Interrupt List, part 16 of 18 Copyright (c) 1989-1999,2000 Ralf Brown --------*-62--------------------------------- INT 62 - reserved for user interrupt --------d-62--------------------------------- INT 62 - Adaptec and OMTI controllers - DRIVE 0 DATA Notes: this vector stores the third four bytes of the parameter table for hard disk 0 SeeAlso: INT 60"Adaptec",INT 61"Adaptec",INT 63"Adaptec" --------b-62--------------------------------- INT 62 - TI Professional PC - OPTION ROM DATA AREA POINTER (NOT A VECTOR!) Desc: the low word of this vector contains the segment of the RAM data area to be used by the expansion ROM at F400h:2000h, and the high word contains the length of the data area; this segment and size are both set to 0000h if no ROM is installed at F400h:2000h SeeAlso: INT 61"TI Professional PC",INT 63"TI Professional" SeeAlso: INT 66"TI Professional PC" --------b-62--------------------------------- INT 62 - HP 95LX - USED BY CALCULATOR SeeAlso: INT 60/DI=0104h"HP 95LX" ----------62--------------------------------- INT 62 - MS SQL Server/Sybase DBLIBRARY interface - ??? AH = function (00h to 07h) CX = FFFEh DX = FFFFh ??? Return: ??? InstallCheck: test for the string "DBLIBRARY" two bytes past the interrupt handler SeeAlso: AH=08h"SQL" Index: installation check;MS SQL Server|installation check;Sybase DBLIBRARY ----------62--------------------------------- INT 62 - MPAUSE - ??? details not yet avialable Program: MPAUSE is a program by Manfred Michael which appeared in the German _EGA-Handbuch_ from m&t-Verlag --------N-62--------------------------------- INT 62 - XFS v1.76 - FILTERED PACKET DRIVER API Program: XFS is a shareware Network File System client by Robert Juhasz Desc: XFS requires a packet driver to operate. Since it does redirections, etc., it provides its own packet driver entry point, changing the signature string of the original packet driver to "XKT DRVR" so that it will no longer be found by the packet driver installation check InstallCheck: scan for the signature string "PKT DRVR" three bytes past the interrupt handler (the same as that for the packet driver specification) Range: INT 61 to INT 66, selected by scanning for two consecutive free vectors and hooking the second SeeAlso: INT 60"Packet Driver Specification",INT 61"XFS" ----------62--------------------------------- INT 62 - PC-DRAFT - PRIMARY DISPLAY DRIVER ??? Return: ??? Program: PC-DRAFT is a powerful CAD environment by rhv. SeeAlso: INT 64"PC-DRAFT",INT 65"PC-DRAFT",INT 66"PC-DRAFT",INT 67"PC-DRAFT" --------N-6200------------------------------- INT 62 - BW-TCP - HW DRIVER (ETHDEV.SYS) - GET PHYSICAL HARDWARE ADDRESS AH = 00h DS:DX -> 6-byte buffer for address Return: AX = length of hardware address??? Range: INT 4C to INT FB, selected by configuration Note: the Beame&Whiteside TCP/IP protocol stack uses two consecutive interrupts (62h and 63h by default); the BW-NFS client uses a third consecutive interrupt (64h by default) if it is loaded SeeAlso: AH=01h"ETHDEV",AH=04h"ETHDEV",AH=09h"ETHDEV",AH=0Eh"ETHDEV" SeeAlso: AH=14h"ETHDEV",AH=18h"ETHDEV",AH=FEh,INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP" SeeAlso: INT 63/AH=03h"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h"BW-TCP",INT 64/AH=01h"BW-NFS" --------V-620000----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v3.03+ - "FG_ALLOCATE" - CREATE VIRTUAL VIDEO PAGE AX = 0000h BX = page number (0000h-003Fh) Return: AX = status (0000h,0001h,0007h,0008h) (see #03473) Program: FGDRIVER is the external video driver for the shareware Fastgraph/Light by Ted Gruber Software InstallCheck: test for the signature "FG" ten bytes beyond the start of the interrupt handler Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) The amount of memory required by the virtual video page depends on the current video mode SeeAlso: AX=0001h,AX=0002h,AX=0003h,AX=0038h Index: installation check;Fastgraph/Light (Table 03473) Values for FGDRIVER status: 0000h successful 0001h specified page is a physical or logical page 0007h virtual page created/released, but memory control blocks corrupted 0008h not enough memory 0009h attempt to free a page which was never created FFFCh insufficient memory FFFDh page already created, or exists as physical or virtual page FFFEh invalid page number FFFFh memory manager not initialized SeeAlso: #03474 (Table 03474) Values for FGDRIVER functions (by driver version): Name v1.10 v3.03 v4.02 FG_ALLOCATE 0042h 0000h 0000h FG_ALLOCCMS 009Dh 0001h 0001h FG_ALLOCEMS 009Eh 0002h 0002h FG_ALLOCXMS 009Fh 0003h 0003h FG_AUTOMODE 0004h 0004h 0004h FG_BESTMODE 0003h 0005h 0005h FG_BOX 00A2h 0006h 0006h FG_BOXDEPTH 00A3h 0007h 0007h FG_BOXX -- 0008h 0008h FG_BUTTON 0078h 0009h 0009h FG_CAPSLOCK 0070h 000Ah 000Ah FG_CHGATTR 0035h 000Bh 000Bh FG_CHGTEXT 0036h 000Ch 000Ch FG_CIRCLE 0030h 000Dh 000Dh FG_CIRCLEF -- 000Eh 000Eh FG_CLIPMAP -- -- 000Fh FG_CLIPMASK 0052h 000Fh 0010h FG_CLPIMAGE 004Ah 0010h 0011h FG_CLPRECT 002Bh 0011h 0012h FG_COLORS -- -- 0013h FG_COPYPAGE 005Fh 0012h 0014h FG_CURSOR 0007h 0013h 0015h FG_DASH 0027h 0014h 0016h FG_DASHREL 0028h 0015h 0017h FG_DEFCOLOR 0014h 0016h 0018h FG_DEFPAGES -- 0017h 0019h FG_DISPFILE 004Fh 0018h 001Ah FG_DISPLAY 004Dh 0019h 001Bh FG_DISPLAYP 004Eh 001Ah 001Ch FG_DISPPCX 0060h -- -- FG_DRAW 0025h 001Bh 001Dh FG_DRAWMAP 0047h 001Ch 001Eh FG_DRAWMASK 0051h 001Dh 001Fh FG_DRAWREL 0026h 001Eh 0020h FG_DRAWRELX -- 001Fh 0021h FG_DRAWX -- 0020h 0022h FG_DRECT 002Ch 0021h 0023h FG_DRWIMAGE 0049h 0022h 0024h FG_EGACHECK 0005h 0023h 0025h FG_ELLIPSE 002Dh 0024h 0026h FG_ELLIPSEF -- 0025h 0027h FG_ERASE 001Eh 0026h 0028h FG_FADEIN 0064h 0027h 0029h FG_FADEOUT 0065h 0028h 002Ah FG_FILLPAGE -- 0029h 002Bh FG_FINDPAGE -- -- 002Ch FG_FLICDONE -- -- 002Dh FG_FLICHEAD -- -- 002Eh FG_FLICMODE -- -- 002Fh FG_FLICOPEN -- -- 0030h FG_FLICPLAY -- -- 0031h FG_FLICSIZE -- -- 0032h FG_FLICSKIP -- -- 0033h FG_FLIPMASK 0054h 002Ah 0034h FG_FLOOD -- 002Bh 0035h FG_FLPIMAGE 004Ch 002Ch 0036h FG_FONTSIZE -- 002Dh 0037h FG_FREEPAGE 0043h 002Eh 0038h FG_GETADDR 0044h 002Fh 0039h FG_GETATTR 0037h 0030h 003Ah FG_GETBANKS -- -- 003Bh FG_GETBLOCK -- 0031h 003Ch FG_GETCHAR 0038h 0032h 003Dh FG_GETCLIP -- -- 003Eh FG_GETCLOCK 0099h 0033h 003Fh FG_GETCOLOR 0015h 0034h 0040h FG_GETDACS 00A4h 0035h 0041h FG_GETENTRY -- 0036h 0042h FG_GETHPAGE 0040h 0037h 0043h FG_GETIMAGE 0048h 0038h 0044h FG_GETINDEX 0016h 0039h 0045h FG_GETKEY 006Eh 003Ah 0046h FG_GETLINES 0010h 003Bh 0047h FG_GETMAP 0046h 003Ch 0048h FG_GETMAXX 000Ah 003Dh 0049h FG_GETMAXY 000Bh 003Eh 004Ah FG_GETMODE 0000h 003Fh 004Bh FG_GETPAGE 003Ch 0040h 004Ch FG_GETPIXEL 0020h 0041h 004Dh FG_GETRGB 001Ch 0042h 004Eh FG_GETVIEW -- -- 004Fh FG_GETVPAGE 003Eh 0043h 0050h FG_GETXBOX -- -- 0051h FG_GETXJOY 0076h 0044h 0052h FG_GETXJUST -- -- 0053h FG_GETXPOS 0021h 0045h 0054h FG_GETYBOX -- -- 0055h FG_GETYJOY 0077h 0046h 0056h FG_GETYJUST -- -- 0057h FG_GETYPOS 0022h 0047h 0058h FG_HUSH 008Eh 0048h 0059h FG_HUSHNEXT 008Fh 0049h 005Ah FG_IMAGEBUF -- 004Ah 005Bh FG_IMAGESIZ 0062h 004Bh 005Ch FG_INITEMS 00A0h 004Ch 005Dh FG_INITJOY 0075h 004Dh 005Eh FG_INITPM -- -- 005Fh??? (NOP in v4.02) FG_INITXMS 00A1h 004Eh 0060h FG_INSIDE -- 004Fh 0061h FG_INTJOY 0079h 0050h 0062h FG_INTKEY 006Fh 0051h 0063h FG_INVERT -- -- 0064h FG_JUSTIFY -- 0052h 0065h FG_KBINIT -- 0053h 0066h FG_KBLAST -- -- 0067h FG_KBRESET -- -- 0068h FG_KBTEST -- 0054h 0069h FG_LOADPCX -- -- 006Ah FG_LOCATE 0033h 0055h 006Bh FG_MAKEPCX 0061h 0057h 006Ch FG_MAKEPPR -- 0058h 006Dh FG_MAKESPR -- 0059h 006Eh FG_MAPRGB 001Dh 005Ah 006Fh FG_MEASURE 0098h 005Bh 0070h FG_MEMAVAIL 009Bh 005Ch 0071h FG_MEMORY -- 005Dh 0072h FG_MOUSE256 -- -- 0073h FG_MOUSEBUT 007Ch 005Eh 0074h FG_MOUSECUR 007Eh 005Fh 0075h FG_MOUSEFIN -- 0060h 0076h FG_MOUSEINI 007Ah 0061h 0077h FG_MOUSELIM 0080h 0062h 0078h FG_MOUSEMOV 0081h 0063h 0079h FG_MOUSEPOS 007Dh 0064h 007Ah FG_MOUSEPTR 007Fh 0065h 007Bh FG_MOUSESPD 0082h 0066h 007Ch FG_MOUSEVIS 007Bh 0067h 007Dh FG_MOVE 0023h 0068h 007Eh FG_MOVEREL 0024h 0069h 007Fh FG_MUSIC 008Ch 006Ah 0080h FG_MUSICB 008Dh 006Bh 0081h FG_NUMLOCK 0072h 006Ch 0082h FG_PACK -- -- 0083h FG_PAGESIZE -- 006Dh 0084h FG_PAINT 002Fh 006Eh 0085h FG_PALETTE 0017h 006Fh 0086h FG_PALETTES 0018h 0070h 0087h FG_PAN 0066h 0071h 0088h FG_PATTERN 0050h 0072h 0089h FG_PCXHEAD -- 0073h 008Ah FG_PCXMODE -- 0074h 008Bh FG_PCXPAL -- -- 008Ch FG_PCXRANGE -- -- 008Dh FG_PLAYING 0091h 0075h 008Eh FG_POINT 001Fh 0076h 008Fh FG_POINTX -- 0077h 0090h FG_POLYEDGE -- -- 0091h FG_POLYFILL -- 0078h 0092h FG_POLYGON 002Eh 0079h 0093h FG_POLYLINE -- 007Ah 0094h FG_POLYOFF -- 007Bh 0095h FG_PRINT -- 007Ch 0096h FG_PRINTC -- -- 0097h FG_PUTBLOCK -- 007Dh 0098h FG_PUTIMAGE -- 007Eh 0099h FG_QUIET 0090h 007Fh 009Ah FG_RECT 002Ah 0080h 009Bh FG_RESET 0006h 0081h 009Ch FG_RESIZE 0045h 0082h 009Dh FG_RESTORE 005Bh 0083h 009Eh FG_RESUME 0092h 0084h 009Fh FG_REVIMAGE 004Bh 0085h 00A0h FG_REVMASK 0053h 0086h 00A1h FG_SAVE -- 0087h 00A2h FG_SCALE -- -- 00A3h FG_SCRLOCK 0074h 0088h 00A4h FG_SCROLL 0067h 0089h 00A5h FG_SETATTR 0019h 008Ah 00A6h FG_SETBANKS -- -- 00A7h FG_SETCAPS 0071h 008Bh 00A8h FG_SETCLIP 0029h 008Ch 00A9h FG_SETCOLOR 001Ah 008Dh 00AAh FG_SETDACS 00A5h 008Eh 00ABh FG_SETENTRY -- 008Fh 00ACh FG_SETFUNC 009Ch 0090h 00ADh FG_SETHPAGE 0041h 0091h 00AEh FG_SETLINES 0011h 0092h 00AFh FG_SETMODE 0001h 0093h 00B0h FG_SETNUM 0073h 0094h 00B1h FG_SETPAGE 003Dh 0095h 00B2h FG_SETRGB 001Bh 0096h 00B3h FG_SETVIEW -- -- 00B5h FG_SETVPAGE 003Fh 0098h 00B6h FG_SHEAR -- -- 00B7h FG_SHOWFLIC -- -- 00B8h FG_SHOWPCX -- 009Ah 00B9h FG_SHOWPPR -- 009Bh 00BAh FG_SHOWSPR -- 009Ch 00BBh FG_SOUND 0088h 009Dh 00BCh FG_SOUNDS 0089h 009Eh 00BDh FG_SPLIT -- -- 00BEh FG_STALL 0097h 009Fh 00BFh FG_SUSPEND 0093h 00A0h 00C0h FG_SVGAINIT -- 00A1h 00C1h FG_SVGASTAT -- 00A2h 00C2h FG_SVGAVER -- 00A3h 00C3h FG_TCDEFINE -- 00A4h 00C4h FG_TCMASK 005Eh 00A5h 00C5h FG_TCXFER 005Dh 00A6h 00C6h FG_TESTMODE 0002h 00A7h 00C7h FG_TEXT 0032h 00A8h 00C8h FG_TEXTC -- -- 00C9h FG_TRANSFER 005Ch 00A9h 00CAh FG_UNPACK -- -- 00CBh FG_VBADDR -- -- 00CCh FG_VBALLOC -- -- 00CDh FG_VBCLOSE -- -- 00CEh FG_VBCOPY -- -- 00CFh FG_VBCUT -- -- 00D0h FG_VBDEFINE -- -- 00D1h FG_VBFREE -- -- 00D2h FG_VBHANDLE -- -- 00D3h FG_VBINIT -- -- 00D4h FG_VBOPEN -- -- 00D5h FG_VBPASTE -- -- 00D6h FG_VBTCCOPY -- -- 00D7h FG_VBTCXFER -- -- 00D8h FG_VBUNDEF -- -- 00D9h FG_VGASTATE -- -- 00DAh FG_VOICE 008Ah 00AAh 00DBh FG_VOICES 008Bh 00ABh 00DCh FG_WAITFOR 0096h 00ACh 00DDh FG_WAITKEY 006Dh 00ADh 00DEh FG_WAITVR -- 00AEh 00DFh FG_WHERE 0034h 00AFh 00E0h FG_XALPHA 000Ch 00B0h 00E1h FG_XCONVERT 000Eh 00B1h 00E2h FG_XVIEW -- -- 00E3h FG_YALPHA 000Dh 00B2h 00E4h FG_YCONVERT 000Fh 00B3h 00E5h FG_YVIEW -- -- 00E6h SeeAlso: #03473 --------V-620001----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v3.03+ - "FG_ALLOCCMS" - CREATE LOGICAL VIDEO PAGE (CONV) AX = 0001h BX = page number (0001h-003Fh) Return: AX = status (0000h,FFFCh,FFFDh,FFFEh) (see #03473) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) The only operation which is allowed on logical pages is "FG_COPYPAGE" (see AX=0014h) SeeAlso: AX=0000h,AX=0002h,AX=0003h,AX=0014h,AX=0038h --------V-620002----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v3.03+ - "FG_ALLOCEMS" - CREATE LOGICAL VIDEO PAGE (EMS) AX = 0002h BX = page number (0001h-003Fh) Return: AX = status (0000h,FFFCh,FFFDh,FFFEh) (see #03473) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) You must first call "FG_INITEMS" (see AX=005Dh) before using this function The only operation which is allowed on logical pages is "FG_COPYPAGE" (see AX=0014h) SeeAlso: AX=0000h,AX=0001h,AX=0003h,AX=0014h,AX=0038h,AX=005Dh --------V-620003----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v3.03+ - "FG_ALLOCXMS" - CREATE LOGICAL VIDEO PAGE (XMS) AX = 0003h BX = page number (0001h-003Fh) Return: AX = status (0000h,FFFCh,FFFDh,FFFEh) (see #03473) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) You must first call "FG_INITXMS" (see AX=0060h) before using this function The only operation which is allowed on logical pages is "FG_COPYPAGE" (see AX=0014h) SeeAlso: AX=0000h,AX=0001h,AX=0002h,AX=0014h,AX=0038h,AX=0060h --------V-620004----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER 1.10,3.03+ - "FG_AUTOMODE" - GET VIDEO MODE W/MOST FEATURES AX = 0004h Return: AX = proposed video mode number (see #03500 at AX=00B0h) Program: FGDRIVER is the external video driver for the shareware Fastgraph/Light by Ted Gruber Software Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) SeeAlso: AX=0005h,AX=004Bh,AX=00B0h,AX=00C1h,AX=00C7h --------V-620005----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v3.03+ - "FG_BESTMODE" - GET BEST VIDEO MODE GIVEN RESOLUTN AX = 0005h BX = horizontal resolution CX = vertical resolution DX = number of video pages required (both physical and virtual) Return: AX = proposed video mode number or FFFFh if no matching video mode Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) You must first call "FG_SVGAINIT" (see AX=00C1h) to get SVGA video modes SeeAlso: AX=0004h,AX=004Bh,AX=00B0h,AX=00C1h,AX=00C7h --------V-620006----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v3.03+ - "FG_BOX" - DRAW UNFILLED RECTANGLE AX = 0006h BX = left column CX = right column DX = top row SI = bottom row Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) The rectangle is drawn in screen space, respecting the clipping region, with edges of the width specified with "FG_BOXDEPTH" (see AX=0007h) (default = 1 is set by "FG_SETMODE") This function has no effect in text modes SeeAlso: AX=0007h,AX=0008h,AX=000Ch,AX=0016h,AX=001Dh,AX=0026h,AX=0051h SeeAlso: AX=0055h,AX=008Fh --------V-620007----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v3.03+ - "FG_BOXDEPTH" - SET RECTANGLE BORDER WIDTH AX = 0007h BX = width of left and right edges in pixels (> 0) CX = width of top and bottom edges in pixels (> 0) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) SeeAlso: AX=0006h,AX=0008h,AX=0051h,AX=0055h --------V-620008----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v3.03+ - "FG_BOXX" - XOR HOLLOW RECTANGLE AX = 0008h BX = left column CX = right column DX = top row SI = bottom row Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) The rectangle is XORed into screen space, respecting the clipping region, with edges of the width specified with "FG_BOXDEPTH" (see AX=0007h) (default = 1 is set by "FG_SETMODE") This function has no effect in text modes SeeAlso: AX=0006h,AX=0007h,AX=0021h,AX=0022h,AX=0051h,AX=0055h,AX=0090h --------V-620009----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v3.03+ - "FG_BUTTON" - GET JOYSTICK BUTTON STATE AX = 0009h BX = joystick number (0001h or 0002h) Return: AX = button states bit 0: top button pressed bit 1: bottom button pressed Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) SeeAlso: AX=0052h,AX=0056h,AX=005Eh,AX=0062h,AX=0077h --------V-62000A----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v3.03+ - "FG_CAPSLOCK" - GET STATE OF CAPSLOCK KEY AX = 000Ah Return: AX = CapsLock state (0000h off, 0001h on) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) SeeAlso: AX=0082h,AX=00A4h,AX=00A8h,AX=00B1h --------V-62000B----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v3.03+ - "FG_CHGATTR" - APPLY CURRENT TEXT ATTRIB TO CHARS AX = 000Bh BX = number of characters to recolor Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) This call is ignored in graphics modes Starting at the current text cursor position, the specified number of characters have their attributes to the current text attribute SeeAlso: AX=000Ch,AX=003Ah,AX=00A6h --------V-62000C----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v3.03+ - "FG_CHGTEXT" - DISPLAY STRING AT CURSOR POSITION AX = 000Ch CX = length of string ES:BX -> string to be displayed Return: text cursor updated Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) This call is ignored in graphics modes SeeAlso: AX=000Bh,AX=0096h --------V-62000D----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v3.03+ - "FG_CIRCLE" - DRAW UNFILLED CIRCLE AX = 000Dh BX = radius in horizontal screen space units (> 0) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) The circle is drawn in screen space, centered at the current graphics cursor position This call is ignored in text modes SeeAlso: AX=0006h,AX=0008h,AX=000Eh,AX=0026h,AX=0093h --------V-62000E----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v3.03+ - "FG_CIRCLEF" - DRAW FILLED CIRCLE AX = 000Eh BX = radius in horizontal screen space units (> 0) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) SeeAlso: AX=0008h,AX=000Dh,AX=0027h,AX=0092h --------V-62000F----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_CLIPMAP" - DISPLAY CLIPPED IMAGE (MODE-INDEP) AX = 000Fh ES:BX -> bitmap CX = width DX = height Desc: display a mode-independent bitmap, showing only the portion within the current clipping limits Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) This call is ignored in text modes and in native EGA and VGA graphics modes The image is drawn with its lower left corner at the current graphics cursor position SeeAlso: AX=0011h,AX=001Fh,AX=0034h,AX=0086h,AX=00A9h,AX=00C5h --------V-620010----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_CLIPMASK" - DISPLAY CLIPPED IMAGE (MASKING MAP) AX = 0010h ES:BX -> array containing image stored as a masking map (see #03475) CX = number of pixel runs in masking map DX = width of masking map in pixels Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) This call is ignored in text modes and in native EGA and VGA graphics modes The image is drawn with its lower left corner at the current graphics cursor position SeeAlso: AX=0011h,AX=001Fh,AX=0034h,AX=00A1h,AX=00A9h,AX=00C5h --------V-620011----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_CLPIMAGE" - DISPLAY CLIPPED IMAGE (BITMAP) AX = 0011h ES:BX -> mode-specific bitmap CX = width of bit map in bytes DX = height of bit map in pixel rows Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) This call is ignored in text modes The image is drawn with its lower left corner at the current graphics cursor position The current clipping region is used, extended to a byte boundary SeeAlso: AX=0010h,AX=0024h,AX=0036h,AX=0044h,AX=00A0h,AX=00A9h,AX=00B9h --------V-620012----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_CLPRECT" - DRAW FILLED RECTANGLE IN SCREEN SPCE AX = 0012h BX = screen space column of left edge CX = screen space column of right edge DX = screen space row of top edge SI = screen space row of bottom edge Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) This call is ignored in text modes SeeAlso: AX=0006h,AX=0010h,AX=0011h,AX=0023h,AX=009Bh,AX=00A9h --------V-620013----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_COLORS" - GET SIMULTANEOUSLY-AVAILABLE COLORS AX = 0013h Return: AX = number of colors available at one time Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) --------V-620014----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_COPYPAGE" - TRANSFER VIDEO PAGE CONTENTS AX = 0014h BX = source page number (0000h-003Fh) CX = destination page number (0000h-003Fh) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) If both source and destination pages are logical pages, they must both be located in the same type (conventional, EMS, XMS) of memory SeeAlso: AX=009Eh,AX=00A2h,AX=00C6h,AX=00CAh --------V-620015----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_CURSOR" - SPECIFY WHETHER TEXT CURSR IS VISIBLE AX = 0015h BX = new state (0000h invisible, 0001h visible) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) This call is ignored in text modes SeeAlso: AX=000Ch,AX=0054h,AX=0058h,AX=006Bh,AX=0075h,AX=0079h,AX=007Eh SeeAlso: AX=00E0h --------V-620016----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_DASH" - DRAW DASHED LINE TO ABSOLUTE POSITION AX = 0016h BX = endpoint column CX = endpoint row DX = dash pattern (set bits cause drawn pixels) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) This call is ignored in text modes The starting point is the current graphics cursor position; the cursor position is updated SeeAlso: AX=0017h,AX=001Dh,AX=008Fh --------V-620017----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_DASHREL" - DRAW DASHED LINE TO RELATVE POSITION AX = 0017h BX = endpoint column offset CX = endpoint row offset DX = dash pattern (set bits cause drawn pixels) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) This call is ignored in text modes The starting point is the current graphics cursor position; the cursor position is updated SeeAlso: AX=0016h,AX=001Eh,AX=008Fh --------V-620018----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_DEFCOLOR" - ASSIGN COLOR VALUE TO COLOR INDEX AX = 0018h BX = color index (0000h-00FFh) CX = new color value (0 to maximum color value for current video mode) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) This call is ignored in text modes and 256-color graphics modes SeeAlso: AX=0040h,AX=0045h,AX=00AAh --------V-620019----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_DEFPAGES" - DEF SRC/DEST PAGES FOR BLOCK XFERS AX = 0019h BX = source page CX = destination page Desc: specify the source and destination SVGA banks for block transfers on extended video pages Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) This function is ignored if the video controller does not support extended pages or the current video mode does not allow them SeeAlso: AX=0014h,AX=00CAh --------V-62001A----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_DISPFILE" - DISPLAY STORED IMAGE AX = 001Ah ES:BX -> ASCIZ filename CX = image width in pixels (> 0) DX = image format 0000h Fastgraph standard pixel run format 0001h packed pixel run format Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) This call is ignored in text modes The image is displayed with its lower left corner at the current graphics cursor position SeeAlso: AX=001Bh,AX=001Ch,AX=00B9h,AX=00BAh,AX=00BBh --------V-62001B----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_DISPLAY" - DISPLAY IMAGE (STD PIXEL RUN FORMAT) AX = 001Bh ES:BX -> pixel run map (pairs of bytes: color index, count) CX = number of pixel runs to display DX = width of image in pixels (> 0) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) This call is ignored in text modes The image is displayed with its lower left corner at the current graphics cursor position SeeAlso: AX=001Ah,AX=001Ch,AX=00B9h,AX=00BAh,AX=00BBh --------V-62001C----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_DISPLAYP" - DISPLAY IMAGE (PACKED PIXEL RUNS) AX = 001Ch ES:BX -> pixel run map (trios of bytes: colors, count1, count2; colors contains the color for the first run in its high nybble and the color for the second run in its low nybble) CX = number of pixel runs to display DX = width of image in pixels (> 0) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) This call is ignored in text modes The image is displayed with its lower left corner at the current graphics cursor position SeeAlso: AX=001Ah,AX=001Bh,AX=00B9h,AX=00BAh,AX=00BBh --------V-62001D----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_DRAW" - DRAW SOLID LINE TO ABSOLUTE POSITION AX = 001Dh BX = endpoint column CX = endpoint row Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) This call is ignored in text modes The starting point is the current graphics cursor position; the cursor position is updated SeeAlso: AX=0016h,AX=0020h,AX=0021h,AX=0026h,AX=008Fh,AX=0090h --------V-62001E----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_DRAWMAP" - DISPLAY MODE-INDEPENDENT BIT MAP AX = 001Eh ES:BX -> bitmap (each set bit is pixel drawn in current color) CX = width of bitmap in bytes DX = height of bitmap in pixel rows Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) SeeAlso: AX=0011h,AX=0024h,AX=0036h,AX=0044h,AX=0099h,AX=00A0h --------V-62001F----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_DRAWMASK" - DISPLAY IMAGE (MASKING MAP) AX = 001Fh ES:BX -> array containing image stored as a masking map (see #03475) CX = number of pixel runs in masking map DX = width of masking map in pixels Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) This call is ignored in text modes and in native EGA and VGA graphics modes The image is drawn with its lower left corner at the current graphics cursor position SeeAlso: AX=0010h,AX=001Fh,AX=00A1h,AX=00A9h Format of FGDRIVER masking map: Offset Size Description (Table 03475) 00h BYTE length of first "protect" run (pixels remain unchanged) 01h BYTE length of first "zero" run (pixels set to background color) 02h BYTE length of second "protect" run 03h BYTE length of second "zero" run ... --------V-620020----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_DRAWREL" - DRAW SOLID LINE TO RELATIVE POSITION AX = 0020h BX = endpoint column offset CX = endpoint row offset Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored in text modes The starting point is the current graphics cursor position; the cursor position is updated SeeAlso: AX=0006h,AX=000Dh,AX=001Dh,AX=0021h,AX=0026h,AX=008Fh --------V-620021----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_DRAWRELX" - XOR SOLID LINE TO RELATIVE POSITION AX = 0021h BX = endpoint column offset CX = endpoint row offset Desc: draw a solid line, XORing each pixel onto the screen Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored in text modes The starting point is the current graphics cursor position; the cursor position is updated SeeAlso: AX=0006h,AX=000Dh,AX=001Dh,AX=0020h,AX=0026h,AX=0090h --------V-620022----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_DRAWX" - XOR SOLID LINE TO ABSOLUTE POSITION AX = 0022h BX = endpoint column CX = endpoint row Desc: draw a solid line, XORing each pixel onto the screen Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored in text modes The starting point is the current graphics cursor position; the cursor position is updated SeeAlso: AX=001Dh,AX=0021h,AX=008Fh --------V-620023----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_DRECT" - DRAW DITHERED RECTANGLE IN SCRN SPACE AX = 0023h BX = screen space column of left edge CX = screen space column of right edge DX = screen space row of top edge SI = screen space row of bottom edge ES:DI -> dithering matrix (video-mode dependent) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored in text modes SeeAlso: AX=0006h,AX=0008h,AX=0013h,AX=003Ch,AX=0089h,AX=009Bh --------V-620024----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_DRWIMAGE" - DISPLAY BITMAPPED IMAGE AX = 0024h ES:BX -> video mode-specific bitmap CX = width of bitmap in bytes DX = height of bitmap in pixel rows Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) The image will be drawn with its lower left corner at the current cursor position (either text or graphics) SeeAlso: AX=0011h,AX=0036h,AX=0044h,AX=0099h,AX=00A0h --------V-620025----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_EGACHECK" - GET INFO ABOUT ACTIVE EGA DISPLAY AX = 0025h Return: AX = number of 64K banks of video memory, or 0000h if no EGA or EGA without an Enhanced Color Display Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=00C2h --------V-620026----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_ELLIPSE" - DRAW UNFILLED ELLIPSE IN SCRN SPACE AX = 0026h BX = horizontal semi-axis length in screen space units CX = vertical semi-axis length in screen space units Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored in text modes The ellipse is centered at the current graphics cursor position SeeAlso: AX=0006h,AX=000Dh,AX=0027h,AX=008Fh,AX=0093h --------V-620027----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_ELLIPSEF" - DRAW FILLED ELLIPSE IN SCREEN SPACE AX = 0027h BX = horizontal semi-axis length in screen space units CX = vertical semi-axis length in screen space units Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored in text modes The ellipse is centered at the current graphics cursor position SeeAlso: AX=0006h,AX=000Eh,AX=0026h,AX=008Fh,AX=0092h --------V-620028----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_ERASE" - CLEAR THE ACTIVE VIDEO PAGE AX = 0028h Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This function sets each pixel to 0 in graphics modes, each character cell to a blank with a gray foreground attribute in text modes SeeAlso: AX=0029h,AX=002Bh,AX=0035h --------V-620029----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_FADEIN" - FADE IN HIDDEN PAGE AX = 0029h BX = delay (0000h = fastest possible fade-in) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) The current hidden page is copied to the current visible page in small random sections to produce a fade-in effect This call is ignored in text modes SeeAlso: AX=0028h,AX=002Ah,AX=002Bh --------V-62002A----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_FADEOUT" - FADE OUT TO CURRENT COLOR AX = 002Ah BX = delay (0000h = fastest possible fade-out) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) The current visible page is filled with pixels of the current color in small random sections to give a fade-out effect This call is ignored in text modes SeeAlso: AX=0028h,AX=0029h,AX=002Bh --------V-62002B----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_FILLPAGE" - FILL THE ACTIVE VIDEO PAGE AX = 002Bh Desc: fill the active video page with pixels of the current color (graphics modes) or the block character DBh with the current character attributes (text modes) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0028h,AX=0029h,AX=002Ah --------V-62002C----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_FINDPAGE" - FIND AVAILABLE VIRTUAL/LOGICAL PAGE AX = 002Ch Return: AX = first available page number (virtual or logical page) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0028h --------V-62002D----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_FLICDONE" - CLOSE FLIC FILE AX = 002Dh ES:BX -> context descriptor (see AX=0030h) Return: nothing Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=002Eh,AX=0030h --------V-62002E----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_FLICHEAD" - READ FLI/FLC FILE HEADER AX = 002Eh ES:BX -> FLICHEAD variable pointer record (see #03477) Return: AX = status (see #03476) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=002Dh,AX=002Fh,AX=0030h,AX=0032h (Table 03476) Values for FGDRIVER FLIC processing status: 0000h successful FFFEh not an FLI or FLC file FFFFh file not found Format of FGDRIVER FLICHEAD variable pointer record: Offset Size Description (Table 03477) 00h WORD segment of ASCIZ FLI/FLC file name 02h WORD offset of ASCIZ FLI/FLC file name 04h WORD segment of buffer for 128-byte file header 06h WORD offset of buffer for 128-byte file header --------V-62002F----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_FLICMODE" - GET OPTIMAL VIDEO MODE FOR FLI/FLC AX = 002Fh ES:BX -> 128-byte buffer containing FLI/FLC file header (see AX=002Eh) Return: AX = optimal 256-color graphics mode number FFFFh if invalid file header Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=002Eh,AX=0030h --------V-620030----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_FLICOPEN" - OPEN FLI/FLC FILE AX = 0030h ES:BX -> FLICOPEN variable pointer record (see #03478) Return: AX = status (see #03476) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=002Dh,AX=002Eh,AX=002Fh,AX=0030h,AX=0031h,AX=0032h Format of FGDRIVER FLICOPEN variable pointer record: Offset Size Description (Table 03478) 00h WORD segment of ASCIZ FLI/FLC file name 02h WORD offset of ASCIZ FLI/FLC file name 04h WORD segment of buffer for 16-byte file context descriptor 06h WORD offset of buffer for 16-byte file context descriptor --------V-620031----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_FLICPLAY" - DISPLAY NEXT FRAME(S) IN FLI/FLC AX = 0031h ES:BX -> context descriptor (see AX=0030h) CX = number of frames to display starting at current frame DX = control flags (see #03479) Return: AX = number of frames displayed Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0030h,AX=0033h,AX=00B8h Bitfields for FGDRIVER FLI/FLC control flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 03479) 0 skip inter-frame delay specified in FLI/FLC header 1 display relative to current graphics position 2 dipslay image from the FG_IMAGEBUF buffer instead of file --------V-620032----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_FLICSIZE" - GET IMAGE SIZE AX = 0032h ES:BX -> FLICSIZE variable pointer record (see #03480) Return: image height/width buffers updated; height is set to FFFFh on error Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=002Eh,AX=0030h Format of FGDRIVER FLICSIZE variable pointer record: Offset Size Description (Table 03480) 00h WORD segment of buffer for 128-byte FLI/FLC file header 02h WORD offset of buffer for 128-byte FLI/FLC file header 04h WORD segment of WORD buffer for image width in pixels 06h WORD offset of WORD buffer for image width in pixels 08h WORD segment of WORD buffer for image height in pixels 0Ah WORD offset of WORD buffer for image height in pixels --------V-620033----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_FLICSKIP" - SKIP FRAME(S) IN FLI/FLC FILE AX = 0033h ES:BX -> context descriptor (see AX=0030h) CX = number of frames to skip reset to first frame if skip count is negative Return: AX = number of frames skipped (may be less than requested if EOF) 0000h if resetting to first frame Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0030h,AX=0031h --------V-620034----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_FLIPMASK" - DISPLAY INV CLIPPED IMAGE (MASKMAP) AX = 0034h ES:BX -> array containing image stored as a masking map (see #03475) CX = number of pixel runs in masking map DX = width of masking map in pixels Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored in text modes and in native EGA and VGA graphics modes The image is drawn with its lower left corner at the current graphics cursor position SeeAlso: AX=000Fh,AX=001Fh,AX=0036h,AX=00A1h,AX=00A5h,AX=00C5h --------V-620035----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_FLOOD" - FLOOD FILL ARBITRARY CLOSED REGION AX = 0035h BX = starting column CX = starting row Desc: fill the bounded region around the specified point (respecting clipping region) with the currrent color Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This function is ignored in text modes SeeAlso: AX=0028h,AX=0085h --------V-620036----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_FLPIMAGE" - DISPLAY INV CLIPPED IMAGE (BITMAP) AX = 0036h ES:BX -> mode-specific bitmap CX = width of bit map in bytes DX = height of bit map in pixel rows Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored in text modes The image is drawn with its lower left corner at the current graphics cursor position The current clipping region is used, extended to a byte boundary SeeAlso: AX=0011h,AX=0024h,AX=0034h,AX=0044h,AX=00A0h,AX=00A9h,AX=00B9h --------V-620037----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_FONTSIZE" - SPECIFY FONT SIZE FOR TEXT OUTPUT AX = 0037h BX = desired character height in scan lines (8, 14, 16) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored if the current mode is not a VGA or SVGA graphics mode, or the specified character height is not 8, 14, or 16 SeeAlso: AX=0096h --------V-620038----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_FREEPAGE" - FREE VIRTUAL OR LOGICAL VIDEO PAGE AX = 0038h BX = page number (0000h-003Fh) Return: AX = status (0000h,0001h,0007h,0009h) (see #03473) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0000h,AX=0001h,AX=0002h,AX=0003h --------V-620039----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETADDR" - GET SEGMENT OF ACTIVE VIDEO PAGE AX = 0039h Return: AX = segment of active video page Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0042h,AX=00ACh --------V-62003A----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETATTR" - GET CHARACTER ATTRIB FOR POSITION AX = 003Ah BX = row CX = column Return: AX = character attribute at specified location on active video page Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored in graphics modes SeeAlso: AX=000Bh,AX=003Dh,AX=0040h,AX=00A6h --------V-62003B----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETBANKS" - GET SVGA READ AND WRITE BANKS AX = 003Bh ES:BX -> GETBANKS variable pointer record (see #03481) Return: nothing Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=00A7h Format of FGDRIVER GETBANKS variable pointer record: Offset Size Description (Table 03481) 00h WORD segment of WORD buffer for read bank number 02h WORD offset of WORD buffer for read bank number 04h WORD segment of WORD buffer for write bank number 06h WORD offset of WORD buffer for write bank number --------V-62003C----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETBLOCK" - GRAB RECTANGLE OF DISPLAY AX = 003Ch ES:BX -> buffer for screen contents CX = leftmost column DX = rightmost column SI = top row DI = bottom row Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) In text modes, coordinates are character positions; in graphics modes, they are defined in screen space, and the left and right edges are adjusted to a byte boundary if necessary Use "FG_IMAGESIZ" (see AX=005Ch) to determine the required buffer size SeeAlso: AX=0044h,AX=005Ch,AX=0098h --------V-62003D----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETCHAR" - GET CHARACTER FOR SCREEN POSITION AX = 003Dh BX = row CX = column Return: AX = character at specified location on active video page Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored in graphics modes SeeAlso: AX=000Bh,AX=003Ah,AX=0096h,AX=00A6h,AX=00C8h --------V-62003E----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETCLIP" - GET CLIPPING REGION IN SCREEN SPACE AX = 003Eh ES:BX -> GETCLIP variable pointer record (see #03482) Return: variables specifed by GETCLIP structure updated Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=00CAh Format of FGDRIVER GETCLIP variable pointer record: Offset Size Description (Table 03482) 00h WORD segment of WORD buffer for minimum X coordinate (left edge) 02h WORD offset of WORD buffer for minimum X coordinate (left edge) 04h WORD segment of WORD buffer for maximum X coordinate (right edge) 06h WORD offset of WORD buffer for maximum X coordinate (right edge) 08h WORD segment of WORD buffer for minimum Y coordinate (top edge) 0Ah WORD offset of WORD buffer for minimum Y coordinate (top edge) 0Ch WORD segment of WORD buffer for maximum Y coordinate (bottom edge) 0Eh WORD offset of WORD buffer for maximum Y coordinate (bottom edge) --------V-62003F----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETCLOCK" - GET CLOCK TICKS SINCE MIDNIGHT AX = 003Fh Return: DX:AX = number of clock ticks since midnight Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: INT 1A/AH=00h --------V-620040----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETCOLOR" - GET CURRENT TEXT ATTRIBUTE AX = 0040h Return: AX = current text attribute or color index (graphics modes) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=000Bh,AX=003Ah,AX=00A6h --------V-620041----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETDACS" - GET VIDEO DAC CONTENTS AX = 0041h CX = number of DAC registers to return (0001h to 0100h) DX = starting DAC register number (0000h to 00FFh) ES:BX -> buffer for DAC red/green/blue triples Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) The register number wraps back to zero after FFh SeeAlso: AX=004Eh,AX=0086h,AX=00ABh --------V-620042----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETENTRY" - GET PAGE TYPE AND ADDRESS AX = 