuck high 05h (Compaq only) diagnostic feature SeeAlso: #P0401 (Table P0407) Values for keyboard controller RAM location: 00h command byte (see #P0403,#P0404) ---MCA systems--- 13h security on nonzero if password enabled 14h security off nonzero if password matched 16h password discard scancode 1 17h password discard scancode 2 Note: make codes matching either discard scancode are ignored during password entry ----------P0065------------------------------ PORT 0065 - AT&T 6300+ - HIGH/LOW CHIP SELECT ----------P0065------------------------------ PORT 0065 - ??? 0065 RW ??? bit 2: A20 gate control (set = A20 enabled, clear = disabled) ----------P00650066-------------------------- PORT 0065-0066 - Olivetti M24 SeeAlso: PORT 0050h"Olivetti" 0065 R- communications port 0066 R? configuration port Olivetti M24 at least with model byte 0 (see MEM F000h:FFFEh) bit 5 set if 8530 SIO installed at PORT 0050h Note: At least MS-DOS 6 bypasses the initialization of serial devices if it finds an Olivetti M24 machine with an 8530 SIO present at ports 50h-52h. !SeeAlso: PORT 0050h"Olivetti",INT 14/AH=00h,#00515 at INT 15/AH=C0h ----------P00660067-------------------------- PORT 0066-0067 - AT&T 6300+ - SYSTEM CONFIGURATION SWITCHES ----------P0066------------------------------ PORT 0066 - IBM 4717 Magnetic Stripe Reader - ??? SeeAlso: PORT 0069h"Magnetic Stripe" ----------P0068------------------------------ PORT 0068 - C&T CHIPSETS - TURBO MODE CONTROL Note: on Micronics 386-25/386-33/486-25 motherboards, setting this port to 00h enables full speed; setting it to C0h slows the system down by a factor corresponding to the value programmed into the EISA interval timer 2 at ports 004Ah and 004Bh --------K-P0068006F-------------------------- PORT 0068-006F - HP Vectra Human Interface Link SeeAlso: PORT 0060h"KEYBOARD" 0068 -W (HP-Vectra) control buffer (HP commands) (see #P0408) 0069 R- (HP-Vectra) SVC (keyboard request SerViCe port) 006A -W (HP-Vectra) Acknowledge (clear processing, done) 006C-006F HP-HIL (Human Interface Link = async. serial inputs 0-7) (Table P0408) Values for HP Vectra control buffer command code: 00h-54h insert standard key make code into 8041 scancode buf 55h-77h insert HP key make code into 8041 scancode buffer 7Ah pass through next data byte 7Bh set RAM Switch to 0 7Ch set RAM Switch to 1 (default) 7Dh set CRT Switch to 0 7Eh set CRT Switch to 1 (default) 7Fh reserved 80h-D4h insert standard key break code into scancode buffer D5h-F7h insert HP key break code into scancode buffer F8h enable AutoPoll F9h disable AutoPoll FAh-FEh reserved FFh keyboard overrun ----------P0069------------------------------ PORT 0069 - IBM 4717 Magnetic Stripe Reader - ??? SeeAlso: PORT 0066h"Magnetic Stripe" ----------P006B006F-------------------------- PORT 006B-006F - SSGA CONTROL REGISTERS 006B ?? RAM enable/remap 006C ?? undocumented 006D ?? undocumented 006E ?? undocumented 006F ?? undocumented ----------P0070007F-------------------------- PORT 0070-007F - CMOS RAM/RTC (REAL TIME CLOCK) Note: the real-time clock may be either a discrete MC146814, MC146818, or an emulation thereof built into the motherboard chipset SeeAlso: PORT 00A0h"XT" 0070 -W CMOS RAM index register port (ISA, EISA) bit 7 = 1 NMI disabled from reaching CPU = 0 NMI enabled bit 6-0 CMOS RAM index (64 bytes in early systems, now usually 128 bytes) Note: any write to PORT 0070h should be followed by an action to PORT 0071h or the RTC wil be left in an unknown state. 0071 RW CMOS RAM data port (ISA, EISA) (see #P0409) (Table P0409) Values for Real-Time Clock register number (see also CMOS.LST): 00h-0Dh clock registers 0Eh diagnostics status byte 0Fh shutdown status byte 10h diskette drive type for A: and B: 11h reserved / IBM fixed disk / setup options 12h fixed disk drive type for drive 0 and drive 1 13h reserved / AMI Extended CMOS setup (AMI Hi-Flex BIOS) 14h equipment byte 15h LSB of system base memory in Kb 16h MSB of system base memory in Kb 17h LSB of total extended memory in Kb 18h MSB of total extended memory in Kb 19h drive C extension byte 1Ah drive D extension byte 1Bh-2Dh reserved 20h-27h commonly used for first user-configurable drive type 2Eh CMOS MSB checksum over 10-2D 2Fh CMOS LSB checksum over 10-2D 30h LSB of extended memory found above 1Mb at POST 31h MSB of extended memory found above 1Mb at POST 32h date century in BCD 33h information flags 34h-3Fh reserved 35h-3Ch commonly used for second user-configurable drive type 3Dh-3Eh word to 82335 MCR memory config register at [22] (Phoenix) 42h-4Ch AMI 1990 Hyundai super-NB368S notebook ??? 54h-57h AMI 1990 Hyundai super-NB368S notebook ??? 5Ch-5Dh AMI 1990 Hyundai super-NB368S notebook ??? 60h-61h AMI 1990 Hyundai super-NB368S notebook ??? ----------P0072------------------------------ PORT 0072 - Chips&Technologies 82C100 - NMI CONTROL !!!chips\82c100.pdf p.41 ----------P00720075-------------------------- PORT 0072-0075 - AMD-645 Peripheral Bus Controller - ACCESS TO EXTENDED CMOS SeeAlso: PORT 0070h 0072 RW CMOS memory address, region 2 (256 bytes) 0073 RW CMOS memory data, region 2 0074 RW CMOS memory address, region 3 (256 bytes) 0075 RW CMOS memory data, region 3 Note: on the AMD-645, ports 0072h and 0073h allow access to a full 256 bytes of RAM, including the standard 128 bytes available through ports 0070h and 0071h ----------P0073------------------------------ PORT 0073 - Intel 82378IB ("Saturn"/"Neptune" chipsets) - MBOARD CONFIGURATION SeeAlso: PORT 0075h 0073 RW ??? bit 7: ??? bit 6: disable ROM shadowing bit 5: ??? (related to IDE controller) bit 4: ??? bit 3: ??? ----------P00740076-------------------------- PORT 0074-0076 - SECONDARY CMOS (Compaq), NVRAM (IBM) ACCESS Note: NVRAM may be 2K, 8K, or 16K SeeAlso: PORT 0070h-007Fh,CMOS.LST 0074 -W secondary CMOS RAM (IBM NVRAM) index, low byte 0075 -W secondary CMOS RAM (IBM NVRAM) index, high (in bits 2-0) 0076 RW secondary CMOS RAM (IBM NVRAM) data byte ----------P0075------------------------------ PORT 0075 - Intel 82378IB ("Saturn"/"Neptune" chipsets) - MBOARD CONFIGURATION SeeAlso: PORT 0073h,PORT 0078h"82378IB" 0075 R- ??? bits 3-2: external bus speed 00 50 MHz 01 66 MHz 10 60 MHz 11 40 MHz ----------P0078------------------------------ PORT 0078 - HP-Vectra - HARD RESET: NMI ENABLE/DISABLE 0078 ?W NMI enable/disable bit 7 = 0 disable & clear hard reset from HP-HIL controller = 1 enable hard reset from HP-HIL controller chip bit 6-0 reserved ----------P0078------------------------------ PORT 0078 - Intel 82378IB ("Saturn"/"Neptune" chipsets) - BIOS COUNT-DOWN TIMER Notes: the BIOS uses this port for certain fine timings; presumably it is independent of processor speed (it appears to decrement at 1 MHz) the address at which this port appears may be set via the 82378's PCI configuration space word at offset 0080h (see #01064), or the timer may be disabled entirely SeeAlso: PORT 0075h 0078w -W set count-down timer 0078w R- get current count (timer stops when it reaches 0000h) ----------P0078007F-------------------------- PORT 0078-007F - PC radio by CoZet Info Systems Range: The I/O address range is dipswitch selectable from: 038-03F and 0B0-0BF 078-07F and 0F0-0FF 138-13F and 1B0-1BF 178-17F and 1F0-1FF 238-23F and 2B0-2BF 278-27F and 2F0-2FF 338-33F and 3B0-3BF 378-37F and 3F0-3FF Note: All of these addresses show a readout of FFh in initial state. Once started, all of the addresses show FBh, whatever might happen. ----------P007C007D-------------------------- PORT 007C-007D - HP-Vectra - PIC 3 - PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT CONTROLLER (8259) Notes: cascaded to first controller. used for keyboard and input device interface. SeeAlso: PORT 0020h-0021h,INT 68"Vectra",INT 6E"Vectra" 007C RW HP-Vectra PIC 3 see at 0020 PIC 1 007D RW HP-Vectra PIC 3 see at 0021 PIC 1 ----------P007E------------------------------ PORT 007E - Chips&Technologies 82C100/110 - NMI STATUS SeeAlso: PORT 0072h"82C100",PORT 007Fh"82C100" !!!chips\82c100.pdf p.42 !!!chips\82c110.pdf p.39 ----------P007F------------------------------ PORT 007F - Chips&Technologies 82C100/110 - POWER CONTROL AND RESET SeeAlso: PORT 0072h"82C100",PORT 007Eh"82C100" ----------P0080------------------------------ PORT 0080 - MANUFACTURING DIAGNOSTICS PORT Note: sometimes used for a POST hex display 0080 -W Manufacturing Diagnostics port 0080 R- ??? (Table P0410) Values for AMI BIOS diagnostics codes: 00h system boot completed, control passed to INT 19 bootstrap loader 01h register test 02h video initialization; NMIs disabled 03h power-on delay complete 04h pre-keyboard-test initializations complete 05h soft-reset/power-on setting determined 06h ROM enabled 07h ROM BIOS checksum test passed 08h keyboard BAT command issued 09h keyboard controller BAT result verified 0Ah keyboard controller command code issued 0Bh keyboard controller command byte written 0Ch keyboard controller pins 23/24 blocked and unblocked 0Dh keyboard controller NOP processing in progress 0Eh CMOS RAM shutdown register read/write test passed 0Fh CMOS RAM checksum calculation complete 10h CMOS RAM initialization complete 11h CMOS RAM status register initialized 12h DMA controllers 1/2 and interrupt controllers 