0042h ES:BX -> variable pointer record (see #03483) CX = page number (00h-3Fh) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) Page addresses are segments for pages stored in conventional memory (including physical and virtual pages), and EMS or XMS handles for pages stored in EMS or XMS SeeAlso: AX=0000h,AX=00ACh Format of FGDRIVER GETENTRY variable pointer record: Offset Size Description (Table 03483) 00h WORD segment of WORD buffer for page address 02h WORD offset of WORD buffer for page address 04h WORD segment of WORD buffer for page type (se #03484) 06h WORD offset of WORD buffer for page type (Table 03484) Values for FGDRIVER page type: 0000h unallocated 0001h physical 0002h virtual 0003h logical page, stored in expanded memory (EMS) 0004h logical page, stored in extended memory (XMS) 0005h logical page, stored in conventional memory --------V-620043----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETHPAGE" - GET CURRENT HIDDEN VIDEO PAGE NUM AX = 0043h Return: AX = current hidden video page number (0000h-003Fh) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=004Ch,AX=0050h,AX=00AEh --------V-620044----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETIMAGE" - STORE IMAGE AS BITMAP AX = 0044h ES:BX -> buffer for video mode-specific bitmap CX = width of bitmap in bytes DX = height of bitmap in pixel rows Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0011h,AX=0024h,AX=0036h,AX=0099h,AX=00A0h --------V-620045----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETINDEX" - GET COLOR VALUE FOR COLOR INDEX AX = 0045h BX = color index (0000h to 00FFh) Return: AX = color value for specified color index Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call returns the value passed to it in text and 256-color graphics modes SeeAlso: AX=0018h,AX=0040h --------V-620046----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETKEY" - GET NEXT KEYSTROKE AX = 0046h ES:BX -> variable pointer record (see #03485) Return: (after next keystroke if no typeahead) variables updated Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=000Ah,AX=0063h,AX=0069h,AX=00DEh,INT 16/AH=00h Format of FGDRIVER GETKEY variable pointer record: Offset Size Description (Table 03485) 00h WORD segment of BYTE buffer for ASCII keycode 02h WORD offset of BYTE buffer for ASCII keycode 04h WORD segment of BYTE buffer for extended keycode 06h WORD offset of BYTE buffer for extended keycode --------V-620047----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETLINES" - GET TEXT ROWS FOR CURR VIDEO MODE AX = 0047h Return: AX = number of text rows on screen in current video mode Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=00AFh,AX=00C2h --------V-620048----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETMAP" - STORE IMAGE AS MODE-INDEPENDNT BITMAP AX = 0048h ES:BX -> buffer for video mode-independent bitmap CX = width of bitmap in bytes DX = height of bitmap in pixel rows Return: each bit in bitmap is set if corresponding pixel is of the current color, cleared otherwise Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored in text modes SeeAlso: AX=0011h,AX=001Eh,AX=0024h --------V-620049----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETMAXX" - GET MAXIMUM COLUMN IN SCREEN SPACE AX = 0049h Return: AX = maximum X coordinate in screen space (or character space if in text mode) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=004Ah,AX=00C1h --------V-62004A----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETMAXY" - GET MAXIMUM ROW IN SCREEN SPACE AX = 004Ah Return: AX = maximum Y coordinate in screen space (or character space if in text mode) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0049h,AX=00C1h --------V-62004B----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETMODE" - GET CURRENT VIDEO MODE NUMBER AX = 004Bh ES:BX -> WORD ??? Return: AX = current video mode number Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=00B0h --------V-62004C----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETPAGE" - GET ACTIVE VIDEO PAGE NUMBER AX = 004Ch Return: AX = active video page (0000h-003Fh) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0039h,AX=0042h,AX=0043h,AX=0050h,AX=00B2h --------V-62004D----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETPIXEL" - GET COLOR OF SPECIFIED PIXEL AX = 004Dh BX = column in screen space CX = row in screen space Return: AX = color value of pixel (0 to num_colors-1) 0000h in text modes Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=003Ah,AX=003Dh,AX=008Fh,AX=0090h --------V-62004E----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETRGB" - GET VIDEO DAC REGISTER CONTENTS AX = 004Eh ES:BX -> variable pointer record (see #03486) CX = DAC register number Return: variables updated Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored in text modes and CGA/EGA video modes (since they do not use DAC registers) SeeAlso: AX=0041h,AX=0086h,AX=00ABh Format of FGDRIVER GETRGB variable pointer record: Offset Size Description (Table 03486) 00h WORD segment of WORD buffer for red component of DAC register 02h WORD offset of WORD buffer for red component 04h WORD segment of WORD buffer for green component of DAC register 06h WORD offset of WORD buffer for green component 08h WORD segment of WORD buffer for blue component of DAC register 0Ah WORD offset of WORD buffer for blue component --------V-62004F----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETVIEW" - GET VIEWPORT EXTREME LIMITS AX = 004Fh ES:BX -> variable pointer record (see #03487) Return: indicated variables updated Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=00B5h Format of FGDRIVER GETVIEW variable pointer record: Offset Size Description (Table 03487) 00h WORD segment of WORD buffer for viewport left edge (viewport units) 02h WORD offset of WORD buffer for viewport left edge (viewport units) 04h WORD segment of WORD buffer for viewport right edge (viewport units) 06h WORD offset of WORD buffer for viewport right edge (viewport units) 08h WORD segment of WORD buffer for viewport top edge (viewport units) 0Ah WORD offset of WORD buffer for viewport top edge (viewport units) 0Ch WORD segment of WORD buffer for viewport bottom edge (viewp. units) 0Eh WORD offset of WORD buffer for viewport bottom edge (viewp. units) 10h WORD segment of WORD buffer for viewport left edge (screen space) 12h WORD offset of WORD buffer for viewport left edge (screen space) 14h WORD segment of WORD buffer for viewport right edge (screen space) 16h WORD offset of WORD buffer for viewport right edge (screen space) 18h WORD segment of WORD buffer for viewport top edge (screen space) 1Ah WORD offset of WORD buffer for viewport top edge (screen space) 1Ch WORD segment of WORD buffer for viewport bottom edge (screen space) 1Eh WORD offset of WORD buffer for viewport bottom edge (screen space) --------V-620050----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETVPAGE" - GET VISIBLE VIDEO PAGE NUMBER AX = 0050h Return: AX = visible video page (0000h-003Fh) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0043h,AX=004Ch,AX=00B6h --------V-620051----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETXBOX" - GET WIDTH OF VERTICAL BOX LINES AX = 0051h Return: AX = width (in pixels) of left and right edges of rectangles Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0006h,AX=0007h,AX=0008h,AX=006Bh --------V-620052----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETXJOY" - GET HORIZONTAL POSITION OF JOYSTICK AX = 0052h BX = joystick number (0001h or 0002h) Return: AX = horizontal position of joystick FFFFh if joystick uninitialized or not present Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) The actual coordinates are processor- and joystick-dependent You must call "FG_INITJOY" (AX=005Eh) before using this function SeeAlso: AX=0009h,AX=0056h,AX=005Eh,AX=0062h,AX=0077h --------V-620053----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETXJUST" - GET HORIZONTAL JUSTIFICATION AX = 0053h Return: AX = string justification 0000h strings are centered around current graphics X position 0001h strings are right-justified at current graphics X position FFFFh strings are left-justified at current graphics X position Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=006Ch,AX=007Bh --------V-620054----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETXPOS" - GET GRAPHICS CURSOR COLUMN AX = 0054h Return: AX = screen space X coordinate of graphics cursor position Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0058h,AX=007Eh,AX=007Fh --------V-620055----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETYBOX" - GET WIDTH OF HORIZONTAL BOX LINES AX = 0055h Return: AX = width (in pixels) of top and bottom edges of rectangles Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0006h,AX=0007h,AX=0008h,AX=0063h --------V-620056----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETYJOY" - GET VERTICAL POSITION OF JOYSTICK AX = 0056h BX = joystick number (0001h or 0002h) Return: AX = vertical position of joystick FFFFh if joystick uninitialized or not present Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) The actual coordinates are processor- and joystick-dependent You must call "FG_INITJOY" (AX=005Eh) before using this function SeeAlso: AX=0009h,AX=0052h,AX=005Eh,AX=0062h,AX=0077h --------V-620057----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETYJUST" - GET VERTICAL JUSTIFICATION AX = 0057h Return: AX = string justification 0000h strings are centered around current graphics Y position 0001h strings have top edge at current graphics Y position FFFFh strings have bottom edge at current graphics Y position Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0053h,AX=0065h --------V-620058----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_GETYPOS" - GET GRAPHICS CURSOR ROW AX = 0058h Return: AX = screen space Y coordinate of graphics cursor position Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0054h,AX=007Eh,AX=007Fh --------V-620059----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_HUSH" - STOP ASYNCHRONOUS SOUND IMMEDIATELY AX = 0059h Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This function immediately stops any sounds started with "FG_MUSICB", "FG_SOUNDS", or "FG_VOICES"; it is ignored if no asynchronous sound is playing SeeAlso: AX=005Ah,AX=0081h,AX=00BDh,AX=00DCh --------V-62005A----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_HUSHNEXT" - STOP ASYNCHRONOUS SOUND AX = 005Ah Program: FGDRIVER is the external video driver for the shareware Fastgraph/Light by Ted Gruber Software Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This function stops any sounds started with "FG_MUSICB", "FG_SOUNDS", or "FG_VOICES" after the current repetition completes; it is ignored unless asynchronous sound is continuous SeeAlso: AX=0059h,AX=0081h,AX=00BDh,AX=00DCh --------V-62005B----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_IMAGEBUF" - SPECIFY TEMPORARY IMAGE BUFFER AX = 005Bh ES:BX -> buffer to be used when creating or displaying GIF/PCX/PPR/SPR images CX = size of buffer in bytes or 0000h to use internal buffer Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) Fastgraph's internal buffer is 4096 bytes; this function allows the application to define a larger buffer which will typically speed processing SeeAlso: AX=006Ch,AX=006Dh,AX=006Eh,AX=00B9h,AX=00BAh,AX=00BBh --------V-62005C----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_IMAGESIZ" - DETERMINE IMAGE STORAGE REQUIREMENT AX = 005Ch BX = image width in pixels CX = image height in pixels Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) Return: DX:AX = size in bytes of mode-specific bitmap for current video mode SeeAlso: AX=003Ch,AX=0098h --------V-62005D----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_INITEMS" - INITIALIZE EXPANDED MEMORY USE AX = 005Dh Return: AX = status 0000h successful FFFFh expanded memory manager inaccessible or not installed Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0002h,AX=0060h"v4.02" --------V-62005E----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_INITJOY" - INITIALIZE JOYSTICK USE AX = 005Eh BX = joystick number (0001h or 0002h) Return: AX = status 0000h successful FFFFh joystick not connected or no game port Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) Fastgraph assumes that the requested joystick is centered at the time this function is called SeeAlso: AX=0009h,AX=0052h,AX=0056h,AX=0062h,AX=0077h --------V-62005F----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_INITPM"??? - (NOT IMPLEMENTED) AX = 005Fh ??? Return: ??? Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) --------V-620060----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v1.10 only - "FG_DISPPCX" - DISPLAY PCX FILE AX = 0060h ES:BX -> ASCIZ filename CX = flags bit 0: use current palette rather than PCX file's palette bits 1-15 reserved (0) Return: AX = status 0000h success 0001h file not found 0002h file is not a valid PCX file Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored in text modes and Hercules low-resolution graphics The image is displayed with its upper left corner at the current graphics cursor position SeeAlso: AX=00B9h --------V-620060----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_INITXMS" - INITIALIZE EXTENDED MEMORY USE AX = 0060h Return: AX = status 0000h successful FFFFh extended memory manager inaccessible or not installed Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0003h,AX=005Dh --------V-620061----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_INSIDE" - CHECK IF POINT INSIDE CONVEX POLYGON AX = 0061h ES:BX -> vertex array CX = number of vertices DX = screen space column of point to test SI = screen space row of point to test Return: AX = result 0000h point is outside polygon 0001h point is inside polygon undefined if not a convex polygon Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0092h,AX=0093h,AX=0094h --------V-620062----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_INTJOY" - GET KEYCODES CORRESP TO JOYSTICK POS AX = 0062h CX = joystick number (0001h or 0002h) ES:BX -> variable pointer record (see #03488) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) If the indicated joystick has not been initialized with AX=008Eh, both the button code and joystick position will be set to 00h If either button is pressed, a button code of 0Dh is returned; otherwise, a button code of 00h is returned SeeAlso: AX=0009h,AX=0052h,AX=0046h,AX=005Eh,AX=0077h Format of FGDRIVER INTJOY variable pointer record: Offset Size Description (Table 03488) 00h WORD segment of BYTE buffer for button code 02h WORD offset of BYTE buffer for button code 04h WORD segment of BYTE buffer for joystick position 06h WORD offset of BYTE buffer for joystick position --------V-620063----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_INTKEY" - GET KEYSTROKE, NO WAIT AX = 0063h ES:BX -> variable pointer record (see #03489) Return: variables updated Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) If the keyboard buffer is empty, both the ASCII and extended keycodes are set to 00h SeeAlso: AX=000Ah,AX=0046h,AX=0069h,AX=00DEh,INT 16/AH=01h Format of FGDRIVER INTKEY variable pointer record: Offset Size Description (Table 03489) 00h WORD segment of BYTE buffer for ASCII keycode 02h WORD offset of BYTE buffer for ASCII keycode 04h WORD segment of BYTE buffer for extended keycode 06h WORD offset of BYTE buffer for extended keycode --------V-620064----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_INVERT" - INVERT ORIENTATION OF BITMAP AX = 0064h ES:BX -> bitmap CX = width of bitmap in bytes DX = height of bitmap in pixel rows Return: nothing Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) --------V-620065----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_JUSTIFY" - SET TEXT OUTPUT JUSTIFICATION AX = 0065h BX = horizontal justification (00h centered, 01h right-justified, FFh left-justified) CX = vertical justification (00h centered, 01h top of characters, FFh bottom of chars) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=000Ch,AX=0037h,AX=0053h,AX=0057h,AX=0096h --------V-620066----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_KBINIT" - ENABLE/DISABLE LOW-LEVEL KBD HANDLER AX = 0066h BX = new state (0000h disabled, 0001h enabled) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) When the low-level handler is enabled, "FG_GETKEY", "FG_INTKEY", "FG_WAITKEY", and all other functions calling DOS or BIOS keyboard services become unavailable SeeAlso: AX=0067h,AX=0068h,AX=0069h --------V-620067----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_KBLAST" - GET MOST RECENT SCANCODE PROCESSED AX = 0067h Return: AX = scancode for keypress most recently processed by FastGraph's low-level keyboard handler, or 0000h if no keys since FG_KBINIT Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0066h,AX=0068h,AX=0069h --------V-620068----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_KBRESET" - RESET LOW-LEVEL KEYBOARD HANDLER AX = 0068h Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0066h,AX=0067h,AX=0069h --------V-620069----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_KBTEST" - CHECK WHETHER SPECIFIED KEY PRESSED AX = 0069h BX = scan code of desired key Return: AX = state 0000h key is not pressed 0001h key is currently pressed Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) The low-level keyboard handler must have been enabled with AX=0066h SeeAlso: AX=0066h,AX=0067h,INT 16/AH=01h --------V-62006A----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_LOADPCX" - LOAD .PCX INTO ACTIVE VIRTUAL BUFFER AX = 006Ah ES:BX -> ASCIZ filename for PCX image CX = control flags bit 0: use current palette, overriding stored .PCX palette bit 1: load at current graphics position, not stored position bit 2: load image from FG_IMAGEBUF buffer instead of .PCX file Return: AX = status 0000h successful 0001h file not found 0002h not a .PCX file Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=006Ch,AX=00B9h,AX=00D5h --------V-62006B----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_LOCATE" - SET TEXT-MODE CURSOR POSITION AX = 006Bh BX = row CX = column Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) There are only eight text cursors shared by successive groups of eight video pages (pages 0, 8, 16, ... share one cursor, 1, 9, ... share the second, etc) SeeAlso: AX=0054h,AX=0058h,AX=007Eh,AX=00E0h --------V-62006C----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_MAKEPCX" - CREATE PCX FILE FROM SCREEN WINDOW AX = 006Ch BX = left edge in screen space units CX = right edge in screen space units DX = top edge in screen space units SI = bottom edge in screen space units ES:DI -> ASCIZ filename of PCX file to create Return: AX = status 0000h successful 0001h file not created Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) The PCX file is created from the specified region of the active video page; the left and right edges are adjusted to a byte boundary if necessary If the specified file already exists, it is overwritten This call is ignored in text and Hercules low-resolution graphics modes SeeAlso: AX=005Bh,AX=006Dh,AX=006Ah,AX=006Eh,AX=00B9h,AX=00BAh,AX=00BBh --------V-62006D----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_MAKEPPR" - CREATE PACKED PIXEL RUN FILE AX = 006Dh BX = left edge in screen space units CX = right edge in screen space units DX = top edge in screen space units SI = bottom edge in screen space units ES:DI -> ASCIZ filename of PPR file to create Return: AX = status 0000h successful 0001h file not created Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) The PPR file is created from the specified region of the active video page; the left and right edges are adjusted to byte boundaries if necessary If the specified file already exists, it is overwritten This call is ignored in text modes SeeAlso: AX=005Bh,AX=006Ch,AX=006Eh,AX=00B9h,AX=00BAh,AX=00BBh --------V-62006E----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_MAKESPR" - CREATE STANDARD PIXEL RUN FILE AX = 006Eh BX = left edge in screen space units CX = right edge in screen space units DX = top edge in screen space units SI = bottom edge in screen space units ES:DI -> ASCIZ filename of SPR file to create Return: AX = status 0000h successful 0001h file not created Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) The SPR file is created from the specified region of the active video page; the left and right edges are adjusted to byte boundaries if necessary If the specified file already exists, it is overwritten This call is ignored in text modes SeeAlso: AX=005Bh,AX=006Ch,AX=006Dh,AX=00B9h,AX=00BAh,AX=00BBh --------V-62006F----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_MAPRGB" - MAP COLOR COMPONENTS INTO PALETTE VAL AX = 006Fh BX = red component CX = green component DX = blue component Return: AX = mode-specific palette value corresponding to specified components Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This function is only meaningful in 16-color graphics modes SeeAlso: AX=004Eh,AX=00B3h --------V-620070----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_MEASURE" - GET DELAY UNITS PER CLOCK TICK AX = 0070h Return: AX = delay units per clock tick (processor-dependent) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) These delay units are used by "FG_STALL" (see AX=00BFh) SeeAlso: AX=00BFh --------V-620071----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_MEMAVAIL" - QUERY AMOUNT OF FREE MEMORY AX = 0071h Return: DX:AX = number of bytes of conventional memory available Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=005Dh,AX=0072h --------V-620072----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_MEMORY" - GET SIZE OF VIDEO MEMORY AX = 0072h Return: AX = size of video memory in KB Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) You must first call "FG_SVGAINIT" (see AX=00C1h) before using this function SeeAlso: AX=0071h --------V-620073----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_MOUSE256" - DEFINE 256-COLOR MOUSE CURSOR AX = 0073h ES:BX -> 512-byte cursor definition CX = X offset of hot-spot within mouse cursor DX = Y offset of hot-spot within mouse cursor Return: nothing Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) the cursor definition array consists of 256 bytes defining the 16x16 screen mask, followed by another 256 bytes definining the 16x16 cursor mask SeeAlso: AX=0074h,AX=0075h,AX=007Bh --------V-620074----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_MOUSEBUT" - GET MOUSE BUTTON PRESS/RELEASE CNTS AX = 0074h CX = mouse button (1 = left press, 2 = right press, 3 = middle press, -1=left release, -2=right release, -3=middle release) ES:BX -> variable pointer record (see #03490) Return: variables updated Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This function returns the count of presses or releases since the last call to this function; if the count is zero, row and column will also be zero SeeAlso: AX=0075h,AX=0077h,AX=007Ah Format of FGDRIVER MOUSEBUT variable pointer record: Offset Size Description (Table 03490) 00h WORD segment of WORD buffer for press/release count 02h WORD offset of WORD buffer for press/release count 04h WORD segment of WORD buffer for screen space col of last press/rls 06h WORD offset of WORD buffer for screen space col of last press/rels 08h WORD segment of WORD buffer for screen space row of last press/rls 0Ah WORD offset of WORD buffer for screen space row of last press/rls --------V-620075----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_MOUSECUR" - SPECIFY TEXT-MODE MOUSE CURSOR AX = 0075h BX = screen mask CX = cursor mask Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored in graphics modes SeeAlso: AX=007Bh,AX=007Dh --------V-620076----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_MOUSEFIN" - UNHOOK FASTGRAPH MOUSE HANDLER AX = 0076h Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This function should be called before switching back to text mode if "FG_MOUSEINI" was called while in an SVGA graphics mode SeeAlso: AX=0077h --------V-620077----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_MOUSEINI" - INITIALIZE MOUSE SUPPORT AX = 0077h Return: AX = status 0002h two-button mouse 0003h three-button mouse FFFFh initialization failed Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) After this call, the mouse cursor is invisible SeeAlso: AX=0076h,AX=0078h,AX=007Ch --------V-620078----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_MOUSELIM" - SPECIFY MOUSE CURSOR LIMITS AX = 0078h BX = left-most position allowed for mouse cursor CX = right-most position allowed DX = top-most position allowed SI = bottom-most position allowed Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0077h,AX=0079h,INT 33/AX=0007h,INT 33/AX=0008h --------V-620079----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_MOUSEMOV" - SET MOUSE CURSOR POSITION AX = 0079h BX = new column CX = new row Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This function will not move the mouse cursor outside the bounding box specified with AX=009Bh SeeAlso: AX=0078h,AX=007Ah,INT 33/AX=0004h --------V-62007A----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_MOUSEPOS" - GET CURRENT MOUSE POSITION AX = 007Ah ES:BX -> variable pointer record (see #03491) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0079h Format of FGDRIVER MOUSEPOS variable pointer record: Offset Size Description (Table 03491) 00h WORD segment of WORD buffer for mouse column 02h WORD offset of WORD buffer for mouse column 04h WORD segment of WORD buffer for mouse row 06h WORD offset of WORD buffer for mouse row 08h WORD segment of WORD buffer for button status 0Ah WORD offset of WORD buffer for button status Note: button status: bit 0 = left button, bit 1 = right, bit 2 = middle --------V-62007B----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_MOUSEPTR" - SPECIFY GRAPH-MODE MOUSE CURSOR AX = 007Bh ES:BX -> masks (16-byte screen mask followed by 16-byte cursor mask) CX = X offset of hot spot from upper left corner DX = Y offset of hot spot from upper left corner Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored in text modes SeeAlso: AX=0073h,AX=0075h,INT 33/AX=0009h --------V-62007C----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_MOUSESPD" - SET MOUSE CURSOR SPEED AX = 007Ch BX = horizontal mickeys per eight pixels of movement (default 16) CX = vertical mickeys per eight pixels of movement (default 16) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: INT 33/AX=000Fh,INT 33/AX=001Ah --------V-62007D----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_MOUSEVIS" - SET MOUSE CURSOR VISIBILITY AX = 007Dh BX = new state (0000h invisible, 0001h visible) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0077h,INT 33/AX=0001h,INT 33/AX=0002h --------V-62007E----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_MOVE" - SET GRAPHICS CURSOR POSITION AX = 007Eh BX = new column CX = new row Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored in text modes SeeAlso: AX=0054h,AX=0058h,AX=006Bh,AX=0079h,AX=007Fh,AX=00E0h --------V-62007F----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_MOVEREL" - ADJUST GRAPHICS CURSOR POSITION AX = 007Fh BX = column offset CX = row offset Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored in text modes SeeAlso: AX=0054h,AX=0058h,AX=007Eh --------V-620080----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_MUSIC" - PLAY SERIES OF NOTES AX = 0080h ES:BX -> '$'-terminated music string in BASIC PLAY format Return: after music completed Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored if asynchronous sound (AX=00A5h,AX=00A8h, AX=00AAh) is already in progress SeeAlso: AX=0081h,AX=00BCh,AX=00DBh --------V-620081----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_MUSICB" - PLAY SERIES OF NOTES IN BACKGROUND AX = 0081h CX = number of repetitions (negative = continuous play) ES:BX -> '$'-terminated music string in BASIC PLAY format Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored if asynchronous sound (AX=00A5h,AX=00A8h, AX=00AAh) is already in progress SeeAlso: AX=0059h,AX=0081h,AX=00BDh,AX=00DCh --------V-620082----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_NUMLOCK" - GET STATE OF NUMLOCK KEY AX = 0082h Return: AX = NumLock state (0000h off, 0001h on) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=000Ah,AX=00A4h,AX=00A8h,AX=00B1h --------V-620083----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_PACK" - CONVERT PIXEL-PER-BYTE TO PACKED BITMAP AX = 0083h ES:BX -> variable pointer record (see #03492) CX = width of bitmap in pixels DX = height of bitmap in pixels Return: result bitmap buffer updated SeeAlso: AX=00CBh Format of FGDRIVER PACK variable pointer record: Offset Size Description (Table 03492) 00h WORD segment of source (mode-independent) bitmap 02h WORD offset of source (mode-independent) bitmap 04h WORD segment of buffer for result (mode-specific) bitmap 06h WORD offset of buffer for result (mode-specific) bitmap --------V-620084----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_PAGESIZE" - GET VIDEO PAGE SIZE FOR CURR MODE AX = 0084h Return: DX:AX = page size in bytes Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0072h --------V-620085----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_PAINT" - FLOOD CLOSED REGION WITH COLOR AX = 0085h BX = column CX = row Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This function fills an arbitrary closed region around the specified point with the current color; the screen edges are not considered region boundaries This call is ignored in text modes SeeAlso: AX=0035h --------V-620086----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_PALETTE" - SET PALETTE / SET VIDEO DAC REGISTER AX = 0086h ---CGA 4-color graphics--- BX = CGA paletee number CX = background color ---CGA 2-color graphics--- BX ignored CX = foreground color ---16-color graphics--- BX = palette register number CX = palette value ---256-color graphics--- BX = DAC register number CX = DAC value Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This function is ignored in text modes and Hercules graphics modes Few EGA/VGA adapters correctly set the foreground color in CGA mode 6 SeeAlso: AX=0041h,AX=004Eh,AX=0087h,AX=00ABh --------V-620087----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_PALETTES" - SET ALL PALETTE REGISTERS AX = 0087h ES:BX -> array of 16 WORDs containing values for palette registers (or first 16 DAC registers in 256-color modes) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This function is ignored in text modes, CGA and Hercules graphics modes SeeAlso: AX=0041h,AX=004Eh,AX=0086h,AX=00ABh --------V-620088----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_PAN" - SET SCREEN ORIGIN AX = 0088h BX = new column for screen origin CX = new row for screen origin Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=00B2h --------V-620089----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_PATTERN" - SPECIFY DISPLAY PATTERN FOR COLOR AX = 0089h BX = index of pattern to define CX = number of predefined display pattern Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) When displaying a pixel run map, Fastgraph uses the pattern associated with each color index rather than displaying the actual color This call has no effect in text and 256-color graphics modes SeeAlso: AX=0023h,AX=0045h --------V-62008A----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_PCXHEAD" - GET PCX FILE HEADER AX = 008Ah ES:BX -> variable pointer record (see #03493) Return: AX = status 0000h successful FFFEh not a PCX file FFFFh file does not exist Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=008Bh,AX=00B9h Format of FGDRIVER PCXHEAD variable pointer record: Offset Size Description (Table 03493) 00h WORD segment of ASCIZ filename 02h WORD offset of ASCIZ filename 04h WORD segment of 128-byte buffer for PCX header 06h WORD offset of 128-byte buffer for PCX header --------V-62008B----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_PCXMODE" - GET OPTIMAL VIDEO MODE FOR DISPLAY AX = 008Bh ES:BX -> PCX header (see AX=008Ah) Return: AX = optimal video mode for PCX file FFFEh not a valid PCX header FFFFh unable to determine compatible video mode Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=008Ah,AX=00B9h --------V-62008C----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_PCXPAL" - GET PALETTE STORED IN PCX FILE AX = 008Ch ES:BX -> variable pointer record (see #03494) Return: AX = number of colors in palette (16 or 256) or FFFEh not a valid PCX file FFFFh file not found Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=008Dh Format of FGDRIVER PCXPAL variable pointer record: Offset Size Description (Table 03494) 00h WORD segment of ASCIZ .PCX filename 02h WORD offset of ASCIZ .PCX filename 04h WORD segment of buffer for .PCX palette RGB triples 06h WORD offset of buffer for .PCX palette RGB triples Note: the buffer for the palette must hold at least three times as many bytes as there are colors in the palette SeeAlso: #03495 --------V-62008D----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_PCXRANGE" - GET EXTENT OF PCX IMAGE AX = 008Dh ES:BX -> variable pointer record (see #03495) Return: indicated variables updated; if the indicated header is not valid, all of the coordinate variables are set to FFFFh Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=008Ch Format of FGDRIVER PCXRANGE variable pointer record: Offset Size Description (Table 03495) 00h WORD segment of 128-byte PCX file header 02h WORD offset of 128-byte PCX file header 04h WORD segment of WORD buffer for X coordinate of image's left edge 04h WORD offset of WORD buffer for X coordinate of image's left edge 08h WORD segment of WORD buffer for X coordinate of image's right edge 0Ah WORD offset of WORD buffer for X coordinate of image's right edge 0Ch WORD segment of WORD buffer for Y coordinate of image's top edge 0Eh WORD offset of WORD buffer for Y coordinate of image's top edge 10h WORD segment of WORD buffer for X coordinate of image's bottom edge 12h WORD offset of WORD buffer for X coordinate of image's bottom edge SeeAlso: #03494 --------V-62008E----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_PLAYING" - DETERMINE WHETHER ASYNC SOUND ACTIVE AX = 008Eh Return: AX = sound state (0 = no asynchronous sound, 1 = async sound playing) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0059h,AX=0081h,AX=00BDh,AX=00DCh --------V-62008F----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_POINT" - DISPLAY A PIXEL AX = 008Fh BX = column CX = row Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored in text modes SeeAlso: AX=0006h,AX=001Dh,AX=004Dh,AX=0090h --------V-620090----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_POINTX" - DISPLAY A PIXEL IN XOR MODE AX = 0090h BX = column CX = row Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored in text modes SeeAlso: AX=004Dh,AX=008Fh --------V-620091----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_POLYEDGE" - SPECIFY INCLUSION OF FINAL PIXELS AX = 0091h BX = edge flag 0000h include right- and bottom-edge pixels when drawing polygons with FG_POLYFILL 0001h (default) exclue right- and bottom-edge pixels SeeAlso: AX=0092h --------V-620092----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_POLYFILL" - DRAW A FILLED CONVEX POLYGON AX = 0092h CX = number of vertices ES:BX -> variable pointer record (see #03496) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) The vertex array consists of pairs of words specifying the X and Y coordinates of each vertex; the work array is used internally and must contain at least four times as many bytes as the polygon is high in pixels This function is ignored in text modes If the polygon is non-convex, only a portion of it may be filled SeeAlso: AX=000Eh,AX=0027h,AX=0091h,AX=0093h,AX=0094h,AX=0095h Format of FGDRIVER POLYFILL variable pointer record: Offset Size Description (Table 03496) 00h WORD segment of vertex array (see #03498) 02h WORD offset of vertex array 04h WORD segment of work array 06h WORD offset of work array SeeAlso: #03497 --------V-620093----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_POLYGON" - DRAW AN UNFILLED POLYGON AX = 0093h CX = number of vertices in polygon ES:BX -> variable pointer record (see #03497) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored in text modes SeeAlso: AX=0091h,AX=0092h,AX=0094h,AX=0095h Format of FGDRIVER POLYGON variable pointer record: Offset Size Description (Table 03497) 00h WORD segment of WORD array containing vertex columns 02h WORD offset of WORD array containing vertex columns 04h WORD segment of WORD array containing vertex rows 06h WORD offset of WORD array containing vertex rows SeeAlso: #03496 --------V-620094----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_POLYLINE" - DRAW AN UNFILLED POLYGON AX = 0094h CX = number of vertices in polygon ES:BX -> vertex array (see #03498) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This function is equivalent to "FG_POLYGON", but uses only a single array to define the vertices This call is ignored in text modes SeeAlso: AX=008Fh,AX=0092h,AX=0093h,AX=0095h Format of FGDRIVER POLYFILL/POLYLINE vertex array element: Offset Size Description (Table 03498) 00h WORD column 02h WORD row SeeAlso: #03497 --------V-620095----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_POLYOFF" - DEFINE POLYGON DRAWING OFFSET AX = 0095h BX = horizontal offset (default 0) CX = vertical offset (default 0) Desc: define the offsets applied to all vertices of polygons drawn with "FG_POLYFILL" or "FG_POLYLINE" Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0092h,AX=0094h --------V-620096----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_PRINT" - DISPLAY STRING OF HARDWARE CHARACTERS AX = 0096h CX = length of string ES:BX -> string to display Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) The string is displayed in the current color, and the graphics cursor is updated to be just to the right of the last displayed character This function is ignored in text modes SeeAlso: AX=000Ch,AX=0037h,AX=0065h,AX=0097h --------V-620097----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_PRINTC" - DISPLAY STRING OF HW CHARS (CLIPPED) AX = 0097h CX = length of string ES:BX -> string to display Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) The string is displayed in the current color, and the graphics cursor is updated to be just to the right of the last displayed character; only the portion of the string that lies within the current clipping area is displayed This function is ignored in text modes SeeAlso: AX=0096h --------V-620098----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_PUTBLOCK" - RESTORE RECTANGLE OF DISPLAY AX = 0098h ES:BX -> buffer containing previously-saved image CX = left edge DX = right edge SI = top edge DI = bottom edge Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) In text modes, coordinates are character positions; in graphics modes, they are defined in screen space, and the left and right edges are adjusted to a byte boundary if necessary SeeAlso: AX=003Ch,AX=0099h --------V-620099----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_PUTIMAGE" - DISPLAY MODE-SPECIFIC BITMAP IMAGE AX = 0099h ES:BX -> buffer containing mode-specific bitmap CX = width in bytes DX = height in pixel rows Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) The bitmap is displayed with its lower left corner at the graphics cursor position; color 0 is NOT treated as transparent SeeAlso: AX=0011h,AX=0024h,AX=0036h,AX=0044h,AX=0098h --------V-62009A----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_QUIET" - STOP CONTINUOUS SYNCHRONOUS SOUND AX = 009Ah Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call has no effect if there is no continuous sound playing SeeAlso: AX=0059h,AX=0080h,AX=00BDh,AX=00DCh --------V-62009B----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_RECT" - DRAW UNFILLED RECTANGLE IN SCREEN SPACE AX = 009Bh BX = left edge column CX = right edge column DX = top edge row SI = bottom edge row Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0006h,AX=0012h,AX=0023h,AX=003Ch --------V-62009C----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_RESET" - ERASE SCREEN AND RESTORE SCREEN ATTR AX = 009Ch Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored in graphics modes The screen attributes are only restored if ANSI.SYS is loaded SeeAlso: AX=0028h,AX=00B0h --------V-62009D----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_RESIZE" - SET GRAPHICS MODE VIDEO PAGE SIZE AX = 009Dh BX = new page width in pixels CX = new page height in pixels Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) The visible page must be set to 0000h before making this call The mouse, joysticks, expanded memory, and extended memory must be reinitialized after this call SeeAlso: AX=0084h,AX=00ACh --------V-62009E----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_RESTORE" - COPY REGION FROM HIDDEN TO VIS PAGE AX = 009Eh BX = left edge column CX = right edge column DX = top edge row SI = bottom edge row Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) The left and right edges are adjusted to byte boundaries if necessary SeeAlso: AX=00A2h,AX=00C6h --------V-62009F----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_RESUME" - RESTART ASYNCHRONOUS SOUND AX = 009Fh Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=00BDh,AX=00C0h --------V-6200A0----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_REVIMAGE" - DISPLAY REVERSED IMAGE (BITMAP) AX = 00A0h ES:BX -> mode-specific bitmap CX = width of bitmap in bytes DX = height of bitmap in pixel rows Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored in text modes The image is drawn with its lower left corner at the current graphics cursor position SeeAlso: AX=0011h,AX=0024h,AX=0036h,AX=0044h,AX=00A1h,AX=00A9h,AX=00B9h --------V-6200A1----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_REVMASK" - DISPLAY REVERSED IMAGE (MASKING MAP) AX = 00A1h ES:BX -> array containing image stored as a masking map (see #03475) CX = number of pixel runs in masking map DX = width of masking map in pixels Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored in text modes and in native EGA and VGA graphics modes The image is drawn with its lower left corner at the current graphics cursor position SeeAlso: AX=0010h,AX=001Fh,AX=0034h,AX=00A0h,AX=00A9h,AX=00C5h --------V-6200A2----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SAVE" - COPY REGION FROM VISIBLE TO HIDDEN PAGE AX = 00A2h BX = left edge column CX = right edge column DX = top edge row SI = bottom edge row Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) The left and right edges are adjusted to byte boundaries if necessary SeeAlso: AX=009Eh,AX=00C6h --------V-6200A3----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SCALE" - SCALE BITMAP AX = 00A3h ES:BX -> variable pointer record (see #03499) CX = width of source bitmap in pixels (0 < width <= 1024) DX = height of source bitmap in pixels (0 < height <= 1024) SI = desired width of scaled bitmap (0 < width <= 1024) DI = desired height of scaled bitmap (0 < height <= 1024) Return: nothing SeeAlso: AX=00B7h Format of FGDRIVER SCALE variable pointer record: Offset Size Description (Table 03499) 00h WORD segment of source bitmap (one pixel per byte) 02h WORD offset of source bitmap 04h WORD segment of buffer for resulting scaled bitmap 06h WORD offset of buffer for resulting scaled bitmap --------V-6200A4----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SCRLOCK" - GET STATE OF SCROLL LOCK KEY AX = 00A4h Return: AX = ScrollLock state (0000h off, 0001h on) Program: FGDRIVER is the external video driver for the shareware Fastgraph/Light by Ted Gruber Software Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=000Ah,AX=0082h,AX=00A8h,AX=00B1h --------V-6200A5----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SCROLL" - VERTICALLY SCROLL SCREEN REGION AX = 00A5h BX = left edge column CX = right edge column DX = top edge row SI = bottom edge row DI = number of pixels by which to scroll (positive scrolls up, negative scrolls down) ES = type of scroll 0000h circular (rows scrolled off are copied to vacated rows) else vacated rows are filled with the current color Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) In graphics modes, the left and right edges are adjusted to byte boundaries if necessary Circular scrolling uses part of the hidden page as a workspace SeeAlso: AX=0088h,AX=00B2h --------V-6200A6----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SETATTR" - SET TEXT-MODE CHARACTER ATTRIBUTE AX = 00A6h BX = foreground CX = background DX = blink (0000h nonblinking, 0001h blink) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored in graphics modes SeeAlso: AX=000Bh,AX=003Ah,AX=0048h --------V-6200A7----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SETBANKS" - SET SVGA READ AND WRITE BANKS AX = 00A7h BX = memory bank from which to read (FFFFh leave unchanged) CX = memory bank to which to write (FFFFh leave unchanged) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=003Bh --------V-6200A8----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SETCAPS" - SET STATE OF CAPSLOCK KEY AX = 00A8h BX = new state (0000h off, 0001h on) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=000Ah,AX=0082h,AX=00A4h,AX=00B1h --------V-6200A9----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SETCLIP" - SET CLIPPING REGION AX = 00A9h BX = left edge of clipping region CX = right edge of clipping region DX = top edge of clipping region SI = bottom edge of clipping region Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0010h,AX=001Fh,AX=0034h,AX=003Eh,AX=00A1h,AX=00C5h --------V-6200AA----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SETCOLOR" - SET CURRENT COLOR AX = 00AAh BX = new color index (or text attribute in text modes) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0018h,AX=0040h,AX=0045h --------V-6200AB----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SETDACS" - SET VIDEO DAC CONTENTS AX = 00ABh CX = number of DAC registers to set (0001h to 0100h) DX = starting DAC register number (0000h to 00FFh) ES:BX -> buffer containing DAC red/green/blue triples Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) The register number wraps back to zero after reaching FFh This call has no effect in text modes or graphics modes below 11h SeeAlso: AX=0041h,AX=004Eh,AX=0086h,INT 10/AX=1012h --------V-6200AC----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SETENTRY" - SET TYPE AND ADDRESS OF VIDEO PAGE AX = 00ACh BX = page number (00h-3Fh) CX = page address DX = page type (see #03484 at AX=0042h) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0038h,AX=0042h,AX=00B0h --------V-6200AD----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SETFUNC" - SET LOGICAL OPERATION FOR VIDEO OPS AX = 00ADh BX = operation 0000h replacement 0001h AND 0002h OR 0003h XOR Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This function is only available in native EGA/VGA graphics modes (0Dh to 12h) SeeAlso: AX=001Eh,AX=008Fh --------V-6200AE----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SETHPAGE" - SET HIDDEN VIDEO PAGE AX = 00AEh BX = new hidden page (0000h to 003Fh) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) The specified page must be a physical page or a virtual page SeeAlso: AX=0043h,AX=00B2h,AX=00B6h --------V-6200AF----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SETLINES" - SET TEXT ROWS ON SCREEN AX = 00AFh BX = new screen size (25, 43, 50) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0047h --------V-6200B0----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SETMODE" - SELECT VIDEO MODE AND INITIALIZE AX = 00B0h BX = new video mode or FFFFh for current mode (see #03500) ES:DX -> WORD shareware splash screen flag Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call resets the active video page to page 0000h, the clipping region to the entire screen, text rows to 25, etc. in the shareware version, FGDRIVER sets the word pointed at by ES:DX to 9090h after it shows the shareware announcement to the user SeeAlso: AX=004Bh,INT 10/AH=00h (Table 03500) Values for FGDRIVER video mode: 00h-07h standard BIOS modes 09h PCjr/Tandy1000 320x200x16 0Bh Hercules graphics 720x348 0Ch Hercules graphics 320x200 0Dh-13h standard BIOS modes 14h VGA graphics 320x200x256 15h VGA graphics 320x400x256 16h VGA graphics 320x240x256 17h VGA graphics 320x480x256 18h SVGA graphics 640x400x256 19h SVGA graphics 640x480x256 1Ah SVGA graphics 800x600x256 1Bh SVGA graphics 1024x768x256 1Ch SVGA graphics 800x600x16 1Dh SVGA graphics 1024x768x16 --------V-6200B1----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SETNUM" - SET STATE OF NUMLOCK KEY AX = 00B1h BX = new state (0000h off, 0001h on) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=000Ah,AX=0082h,AX=00A4h,AX=00A8h --------V-6200B2----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SETPAGE" - SET ACTIVE VIDEO PAGE AX = 00B2h BX = new video page (0000h to 003Fh) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) The specified page must be a physical or virtual page SeeAlso: AX=0039h,AX=0042h,AX=0043h,AX=0050h,AX=0088h --------V-6200B3----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SETRGB" - SET VIDEO DAC REGISTER CONTENTS AX = 00B3h BX = palette or DAC register number CX = red color component DX = green component SI = blue component Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) The register number may be negative for Tandy, PCjr, and 200-line EGA graphics modes to specify an intense color This call has no effect in text, CGA graphics, and Hercules graphics modes SeeAlso: AX=004Eh --------V-6200B4----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - UNUSED AX = 00B4h Return: AX = 0000h Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) --------V-6200B5----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SETVIEW" - DEFINE VIEWPORT AX = 00B5h ES:BX -> variable record (see #03501) CX = viewport's top edge in screen space DX = viewport's bottom edge in screen space Return: nothing Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) SeeAlso: AX=004Fh Format of FGDRIVER SETVIEW variable record: Offset Size Description (Table 03501) 00h WORD viewport's left edge in viewport units 02h WORD viewport's right edge in viewport units 04h WORD viewport's top edge in viewport units 06h WORD viewport's bottom edge in viewport units 08h WORD viewport's left edge in screen space 0Ah WORD viewport's right edge in screen space --------V-6200B6----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SETVPAGE" - SET VISIBLE VIDEO PAGE AX = 00B6h BX = new video page (0000h to 003Fh) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) The specified page must be a physical or virtual page SeeAlso: AX=0043h,AX=00AEh,AX=00B2h --------V-6200B7----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SHEAR" - SHEAR UNPACKED BITMAP AX = 00B7h ES:BX -> variable pointer record (see #03502) CX = bitmap width (0 < width <= 1024) DX = bitmap height (0 < height <= 1024) SI = size of resulting image (width for horiz. shear, height for vert.) DI = shear type 0000h horizontal shear to left 0001h horizontal shear to right 0002h vertical shear to left (left edge stretched up) 0003h vertical shear to right (right edge stretched up) Return: nothing Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) SeeAlso: AX=00A3h Format of FGDRIVER SHEAR variable pointer record: Offset Size Description (Table 03502) 00h WORD segment of source bitmap 02h WORD offset of source bitmap 04h WORD segment of buffer for resulting bitmap 06h WORD offset of buffer for resulting bitmap --------V-6200B8----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SHOWFLIC" - DISPLAY IMAGE FROM FLI/FLC FILE AX = 00B8h ES:BX -> ASCIZ filename for FLI/FLC file CX = number of times to display image file (0000h = continuously) DX = control flags (see #03479 at AX=0031h) Return: AX = status 0000h successful 0001h file not found 0002h not a valid FLI/FLC file Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) the FLI/FLC display may be stopped by the user by pressing Esc SeeAlso: AX=0030h,AX=0031h,AX=00B9h --------V-6200B9----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SHOWPCX" - DISPLAY IMAGE FROM PCX FILE AX = 00B9h ES:BX -> ASCIZ filename of PCX image CX = flags (see #03503) Return: AX = status 0000h success 0001h file not found 0002h not a PCX file Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This function is ignored in text modes and Hercules low-res graphics SeeAlso: AX=005Bh,AX=0060h"1.10",AX=006Ch,AX=006Dh,AX=006Eh,AX=00B8h,AX=00BAh SeeAlso: AX=00BBh Bitfields for FGDRIVER flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 03503) 0 use current palette rather than PCX file's palette 1 display image at cursor position instead of position in PCX header 2-15 reserved --------V-6200BA----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SHOWPPR" - DISPLAY IMAGE FROM PPR FILE AX = 00BAh ES:BX -> ASCIZ filename of packed pixel run image CX = width in pixels (nonzero) Return: AX = status 0000h successful 0001h file not found Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) The image is displayed with its lower left corner at the current graphics cursor position This function is ignored in text modes and 256-color graphics modes SeeAlso: AX=005Bh,AX=006Ch,AX=006Dh,AX=006Eh,AX=00B9h,AX=00BBh --------V-6200BB----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SHOWSPR" - DISPLAY IMAGE FROM SPR FILE AX = 00BBh ES:BX -> ASCIZ filename of standard pixel run image CX = width in pixels (nonzero) Return: AX = status 0000h successful 0001h file not found Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) The image is displayed with its lower left corner at the current graphics cursor position This function is ignored in text modes SeeAlso: AX=005Bh,AX=006Ch,AX=006Dh,AX=006Eh,AX=00B9h,AX=00BAh --------V-6200BC----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SOUND" - MAKE SOUND FOR SPECIFIED DURATION AX = 00BCh BX = frequency in Hertz (18-32767) CX = duration in clock ticks (0000h or negative for continuous sound) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored if asynchronous sound (AX=00A5h,AX=00A8h, AX=00AAh) is already in progress SeeAlso: AX=0059h,AX=0080h,AX=00BDh,AX=00C0h,AX=00DBh --------V-6200BD----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SOUNDS" - PLAY SOUNDS IN BACKGROUND AX = 00BDh CX = number of times to cycle through sound list ES:BX -> sounds array (see #03504) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored if asynchronous sound (AX=00A5h,AX=00A8h, AX=00AAh) is already in progress SeeAlso: AX=0059h,AX=0081h,AX=00BCh,AX=00C0h,AX=00DCh Format of FGDRIVER sounds array element: Offset Size Description (Table 03504) 00h WORD frequency of sound in Hertz (0000h ends array) 02h WORD duration of sound in clock ticks --------V-6200BE----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SPLIT" - ENABLE/DISABLE SPLIT SCREEN ENVIRONMNT AX = 00BEh BX = beginning row for bottom half of split-screen Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) --------V-6200BF----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_STALL" - PAUSE FOR SPECIFIED DURATION AX = 00BFh BX = duration in processor-dependent delay units (see AX=0070h) Return: after delay elapses Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0070h,INT 2F/AX=1224h --------V-6200C0----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SUSPEND" - TEMPORARILY STOP ASYNCHRONOUS SOUND AX = 00C0h Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call has no effect if there is no asynchronous sound in progress The program must not exit while sound is suspended SeeAlso: AX=0059h,AX=0080h,AX=00BDh,AX=00C0h,AX=00DBh --------V-6200C1----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SVGAINIT" - INITIALIZE FASTGRAPH SVGA KERNEL AX = 00C1h BX = method (see #03505) Return: AX = status 0000h no VESA BIOS or supported SVGA chipset 0001h using VESA BIOS 0002h-0016h specific chipset being used (same as "method" below) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This function must be called before attempting to set SVGA graphics modes (18h to 1Dh) or using "FG_BESTMODE", "FG_TESTMODE", or "FG_MEMORY" SeeAlso: AX=0025h,AX=00C2h,AX=00C3h (Table 03505) Values for FGDRIVER SVGA method: 0000h autodetect, give chipset-specific code priority over VESA 0001h autodetect, give VESA priority over chipset-specific code 0002h Ahead type "A" 0003h Ahead type "B" 0004h ATI 18800 0005h ATI 18800-1 0006h ATI 28800 0007h Chips & Technologies 82c451/455/456 0008h C&T 82c452 0009h C&T 82c453 000Ah Genoa 6000 series 000Bh Oak OTI-067 000Ch Paradise PVGA1a 000Dh Paradise WD90C00/WD90C10 000Eh Paradise WD90C11/WD90C30/WD90C31 000Fh Trident 8800 0010h Trident 8900 0011h Tseng ET3000 0012h Tseng ET4000 0013h Video7 0014h Cirrus Logic 5400 series 0015h S3 0016h Trident 8900B/8900C/9000 --------V-6200C2----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SVGASTAT" - GET SVGA CHIPSET INFORMATION AX = 00C2h Return: AX = chipset information (see #03506) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0025h,AX=00C1h,AX=00C3h Bitfields for FGDRIVER chipset information: Bit(s) Description (Table 03506) 0 SVGA kernel initialized 1 VESA support enabled 2 extended video pages available in modes 13-23 3 SVGA chipset has separate read and write banks 4-15 reserved (0) --------V-6200C3----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_SVGAVER" - GET FASTGRAPH SVGA KERNEL VERSION AX = 00C3h ES:BX -> variable pointer record (see #03507) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=00C1h,AX=00C2h Format of FGDRIVER variable pointer record: Offset Size Description (Table 03507) 00h WORD segment of WORD buffer for major version 02h WORD offset of WORD buffer for major version 04h WORD segment of WORD buffer for minor version (hundredths) 06h WORD offset of WORD buffer for minor version --------V-6200C4----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_TCDEFINE" - DEFINE TRANSPARENCY OF COLOR INDEX AX = 00C4h BX = color index CX = transparency (00h opaque, other transparent) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This function is ignored in text modes SeeAlso: AX=00C5h,AX=00C6h --------V-6200C5----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_TCMASK" - SET TRANSPARENT COLORS AX = 00C5h BX = colors to consider transparent (bit 0 = color 0, etc) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This call is ignored in text modes The specified colors are considered transparent by "FG_TCXFER" SeeAlso: AX=00C4h,AX=00C6h --------V-6200C6----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_TCXFER" - COPY REGION EXCLUDING TRANSPARENT AX = 00C6h CX = source video page DX = destination video page ES:BX -> copy record (see #03508) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) Pixels which are in any of the colors defined as transparent with "FG_TCMASK" (see AX=00C5h) are left unchanged in the destination region The source and destination regions must not overlap if they are located on the same page This call is ignored in text modes SeeAlso: AX=00C4h,AX=00C5h,AX=00CAh --------V-6200C7----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_TESTMODE" - CHECK IF VIDEO MODE AVAILABLE AX = 00C7h BX = desired video mode (00h-17h, also 18h-1Dh after "FG_SVGAINIT") CX = required number of video pages (ignore memory size if <= 0) Return: AX = status 0000h mode not available with requested number of pages 0001h mode is available Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0005h,AX=00B0h --------V-6200C8----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_TEXT" - DISPLAY STRING OF CHARACTERS AX = 00C8h CX = length of string ES:BX -> string Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) The string is displayed starting at the text cursor position using the current text attribute (text modes) or color index (graphics modes) The text cursor position is updated after this call SeeAlso: AX=000Ch,AX=0096h,AX=00C9h --------V-6200C9----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_TEXTC" - DISPLAY STRING OF CHARACTERS (CLIPPED) AX = 00C9h CX = length of string ES:BX -> string Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) The string is displayed starting at the text cursor position using the current text attribute (text modes) or color index (graphics modes), showing only the portion within the current clipping window The text cursor position is updated after this call SeeAlso: AX=00C8h --------V-6200CA----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_TRANSFER" - COPY REGION AX = 00CAh CX = source video page DX = destination video page ES:BX -> copy record (see #03508) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) The source and destination regions must not overlap if they are located on the same page SeeAlso: AX=009Eh,AX=00A2h,AX=00A5h,AX=00C6h Format of FGDRIVER copy record: Offset Size Description (Table 03508) 00h WORD left edge column of source region 02h WORD right edge column of source region 04h WORD top edge row of source region 06h WORD bottom edge row of source region 08h WORD left edge of destination 0Ah WORD bottom edge of destination --------V-6200CB----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_UNPACK" - EXPAND MODE-SPECIFIC BITMAP AX = 00CBh ES:BX -> variable pointer record (see #03509) CX = size of source bitmap in bytes Return: result buffer filled Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) SeeAlso: AX=0083h Format of FGDRIVER UNPACK variable pointer record: Offset Size Description (Table 03509) 00h WORD segment of source bitmap 02h WORD offset of source bitmap 04h WORD segment of buffer for resulting bitmap 06h WORD offset of buffer for resulting bitmap --------V-6200CC----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_VBADDR" - GET ADDRESS OF VIRTUAL BUFFER AX = 00CCh BX = virtual buffer handle (0000h-001Fh) Return: DX:AX -> virtual buffer Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) SeeAlso: AX=00CDh,AX=00CEh,AX=00CFh,AX=00D3h --------V-6200CD----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_VBALLOC" - CREATE VIRTUAL BUFFER AX = 00CDh BX = width of virtual buffer in pixels CX = height in pixels Return: AX = handle for virtual buffer, or FFFEh out of memory FFFFh virtual buffer table full Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) SeeAlso: AX=00CCh,AX=00CEh,AX=00D0h,AX=00D1h,AX=00D2h,AX=00D4h --------V-6200CE----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_VBCLOSE" - CLOSE ACTIVE VIRTUAL BUFFER AX = 00CEh Desc: close the active virtual buffer and direct further graphics to the active video page Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) SeeAlso: AX=00CCh,AX=00D1h,AX=00D4h,AX=00D5h,AX=00D9h --------V-6200CF----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_VBCOPY" - COPY RECT BETWEEN VIRTUAL BUFFERS AX = 00CFh ES:BX -> variable record (see #03510) CX = handle for source virtual buffer DX = handle for destination virtual buffer Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) if the destination buffer is the same as the source buffer, the regions must not overlap SeeAlso: AX=00D0h,AX=00D1h,AX=00D4h,AX=00D6h,AX=00D7h Format of FGDRIVER VBCOPY variable record: Offset Size Description (Table 03510) 00h WORD source region's left edge 02h WORD source region's right edge 04h WORD source region's top edge 06h WORD source region's bottom edge 08h WORD X coordinate of destination's upper left corner 0Ah WORD Y coordinate of destination's upper left corner --------V-6200D0----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_VBCUT" - COPY RECT FROM VIDEO TO VIRTUAL BUFFER AX = 00D0h BX = source region's left edge CX = source region's right edge DX = source region's top edge SI = source region's bottom edge DI = X coordinate of destination's upper left corner ES = Y coordinate of destination's upper left corner Desc: copy a rectangle from the active video page to the active virtual buffer Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) SeeAlso: AX=00CDh,AX=00CFh,AX=00D4h,AX=00D6h --------V-6200D1----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_VBDEFINE" - CREATE VIRTUAL BUFFER AX = 00D1h ES:BX -> memory block for virtual buffer CX = buffer width in pixels DX = buffer height in pixels Return: AX = virtual buffer handle FFFFh on error Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) the application-provided buffer must be large enough to hold CX*DX bytes SeeAlso: AX=00CCh,AX=00CDh,AX=00CEh,AX=00D2h,AX=00D4h,AX=00D5h --------V-6200D2----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_VBFREE" - RELEASE VIRTUAL BUFFER AX = 00D2h BX = virtual buffer handle Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) this function should be used only for buffers created with FG_VBALLOC SeeAlso: AX=00CDh,AX=00D4h,AX=00D5h --------V-6200D3----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_VBHANDLE" - GET ACTIVE VIRTUAL BUFFER'S HANDLE AX = 00D3h Return: AX = handle for active virtual buffer Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) SeeAlso: AX=00CCh,AX=00D4h --------V-6200D4----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_VBINIT" - INITIALIZE VIRTUAL BUFFER ENVIRONMENT AX = 00D4h Return: nothing Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) this function must be called before any other virtual buffer functions are used SeeAlso: AX=00CDh,AX=00D5h --------V-6200D5----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_VBOPEN" - MAKE VIRTUAL BUFFER ACTIVE AX = 00D5h BX = virtual buffer handle Return: AX = status 0000h successful FFFEh no buffer defined for specified handle FFFFh invalid buffer handle Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) SeeAlso: AX=00CDh,AX=00CEh,AX=00D1h,AX=00D4h,AX=00D9h --------V-6200D6----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_VBPASTE" - COPY RECT FROM VIRTUAL BUF TO VIDEO AX = 00D6h BX = source region's left edge CX = source region's right edge DX = source region's top edge SI = source region's bottom edge DI = X coordinate of destination's upper left corner ES = Y coordinate of destination's upper left corner Desc: copy a rectangle from the active virtual buffer to the active video page Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) SeeAlso: AX=00CFh,AX=00D0h,AX=00D4h,AX=00D7h --------V-6200D7----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_VBTCCOPY" - COPY RECTANGLE BETWEEN VIRTUAL BUFS AX = 00D7h ES:BX -> variable record (see #03511) CX = source virtual buffer's handle DX = destination virtual buffer's handle Desc: copy rectangle from one virtual buffer to another with transparent colors Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) if the destination buffer is the same as the source buffer, the regions must not overlap SeeAlso: AX=00CFh,AX=00D0h,AX=00D6h,AX=00D8h Format of FGDRIVER VBTCCOPY variable record: Offset Size Description (Table 03511) 00h WORD source region's left edge 02h WORD source region's right edge 04h WORD source region's top edge 06h WORD source region's bottom edge 08h WORD X coordinate of destination region's upper left corner 0Ah WORD Y coordinate of destination region's upper left corner --------V-6200D8----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_VBTCXFER" - COPY RECTANGLE TO ACTIVE VIDEO PAGE AX = 00D8h BX = source region's left edge CX = source region's right edge DX = source region's top edge SI = source region's bottom edge DI = X coordinate of destination's upper left corner ES = Y coordinate of destination's upper left corner Desc: copy a rectangle from the active virtual buffer to the active video page, with transparent colors Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) SeeAlso: AX=00D6h,AX=00D7h --------V-6200D9----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_VBUNDEF" - RELEASE HANDLE FOR VIRTUAL BUFFER AX = 00D9h BX = virtual buffer handle Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) the specified handle must not reference the currently-active virtual buffer SeeAlso: AX=00D1h,AX=00D5h --------V-6200DA----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_VGASTATE" - SAVE/RESTORE VGA CONTROLLER STATE AX = 00DAh BX = direction (0000h save, else restore) Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474) this function is only meaningful in modes 0Dh and above --------V-6200DB----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_VOICE" - START SOUND AX = 00DBh BX = channel on TI sound chip 1-3 = channels 1-3, 4 = channel 4 with periodic noise, 5 = channel 4 with white noise CX = frequency in Hz (18-32767 for channels 1-3; 0=512 Hz, 1=1024 Hz, 2=2048 Hz for channels 4 and 5) DX = volume SI = duration in clock ticks (continuous if <= 0) Program: FGDRIVER is the external video driver for the shareware Fastgraph/Light by Ted Gruber Software Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This function is only available on the PCjr and Tandy 1000 machines SeeAlso: AX=0080h,AX=00BCh,AX=00DCh --------V-6200DC----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_VOICES" - PLAY SOUNDS IN BACKGROUND AX = 00DCh ES:BX -> tone array (see #03512) CX = number of times to repeat tone array Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) This function is only available on the PCjr and Tandy 1000 machines SeeAlso: AX=0059h,AX=0081h,AX=00BDh,AX=00DBh Format of FGDRIVER tone array element: Offset Size Description (Table 03512) 00h WORD channel number (0000h terminates array) 02h WORD frequency 04h WORD volume 06h WORD duration in 1/72.8 seconds --------V-6200DD----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_WAITFOR" - DELAY FOR SPECIFIED DURATION AX = 00DDh BX = duration in clock ticks Return: after delay elapses Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=00BFh,INT 1A/AX=FF01h --------V-6200DE----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_WAITKEY" - FLUSH KEYBOARD BUFFER AND AWAIT KEY AX = 00DEh Return: after next key pressed Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=000Ah,AX=0046h,AX=0063h,AX=0069h,INT 16/AH=00h --------V-6200DF----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_WAITVR" - ENABLE/DISABLE VERTICAL RETRACE WAIT AX = 00DFh BX = new state (0000h disabled, 0001h enabled) Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) --------V-6200E0----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_WHERE" - GET CURRENT CURSOR POSITION AX = 00E0h ES:BX -> variable pointers (see #03513) Return: indicated variables filled with cursor row and column for active display Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=0054h,AX=0058h,AX=006Bh,AX=007Eh Format of FGDRIVER variable pointers: Offset Size Description (Table 03513) 00h WORD segment of WORD buffer for cursor row 02h WORD offset of WORD buffer for cursor row 04h WORD segment WORD buffer for cursor column 06h WORD offset WORD buffer for cursor column --------V-6200E1----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_XALPHA" - CONVERT SCREEN COLUMN TO CHAR COLUMN AX = 00E1h BX = screen space column Return: AX = character space column containing specified coordinate Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=00E2h,AX=00E4h --------V-6200E2----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_XCONVERT" - CONVERT CHAR COLUMN TO SCREEN COL AX = 00E2h BX = character space column Return: AX = screen space column of leftmost pixel in specified character col Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=00E2h,AX=00E5h --------V-6200E3----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_XVIEW" - CONVERT VIEWPORT COORDINATE AX = 00E3h BX = horizontal viewport coordinate Return: AX = screen space X coordinate corresponding to supplied coordinate Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) if no viewport has been defined, the returned coordinate will be the same as the viewport coordinate SeeAlso: AX=00E2h,AX=00E6h --------V-6200E4----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_YALPHA" - CONVERT SCREEN ROW TO CHARACTER ROW AX = 00E4h BX = screen space row Return: AX = character space row containing specified coordinate Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=00E1h,AX=00E5h --------V-6200E5----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_YCONVERT" - CONVERT CHARACTER ROW TO SCREEN ROW AX = 00E5h BX = character space row Return: AX = screen space row of topmost pixel in specified character row Note: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) SeeAlso: AX=00E2h,AX=00E4h,AX=00E6h --------V-6200E6----------------------------- INT 62 u - FGDRIVER v4.02 - "FG_YVIEW" - TRANSLATE VERTICAL VIEWPORT COORDINATE AX = 00E6h BX = viewport Y coordinate Return: AX = screen space row for viewport coordinate Program: FGDRIVER is the external video driver for the shareware Fastgraph/Light by Ted Gruber Software Notes: the FGDRIVER functions are rearranged with each major release, but their parameters do not change (see #03474 at AX=0000h) if no viewport has been defined, the returned coordinate will be the same as the viewport coordinate SeeAlso: AX=00E3h,AX=00E5h --------T-6201------------------------------- INT 62 - Cswitch - GIVE UP REST OF TIME-SLICE AH = 01h Program: Cswitch is a set of multitasking functions by Herb Rose SeeAlso: AH=05h"Cswitch",AH=06h"Cswitch",INT 15/AX=1000h,INT 2F/AX=1680h --------N-6201------------------------------- INT 62 - BW-TCP - HW DRIVER (ETHDEV.SYS) - NOP for ETHDEV.ODI AH = 01h Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AL = error code Range: INT 4C to INT FB, selected by configuration SeeAlso: AH=FEh,INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h"BW-TCP" SeeAlso: INT 64/AH=01h"BW-NFS" --------T-6202------------------------------- INT 62 - Cswitch - WAIT FOR SEMAPHORE AH = 02h DX = semaphore number (0-63) Return: AX = FFFFh bad semaphore number else success SeeAlso: AH=03h"Cswitch",AH=04h"Cswitch" --------N-6202------------------------------- INT 62 - BW-TCP - HW DRIVER (ETHDEV.SYS) - INITIALIZE AH = 02h Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AL = error code SeeAlso: AH=00h"ETHDEV",AH=03h"ETHDEV",AH=FEh,INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP" SeeAlso: INT 63/AH=03h"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h"BW-TCP",INT 64/AH=01h"BW-NFS" --------T-6203------------------------------- INT 62 - Cswitch - CHECK SEMAPHORE AH = 03h DX = semaphore number (0-63) Return: AX = status FFFFh not owned else owned SeeAlso: AH=02h,AH=04h --------N-6203------------------------------- INT 62 - BW-TCP - HW DRIVER (ETHDEV.SYS) - GET REAL IP ADDRESS AH = 03h DS:SI -> DWORD buffer for IP address Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AL = error code Range: INT 4C to INT FB, selected by configuration Note: the Beame&Whiteside TCP/IP protocol stack uses two consecutive interrupts (62h and 63h by default); the BW-NFS client uses a third consecutive interrupt (64h by default) if it is loaded SeeAlso: AH=FEh,INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h"BW-TCP" SeeAlso: INT 64/AH=01h"BW-NFS" --------T-6204------------------------------- INT 62 - Cswitch - TRIGGER SEMAPHORE AH = 04h DX = semaphore number (0-63) Return: AX = status FFFFh bad semaphore number else success SeeAlso: AH=02h"Cswitch",AH=03h"Cswitch" --------N-6204------------------------------- INT 62 - BW-TCP - HW DRIVER (ETHDEV.SYS) - SET ??? AH = 04h BX = ??? ES:SI -> FAR routine for ??? Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AL = error code SeeAlso: AH=FEh,INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h"BW-TCP" SeeAlso: INT 64/AH=01h"BW-NFS" --------T-6205------------------------------- INT 62 - Cswitch - SLEEP AH = 05h BX = seconds to sleep SeeAlso: AH=01h"Cswitch",AH=06h"Cswitch",AH=08h"Cswitch" --------N-6205------------------------------- INT 62 - BW-TCP - HW DRIVER (ETHDEV.SYS) - ??? AH = 05h ??? Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AL = error code SeeAlso: AH=FEh,INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h"BW-TCP" SeeAlso: INT 64/AH=01h"BW-NFS" --------T-6206------------------------------- INT 62 - Cswitch - SUSPEND AH = 06h SeeAlso: AH=05h"Cswitch",AH=08h"Cswitch" --------N-6206------------------------------- INT 62 - BW-TCP - HW DRIVER (ETHDEV.SYS) - ??? AH = 06h ??? Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AL = error code Range: INT 4C to INT FB, selected by configuration Note: the Beame&Whiteside TCP/IP protocol stack uses two consecutive interrupts (62h and 63h by default); the BW-NFS client uses a third consecutive interrupt (64h by default) if it is loaded SeeAlso: AH=FEh,INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h"BW-TCP" SeeAlso: INT 64/AH=01h"BW-NFS" --------T-6207------------------------------- INT 62 - Cswitch - SPAWN AH = 07h ES:BX -> function address to start executing at CX = priority (1-10) Return: AX = result/status FFFDh no free memory control blocks FFFEh no free task control blocks FFFFh not enough memory to create new task stack >0 the tcb number of the new task, indicating no error SeeAlso: AH=0Fh"Cswitch",AH=10h"Cswitch" --------N-6207------------------------------- INT 62 - BW-TCP - HW DRIVER (ETHDEV.SYS) - ??? AH = 07h DS:SI -> ??? Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AL = error code SeeAlso: AH=FEh,INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h"BW-TCP" SeeAlso: INT 64/AH=01h"BW-NFS" --------T-6208------------------------------- INT 62 - Cswitch - WAKE UP TASK AH = 08h BX = tcb identifier SeeAlso: AH=05h,AH=06h --------N-6208------------------------------- INT 62 - BW-TCP - HW DRIVER (ETHDEV.SYS) - ??? AH = 08h CX = ??? ES:SI -> ??? buffer (see #03514) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AL = error code Range: INT 4C to INT FB, selected by configuration SeeAlso: AH=FEh,INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h"BW-TCP" SeeAlso: INT 64/AH=01h"BW-NFS" Format of BW-TCP ??? buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 03514) 00h 6 BYTEs hardware address??? 06h 6 BYTEs ??? 0Ch WORD ??? 