1/2 disabled 13h video display disabled, port B initialized 14h chipset initialization, auto memory detection 15h 8254 channel 2 test half complete 16h 8254 channel 2 test completed 17h 8254 channel 1 test completed 18h 8254 channel 0 test completed 19h memory refresh started 1Ah memory refresh line is toggling 1Bh memory refresh test completed 20h base 64K memory test started 21h address line test passed 22h parity toggle complete 23h base 64K sequential read/write test passed 24h pre-interrupt-vector-initialization configuration complete 25h interrupt vectors initialized 26h 8042 input port read 27h global data initialization complete 28h post-interrupt-vector-initialization initialization complete 29h monochrome mode set 2Ah color mode set 2Bh parity toggle on option video ROM test complete 2Ch initialization before video ROM control complete 2Dh video ROM check complete 2Eh !!! A9h returned from E0000h adapter ROM AAh final initializations after adapter ROM initializations complete SeeAlso: #P0411,#P0412,#P0413 (Table P0411) Values for AWARD (non-PnP) diagnostic code: 01h Processor Test 1 02h Processor Test 2 03h initialize chips 04h test memory refresh toggle 05h blank video, initialize keyboard 06h reserved 07h test CMOS and CMOS batter status 08h setup low memory 09h early cache initialization 0Ah interrupt vector initialization 0Bh test CMOS RAM checksum 0Ch initialize keyboard 0Dh initialize video interface 0Eh test video memory 0Fh test DMA channel 0 10h test DMA channel 1 11h test DMA page registers 12h reserved 13h reserved 14h test timer channel 2 15h test master PIC mask bits 16h test slave PIC mask bits 17h test 8259 stuck interrupt bits 18h test 8259 interrupt functionality 19h test for stuck NMI 1Ah display CPU clock 1Bh-1Eh reserved 1Fh set EISA mode 20h enable Slot 0 (system board) 21h-2Fh enable Slots 1-15 30h get base and extended memory size 31h test base and extended memory 32h test EISA memory 33h-3Bh reserved 3Ch set allow-setup flag 3Dh initialize / install mouse 3Eh initialize cache controller 3Fh reserved 41h initialize floppy controller and drives 42h initialize hard disk controller and drives 43h detect / initialize serial and parallel ports 44h reserved 45h initialize math coprocessor 46h-4Dh reserved 4Eh Manufacturing Post loop / or / display any error messages 4Fh ask for password, if enabled 50h update CMOS RAM 51h pre-boot enable of parity, NMI, cache 52h initialize option ROMs 53h initialize BIOS time from RTC 60h setup boot-sector protection 61h set boot CPU speed 62h setup NumLock 63h attempt to boot via INT 19h B0h spurious interrupt while in protected mode B1h unclaimed NMI BEh chipset default initialization BFh chipset initialization C0h turn off chipset cache C1h check on-board memory size C5h early shadow-RAM enable for faster boot C6h detect external cache size E1h-EFh setup utility pages 1-15 FFh system booting operating system SeeAlso: #P0410,#P0412,#P0413 (Table P0412) Values for AWARD (Plug-and-Play) POST code: 01h-02h reserved 03h initialize EISA register (if applicable) 04h reserved 05h keyboard controller test, initialize keyboard 06h reserved 07h test CMOS and CMOS batter status 09h program Cyrix CPU configuration; OEM-specific cache initialization 0Ah initialize interrupt vectors; early power management initialization 0Bh check CMOS RAM; assign I/O and memory to PCI devices 0Ch initialize BIOS data area 0Dh early chipset setup; measure CPU speed; video initialization 0Eh display Award logo, OEM-specific sign-on messages 0Fh test DMA channel 0 10h test DMA channel 1 11h test DMA page registers 12h-13h reserved 14h test timer channel 2 15h test master PIC mask bits 16h test slave PIC mask bits 17h reserved 19h test 8259 functionality 1Ah-1Dh reserved 1Eh EISA initialization (if applicable and EISA NVRAM checksum is good) 1Fh-29h reserved 30h get base and extended memory size 31h test base and extended memory 32h program on-board serial/parallel ports, floppy controller 33h-3Bh reserved 3Ch set allow-setup flag 3Dh initialize keyboard, install PS/2 mouse if attached 3Eh try to turn on L2 cache 3Fh-40h reserved 41h initialize floppy controller, drives 42h initialize hard disk controller, drives 43h initialize serial/parallel ports (if PnP) 44h reserved 45h initialize math coprocessor 46h-4Dh reserved 4Eh display any error messages 4Fh ask for password, if required 50h update CMOS RAM 51h reserved 52h initialize expansion ROMs, PCI, PnP, shadow RAM, power management 53h if not PnP, initialize serial/parallel ports; set BIOS time 54h-5Fh reserved 60h set boot-sector protection 61h turn on L2 cache; set boot speed; final chipset/PM initialization 62h setup daylight savings time; set NumLock, typematic 63h update ESCD (PnP only) if changes; boot system via INT 19h B0h spurious interrupt while in protected mode B1h unclaimed NMI BEh chipset default initialization BFh chipset initialization C0h turn off chipset cache, init DMA/PIC/timer/RTC with default values C1h check on-board DRAM and cache size C3h test first 256K DRAM, expand compressed BIOS image into DRAM C5h early shadow-RAM enable for faster boot FFh system is booting operating system SeeAlso: #P0410,#P0411,#P0413 (Table P0413) Values for Chips&Technologies 82C100/82C235 POST code: 01h flags register failed 02h a CPU register failed 03h incorrect ROM checksum 04h DMA controller failed 05h system timer failed 06h first 64K of RAM failed address test 07h first 64K of RAM failed RAM test 08h interrupt controller failed 09h "Hot Interrupt" occurred 0Ah reserved 0Bh CPU still in protected mode 0Ch DMA page register failed 0Dh no RAM refresh 0Eh no response from keyboard controller 0Fh unable to enter protected mode 10h GDT or IDT register failed 11h LDT register failed 12h task register failed 13h LSL instruction failed 14h LAR instruction failed 15h VERR or VERW instruction failed 16h keyboard controller A20 gate failed 17h exception failed, or shutduwon on unexpected exception 18h shutdown during memory test 19h checksum error in copyright string 1Ah BMS checksum error ---POST progress codes--- 50h initialize hardware 51h initialize timer 52h initialize DMA controller 53h initialize 8259 54h initialize chipset 55h reserved 56h first entry into protected mode 57h memory-chip sizing 58h reserved 59h first exit from protected mode 5Ah system-board memory size determination 5Bh shadow RAM relocation 5Ch configure possible EMS 5Dh reserved 5Eh re-test lowest 64K of RAM 5Fh test shadow RAM 60h test CMOS RAM 61h test video 63h test protected mode interrupts 64h test A20 65h memory address line tests 66h test base memory 67h test extended memory 68h test timer interrupt 69h test real-time clock 6Ah test keyboard controller 6Bh test 80287 6Ch test RS232 6Dh test parallel port 6Eh reserved 6Fh test floppy disk controller 70h test fixed disk controller 71h test keylock 72h test mouse / pointing device 73h-8Fh reserved 90h setup RAM 91h determine CPU speed 92h configuration check 93h initialize BIOS 94h POD bootstrap 95h reset ICs 96h setup cache controller SeeAlso: #P0410,#P0411,#P0412,#P0414,#P1017 (Table P0414) Values for Intel SE440BX ("Seattle") motherboard POST codes: 02h verify real mode 03h disable NMI 04h CPU type determination 06h system hardware initialization 08h chipset initialization (initial POST values) 09h set IN-POST flag 0Ah CPU register initialization 0Bh enable CPU cache 0Ch cache initialization (initial POST values) 0Eh I/O component initialization 0Fh local-bus IDE initialization 10h power management initialization 11h load alternate rgisters with initial POST values 12h warm boot: restore CPU control word 13h PCI bus-mastering device initialization 14h keyboard controller initialization 16h checksum BIOS ROM 17h cache initialization (before memory autosizing) 18h initialize 8254 timer 1Ah 8237 DMA controller initialization 1Ch programmable interrupt controller reset 20h DRAM refresh test 22h keyboard controller test 24h ES register set to 4G flat 26h A20 enabled 28h DRAM autosizing 29h POST memory manager initialization 2Ah 512K base RAM cleared 2Ch RAM failure on address line xxxx 2Eh RAM failure on data bits xxxx of memory bus low byte 2Fh cache enabled before system BIOS shadowing 30h RAM failure on data bits xxxx of memory bus high byte 32h CPU bus-clock frequency test 33h POST dispatch manager initialization 34h CMOS RAM test 35h alternate chipset register initialization 36h warm start shutdown 37h chipset reinitialization (motherboard) 38h system BIOS ROM shadowing 39h cache reinitialization (motherboard) 3Ah cache autosizing 3Ch advanced chipset register configuration 3Dh load alternate registers with CMOS values 40h initial CPU speed set 42h interrupt vector initialization 44h BIOS interrupt initialization 45h POST device initialization 46h ROM copyright notice check 47h PCI option ROM manager initialization 48h check video configuration against CMOS RAM data 49h PCI bus and device initialization 4Ah video adapter initialization 4Bh display QuietBoot screen 4Ch vidoe BIOS ROM shadowing 4Eh display BIOS copyright notice 50h display CPU type and speed 51h EISA motherboard initialization 52h keyboard test 