0Eh WORD ??? ----------6208--CXFFFE----------------------- INT 62 - MS SQL Server/Sybase DBLIBRARY interface - UNINSTALL/GET PSP ADDR AH = 08h CX = FFFEh DX = FFFFh Return: AX = PSP address of resident DBLIBRARY Note: this call does not free the memory allocated to the TSR; the calling code must do the deallocation. SeeAlso: INT 62"DBLIBRARY" --------T-6209------------------------------- INT 62 - Cswitch - SET PRIORITY AH = 09h BX = new base priority (1-10) Note: the lower the priority is numerically, the more often the task will run --------N-6209------------------------------- INT 62 - BW-TCP - HW DRIVER (ETHDEV.SYS) - HOOK TIMER INTERRUPT AH = 09h Return: CF clear if successful AX = handler ID CF set on error AL = error code Range: INT 4C to INT FB, selected by configuration Note: the Beame&Whiteside TCP/IP protocol stack uses two consecutive interrupts (62h and 63h by default); the BW-NFS client uses a third consecutive interrupt (64h by default) if it is loaded SeeAlso: AH=0Ah"ETHDEV",AH=FEh,INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h"BW-TCP" SeeAlso: INT 64/AH=01h"BW-NFS" --------T-620A------------------------------- INT 62 - Cswitch - TEST MESSAGE QUEUE AH = 0Ah DX = queue number (0-63) Return: AX = result/message size 0000h nothing on queue FFFFh bad queue number else number of bytes in first message in queue SeeAlso: AH=0Bh"Cswitch",AH=0Ch"Cswitch" --------N-620A------------------------------- INT 62 - BW-TCP - HW DRIVER (ETHDEV.SYS) - UNHOOK TIMER INTERRUPT AH = 0Ah DX = handler ID Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AL = error code SeeAlso: AH=09h"ETHDEV",AH=FEh,INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h"BW-TCP" SeeAlso: INT 64/AH=01h"BW-NFS" --------T-620B------------------------------- INT 62 - Cswitch - SEND MESSAGE AH = 0Bh CX = number of bytes to write DS:SI -> buffer DX = queue number (0-63) Return: AX = result/message size 0000h no message was on queue FFFEh triggered by something arriving, redo the call FFFFh bad queue number else number of bytes in message SeeAlso: AH=0Ah"Cswitch",AH=0Ch"Cswitch" --------N-620B------------------------------- INT 62 - BW-TCP - HW DRIVER (ETHDEV.SYS) - ADD ??? AH = 0Bh AL = ??? DX = ??? BP = ??? ES:SI -> ??? Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AL = error code SeeAlso: AH=0Ch"ETHDEV",AH=FEh,INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h"BW-TCP" SeeAlso: INT 64/AH=01h"BW-NFS" --------T-620C------------------------------- INT 62 - Cswitch - READ MESSAGE AH = 0Ch CX = number of bytes to read DS:SI -> buffer DX = queue number (0-63) Return: AX = status FFFFh bad queue number else number of bytes transferred SeeAlso: AH=0Ah,AH=0Bh --------N-620C------------------------------- INT 62 - BW-TCP - HW DRIVER (ETHDEV.SYS) - REMOVE ??? AH = 0Ch DX = ??? BP = ??? Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AL = error code Range: INT 4C to INT FB, selected by configuration Note: the Beame&Whiteside TCP/IP protocol stack uses two consecutive interrupts (62h and 63h by default); the BW-NFS client uses a third consecutive interrupt (64h by default) if it is loaded SeeAlso: AH=0Bh"ETHDEV",AH=FEh,INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h"BW-TCP" SeeAlso: INT 64/AH=01h"BW-NFS" --------T-620D------------------------------- INT 62 - Cswitch - DON'T ALLOW TASK TO BE SWAPPED OUT AH = 0Dh SeeAlso: AH=0Eh"Cswitch" --------N-620D------------------------------- INT 62 - BW-TCP - HW DRIVER (ETHDEV.SYS) - NOP for ETHDEV.ODI AH = 0Dh Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AL = error code SeeAlso: AH=FEh,INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h"BW-TCP" SeeAlso: INT 64/AH=01h"BW-NFS" --------T-620E------------------------------- INT 62 - Cswitch - ALLOW TASK TO BE SWAPPED OUT AH = 0Eh SeeAlso: AH=0Dh"Cswitch" --------N-620E------------------------------- INT 62 - BW-TCP - HW DRIVER (ETHDEV.SYS) - BEGIN CRITICAL SECTION AH = 0Eh Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AL = error code SeeAlso: AH=0Fh"ETHDEV",AH=10h"ETHDEV",AH=FEh,INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP" SeeAlso: INT 63/AH=03h"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h"BW-TCP",INT 64/AH=01h"BW-NFS" --------T-620F------------------------------- INT 62 - Cswitch - LOAD AND RUN PROGRAM FROM DISK AH = 0Fh ES:BX -> command line CX = priority (1-10) DX = background flag (nonzero allows loading to EMS) Return: AX = status 0000h task loader queue is full 0001h no error SeeAlso: AH=07h"Cswitch",AH=10h"Cswitch",AH=13h"Cswitch" --------N-620F------------------------------- INT 62 - BW-TCP - HW DRIVER (ETHDEV.SYS) - END CRITICAL SECTION AH = 0Fh Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AL = error code Range: INT 4C to INT FB, selected by configuration Note: the Beame&Whiteside TCP/IP protocol stack uses two consecutive interrupts (62h and 63h by default); the BW-NFS client uses a third consecutive interrupt (64h by default) if it is loaded SeeAlso: AH=0Eh"ETHDEV",AH=10h"ETHDEV",AH=FEh,INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP" SeeAlso: INT 63/AH=03h"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h"BW-TCP",INT 64/AH=01h"BW-NFS" --------T-6210------------------------------- INT 62 - Cswitch - TERMINATE SPAWNED PROGRAM AH = 10h SeeAlso: AH=07h"Cswitch",AH=0Fh"Cswitch" --------N-6210------------------------------- INT 62 - BW-TCP - HW DRIVER (ETHDEV.SYS) - QUERY CRITICAL SECTION AH = 10h Return: CF clear if no critical section active CF set if in critical section SeeAlso: AH=0Eh"ETHDEV",AH=0Fh"ETHDEV",AH=FEh,INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP" SeeAlso: INT 63/AH=03h"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h"BW-TCP",INT 64/AH=01h"BW-NFS" --------T-6211------------------------------- INT 62 - Cswitch - GET TCB INFORMATION AH = 11h ES:BX -> a pointer which will be set to the tcb address Return: AX = tcb indentifier SeeAlso: AH=12h --------N-6211------------------------------- INT 62 - BW-TCP - HW DRIVER (ETHDEV.SYS) - SET ??? AH = 11h ES:SI -> ??? Return: CF clear SeeAlso: AH=FEh,INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h"BW-TCP" SeeAlso: INT 64/AH=01h"BW-NFS" --------T-6212------------------------------- INT 62 - Cswitch - GET TCB ADDRESS AH = 12h ES:BX -> a pointer which will be set to the tcb table address Return: AX = tcb indentifier SeeAlso: AH=11h"Cswitch" --------N-6212------------------------------- INT 62 - BW-TCP - HW DRIVER (ETHDEV.SYS) - GET SOCKET NUMBER??? AH = 12h Return: CF clear if successful AX = socket number??? (memory variable incremented after reading) CF set on error AL = error code Range: INT 4C to INT FB, selected by configuration Note: the Beame&Whiteside TCP/IP protocol stack uses two consecutive interrupts (62h and 63h by default); the BW-NFS client uses a third consecutive interrupt (64h by default) if it is loaded SeeAlso: AH=FEh,INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h"BW-TCP" SeeAlso: INT 64/AH=01h"BW-NFS" --------T-6213------------------------------- INT 62 - Cswitch - CHECK STATUS OF PREVIOUS LOAD_TASK AH = 13h Return: AX = result FFFCh no Memory Control Blocks available FFFDh no TCBs available FFFEh insufficient memory FFFFh cannot open file 0000h load in progress (not done yet) else tcb indentifier SeeAlso: AH=0Fh --------N-6213------------------------------- INT 62 - BW-TCP - HW DRIVER (ETHDEV.SYS) - ??? AH = 13h CX = ??? Return: CF clear if successful AL = 00h CF set on error AL = error code SeeAlso: AH=FEh,INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h"BW-TCP" SeeAlso: INT 64/AH=01h"BW-NFS" --------N-6214------------------------------- INT 62 - BW-TCP - HW DRIVER (ETHDEV.SYS) - ??? AH = 14h ES:SI -> ??? Return: CF clear if successful AL = 00h CF set on error AL = error code SeeAlso: AH=FEh,INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h"BW-TCP" SeeAlso: INT 64/AH=01h"BW-NFS" --------N-6215------------------------------- INT 62 - BW-TCP - HW DRIVER (ETHDEV.SYS) - GET ??? AH = 15h Return: CF clear if successful AX = ??? (destroyed???) CF set on error AL = error code Range: INT 4C to INT FB, selected by configuration Notes: call this function after reading the "ETHDEV27" device the Beame&Whiteside TCP/IP protocol stack uses two consecutive interrupts (62h and 63h by default); the BW-NFS client uses a third consecutive interrupt (64h by default) if it is loaded SeeAlso: AH=FEh,INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h"BW-TCP" INT 64/AH=01h"BW-NFS" --------N-6216------------------------------- INT 62 - BW-TCP - HW DRIVER (ETHDEV.SYS) - ??? AH = 16h ??? Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AL = error code SeeAlso: AH=FEh,INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h"BW-TCP" SeeAlso: INT 64/AH=01h"BW-NFS" --------N-6217------------------------------- INT 62 - BW-TCP - HW DRIVER (ETHDEV.SYS) - ??? AH = 17h DX = segment of ??? Return: CF clear SeeAlso: AH=FEh,INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h"BW-TCP" SeeAlso: INT 64/AH=01h"BW-NFS" --------N-6218------------------------------- INT 62 - BW-TCP - HW DRIVER (ETHDEV.SYS) - ALLOCATE AND MAP EMS FOR DRIVER AH = 18h Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AL = error code Range: INT 4C to INT FB, selected by configuration Notes: calls function 17h after EMS allocated and mapped the Beame&Whiteside TCP/IP protocol stack uses two consecutive interrupts (62h and 63h by default); the BW-NFS client uses a third consecutive interrupt (64h by default) if it is loaded SeeAlso: AH=FEh,INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=03h"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h SeeAlso: INT 64/AH=01h"BW-NFS" --------R-6247------------------------------- INT 62 - PC Tools v7 COMMUTE - ??? AH = 47h AL = subfunction (00h-31h) ??? CF set Return: ??? Program: COMMUTE is a remote-control program bundled with Central Point Software's PC Tools --------R-6248------------------------------- INT 62 - PC Tools v7 COMMUTE - ??? AH = 48h AL = ??? ??? CF set Return: ??? --------R-6249------------------------------- INT 62 - PC Tools v7 COMMUTE - ??? AH = 49h ??? CF set Return: ??? Note: may be the same as AH=4Ch --------R-624A------------------------------- INT 62 - PC Tools v7 COMMUTE - ??? AH = 4Ah AL = subfunction (00h-46h) ??? CF set Return: ??? --------R-624B--BX1234----------------------- INT 62 - PC Tools v7 COMMUTE - ??? AH = 4Bh BX = 1234h CX = 1234h ES = ??? CF set Return: ??? Program: COMMUTE is a remote-control program bundled with Central Point Software's PC Tools --------R-624C------------------------------- INT 62 - PC Tools v7 COMMUTE - ??? AH = 4Ch BL = subfunction 00h ??? 02h ??? Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error --------R-626262----------------------------- INT 62 - PC Tools v7 COMMUTE - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 6262h CF set Return: AX = 0000h BX = segment of resident code's PSP Program: COMMUTE is a remote-control program bundled with Central Point Software's PC Tools --------s-62C0------------------------------- INT 62 U - GWBTSR - API AH = C0h AL = function 00h installation check Return: AX = 00FFh if installed 01h ??? Program: GWBTSR is a huge (48K) resident mixer controller for the Gateway 2000 sound card (OEM version of Aztech Sound Galaxy) Index: installation check;GWBTSR --------N-62FE------------------------------- INT 62 - BW-TCP - ETHDRV.SYS - MAP EMS PAGE FRAME AH = FEh AL = direction 00h map in driver's memory block 01h map out driver's memory block Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AL = error code Range: INT 4C to INT FB, selected by configuration Notes: this function is supported by at least the SLIP and ODI versions of ETHDEV.SYS the Beame&Whiteside TCP/IP protocol stack uses two consecutive interrupts (62h and 63h by default); the BW-NFS client uses a third consecutive interrupt (64h by default) if it is loaded SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP",INT 62/AH=00h"ETHDEV",INT 62/AH=18h"ETHDEV" SeeAlso: INT 63/AH=03h"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h,INT 64/AH=FEh --------*-63--------------------------------- INT 63 - reserved for user interrupt --------d-63--------------------------------- INT 63 - Adaptec and OMTI controllers - DRIVE 0 DATA Desc: this vector stores the last four bytes of the parameter table for hard disk 0 SeeAlso: INT 60"Adaptec",INT 61"Adaptec",INT 62"Adaptec",INT 64"Adaptec" --------b-63--------------------------------- INT 63 - TI Professional PC - OPTION ROM DATA AREA POINTER (NOT A VECTOR!) Desc: the low word of this vector contains the segment of the RAM data area to be used by the expansion ROM at F400h:4000h, and the high word contains the length of the data area; this segment and size are both set to 0000h if no ROM is installed at F400h:4000h SeeAlso: INT 60"TI Professional PC",INT 62"TI Professional" SeeAlso: INT 64"TI Professional PC" ----------63--------------------------------- INT 63 - Oracle SQL Protected Mode Executive - ??? --------d-63--------------------------------- INT 63 - 4+Power FLOPPY CONTROLLER - ORIGINAL INT 13/40 Desc: the "4+Power" quad floppy controller BIOS hooks INT 13 (or INT 40 if INT 13 has been moved there) and places the old value here ----------63--------------------------------- INT 63 - Kofax KF9X00 image manipulation card interface --------Q-63--------------------------------- INT 63 - DESQview/X - SOCKET API InstallCheck: test for the string "dvxunix" (yes, lowercase) at offset 9 from the interrupt handler start (see #03515) Notes: parameters are passed by patching (!) data field immediately following the entry point, as detailed below (see #03515); the preferred method for calling the socket API is via INT 15/AX=DE2Eh SeeAlso: INT 15/AX=DE2Eh,INT BE"DESQview" Index: installation check;DESQview/X socket interface Format of DESQview/X socket interrupt handler entry: Offset Size Description (Table 03515) 00h 3 BYTEs near jump or short jump + NOP to actual interrupt handler 03h WORD offset from following pointer for initial top of local stack 05h DWORD pointer to argument/stack block (see INT 15/AX=DE2Eh) 09h 7 BYTEs signature "dvxunix" --------b-6300------------------------------- INT 63 - HP 100LX - MAP HIGH MEMORY AH = 00h AL = physical page (00h seg C000, 01h seg C400h, ...) BX = zero-based logical page CX = page number DX = device ID (00h system ROM, 05h plugin, etc.) Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=01h --------N-6300------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - SET IP ADDRESS??? AH = 00h DS:BX -> DWORD containing IP address (big-endian) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AX destroyed Range: INT 4D to INT FC, selected by configuration Note: the Beame&Whiteside TCP/IP protocol stack uses two consecutive interrupts (62h and 63h by default); the BW-NFS client uses a third consecutive interrupt (64h by default) if it is loaded SeeAlso: AH=01h"BW-TCP",AH=02h"BW-TCP" --------b-6301------------------------------- INT 63 - HP 100LX - SAVE/RESTORE MEMORY MAP AH = 01h AL = function (00h save, 01h restore) ??? Return: ??? --------N-6301------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - ??? AH = 01h ES:BX -> ??? ??? Return: ??? Range: INT 4D to INT FC, selected by configuration Note: the Beame&Whiteside TCP/IP protocol stack uses two consecutive interrupts (62h and 63h by default); the BW-NFS client uses a third consecutive interrupt (64h by default) if it is loaded SeeAlso: AH=00h"BW-TCP",AH=02h"BW-TCP" --------N-6302------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - ??? AH = 02h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=00h"BW-TCP",AH=01h"BW-TCP" --------N-6303------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - GET IP ADDRESS AH = 03h DS:SI -> buffer for DWORD IP address (big-endian) Return: AX destroyed CF clear if successful CF set on error Note: this call may use ARP or RARP to determine the address --------N-6304------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - ??? AH = 04h ??? Return: ??? --------N-6305------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - ??? AH = 05h DS:BX -> ??? ES:SI -> ??? Return: ??? Range: INT 4D to INT FC, selected by configuration --------N-6306------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - ??? AH = 06h ??? Return: ??? --------N-6307------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - ??? AH = 07h ??? Return: ??? --------N-6308------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - SET DEFAULT ??? HANDLER AH = 08h DS:BX -> DWORD containing IP address Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error ??? --------N-6309------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - INSTALL ??? HANDLERS AH = 09h BL = handler type ES:SI -> FAR handler of specified type Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=0Ah,AH=0Dh --------N-630A------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - DELETE ??? HANDLERS AH = 0Ah BL = handler type Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error (no handler of specified type installed) SeeAlso: AH=09h --------N-630B------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - ??? AH = 0Bh AL = ??? DL = ??? DS:BX -> ??? ES:SI -> ??? Return: ??? --------N-630C------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - ??? AH = 0Ch ??? Return: ??? Range: INT 4D to INT FC, selected by configuration --------N-630D------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - INSTALL DEFAULT ??? HANDLER AH = 0Dh ??? Return: ??? Note: if not already installed, installs a type 06h handler with AH=09h SeeAlso: AH=09h --------N-630E------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - CLOSE NETWORK DESCRIPTOR AH = 0Eh ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: INT 61/AH=08h"PC/TCP",INT 61/AH=09h"PC/TCP",INT 61/AH=18h --------N-630F------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - ??? AH = 0Fh AL = ??? SI = ??? DS:DI -> ??? ??? Return: ??? Range: INT 4D to INT FC, selected by configuration --------N-6310------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - ??? AH = 10h DS:DI -> ??? ??? Return: ??? --------N-6311------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - ??? AH = 11h ??? Return: ??? --------N-6312------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - LISTEN FOR INCOMING CONNECTIONS AH = 12h DS:SI -> ??? ES:BP -> ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=14h,INT 61/AH=23h --------N-6313------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - NOP AH = 13h Return: nothing Range: INT 4D to INT FC, selected by configuration --------N-6314------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - OPEN NETWORK CONNECTION AH = 14h BX = network descriptor??? DS:SI -> ??? ES:BP -> ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=12h,AH=16h,AH=19h,INT 61/AH=13h"PC/TCP",INT 62/AH=13h"ETHDEV" --------N-6315------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - ??? AH = 15h DS:DI -> ??? ??? Return: ??? Range: INT 4D to INT FC, selected by configuration --------N-6316------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - RESET NETWORK CONNECTION AH = 16h DS:DI -> ??? Return: ??? Note: calls AH=17h after preprocessing SeeAlso: AH=17h,INT 61/AH=19h"PC/TCP" --------N-6317------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - ??? AH = 17h DS:DI -> ??? ??? Return: ??? Range: INT 4D to INT FC, selected by configuration SeeAlso: AH=18h --------N-6318------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - ??? AH = 18h DS:DI -> ??? ??? Return: ??? Note: same as AH=17h, except performed with interrupts disabled SeeAlso: AH=17h --------N-6319------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - WRITE TO THE NETWORK AH = 19h DS:DI -> ??? ??? Return: BX = number of bytes NOT written ??? Range: INT 4D to INT FC, selected by configuration Note: calls AH=17h with interrupts disabled and ??? set to 01h SeeAlso: AH=14h,AH=1Ah,AH=1Bh,INT 61/AH=1Ah"PC/TCP" --------N-631A------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - READ FROM THE NETWORK AH = 1Ah CX = maximum number of bytes to read ES:BP -> ??? ??? Return: CX = number of bytes actually read ??? SeeAlso: AH=12h,AH=14h,AH=19h,INT 61/AH=1Bh"PC/TCP" --------N-631B------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - ??? AH = 1Bh CX = ??? ES:BP -> ??? Return: DX = ??? ??? Range: INT 4D to INT FC, selected by configuration --------N-631C------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - ??? AH = 1Ch DS:DI -> ??? ??? Return: ??? Note: calls AH=17h with ??? SeeAlso: AH=17h --------N-631D------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - ??? AH = 1Dh ??? Return: ??? Range: INT 4D to INT FC, selected by configuration --------N-631E------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - ??? AH = 1Eh DS:BX -> DWORD containing IP address (big-endian) ??? Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error ??? --------N-631F------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - SET SOCKET ??? HANDLER AH = 1Fh BX = socket number ES:SI -> FAR function for ??? Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error (out of slots) SeeAlso: AH=20h --------N-6320------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - REMOVE SOCKET ??? HANDLER AH = 20h BX = socket number Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error (not set) Range: INT 4D to INT FC, selected by configuration SeeAlso: AH=1Fh --------N-6321------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - ??? AH = 21h ES:SI -> ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: INT 61/AH=1Ch"PC/TCP" --------N-6322------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - REMOVE ??? HANDLER AH = 22h Return: CF clear Range: INT 4D to INT FC, selected by configuration Note: decrements a counter if not already zero, and calls AH=0Ah with BL=11h if the counter reaches zero --------N-6323------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - ??? AH = 23h DS:BX -> ??? ES:SI -> 6-byte buffer for ??? Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error --------N-6324------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - GET SOCKET AH = 24h Return: AX = socket number (0400h-FFFFh) Range: INT 4D to INT FC, selected by configuration Note: the Beame&Whiteside TCP/IP protocol stack uses two consecutive interrupts (62h and 63h by default); the BW-NFS client uses a third consecutive interrupt (64h by default) if it is loaded SeeAlso: AH=12h,AH=14h,INT 62/AH=12h"ETHDEV",INT 64/AH=01h"BW-NFS" --------N-6325------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - GET INTERNET ADDRESS AH = 25h Return: CL:CH:DL:DH = caller's Internet address SeeAlso: AH=03h,AH=26h,INT 61/AH=05h"PC/TCP" --------N-6326------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - SET INTERNET ADDRESS??? AH = 26h CL:CH:DL:DH = Internet address Return: nothing Range: INT 4D to INT FC, selected by configuration Note: this function sets a different variable than AH=25h returns SeeAlso: AH=03h,AH=25h --------N-6327------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - SET ??? AH = 27h BX = ??? ES:SI -> ??? Return: ??? --------N-6328------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - ??? AH = 28h ??? Return: ??? --------N-6329------------------------------- INT 63 - BW-TCP - TCPIP.SYS - ??? AH = 29h ??? Return: ??? Range: INT 4D to INT FC, selected by configuration Note: the Beame&Whiteside TCP/IP protocol stack uses two consecutive interrupts (62h and 63h by default); the BW-NFS client uses a third consecutive interrupt (64h by default) if it is loaded --------*-64--------------------------------- INT 64 - reserved for user interrupt --------d-64--------------------------------- INT 64 - Adaptec controllers - DRIVE 1 DATA Desc: this vector stores the first four bytes of the parameter table for hard disk 1 Notes: these vectors are used by the following Adaptec controllers: ACB 2370 A/B/C, ACB 2372 A/B/C, ACB 2333 A/B, 2322B-8, 2322B-16 these vectors are NOT used by the following Adaptec controllers: ACB 2310, ACB 2312, ACB 2320D, ACB 2322D SeeAlso: INT 60"Adaptec",INT 65"Adaptec",INT 66"Adaptec",INT 67"Adaptec" --------b-64--------------------------------- INT 64 - TI Professional PC - OPTION ROM DATA AREA POINTER (NOT A VECTOR!) Desc: the low word of this vector contains the segment of the RAM data area to be used by the expansion ROM at F400h:6000h, and the high word contains the length of the data area; this segment and size are both set to 0000h if no ROM is installed at F400h:6000h SeeAlso: INT 60"TI Professional PC",INT 63"TI Professional" SeeAlso: INT 65"TI Professional PC" ----------64--------------------------------- INT 64 - Oracle SQL Protected Mode Executive - ??? --------N-64--------------------------------- INT 64 - Novell NetWare to v2.0a - LOW-LEVEL API Note: equivalent to INT 7A for NetWare versions through 2.0a only; later versions do not use this interrupt for IPX/SPX access, instead getting an entry point from INT 2F/AX=7A00h SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=7A00h,INT 7A"LOW-LEVEL API" --------h-64--------------------------------- INT 64 - Data General DG10 - MicroECLIPSE COPROCESSOR INTERFACE SeeAlso: INT 65"DG10",INT 66"DG10" --------r-64--------------------------------- INT 64 - Extended Batch Language v3.14+ AH = function 00h to 5Fh chained to previous handler 60h to 6Ch reserved, return immediately 80h to FFh chained to previous handler 6Dh (v4.01+) insert tone in queue AL = ??? CX = frequency in Hertz DL = duration in clock ticks Return: AL = 00h if note stored = 01h if no room to store 6Eh clear ??? counter/flag 6Fh return counter/flag that AH=6Eh clears 70h ??? AL = ??? 71h ??? AL = ??? 72h ??? 73h insert byte at end of keyboard buffer AL = byte to insert Return: AL = 00h if byte inserted = 01h if no room to store 74h insert byte at front of keyboard buffer AL = byte to insert Return: AL = 00h if byte inserted = 01h if no room to store 75h ??? 76h get keyboard "stack" status AL = 'K' if kbd read will read physical keyboard 'S' if it will read EBL internal keyboard buffer AH = ??? 77h clear internal keyboard buffer 78h ??? AL = ??? 79h ??? 7Ah ??? AL = ??? 7Bh ??? AL = ??? 7Ch ??? AL = ??? 7Dh ??? AL = ??? 7Eh clear buffer for ??? 7Fh installation check Return: CX = version in BCD DI = segment of ??? BX = segment of next program's PSP??? Program: Extended Batch Language is a batch-file enhancer by Seaware Notes: the chaining does not check whether the interrupt had been hooked before, so if you try to chain when the previous vector was 0000h:0000h, you'll be in trouble functions 72h and 7Ah-7Dh appear to be interfaces to the optional floating-point and extended function packages Index: installation check;EBL|installation check;Extended Batch Language --------d-64--------------------------------- INT 64 - Pdisk by Scott Garfinkle - Overwritten for Hard Drive information Note: This vector is overwritten by Pdisk to install custom harddrive types. It can either destroy 4 vectors and take no memory or TSR and take up some memory. SeeAlso: INT 65"Pdisk" ----------64--------------------------------- INT 64 - PC-DRAFT - ASYNCHRONOUS DRIVER ??? Return: ??? Program: PC-DRAFT is a powerful CAD environment by rhv. SeeAlso: INT 62"PC-DRAFT",INT 65"PC-DRAFT",INT 66"PC-DRAFT",INT 67"PC-DRAFT" --------N-6401------------------------------- INT 64 U - BW-NFS - BWRPC - ??? AH = 01h ES:BX -> ??? (at least 8 bytes) ES:BP -> DWORD ??? ??? Return: CF clear if successful ??? CF set on error CX = 0000h Range: INT 4E to INT FD, selected by configuration Notes: the Beame&Whiteside TCP/IP protocol stack uses two consecutive interrupts (62h and 63h by default); the BW-NFS client uses a third consecutive interrupt (64h by default) if it is loaded the BWRPC installation check consists of determining the interrupt vector assigned to it (two more than the value returned by reading the ETHDEV27 device), and testing whether the word immediately preceding the interrupt handler is 4257h ('BW') SeeAlso: INT 62/AH=00h"ETHDEV",INT 63/AH=03h"BW-TCP",INT 63/AH=24h Index: installation checks;BWRPC --------N-6402------------------------------- INT 64 U - BW-NFS - BWRPC - ??? AH = 02h DS:DI -> ??? Return: ??? Note: this call is passed directly through to INT 62/AH=07h SeeAlso: INT 62/AH=07h"ETHDEV" --------N-6403------------------------------- INT 64 U - BW-NFS - BWRPC - ADD ??? AH = 03h AL = ??? BP = ??? ES:SI -> ??? Return: ??? Note: this call is passed directly through to INT 62/AH=0Bh SeeAlso: AH=04h,INT 62/AH=0Bh"ETHDEV" --------N-6404------------------------------- INT 64 U - BW-NFS - BWRPC - REMOVE ??? AH = 04h BP = ??? Return: ??? Range: INT 4E to INT FD, selected by configuration Note: this call is passed directly through to INT 62/AH=0Ch SeeAlso: AH=03h,INT 62/AH=0Ch"ETHDEV" --------N-6405------------------------------- INT 64 U - BW-NFS - BWRPC - ??? AH = 05h CX = ??? Return: ??? Note: this call is passed directly through to INT 62/AH=13h SeeAlso: INT 62/AH=13h"ETHDEV" --------N-6406------------------------------- INT 64 U - BW-NFS - BWRPC - ??? AH = 06h ES:SI -> ??? Return: AL = 00h if CF clear Range: INT 4E to INT FD, selected by configuration Note: this call is passed directly through to INT 62/AH=14h SeeAlso: INT 62/AH=14h"ETHDEV" --------N-6407------------------------------- INT 64 U - BW-NFS - BWRPC - GET IP ADDRESS AH = 07h Return: CX:DX = IP address --------N-6410------------------------------- INT 64 U - BW-NFS - BWRPC - CALL ETHDEV.SYS AH = 10h AL = ETHDEV function number other registers as appropriate for ETHDEV call Return: as returned by ETHDEV Note: this call is passed directly through to INT 62 SeeAlso: INT 62/AH=00h"ETHDEV" --------N-6411------------------------------- INT 64 U - BW-NFS - BWRPC - NOP??? AH = 11h Return: CF clear Range: INT 4E to INT FD, selected by configuration --------N-64FE------------------------------- INT 64 - BW-NFS - BWRPC - MAP EMS PAGE FRAME AH = FEh AL = direction 00h map in driver's memory block 01h map out driver's memory block Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error AL = error code Range: INT 4E to INT FD, selected by configuration Note: this call is passed through directly to ETHDEV.SYS (see INT 62/AH=FEh) SeeAlso: INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP",INT 62/AH=FEh,INT 63/AH=03h"BW-TCP" SeeAlso: INT 63/AH=24h --------*-65--------------------------------- INT 65 - reserved for user interrupt --------d-65--------------------------------- INT 65 - Adaptec controllers - DRIVE 1 DATA Desc: this vector stores the second four bytes of the parameter table for hard disk 1 SeeAlso: INT 64"Adaptec",INT 66"Adaptec",INT 67"Adaptec" --------b-65--------------------------------- INT 65 - TI Professional PC - OPTION ROM DATA AREA POINTER (NOT A VECTOR!) Desc: the low word of this vector contains the segment of the RAM data area to be used by the expansion ROM at F400h:8000h, and the high word contains the length of the data area; this segment and size are both set to 0000h if no ROM is installed at F400h:8000h SeeAlso: INT 60"TI Professional PC",INT 64"TI Professional" SeeAlso: INT 66"TI Professional PC" --------h-65--------------------------------- INT 65 - Data General DG10 - MicroECLIPSE COPROCESSOR INTERFACE SeeAlso: INT 64"DG10",INT 66"DG10" --------N-65--------------------------------- INT 65 - FTP Software NDIS-Packet Driver adapter - POST PROCESSING INTERRUPT --------U-65--------------------------------- INT 65 - SD.COM v6.2 Desc: The unregistered version of SD62.COM uses the low byte of this vector to count the number of invocations, displaying a registration reminder each time after the 20th use. --------d-65--------------------------------- INT 65 - Pdisk by Scott Garfinkle - Overwritten for Hard Drive information SeeAlso: INT 64"Pdisk",INT 66"Pdisk" ----------65--------------------------------- INT 65 - PC-DRAFT - SECONDARY DISPLAY DRIVER ??? Return: ??? Program: PC-DRAFT is a powerful CAD environment by rhv. SeeAlso: INT 62"PC-DRAFT",INT 64"PC-DRAFT",INT 66"PC-DRAFT",INT 67"PC-DRAFT" --------s-65--------------------------------- INT 65 - Ad Lib SOUND.COM - INTERFACE SI = function number (also see separate entries below) 0000h Init 0002h RelTimeStart 0003h SetState 0004h GetState 0005h Flush 0006h SetMode 0007h GetMode 0008h SetRelVolume 0009h SetTempo 000Ah SetTranspose 000Bh GetTranspose 000Ch SetActVoice 000Dh GetActVoice 000Eh PlayNoteDel 000Fh PlayNote 0010h SetTimbre 0011h SetPitch 0012h SetTickBeat 0013h NoteOn 0014h NoteOff 0015h Timbre 0016h SetPitchBend 0017h WaveForm ES:BX -> arguments InstallCheck: test for the signature block immediately preceding the interrupt handler (see #03516) SeeAlso: SI=8000h Index: installation check;Ad Lib SOUND.COM Format of AdLib signature block: Offset Size Description (Table 03516) 00h WORD version number 02h 19 BYTEs "SOUND-DRIVER-AD-LIB" 15h BYTE 01h 16h BYTE 01h 17h BYTE 00h --------N-65----DX4147----------------------- INT 65 U - NetSoft DOS-NET v1.20+ - ??? API DX = 4147h BH = 01h BL = function number (00h-2Ah) ??? Return: CF clear if successful AX = ??? CF set on error AX = error code (0001h=invalid function/subfunction) Range: INT ?? to INT ??, selected by configuration option; actual interrupt number and function number may be retrieved via INT 2A/AX=4147h Note: this API is supported by CLIENT.COM, SERVER.COM, DOSNET.COM, and ROUTER.COM SeeAlso: DX=4147h"INSTALLATION",INT 2A/AX=4147h --------N-65----DX4147----------------------- INT 65 U - NetSoft DOS-NET v1.20+ - ??? API DX = 4147h BH = 02h BL = function number (00h-05h) ??? Return: CF clear if successful AX = ??? CF set on error AX = error code (0001h=invalid function/subfunction) Range: INT ?? to INT ??, selected by configuration option; actual interrupt number and function number may be retrieved via INT 2A/AX=4147h Note: this API is supported by CLIENT.COM, SERVER.COM, DOSNET.COM, and ROUTER.COM SeeAlso: DX=4147h"INSTALLATION",INT 2A/AX=4147h --------N-65----DX4147----------------------- INT 65 U - NetSoft DOS-NET v1.20+ - ??? API DX = 4147h BH = 03h BL = function number (00h-03h) (00h-04h for ROUTER.COM) ??? Return: CF clear if successful AX = ??? CF set on error AX = error code Range: INT ?? to INT ??, selected by configuration option; actual interrupt number and function number may be retrieved via INT 2A/AX=4147h Note: this API is supported by CLIENT.COM, SERVER.COM, DOSNET.COM, and ROUTER.COM SeeAlso: DX=4147h"INSTALLATION",INT 2A/AX=4147h --------N-65----DX4147----------------------- INT 65 U - NetSoft DOS-NET v1.20+ - ??? API DX = 4147h BH = 04h BL = function number (00h-07h) ??? Return: CF clear if successful AX = ??? CF set on error AX = error code Range: INT ?? to INT ??, selected by configuration option; actual interrupt number and function number may be retrieved via INT 2A/AX=4147h Note: this API is supported by CLIENT.COM, SERVER.COM, and DOSNET.COM SeeAlso: DX=4147h"INSTALLATION",INT 2A/AX=4147h --------N-65----DX4147----------------------- INT 65 U - NetSoft DOS-NET v1.20+ - ??? API DX = 4147h BH = 07h BL = function number (00h-08h) ??? Return: CF clear if successful AX = ??? CF set on error AX = error code (0001h=invalid function/subfunction) Range: INT ?? to INT ??, selected by configuration option; actual interrupt number and function number may be retrieved via INT 2A/AX=4147h Note: this API is supported by CLIENT.COM, SERVER.COM, and DOSNET.COM SeeAlso: DX=4147h"INSTALLATION",INT 2A/AX=4147h --------N-65----DX4147----------------------- INT 65 U - NetSoft DOS-NET v1.20+ - INSTALLATION CHECK??? DX = 4147h BH = 80h Return: CF set AX = 0001h Range: INT ?? to INT ??, selected by configuration option; actual interrupt number and function number may be retrieved via INT 2A/AX=4147h Note: this call is supported by CLIENT.COM, SERVER.COM, and ROUTER.COM SeeAlso: DX=4147h,INT 2A/AX=4147h --------N-65----DX4741----------------------- INT 65 U - NetSoft DOS-NET v1.20+ - SPOOLER - ??? DX = 4741h BH = 01h AL = 02h BL = function number (0Eh,0Fh) AH = subfunction number ??? Return: ??? Range: INT ?? to INT ??, selected by configuration option; actual interrupt number may be retrieved via INT 2A/AX=4147h SeeAlso: DX=4147h"INSTALLATION",INT 2A/AX=4147h --------N-65----DX4741----------------------- INT 65 U - NetSoft DOS-NET v1.20+ - PRNREDIR - ??? DX = 4741h BH = 01h AL = 03h BL = function number (0Eh,0Fh) AH = subfunction number ??? Return: ??? Range: INT ?? to INT ??, selected by configuration option; actual interrupt number may be retrieved via INT 2A/AX=4147h SeeAlso: DX=4147h"INSTALLATION",INT 2A/AX=4147h --------N-65----DX4741----------------------- INT 65 U - NetSoft DOS-NET v1.20+ - PRNREDIR - ??? DX = 4741h BH = 01h AL = 04h BL = function number (0Eh,0Fh) AH = subfunction number ??? Return: ??? Range: INT ?? to INT ??, selected by configuration option; actual interrupt number may be retrieved via INT 2A/AX=4147h SeeAlso: DX=4147h"INSTALLATION",INT 2A/AX=4147h --------N-65----DX4741----------------------- INT 65 U - NetSoft DOS-NET v1.20+ - NETBIOS - ??? DX = 4741h BH = 01h AL = 07h BL = function number (0Eh,0Fh) AH = subfunction number ??? Return: ??? Range: INT ?? to INT ??, selected by configuration option; actual interrupt number may be retrieved via INT 2A/AX=4147h SeeAlso: DX=4147h"INSTALLATION",INT 2A/AX=4147h --------N-65----DX4741----------------------- INT 65 U - NetSoft DOS-NET v1.20+ - MACTEST - ??? DX = 4741h BH = 01h AL = 08h BL = function number (0Eh,0Fh) AH = subfunction number ??? Return: ??? Range: INT ?? to INT ??, selected by configuration option; actual interrupt number may be retrieved via INT 2A/AX=4147h SeeAlso: DX=4147h"INSTALLATION",INT 2A/AX=4147h --------N-65----DX4741----------------------- INT 65 U - NetSoft DOS-NET v1.20+ - Physical Layer - ??? DX = 4741h BH = 02h BL = function number (01h-04h) ??? Return: ??? ---function 02h--- DS:SI -> ??? data area Range: INT ?? to INT ??, selected by configuration option; actual interrupt number may be retrieved via INT 2A/AX=4147h Note: this API is supported by PARALLEL.COM, SERIAL.COM, ARCNET.COM, ETHERNET.COM, NDIS.COM, ODI.COM, SMC.COM, and FTP.COM SeeAlso: DX=4147h"INSTALLATION",INT 2A/AX=4147h --------N-65----DX4741----------------------- INT 65 U - NetSoft DOS-NET v1.20+ - SPOOLER.COM - ??? DX = 4741h BH = 05h BL = function number (00h,01h) Return: CF clear AL = status code (00h=successful) Range: INT ?? to INT ??, selected by configuration option; actual interrupt number may be retrieved via INT 2A/AX=4147h SeeAlso: DX=4147h"INSTALLATION",INT 2A/AX=4147h --------N-65----DX4741----------------------- INT 65 U - NetSoft DOS-NET v1.20+ - PRNREDIR.COM - ??? DX = 4741h BH = 06h BL = function number (00h-04h) ??? Return: ??? Range: INT ?? to INT ??, selected by configuration option; actual interrupt number may be retrieved via INT 2A/AX=4147h SeeAlso: DX=4147h"INSTALLATION",INT 2A/AX=4147h --------N-65----DX4741----------------------- INT 65 U - NetSoft DOS-NET v1.20+ - COMREDIR.COM - ??? DX = 4741h BH = 08h BL = function number (00h-01h) ??? Return: ??? Range: INT ?? to INT ??, selected by configuration option; actual interrupt number may be retrieved via INT 2A/AX=4147h SeeAlso: DX=4147h"INSTALLATION",INT 2A/AX=4147h --------N-65----DX4741----------------------- INT 65 U - NetSoft DOS-NET v1.20+ - FTP.COM - ??? DX = 4741h BX = 8010h AL = instance number??? Return: AX = 0008h if AL matches internal variable (call chained otherwise) Range: INT ?? to INT ??, selected by configuration option; actual interrupt number may be retrieved via INT 2A/AX=4147h SeeAlso: DX=4147h"INSTALLATION",INT 2A/AX=4147h --------s-65----SI0000----------------------- INT 65 - Ad Lib SOUND.COM - INITIALIZE (RESET) SI = 0000h --------s-65----SI0003----------------------- INT 65 - Ad Lib SOUND.COM - SET STATE SI = 0003h ES:BX -> WORD new state (0000h disabled, 0001h enabled) SeeAlso: SI=0004h --------s-65----SI0004----------------------- INT 65 - Ad Lib SOUND.COM - GET STATE SI = 0004h Return: AX = status 0000h all done playing sounds else still playing sounds SeeAlso: SI=0003h --------s-65----SI0006----------------------- INT 65 - Ad Lib SOUND.COM - SET MODE SI = 0006h ES:BX -> WORD new mode (0000h melodic, 0001h percussive) SeeAlso: SI=0007h --------s-65----SI0007----------------------- INT 65 - Ad Lib SOUND.COM - GET MODE SI = 0007h Return: AX = mode 0000h melodic 0001h percussive SeeAlso: SI=0006h --------s-65----SI000C----------------------- INT 65 - Ad Lib SOUND.COM - SET ACTIVE VOICE SI = 000Ch ES:BX -> WORD voice = 0000h to 0008h SeeAlso: SI=000Dh --------s-65----SI000D----------------------- INT 65 - Ad Lib SOUND.COM - GET ACTIVE VOICE SI = 000Dh Return: AX = voice (0000h to 0008h) SeeAlso: SI=000Ch --------s-65----SI8000----------------------- INT 65 u - Media Vision FM.COM v4.1a+ - GET INTERNAL DATA STRUCTURES SI = 8000h Return: DX:AX -> internal data structures Program: FM.COM is an Ad Lib SOUND.COM-compatible driver for Media Vision's Pro Audio Spectrum sound boards SeeAlso: SI=8001h --------s-65----SI8001----------------------- INT 65 u - Media Vision FM.COM v4.1a+ - GET VOICE COUNT SI = 8001h Return: AX = ??? DX = number of voices??? (09h or 0Bh) SeeAlso: SI=8000h --------s-65----SI8002----------------------- INT 65 - Media Vision FM.COM v4.1a+ - START BACKGROUND FM SOUNDS SI = 8002h SeeAlso: SI=8003h --------s-65----SI8003----------------------- INT 65 - Media Vision FM.COM v4.1a+ - STOP BACKGROUND FM SOUNDS SI = 8003h SeeAlso: SI=8002h --------s-65----SI8004----------------------- INT 65 U - Media Vision FM.COM v4.1a+ - GET ??? SI = 8004h Return: AX = ??? (0280h) DX = ??? (01A0h) --------s-65----SI8005----------------------- INT 65 U - Media Vision FM.COM v4.1a+ - ??? SI = 8005h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: SI=8000h --------S-65--------------------------------- INT 65 U - EZRECV v1.0 - API AX = function 0000h ??? Return: AX = ??? or FFFFh 0001h ??? Return: AX = status (0000h or 0001h) 0002h ??? Return: AX = status (0000h or 0001h) 0003h set ??? to 0001h Return: AX = 0000h 0004h ??? Return: AX = ??? Return: BH = COM port being used BL = speed??? CH = ??? CL = ??? DX = ??? DS = ??? ES = EZRECV data segment Program: EZRECV is a background Zmodem file receiver by Express Consulting --------*-66--------------------------------- INT 66 - reserved for user interrupt --------d-66--------------------------------- INT 66 - Adaptec controllers - DRIVE 1 DATA Desc: this vector stores the third four bytes of the parameter table for hard disk 1 SeeAlso: INT 64"Adaptec",INT 65"Adaptec",INT 67"Adaptec" --------b-66--------------------------------- INT 66 - TI Professional PC - SYSTEM INFORMATION (NOT A VECTOR!) Desc: the low word of this vector contains the system memory size in paragraphs; the third byte contains the number of outstanding interrupt requests, and the fourth byte contains a description of the installed drive types (see #03517) SeeAlso: INT 60"TI Professional PC",INT 67"TI Professional" Bitfields for TI Professional drive type information: Bit(s) Description (Table 03517) 7 floppy drive D: has 80 tracks 6 floppy drive D: is double-sided 5 floppy drive C: has 80 tracks 4 floppy drive C: is double-sided 3 floppy drive B: has 80 tracks 2 floppy drive B: is double-sided 1 floppy drive A: has 80 tracks 0 floppy drive A: is double-sided --------h-66--------------------------------- INT 66 - Data General DG10 - MicroECLIPSE COPROCESSOR INTERFACE SeeAlso: INT 64"DG10" --------N-66--------------------------------- INT 66 C - Nanosoft, Inc. TurboNET - NETWORK PROCESSING ??? Program: TurboNET is a NetBIOS-based file redirector and server Note: hooked but not used (IRET) by both redirector and server; called from server's INT 28 handler SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=8100h --------d-66--------------------------------- INT 66 - Pdisk by Scott Garfinkle - Overwritten for Hard Drive information SeeAlso: INT 64"Pdisk",INT 67"Pdisk" --------W-66--------------------------------- INT 66 - Microsoft Windows VITD.386 Virtual Interval Timer Note: This Windows 3.x Virtual Device Driver implements a virtual timer which will expire and call INT 66. This timer can be used to calculate elapsed execution time etc. --------K-66--------------------------------- INT 66 - Newkey v5.4 - INSTALLATION VECTOR Return: immediately (IRET) Program: Newkey is a shareware keyboard macro program by Frank A. Bell InstallCheck: test for the signature bytes FDh FCh FFh FEh at offset 03h in the interrupt handlers segment Range: INT 60h to INT 67h, selected by scanning for highest unused vector BUG: the code obviously intends to use INT F0-FE, INT 70-77, and INT 68-6F before falling back to INT 60-67, but only uses the last of these ranges in v5.4 SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=E300h Index: installation checks;Newkey|Newkey;installation check ----------66--------------------------------- INT 66 - PC-DRAFT - TABLET/DIGITIZER DRIVER ??? Return: ??? Program: PC-DRAFT is a powerful CAD environment by rhv. SeeAlso: INT 62"PC-DRAFT",INT 64"PC-DRAFT",INT 65"PC-DRAFT",INT 67"PC-DRAFT" --------U-66--------------------------------- INT 66 - PC-Magazin - INCA details not yet availble Program: INCA is a utility from PC-Magazin (the German edition of PC Magazine) issue 51-52/85. SeeAlso: INT 61"SWAPx" --------F-6601------------------------------- INT 66 - BitFax Scheduler - SET MODE??? AH = 01h SeeAlso: AH=02h --------F-6602------------------------------- INT 66 - BitFax Scheduler - SET MODE??? AH = 02h SeeAlso: AH=01h --------F-6603------------------------------- INT 66 - BitFax Scheduler - SCHEDULE FAX TRANSMISSIONS AH = 03h ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=05h --------F-6604------------------------------- INT 66 - BitFax Scheduler - GET STATUS??? AH = 04h Return: AX = ??? (0000h or 0001h) DX = BitSched version??? (for versions >= 3.00) 9796h (ver. 3.00) 97E6h (ver. 3.02) 92D0h (ver. 3.04.06) 9510h (ver. 3.06.02) SeeAlso: AH=06h,AX=3345h,INT 2F/AX=8000h"FaxBIOS" --------F-6605------------------------------- INT 66 - BitFax Scheduler - CONVERT FILE AND SEND FAX AH = 05h BX:CX -> command block (see #03518) ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AH=03h Format of BitFax command block: Offset Size Description (Table 03518) 00h 18 BYTEs configuration bytes??? 12h BYTEs ASCIZ temporary file name to place converted fax 52h BYTEs ASCIZ directory containing BitFax executables 92h BYTEs ASCIZ telephone number C2h BYTE cover page control (00h don't send, 01h do send cover page) C3h 15 BYTEs configuration bytes??? E2h BYTEs ASCIZ path of BITFAX.TRA file (containing additional configuration information???) 122h BYTEs configuration bytes??? 12Ch BYTE 00h don't send cover page 01h send cover page 12Dh 7 BYTEs configuration bytes??? 134h BYTEs ASCIZ path of file to send 174h BYTEs more configuration bytes??? ??? --------F-6606------------------------------- INT 66 - BitFax Scheduler - SET MODE??? AH = 06h Return: DX = BitSched version??? (same as AH=04h) SeeAlso: AH=04h --------s-660688----------------------------- INT 66 - IBMSND driver, DIGPAK - PLAY 8-BIT DIGITIZED SOUND AX = 0688h DS:SI -> SNDSTRUC (see #03519) Return: ??? Program: The IBMSND driver is part of John W. Ratcliff's The IBM Digitized Sound Package DIGPAK is a set of digitized sound drivers written by John W. Ratcliff, The Audio Solution, Inc. InstallCheck: test for a valid signature string six bytes prior to the interrupt handler; this string may be either "KERN" or "MIDI" (in the latter case, call AX=0701h to determine whether IBMSND is installed) SeeAlso: AX=068Bh,AX=068Fh,AX=0701h Format of IBMSND driver SNDSTRUC: Offset Size Description (Table 03519) 00h DWORD -> audio data 04h WORD length of audio data in bytes 06h DWORD -> playback status flag 0Ah WORD playback frequency --------s-660689----------------------------- INT 66 - IBMSND driver, DIGPAK - REPORT SOUND DRIVER STATUS AX = 0689h Return: AX = status 0000h no sound playing 0001h sound effect is currently playing ---DIGPAK--- BX = version number (v3.1+) DX = looping status 0000h no sound looping 0001h sound effect is currently looping SeeAlso: AX=0688h,AX=068Bh,AX=068Ch Index: version check;DIGPAK --------s-66068A----------------------------- INT 66 - IBMSND driver, DIGPAK - PREFORMAT SOUND AX = 068Ah DS:SI -> SNDSTRUC (see #03519) Desc: convert audio data into output hardware format SeeAlso: AX=068Bh --------s-66068B----------------------------- INT 66 - IBMSND driver, DIGPAK - PLAY PREFORMATTED SOUND AX = 068Bh DS:SI -> SNDSTRUC (see #03519) Return: AX = ??? SeeAlso: AX=0688h,AX=068Ah,AX=068Fh --------s-66068C----------------------------- INT 66 - IBMSND driver, DIGPAK - REPORT AUDIO DRIVER CAPABILITIES AX = 068Ch Return: AX = capabilities (see #03520) DX = playback rate if fixed-frequency playback ---DIGPAK--- BX:CX -> ASCIZ ID string SeeAlso: AX=0689h,AX=068Dh Bitfields for IBMSND driver capabilities: Bit(s) Description (Table 03520) 0 can play audio in background 1 data is massaged for output device 2 driver plays at fixed frequency, resampling input data to fit 3 driver uses timer interrupt ---DIGPAK--- 4 device supports timer sharing 5 supports looped sounds and pending 6 supports stereo panning 7 supports 8-bit PCM stereo playback 8 supports audio recording 9 supports DMA bakcfilling --------s-66068D----------------------------- INT 66 - IBMSND driver, DIGPAK - REPORT CURRENT SAMPLE ADDRESS AX = 068Dh Return: AX = current playback address Desc: determine what point in the audio data the playback has reached, for synchronization with video or animation effects Notes: this function applies to background playback only the reported address may be an approximation rather than the exact address SeeAlso: AX=068Ch,AX=0691h --------s-66068E----------------------------- INT 66 - IBMSND driver, DIGPAK - SET CALLBACK ADDRESS AX = 068Eh BX:DX -> callback function 0000h:0000h to disable callback DS = value to load into DS when calling the callback function Desc: specify the function to be called when playback of a sound effect is completed Note: the callback function will typically be called during a hardware interrupt, so all the usual precautions should be taken except for preserving registers SeeAlso: AX=0691h --------s-66068F----------------------------- INT 66 - IBMSND driver, DIGPAK - STOP CURRENT SOUND AX = 068Fh Desc: cause any currently-playing sound effect to be terminated SeeAlso: AX=0688h,AX=068Bh --------s-660690----------------------------- INT 66 - IBMSND driver, DIGPAK - "SetAudioHardware" - SET UP HARDWARE INFO AX = 0690h BX = IRQ CX = base address DX = other setup value (device-dependent???) --------s-660691----------------------------- INT 66 - IBMSND driver, DIGPAK - REPORT CALLBACK ADDRESS AX = 0691h Return: AX:DX -> current callback function BX = original caller's DS register Program: The IBMSND driver is part of John W. Ratcliff's The IBM Digitized Sound Package DIGPAK is a set of digitized sound drivers written by John W. Ratcliff, The Audio Solution, Inc. SeeAlso: AX=068Eh --------s-660693----------------------------- INT 66 - DIGPAK - SET TIMER DIVISOR RATE AX = 0693h DX = rate Program: DIGPAK is a set of digitized sound drivers written by John W. Ratcliff, The Audio Solution, Inc. --------s-660694----------------------------- INT 66 - DIGPAK - PLAY PREFORMATTED DATA AX = 0694h DS:SI -> Sound Data structure (see #03519) Return: AX = status??? --------s-660695----------------------------- INT 66 - DIGPAK - POST AUDIO PENDING AX = 0695h DS:SI -> Sound Data structure (***) Return: AX = status 0000h sound started playing 0001h sound was posted as pending to play 0002h sound effect already pending, this one not posted SeeAlso: AX=0696h --------s-660696----------------------------- INT 66 - DIGPAK - GET AUDIO PENDING STATUS AX = 0696h Return: AX = status 0000h no sound is playing 0001h sound playing, and a sound is pending 0002h sound playing, no sound pending SeeAlso: AX=0695h --------s-660697----------------------------- INT 66 - DIGPAK - SET STEREO PANNING AX = 0697h DX = panning position (0 = right, 127 = left) Return: AX = status 0000h command ignored (not supported) 0001h panning set --------s-660698----------------------------- INT 66 - DIGPAK - SET PLAY MODE AX = 0698h DX = playback mode 0000h 8-bit PCM 0001h 8-bit stereo PCM 0002h 16-bit PCM 0003h 16-bit stereo PCM Return: AX = status 0000h command ignored 0001h mode set --------s-660699----------------------------- INT 66 - DIGPAK - GET ADDRESSES AX = 0699h Return: AX = pending address BX = semaphore address --------s-66069A----------------------------- INT 66 - DIGPAK - SET RECORD MODE AX = 069Ah DX = recording mode 0000h turn audio recording on 0001h turn audio recording off Return: AX = status 0000h command ignored 0001h audio recording mode set --------s-66069B----------------------------- INT 66 - DIGPAK - STOP NEXT LOOP AX = 069Bh --------s-66069C----------------------------- INT 66 - DIGPAK - SET DMA BACKFILL MODE AX = 069Ch DX = mode 0000h turn backfill mode on 0001h turn backfill mode off Return: AX = status 0000h command ignored 0001h backfill mode set SeeAlso: AX=069Dh,AX=069Eh --------s-66069D----------------------------- INT 66 - DIGPAK - REPORT DMA COUNTER AX = 069Dh Return: AX = DMA counter SeeAlso: AX=069Eh --------s-66069E----------------------------- INT 66 - DIGPAK - VERIFY DMA BLOCK AX = 069Eh CX = length of buffer ES:BX -> buffer containing sound data Return: AX = status 0000h block crosses 64K bounadary 0001h block is OK SeeAlso: AX=069Dh --------s-66069F----------------------------- INT 66 - DIGPAK - SET PCM VOLUME AX = 069Fh BX = left channel volume (0-100) CX = right channel volume (0-100) Return: AX = status 0000h command ignored 0001h volume set --------s-6606A0----------------------------- INT 66 - DIGPAK - SET DPMI MODE AX = 06A0h DX = mode 0000h 32-bit register addressing on 0001h 32-bit register addressing off SeeAlso: INT 31/AX=0400h --------s-660700----------------------------- INT 66 - MIDPAK - UNINSTALL AX = 0700h Note: this function should NOT be called by applications Program: MIDPAK is a set of MIDI sound drivers developed by Miles Design Incorporated. --------s-660701----------------------------- INT 66 - IBM Digitized Sound Package MIDI driver - GET DIGITIZED SOUND CAPABIL AX = 0701h Return: AX = digitized sound capabilities 0000h if digitized sound driver (functions 06xxh) not available InstallCheck: test for the signature "MIDI" six bytes before the interrupt handler Note: also supported by MIDPAK, the successor to the Digitized Sound Package's MIDI driver SeeAlso: AX=0688h --------s-660702----------------------------- INT 66 - MIDPAK - PLAY SEQUENCE AX = 0702h BX = Sequence number Return: AX = status 0000h Sequence is being played 0001h Sequence not available SeeAlso: AX=0703h,AX=0705h --------s-660703----------------------------- INT 66 - MIDPAK - SEGUE SEQUENCE AX = 0703h BX = sequence number CX = activation code (FFFFh is next trigger) Return: ??? --------s-660704----------------------------- INT 66 - MIDPAK - REGISTER XMIDI AX = 0704h CX:BX -> XMIDI sequence data DI:SI = length of XMIDI data Return: AX = status 0000h unable to register XMIDI data 0001h XMIDI file registered resident 0002h XMIDI file was registered to the application --------s-660705----------------------------- INT 66 - MIDPAK - STOP MIDI AX = 0705h SeeAlso: AX=0702h,AX=0709h --------s-660706----------------------------- INT 66 O - MIDPAK - REMAP CHANNEL AX = 0706h BX = sequence CX = physical --------s-660707----------------------------- INT 66 - MIDPAK - REPORT TRIGGER EVENT COUNTER AX = 0707h Return: AX = count of number of callbacks since last reset DX = ID SeeAlso: AX=0708h,AX=0713h --------s-660708----------------------------- INT 66 - MIDPAK - RESET EVENT TRIGGER COUNTER AX = 0708h SeeAlso: AX=0707h,AX=0713h --------s-660709----------------------------- INT 66 O - MIDPAK - MIDI SLEEP AX = 0709h SeeAlso: AX=070Ah --------s-66070A----------------------------- INT 66 O - MIDPAK - MIDI AWAKE AX = 070Ah SeeAlso: AX=0709h --------s-66070B----------------------------- INT 66 - MIDPAK - RESUME PLAYING AX = 070Bh SeeAlso: AX=070Ch --------s-66070C----------------------------- INT 66 - MIDPAK - GET SEQUENCE STATUS AX = 070Ch Return: AX = status 0000h sequence stopped 0001h sequence playing 0002h sequence done SeeAlso: AX=070Bh --------s-66070D----------------------------- INT 66 - MIDPAK - REGISTER XMIDI FILE AX = 070Dh CX:BX -> ASCII filename SeeAlso: AX=0704h,AX=0710h --------s-66070E----------------------------- INT 66 - MIDPAK - GET RELATIVE VOLUME AX = 070Eh Return: AX = current volume SeeAlso: AX=070Fh --------s-66070F----------------------------- INT 66 - MIDPAK - SET RELATIVE VOLUME AX = 070Fh BX = new volume CX = time SeeAlso: AX=070Eh --------s-660710----------------------------- INT 66 - MIDPAK - LOAD MIDPAK DRIVER AX = 0710h BX = segment of .ADV driver CX = 0000h (offset must be zero) DX:SI -> .AD driver SeeAlso: AX=070Dh --------s-660711----------------------------- INT 66 - MIDPAK - POLL MIDPAK AX = 0711h Return: AX = ??? ??? SeeAlso: AX=0712h --------s-660712----------------------------- INT 66 - MIDPAK - GET MIDI CLOCK AX = 0712h Return: AX:DX = clock counter CX:BX = clock address SeeAlso: AX=0711h,AX=0713h --------s-660713----------------------------- INT 66 - MIDPAK - GET TRIGGER COUNT ADDRESS AX = 0713h Return: AX:DX -> trigger counter address SeeAlso: AX=0707h,AX=0712h,AX=0714h --------s-660714----------------------------- INT 66 - MIDPAK - GET EVENT ID ADDRESS AX = 0714h Return: AX:DX -> event ID SeeAlso: AX=0713h,AX=0716h --------s-660716----------------------------- INT 66 - MIDPAK - REPORT SEQUENCE NUMBER AX = 0716h Return: AX = current sequence number SeeAlso: AX=0702h Program: MIDPAK is a set of MIDI sound drivers developed by Miles Design Incorporated. --------n-6610------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - TDMOUSE.EXE - GET ??? AH = 10h Return: CF clear AX = 0000h BX = ??? (0012h) DX:CX -> TDMOUSE INT 33 handler (IRET to hide mouse from other apps) Program: TDMOUSE is a PenDOS hardware driver which allows a mouse to emulate a touchpad; PenDOS is a set of programs by Communication Intelligence Corporation which makes applications pen-aware --------n-6611------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - TDMOUSE.EXE - SET ??? HANDLER AH = 11h DX:BX -> new handler for ??? Return: CF clear AX = 0000h DX:BX -> old handler for ??? (points at RETF by default) --------n-6612------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - TDMOUSE.EXE - INITIALIZE AH = 12h Return: CF clear AX = 0000h Note: this function calls the old mouse handler with functions 0000h, 0002h, 0007h, 0008h, 000Fh, 0004h, and 000Ch (in that order) SeeAlso: AH=13h --------n-6613------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - TDMOUSE.EXE - SHUTDOWN??? AH = 13h Return: CF clear other register as returned by INT 33/AX=0000h SeeAlso: AH=12h --------n-6614------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - TDMOUSE.EXE - ??? AH = 14h BX = ??? CX = ??? Return: CF clear AX = 0000h --------n-6615------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - TDMOUSE.EXE - SET ??? HANDLER AH = 15h DX:BX -> new handler for ??? Return: CF clear AX = 0000h DX:BX -> old handler (points at RETF by default) --------n-6616------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - TDMOUSE.EXE - UNUSED FUNCTIONS AH = 16h to 1Fh Return: CF set Program: TDMOUSE is a PenDOS hardware driver which allows a mouse to emulate a touchpad; PenDOS is a set of programs by Communication Intelligence Corporation which makes applications pen-aware --------n-6621------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - PINK - ??? AH = 21h Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error Note: this function sets ??? flag or counter (also set by AH=2Fh) to FFFFh --------n-6622------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - PINK - ??? AH = 22h DX:BX -> ??? CL = ??? Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error ??? SeeAlso: AH=24h --------n-6623------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - PINK - ??? AH = 23h ??? Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error ??? --------n-6624------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - PINK - ??? AH = 24h DX:BX -> ??? CL = ??? Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error ??? SeeAlso: AH=22h --------n-6625------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - PINK - ??? AH = 25h CL = ??? (NOP if 00h) ??? Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error ??? --------n-6627------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - PINK - ??? AH = 27h BL = ??? BH = ??? CL = ??? (0-3) DL = ??? (> BL) DH = ??? (> BH) Return: ??? --------n-6628------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - PINK - ??? AH = 28h ??? Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error ??? Note: this function sets ??? flag or counter (also set by AH=2Fh) to FFFFh --------n-6629------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - PINK - ??? AH = 29h ??? Return: ??? Note: this function sets ??? flag or counter (also set by AH=2Fh) to FFFFh --------n-662A------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - PINK - ??? AH = 2Ah DL = ??? (nonzero) DH = ??? (nonzero) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error ??? --------n-662B------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - PINK - ??? AH = 2Bh ??? Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error ??? --------n-662F------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - PINK - INITIALIZE AH = 2Fh ??? Return: AX = status 0000h failed FFFFh successful ??? Note: this function sets ??? flag or counter to FFFFh and hooks INT 1Ch --------F-663345----------------------------- INT 66 - BitFax Scheduler - REMOVE TSR FROM MEMORY AX = 3345h Return: AX = FFFFh error removing TSR InstallCheck: test for the signature "BitFax Scheduler" beginning two bytes past the interrupt handler SeeAlso: AH=04h,INT 2F/AH=2Ah,INT 2F/AX=CB00h Index: installation check;BitFax Scheduler --------n-6640------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - PKEYUS - GET VERSION AH = 40h Return: CF clear AX = 0000h BH = major version (02h for version bundled with IBM DOS 6.1) BL = minor version (00h for version bundled with IBM DOS 6.1) DL = ??? (4Eh) DH = ??? (0Eh) --------n-6641------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - PKEYUS - SET ??? AH = 41h BX = ??? CL = ??? (08h-20h) DL = screen column??? (<= 50h) DH = screen row??? (<= 3Ch) Return: AX = status (0000h successful, 0001h error) Note: this function also sets an internal flag SeeAlso: AH=42h,AH=43h --------n-6642------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - PKEYUS - ??? AH = 42h Return: CF clear AX = 0000h Note: this function also clears the flag set by AH=41h SeeAlso: AH=41h --------n-6643------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - PKEYUS - ??? AH = 43h BX = ??? DX = ??? Return: AX = status 0000h if AH=41h flag set else AH = ??? AL = ??? BX = ??? DX = ??? SeeAlso: AH=41h --------n-6644------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - PKEYUS - UNUSED FUNCTIONS AH = 44h to 4Fh Return: CF set --------n-6650------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - PMOUSE - SET ??? AH = 50h BX = ??? CH = ??? DX = ??? Return: CF clear AX = 0000h --------n-6651------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - PMOUSE - NOP AH = 51h Return: CF set --------n-6652------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - PMOUSE - ??? AH = 52h BX = ??? CL = ??? DX = ??? Return: ??? --------n-6653------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - PMOUSE - UNUSED FUNCTIONS AH = 53h to 57h Return: CF set --------n-66--------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - PMOUSE - ALTERNATE API AH = function (58h-5Fh) Note: these functions exactly duplicate AH=50h-57h --------U-66AA02----------------------------- INT 66 - HelpTSR v2.10 - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = AA02h Return: ES:DI -> 7 byte signature "HelpTSR" if resident Program: HelpTSR is a resident viewer by David Jurgens for HelpPC --------n-66C5------------------------------- INT 66 - PenDOS - VLOAD - API AH = C5h ??? Return: ??? --------t-66FFFBBXFFFB----------------------- INT 66 - MicroHelp Stay-Res Plus - ??? AX = FFFBh BX = FFFBh ??? Return: ??? SeeAlso: AX=FFFEh,INT 2D"AMIS" --------t-66FFFEBXFFFE----------------------- INT 66 - MicroHelp Stay-Res/Stay-Res Plus - UNINSTALL AX = FFFEh BX = FFFEh Return: only if unsuccessful InstallCheck: test whether the interrupt handler begins with the bytes FBh 9Ch or 9Ch FAh, and the program name (not case-sensitive) appears at offset 0005h (older versions) or the offset returned by AX=FFFFh/BX=FFF0h in the interrupt handler segment Note: Programs which use Stay-Res include ThesPlus (program name "THESPLUS") and Personal Calendar (program name "CAL") by Paul Mun~oz-Colman. SeeAlso: AX=FFFBh,AX=FFFFh,INT 2D"AMIS" Index: installation check;MicroHelp Stay-Res|installation check;ThesPlus Index: installation check;Personal Calendar|installation check;CAL --------t-66FFFFBXFFF0----------------------- INT 66 - MicroHelp Stay-Res Plus - FIND PROGRAM NAME AX = FFFFh BX = FFF0h Return: DI = offset of program name in interrupt handler segment SeeAlso: AX=FFFBh,AX=FFFEh,INT 2D"AMIS" --------d-67--------------------------------- INT 67 - Adaptec controllers - DRIVE 1 DATA Desc: this vector stores the last four bytes of the parameter table for hard disk 1 SeeAlso: INT 64"Adaptec",INT 65"Adaptec",INT 66"Adaptec" --------b-67--------------------------------- INT 67 - TI Professional PC - SYSTEM DATA (NOT A VECTOR!) Desc: this vector contains the TI Pro's system configuration words (see #03521) SeeAlso: INT 66"TI Professional PC" Bitfields for TI Professional PC System Configuration doubleword: Bit(s) Description (Table 03521) 0 8087 present 31-1 reserved (0) --------d-67--------------------------------- INT 67 - Pdisk by Scott Garfinkle - Overwritten for Hard Drive information SeeAlso: INT 64"Pdisk",INT 66"Pdisk" --------I-67--------------------------------- INT 67 - Sangoma CCPOP 3270 resident module SeeAlso: INT 61"Sangoma",INT 68"Sangoma" --------U-67--------------------------------- INT 67 - CUCKOO.COM - INSTALLATION CHECK Program: CUCKOO is a resident on-screen clock with optional hourly chime or cuckoo by an unknown author with revisions by Thomas A. Lundin Note: this is not a vector; when loaded for the first time, CUCKOO.COM uses the last unused (0000h:0000h) vector in the range 60h-67h to store the signature value 434Ch:4F4Bh ('CLOK') ----------67--------------------------------- INT 67 - PC-DRAFT - KEYBOARD DRIVER ??? Return: ??? Program: PC-DRAFT is a powerful CAD environment by rhv. SeeAlso: INT 62"PC-DRAFT",INT 64"PC-DRAFT",INT 65"PC-DRAFT",INT 66"PC-DRAFT" --------N-6700------------------------------- INT 67 - PC-NET, Alloy NTNX - LOCK SEMAPHORE AND WAIT AH = 00h DS:DX -> ASCIZ semaphore name (max 64 bytes) Return: AL = status (see #03522) AH = semaphore owner if status=02h SeeAlso: AH=01h,AH=02h"PC-NET",INT 7F/AH=00h (Table 03522) Values for PC-NET semaphore function status: 00h successful 01h invalid function 02h semaphore already locked 03h unable to lock semaphore 04h semaphore space exhausted --------N-6701------------------------------- INT 67 - PC-NET, Alloy NTNX - LOCK SEMAPHORE AH = 01h DS:DX -> ASCIZ semaphore name (max 64 bytes) Return: AL = status (see #03522) AH = semaphore owner if status=02h SeeAlso: AH=00h,AH=02h"PC-NET",INT 7F/AH=01h"Alloy" --------N-6702------------------------------- INT 67 - PC-NET, Alloy NTNX - UNLOCK SEMAPHORE AH = 02h DS:DX -> ASCIZ semaphore name (max 64 bytes) Return: AL = status (see #03522) AH = semaphore owner if status=02h SeeAlso: AH=00h,AH=01h"PC-NET",INT 7F/AH=02h --------m-671E------------------------------- INT 67 U - Qualitas 386MAX v7.00 - MEMLIMIT - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = 1Eh Return: AH = 00h if installed AL destroyed ES:DI -> ASCII signature "MemLimit" SeeAlso: AH=1Fh,INT 21/AX=4402h"386MAX" --------m-671F------------------------------- INT 67 U - Qualitas 386MAX v7.00 - MEMLIMIT - API AH = 1Fh DS:SI -> request packet (see #03523) Return: AH = status (00h successful, 84h invalid function code, etc.) SeeAlso: AH=1Eh Format of 386MAX MEMLIMIT request packet: Offset Size Description (Table 03523) 00h WORD function code (00h-0Fh) 02h WORD return code (see #03524) 04h 4 BYTEs ??? 08h WORD ??? ??? (Table 03524) Values for 386MAX MEMLIMIT return code: 00h unknown request 01h invalid parameter for VCPI limit 02h VCPI limit set 03h invalid parameter for EMS limit 04h EMS limit set 05h DPMI disabled 06h XMS disabled 07h XMS limit set 08h unable to uninstall 09h unloaded --------m-672763CL01------------------------- INT 67 - VIDEMS.SYS v1.31+ - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 2763h CL = 01h BX = signature AAFFh Return: AH = 00h if VIDEMS is installed CH = 00h if optimization for 80286 is used, 01h otherwise CL = internal revision number (typically 00h to 03h) DX = driver version (DH=major, DL=minor; not a BCD!) AH = 84h if not installed but EMS manager is present Program: VIDEMS is an expanded memory manager from Conea Software Corp. It converts video adapter RAM to LIM 3.2 EMS. SeeAlso: AX=2763h/CL=02h,AX=2763h/CL=03h --------m-672763CL02------------------------- INT 67 - VIDEMS.SYS v1.31+ - FLUSH EMS TO VIDEO RAM AX = 2763h CL = 02h BX = signature AAFFh Return: AH = 00h if successful Notes: This call is normally used by Conea products only. SeeAlso: AX=2763h/CL=01h,AX=2763h/CL=03h --------m-672763CL03------------------------- INT 67 - VIDEMS.SYS v1.31+ - RELOAD EMS FROM VIDEO RAM AX = 2763h CL = 03h BX = signature AAFFh Return: AH = 00h if successful Notes: This call is normally used by Conea products only. SeeAlso: AX=2763h/CL=01h,AX=2763h/CL=03h --------m-672763CL04------------------------- INT 67 - VIDEMS.SYS v1.31+ - RETURN HIDDEN BLOCK SIZE AX = 2763h CL = 04h BX = signature AAFFh Return: AH = 00h if successful DX = block size in kilobytes Desc: Returns the amount of EMS which can be safely used at any time, and can't be destroyed by writing anything to the B800:0000 buffer. Note: this function normally returns 184K, while the driver provides up to 240K of EMS. SeeAlso: AX=2763h/CL=01h,AX=2763h/CL=02h --------m-672763CL05------------------------- INT 67 - VIDEMS.SYS v1.31+ - RETURN PHYSICAL PAGE SIZE AX = 2763h CL = 05h BX = signature AAFFh Return: AH = 00h DX = size in bytes Desc: Used by Conea products to determine if addressing mode has changed. Normally, all VIDEMS versions beginning from 1.15 use 4K "physical" pages. Notes: this function will probably become raw page size in future releases of VIDEMS, which will support the LIM 4.0 standard. SeeAlso: AX=2763h/CL=01h,AX=2763h/CL=02h --------m-672763CL06------------------------- INT 67 - VIDEMS.SYS v1.50+ - RETURN VIDEO RAM SIZE AX = 2763h CL = 06h BX = signature AAFFh Return: AH = 00h DX = total amount of video RAM Desc: beginning with version 1.50, VIDEMS can use more adapter memory on some chipsets, and is no longer limited to the first 240K. Notes: this call is not officially documented, and Conea programmers use it mainly for debugging purposes. --------u-672833----------------------------- INT 67 - Q87 v4+ - PREPARE TO UNLOAD AND GET XMS HANDLE FOR Q87 MEMORY AX = 2833h EAX = 29482833h (entire EAX value required) Return: EAX = XMS handle for memory allocated when Q87 was installed EBX = status 00000000h Q87 is in demo mode (countdown running); Q87 remains active 00000001h Q87 is in registered mode; memory manager's IDT, GDT, and optionally CR0 (if BL <> 5Fh on entry) have been restored 00000002h Q87 is in demo mode (demo time has expired); Q87 remains active Note: this call is used by UNLOAD87 to release the memory used by Q87 BUG: v4.00-v4.03 will hang on most machines when run under bare DOS with no memory manager, because neither Q87 nor UNLOAD87 checks whether there is a valid INT 67 handler before performing an installation check via INT 67 SeeAlso: AX=4321h,INT 21/AX=4321h/BX=0000h --------m-673F--CX5145----------------------- INT 67 U - QEMM-386 v4.23+ - INSTALLATION CHECK AH = 3Fh CX = 5145h ("QE") DX = 4D4Dh ("MM") Return: AH = 00h if installed ES:DI -> QEMM API entry point (see #03525,#03528,#03640) Notes: if no other program has hooked INT 67, an alternate installation check is to test for the string "QUARTERDECK EXPANDED MEMORY MANAGER 386" at offset 14h in the INT 67 handler's segment; the word at offset 12h contains the offset in the handler's segment of the API entry point although this function is still undocumented, Quarterdeck has recently documented two alternate methods for determining the QEMM API entry point, as well as several of the API functions MICEMM (Micronics Expanded Memory Manager) versions 2.0C and 4D support the alternate QEMM installation check and entry point functions 00h, 02h, and 03h; version 4D only provides the signature string if the commandline argument "DV" is provided 386MAX v6.01 responds to this call, but DESQview 2.42 does not recognize the returned entry point as providing QEMM's capabilities because a) only functions 0Ch (different from QEMM 0Ch) and 1000h-1009h are supported, b) status is returned as for EMS functions, not QEMM funcs c) the protected-mode entry point returned by function 1000h only supports functions 0Ch, 1004h, 1005h, and 100Ah the string check mentioned above is not supported by 386MAX SeeAlso: AX=5BF0h,AH=DDh,AX=FFA5h,INT 15/AX=11DEh,INT 21/AX=4402h/SF=01h SeeAlso: INT 21/AX=4402h"QEMM",INT 21/AX=4402h"386MAX",INT 2F/AX=D201h/BX=5145h (Table 03525) Values for calling QEMM "QPI_GetStatus" function: AH = 00h get QEMM state Return: CF clear AL = QEMM state bit 0 set if QEMM turned OFF bit 1 set if in "Auto" mode Note: this function is officially documented SeeAlso: #03526,#03527,#03528,#03640 (Table 03526) Values for calling QEMM "QPI_SetStatus" function: AH = 01h set QEMM state AL = new state bit 0 set: place QEMM in OFF state Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error Note: this function is officially documented SeeAlso: #03525 (Table 03527) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 02h: AH = 02h get ??? Return: CF clear AX = segment of ??? data structure Data Structure Offset Size Description 00h DWORD page table entry for ??? ??? SeeAlso: #03528 (Table 03528) Values for calling QEMM "QPI_GetVersion" function: AH = 03h get QEMM version Return: CF clear AX = BX = version in BCD Notes: this function is officially documented. The most recent official docs state that the version is returned in both AX and BX; older documentation only mentions BX MICEMM returns AX=0001h, BX unchanged SeeAlso: #03525,#03529 (Table 03529) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 04h: AH = 04h allocate 4K page and set AUTO/ON mode Return: CF clear if successful DX = page number of a 4K page CF set if unable to allocate page Note: QEMM mode unchanged if not AUTO/OFF SeeAlso: #03530 (Table 03530) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 05h: AH = 05h free 4K page and turn QEMM off DX = page number returned by function 04h Return: CF clear Note: QEMM mode unchanged if not AUTO/ON SeeAlso: #03529,#03531 (Table 03531) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 06h: AH = 06h make new mapping context??? DX = page number of 4K page to hold page table Return: CF clear Note: copies page table into given page and then sets ??? page table entry to point at copy SeeAlso: #03532,#03533 (Table 03532) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 07h: AH = 07h get mapping context Return: CF clear DX = page number of page table for current mapping context SeeAlso: #03528,#03531,#03533 (Table 03533) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 08h: AH = 08h set mapping context??? DX = linear page number of page table Return: CF clear SeeAlso: #03528,#03531,#03532,#03534,#03536 (Table 03534) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 09h: AH = 09h get linear page number for page table entry CX = page table index Return: CF clear DX = linear page number SeeAlso: #03535 (Table 03535) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 0Ah: AH = 0Ah set linear page number for page table entry CX = page table index DX = linear page number Return: CF clear SeeAlso: #03534 (Table 03536) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 0Bh: AH = 0Bh map 4K pages BX = number of pages CX = first page number (must be 0100h to allocate HMA) DX = EMS handle (memory belonging to EMS handle will be mapped into the address space beginning with the first page allocated to the handle) Return: AH = 00h SeeAlso: #03533,#03537 (Table 03537) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 0Ch: AH = 0Ch get available memory Return: CF clear BX = 0001h CX = total 4K pages??? DX = number of 4K pages free SeeAlso: #03536,#03538 (Table 03538) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 0Dh: AH = 0Dh CRT controller I/O port trapping AL = mode 00h only trap on I/O ports 03C0h-03C5h, 03C7h, 03CAh-03CFh 01h trap on ports 03B4h, 03B5h, 03B8h, 03C6h, 03C8h, 03C9h, 03D4h, and 03D5h 02h only trap on I/O ports 03C6h, 03C8h, and 03C9h Return: CF clear (Table 03539) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 0Eh: AH = 0Eh set cursor virtualization callbacks DS:BX -> FAR routine for getting hardware cursor address ES:DX -> FAR routine for setting hardware cursor address Return: CF clear Note: both callbacks are invoked with CL indicating which CRT controller register to access (0Eh for high byte of cursor address, 0Fh for low byte) the DS:BX callback should return BX=cursor address; ES:DX is called with BL or BH (depending on CL) set to the appropriate half of the cursor's address (Table 03540) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 0Fh: AH = 0Fh unmap 4K pages CX = first page number DX = number of pages Return: CF clear AL = 00h/01h if ??? Note: if CX=0100h and DX=0010h, the HMA is remapped to simulate a disabled A20 (Table 03541) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1000h: AX = 1000h get protected-mode interface DS:SI -> 16-byte buffer for two GDT entries ES:DI -> buffer for 4K page table Return: CF clear EAX = offset of protected-mode API entry point DS:SI buffer filled with two GDT descriptors first is QEMM code segment, second is data??? ES:DI buffer filled with 4K page table DI points to first unused page table entry SeeAlso: INT 67/AX=DE01h (Table 03542) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1001h: AX = 1001h get CPU debug registers ES:DI -> buffer for debug registers (8 DWORDs) Return: CF clear BL = INT01 handling (see #03543) ES:DI buffer filled (Table 03543) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1002h: AX = 1002h set CPU debug registers BL = INT01 handling 00h reflect all debugging exceptions as V86-mode INT 01's else convert debugging exceptions other than single-step into V86-mode INT 03's, single-step to INT 01's ES:DI -> buffer containing debug registers (8 DWORDs) Return: CF clear Notes: identical to INT 67/AX=DE09h if BL=01h the INT01 handling flag is set to 01h by the general-protection violation handler for certain privileged instructions SeeAlso: #03542 (Table 03544) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1003h: AX = 1003h get machine status word CR0 Return: CF clear EAX = contents of CR0 SeeAlso: INT 67/AX=DE07h (Table 03545) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1004h: AX = 1004h allocate a 4K page Return: CF clear if successful EDX = linear address of allocated page CF set on error SeeAlso: INT 67/AX=DE04h (Table 03546) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1005h: AX = 1005h free 4K page EDX = linear address of page to free Return: CF clear SeeAlso: INT 67/AX=DE05h (Table 03547) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1006h: AX = 1006h NOP Return: CF set (Table 03548) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1007h: AX = 1007h get maximum physical memory address Return: CF clear EDX = physical address of highest 4K memory page SeeAlso: INT 67/AX=DE02h (Table 03549) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1008h: AX = 1008h get physical address of page in first megabyte CX = page