54h set key click (if enabled) 56h enable keyboard 58h test for unexpected interrupts 59h POST display service initialization 5Ah display prompt "Press F2 to enter SETUP" 5Bh disable CPU cache 5Ch RAM test (512K-640K) 60h extended memory test 62h extended memory address line test 64h jump to UserPatch1 66h advanced cache register configuration 67h multiprocessor APIC initialization 68h enable L1 and L2 caches 69h SMM area setup 6Ah display L2 cache size 6Ch display shadow-area message 6Eh display possible UMB recovery high address 70h display error messages 72h configuration error check 74h real-time clock test 76h keyboard-error check 7Ah test for key lock on 7Ch hardware interrupt vector setup 7Eh coprocessor initialization (if present) 80h disable onboard SuperI/O ports and IRQs 81h late POST device initialization 82h detect/install external serial ports 83h non-MCD IDE controller configuration 84h detect/install external parallel ports 85h PC-compatible PnP ISA device initialization 86h onboard I/O port reinitialization 87h configure motherboard configurable devices 88h BIOS data area initialization 89h enable NMI 8Ah extended BIOS data area initialization 8Bh test/initialize PS/2 mouse 8Ch diskette controller initialization 8Fh determine number of ATA drives 90h hard-disk controller initialization 91h local-bus hard-disk controller initialization 92h jump to UserPatch2 93h build MPTABLE for multiprocessor boards 94h disable A20 (Release 5.1 and earlier) 95h install CD-ROM for boot 96h clear ES 4G segment register 97h multiprocessor table fixup 98h option ROM search 99h check for SMART drive 9Ah option ROM shadowing 9Ch power management setup 9Eh enable hardware interrupts 9Fh determine number of ATA and SCSI devices A0h set time of day A2h check key lock A4h typematic rate initialization A8h erase F2 prompt AAh test for F2 keystroke ACh enter SETUP AEh clear IN-POST flag B0h check for errors B2h preparing to boot OS - POST complete B4h short beep before booting B5h terminate QuietBoot B6h password check (optional) B8h clear global descriptor table B9h clean up all graphics BAh DMI parameter initialization BBh PnP option ROM initialization BCh clear parity checkers BDh display MultiBoot menu BEh clear screen (optional) BFh check virus and backup reminders C0h INT 19 boot attempt C1h POST Error Manager (PEM) initialization C2h error logging initialization C3h error display function initialization C4h system error handler initialization E0h chipset initialization E1h bridge initialization E2h processor initialization E3h system timer initialization E4h system I/O initialization E5h check force recovery boot E6h BIOS ROM checksumming E7h go to BIOS E8h set huge segment E9h multiprocessor initialization EAh OEM special code initialization EBh PIC and DMA initialization ECh memory type initialization EDh memory size initialization EEh boot block shadowing EFh system memory test F0h interrupt vector initialization F1h real-time clock initialization F2h video initialization F3h beeper initialization F4h initialize boot F5h clear huge segment F6h boot to mini-DOS F7h boot to full DOS SeeAlso: #P0413,#P1017 (Table P1017) Values for Microid Research MR-BIOS POST codes: 00h starting cold boot 01h OEM-specific hook #0 (typically chipset reset) 02h disable critical I/O devices (6845, 8327s, floppy, and parity latches) 03h BIOS checksum test (beep code LH-LLL; L=low tone, H=high tone) 04h test page registers (PORT 0081h-008Fh) (beep code LH-HLL) 05h keyboard controller self-test (beep code LH-LHL) 06h gang port initialization (both 8237s, both 7254s, RTC registers 0Fh/0Ah, and both 8259s) 07h OEM-specific hook #1 (typically cache and shadow RAM disable) 08h test refresh toggle (beep code LH-HHL) 09h pattern test both 8237s (beep code LH-LLH) 0Ah test first 64K RAM (beep code LH-LLLL or LH-HLLL) 0Bh pattern test both 8259s mask registers (beep code LH-HHHL [master] or LH-LLLH [slave]) 0Ch test 8259 IRQs and purge powerup interrupts 0Dh test and init 8254 channel 0 0Eh test 8254 channel 2 and speaker circuitry 0Fh test and init RTC 10h initialize video 11h text CMOS checksum 12h display signon message, accept keyboard selftest result, attempt to initialize keyboard 13h OEM-specific hook #2 (typically 8MHz-bus select) 14h size and test base memory 15h second attempt to initialize keyboard, if necessary 16h OEM-specific hook #3 (typically cache sizing/test) 17h test A20 gate 18h size and test extended memory 19h OEM-specific hook #4 (size/test "special" OEM memory) 1Ah test RTC update-in-progress flag and validate time 1Bh determine serial ports 1Ch determine parallel ports 1Dh determine/initialize coprocessor 1Eh floppy controller test/determination and CMOS validation 1Fh determine/test fixed disk controller, validate CMOS settings 20h rigorous CMOS parameter validation 21h check frnot-panel lock, wait for user acknowledgement of errors 22h set NumLock, password-security trap, dispatch to setup utility 23h OEM-specific hook #5 24h set keyboard typematic rate 25h initialize floppy subsystem 26h initialize fixed-disk subsystem 27h ACK errors, set primary adapter's video mode 28h OEM-specific hook #6 (typically enable shaow RAM, cache, turbo mode) 29h disable A20, set low stack, init ROMs at C800-E000 2Ah ACK errors, set video mode, set DOS time from RTC 2Bh enable parity checking and NMI 2Ch init ROM at E000 2Dh ACK errors 2Eh OEM-specific hook #7 (typically init built-in EMS) 2Fh passing control to INT 19h SeeAlso: #0410,#0414 ----------P0080008F-------------------------- PORT 0080-008F - DMA PAGE REGISTERS (74612) 0080 RW extra page register (temporary storage) 0081 RW DMA channel 2 address byte 2 0082 RW DMA channel 3 address byte 2 0083 RW DMA channel 1 address byte 2 0084 RW extra page register 0085 RW extra page register 0086 RW extra page register 0087 RW DMA channel 0 address byte 2 0088 RW extra page register 0089 RW DMA channel 6 address byte 2 008A RW DMA channel 7 address byte 2 008B RW DMA channel 5 address byte 2 008C RW extra page register 008D RW extra page register 008E RW extra page register 008F RW DMA refresh page register ----------P0080009F-------------------------- PORT 0080-009F - Intel386sx CHIPSET 82231 Note: includes the DMA controller functionality on PORT 0080h to PORT 008Fh ----------P0084------------------------------ PORT 0084 - Compaq POST Diagnostic --------X-P0084------------------------------ PORT 0084 - EISA - SYNCHRONIZE BUS CYCLE ----------P00850086-------------------------- PORT 0085-0086 - Intel "Triton" chipset - ??? SeeAlso: PORT 00EBh"Triton" 0085 ?W ??? 0086 ?W ??? ----------P0090009F-------------------------- PORT 0090-009F - PS/2 - POS (PROGRAMMABLE OPTION SELECT) 0090 ?? Central arbitration control port 0090 RW POST diagnostic code (most PS/2 with ISA bus) 0091 R- Card selection feedback bit 0 set when adapter addressed and responds, cleared on read 0092 RW PS/2 system control port A (port B is at PORT 0061h) (see #P0415) 0094 -W system board enable/setup register (see #P0416) 0095 -- reserved 0096 -W adapter enable / setup register (see #P0417) 0097 -- reserved Bitfields for PS/2 system control port A: Bit(s) Description (Table P0415) 7-6 any bit set to 1 turns activity light on 5 unused 4 watchdog timout occurred 3 =0 RTC/CMOS security lock (on password area) unlocked =1 CMOS locked (done by POST) 2 unused 1 A20 is active 0 =0 system reset or write =1 pulse alternate reset pin (high-speed alternate CPU reset) Notes: once set, bit 3 may only be cleared by a power-on reset on at least the C&T 82C235, bit 0 remains set through a CPU reset to allow the BIOS to determine the reset method on the PS/2 30-286 & "Tortuga" the INT 15h/87h memory copy does not use this port for A20 control, but instead uses the keyboard controller (8042). Reportedly this may cause the system to crash when access to the 8042 is disabled in password server mode (see #P0398). SeeAlso: #P0416,#P0417,MSR 00001000h Bitfields for PS/2 system board enable/setup register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0416) 7 =1 enable functions =0 setup functions 5 =1 enables VGA =0 setup VGA 2 =1 enable integrated SCSI (PS/2 M77) =0 setup integrated SCSI SeeAlso: #P0415,#P0417 Bitfields for PS/2 adapter enable/setup register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0417) 7 activate Channel Reset on all slots 6-4 unused (1) 3 =1 setup adapter specified by bits 2-0 =0 enable registers 2-0 adapter slot select (000 = slot 1 ... 