number (linear address shifted right 12 bits) Return: CF clear EDX = linear address of page SeeAlso: #03548,#03624,#03625 (Table 03550) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1009h: AX = 1009h switch to protected mode ESI = linear address in first megabyte of system reg values (see INT 67/AX=DE0Ch) interrupts disabled Return: interrupts disabled GDTR, IDTR, LDTR, TR loaded SS:ESP must have at least 16 bytes space, and the entry point is required to set up a new stack before enabling interrupts EAX, ESI, DS, ES, FS, GS destroyed (Table 03551) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 100Ah: AX = 100Ah switch back to virtual-86 mode DS = selector for data segment from function 1000h SS:ESP in first megabyte of linear memory interrupts disabled STACK: QWORD return address from FAR call to 32-bit segment DWORD EIP DWORD CS DWORD reserved for EFLAGS DWORD ESP DWORD SS DWORD ES DWORD DS DWORD FS DWORD GS will switch to virtual86 mode with interrupts disabled, all segment registers loaded, and EAX destroyed. (Table 03552) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 11h: AH = 11h get memory type map AL = zero/nonzero ??? (set by QEMM.COM but apparently ignored by QEMM 6.00) ES:DI -> 256-byte buffer for memory types Return: CF clear BL = ??? ES:DI buffer filled Note: each byte of the buffer corresponds to a 4K page, and contains the type of that page: 00h = mappable, 02h = mapped ROM, 03h = high RAM, 04h = excluded, 05h = video, 06h = ROM, 07h = adapter ROM, 08h = split ROM, 09h = page frame, 0Ah = RAMmable, 0Bh = conventional, 83h = high RAM under MS Windows (Table 03553) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 12h: AH = 12h get HIRAM chain Return: CF clear BX = segment of first MCB in high memory 0000h if no high memory (Table 03554) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1300h: AX = 1300h VIDRAMEGA??? BL = 00h copy ??? nonzero copy ??? (reverse) Return: CF clear AL = status 00h if all pages clean 01h if any page dirty (Table 03555) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1301h: AX = 1301h check if pages modified DX:DI = start address of range to check CX = length of range in paragraphs Return: CF clear CX = status 0000h none of the indicated pages is dirty DI destroyed 1000h one or more pages is dirty DI = low word of first dirty page's linear addr (Table 03556) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1302h: AX = 1302h ??? BL = ??? BH = ??? CX = ??? SI = offset of ??? DI = offset of ??? ??? Return: CF clear ??? Note: disables certain interrupts at the two 8259 PICs during execution; also modifies CRT controller during execution under certain circumstances (Table 03557) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1303h: AX = 1303h initialize EGA graphics virtualization BX = number of pages (less 1) of EMS to allocate Return: CF clear if successful DX = EMS handle CF set on error (Table 03558) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1304h: AX = 1304h shutdown EGA graphics virtualization DX = EMS handle being used for virtualization Return: CF clear (Table 03559) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1305h: AX = 1305h select portion of EGA graphics to virtualize??? (related to graphics virtualization, changes memory mappings) CX = start offset within A000h segment of virtualized mem??? Return: CF clear Note: disables certain interrupts at the two 8259 PICs during execution (see #03566) and runs inside a QEMM critical section (Table 03560) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1306h: AX = 1306h set DESQview critical section counter address ES:BX -> WORD DESQview critical section counter or 0000h:0000h Return: CF clear Note: also sets a pointer in the low-memory part of QEMM to the current value of INT 15 if ES:BX not 0000h:0000h (Table 03561) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1307h: AX = 1307h ??? (changes memory mappings for entire A000h segment) Return: CF clear Note: disables certain interrupts at the two 8259 PICs during execution (see #03566) and runs inside a QEMM critical section (Table 03562) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1308h: AX = 1308h start/reset CRT controller I/O trapping BL = subfunction 00h restore CRTC I/O port trapping to previous state else start trapping all accesses to I/O ports 03B0-03DF Return: CF clear Note: if called more than once in a row with BL nonzero, the original state of the I/O port trapping will be lost (Table 03563) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1309h: AX = 1309h Hercules mode-change support ES:BX -> new address for Hercules mode-change callback Return: CF clear Note: the callback function is called whenever the CRTC mode register is written, with AL set to the value written (Table 03564) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 130Ah: AX = 130Ah virtualize EGA/VGA DAC registers (I/O ports 03C8h/03C9h) CX:DX -> DAC register virtualization buffer (see #03647) or 0000h:0000h to disable Return: CF clear (Table 03565) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 130Bh: AX = 130Bh ??? BL = ??? (??? or 00h) Return: CF clear ??? Note: calls AX=130Eh in some cases (Table 03566) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 130Ch: AX = 130Ch set interrupts to mask BX = interrupts to mask out during AX=1302h,AX=1307h,AX=1308h, AX=130Dh,AX=1310h (BL = master PIC, BH = slave PIC) Return: CF clear (Table 03567) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 130Dh: AX = 130Dh map EGA memory at A0000h ??? Return: CF clear Note: disables certain interrupts at the two 8259 PICs during execution (see #03566) and runs inside a QEMM critical section calls AX=1307h (see #03561) (Table 03568) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 130Eh: AX = 130Eh ??? (modifies CRT controller setup) ??? Return: CF clear (Table 03569) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 130Fh: AX = 130Fh reset ??? Return: CF clear (Table 03570) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1310h: AX = 1310h copy modified pages to physical video RAM??? ??? Return: CF clear Note: disables certain interrupts at the two 8259 PICs during execution (see #03566) and runs inside a QEMM critical section also calls AX=130Dh (see #03567) (Table 03571) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1311h: AX = 1311h set ??? BL = zero/nonzero??? Return: CF clear Note: certain operations will be performed with interrupts (as set by AX=130Ch) enabled rather than disabled if called with BL nonzero (Table 03572) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1312h: AX = 1312h (v6.02) NOP??? Note: called by DV 2.42, but appears to be a NOP in QEMM 6.02 (Table 03573) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1400h: AX = 1400h initialize DESQview "protection level" support ES:DI -> protection level configuration (at least 24 bytes) (see #03641) BL = highest ??? to return (one less than number of words) Return: CF clear AX = ??? (4204h for v6.00) Note: QEMM also sets the protected mode INT 02 and INT 06 vectors to alternate handlers in certain cases (Table 03574) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1401h: AX = 1401h turn off DESQview protection level support Return: CF clear ??? Notes: clears the DV critical-section flag address set with function 1306h QEMM also sets the protected mode INT 02 and INT 06 vectors to the default handlers if they had been revectored by function 1400h (Table 03575) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1402h: AX = 1402h set protection level??? BL = protection level??? 00h NOP 01h ??? 02h ??? other (03h) ??? ES:DI -> ??? Return: CF clear ??? Format of Data structure: Offset Size Description 00h WORD segment of ??? (X, word at X:0136h set to X) 02h WORD segment of ??? (word at X:0124h set to this) 04h WORD number of paragraphs of ??? 06h 3 WORDs ??? (copied to X:0000h) 0Ch WORD ??? (Table 03576) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1403h: AX = 1403h add ??? to end of list and ??? (execute func 1406h) ES:DI -> ??? structure added to end of ??? list (at least 31 bytes, DWORD at offset 06h used for storing pointer to next struc, WORD at offset 00h seems to be a key or index) Return: CF clear (Table 03577) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1404h: AX = 1404h NOP Return: CF clear (Table 03578) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1405h: AX = 1405h remove ??? from ??? list BX = key??? Return: CF clear (Table 03579) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1406h: AX = 1406h ??? ??? Return: CF clear ??? Notes: this function is a NOP unless protection level 2 or 3 is active when not a NOP, one of the actions is to write-protect certain memory pages (Table 03580) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1407h: AX = 1407h ??? ??? Return: CF clear ??? Note: same as function 1406h, but only does anything if protection level 2 is active (Table 03581) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1408h: AX = 1408h unprotect??? ??? Return: CF clear ??? (Table 03582) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 1409h: AX = 1409h abort program causing protection violation??? ??? Return: CF clear ??? (Table 03583) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 140Ah: AX = 140Ah set ??? BX = index of ??? Return: CF clear ??? Notes: no range checking is performed on BX this function is a NOP unless protection level 3 active (Table 03584) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 140Bh: AX = 140Bh get ??? BX = index of ??? SI = 0000h Return: CF clear SI = segment of 256-byte buffer??? or 0000h Notes: no range checking is performed on BX this function is a NOP unless protection level 3 active (Table 03585) Values for calling QEMM QPI function 15h: AH = 15h set timer channel 0 virtualization buffer ES:BX -> WORD buffer for timer channel 0 divisor 0000h:0000h to disable virtualization Return: CF clear (Table 03586) Values for calling QEMM v5.00+ QPI function 1600h: AX = 1600h get memory access status ES:DI -> 256-byte buffer Return: ES:DI buffer filled Note: each byte of the buffer indicates the status of a 4K page (bit 0 set if read, bit 1 set if written) (Table 03587) Values for calling QEMM v5.00+ QPI function 1601h: AX = 1601h set memory access status ES:DI -> 256-byte buffer containing access statuses (see #03586) (Table 03588) Values for calling QEMM v5.00+ QPI function 17h: AH = 17h get memory usage statistics ES:DI -> 81-byte buffer for memory statistics (see #03645) Return: CF clear (Table 03589) Values for calling QEMM v5.11+ QPI function 18h: AH = 18h check whether conventional memory mapped into address range ES:BX = starting address CX = number of 4K pages Return: CF clear AL = 00h one or more pages is remapped 01h all pages in range are conventional memory (physical address == virtual address) (Table 03590) Values for calling QEMM v5.11+ QPI function 19h: AH = 19h NOP Return: CF set (Table 03591) Values for calling QEMM v5.11+ "QPI_UntrappedIORead" function: AX = 1A00h get byte from I/O port DX = port number Return: CF clear BL = port value Note: this function was officially documented with the release of QEMM 7.50 (Table 03592) Values for calling QEMM v5.11+ "QPI_UntrappedIOWrite" function: AX = 1A01h send byte to I/O port BL = value to send DX = port number Return: CF clear Note: this function was officially documented with the release of QEMM 7.50 (Table 03593) Values for calling QEMM v5.11+ "QPI_UntrappedIOReadIndexed" function: AX = 1A02h BH = index value to send DX = base port number Return: CF clear BL = value read from I/O port (DX+1) Note: this function was officially documented with the release of QEMM 7.50 (Table 03594) Values for calling QEMM v5.11+ "QPI_UntrappedIOWriteIndexed" function: AX = 1A03h send bytes to two consecutive I/O ports BH = value for first I/O port (DX) BL = value for second I/O port (DX+1) DX = base port number Return: CF clear Note: this function was officially documented with the release of QEMM 7.50 (Table 03595) Values for calling QEMM v7.03+ "QPI_UntrappedIO" function: AX = 1A04h BX = value to write to port CX = direction and size bit 2: output instead of input bit 3: word instead of byte DX = I/O port to be accessed Return: CF clear BX = value read (if CX indicates read) Note: this function was officially documented with the release of QEMM 7.50 (Table 03596) Values for calling QEMM v7.03+ function 1A05h AX = 1A05h ??? Return: ??? (Table 03597) Values for calling QEMM v7.03+ "QPI_GetIOCallback" function: AX = 1A06h Return: CF clear ES:DI -> current I/O callback function (see #03599) Note: this function was officially documented with the release of QEMM 7.50 (Table 03598) Values for calling QEMM v7.03+ "QPI_SetIOCallback" function: AX = 1A07h ES:DI -> new I/O callback function (see #03599) Return: CF clear Note: this function was officially documented with the release of QEMM 7.50 (Table 03599) Values QEMM v7.03+ I/O callback function is called with: AL/AX = data to/from trapped port CL = I/O direction (00h = IN instruction, else OUT instruction) DX = I/O port address Return: CF clear if port handled by callback function CF set if not handled all other registers returned to application executing the IN or OUT instruction (allowing arbitrary changes to port address, data value, etc.) SeeAlso: #03597,#03598 (Table 03600) Values for calling QEMM v7.03+ "QPI_GetPortTrap" function: AX = 1A08h DX = I/O port number Return: CF clear BL = trapping state (00h not being trapped, 01h trap installed) Note: this function was officially documented with the release of QEMM 7.50 (Table 03601) Values for calling QEMM v7.03+ "QPI_SetPortTrap" function: AX = 1A09h DX = I/O port number Return: CF clear Note: this function was officially documented with the release of QEMM 7.50 (Table 03602) Values for calling QEMM v7.03+ "QPI_ClearPortTrap" function: AX = 1A0Ah DX = I/O port number Return: CF clear Note: this function was officially documented with the release of QEMM 7.50 (Table 03603) Values for calling QEMM v5.11+ QPI function 1B00h: AX = 1B00h get EMM Import Structure address ES:DI -> buffer for EMM import data structure (see #03643) Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful SeeAlso: INT 21/AX=4402h/SF=01h (Table 03604) Values for calling QEMM v5.11+ QPI function 1B01h: AX = 1B01h disable V86 mode Return: CF set on error (i.e. no Global EMM Import rec. allocated) CF clear if successful Note: shuts down EMS and initializes Global EMM Import record; this function is invoked from the callback supplied by INT 2F/AX=1605h (Table 03605) Values for calling QEMM v5.11+ QPI function 1B02h: AX = 1B02h enable V86 mode Return: CF set on error CF clear if successful Note: restarts EMS and frees Global EMM Import record; this function is invoked from the callback supplied by INT 2F/AX=1605h (Table 03606) Values for calling QEMM v5.11+ QPI function 1B03h: AX = 1B03h MS Windows initializing CX = segment from which Windows init broadcast made??? DX = Windows startup flags DI = Windows version number (major in upper byte) Return: CF clear if successful DS:SI -> V86 mode enable/disable callback (see #02634 at INT 2F/AX=1605h) ES:BX -> startup info structure (see #02631 at INT 2F/AX=1605h) CF set on error (unable to start Windows) SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1605h (Table 03607) Values for calling QEMM v5.11+ QPI function 1B04h: AX = 1B04h MS Windows terminating Return: CF clear (Table 03608) Values for calling QEMM v5.11+ QPI function 1B05h: AX = 1B05h determine whether program is driver DS:DX -> ASCIZ filename Return: CF clear AL = status 01h if string ends in ".DRV" FFh if string ends in "GDI.EXE" 00h otherwise Note: when MS Windows 3.0 standard mode starts, QEMM patches all drivers until GDI.EXE is loaded (Table 03609) Values for calling QEMM v5.11+ QPI function 1B06h: AX = 1B06h patch protected-mode check in Windows driver CX = length of data pointed at by DS:DX DS:DX -> buffer containing Windows driver code Return: CF clear Note: patches all SMSW x/TEST x,1 instruction sequences into MOV x,CS/VERW x sequences, which has the effect that the protected-mode check will only indicate protected mode in native protected mode and not in V86 mode (Table 03610) Values for calling QEMM v5.11+ QPI function 1B07h: AX = 1B07h BUG: QEMM 6.00-7.01 accept this and branch randomly (Table 03611) Values for calling QEMM v5.11+ QPI function 1Bxxh: AX = 1B08h to 1BFFh Return: CF set (Table 03612) Values for calling QEMM v5.11+ QPI function 1C00h: AX = 1C00h disable IRQ0-7 calldowns Return: CF clear (Table 03613) Values for calling QEMM v5.11+ QPI function 1C01h: AX = 1C01h set V86-mode IRQ0-7 handlers ES:DI -> 8 DWORDs containing V86-mode handler addresses Return: CF clear (Table 03614) Values for calling QEMM v5.11+ QPI function 1C02h: AX = 1C02h disable IRQ8-15 handlers Return: CF clear (Table 03615) Values for calling QEMM v5.11+ QPI function 1C03h: AX = 1C03h set V86-mode IRQ8-15 handlers ES:DI -> 8 DWORDs containing V86-mode handler addresses BUG: although the jump table only contains four entries, QEMM 6.00 will attempt to use it for any value of AL between 00h and 2Ah, thus branching unpredictably for AL=04h-2Ah; QEMM v7.01 behaves similarly for AL=04h-1Bh Note: when enabled, the appropriate IRQs are reflected back to the specified handlers in virtual-86 mode after the CPU automatically invokes the protected-mode handler inside QEMM (Table 03616) Values for calling QEMM v7.03+ "QPI_SimulateHWInt" function: AX = 1C04h BX = number of interrupt to simulate Return: ??? Notes: this function will allow proper simulation of a hardware interrupt under DESQview and DESQview/X, where the correct interrupt handler may be in a different process with a completely different address space this function was officially documented with the release of QEMM v7.50 (Table 03617) Values for calling QEMM v6.0x only QPI function 1D00h: AX = 1D00h switch to pre-Stealth interrupt vector table Return: CF clear if supported (QEMM v6.x) CF set if not supported (QEMM v7+) Notes: also switches VGA Save table pointer (0040h:00A8h) and overwrites the vectors currently assigned for use by the two interrupt controllers (see INT 67/AX=DE0Ah) with the vectors for INT 08-0F and 70-77 (to avoid crashing the system). functions 1Dxxh are not supported by QEMM v7.01, and always return CF set (Table 03618) Values for calling QEMM v6.0x only QPI function 1D01h: AX = 1D01h restore user interrupt vector table Return: CF clear if supported (QEMM v6.x) CF set if not supported (QEMM v7+) Notes: interrupts should be disabled around the AX=1D00h and AX=1D01h calls because QEMM does not modify the memory maps to map in ROM, so an interrupt could be disastrous clears any pending IRQ7 at end of function functions 1Dxxh are not supported by QEMM v7.01, and always return CF set (Table 03619) Values for calling QEMM v6.00+ QPI function 1Dxxh: AX = 1D02h to 1DFFh Return: CF set (Table 03620) Values for calling QEMM v6.00+ "QEMM_GET_INFO"/"QPI_GetInfo" function: AX = 1E00h get Stealth configuration Return: CF clear BL = memory configuration flags (documented as "reserved") (see #03644) BH = (v7.00+) disk buffer flags bit 0: DISKBUFFRAME buffer instead of DISKBUF buffer bit 1: buffer has already been used CL = stealth type (00h none, 46h Frame, 4Dh Map, 50h Protect) CH = suspend/resume interrupt (00h none) DL = (v7.00+) size of QEMM disk buffer in KB (00h none) DH = reserved (always 00h for v6.00) SI = reserved (always 0000h for v6.00) DI = reserved (always 0000h for v6.00) Note: this function is officially documented (Table 03621) Values for calling QEMM v6.00+ "QPI_GetStealthCount" function: AX = 1E01h get number of Stealth'ed ROMs Return: CF clear BX = number of Stealth'ed ROMs Note: this function is officially documented (Table 03622) Values for calling QEMM v6.00+ "QPI_GetStealthList" function: AX = 1E02h ES:DI -> buffer for Stealth ROM info (see #03646) Return: CF clear BX = number of Stealth'ed ROMs ES:DI buffer filled Note: this function is officially documented (Table 03623) Values for unimplemented Stealth information functions: AX = 1E03h to 1EFFh Return: CF set (Table 03624) Values for calling QEMM v6.00+ "QEMM_GET_PTE"/"QPI_GetPTE" function: AX = 1F00h get page table entry CX = page number (0000h-010Fh) Return: CF clear EDX = page table entry Note: this function is officially documented (Table 03625) Values for calling QEMM v6.00+ "QEMM_SET_PTE"/"QPI_SetPTE" function: AX = 1F01h set page table entry CX = page number (0000h-010Fh) EDX = new page table entry Return: CF clear Note: this function is officially documented SeeAlso: #03549 (Table 03626) Values for calling QEMM v6.00+ QPI function 1Fxxh: AX = 1F02h to 1FFFh Return: CF set (Table 03627) Values for calling QEMM v6.00+ "QEMM_GET_VHI_INFO"/"QPI_GetVHIInfo" function: AX = 2000h "QEMM_GET_VHI_INFO" get VirtualHDIRQ information Return: CF clear BL = flags bit 7: VirtualHDIRQ setting respected (set if Stealth active) bits 6-1 reserved bit 0: VirtualHDIRQ currently enabled (INT 15/AH=90h suppressed when enabled) Note: this function is officially documented SeeAlso: #03628 (Table 03628) Values for calling QEMM v6.00+ "QEMM_SET_VHI_INFO"/"QPI_SetVHIInfo" function: AX = 2001h set VirtualHDIRQ state BL bit 0 = new VirtualHDIRQ state Return: CF clear BL = old VHI setting (bits 0 and 7, see #03627) Note: this function is officially documented SeeAlso: #03627 (Table 03629) Values for calling QEMM v6.00+ QPI function 20xxh: AX = 2002h to 20FFh Return: CF set (Table 03630) Values for calling QEMM v6.00+ "QEMM_COPY_STEALTH_ROMS"/"QPI_CopyStealthRoms": AX = 2100h copy data from Stealthed address space DS:SI -> start address of hidden memory to copy ES:DI -> buffer for copied data ECX = number of bytes to copy Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error (no Stealth or DS:SI < C000h:0000h or DS:SI + ECX > 1M) Note: this function was officially documented with the release of QEMM 7.50 (Table 03631) Values for calling QEMM v6.00+ QPI function 21xxh: AX = 2101h to 21FFh Return: CF set (Table 03632) Values for calling QEMM v6.03+ QPI function 2200h: AX = 2200h DESQview/X support -- get ??? Return: CF clear ES:DI -> ??? (Table 03633) Values for calling QEMM v6.03+ QPI function 2201h: AX = 2201h DESQview/X support -- set ??? ES:DI -> ??? or 0000h:0000h Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error (Table 03634) Values for calling QEMM v6.04+ QPI function 2300h: AX = 2300h get ??? BX = which ??? to get (must be 0000h for v6.04) Return: CF clear if successful ES:DI -> ??? CF set on error (Table 03635) Values for calling QEMM v6.04+ QPI function 2301h: AX = 2301h set ??? BX = which ??? to set (must be 0000h for v6.04) ES:DI -> ??? Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error (Table 03636) Values for calling QEMM v6.04+ QPI function 2302h: AX = 2302h clear specified ??? BX = which ??? to clear (must be 0000h for v6.04) Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error (Table 03637) Values for calling QEMM v6.04+ QPI function 23FFh: AX = 23FFh clear all ??? Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error (Table 03638) Values for calling QEMM v6.04+ QPI function 23xxh: AX = 2303h to 23FEh Return: CF set (Table 03639) Values for calling QEMM v7.01+ QPI function 24h: AH = 24h ST-DBL support AL = subfunction 00h set ??? EDX -> information table (EDX = segment SHL 16 + offset) 01h ??? Return: CF clear if successful CF set on error (Table 03640) Values for calling QEMM unimplemented QPI functions: AH = 25h to FFh Return: CF set Format of QEMM protection level configuration: Offset Size Description (Table 03641) 00h WORD segment of 128 breakpoint (INT 3) instructions for use in DESQview protection level 3 interrupt vector checking, or 0000h to disable; in pl3, INTs 00-7F are pointed at these breakpoints 02h DWORD -> array of actual interrupt handler addresses for INT 00-7F when interrupt vectors are pointed at protection level 3 breakpoints 06h DWORD far pointer to ??? region list (see #03642) 0Ah DWORD far pointer to buffer for returned ??? 0Eh DWORD seg:ofs of function to call on protection violation??? 12h WORD segment of ??? 14h DWORD far pointer to DWORD containing number of paragraphs of ??? for segment at offset 12h ??? Format of protection level Region List: Offset Size Description (Table 03642) 00h WORD number of PAIRS of pointers to follow 02h 2N DWORDs start/end seg:ofs addresses of ??? regions Note: QEMM converts the segmented addresses into linear addresses in place Format of EMM Import structure: Offset Size Description (Table 03643) 00h DWORD physical address of EMM import struct 04h BYTE major version (v6.00 sets to 01h) 05h BYTE minor version (v6.00 sets to 00h/0Bh) SeeAlso: INT 21/AX=4402h/SF=01h Bitfields for memory configuration flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 03644) 0 conventional memory sorted 1 conventional memory filled 2 ??? 3 ??? 4 expanded memory is in use 5 ??? Format of QEMM 6.0 memory statistics: Offset Size Description (Table 03645) 00h BYTE 01h if Shadow RAM found, 00h otherwise 01h DWORD initial conventional memory in bytes 05h DWORD initial extended memory in bytes 09h DWORD initial expanded memory in bytes 0Dh DWORD initial "top" or "shadow" memory in bytes 11h DWORD Unavailable conventional memory in bytes 15h DWORD Unavailable extended memory in bytes 19h DWORD Unavailable expanded memory in bytes 1Dh DWORD Unavailable "top" or "shadow" memory in bytes Add to offset 49h for Total unavailable top/shadow. 21h DWORD QEMM code size in bytes 25h DWORD QEMM data size in bytes 29h DWORD bytes used for TASKS= 2Dh DWORD DMA buffer size 31h DWORD bytes used for MAPS= 35h DWORD bytes of high RAM 39h DWORD bytes used by mapped ROMs 3Dh DWORD bytes of conventional memory provided by QEMM 41h DWORD bytes of extended memory NOT converted by QEMM (EXT=xxx) 45h DWORD bytes of EMS/XMS pool memory provided by QEMM 49h DWORD Unavailable "top" or "shadow" memory in bytes Add to offset 1Dh for Total unavailable top/shadow. 4Dh DWORD conventional memory overhead in bytes (set to 0 by QEMM.COM prior to call) Format of Stealth ROM info [array]: Offset Size Description (Table 03646) 00h WORD starting segment of ROM 02h WORD length of ROM in paragraphs Format of QEMM EGA/VGA DAC register virtualization buffer: Offset Size Description (Table 03647) 00h BYTE (temp) current color register number 01h BYTE (temp) number of bytes written so far for current color reg 02h 768 BYTEs three bytes per color register --------m-6740------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS - GET MANAGER STATUS AH = 40h Return: AH = status (00h,80h,81h,84h) (see #03648) Note: this call can be used only after establishing that the EMS driver is in fact present SeeAlso: AH=3Fh,AX=FFA5h,@xxxxh:xxxxh"PMM" (Table 03648) Values for EMS function status: 00h successful 80h internal error 81h hardware malfunction 82h busy -- retry later 83h invalid handle 84h undefined function requested by application 85h no more handles available 86h error in save or restore of mapping context 87h insufficient memory pages in system 88h insufficient memory pages available 89h zero pages requested 8Ah invalid logical page number encountered 8Bh invalid physical page number encountered 8Ch page-mapping hardware state save area is full 8Dh save of mapping context failed 8Eh restore of mapping context failed 8Fh undefined subfunction 90h undefined attribute type 91h feature not supported 92h successful, but a portion of the source region has been overwritten 93h length of source or destination region exceeds length of region allocated to either source or destination handle 94h conventional and expanded memory regions overlap 95h offset within logical page exceeds size of logical page 96h region length exceeds 1M 97h source and destination EMS regions have same handle and overlap 98h memory source or destination type undefined 9Ah specified alternate map register or DMA register set not supported 9Bh all alternate map register or DMA register sets currently allocated 9Ch alternate map register or DMA register sets not supported 9Dh undefined or unallocated alternate map register or DMA register set 9Eh dedicated DMA channels not supported 9Fh specified dedicated DMA channel not supported A0h no such handle name A1h a handle found had no name, or duplicate handle name A2h attempted to wrap around 1M conventional address space A3h source array corrupted A4h operating system denied access --------m-6741------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS - GET PAGE FRAME SEGMENT AH = 41h Return: AH = status (see also AH=40h) 00h function successful BX = segment of page frame SeeAlso: AH=58h,AH=68h --------m-6742------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS - GET NUMBER OF PAGES AH = 42h Return: AH = status (see also AH=40h) 00h function successful BX = number of unallocated pages DX = total number of pages BUG: DOS 6.0 EMM386.EXE causes a system lock-up or reboot if in AUTO mode when this call is made; use AH=46h to ensure that EMM386 is ON before making this call SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=2702h --------m-6743------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS - GET HANDLE AND ALLOCATE MEMORY AH = 43h BX = number of logical pages to allocate Return: AH = status (00h,80h,81h,84h,85h,87h,88h,89h) (see #03648) DX = handle if AH=00h SeeAlso: AH=45h --------u-674321----------------------------- INT 67 - Q87 v4+ - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 4321h EAX = 87654321h (entire EAX value required) Return: EAX = 12345678h if Q87 is installed Note: this call requires that VCPI services be available; if they are not, this call will not be recognized BUG: v4.00-v4.03 will hang on most machines when run under bare DOS with no memory manager, because neither Q87 nor UNLOAD87 checks whether there is a valid INT 67 handler before performing an installation check via INT 67 SeeAlso: AX=2833h,INT 21/AX=4321h --------m-6744------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS - MAP MEMORY AH = 44h AL = physical page number (0-3) BX = logical page number or FFFFh to unmap (QEMM) DX = handle Return: AH = status (00h,80h,81h,83h,84h,8Ah,8Bh) (see #03648) SeeAlso: AH=69h --------m-6745------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS - RELEASE HANDLE AND MEMORY AH = 45h DX = EMM handle Return: AH = status (00h,80h,81h,83h,84h,86h) (see #03648) SeeAlso: AH=43h --------m-6746------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS - GET EMM VERSION AH = 46h Return: AH = status (00h,80h,81h,84h) (see #03648) AL = EMM version number if AH=00h --------m-6747------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS - SAVE MAPPING CONTEXT AH = 47h DX = handle Return: AH = status (00h,80h,81h,83h,84h,8Ch-8Eh) (see #03648) SeeAlso: AH=48h --------m-6748------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS - RESTORE MAPPING CONTEXT AH = 48h DX = handle Return: AH = status (00h,80h,81h,83h,84h,8Eh) (see #03648) SeeAlso: AH=47h --------m-6749------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS - reserved - GET I/O PORT ADDRESSES AH = 49h Note: defined in EMS 3.0, but undocumented in EMS 3.2 --------m-674A------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS - reserved - GET TRANSLATION ARRAY AH = 4Ah Note: defined in EMS 3.0, but undocumented in EMS 3.2 --------m-674B------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS - GET NUMBER OF EMM HANDLES AH = 4Bh Return: AH = status (00h,80h,81h,83h,84h) (see #03648) BX = number of EMM handles if AH=00h --------m-674C------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS - GET PAGES OWNED BY HANDLE AH = 4Ch DX = EMM handle Return: AH = status (see #02785) BX = number of logical pages if AH=00h SeeAlso: AH=4Dh --------m-674D------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS - GET PAGES FOR ALL HANDLES AH = 4Dh ES:DI -> array to receive information Return: AH = status (00h,80h,81h,84h) (see #03648) ---if AH=00h--- BX = number of active EMM handles array filled with 2-word entries, consisting of a handle and the number of pages allocated to that handle SeeAlso: AH=4Ch --------m-674E------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS - GET OR SET PAGE MAP AH = 4Eh AL = subfunction 00h get mapping registers 01h set mapping registers 02h get and set mapping registers at once 03h get size of page-mapping array DS:SI -> array holding information (AL=01h/02h) ES:DI -> array to receive information (AL=00h/02h) Return: AH = status (00h,80h,81h,84h,8Fh,A3h) (see also AH=40h) 00h successful AL = bytes in page-mapping array (AL=03h only) array pointed to by ES:DI receives mapping info (AL=00h/02h) Notes: this function was designed to be used by multitasking operating systems and should not ordinarily be used by appplication software. MD386 returns the size of the page-mapping array in AX instead of AL SeeAlso: AH=4Fh --------m-674F------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS 4.0 - GET/SET PARTIAL PAGE MAP AH = 4Fh AL = subfunction 00h get partial page map DS:SI -> structure containing list of segments whose mapping contexts are to be saved ES:DI -> array to receive page map 01h set partial page map DS:SI -> structure containing saved partial page map 02h get size of partial page map BX = number of mappable segments in the partial map to be saved Return: AH = status (00h,80h,81h,84h,8Bh,8Fh,A3h) (see also AH=40h) 8Bh one of the specified segments is not mappable A3h contents of partial page map corrupted or count of mappable segments exceeds total number of mappable segments in system AL = size of partial page map for subfunction 02h SeeAlso: AH=4Eh --------m-6750------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS 4.0 - MAP/UNMAP MULTIPLE HANDLE PAGES AH = 50h AL = subfunction 00h use physical page numbers 01h use segment addresses DX = handle CX = number of entries in array DS:SI -> mapping array (see #03649) Return: AH = status (00h,80h,81h,83h,84h,8Ah,8Bh,8Fh) (see #03648) SeeAlso: AH=40h Format of EMS mapping array entry: Offset Size Description (Table 03649) 00h WORD logical page number or FFFFh to unmap physical page 02h WORD physical page number or segment address --------m-6751------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS 4.0 - REALLOCATE PAGES AH = 51h DX = handle BX = number of pages to be allocated to handle Return: AH = status (00h,80h,81h,83h,84h,87h,88h) (see #03650) BX = actual number of pages allocated to handle (Table 03650) Values for EMS function status: 00h successful 80h internal error 81h hardware malfunction 83h invalid handle 84h undefined function requested 87h more pages requested than present in system 88h more pages requested than currently available 8Ah invalid logical page number encountered 8Bh invalid physical page number encountered 8Fh undefined subfunction 90h undefined attribute type 91h feature not supported A0h no such handle name A1h duplicate handle name --------m-6752------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS 4.0 - GET/SET HANDLE ATTRIBUTES AH = 52h AL = subfunction 00h get handle attributes Return: AL = attribute 00h handle is volatile 01h handle is nonvolatile 01h set handle attributes BL = new attribute 00h handle is volatile 01h handle is nonvolatile 02h get attribute capability Return: AL = attribute capability 00h only volatile handles supported 01h both volatile and non-volatile supported DX = handle Return: AH = status (00h,80h,81h,83h,84h,8Fh-91h) (see #03648) SeeAlso: AH=53h --------m-6753------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS 4.0 - GET/SET HANDLE NAME AH = 53h AL = subfunction 00h get handle name ES:DI -> 8-byte buffer for handle name 01h set handle name DS:SI -> 8-byte handle name DX = handle Return: AH = status (00h,80h,81h,83h,84h,8Fh,A1h) (see #03648) SeeAlso: AH=52h --------m-6754------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS 4.0 - GET HANDLE DIRECTORY AH = 54h AL = subfunction 00h get handle directory ES:DI -> buffer for handle directory (see #03651) 01h search for named handle DS:SI -> 8-byte name 02h get total number of handles Return: AL = number of entries in handle directory (subfunction 00h) DX = value of named handle (subfunction 01h) BX = total number of handles (subfunction 02h) AH = status (00h,80h,81h,84h,8Fh,A0h,A1h) (see also #03650) A1h a handle found had no name Format of EMS handle directory entry: Offset Size Description (Table 03651) 00h WORD handle 02h 8 BYTEs handle's name --------m-6755------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS 4.0 - ALTER PAGE MAP AND JUMP AH = 55h AL = subfunction 00h physical page numbers provided by caller 01h segment addresses provided by caller DX = handle DS:SI -> structure containing map and jump address Return: (at target address unless error) AH = status (00h,80h,81h,83h,84h,8Ah,8Bh,8Fh) (see #03648) SeeAlso: AH=56h --------m-6756------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS 4.0 - ALTER PAGE MAP AND CALL AH = 56h AL = subfunction 00h physical page numbers provided by caller DX = handle DS:SI -> structure containing page map and call address 01h segment addresses provided by caller DX = handle DS:SI -> structure containing page map and call address 02h get page map stack space required Return: BX = stack space required Return: (if successful, the target address is called. Use a RETF to return and restore mapping context) AH = status (00h,80h,81h,83h,84h,8Ah,8Bh,8Fh) (see #03648) SeeAlso: AH=55h --------m-6756FF----------------------------- INT 67 - RM386 v6.00 - ??? AX = 56FFh DS:SI -> ??? ??? Return: ??? --------m-6757------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS 4.0 - MOVE/EXCHANGE MEMORY REGION AH = 57h AL = subfunction 00h move memory region 01h exchange memory region DS:SI -> structure describing source and destination (see #03653) Return: AH = status (see #03652) Note: source and destination may overlap for a move, in which case the copy direction is chosen such that the destination receives an intact copy of the source region (Table 03652) Values for EMS function status: 00h successful 80h internal error 81h hardware failure 83h invalid handle 84h undefined function requested 8Ah invalid logical page number encountered 8Fh undefined subfunction 92h successful, but a portion of the source region has been overwritten 93h length of source or destination region exceeds length of region allocated to either source or destination handle 94h conventional and expanded memory regions overlap 95h offset within logical page exceeds size of logical page 96h region length exceeds 1M 97h source and destination EMS regions have same handle and overlap 98h memory source or destination type undefined A2h attempted to wrap around 1M conventional address space Format of EMS copy data: Offset Size Description (Table 03653) 00h DWORD region length in bytes 04h BYTE source memory type 00h conventional 01h expanded 05h WORD source handle (0000h if conventional memory) 07h WORD source initial offset (within page if EMS, segment if convent) 09h WORD source initial segment (conv mem) or logical page (EMS) 0Bh BYTE destination memory type 00h conventional 01h expanded 0Ch WORD destination handle 0Eh WORD destination initial offset 10h WORD destination initial segment or page --------m-6758------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS 4.0 - GET MAPPABLE PHYSICAL ADDRESS ARRAY AH = 58h AL = subfunction 00h get mappable physical address array ES:DI -> buffer to be filled with array (see #03654) 01h get number of entries in m.p.a. array Return: CX = number of entries