111 = slot 8) SeeAlso: #P0416 ----------P00A000AF-------------------------- PORT 00A0-00AF - PIC 2 - PROGRAMMABLE INTERRUPT CONTROLLER (8259A) SeeAlso: PORT 0020h-003Fh"PIC 1",INT 70"IRQ8",INT 77"IRQ15" 00A0 RW PIC 2 same as 0020 for PIC 1 00A1 RW PIC 2 same as 0021 for PIC 1 except for OCW1 (see #P0418) Bitfields for PIC2 output control word OCW1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0418) 7 disable IRQ15 (reserved) 6 disable IRQ14 (fixed disk interrupt) 5 disable IRQ13 (coprocessor exception interrupt) 4 disable IRQ12 (mouse interrupt) 3 disable IRQ11 (reserved) 2 disable IRQ10 (reserved) 1 disable IRQ9 (redirect cascade) 0 disable IRQ8 (real-time clock interrupt) SeeAlso: #P0014 ----------P00A0------------------------------ PORT 00A0 - XT - NMI MASK REGISTER SeeAlso: PORT 0070h,INT 02 00A0 RW NMI mask register (XT only) bit 7 = 0 NMI signal disabled from reaching CPU = 1 NMI signal enabled ----------P00A000AF-------------------------- PORT 00A0-00AF - Chips&Technologies 82C100/110 - NMI CONTROL SeeAlso: PORT 0072h"82C100",PORT 007Fh"82C100" 00A0 RW NMI mask register (XT only) bit 7 = 0 NMI signal disabled from reaching CPU = 1 NMI signal enabled 00Ax RW mirrors of PORT 00A0h ----------P00A800A9-------------------------- PORT 00A8-00A9 - Via VT82C496G "Pluto" - CONFIGURATION REGISTERS SeeAlso: PORT 00A8h"VT82C570M" 00A8 ?W configuration register index (see #P0419) 00A9 RW configuration register data (Table P0419) Values for Via VT82C496G configuration registers: 02h clock throttling control (see #P0420) 03h I/O recovery (see #P0421) 10h bus speed (see #P0422) 11h ISA bus clock frequency control (see #P0423) 20h pair 0/1 row/column address (see #P0424) 21h pair 2/3 row/column address (see #P0425) 22h RAS#/CAS# pulse control (see #P0426) 30h C0000h-CFFFFh shadow control (see #P0427) 31h D0000h-DFFFFh shadow control (see #P0428) 32h E0000h-FFFFFh shadow control (see #P0429) 33h ROM decoding and memory relocation (see #P0430) 40h ROM cacheable control (see #P0431) 41h programmable non-cacheable region ??? 42h programmable non-cacheable region ??? 43h pair 0/1 DRAM size and configuration (see #P0432) 44h pair 2/3 DRAM size and configuration (see #P0433) 50h cache access mode (see #P0434) 51h cache timing/size control (see #P0435) 52h primary idle timer reloading control (see #P0436) 53h primary idle timer reload distinguish (see #P0437) 54h SMI triggering control (see #P0438) 55h SMI trigger distinguish (see #P0439) 56h clock frequency control (see #P0440) 57h peripheral timer (see #P0441) 58h general purpose timer (see #P0442) 59h timer control (see #P0443) 5Ah power/peripheral control (see #P0444) 5Bh system management control (see #P0445) 5Ch clock switching control (see #P0446) 5Dh peripheral timer control (see #P0447) 5Eh misc. cache control (see #P0448) 5Fh conserve mode/secondary idle timer control (see #P0449) 60h IRQ7-0 primary interrupt selection (see #P0450) 61h IRQ15-8 primary interrupt selection (see #P0451) 62h IRQ7-3 interrupt mode and global control (see #P0452) 63h IRQ15-9 interrupt mode (see #P0453) 64h (see #P0454) 65h peripheral timer control (see #P0455) 68h port 070h write shadow 69h port 2F8h write shadow 6Ah port 3F8h write shadow 6Bh port 372h write shadow 6Ch port 377h write shadow 6Dh port 171h write shadow 6Eh port 177h write shadow 6Fh port 376h write shadow 71h IDE controller/cache control (see #P0456) 72h non-1F0/170h port access timing (see #P0457) 73h drive #0 read timing for 1F0/170h access (see #P0458) 74h drive #0 write timing for 1F0/170h access (see #P0459) 77h drive #0 address setup time (see #P0460) 78h drive #1 read timing for 1F0/170h access (see #P0458) 79h drive #1 write timing for 1F0/170h access (see #P0459) 7Ch drive #1 address setup time (see #P0460) SeeAlso: #P0461 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M clock throttling control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0420) 4 STPCLK# throttling period (enabled by register 5Bh bit 0) 0 = 3.35 ęs * 16 1 = 1.7 ms * 16 3-0 duty cycle for STPCLK# (1/16 - 15/16) (enabled by register 5Bh bit 0) SeeAlso: #P0419,#P0445 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M register 03h: Bit(s) Description (Table P0421) 7-1 (VT82C496G) command delay, wait state and I/O recovery time for normal ISA cycles ??? 0 decoupled DRAM refresh enable SeeAlso: #P0419 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M register 10h: Bit(s) Description (Table P0422) 6 DMA controller runs at ISA clock speed/half ISA clock speed SeeAlso: #P0419,#P0423 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M ISA bus clock frequency control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0423) 6 flash EPROM write cycle support enable 3-0 ISA bus clock frequency 0xxx = CLKIN / 8 1000 = CLKIN / 3 1001 = CLKIN / 2 1010 = CLKIN / 4 1011 = CLKIN / 6 1100 = CLKIN / 5 1101 = CLKIN / 10 1110 = CLKIN / 12 1111 = OSC / 2 (asynchronous) SeeAlso: #P0419,#P0422 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M pair 0/1 row/column address: Bit(s) Description (Table P0424) 7-5 number of column address bits for pair 0 000 = disabled 001 = 9 bit 010 = 10 bit 011 = 11 bit 100 = 12 bit 101-111 = illegal 4 page mode operation enable 3-1 number of column address bits for pair 1 (same values as above) 0 (VT82C496G) reserved (VT82C570M) DRAM bus width 0 = 32 bit 1 = 64 bit (operation width set in register 48h bits 3-0) SeeAlso: #P0419 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M pair 2/3 row/column address: Bit(s) Description (Table P0425) 7-5 number of column address bits for pair 2 000 = disabled 001 = 9 bit 010 = 10 bit 011 = 11 bit 100 = 12 bit 101-111 = illegal 4 reserved 3-1 number of column address bits for pair 3 (same values as above) 0 reserved SeeAlso: #P0419 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M RAS#/CAS# pulse control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0426) 7-6 RAS# precharge time 00-11 = (VT82C496G) 1-4 cycles (VT82C570M) 2-8 cycles 5-4 RAS# pulse width 00-11 = (VT82C496G) 2-5 cycles (VT82C570M) 4-10 cycles 3-2 read cycle CAS# pulse width 00-11 = 1-4 cycles 1 write cycle CAS# pulse width 0 = 1 cycle 1 = 2 cycles 0 RAS# to column address/column address to CAS# 0 = 1 cycle 1 = 2 cycles SeeAlso: #P0419 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M C0000h-CFFFFh shadow control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0427) 7 CC000h-CFFFFh read shadow enable 6 CC000h-CFFFFh write shadow enable 5 C8000h-CBFFFh read shadow enable 4 C8000h-CBFFFh write shadow enable 3 C4000h-C7FFFh read shadow enable 2 C4000h-C7FFFh write shadow enable 1 C0000h-C3FFFh read shadow enable 0 C0000h-C3FFFh write shadow enable SeeAlso: #P0419,#P0428,#P0429 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M D0000h-DFFFFh shadow control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0428) 7 DC000h-DFFFFh read shadow enable 6 DC000h-DFFFFh write shadow enable 5 D8000h-DBFFFh read shadow enable 4 D8000h-DBFFFh write shadow enable 3 D4000h-D7FFFh read shadow enable 2 D4000h-D7FFFh write shadow enable 1 D0000h-D3FFFh read shadow enable 0 D0000h-D3FFFh write shadow enable SeeAlso: #P0419,#P0427,#P0429 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M E0000h-FFFFFh shadow control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0429) 7 E0000h-EFFFFh read shadow enable 6 E0000h-EFFFFh write shadow enable 5 F0000h-FFFFFh read shadow enable 4 F0000h-FFFFFh write shadow enable 3 ??? 2 memory range F00000h-FFFFFFh decode as ISA cycle enable 1 (VT82C496G) burstable DRAM cycles enable (VT82C570M) ??? 0 ??? SeeAlso: #P0419,#P0427,#P0428,#P0430 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M ROM decoding and memory relocation: Bit(s) Description (Table P0430) 7 C8000h-CFFFFh decoded as ROM cycle enable 6 C0000h-C7FFFh decoded as ROM cycle enable 5 E8000h-EFFFFh decoded as ROM cycle enable 4 E0000h-E7FFFh decoded as ROM cycle enable 3-2 memory relocation 00 = disable 01 = illegal 10 = 256K relocation 11 = 384K relocation 1 (VT82C496G) RAS time-out (VT82C570M) ??? 0 ??? SeeAlso: #P0419,#P0429,#P0431 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M ROM cacheable control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0431) 7 C0000h-C7FFFh cacheable and write-protect enable 6 F0000h-FFFFFh cacheable and write-protect enable 5 E0000h-EFFFFh cacheable and write-protect enable 4 ??? 3 CAS-to-RAS refresh enable 2 (VT82C570M) secondary cache fill for CACHE# inactive memory cycles enable 1-0 ??? SeeAlso: #P0419,#P0430 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M pair 0/1 DRAM size and configuration: Bit(s) Description (Table P0432) 7-5 (VT82C496G) bank-pair 0 DRAM size (x2 if double bank) 000 = 512 KB 001 = 1 MB 010 = 2 MB 011 = 4 MB 100 = 8 MB 101 = 16 MB 110 = 32 MB 111 = 64 MB (VT82C570M) bank-pair 0 DRAM size (x2 if double bank) 000 = 1 MB 001 = 2 MB 010 = 4 MB 011 = 8 MB 100 = 16 MB 101 = 32 MB 110 = 64 MB 111 = 128 MB 4 number of banks in pair 0 (0 bank if register 20h bit 7-5 = 0) 0 = 1 bank 1 = 2 banks 3-1 (VT82C496G) bank-pair 1 DRAM size (x2 if double bank) (VT82C570M) bank-pair 1 DRAM size (x2 if double bank) 0 number of banks in pair 1 (0 bank if register 20h bit 3-1 = 0) 0 = 1 bank 1 = 2 banks SeeAlso: #P0419,#P0433 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M pair 2/3 DRAM size and configuration: Bit(s) Description (Table P0433) 7-5 (VT82C496G) bank-pair 2 DRAM size (x2 if double bank) 000 = 512 KB 001 = 1 MB 010 = 2 MB 011 = 4 MB 100 = 8 MB 101 = 16 MB 110 = 32 MB 111 = 64 MB (VT82C570M) bank-pair 2 DRAM size (x2 if double bank) 000 = 1 MB 001 = 2 MB 010 = 4 MB 011 = 8 MB 100 = 16 MB 101 = 32 MB 110 = 64 MB 111 = 128 MB 4 number of banks of pair 2 (no banks if register 21h bit 7-5 = 0) 0 = 1 bank 1 = 2 banks 3-1 (VT82C496G) bank-pair 3 DRAM size (x2 if double bank) (VT82C570M) bank-pair 3 DRAM size (x2 if double bank) (same values as for bits 7-5) 0 number of banks of pair 3 (no banks if register 21h bit 3-1 = 0) 0 = 1 bank 1 = 2 banks SeeAlso: #P0419,#P0432 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M cache access mode: Bit(s) Description (Table P0434) 7-6 cache mode 0x = disabled 10 = enabled 11 = initialization 5 (VT82C496G) direct data SRAM access (VT82C570M) Cyrix CPU linear burst order enable 4 (VT82C496G) write-back cache alter bit control (don't care for write through) 0 = combined tag/alter bit 1 = no alter bit 4-3 (VT82C570M) number of tag/alter bits write-back (register 5Eh bit 6 = 0) tag alter total 00 8 0 8 01 7 1 8 10 8 1 9 11 10 1 11 write-through (register 5Eh bit 6 = 1) tag alter total x0 8 - 8 01 7 - N/A 11 10 - 10 3-2 (VT82C496G) cache line size 00 = 4 bytes 01 = 8 bytes 10 = 16 bytes 11 = 4 bytes 2 (VT82C570M) data synchronous SRAM type (if register 51h bit 4 = 0) 0 = standard synchronous SRAM 1 = pipelined burst synchronous SRAM 1 (VT82C496G) burst write enable (VT82C570M) cache read wait state for PCI masters (PCI clock) 0 = zero wait state (2-1-1-1) 1 = one wait state (3-2-2-2) 0 (VT82C496G) data streaming enable (VT82C570M) cache write wait state for PCI masters (PCI clock) 0 = zero wait state (2-1-1-1) 1 = one wait state (3-2-2-2) SeeAlso: #P0419 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M cache timing/size control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0435) 7 (VT82C496G) read hit timing 0 = 2-X-X-X 1 = 3-X-X-X (VT82C570M) read hit timing for first cycle (CPU clock) for asynchronous SRAM 0 = 1 wait state (2-X-X-X) 1 = 2 wait state (3-X-X-X) 6 (VT82C496G) write hit timing 0 = 2-X-X-X 1 = 3-X-X-X (VT82C570M) write hit timing for first cycle (CPU clock) for asynchronous SRAM 0 = 1 wait state (3-X-X-X) 1 = 2 wait state (4-X-X-X) 5 (VT82C496G) read hit timing 0 = X-1-1-1 1 = X-2-2-2 (VT82C570M) read hit timing for second-fourth burst cycle (CPU clock) for asynchronous SRAM 0 = 1 wait state (X-2-2-2) 1 = 2 wait state (X-3-3-3) 4 (VT82C496G) write hit timing 0 = X-1-1-1 1 = X-2-2-2 (VT82C570M) data SRAM type 0 = synchronous SRAM (type set in register 50h bit 2) 1 = asynchronous SRAM 3 bank of data SRAM 0 = 1 bank 1 = 2 banks 2-0 cache size 000 = no cache 001 = (VT82C496G) 32 KB 010 = (VT82C496G) 64 KB 011 = 128 KB 100 = 256 KB 101 = 512 KB 110 = 1 MB 111 = (VT82C570M) 2 MB Note: (VT82C570M) write hit timing is always 1 wait state (X-2-2-2) for asynchronous SRAM; read/write hit timing is always 3-1-1-1 for synchronous SRAM SeeAlso: #P0419 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M primary idle timer reloading control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0436) 7 reload primary idle timer on keyboard access 6 reload primary idle timer on serial port access 5 reload primary idle timer on parallel port access 4 reload primary idle timer on video access 3 reload primary idle timer on hard disk and floppy access 2 reload primary idle timer on IO port 100h-3FFh access 1 reload primary idle timer on external input 0 reload primary idle timer on DRQ/LREQ (DMA/local bus master request) SeeAlso: #P0419,#P0437,#P0438 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M primary idle timer reload distinguish: Bit(s) Description (Table P0437) 7 primary idle timer reloaded by keyboard access 6 primary idle timer reloaded by serial port access 5 primary idle timer reloaded by parallel port access 4 primary idle timer reloaded by video access 3 primary idle timer reloaded by hard disk and floppy access 2 primary idle timer reloaded by IO port 100h-3FFh access 1 primary idle timer reloaded by external input 0 primary idle timer reloaded by DRQ/LREQ (DMA/local bus master request) SeeAlso: #P0419,#P0436,#P0438 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M SMI triggering control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0438) 7 trigger SMI on primary idle timer time-out 6 trigger SMI on general purpose timer time-out 5 trigger SMI on primary activity occurrence 4 trigger SMI on primary interrupt occurrence 3 trigger SMI on external pin (Turbo) toggle 2 (VT82C496G) trigger SMI on DRQ/LREQ occurrence (VT82C570M) trigger SMI on DRQ/PREQ occurrence 1 trigger SMI on peripheral timer or secondary idle timer time-out (VT82C496G) (use register 65h bits 3 and 2 to distinguish) 0 trigger SMI on software SMI SeeAlso: #P0419,#P0436,#P0438,#P0439 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M SMI trigger distinguish: Bit(s) Description (Table P0439) 7 SMI triggered by primary idle timer time-out 6 SMI triggered by general purpose timer time-out 5 SMI triggered by primary activity occurrence 4 SMI triggered by primary interrupt occurrence 3 SMI triggered by external pin (Turbo) toggle 2 (VT82C496G) SMI triggered by DRQ/LREQ occurrence (VT82C570M) SMI triggered by DRQ/PREQ occurrence 1 SMI triggered by peripheral timer or secondary idle timer time-out (VT82C496G) (use register 65h bits 1 and 0 to distinguish) 0 SMI triggered by software SMI SeeAlso: #P0419,#P0438 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M clock frequency control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0440) 7-5 (VT82C496G) CPU clock frequency 000 = CLKIN 001 = CLKIN / 4 010 = CLKIN / 8 011 = CLKIN / 16 100 = CLKIN / 32 101 = CLKIN / 64 110 = CLKIN / 2 111 = 0 3-0 CLKIN frequency 0000 = 16 MHz 0001 = 40 MHz 0010 = 50 MHz 0011 = 80 MHz 0100 = 66 MHz 0101 = 100 MHz 0110 = 8 MHz 0111 = 60 MHz 1000 = 8 MHz 1001 = 20 MHz 1010 = 25 MHz 1011 = 40 MHz 1100 = 33 MHz 1101 = 50 MHz 1110 = 4 MHz 1111 = 30 MHz SeeAlso: #P0419 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M peripheral timer: Bit(s) Description (Table P0441) 7-0 (VT82C496G) peripheral timer (time base determined in register 5Dh bits 1-0) (VT82C570M) peripheral timer (time base determined in register 66h bits 3-2) SeeAlso: #P0419 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M general purpose timer: Bit(s) Description (Table P0442) 7-0 general purpose timer (time base determined in register 59h bits 7-6) SeeAlso: #P0419 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M timer control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0443) 7-6 general purpose timer (register 58h) time base 00 = disable 01 = 32.768 KHz 10 = 1 sec 11 = 1 min 3-1 primary idle timer time-out 000 = disable 001 = 1 sec 010 = 8 sec 011 = 32 sec 100 = 1 min 101 = 8 min 110 = 16 min 111 = 32 min 0 (VT82C496G) leakage control mode SeeAlso: #P0419 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M power/peripheral control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0444) 7-4 general purpose output ports ??? SeeAlso: #P0419 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M system management control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0445) 7 (VT82C496G) power management mode enable 6 (VT82C496G) SMI type 0 = Intel 2-pin SMI (SMI#/SMIACT#) (pin 112 used as SMIACT#, SM base = 30000h to 4FFFFh) 1 = TI/AMD/Cyrix 3-pin SMI (SMI#/SMIADS#/SMIRDY#) (pin 112 used as SMIADS#, SM base = 60000h to 7FFFFh) 5 (VT82C496G) SMI target 0 = SMI output to CPU 1 = SMI redirected to interrupt 15 of internal 8259 interrupt controller (for non-SMI CPU support) 4 SM memory remap enable (SM base memory mapped to A0000h to BFFFFh) 3 (VT82C496G) direct DRAM access to SMI target memory A0000h-BFFFFh enable 2 ??? 1 (VT82C496G) force 3000h-4FFFFh to map to A0000h-BFFFFh (move SM code without causing local bus device conflict with A0000h-BFFFFh) 0 clock throttling enable SeeAlso: #P0419 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G clock switching control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0446) 7 wait for a HALT cycle to start clock switching 6 wait for an acknowledgment to start clock switching 5 clock switching protocol 0 = Intel STPCLK# protocol (pin 117 used as STPCLK# output) 1 = TI/Cyrix SUSP#/SUSPA# protocol (pin 117 used as SUSP# input) SeeAlso: #P0419 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G peripheral timer control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0447) 7-2 ??? 1-0 peripheral timer (register 57h) time base 00 = disable 01 = 32.768 KHz 10 = 1 sec 11 = 1 min SeeAlso: #P0419 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M misc. cache control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0448) 7 (VT82C496G) CPU internal cache 0 = write-through 1 = write-back 6 external cache 0 = write-back 1 = write-through 5 (VT82C496G) pin 72 usage 0 = BLAST# (burst last input from the CPU) 1 = CACHE# (P24T) (burst cycle indicator) 4 (VT82C496G) snoop filtering enable 3 ??? 