in array AH = status (00h,80h,81h,84h,8Fh) (see #03652) Note: the returned array for subfunction 00h is filled in physical segment address order Format of EMS mappable physical address entry: Offset Size Description (Table 03654) 00h WORD physical page segment 02h WORD physical page number --------m-675857----------------------------- INT 67 U - NETROOM??? - ??? AX = 5857h BX = function??? (0057h,0059h,0159h seen) ??? Return: ??? Note: BX=0059h appears to be analogous to AX=5800h and BX=0159h appears to be analogous to AX=5801h; BX=0057h appears to indicate whether AX=580xh or AX=5857h/BX=0x59h should be used SeeAlso: AX=5BF0h --------m-6759------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS 4.0 - GET EXPANDED MEMORY HARDWARE INFORMATION AH = 59h AL = subfunction 00h get hardware configuration array ES:DI -> buffer to be filled with array (see #03655) 01h get unallocated raw page count Return: BX = unallocated raw pages DX = total raw pages Return: AH = status (see also AH=58h"EMS 4.0") A4h access denied by operating system Note: subfunction 00h is for use by operating systems only, and can be enabled or disabled at any time by the operating system Format of EMS hardware configuration array: Offset Size Description (Table 03655) 00h WORD size of raw EMM pages in paragraphs 02h WORD number of alternate register sets 04h WORD size of mapping-context save area in bytes 06h WORD number of register sets assignable to DMA 08h WORD DMA operation type 0000h DMA with alternate register sets 0001h only one DMA register set --------m-675A------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS 4.0 - ALLOCATE STANDARD/RAW PAGES AH = 5Ah AL = subfunction 00h allocate standard pages 01h allocate raw pages BX = number of pages to allocate Return: DX = handle AH = status (00h,80h,81h,84h,85h,87h,88h,8Fh) (see #03648) --------m-675B------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS 4.0 - ALTERNATE MAP REGISTER SET AH = 5Bh AL = subfunction 00h get alternate map register set Return: BL = current active alternate map register set number ES:DI -> map register context save area if BL=00h 01h set alternate map register set BL = new alternate map register set number ES:DI -> map register context save area if BL=0 02h get alternate map save array size Return: DX = array size in bytes 03h allocate alternate map register set Return: BL = number of map register set; 00h = not supported 04h deallocate alternate map register set BL = number of alternate map register set Return: AH = status (00h,80h,81h,84h,8Fh,9Ah-9Dh,A3h,A4h) (see #03656) Note: this function is for use by operating systems only, and can be enabled or disabled at any time by the operating system (Table 03656) Values for EMS function status: 00h successful 80h internal error 81h hardware malfunction 84h undefined function requested 8Fh undefined subfunction 9Ah specified alternate map register or DMA register set not supported 9Bh all alternate map register or DMA register sets currently allocated 9Ch alternate map register or DMA register sets not supported 9Dh undefined or unallocated alternate map register/DMA register set 9Eh dedicated DMA channels not supported 9Fh specified dedicated DMA channel not supported A3h source array corrupted A4h operating system denied access --------m-675B------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS 4.0 - ALTERNATE MAP REGISTER SET - DMA REGISTERS AH = 5Bh AL = subfunction 05h allocate DMA register set Return: BL = DMA register set number, 00h if not supported 06h enable DMA on alternate map register set BL = DMA register set number DL = DMA channel number 07h disable DMA on alternate map register set BL = DMA register set number 08h deallocate DMA register set BL = DMA register set number Return: AH = status (00h,80h,81h,84h,8Fh,9Ah-9Fh,A3h,A4h) (see #03656) Note: this function is for use by operating systems only, and can be enabled or disabled at any time by the operating system --------m-675BE0----------------------------- INT 67 - MICEMM v4D, RM386 - GET LINEAR ADDRESS OF MEMORY AX = 5BE0h ES:BX -> memory for which to get linear address Return: AH = 00h CX:DX = linear address of physical memory corresponding to ES:BX Program: RAM-MAN/386 is the memory manager included with Helix's Netroom; MICEMM is a memory manager for some Micronics motherboards Note: this has been superceded by AX=DE06h, which should be used instead SeeAlso: AX=5BF0h,AX=5BF1h,AX=DE06h --------m-675BE1----------------------------- INT 67 - RM386 v6.00+ - GET MEMORY MANAGER SIZE AX = 5BE1h Return: AH = 00h CX = code and data size in bytes DX:BX = physical address of RM386 code DI:SI = total size of RM386 area including handle tables BP = number of additional pages (high DOS, etc.) SeeAlso: AX=5BE0h,AX=5BE2h --------m-675BE2----------------------------- INT 67 - RM386 v6.00+ - GET INTERRUPT VECTORS AX = 5BE2h Return: DS:SI -> V86-mode table (see #03657) ES:BX -> ??? (undoc, middle of device driver interrupt routine!) SeeAlso: AX=5BE0h,AX=5BE1h Format of RM386 V86-mode table: Offset Size Description (Table 03657) 00h DWORD original INT 13 vector 04h DWORD original INT 15 vector 08h DWORD original INT 19 vector 0Ch DWORD original INT 21 vector 10h DWORD original INT 4B vector 14h DWORD original INT 67 vector --------m-675BF0----------------------------- INT 67 - MICEMM v4D, RM386 - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 5BF0h Return: AH = 00h if MICEMM or RM386 present BX = code segment of driver Program: MICEMM is the Micronics Expanded Memory Manager; RM386 is the memory manager included in Helix Software's Netroom SeeAlso: AH=3Fh,AX=5BE0h,AX=5BF1h --------m-675BF1----------------------------- INT 67 - MICEMM v4D, RM386 - GET ADDRESS MAP AX = 5BF1h ES:BX -> 256-byte (MICEMM) or 512-byte (RM386) buffer for memory types Return: AH = 00h ES:BX buffer filled (see #03658) Note: each byte in the buffer specifies the type of a 4K page of memory SeeAlso: AX=5BE0h,AX=5BF0h (Table 03658) Values for MICEMM/RM386 memory type: 00h unused (MICEMM), RAM/available (RM386) 02h DOS extension (XMS UMB) 04h shadowed ROM 08h mappable EMS 10h page frame 20h ROM 40h reserved (video memory, etc) 80h RAM (MICEMM), Windows UMB (RM386) --------m-675BF2----------------------------- INT 67 - RM386 - GET RM386 INTERNAL DATA AX = 5BF2h CX = size of buffer DS:SI -> buffer for internal data (documentation says ES:BX -> buffer, SI = offset within RM386) Return: buffer filled Note: the data returned by this function is release-specific SeeAlso: AX=5BF0h --------m-675BF3----------------------------- INT 67 - RM386 - RETURN TO REAL MODE AX = 5BF3h Return: nothing Note: use AX=5DE0h instead of this functin SeeAlso: AX=5BF0h,AX=5DE0h --------m-675BF4----------------------------- INT 67 - RM386 v6.00 - GET RM386 GLOBAL FLAGS AX = 5BF4h Return: AH = 00h BX = global flags 1 (see #03659) CX = global flags 2 (see #03660) DX = global flags 3 (see #03661) SI = global flags 4 (see #03662) SeeAlso: AX=5BF0h Bitfields for RM386 global flags 1: Bit(s) Description (Table 03659) 0-3 reserved 4 V86 mode 5 reserved 6 80386 or higher CPU 7,8 reserved 9 A20 enabled at startup 10 "HIGH_IO" 11 ROM 12 large frame 13,14 reserved 15 PS/2-style A20 control Bitfields for RM386 global flags 2: Bit(s) Description (Table 03660) 0 HMA in use 1 XMS present 2 using XMS driver memory 3 HIGH (NEAT only) 4-7 reserved 8 NOBKTRAP 9 NORESET 10 ALTMAP 11 NOFRAME 12-15 reserved Bitfields for RM386 global flags 3: Bit(s) Description (Table 03661) 0 NOTEST 1 NOEBDA 2 Windows3 support 3 system board mouse 4 DISKBUF 5 EBDALOW 6 A20 global enable flag 7 A20 flag 8 EBDA moved to stub 9 VXD file was found 10 reserved 11 NOBOOTMAP 12 AUTO 13 PS/2 machine 14 Compaq ROM merge active 15 NOHMA set Bitfields for RM386 global flags 4: Bit(s) Description (Table 03662) 0 "NOV8259" don't virtualize interrupt controller 1 NOSCSI 2 NOSCAN 3 NOTR 4 ALTBOOT 5 NOCOMPQ 6 KB2TRAP 7 DESHADOW 8 Video 7 VGA detected 9 reserved 10 NOVGA 11 NOPS2 12 DEBUG 13 NOVKB 14,15 reserved --------m-675BF5----------------------------- INT 67 - RM386 v6.00 - GET RM386 EMS HANDLE COUNT AX = 5BF5h Return: AH = status 00h successful BX = current number of allocated EMS handles 84h function not available SeeAlso: AX=5BF0h --------m-675C------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS 4.0 - PREPARE EXPANDED MEMORY HARDWARE FOR WARM BOOT AH = 5Ch Return: AH = status (see #03663) Note: when MS-DOS v6.xx EMM386 is loaded and the keyboard driver supports INT 15/AH=4Fh (keyboard intercept) calls, the system may hang instead of booting if this function is called just prior to a jump to F000h:FFF0h (Table 03663) Values for EMS function status: 00h successful 80h internal error 81h hardware malfunction 84h undefined function requested --------m-675D------------------------------- INT 67 - LIM EMS 4.0 - ENABLE/DISABLE OS FUNCTION SET FUNCTIONS AH = 5Dh AL = subfunction 00h enable OS Function Set 01h disable OS Function Set 02h return access key (resets memory manager, returns access key at next invocation) BX,CX = access key returned by first invocation Return: BX,CX = access key, returned only on first invocation of function AH = status (see also AH=5Ch) 8Fh undefined subfunction A4h operating system denied access --------m-675D03----------------------------- INT 67 u - Nanosoft MD386 - INTERNAL INITIALIZATION AX = 5D03h ??? Return: ??? Program: MD386 is a subset EMS memory manager by Nanosoft specifically designed for use with the MultiDOS Plus multitasker SeeAlso: AX=5D04h,AX=5E00h --------m-675D04----------------------------- INT 67 - Nanosoft MD386 - GET ALTERNATE MAP STRUCTURE AX = 5D04h BX = alternate register set number ES:DI -> 1024-byte buffer for map structure Return: AH = status (see #03648) buffer filled if AH=00h Note: used for debugging purposes SeeAlso: AX=5D05h --------m-675D05----------------------------- INT 67 - Nanosoft MD386 - GET INTERNAL HANDLE TABLE AX = 5D05h BX = handle number ES:DI -> 1024-byte buffer for handle table Return: AH = status (see #03648) buffer filled if AH=00h Note: used for debugging purposes SeeAlso: AX=5D04h --------m-675DE0----------------------------- INT 67 - RM386 - DISABLE RM386 AX = 5DE0h Note: RM386 traps this function on the initial transition to protected mode caused by the INT instruction, which means it can not be overridden simply by hooking the interrupt SeeAlso: AX=5DE1h --------m-675DE1----------------------------- INT 67 - RM386 - ENABLE RM386 AX = 5DE1h Note: RM386 traps this function on the initial transition to protected mode caused by the INT instruction, which means it can not be overridden simply by hooking the interrupt SeeAlso: AX=5DE0h --------m-675DE2----------------------------- INT 67 - RM386 - GET PAGE TABLE AX = 5DE2h ES:DI -> 1088-byte buffer for page table Return: ES:DI buffer filled Note: RM386 traps this function on the initial transition to protected mode caused by the INT instruction, which means it can not be overridden simply by hooking the interrupt SeeAlso: AX=5DE3h --------m-675DE3----------------------------- INT 67 - RM386 - SET PAGE TABLE AX = 5DE3h ES:DI -> 1088-byte buffer containing page table Notes: only the access bits of the page table are used, the remainder is ignored RM386 traps this function on the initial transition to protected mode caused by the INT instruction, which means it can not be overridden simply by hooking the interrupt SeeAlso: AX=5DE2h --------m-675DE4----------------------------- INT 67 - RM386 - SET WRITE-PROTECTION FOR PAGE IN FIRST MEGABYTE AX = 5DE4h BL = page number BH = access (00h read-only, 01h read-write) Note: RM386 traps this function on the initial transition to protected mode caused by the INT instruction, which means it can not be overridden simply by hooking the interrupt --------m-675DE5----------------------------- INT 67 - RM386 - MAP PHYSICAL PAGE TO PHYSICAL SEGMENT AX = 5DE5h EBX = physical page number DX = page number in first megabyte to be remapped (linear-addr SHR 12) Return: AH = status 00h successful 8Bh invalid destination page (not in first megabyte) Note: RM386 traps this function on the initial transition to protected mode caused by the INT instruction, which means it can not be overridden simply by hooking the interrupt SeeAlso: AX=5DE6h --------m-675DE6----------------------------- INT 67 - RM386 - MAP LOGICAL 4K PAGE TO PHYSICAL SEGMENT AX = 5DE6h BX = logical page number in 4K pages from beginning of memory for EMS handle CX = segment in first megabyte to be remapped DX = previously-allocated EMS handle Return: AH = status 00h successful 83h invalid handle 8Ah invalid logical page (out of handle's range) 8Bh invalid destination page (not in first megabyte) Note: RM386 traps this function on the initial transition to protected mode caused by the INT instruction, which means it can not be overridden simply by hooking the interrupt SeeAlso: AX=5DE5h --------m-675DE7----------------------------- INT 67 - RM386 - SET PAGE TABLE BITS FOR RANGE OF PAGES AX = 5DE7h BL = page table bits to be set (bits 2-0 = U/S, R/W, P) CX = number of pages to set DX = first page number to set (in first megabyte) Return: AH = status 00h successful 8Bh invalid destination page (not in first megabyte) A5h invalid page bits A6h invalid page count (overflows first megabyte) Note: RM386 traps this function on the initial transition to protected mode caused by the INT instruction, which means it can not be overridden simply by hooking the interrupt --------m-675DE8----------------------------- INT 67 - RM386 - GET PARTIAL PAGE TABLE AX = 5DE8h BX = starting page number in first megabyte+HMA (0000h-010Fh) CX = number of page table entries to get ES:DI -> buffer for DWORD page table entries Return: AH = status (00h successful, 8Bh invalid page) Note: RM386 traps this function on the initial transition to protected mode caused by the INT instruction, which means it can not be overridden simply by hooking the interrupt SeeAlso: AX=5DE9h --------m-675DE9----------------------------- INT 67 - RM386 - SET PARTIAL PAGE TABLE AX = 5DE9h BX = starting page number in first megabyte+HMA (0000h-010Fh) CX = number of page table entries to get DS:SI -> buffer of DWORD page table entries Return: AH = status (00h successful, 8Bh invalid destination page) Note: RM386 traps this function on the initial transition to protected mode caused by the INT instruction, which means it can not be overridden simply by hooking the interrupt SeeAlso: AX=5DE8h --------m-675DEA----------------------------- INT 67 - RM386 - V86-MODE I/O PORT TRAPPING CONTROL AX = 5DEAh BX = function 00h globally disable V86-mode trapping 01h globally enable V86-mode trapping CL = interrupt to use for trapping 02h get I/O trapping state Return: AH = status 00h successful BX = current trapping state (function 02h) 0000h disabled, 0001h enabled CX = interrupt used as trap interrupt (functions 00h and 02h) Notes: RM386 traps this function on the initial transition to protected mode caused by the INT instruction, which means it can not be overridden simply by hooking the interrupt when I/O trapping is enabled and I/O port access occurs, RM386 simulates an INT instruction for the specified interrupt; the interrupt handler is responsible for decoding the trapped instruction and performing the appropriate action. INT 2C/AX=002Dh provides a similar but more-easily used interface. SeeAlso: AX=5DEBh,AH=EFh"RM386",INT 2C/AX=002Dh --------m-675DEB----------------------------- INT 67 - RM386 - V86-MODE I/O TRAPPING PORT CONTROL AX = 5DEBh BX = function 00h disable V86-mode trapping for specified port 01h enable V86-mode trapping for specified port 02h get V86-mode trapping state for specified port DX = port for which to enable/disable/query trapping Return: AH = status 00h successful BX = current trapping state (00h off, 01h on) (function 02) A7h invalid port ID A8h reserved port--cannot trap/untrap (DMA/INT/KBD controllers) Notes: RM386 traps this function on the initial transition to protected mode caused by the INT instruction, which means it can not be overridden simply by hooking the interrupt SeeAlso: AX=5DEAh --------m-675DFD----------------------------- INT 67 U - RM386 v6.00 - ??? AX = 5DFDh ??? Return: ??? Note: RM386 traps this function on the initial transition to protected mode caused by the INT instruction, which means it can not be overridden simply by hooking the interrupt SeeAlso: AX=5DFEh --------m-675DFE----------------------------- INT 67 U - RM386 v6.00 - ??? AX = 5DFEh ??? Return: ??? Note: RM386 traps this function on the initial transition to protected mode caused by the INT instruction, which means it can not be overridden simply by hooking the interrupt SeeAlso: AX=5DFDh --------m-675DFF----------------------------- INT 67 U - RM386 v6.00 - ??? AX = 5DFFh ??? Return: ??? Note: RM386 traps this function on the initial transition to protected mode caused by the INT instruction, which means it can not be overridden simply by hooking the interrupt SeeAlso: AX=5DFDh,AX=5DFEh --------m-675E00----------------------------- INT 67 - Nanosoft MD386 - SET HARDWARE BREAKPOINT AX = 5E00h DH = breakpoint number (0-3) DL = breakpoint attributes (used to set DR7) CX:BX = linear address of breakpoint SeeAlso: AX=5D03h,AX=5E01h --------m-675E01----------------------------- INT 67 - Nanosoft MD386 - GET HARDWARE DEBUG REGISTER AX = 5E01h BL = register number (0-3,7) Return: CX:BX = value of specified DRx register SeeAlso: AX=5E00h --------m-675E02----------------------------- INT 67 - Nanosoft MD386 - SET DEBUG EXCEPTION HANDLER AX = 5E02h CX:BX -> exception handler Note: the specified exception handler is called with a simulated interrupt whenever a debug exception occurs which was caused by a hardware breakpoint set with the debug registers SeeAlso: AX=5E04h,AX=5E05h --------m-675E03----------------------------- INT 67 - Nanosoft MD386 - ENABLE/DISABLE MEMORY WRITE PROTECTION AX = 5E03h BL = register map set number BH = new state (00h read-only, else read-write) CX = linear page number (linear address SHR 12) Note: setting write protection in map set 0 will cause the setting to become the default for newly-allocated map sets --------m-675E04----------------------------- INT 67 - Nanosoft MD386 - GET DEBUG EXCEPTION AX = 5E04h Return: BL = debug exception (low byte of DR6 register) SeeAlso: AX=5E02h,AX=5E05h --------m-675E05----------------------------- INT 67 - Nanosoft MD386 - IGNORE NEXT DEBUG EXCEPTION AX = 5E05h Note: may be required when using AX=5E02h for handling instruction breakpoints SeeAlso: AX=5E02h,AX=5E04h --------m-6760------------------------------- INT 67 - EEMS - GET PHYSICAL WINDOW ARRAY AH = 60h ES:DI -> buffer Return: AH = status (see also AH=40h) AL = number of entries buffer at ES:DI filled --------m-6761------------------------------- INT 67 - EEMS - GENERIC ACCELERATOR CARD SUPPORT AH = 61h ??? Return: ??? Note: can be used by accelerator card manufacturer to flush RAM cache, ensuring that the cache accurately reflects what the processor would see without the cache. --------m-676100----------------------------- INT 67 - EEMS - STB GENERIC ACCELERATOR CARD SUPPORT - INSTALLATION CHECK??? AX = 6100h Return: AH = status (00h if installed???) Note: STB's RAPIDMAP.SYS EMS driver calls this function and AX=6101h if the signature "GACXXX" is found at offset 0Ah in the INT 67 handler's segment (i.e. a device driver named GACXXX?? has hooked INT 67) SeeAlso: AX=6101h,INT 02/SI=0714h --------m-676101----------------------------- INT 67 - EEMS - STB GENERIC ACCELERATOR CARD SUPPORT - GET ??? ENTRY POINT AX = 6101h Return: AH = status ---if AH=00h--- ES:BX -> ??? entry point SeeAlso: AX=6100h --------m-6768------------------------------- INT 67 - EEMS - GET ADDRESSES OF ALL PAGE FRAMES IN SYSTEM AH = 68h ES:DI -> buffer Return: AH = status (see also AH=40h) AL = number of entries buffer at ES:DI filled Note: equivalent to LIM 4.0 function 58h --------m-6769------------------------------- INT 67 - EEMS - MAP PAGE INTO FRAME AH = 69h AL = frame number BX = page number DX = handle Return: AH = status (see also AH=40h) Note: similar to EMS function 44h SeeAlso: AH=44h,AH=50h,AH=6Ah --------m-676A------------------------------- INT 67 - EEMS - PAGE MAPPING AH = 6Ah AL = subfunction 00h save partial page map CH = first page frame CL = number of frames ES:DI -> buffer which is to be filled 01h restore partial page map CH = first page frame CL = number of frames DI:SI -> previously saved page map 02h save and restore partial page map CH = first page frame CL = number of frames ES:DI = buffer for current page map DI:SI = new page map 03h get size of save array CH = first page frame CL = number of frames Return: AL = size of array in bytes 04h switch to standard map register setting 05h switch to alternate map register setting 06h deallocate pages mapped to frames in conventional memory CH = first page frame CL = number of frames Return: AH = status (see #03648) Note: similar to EMS function 4Eh, except that a subrange of pages can be specified SeeAlso: AH=69h --------m-676B------------------------------- INT 67 - DESQview 2.42-2.53 - BUG AH = 6Bh Note: the EMM.DVR portion of DESQview branches to a random location on this function due to a fencepost error --------m-67DD------------------------------- INT 67 - Quadtel QMAPS - API AH = DDh AL = function ??? Return: ??? Notes: details are not yet available Hewlett-Packard's HPMM.SYS is a licensed version of QMAPS, and thus supports this API SeeAlso: AH=3Fh,AX=FFA5h --------E-67DE00----------------------------- INT 67 - Virtual Control Program Interface - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = DE00h Return: AH = status 00h VCPI is present BH = major version number BL = minor version number nonzero VCPI not present BUG: MS Windows 3.00 is reported to "object violently" to this call. SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1687h --------E-67DE01----------------------------- INT 67 - Virtual Control Program Interface - GET PROTECTED MODE INTERFACE AX = DE01h ES:DI -> 4K page table buffer DS:SI -> three descriptor table entries in GDT first becomes code segment descriptor, other two for use by main control program Return: AH = 00h successful DI -> first unused page table entry in buffer EBX -> protected mode entry point in code segment (see #03664) AH = nonzero failed Note: protected mode entry point may be called with AX=DE00h-DE05h and AX=DE0Ch (in each case, all other registers as appropriate for the function) SeeAlso: INT 2F/AX=1687h,INT 67/AH=3Fh (Table 03664) Call QEMM v6.03 protected mode entry point additionally with: AX = DF00h ??? ??? Return: ??? AX = DF01h ??? ??? Return: ??? --------E-67DE02----------------------------- INT 67 - Virtual Control Program Interface - GET MAX PHYSICAL MEMORY ADDRESS AX = DE02h Return: AH = 00h successful EDX = physical address of highest 4K memory page AH nonzero: failed SeeAlso: AH=3Fh --------E-67DE03----------------------------- INT 67 - Virtual Control Program Interface - GET NUMBER OF FREE 4K PAGES AX = DE03h Return: AH = 00h successful EDX = number of free 4K pages AH nonzero: failed Notes: returns total number of pages available to ALL tasks in system also available in protected mode by calling the protected-mode VCPI entry point (see AX=DE01h,#03664) SeeAlso: AX=DE04h --------E-67DE04----------------------------- INT 67 - Virtual Control Program Interface - ALLOCATE A 4K PAGE AX = DE04h Return: AH = 00h successful EDX = physical address of allocated page AH nonzero: failed Notes: the client program is responsible for freeing all memory allocated with this call before terminating also available in protected mode by calling the protected-mode VCPI entry point (see AX=DE01h,#03664) SeeAlso: AH=3Fh,AX=DE03h,AX=DE05h --------E-67DE05----------------------------- INT 67 - Virtual Control Program Interface - FREE 4K PAGE AX = DE05h EDX = physical address of 4K page Return: AH = status 00h successful nonzero failed Note: also available in protected mode by calling the protected-mode VCPI entry point (see AX=DE01h,#03664) SeeAlso: AH=3Fh,AX=DE04h --------E-67DE06----------------------------- INT 67 - Virtual Control Program Interface - GET PHYS ADDR OF PAGE IN FIRST MB AX = DE06h CX = page number (linear address shifted right 12 bits) Return: AH = status 00h successful EDX = physical address of page nonzero invalid page number (AH = 8Bh recommended) SeeAlso: AX=5BE0h --------E-67DE07----------------------------- INT 67 - Virtual Control Program Interface - READ CR0 AX = DE07h Return: AH = 00h EBX = value of Control Register 0 SeeAlso: AH=3Fh,AX=DE07h --------E-67DE08----------------------------- INT 67 - Virtual Control Program Interface - READ DEBUG REGISTERS AX = DE08h ES:DI -> array of 8 DWORDs Return: AH = 00h buffer filled with DR0 first, DR7 last, DR4 and DR5 unused SeeAlso: AH=3Fh,AX=DE09h --------E-67DE09----------------------------- INT 67 - Virtual Control Program Interface - SET DEBUG REGISTERS AX = DE09h ES:DI -> array of 8 DWORDs holding new values of debug registers Return: AH = 00h Note: values for DR4 and DR5 ignored SeeAlso: AH=3Fh,AX=DE08h --------E-67DE0A----------------------------- INT 67 - Virtual Control Program Interface - GET 8259 INTERRUPT VECTOR MAPPINGS AX = DE0Ah Return: AH = 00h successful BX = first vector used by master 8259 (IRQ0) CX = first vector used by slave 8259 (IRQ8) AH nonzero: failed Note: CX is undefined in systems without a slave 8259 SeeAlso: AX=DE0Bh,INT 21/AX=250Ch,INT 31/AX=0400h --------E-67DE0B----------------------------- INT 67 - Virtual Control Program Interface - SET 8259 INTERRUPT VECTOR MAPPINGS AX = DE0Bh BX = first vector used by master 8259 CX = first vector used by slave 8259 interrupts disabled Return: AH = 00h successful AH nonzero: failed Notes: This call merely informs the server that the client has changed the interrupt mappings. The client may not change the mappings if they have already been changed by the server or another client, and is responsible for restoring the original mappings before terminating. SeeAlso: AX=DE0Ah,INT 2C/AX=002Ah --------E-67DE0C----------------------------- INT 67 - Virtual Control Program Interface - SWITCH TO PROTECTED MODE AX = DE0Ch ESI = linear address in first megabyte of values for system registers (see #03665) interrupts disabled Return: interrupts disabled GDTR, IDTR, LDTR, TR loaded SS:ESP must have at least 16 bytes space, and the entry point is required to set up a new stack before enabling interrupts EAX, ESI, DS, ES, FS, GS destroyed Note: in protected mode, calling the protected-mode VCPI entry point with AX = DE0Ch DS = segment selector mapping entire linear address space obtained via AX=DE01h SS:ESP in first megabyte of linear memory STACK:QWORD return address from FAR call to 32-bit segment DWORD EIP DWORD CS DWORD reserved for EFLAGS DWORD ESP DWORD SS DWORD ES DWORD DS DWORD FS DWORD GS and interrupts disabled, will switch to virtual86 mode with interrupts disabled, all segment registers loaded, and EAX destroyed. SeeAlso: AH=3Fh,INT 15/AH=89h,INT D4/AH=10h Format of system register values for switch to protected mode: Offset Size Description (Table 03665) 00h DWORD value for CR3 04h DWORD linear address in first megabyte of value for GDTR 08h DWORD linear address in first megabyte of value for IDTR 0Ch WORD value for LDTR 0Eh WORD value for TR 10h PWORD CS:EIP of protected mode entry-point --------m-67DE0F----------------------------- INT 67 - Netroom3 - ??? AX = DE0Fh ??? Return: ??? Note: called by Netroom's DPMI.EXE --------s-67DEE1BX0C55----------------------- INT 67 - "SB Live!" Sound Blaster 16 Emulation Driver - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = DEE1h BX = 0C55h Return: BL = AAh if installed --------m-67EF------------------------------- INT 67 - RM386 v6.00+ - EXECUTE XMS FUNCTION AH = EFh AL = function (00h-12h,80h-8Fh) other register as appropriate for XMS function Return: varies by function (see INT 2F/AX=4310h"XMS") Note: these functions appear to be equivalent to the XMS functions with the same numbers SeeAlso: AX=5DFFh"RM386",INT 2F/AX=4310h"XMS" --------m-67FFA5----------------------------- INT 67 - Microsoft EMM386.EXE v4.20+ - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = FFA5h Return: AX = 845Ah/84A5h if loaded BX:CX -> API entry point (see #03666) Notes: this call is available even if EMM386 is not providing EMS the returned AX is 845Ah inside of MSWindows, 84A5h under bare DOS if no other program has hooked INT 67, an alternate installation check is to test for the string "MICROSOFT EXPANDED MEMORY MANAGER 386" at offset 14h in the INT 67 handler's segment; the word immediately preceding this string contains the offset of the API entry point SeeAlso: AH=3Fh,AX=FFA5h/BX=4345h,INT 21/AX=4402h"EMM386.EXE" (Table 03666) Call EMM386.EXE API entry point with: AH = 00h get memory manager's status Return: AH = status bit 0: not active (OFF) bit 1: in "Auto" mode AH = 01h set memory manager's state AL = new state (00h ON, 01h OFF, 02h AUTO) AH = 02h Weitek coprocessor support AL = subfunction 00h get Weitek support state Return: AL = status bit 0: Weitek coprocessor is present bit 1: Weitek support is enabled 01h turn on Weitek support 02h turn off Weitek support --- v4.20-4.41 only --- AH = 03h Windows support??? AL = subfunction (00h, 01h) AH = 04h print copyright notice to standard output (using INT 21/AH=09h) AH = 05h print available report (the one shown when running EMM386 from the DOS prompt) SeeAlso: #01513 at INT 21/AX=4402h/SF=02h,#02617 at INT 2F/AX=12FFh/BX=0106h --------m-67FFA5BX4345----------------------- INT 67 U - Compaq CEMM v5.10+ - PRIVATE API AX = FFA5h BX = 4345h ("CE") DX = subfunction 0000h unshadow video ROM??? 0001h shadow video ROM??? 0002h map pages CX = number of pages (00h=one) ESI = linear address of first page to map into address space EDI = linear starting address at which pages are to be visible 0003h get ??? Return: DX = ??? (0-2) 0004h BUG: crashes system due to fencepost error Return: AH = 84h AL = status (84h = error, FFh = success) Note: if BX <> 4345h or DX > 0004h on entry, CEMM behaves identically to Microsoft's EMM386 (see AX=FFA5h"EMM386") SeeAlso: AX=FFA5h"EMM386",#01513 at INT 21/AX=4402h/SF=02h,#03666 --------I-68--------------------------------- INT 68 - Sangoma CCPOP 3270 resident module SeeAlso: INT 67"Sangoma",INT 92"Sangoma" --------N-68--------------------------------- INT 68 - Novell NetWare LU6.2 InstallCheck: test for the signature string "APPC/PC" nine bytes before the interrupt handler SeeAlso: AH=01h/SF=1B00h,AH=FAh --------h-68--------------------------------- INT 68 C - HP Vectra AT - IRQ16 - 8041 SERVICE REQUEST SeeAlso: INT 08"IRQ0",INT 69"HP Vectra",INT 6F/AH=00h"HP" --------N-6801--SF1B00----------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - NETWORK DEVICE CONTROL - DISPLAY AH = 01h subfn 1B00h DS:DX -> control block (see #03667) Return: control block updated SeeAlso: AH=01h/SF=2000h,AH=01h/SF=2B00h,INT 68"Novell" Format of APPC/PC "DISPLAY" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03667) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 1B00h (verb "DISPLAY") 0Eh 6 BYTEs 00h 14h DWORD (big-endian) return code (see #03668) 18h WORD 00h 1Ah 8 BYTEs (big-endian) logical unit ID 22h 8 BYTEs (big-endian) partner logical unit name 2Ah 8 BYTEs (big-endian) mode name 32h BYTE logical unit session limit 33h BYTE partner logical unit session limit 34h BYTE node maximum negotiable session limit 35h BYTE current session limit 36h BYTE minimum negotiated winner limit 37h BYTE maximum negotiated loser limit 38h BYTE active session count 39h BYTE active CONWINNER session count 3Ah BYTE active CONLOSER session count 3Bh BYTE session termination count 3Ch BYTE bit 7: SESSION_TERMINATION_TARGET_DRAIN bit 6: SESSION_TERMINATION_SOURCE_DRAIN (Table 03668) Values for APPC/PC return code: 0000h successful 0001h BAD_TP_ID 0002h BAD_CONV_ID 0003h bad logical unit ID 0008h no physical unit attached 0110h bad state 01B1h BAD_PART_LUNAME 01B2h bad mode name 0201h physical unit already active 0211h logical unit already active 0212h BAD_PART_SESS 0213h BAD_RU_SIZES 0214h BAD_MODE_SESS 0216h BAD_PACING_CNT 0219h EXTREME_RUS 021Ah SNASVCMG_1 0223h SSCP_CONNECTED_LU 0230h invalid change 0243h too many TPs 0272h adapter close failure 0281h GET_ALLOC_BAD_TYPE 0282h unsuccessful 0283h DLC failure 0284h unrecognized DLC 0286h duplicate DLC 0301h SSCP_PU_SESSION_NOT_ACTIVE 0302h data exceeds RU size 0401h invalid direction 0402h invalid type 0403h segment overlap 0404h invalid first character 0405h table error 0406h conversion error F0010000h APPC disabled F0020000h APPC busy F0030000h APPC abended F0040000h incomplete --------N-6801--SF2000----------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - NETWORK DEVICE CONTROL - ATTACH PHYSICAL UNIT AH = 01h subfn 2000h DS:DX -> control block (see #03669) Return: control block updated SeeAlso: AH=01h/SF=2100h,AH=01h/SF=2B00h Format of APPC/PC "Attach Physical Unit" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03669) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 2000h (verb "Attach Physical Unit") 0Eh 6 BYTEs 00h 14h DWORD (big-endian) return code (see #03668) 18h WORD 00h 1Ah BYTE version 1Bh BYTE release 1Ch 8 BYTEs (big-endian) net name 24h 8 BYTEs (big-endian) physical unit name 2Ch 8 BYTEs 00h 34h DWORD pointer to SYSTEM_LOG_EXIT routine, FFFFFFFFh=don't log errors (see also AH=01h/SF=2100h) 38h DWORD 00h 3Ch BYTE 00h RETURN_CONTROL: COMPLETE 01h RETURN_CONTROL: INCOMPLETE --------N-6801--SF2100----------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - NETWORK DEVICE CONTROL - ATTACH LOGICAL UNIT AH = 01h subfn 2100h DS:DX -> control block (see #03670) Return: control block updated SeeAlso: #03673,#03674,#03676,AH=01h/SF=2000h,AH=01h/SF=2200h,AH=01h/SF=2B00h Format of APPC/PC "Attach Logical Unit" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03670) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 2100h (verb "Attach Logical Unit") 0Eh 6 BYTEs 00h 14h DWORD (big-endian) return code (see #03668) 18h WORD 70 offset to partner logical unit record 1Ah 8 BYTEs (big-endian) logical unit name 22h 8 BYTEs (big-endian) logical unit ID 2Ah BYTE logical unit local address 2Bh BYTE logical unit session limit 2Ch DWORD pointer to CREATE_TP_EXIT routine, FFFFFFFFh = reject incoming ALLOCATEs 00000000h = queue ALLOCATEs 30h DWORD 00h 34h DWORD pointer to SYSTEM_LOG_EXIT routine, FFFFFFFFh=don't log errors 38h DWORD 00h 3Ch BYTE maximum TPs 3Dh BYTE queue depth 3Eh DWORD pointer to LU_LU_PASSWORD_EXIT routine, FFFFFFFFh=no pswd exit 42h DWORD 00h 46h WORD total length of partner records 48h var array of partner logical unit records (see #03671) SeeAlso: #03673,#03674,#03676 Format of APPC/PC partner logical unit record: Offset Size Description (Table 03671) 00h WORD length of this partner logical unit record 02h WORD 42 offset to mode records 04h 8 BYTEs (big-endian) partner logical unit name 0Ch BYTE partner logical unit security capabilities bit 7: already verified bit 6: conversation level security bit 5: session level security 0Dh BYTE partner logical unit session limit 0Eh WORD partner logical unit maximum MC_SEND_LL 10h 8 BYTEs (big-endian) partner logical unit DLC name 18h BYTE partner logical unit adapter number 19h 17 BYTEs (counted string) partner logical unit adapter address 2Ah WORD total length of mode records 2Ch 16N BYTEs array of mode records (see #03672) Format of mode record: Offset Size Description (Table 03672) 00h WORD 16 length of this mode record 02h 8 BYTEs (big-endian) mode name 0Ah WORD RU_SIZE high bound 0Ch WORD RU_SIZE low bound 0Eh BYTE mode maximum negotiable session limit 0Fh BYTE pacing size for receive Routines defined by LU_LU_PASSWORD_EXIT, CREATE_TP_EXIT, and SYSTEM_LOG_EXIT pointers are called by pushing the DWORD pointer to the verb on the stack and then performing a FAR call. Format of ACCESS_LU_LU_PW verb: Offset Size Description (Table 03673) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 1900h (verb "ACCESS_LU_LU_PW") 0Eh 8 BYTEs (big-endian) logical unit ID 16h 8 BYTEs (big-endian) logical unit name 1Eh 8 BYTEs (big-endian) partner logical unit name 26h 17 BYTEs (counted string) partner fully qualified logical unit name 37h BYTE password available (0=no, 1=yes) 38h 8 BYTEs password SeeAlso: #03670,#03674,#03676 Format of CREATE_TP verb: Offset Size Description (Table 03674) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 2300h (verb "CREATE_TP") 0Eh 6 BYTEs 00h 14h DWORD (big-endian) sense code (see #03675) 18h 8 BYTEs (big-endian) TP ID 20h 8 BYTEs (big-endian) logical unit ID 28h DWORD (big-endian) conversation ID 2Ch BYTE 0 basic conversation, 1 mapped conversation 2Dh BYTE 0 no sync level, 1 confirm 2Eh BYTE reserved 2Fh 65 BYTEs (counted string) transaction program name 70h 6 BYTEs 00h 76h WORD length of ERROR_LOG_DATA to return 78h DWORD pointer to ERROR_LOG_DATA buffer 7Ch 8 BYTEs (big-endian) partner logical unit name 84h 18 BYTEs (counted string) partner fully qualified logical unit name 96h 8 BYTEs (big-endian) mode name 9Eh 12 BYTEs 00h AAh 11 BYTEs (counted string) password B5h 11 BYTEs (counted string) user ID C0h BYTE 0 verification should be performed 1 already verified SeeAlso: #03673,#03676 (Table 03675) Values for APPC/PC sense code: 00000000h Ok 080F6051h SECURITY_NOT_VALID 084B6031h TP_NOT_AVAIL_RETRY 084C0000h TP_NOT_AVAIL_NO_RETRY 10086021h TP_NAME_NOT_RECOGNIZED 10086034h CONVERSATION_TYPE_MISMATCH 10086041h SYNC_LEVEL_NOT_SUPPORTED Format of SYSLOG verb: Offset Size Description (Table 03676) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 2600h (verb "SYSLOG") 0Eh 10 BYTEs 00h 18h WORD (big-endian) type 1Ah DWORD (big-endian) subtype 1Eh DWORD pointer to ADDITIONAL_INFO 22h DWORD (big-endian) conversation ID 26h 8 BYTEs (big-endian) TP ID 2Eh 8 BYTEs (big-endian) physical unit or logical unit name 36h WORD length of data 38h DWORD pointer to data 3Ch BYTE 00h SeeAlso: #03673,#03674 --------N-6801--SF2200----------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - NETWORK DEVICE CONTROL - DETACH LOGICAL UNIT AH = 01h subfn 2200h DS:DX -> control block (see #03677) Return: control block updated SeeAlso: AH=01h/SF=2000h,AH=01h/SF=2100h,AH=01h/SF=2700h Format of APPC/PC "Detach Logical Unit" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03677) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 2200h (verb "Detach Logical Unit") 0Eh 6 BYTEs 00h 14h DWORD (big-endian) return code (see #03668) 18h 8 BYTEs (big-endian) logical unit ID 20h BYTE 00h --------N-6801--SF2700----------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - NETWORK DEVICE CONTROL - DETACH PHYSICAL UNIT AH = 01h subfn 2700h DS:DX -> control block (see #03678) Return: control block updated SeeAlso: AH=01h/SF=2000h,AH=01h/SF=2100h,AH=01h/SF=2200h Format of APPC/PC "Detach Physical Unit" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03678) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 2700h (verb "Detach Physical Unit") 0Eh 6 BYTEs 00h 14h DWORD (big-endian) return code (see #03668) 18h BYTE 00h type: hard 01h type: soft --------N-6801--SF2B00----------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - NETWORK DEVICE CONTROL - ACTIVATE DLC AH = 01h subfn 2B00h DS:DX -> control block (see #03679) Return: control block updated SeeAlso: AH=01h/SF=1B00h,AH=01h/SF=2000h Format of APPC/PC "Activate DLC" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03679) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 2B00h (verb "Activate DLC") 0Eh 6 BYTEs 00h 14h DWORD (big-endian) return