2 slow refresh enable 1-0 ??? SeeAlso: #P0419 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M conserve mode/secondary idle timer: Bit(s) Description (Table P0449) 7-6 (VT82C496G) conserve mode active period 00 = 1/16 sec 01 = 1/8 sec 10 = 1 sec 11 = 1 min 5 conserve mode enable 4 (VT82C496G) conserve mode clock select 0 = CLKIN / 2 1 = CLKIN / 4 3-2 secondary idle timer time-out 00 = 2 ms 01 = 16 ms 10 = 64 ms 11 = EOI + 0.125 ms 1 secondary events handler enable (secondary interrupt reloads secondary idle timer) 0 (VT82C496G) change clock speed on secondary interrupt to 0 = CLKIN 1 = CLKIN / 2 SeeAlso: #P0419 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M IRQ7-0 primary interrupt selection: Bit(s) Description (Table P0450) 7 IRQ7 is primary interrupt 6 IRQ6 is primary interrupt 5 IRQ5 is primary interrupt 4 IRQ4 is primary interrupt 3 IRQ3 is primary interrupt 2 IRQ1 is primary interrupt 1 IRQ0 is primary interrupt 0 (VT82C496G) reload primary idle timer on primary interrupt SeeAlso: #P0419,#P0451,#P0452 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M IRQ15-8 primary interrupt selection: Bit(s) Description (Table P0451) 7 IRQ15 is primary interrupt 6 IRQ14 is primary interrupt 5 IRQ13 is primary interrupt 4 IRQ12 is primary interrupt 3 IRQ11 is primary interrupt 2 IRQ10 is primary interrupt 1 IRQ9 is primary interrupt 0 IRQ8 is primary interrupt SeeAlso: #P0419,#P0450,#P0453 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G IRQ7-3 interrupt mode and global control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0452) 7 IRQ7 interrupt mode (refer to note below) 6 IRQ6 interrupt mode 5 IRQ5 interrupt mode 4 IRQ4 interrupt mode 3 IRQ3 interrupt mode 2 IRQ8 treated as 0 = sub-secondary interrupt (CPU clock speed unchanged) 1 = secondary interrupt 1 IRQ0 treated as 0 = sub-secondary interrupt (CPU clock speed unchanged) 1 = secondary interrupt 0 interrupt mode global control 0 = 8259A compatible mode (all interrupt edge triggered) 1 = extended mode (enables selection with registers 62h and 63h) Note: for bits 7-3, 0 = edge-triggered, 1 = level-sensitive SeeAlso: #P0419,#P0450,#P0453 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M IRQ15-9 interrupt mode: Bit(s) Description (Table P0453) 7 IRQ15 interrupt mode (refer to note below) 6 IRQ14 interrupt mode 5 reserved 4 IRQ12 interrupt mode 3 IRQ11 interrupt mode 2 IRQ10 interrupt mode 1 IRQ9 interrupt mode 0 ??? Note: for bits 7-6 and 4-1, 0 = edge-triggered, 1 = level-sensitive SeeAlso: #P0419,#P0451,#P0452 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M register 64h: Bit(s) Description (Table P0454) 3-0 MA0-3 jumper setting ??? SeeAlso: #P0419 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G/VT82C570M peripheral timer control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0455) 7 reload peripheral timer on keyboard access 6 reload peripheral timer on serial port access 5 reload peripheral timer on video access 4 reload peripheral timer on hard disk and floppy access 3 (VT82C496G) trigger SMI on peripheral timer time-out (VT82C570M) reload peripheral timer on parallel port access 2 (VT82C496G) trigger SMI on secondary idle timer time-out (VT82C570M) reserved 1 (VT82C496G) SMI triggered by peripheral timer time-out (VT82C570M) reload peripheral timer on speaker access 0 (VT82C496G) SMI triggered by secondary idle timer time-out (VT82C570M) reserved SeeAlso: #P0419 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G IDE controller/cache control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0456) 7 reserved 6 channel and I/O port selection 0 = primary channel (1F0h-1F7h) 1 = secondary channel (170h-177h) 5 write buffer enable 4 prefetch buffer enable 3 internal LRDY# for write cycles (0 = second T2, 1 = first T2) 2 internal LRDY# for read cycles (0 = second T2, 1 = first T2) 1 read data to be presented to CPU data bus 0 = second T2 1 = first T2 0 internal IDE controller enable SeeAlso: #P0419 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G non-1F0/170h port access timing: Bit(s) Description (Table P0457) 7-4 number of CPU clocks as command active time 3-0 number of CPU clocks as command recovery time SeeAlso: #P0419 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G drive #0/1 read timing for 1F0/170h access: Bit(s) Description (Table P0458) 7-4 number of CPU clocks as command active time 3-0 number of CPU clocks as command recovery time SeeAlso: #P0419,#P0459,#P0460 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G drive #0/1 write timing for 1F0/170h access: Bit(s) Description (Table P0459) 7-4 number of CPU clocks as command active time 3-0 number of CPU clocks as command recovery time SeeAlso: #P0419,#P0458,#P0460 Bitfields for Via VT82C496G drive #0/1 address setup time: Bit(s) Description (Table P0460) 1-0 number of CPU clocks as address setup time SeeAlso: #P0419,#P0458,#P0459 ----------P00A800AC-------------------------- PORT 00A8-00AC - Via VT82C570M "Apollo Master" - CONFIGURATION REGISTERS SeeAlso: PORT 00A8h"VT82C486G" 00A8 ?W configuration register index (see #P0461) 00A9 RW configuration register 00h-9Fh data 00AC RW configuration register FBh-FFh data (Table P0461) Values for Via VT82C570M configuration registers: 02h clock throttling control (see #P0420) 03h I/O recovery (see #P0421) 10h bus speed (see #P0422) 11h ISA bus clock frequency control (see #P0423) 20h pair 0/1 row/column address (see #P0424) 21h pair 2/3 row/column address (see #P0425) 22h RAS#/CAS# pulse control (see #P0426) 30h C0000h-CFFFFh shadow control (see #P0427) 31h D0000h-DFFFFh shadow control (see #P0428) 32h E0000h-FFFFFh shadow control (see #P0429) 33h ROM decoding and memory relocation (see #P0430) 40h ROM cacheable control (see #P0431) 41h programmable non-cacheable region ??? 42h programmable non-cacheable region ??? 43h pair 0/1 DRAM size and configuration (see #P0432) 44h pair 2/3 DRAM size and configuration (see #P0433) 47h DRAM type (see #P0462) 48h DRAM control (see #P0463) 49h cache control (see #P0464) 50h cache access mode (see #P0434) 51h cache timing/size control (see #P0435) 52h primary idle timer reloading control (see #P0436) 53h primary idle timer reload distinguish (see #P0437) 54h SMI triggering control (see #P0438) 55h SMI trigger distinguish (see #P0439) 56h clock frequency control (see #P0440) 58h general purpose timer (see #P0442) 59h timer control (see #P0443) 5Ah power/peripheral control (see #P0444) 5Bh system management control (see #P0445) 5Eh misc. cache control (see #P0448) 5Fh conserve mode/secondary idle timer control (see #P0449) 60h IRQ7-0 primary interrupt selection (see #P0450) 61h IRQ15-8 primary interrupt selection (see #P0451) 63h IRQ15-9 interrupt mode (see #P0453) 64h (see #P0454) 65h peripheral timer control (see #P0455) 66h (see #P0465) 67h peripheral timer (see #P0441) 68h multiple SMI triggering ??? 69h multiple SMI triggering ??? 6Ah multiple SMI triggering ??? 7Bh general purpose input and output port ??? 7Ch general purpose input and output port ??? 7Eh general purpose output port ??? 7Fh general purpose input and output port ??? 82h PCI buffer control (see #P0466) 83h PCI data link control (see #P0467) 84h PCI interface timing (see #P0468) 85h PCI arbitration (see #P0469) 86h (see #P0470) 93h (see #P0471) 9Ch programmable chipselect A (see #P0472) 9Dh programmable chipselect A address mask (see #P0473) 9Eh programmable chipselect B (see #P0474) 9Fh programmable chipselect B address mask (see #P0475) FBh plug and play DRQ routing (see #P0476) FCh PCI interrupt polarity (see #P0477) FDh plug and play IRQ routing (see #P0478) FEh PCI IRQ routing 1 (see #P0479) FFh PCI IRQ routing 2 (see #P0480) SeeAlso: #P0419 Bitfields for Via VT82C570M DRAM type: Bit(s) Description (Table P0462) 7 Bank 3 DRAM type (used with bit 3) bits 7 and 3: 00 = standard DRAM 01 = burst EDO DRAM 10 = EDO DRAM 11 = illegal 6 Bank 2 DRAM type (used with bit 2) bits 6 and 2: same values as for bits 7 and 3 5 Bank 1 DRAM type (used with bit 1) bits 5 and 1: same values as for bits 7 and 3 4 Bank 0 DRAM type (used with bit 0) bits 4 and 0: same values as for bits 7 and 3 3 Bank 3 DRAM type (used with bit 7) 2 Bank 2 DRAM type (used with bit 6) 1 Bank 1 DRAM type (used with bit 5) 0 Bank 0 DRAM type (used with bit 4) SeeAlso: #P0461 Bitfields for Via VT82C570M register 48h: Bit(s) Description (Table P0463) 7 reserved 6 eight CWE# pins for each byte in addition to global GWE# ??? 5-4 reserved 3-0 DRAM operation width (if register 20h bit 0 = 1) 0 = 64 bit operation for corresponding DRAM bank 1 = 32 bit operation for corresponding DRAM bank SeeAlso: #P0461 Bitfields for Via VT82C570M register 49h: Bit(s) Description (Table P0464) 5 0 = cache SRAM write enable for each bank 1 = cache SRAM byte write enable SeeAlso: #P0461 Bitfields for Via VT82C570M register 66h: Bit(s) Description (Table P0465) 3-2 peripheral timer (register 67h) time base 00 = disable 01 = 32.768 KHz 10 = 1 sec 11 = 1 min SeeAlso: #P0461 Bitfields for Via VT82C570M PCI buffer control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0466) 7 CPU to PCI write buffer enable 6 PCI to memory write buffer enable 5 reserved 4 PCI accessing memory prefetch buffer enable 3 PCI accelerated decoding enable 2 reserved 1 on-board memory burst write enable 0 on-board memory burst read enable SeeAlso: #P0461 Bitfields for Via VT82C570M PCI data link control: Bit(s) Description (Table P0467) 7 data link write cycle 0 = 1 wait state 1 = 0 wait state 6-4 reserved 3 on-board memory detection point for PCI master 0 = first address phase 1 = first data phase 2-1 reserved 0 reserved (must be 0) SeeAlso: #P0461 Bitfields for Via VT82C570M PCI interface timing: Bit(s) Description (Table P0468) 7 slave mode lock function enable 6 retry count 0 = 16 times 1 = 64 times 5 retry deadlock error reporting enable 4 retry status occurred (write 1 to reset) 3 CPU to PCI fast back to back enable 2 fast FRAME# generation enable 1-0 DEVSEL# decoding 00 = fast 01 = medium 10 = slow 11 = subtractive SeeAlso: #P0461 Bitfields for Via VT82C570M PCI arbitration: Bit(s) Description (Table P0469) 7 0 = priority on PCI bus 1 = fairness between CPU and PCI bus 6 0 = REQ# based 1 = FRAME# based 5-4 CPU time slot in unit of 00 = 4 PCI clocks 01 = 8 PCI clocks 10 = 16 PCI clocks 11 = 32 PCI clocks 3-0 PCI master bus time out 0000 = disable 0001-1111 = 1x32 - 15x32 PCI clocks SeeAlso: #P0461 Bitfields for Via VT82C570M register 86h: Bit(s) Description (Table P0470) 7 PCI configuration mechanism #1/#2 (default #1) SeeAlso: #P0461 Bitfields for Via VT82C570M register 93h: Bit(s) Description (Table P0471) 5 parity or system error at PCI bus signify 0 = I/O channel check 1 = NMI SeeAlso: #P0461 Bitfields for Via VT82C570M programmable chipselect A: Bit(s) Description (Table P0472) 7-0 chipselect A address (high two bits in register 9Dh bits 1-0) SeeAlso: #P0461,#P0473,#P0474 Bitfields for Via VT82C570M programmable chipselect A address mask: Bit(s) Description (Table P0473) 7-2 chipselect A address mask 1-0 chipselect A address (low eight bits in register 9Dh) SeeAlso: #P0461,#P0472,#P0474 Bitfields for Via VT82C570M programmable chipselect B: Bit(s) Description (Table P0474) 7-0 chipselect B address (high two bits in register 9Fh bits 1-0) SeeAlso: #P0461,#P0472,#P0475 Bitfields for Via VT82C570M programmable chipselect B address mask: Bit(s) Description (Table P0475) 7-2 chipselect B address mask 1-0 chipselect B address (low eight bits in register 9Eh) SeeAlso: #P0461,#P0473,#P0474 Bitfields for Via VT82C570M plug and play DRQ routing: Bit(s) Description (Table P0476) 7-6 reserved 5-3 PDRQ1 routing 000-011 = DRQ0-3 100 = reserved 101-111 = DRQ5-7 2-0 PDRQ0 routing 000-011 = DRQ0-3 100 = reserved 101-111 = DRQ5-7 SeeAlso: #P0461 Bitfields for Via VT82C570M PCI interrupt polarity: Bit(s) Description (Table P0477) 7-4 reserved 3 INTA# polarity (refer to note below) 2 INTB# polarity 1 INTC# polarity 0 INTD# polarity Note: for bits 3-0, 0 = non-invert (level-sensitive), 1 = inverted (edge) SeeAlso: #P0461 Bitfields for Via VT82C570M plug and play IRQ routing: Bit(s) Description (Table P0478) 7-4 INTD# routing (value indicates desired IRQ number; 0,2,13 are reserved) 3-0 PIRQ0 routing (value indicates desired IRQ number; 0,2,13 are reserved) SeeAlso: #P0461,#P0479,#P0480 Bitfields for Via VT82C570M PCI IRQ routing 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0479) 7-4 INTA# routing (value indicates desired IRQ number; 0,2,13 are reserved) 3-0 INTB# routing (value indicates desired IRQ number; 0,2,13 are reserved) SeeAlso: #P0461,#P0478,#P0480 Bitfields for Via VT82C570M PCI IRQ routing 2: Bit(s) Description (Table P0480) 7-4 INTC# routing (value indicates desired IRQ number; 0,2,13 are reserved) 3-0 PIRQ1 routing (value indicates desired IRQ number; 0,2,13 are reserved) SeeAlso: #P0461,#P0478,#P0479 ----------P00A800A9-------------------------- PORT 00A8-00A9 - Via VT82C586A - GPIO 00A8 ?W configuration register index 00A9 RW configuration register data ----------P00B000BF-------------------------- PORT 00B0-00BF - PC radio by CoZet Info Systems Range: The I/O address range is dipswitch selectable from: 038-03F and 0B0-0BF 078-07F and 0F0-0FF 138-13F and 1B0-1BF 178-17F and 1F0-1FF 238-23F and 2B0-2BF 278-27F and 2F0-2FF 338-33F and 3B0-3BF 378-37F and 3F0-3FF Notes: All of these addresses show a readout of FFh in initial state. Once started, all of the addresses show FBh, whatever might happen. ----------P00B2------------------------------ PORT 00B2 - Intel chipsets - Advanced Power Management Control Notes: used to pass data between the operating system and the System Management Interrupt (SMI) handler writes to this port can cause an SMI; reads can cause STPCLK# to be asserted (putting the CPU in sleep mode) supported by 82420EX, 82371, and other Intel chipsets SeeAlso: PORT 00B3h,#01079 00B2 RW control ----------P00B3------------------------------ PORT 00B3 - Intel chipsets - Advanced Power Management Status Notes: used to pass data between the operating system and the System Management Interrupt (SMI) handler supported by 82420EX, 82371, and other Intel chipsets SeeAlso: PORT 00B2h 00B3 RW status ----------P00C0------------------------------ PORT 00C0 - TI SN746496 programmable tone/noise generator (PCjr) ----------P00C000DF-------------------------- PORT 00C0-00DF - DMA 2 - SECOND DIRECT MEMORY ACCESS CONTROLLER (8237) 00C0 RW DMA channel 4 memory address bytes 1 and 0 (low) (ISA, EISA) 00C2 RW DMA channel 4 transfer count bytes 1 and 0 (low) (ISA, EISA) 00C4 RW DMA channel 5 memory address bytes 1 and 0 (low) (ISA, EISA) 00C6 RW DMA channel 5 transfer count bytes 1 and 0 (low) (ISA, EISA) 00C8 RW DMA channel 6 memory address bytes 1 and 0 (low) (ISA, EISA) 00CA RW DMA channel 6 transfer count bytes 1 and 0 (low) (ISA, EISA) 00CC RW DMA channel 7 memory address byte 0 (low), then 1 (ISA, EISA) 00CE RW DMA channel 7 transfer count byte 0 (low), then 1 (ISA, EISA) 00D0 R- DMA channel 4-7 status register (ISA, EISA) (see #P0481) 00D0 -W DMA channel 4-7 command register (ISA, EISA) (see #P0482) 00D2 -W DMA channel 4-7 write request register (ISA, EISA) 00D4 -W DMA channel 4-7 write single mask register (ISA, EISA) (see #P0484) 00D6 -W DMA channel 4-7 mode register (ISA, EISA) (see #P0485) 00D8 -W DMA channel 4-7 clear byte pointer flip-flop (ISA, EISA) 00DA R- DMA channel 4-7 read temporary register (ISA, EISA) 00DA -W DMA channel 4-7 master clear (ISA, EISA) 00DC -W DMA channel 4-7 clear mask register (ISA, EISA) 00DE -W DMA channel 4-7 write mask register (ISA, EISA) (see #P0486) Notes: the temporary register is used as holding register in memory-to-memory DMA transfers; it holds the last transferred byte channel 4 is used for cascading the first (8-bit) DMA controller base/current address registers can only address the memory in 16-bit words (i.e. they contain lines A1-A16 of the address bus with line A0 always equal to 0); base/current word count registers contain the number of 16-bit words command and request registers do not exist on PS/2 DMA controller Bitfields for DMA channel 4-7 status register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0481) 7 = 1 channel 7 request 6 = 1 channel 6 request 5 = 1 channel 5 request 4 = 1 channel 4 request 3 = 1 terminal count on channel 7 2 = 1 terminal count on channel 6 1 = 1 terminal count on channel 5 0 = 1 terminal count on channel 4 SeeAlso: #P0001,#P0482 Bitfields for DMA channel 4-7 command register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0482) 7 DACK sense active high 6 DREQ sense active high 5 =1 extended write selection =0 late write selection 4 rotating priority instead of fixed priority 3 compressed timing 2 =1 enable controller =0 enable memory-to-memory transfer 1-0 channel number (00 = 4 to 11 = 7) SeeAlso: #P0002,#P0481,#P0484 Bitfields for DMA channel 4-7 request register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0483) 7-3 reserved (0) 2 =0 clear request bit =1 set request bit 1-0 channel number 00 channel 4 select 01 channel 5 select 10 channel 6 select 11 channel 7 select SeeAlso: #P0003,#P0484 Bitfields for DMA channel 4-7 write single mask register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0484) 7-3 reserved 2 =0 clear mask bit =1 set mask bit 1-0 channel select 00 channel 4 select 01 channel 5 select 10 channel 6 select 11 channel 7 select SeeAlso: #P0004,#P0482 Bitfields for DMA channel 4-7 mode register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0485) 7-6 transfer mode 00 demand mode 01 single mode 10 block mode 11 cascade mode 5 direction 0 address increment select 1 address decrement select 4 autoinitialisation enabled 3-2 operation 00 verify operation 01 write to memory 10 read from memory 11 reserved 1-0 channel number 00 channel 4 select 01 channel 5 select 10 channel 6 select 11 channel 7 select SeeAlso: #P0005,#P0484 Bitfields for DMA channel 4-7 write mask register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0486) 7-4 reserved 3 channel 7 mask bit 2 channel 6 mask bit 1 channel 5 mask bit 0 channel 4 mask bit Note: each mask bit is automatically set when the corresponding channel reaches terminal count or an extenal EOP sigmal is received SeeAlso: #P0484,#P0006 ----------P00E000E1-------------------------- PORT 00E0-00E1 - CHIPSET FROM ACT 00E0 ?W index for accesses to data port 00E1 R? chip set data ----------P00E000E7-------------------------- PORT 00E0-00E7 - MICROCHANNEL 00E0 RW split address register, memory encoding registers PS/2m80 only (see #P0487) 00E1 RW memory register (see #P0488,#P0489) 00E3 RW error trace (bits 23-16 of address on last rising edge of ERS line) 00E4 RW error trace (bits 15-8 of address on last rising edge of ERS line) 00E5 RW error trace (see #P0490) 00E7 RW error trace (see #P0491) Bitfields for Microchannel Split Address Register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0487) 7-6 unused 5-4 2MB memory for connector 2 on Type2 motherboard bit 5: second MB disabled or not present bit 4: first MB disabled or not present 3-0 address at which to place leftover from split in first MB, in MB (1-15, 0 is invalid when split is active) SeeAlso: #P0488,#P0489 Bitfields for Microchanel Memory Register, Type1 motherboard: Bit(s) Description (Table P0488) 7-6 1 MB memory for connector 2 10 installed 11 not installed 5-4 1 MB memory for connector 1 10 installed 11 not installed 3-1 split memory select ROM convmem over1M 001 ON 640K 384K 011 ON 512K 512K 100 shadow 640K 0K 101 ON 640K 0K 110 shadow 512K 0K 111 ON 512K 0K 0 parity checking =0 enable =1 clear parity error (write 0 to re-enable parity checking) SeeAlso: #P0487,#P0489 Bitfields for Microchannel Memory Register, Type2 motherboard: Bit(s) Description (Table P0489) 7-6 unused 5-4 memory connector 1 bit 5: second MB disabled or not present bit 4: first MB disabled or not present 3-1 split memory select ROM convmem over1M 000 shadow 640K 256K 001 ON 640K 384K 010 shadow 512K 384K 011 ON 512K 512K 100 shadow 640K 0K 101 ON 640K 0K 110 shadow 512K 0K 111 ON 512K 0K 0 parity checking =0 enable =1 clear parity error (write 0 to re-enable parity checking) SeeAlso: #P0487,#P0488 Bitfields for Microchannel Error Trace register E5h: Bit(s) Description (Table P0490) 7-2 bits 7-2 of address on last rising edge of ERS line 1 address space (0=I/O, 1=memory) 0 =1 bus-master arbitration cycle SeeAlso: #P0491 Bitfields for Microchannel Error Trace register E7h: Bit(s) Description (Table P0491) 7-1 unused 0 bus cycle type =0 control (instruction fetch, halt, interrupt acknowledge) =1 data SeeAlso: #P0490 ----------P00E000EF-------------------------- PORT 00E0-00EF - IBM PS/1 CLOCK ----------P00E1------------------------------ PORT 00E1 - STB PowerMEG - ??? Desc: the STB PowerMEG is a memory expansion card capable of providing EMS 00E1 RW ??? bit 0: ??? --------X-P00E2------------------------------ PORT 00E2 - S3 Trio64V+ - I2C PORT Range: PORT 00E2h or PORT 00E8h; default depends on external pin, but can be reprogrammed via chip's CR6F SeeAlso: PORT 00E8h,#M0079 --------X-P00E8------------------------------ PORT 00E8 - S3 Trio64V+ - I2C PORT Range: PORT 00E2h or PORT 00E8h; default depends on external pin, but can be reprogrammed via chip's CR6F SeeAlso: PORT 00E2h,#M0079 ----------P00EB------------------------------ PORT 00EB - Intel "Triton" chipset - ??? SeeAlso: PORT 0085h"Triton" 00EB ?W ??? ----------P00EB------------------------------ PORT 00EB - DUMMY PORT FOR DELAY??? Note: on a number of machines, the BIOS appears to write a copy of any data sent to numerous other ports to this port as well; it seems to be a dummy port used for short delays between writes to other ports (used instead of JMP $+2, which no longer delays on Pentium+) SeeAlso: PORT 00ED"DUMMY" 00EB ?W ??? ----------P00EC00ED-------------------------- PORT 00EC-00ED - Compaq LTE Elite ----------P00ED------------------------------ PORT 00ED - DUMMY PORT FOR DELAY??? Note: on a number of machines, the BIOS appears to write a copy of any data sent to numerous other ports to this port as well; it seems to be a dummy port used for short delays between writes to other ports (used instead of JMP $+2, which no longer delays on Pentium+) SeeAlso: PORT 00EB"DUMMY" 00EDw ?W ??? ----------P00EF------------------------------ PORT 00EF - Hyunday Super-NB386S (AMD386sx with Intel chipset) Warning: any access to this port causes a cold reset on this machine! ----------P00F000F5-------------------------- PORT 00F0-00F5 - PCjr Disk Controller 00F0 ?? disk controller 00F2 ?? disk controller control port 00F4 ?? disk controller status register 00F5 ?? disk controller data port ----------P00F000FF-------------------------- PORT 00F0-00FF - MATH COPROCESSOR (8087..80387) 00F0 -W math coprocessor clear busy latch (write 00h) 00F1 -W math coprocessor reset (write 00h) 00F8 RW opcode transfer (CPU-coprocessor communication) 00FA RW opcode transfer 00FC RW opcode transfer ----------P00F9------------------------------ PORT 00F9 - Compaq LTE Elite ----------P00FB------------------------------ PORT 00FB - Compaq LTE Elite ----------P00F900FF-------------------------- PORT 00F9-00FF - PC radio by CoZet Info Systems Range: The I/O address range is dipswitch selectable from: 038-03F and 0B0-0BF 078-07F and 0F0-0FF 138-13F and 1B0-1BF 178-17F and 1F0-1FF 238-23F and 2B0-2BF 278-27F and 2F0-2FF 338-33F and 3B0-3BF 378-37F and 3F0-3FF Notes: All of these addresses show a readout of FFh in initial state. Once started, all of the addresses show FBh, whatever might happen. ----------P0100------------------------------ PORT 0100 - 3COM 3C509 Ethernet card - ID port Note: this port is present only on the 3C509, not on any other 3COM card SeeAlso: PORT 0110h,PORT 0120h ----------P01000107-------------------------- PORT 0100-0107 - PS/2 POS (Programmable Option Select) Note: the default value for PORT 0102h is stored in CMOS 31h 0100 R POS register 0 Low adapter ID byte 0101 R POS register 1 High adapter ID byte 0102 RW POS register 2 option select data byte 1 (see #P0492) 0103 RW POS register 3 option select data byte 2 (see #P0493) 0104 RW POS register 4 option select data byte 3 0105 RW POS register 5 option select data byte 4 bit 7 channel active (-CHCK) bit 6 channel status 0106 RW POS register 6 Low subaddress extension 0107 RW POS register 7 High subaddress extension Bitfields for PS/2 POS register 2, option select data byte 1: Bit(s) Description (Table P0492) 7 0 = unidirectional LPT port 1 = bidirectional LPT port 6-5 PS/2 Model 50 and higher 00b = default LPT port at 3BCh 01b = "" 378h 10b = "" 278h 11b = reserved 4 enable parallel port 3 serial port address =0 COM2 (02F8h, IRQ3) =1 COM1 (03F8h, IRQ4) 2 enable serial port 1 enable diskette controller 0 (MCA) =0 override bits 1,2,4 and disable devices 0 card enable (CDEN) 0 =1 VGA sleep bit, disconnects output drivers from VGA (usage for VGA without monitor) ---ET4000--- 7-4 reserved??? 3 video RAM wait enable 2 ET4000: ROM BIOS wait enable 1 ET4000: I/O wait enable Note: access to this port is only possible when PORT 0094h bit 7 is low. SeeAlso: #P0493 Bitfields for Chips&Technologies 64200 "Wingine" setup register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0493) 7 enable access to extended registers (see #P0762) Note: on some C&T graphics chips, this register can be made read-only via XR70 (see #P0762) SeeAlso: #P0492 ----------P0100010F-------------------------- PORT 0100-010F - CompaQ Tape drive adapter. alternate address at 0300 ----------P0102------------------------------ PORT 0102 - Chips & Technologies 64310 - GLOBAL ENABLE REGISTER SeeAlso: PORT 0106"Chips" 0102 RW global enable register (see #P0494) Bitfields for Chips & Technologies 64310 global enable register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0494) 7-1 reserved (0) 0 VGA sleep (used if port 102h bit 1 = 0) 0 = VGA disabled 1 = VGA enabled Note: Only accessible in setup mode (port 46E8h bit 4 = 1). SeeAlso: #P0495,#P0492 ----------P0106------------------------------ PORT 0106 - Chips & Technologies 64310 - MOTHERBOARD DISABLE REGISTER SeeAlso: PORT 0102"Chips" 0106 RW motherboard disable register (see #P0495) Bitfields for Chips & Technologies 64310 motherboard disable register: Bit(s) Description (Table P0495) 7-2 reserved (0) 1 sleep control 0 = port 102h bit 0 controls VGA sleep (default) 1 = port 106h bit 0 controls VGA sleep 0 VGA sleep (used if bit 1 = 1) 0 = VGA disabled 1 = VGA enabled Note: Only accessible in setup mode (port 46E8h bit 4 = 1), if XR01 bit 2 = 1. SeeAlso: #P0494 ----------P0108010F-------------------------- PORT 0108-010F - IBM PS/2 - 8 digit LED info panel 010F -W leftmost character on display 010E -W second character ... 0108 -W eighth character ----------P0110------------------------------ PORT 0110 - 3COM 3C509 Ethernet card - ID port (alternate address) Note: this port is present only on the 3C509, not on any other 3COM card SeeAlso: PORT 0100h"3COM",PORT 0120h"3COM" ----------P0120------------------------------ PORT 0120 - 3COM 3C509 Ethernet card - ID port (alternate address) Note: this port is present only on the 3C509, not on any other 3COM card SeeAlso: PORT 0100h"3COM",PORT 0110h"3COM" ----------P0130013F-------------------------- PORT 0130-013F - CompaQ SCSI adapter. alternate address at 0330 ----------P01300133-------------------------- PORT 0130-0133 - Adaptec 154xB/154xC SCSI adapter Range: four ports at any of 0130, 0134, 0230, 0234, 0330 (default) or 0334 ----------P01340137-------------------------- PORT 0134-0137 - Adaptec 154xB/154xC SCSI adapter Range: four ports at any of 0130, 0134, 0230, 0234, 0330 (default) or 0334 ----------P0138013F-------------------------- PORT 0138-013F - PC radio by CoZet Info Systems Range: The I/O address range is dipswitch selectable from: 038-03F and 0B0-0BF 078-07F and 0F0-0FF 138-13F and 1B0-1BF 178-17F and 1F0-1FF 238-23F and 2B0-2BF 278-27F and 2F0-2FF 338-33F and 3B0-3BF 378-37F and 3F0-3FF Notes: All of these addresses show a readout of FFh in initial state. Once started, all of the addresses show FBh, whatever might happen. ---------------------------------------------