code (see #03668) 18h 8 BYTEs (big-endian) DLC name 20h BYTE adapter number --------N-6802--SF0100----------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - CONNECTION CONTROL - ALLOCATE AH = 02h subfn 0100h DS:DX -> control block (see #03680) Return: control block updated SeeAlso: AH=02h/SF=0500h Format of APPC/PC "Allocate" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03680) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 0100h (verb "Allocate" or "MC_Allocate") 0Eh BYTE 1 if MC_ (mapped conversation) form of verb 0 if basic verb 0Fh 5 BYTEs reserved (0) 14h WORD (big-endian) primary return code (see #03681) 16h DWORD (big-endian) error code (see #03682) 1Ah 8 BYTEs (big-endian) TP_ID 22h DWORD (big-endian) conversation ID 26h BYTE (MC_Allocate only) conversation type 0 basic conversation 1 mapped conversation 27h BYTE SYNC_LEVEL (00h none, 01h confirm) 28h WORD 0000h 2Ah BYTE RETURN_CONTROL 00h when session allocated 01h immediate 02h when session free 2Bh 8 BYTEs 00h 33h 8 BYTEs (big-endian) partner logical unit name 3Bh 8 BYTEs (big-endian) mode name 43h 65 BYTEs (counted string) TP name 84h BYTE security (00h none, 01h same, 02h pgm) 85h 11 BYTEs 00h 90h 11 BYTEs (counted string) password 9Bh 11 BYTEs (counted string) user ID A6h WORD PIP_DATA length A8h DWORD pointer to PIP_DATA (Table 03681) Values for APPC/PC primary return code: 0000h successful 0001h parameter check 0002h state check 0003h allocation error 0005h deallocate abended 0006h deallocate abended program 0007h deallocate abended SVC 0008h deallocate abended timer 0009h deallocate normal return 000Ah data posting blocked 000Bh posting not active 000Ch PROG_ERROR_NO_TRUNC 000Dh PROG_ERROR_TRUNC 000Eh PROG_ERROR_PURGING 000Fh CONV_FAILURE_RETRY 0010h CONV_FAILURE_NO_RETRY 0011h SVC_ERROR_NO_TRUNC 0012h SVC_ERROR_TRUNC 0013h SVC_ERROR_PURGING 0014h unsuccessful 0018h CNOS partner logical unit reject 0019h conversation type mixed F001h APPC disabled F002h APPC busy F003h APPC abended F004h incomplete (Table 03682) Values for APPC/PC error code: 0001h bad TP ID 0002h bad conversation ID 0004h allocation error, no retry 0005h allocation error, retry 0006h data area crosses segment boundary 0010h bad TPN length 0011h bad CONV length 0012h bad SYNC level 0013h bad security selection 0014h bad return control 0015h SEC_TOKENS too big 0016h PIP_LEN incorrect 0017h no use of SNASVCMG 0018h unknown partner mode 0031h confirm: SYNC_NONE 0032h confirm: bad state 0033h confirm: NOT_LL_BDY 0041h confirmed: bad state 0051h deallocate: bad type 0052h deallocate: flush bad state 0053h deallocate: confirm bad state 0055h deallocate: NOT_LL_BDY 0057h deallocate: log LL_WRONG 0061h flush: not send state 0091h post on receipt: invalid length 0092h post on receipt: not in receive state 0093h post on receipt: bad fill 00A1h prepare to receive:invalid type 00A2h prepare to receive: unfinished LL 00A3h prepare to receive: not in send state 00B1h receive and wait: bad state 00B2h receive and wait: NOT_LL_BDY 00B5h receive and wait: bad fill 00C1h receive immediate: not in receive state 00C4h receive immediate: bad fill 00E1h request to send: not in receive state 00F1h send data: bad LL 00F2h send data: not in send state 0102h send error: log LL wrong 0103h send error: bad type 0121h test: invalid type 0122h test: not in receive state --------N-6802--SF0300----------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - CONNECTION CONTROL - CONFIRM AH = 02h subfn 0300h DS:DX -> control block (see #03683) Return: control block updated SeeAlso: AH=02h/SF=0400h Format of APPC/PC "Confirm" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03683) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 0300h (verb "Confirm" or "MC_Confirm") 0Eh BYTE 1 if MC_ (mapped conversation) form of verb 0 if basic verb 0Fh 5 BYTEs reserved (0) 14h WORD (big-endian) primary return code (see #03681) 16h DWORD (big-endian) error code (see #03682) 1Ah 8 BYTEs (big-endian) TP_ID 22h DWORD (big-endian) conversation ID 26h BYTE request to send received (0=no, 1=yes) --------N-6802--SF0400----------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - CONNECTION CONTROL - CONFIRMED AH = 02h subfn 0400h DS:DX -> control block (see #03684) Return: control block updated SeeAlso: AH=02h/SF=0300h Format of APPC/PC "Confirmed" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03684) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 0400h (verb "Confirmed" or "MC_Confirmed") 0Eh BYTE 1 if MC_ (mapped conversation) form of verb 0 if basic verb 0Fh 5 BYTEs reserved (0) 14h WORD (big-endian) primary return code (see #03681) 16h DWORD (big-endian) error code (see #03682) 1Ah 8 BYTEs (big-endian) TP_ID 22h DWORD (big-endian) conversation ID --------N-6802--SF0500----------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - CONNECTION CONTROL - DEALLOCATE AH = 02h subfn 0500h DS:DX -> control block (see #03685) Return: control block updated SeeAlso: AH=02h/SF=0100h,AH=02h/SF=0300h Format of APPC/PC "Deallocate" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03685) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 0500h (verb "Deallocate" or "MC_Deallocate") 0Eh BYTE 1 if MC_ (mapped conversation) form of verb 0 if basic verb 0Fh 5 BYTEs reserved (0) 14h WORD (big-endian) primary return code (see #03681) 16h DWORD (big-endian) error code (see #03682) 1Ah 8 BYTEs (big-endian) TP_ID 22h DWORD (big-endian) conversation ID 26h BYTE 00h 27h BYTE type 00h SYNC_LEVEL 01h FLUSH 02h ABEND_PROC 03h ABEND_SVC 04h ABEND_TIMER 05h ABEND 28h WORD (MC_Deallocate only) length of error log data 2Ah DWORD (MC_Deallocate only) pointer to error log data --------N-6802--SF0600----------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - CONNECTION CONTROL - FLUSH AH = 02h subfn 0600h DS:DX -> control block (see #03686) Return: control block updated SeeAlso: AH=02h/SF=0300h Format of APPC/PC "Flush" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03686) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 0600h (verb "Flush" or "MC_Flush") 0Eh BYTE 1 if MC_ (mapped conversation) form of verb 0 if basic verb 0Fh 5 BYTEs reserved (0) 14h WORD (big-endian) primary return code (see #03681) 16h DWORD (big-endian) error code (see #03682) 1Ah 8 BYTEs (big-endian) TP_ID 22h DWORD (big-endian) conversation ID --------N-6802--SF0700----------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - CONNECTION CONTROL - GET ATTRIBUTES AH = 02h subfn 0700h DS:DX -> control block (see #03687) Return: control block updated SeeAlso: AH=02h/SF=0300h Format of APPC/PC "Get_Attributes" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03687) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 0700h (verb "Get_Attributes" or "MC_Get_Attributes") 0Eh BYTE 1 if MC_ (mapped conversation) form of verb 0 if basic verb 0Fh 5 BYTEs reserved (0) 14h WORD (big-endian) primary return code (see #03681) 16h DWORD (big-endian) error code (see #03682) 1Ah 8 BYTEs (big-endian) TP_ID 22h DWORD (big-endian) conversation ID 26h 8 BYTEs (big-endian) logical unit ID 2Eh BYTE 00h 2Fh BYTE SYNC_LEVEL (0=none, 1=confirm) 30h 8 BYTEs (big-endian) mode name 38h 8 BYTEs (big-endian) own net name 40h 8 BYTEs (big-endian) own logical unit name 48h 8 BYTEs (big-endian) partner logical unit name 50h 18 BYTEs (counted string) partner's fully qualified logical unit name 62h BYTE 00h 63h 11 BYTEs (counted string) user ID --------N-6802--SF0800----------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - CONNECTION CONTROL - GET CONVERSATION TYPE AH = 02h subfn 0800h DS:DX -> control block (see #03688) Return: control block updated SeeAlso: AH=02h/SF=0300h Format of APPC/PC "Get_Type" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03688) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 0800h (verb "Get_Type") 0Eh BYTE 1 if MC_ (mapped conversation) form of verb 0 if basic verb 0Fh 5 BYTEs reserved (0) 14h WORD (big-endian) primary return code (see #03681) 16h DWORD (big-endian) error code (see #03682) 1Ah 8 BYTEs (big-endian) TP_ID 22h DWORD (big-endian) conversation ID 26h BYTE (ret) type (0=basic conversation, 1=mapped conversation) --------N-6802--SF0900----------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - CONNECTION CONTROL - POST ON RECEIPT AH = 02h subfn 0900h DS:DX -> control block (see #03689) Return: control block updated SeeAlso: AH=02h/SF=0A00h Format of APPC/PC "Post_on_Receipt" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03689) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 0900h (verb "Post_on_Receipt") 0Eh BYTE 1 if MC_ (mapped conversation) form of verb 0 if basic verb 0Fh 5 BYTEs reserved (0) 14h WORD (big-endian) primary return code (see #03681) 16h DWORD (big-endian) error code (see #03682) 1Ah 8 BYTEs (big-endian) TP_ID 22h DWORD (big-endian) conversation ID 26h WORD maximum length 28h BYTE fill (0=buffer, 1=LL) --------N-6802--SF0A00----------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - CONNECTION CONTROL - PREPARE TO RECEIVE AH = 02h subfn 0A00h DS:DX -> control block (see #03690) Return: control block updated SeeAlso: AH=02h/SF=0900h,AH=02h/SF=0B00h Format of APPC/PC "Prepare_to_Receive" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03690) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 0A00h (verb "Prepare_to_Receive" or "MC_Prepare_to_Receive") 0Eh BYTE 1 if MC_ (mapped conversation) form of verb 0 if basic verb 0Fh 5 BYTEs reserved (0) 14h WORD (big-endian) primary return code (see #03681) 16h DWORD (big-endian) error code (see #03682) 1Ah 8 BYTEs (big-endian) TP_ID 22h DWORD (big-endian) conversation ID 26h BYTE type (0=SYNC_LEVEL, 1=FLUSH) 27h BYTE locks (0=short, 1=long) --------N-6802--SF0B00----------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - CONNECTION CONTROL - RECEIVE AND WAIT AH = 02h subfn 0B00h DS:DX -> control block (see #03691) Return: control block updated SeeAlso: AH=02h/SF=0C00h,AH=02h/SF=0F00h Format of APPC/PC "Receive_and_Wait" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03691) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 0B00h (verb "Receive_and_Wait" or "MC_Receive_and_Wait") 0Eh BYTE 1 if MC_ (mapped conversation) form of verb 0 if basic verb 0Fh 5 BYTEs reserved (0) 14h WORD (big-endian) primary return code (see #03681) 16h DWORD (big-endian) error code (see #03682) 1Ah 8 BYTEs (big-endian) TP_ID 22h DWORD (big-endian) conversation ID 26h BYTE type of information received (see #03692) 27h BYTE (MC_Receive_and_Wait only) fill (0=buffer, 1=LL) 28h BYTE Request_to_Send_Received (0=no, 1=yes) 29h WORD maximum length 2Bh WORD data length 2Dh DWORD pointer to data (Table 03692) Values for type of information received: 00h data 01h data complete 02h data incomplete 03h confirm 04h confirm send 05h confirm deallocate 06h send --------N-6802--SF0C00----------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - CONNECTION CONTROL - RECEIVE IMMEDIATE AH = 02h subfn 0C00h DS:DX -> control block (see #03693) Return: control block updated SeeAlso: AH=02h/SF=0B00h,AH=02h/SF=0F00h Format of APPC/PC "Receive_Immediate" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03693) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 0C00h (verb "Receive_Immediate" or "MC_Receive_Immediate") 0Eh BYTE 1 if MC_ (mapped conversation) form of verb 0 if basic verb 0Fh 5 BYTEs reserved (0) 14h WORD (big-endian) primary return code (see #03681) 16h DWORD (big-endian) error code (see #03682) 1Ah 8 BYTEs (big-endian) TP_ID 22h DWORD (big-endian) conversation ID 26h BYTE type of information received (see #03692) 27h BYTE (MC_Receive_Immediate only) fill (0=buffer, 1=LL) 28h BYTE Request_to_Send_Received (0=no, 1=yes) 29h WORD maximum length 2Bh WORD data length 2Dh DWORD pointer to data --------N-6802--SF0E00----------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - CONNECTION CONTROL - REQUEST TO SEND AH = 02h subfn 0E00h DS:DX -> control block (see #03694) Return: control block updated SeeAlso: AH=02h/SF=0F00h,AH=02h/SF=1000h Format of APPC/PC "Request_to_Send" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03694) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 0E00h (verb "Request_to_Send" or "MC_Request_to_Send") 0Eh BYTE 1 if MC_ (mapped conversation) form of verb 0 if basic verb 0Fh 5 BYTEs reserved (0) 14h WORD (big-endian) primary return code (see #03681) 16h DWORD (big-endian) error code (see #03682) 1Ah 8 BYTEs (big-endian) TP_ID 22h DWORD (big-endian) conversation ID --------N-6802--SF0F00----------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - CONNECTION CONTROL - SEND DATA AH = 02h subfn 0F00h DS:DX -> control block (see #03695) Return: control block updated SeeAlso: AH=02h/SF=0E00h,AH=02h/SF=1000h Format of APPC/PC "Send_Data" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03695) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 0F00h (verb "Send_Data" or "MC_Send_Data") 0Eh BYTE 1 if MC_ (mapped conversation) form of verb 0 if basic verb 0Fh 5 BYTEs reserved (0) 14h WORD (big-endian) primary return code (see #03681) 16h DWORD (big-endian) error code (see #03682) 1Ah 8 BYTEs (big-endian) TP_ID 22h DWORD (big-endian) conversation ID 26h BYTE request to send received (0=no, 1=yes) 27h BYTE 00h 28h WORD data length 2Ah DWORD pointer to data --------N-6802--SF1000----------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - CONNECTION CONTROL - SEND ERROR AH = 02h subfn 1000h DS:DX -> control block (see #03696) Return: control block updated SeeAlso: AH=02h/SF=0F00h Format of APPC/PC "Send_Error" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03696) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 1000h (verb "Send_Error" or "MC_Send_Error") 0Eh BYTE 1 if MC_ (mapped conversation) form of verb 0 if basic verb 0Fh 5 BYTEs reserved (0) 14h WORD (big-endian) primary return code (see #03681) 16h DWORD (big-endian) error code (see #03682) 1Ah 8 BYTEs (big-endian) TP_ID 22h DWORD (big-endian) conversation ID 26h BYTE request to send received (0=no, 1=yes) 27h BYTE type (0=program, 1=SVC) 28h DWORD 00h 2Ch WORD (MC_Send_Error only) LOG_DATA length 2Eh DWORD (MC_Send_Error only) pointer to LOG_DATA --------N-6802--SF1200----------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - CONNECTION CONTROL - TEST AH = 02h subfn 1200h DS:DX -> control block (see #03697) Return: control block updated SeeAlso: AH=02h/SF=1300h Format of APPC/PC "Test" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03697) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 1200h (verb "Test" or "MC_Test") 0Eh BYTE 1 if MC_ (mapped conversation) form of verb 0 if basic verb 0Fh 5 BYTEs reserved (0) 14h WORD (big-endian) primary return code (see #03681) 16h DWORD (big-endian) error code (see #03682) 1Ah 8 BYTEs (big-endian) TP_ID 22h DWORD (big-endian) conversation ID 26h BYTE (MC_Test only) test (0=posted, 1=request_to_send received) Note: error code has different interpretations for: 0 posted data 1 posted not data (primary return code = 0) 1 bad TP_ID (primary return code = 1) --------N-6802--SF1300----------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - CONNECTION CONTROL - WAIT AH = 02h subfn 1300h DS:DX -> control block (see #03698) Return: control block updated SeeAlso: AH=02h/SF=1200h Format of APPC/PC "Wait" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03698) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 1300h (verb "Wait") 0Eh BYTE 1 if MC_ (mapped conversation) form of verb 0 if basic verb 0Fh 5 BYTEs reserved (0) 14h WORD (big-endian) primary return code (see #03681) 16h DWORD (big-endian) error code (see #03682,#03697) 1Ah 8 BYTEs (big-endian) TP_ID 22h DWORD (big-endian) conversation ID 26h BYTE number of conversations to wait on Note: error codes have interpretations as for AH=02h/SF=1200h --------N-6803--SF2400----------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - TP STARTED AH = 03h subfn 2400h DS:DX -> control block (see #03699) Return: control block updated Format of APPC/PC "TP Started" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03699) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 2400h (verb "TP Started") 0Eh 6 BYTEs 00h 14h DWORD (big-endian) return code (see #03668) 18h WORD 00h 1Ah 8 BYTEs (big-endian) logical unit ID 22h 8 BYTEs (big-endian) TP ID --------N-6803--SF2800----------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - GET ALLOCATE AH = 03h subfn 2800h DS:DX -> control block (see #03700) Return: control block updated Format of APPC/PC "Get ALLOCATE" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03700) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 2800h (verb "Get ALLOCATE") 0Eh 6 BYTEs 00h 14h DWORD (big-endian) return code (see #03668) 18h WORD 00h 1Ah 8 BYTEs (big-endian) logical unit ID 22h BYTE type (00h dequeue, 01h test) 23h DWORD pointer to CREATE_TP record --------N-6803--SF2A00----------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - CHANGE LOGICAL UNIT AH = 03h subfn 2A00h DS:DX -> control block (see #03701) Return: control block updated Format of APPC/PC "Change Logical Unit" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03701) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 2A00h (verb "Change Logical Unit") 0Eh 6 BYTEs 00h 14h DWORD (big-endian) return code (see #03668) 18h WORD 00h 1Ah 8 BYTEs (big-endian) logical unit ID 22h DWORD pointer to CREATE_TP_EXIT routine 00000000h queue ALLOCATEs FFFFFFFFh reject incoming ALLOCATEs 26h DWORD 00000000h 2Ah DWORD pointer to SYSTEM_LOG_EXIT routine, FFFFFFFFh= don't log errors 2Eh DWORD 00000000h 32h BYTE maximum TPs 33h BYTE 00h stop QUEUE_ALLOCATEs 01h resume QUEUE_ALLOCATEs 34h DWORD pointer to LU_LU_PASSWORD_EXIT routine, FFFFFFFFh = no exit 38h DWORD 00000000h --------N-6804------------------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - TRANSACTION PROCESSING AH = 04h DS:DX -> control block (see #03702) Return: control block updated Format of APPC/PC control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03702) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD verb (action) 2500h TP_ENDED 2900h TP_VALID 0Eh 6 BYTEs 00h 14h DWORD (big-endian) return code (see #03668) 18h WORD 00h 1Ah 8 BYTEs (big-endian) TP_ID 22h DWORD -> CREATE_TP record (only if verb = 2900h) --------N-6805------------------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - TRANSFER MESSAGE DATA AH = 05h DS:DX -> control block (see #03703) Return: control block updated Format of APPC/PC "Transfer Message Data" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03703) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 1C00h (verb "Transfer Message Data") 0Eh BYTE data type 00h user defined 01h NMVT 02h alert subvectors 03h PDSTATS subvectors 0Fh 5 BYTEs 00h 14h DWORD (big-endian) return code (see #03668) 18h 12 BYTEs 00h 24h BYTE flags (see #03704) 25h BYTE 00h 26h WORD length of data 28h N BYTEs data Bitfields for APPC/PC message transfer flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 03704) 0 don't add correlation subvector 1 don't add product set ID subvector 2 don't do SYSLOG 3 don't send SSCP_PU_SESSION SeeAlso: #03703 --------N-6806------------------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - CHANGE NUMBER OF SESSIONS AH = 06h DS:DX -> control block (see #03705) Return: control block updated Format of APPC/PC "Change Number of Sessions" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03705) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 1500h (verb "Change Number of Sessions") 0Eh 6 BYTEs 00h 14h WORD (big-endian) primary return code (see #03681) 16h DWORD (big-endian) secondary return code (see #03668,#03706) 1Ah 8 BYTEs (big-endian) logical unit ID 22h 8 BYTEs blanks 2Ah 8 BYTEs (big-endian) partner logical unit name 32h 8 BYTEs (big-endian) mode name 3Ah BYTE bit 7: use MODE_NAME_SELECT_ALL rather than MODE_NAME bit 6: set negotiable values 3Bh BYTE partner logical unit mode session limit 3Ch BYTE minimum CONWINNERS_SOURCE 3Dh BYTE maximum CONWINNERS_TARGET 3Eh BYTE automatic activation 3Fh BYTE 00h 40h BYTE flags bit 7: drain target bit 6: drain source bit 5: target responsible, not source (Table 03706) Values for secondary return code (see also AH=01h/SF=1B00h): 0000h accepted 0001h negotiated 0003h bad logical unit ID 0004h allocation failure, no retry 0005h allocation failure, retry 0151h can't raise limits 0153h all modes must reset 0154h bad SNASVCMG limits 0155h minimum greater than total 0156h mode closed (primary return code = 1) CNOS mode closed (primary return code = 18h) 0157h bad mode name (primary return code = 1) CNOS bad mode name (primary return code = 18h) 0159h reset SNA drains 015Ah single not SRC response 015Bh bad partner logical unit 015Ch exceeds maximum allowed 015Dh change SRC drains 015Eh logical unit detached 015Fh CNOS command race reject --------N-6807------------------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - PASSTHROUGH AH = 07h DS:DX -> control block (format depends on application subsystem) Return: control block updated SeeAlso: AH=FFh ----------684300----------------------------- INT 68 U - ??? - INSTALLATION CHECK??? AX = 4300h Return: AX = F386h if ??? ??? Note: called by Novell DOS 7.0 EMM386.EXE SeeAlso: AX=4400h,INT 41/AX=004Fh ----------684400----------------------------- INT 68 U - ??? AX = 4400h BX = ??? CX = ??? DX = ??? DS:SI = real-mode address of protected-mode GDT ES:DI = real-mode address of protected-mode IDT Return: ??? Note: called by Novell DOS 7.0 EMM386.EXE if AX=4300h returns AX=F386h SeeAlso: AX=4300h --------W-6847------------------------------- INT 68 - MS Windows debugging kernel - OUTPUT STRING AH = 47h ES:SI -> string Notes: output a string (to inform a debugger of some events) KERNEL outputs "Windows Kernel Entry\r\n" on startup SeeAlso: INT 41/AX=0012h --------N-68FA------------------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - ENABLE/DISABLE APPC AH = FAh AL bit 0 = new state (0 enable, 1 disable) SeeAlso: AH=FDh,INT 68"Novell" --------N-68FB------------------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - CONVERT AH = FBh DS:DX -> control block (see #03707) Return: control block updated Format of APPC/PC "CONVERT" control block: Offset Size Description (Table 03707) 00h 12 BYTEs reserved 0Ch WORD 1A00h (verb "CONVERT") 0Eh 6 BYTEs 00h 14h DWORD (big-endian) return code 18h BYTE conversion 00h ASCII to EBCDIC 01h EBCDIC to ASCII 19h BYTE character set 00h AE 01h A 02h G 1Ah WORD length of string to convert 1Ch DWORD pointer to source 20h DWORD pointer to target --------N-68FC------------------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - ENABLE/DISABLE MESSAGE TRACING AH = FCh AL = new state 00h disable tracing 01h enable tracing DX = number of bytes to keep (0=all) SeeAlso: AH=FDh,AH=FEh --------N-68FD------------------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - ENABLE/DISABLE API VERB TRACING AH = FDh AL = new tracing state (00h disabled, 01h enabled) SeeAlso: AH=FAh,AH=FCh,AH=FEh --------N-68FE------------------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - SET TRACE DESTINATION AH = FEh AL = trace destinations (see #03708) DS:DX -> trace stats record if AL bit 0 set (see #03709) SeeAlso: AH=FCh,AH=FDh Bitfields for trace destinations: Bit(s) Description (Table 03708) 0 storage (DS:DX -> trace stats record) 1 display 2 file (trace written to file OUTPUT.PC) 3 printer Format of APPC/PC Trace Statistics Record: Offset Size Description (Table 03709) 00h DWORD pointer to storage trace buffer 04h WORD max number of 80-byte records in trace 06h WORD (high-order byte first!) current record number (must init to 0) 08h DWORD (high-order byte first!) number of records written (init to 0) 0Ch DWORD reserved Note: do not move record while trace is active --------N-68FF------------------------------- INT 68 - APPC/PC - SET PASSTHROUGH AH = FFh DS:DX -> passthrough exit routine SeeAlso: AH=07h,INT 68"Novell" --------b-69--------------------------------- INT 69 - Zenith AT BIOS - ??? Note: called by INT 09 handler --------h-69--------------------------------- INT 69 C - HP Vectra AT - IRQ17 - KEYBOARD OUTPUT-BUFFER-FULL SERVICE ROUTINE SeeAlso: INT 09"IRQ1",INT 68"HP Vectra",INT 6A"HP Vectra" --------N-690100----------------------------- INT 69 - DECnet DOS CTERM - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 0100h Return: AL = FFh if present SeeAlso: AX=010Fh --------N-690101----------------------------- INT 69 - DECnet DOS CTERM - SEND BYTE AX = 0101h BL = character DX = session handle Return: AH >= 80h on error SeeAlso: AX=0102h --------N-690102----------------------------- INT 69 - DECnet DOS CTERM - READ BYTE AX = 0102h DX = session handle Return: AH >= 80h on error AH < 80h if successful AL = character SeeAlso: AX=0101h --------N-690103----------------------------- INT 69 - DECnet DOS CTERM - STATUS AX = 0103h DX = session handle Return: AH status flags (see #03710) AL = reason code if DECnet error (see #03711) SeeAlso: AX=0104h Bitfields for DECnet DOS CTERM status flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 03710) 7 session has been aborted 6 DECnet error 1 trace data available 0 receive data available (Table 03711) Values for reason code: 00h normal disconnect 01h unknown message from host 02h protocol violation from host 03h could not process the initiate message 04h error receiving message from host 05h error sending message to host 06h error checking for message from host 07h remote system does not support CTERM 08h remote system does not support correct protocol version 09h did not receive BIND message from host 0Ah could not send BIND message to host 0Bh no more sessions available 0Ch session does not exist 0Dh not enough memory to complete operation 0Eh connection has broken Index: error codes;DECnet DOS CTERM|DECnet DOS CTERM;error codes --------N-690104----------------------------- INT 69 - DECnet DOS CTERM - DECnet STATUS AX = 0104h DX = session handle Return: AX = reason code (see #03711) Note: use this call when AX=0103h returns a DECnet error SeeAlso: AX=0103h --------N-690105----------------------------- INT 69 - DECnet DOS CTERM - OPEN SESSION AX = 0105h DS:BX -> ASCIZ node name ES:DX -> buffer for session control block (see #03727 at INT 6A/AH=D0h) Return: AX <= 0 on error AX > 0 session handle SeeAlso: AX=0103h,AX=0106h,AX=010Ah --------N-690106----------------------------- INT 69 - DECnet DOS CTERM - CLOSE SESSION AX = 0106h DX = session handle Return: AH = status 00h good close other error code (see #03711) SeeAlso: AX=0103h,AX=0105h --------N-69010A----------------------------- INT 69 - DECnet DOS CTERM - GET SESSION CONTROL BLOCK SIZE AX = 010Ah Return: AX = length of session control block in bytes SeeAlso: AX=0105h --------N-69010B----------------------------- INT 69 - DECnet DOS CTERM - GET DECnet SOCKET AX = 010Bh DX = session handle Return: AX > 0 DECnet socket for the session AX = 0 no match for handle --------N-69010F----------------------------- INT 69 - DECnet DOS CTERM - DEINSTALL CTERM AX = 010Fh Return: AH = status 00h successful uninstall other error code (see #03711) Note: CTERM must have been the last TSR loaded in order to deinstall it SeeAlso: AX=0100h Index: uninstall;DECnet DOS CTERM --------N-690A------------------------------- INT 69 - DECnet DOS 2.1+ - DATA LINK LAYER AH = 0Ah AL = function number (see #03712) ES:BX -> Datalink Communication Block (see #03714) Return: AX = status (see #03713) SeeAlso: INT 6D"DECnet" (Table 03712) Values for DECnet DOS Data Link Layer function: 00h initialize 01h open portal 02h close portal 03h enable multicast address 04h disable multicast address 05h transmit 06h request transmit buffer 07h deallocate transmit buffer 08h read channel status 09h read datalink portal list 0Ah read information about a datalink portal 0Bh read and/or clear counters 0Ch request to boot from a network server 0Dh enable Ethernet channel 0Eh disable Ethernet channel 0Fh start MOP/send a System ID message 10h stop MOP 11h get DECPARM 12h set DECPARM 13h external loopback (Table 03713) Values for DECnet DOS Data Link Layer status: 00h successful 01h hardware failed to initialize 02h channel state was not off (must be off to execute that command) 03h channel state is off (must be on to execute that command) 04h address not set 05h hardware missing 06h buffer too small 07h no more buffers available 08h no more resources available 09h promiscuous receiver active 0Ah non exclusive 0Bh unrecognized portal 0Ch protocol type in use 0Dh not a valid Multicast address 0Eh outstanding calls 0Fh hardware doesn't support receiving bad frames 10h none outstanding 11h no events 12h broken 13h buffer quota exceeded 14h already initialized 15h loopback failure Index: error codes;DECnet DOS|DECnet DOS;error codes Format of Datalink Communication Block: Offset Size Description (Table 03714) 00h WORD portal ID 02h 6 BYTEs source address 08h 6 BYTEs destination address 0Eh DWORD buffer pointer 12h WORD buffer length 14h WORD operation 16h BYTE pad flag (used on open) 00h no pad 01h pad 17h BYTE mode flag (used on open) 00h 802.3 01h Ethernet 02h promiscuous 18h DWORD line status change function 1Ch DWORD received data function 20h DWORD transmitted data function 24h BYTE maximum outstanding transmits/receives 25h 2 BYTEs protocol type 27h WORD buffers lost --------N-694001----------------------------- INT 69 - 10NET v5.0 - SYSSVC.COM - ??? AX = 4001h Return: CF clear AX = 0000h ES:SI -> ??? InstallCheck: test for the signature "SYSV" immediately before the interrupt handler Range: INT 60 to INT 7F, selected by configuration SeeAlso: AX=4002h Index: installation check;10NET SYSSVC --------N-694002----------------------------- INT 69 - 10NET v5.0 - SYSSVC.COM - ??? AX = 4002h ??? Return: ??? InstallCheck: test for the signature "SYSV" immediately before the interrupt handler Range: INT 60 to INT 7F, selected by configuration --------N-694101----------------------------- INT 69 - 10NET v5.0 - SYSSVC.COM - ??? AX = 4101h Return: CF clear ES:SI -> ??? Range: INT 60 to INT 7F, selected by configuration SeeAlso: AX=4102h,AX=4103h,AX=4104h --------N-694102----------------------------- INT 69 - 10NET v5.0 - SYSSVC.COM - ??? AX = 4102h ??? Return: ??? --------N-694103----------------------------- INT 69 - 10NET v5.0 - SYSSVC.COM - ??? AX = 4103h ??? Return: ??? --------N-694104----------------------------- INT 69 - 10NET v5.0 - SYSSVC.COM - ??? AX = 4104h ??? Return: ??? --------N-6942------------------------------- INT 69 - 10NET v5.0 - SYSSVC.COM - ??? AH = 42h AL = function (01h-14h) ??? Return: ??? Range: INT 60 to INT 7F, selected by configuration --------N-6943------------------------------- INT 69 - 10NET v5.0 - SYSSVC.COM - ??? AH = 43h AL = function (01h-05h) ??? Return: ??? --------N-6944------------------------------- INT 69 - 10NET v5.0 - SYSSVC.COM - ??? AH = 44h AL = function (01h-03h) ??? Return: ??? Range: INT 60 to INT 7F, selected by configuration --------N-6949------------------------------- INT 69 - 10NET v5.0 - SYSSVC.COM - BUG AH = 49h Note: due to a fencepost error, this function branches to hyperspace SeeAlso: AX=4001h,AH=FFh --------G-696996----------------------------- INT 69 - ISR.COM v1.00 - SPECIFY INTERRUPT HANDLER AX = 6996h DS:DX -> interrupt handler or 0000h:0000h to disable Return: AX = 9669h Program: ISR (Interrupt Service Reflector) is a TSR by Rich Bono which permits a program to provide hardware interrupt handlers even while being debugged with a debugger that swaps interrupt vectors during debugging. Note: the interrupt vector which is to be reflected is set at installation time and cannot be changed --------N-69FF------------------------------- INT 69 - 10NET v5.0 - SYSSVC.COM - SIGNAL SYSTEM ERROR AH = FFh Return: never??? Desc: displays "System Error" message and register dump, then halts system InstallCheck: test for the signature "SYSV" immediately before the interrupt handler Range: INT 60 to INT 7F, selected by configuration SeeAlso: AX=4001h,AH=49h --------U-6A--------------------------------- INT 6A - OPTHELP.COM Program: OPTHELP is an optionally-resident help system for SLR Systems's OPTASM assembler Range: INT 60h to INT 7Fh, selected by configuration --------N-6A--------------------------------- INT 6A - DECnet DOS - LOCAL AREA TRANSPORT PROGRAM - INSTALLATION CHECK InstallCheck: test for a signature area immediately preceding the interrupt handler (see #03715) SeeAlso: AH=01h/DH=FFh,INT 6B"DECnet",INT 6D"DECnet" Index: installation check;DECnet DOS Local Area Transport Format of DECnet DOS signature area: Offset Size Description (Table 03715) -5 BYTE major version number -4 BYTE minor version number -3 3 BYTEs signature (ASCII "LAT") --------h-6A--------------------------------- INT 6A C - HP Vectra AT - IRQ18 - RESERVED HARDWARE INTERRUPT SeeAlso: INT 0A"IRQ2",INT 69"HP Vectra",INT 6B"HP Vectra" --------N-6A0000----------------------------- INT 6A U - Super-TCP DOS TSR Kernel v3.57 - INSTALLATION CHECK AX = 0000h Return: AX = 4357h ('CW') Program: Super-TCP is a TCP/IP protocol stack by Frontier Technologies Corp. Note: an alternate installation check is to test for the ASCIZ signature "FTC Super-TCP" three bytes past the interrupt handler SeeAlso: AX=0001h,AX=0002h,AX=000Fh,AX=0010h,INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP" SeeAlso: INT 61"FTP Software",INT 62/AH=00h"ETHDEV" --------N-6A0001----------------------------- INT 6A U - Super-TCP DOS TSR Kernel v3.57 - ??? AX = 0001h BH = function number 01h ??? DS:SI -> ??? 24-byte record1 (see #03717) ES:DI -> buffer containing ??? 02h ??? DS:SI -> ??? 18-byte record2 (see #03718) ES:DI -> buffer containing ??? 04h ??? BL = subfunction 01h DS:SI -> ??? 28-byte record3 (see #03719) ES:DI -> buffer containing ??? 02h DS:SI -> ??? 28-byte record3 (see #03719) ES:DI -> buffer containing ??? 03h DS:SI -> ??? 28-byte record3 (see #03719) else Return: AX = 0005h 05h ??? DS:SI -> ??? 20-byte record4 (see #03720) ES:DI -> buffer containing ??? 06h ??? BL = subfunction 01h DS:SI -> ??? 40-byte record5 (see #03721) 02h DS:SI -> ??? 20-byte record6 (see #03722) ES:DI -> ??? 03h DS:SI -> ??? 20-byte record6 (see #03722) 04h DS:SI -> ??? 46-byte record7 (see #03723) else Return: AX = 0005h 11h ??? DS:SI -> ??? 28-byte record8 (see #03724) ES:DI -> ??? Return: AX = function status (see #03716) SeeAlso: AX=0000h (Table 03716) Values for Super-TCP function status: 0000h successful 0005h unsupported function 000Ah out of memory Format of record1: Offset Size Description (Table 03717) 00h 4 BYTEs ??? 04h WORD size of ES:DI buffer 06h 18 BYTEs ??? Format of record2: Offset Size Description (Table 03718) 00h 4 BYTEs ??? 04h WORD size of ES:DI buffer 06h 12 BYTEs ??? Format of record3: Offset Size Description (Table 03719) 00h 2 BYTEs ??? 02h WORD ??? 04h WORD size of ES:DI buffer 06h WORD ??? 08h WORD operation number (for function 0401h) 0Ah DWORD -> ??? 0Eh WORD (ret) ??? 10h 12 BYTEs ??? Format of record4: Offset Size Description (Table 03720) 00h 4 BYTEs ??? 04h WORD size of ES:DI buffer 06h 14 BYTEs ??? Format of record5: Offset Size Description (Table 03721) 00h BYTE operation??? (00h-07h) 01h BYTE ??? 02h WORD (ret) ??? 04h DWORD -> ??? 08h 4 BYTEs ??? 0Ch DWORD -> ??? or 0000h:0000h 10h 16 BYTEs ??? 20h DWORD ??? 24h 4 BYTEs ??? Format of record6: Offset Size Description (Table 03722) 00h 4 BYTEs ??? 04h WORD size of ES:DI buffer 06h 14 BYTEs ??? Format of record7: Offset Size Description (Table 03723) 00h WORD ??? 02h WORD ??? 04h WORD ??? 06h 40 BYTEs ??? Format of record8: Offset Size Description (Table 03724) 00h 4 BYTEs ??? 04h WORD size of ES:DI buffer 06h 6 BYTEs ??? 0Ch WORD (ret) ??? 0Eh WORD operation??? (01h-03h) 10h 12 BYTEs ??? --------N-6A0002----------------------------- INT 6A U - Super-TCP DOS TSR Kernel v3.57 - ??? AX = 0002h BX = ??? (zero/nonzero) CX = ??? identifier (see AX=0004h) DS:SI -> 40-byte buffer for ??? or 0000h:0000h ES:DI -> buffer for ??? or 0000h:0000h Return: AX = 0000h (successful) ??? BL = ??? BH = ??? CX = ??? DX = ??? --------N-6A0003----------------------------- INT 6A U - Super-TCP DOS TSR Kernel v3.57 - GET ??? DATA AREA AX = 0003h Return: CX:DX -> data area (see #03725) Format of Super-TCP data area: Offset Size Description (Table 03725) 00h 2 BYTEs ??? 02h DWORD original INT 6A vector 06h 2 BYTEs ??? 08h 96 BYTEs array of 16 6-byte ??? 68h WORD number of elements of above array in use 6Ah WORD ??? ??? --------N-6A0004----------------------------- INT 6A U - Super-TCP DOS TSR Kernel v3.57 - ALLOCATE ??? AX = 0004h CX = size in ??? Return: AX = 0000h (successful) CX = DX = ??? SeeAlso: AX=0005h,AX=000Fh --------N-6A0005----------------------------- INT 6A U - Super-TCP DOS TSR Kernel v3.57 - FREE/CLOSE ??? AX = 0005h CX = ??? identifier (from AX=0004h) Return: AX = status (0000h successful, FFFFh failed) SeeAlso: AX=0004h,AX=000Fh --------N-6A000F----------------------------- INT 6A U - Super-TCP DOS TSR Kernel v3.57 - FREE/CLOSE ALL ??? AX = 000Fh Return: AX = 0000h (successful) SeeAlso: AX=0000h,AX=0004h,AX=0005h --------N-6A0010----------------------------- INT 6A U - Super-TCP DOS TSR Kernel v3.57 - UNINSTALL AX = 0010h Return: AX = status 0000h successful 0002h can't uninstall, interrupt vector hooked by another program Program: Super-TCP is a TCP/IP protocol stack by Frontier Technologies Corp. Note: if AX is not one of the values listed here on entry, Super-TCP returns AX=FFFEh SeeAlso: AX=0000h --------N-6A01--DHFF------------------------- INT 6A - DECnet DOS LOCAL AREA TRANSPORT - SEND BYTE AH = 01h DH = FFh AL = character DL = handle Return: AH >= 80h on error SeeAlso: AH=02h --------N-6A02--DHFF------------------------- INT 6A - DECnet DOS LOCAL AREA TRANSPORT - READ BYTE AH = 02h DH = FFh DL = handle Return: AH < 80h if successful AL = character AH >= 80h on error SeeAlso: AH=01h --------N-6A03--DHFF------------------------- INT 6A - DECnet DOS LOCAL AREA TRANSPORT - STATUS AH = 03h DH = FFh DL = handle Return: AH = status flags (see #03726) Bitfields for DECnet DOS LAT status flags: Bit(s) Description (Table 03726) 5 transmit buffer empty 3 session in start state 2 session not active 1 unable to queue transmit data 0 receive data available --------N-6AD0--DHFF------------------------- INT 6A - DECnet DOS LOCAL AREA TRANSPORT - OPEN SESSION AH = D0h DH = FFh AL = password flag FFh no password 0Fh password at ES:DI ES:BX -> LAT session control block (see #03727) ES:DI -> 16-byte blank-padded password (optional) Return: AH = 00h success DL = handle SeeAlso: AX=D000h Format of LAT Session Control Block: Offset Size Description (Table 03727) 00h 18 BYTEs service name 12h 18 BYTEs node name (future use) 24h 18 BYTEs port name (future use) 36h DWORD -> session stopped post routine 3Ah DWORD -> service table overflow post routine 3Eh DWORD -> transmit post routine 42h DWORD -> receive post routine 46h WORD session status 04h circuit failure 08h stop slot received ---LAT v???--- 48h WORD slot state (LAT driver use) 4Ah WORD local credits (LAT driver use) 4Ch DWORD -> VCB (LAT driver use) 50h WORD backward slot (LAT driver use) 52h WORD forward slot (LAT driver use) 54h WORD remote slot ID (LAT driver use) 56h WORD local slot ID (LAT driver use) 58h WORD slot byte count (LAT driver use) 5Ah BYTE remote credits (LAT driver use) 5Bh 255 BYTEs transmitted data slot 15Ah BYTE number of receive data slots (4 recommended) 15Bh BYTE number of occupied slots 15Ch BYTE index of next receive slot to use 15Dh BYTE index of current receive slot 15Eh WORD pointer to first received character 160h N WORDs pointers to receive slots (buffers); each is 259 bytes 259N BYTEs buffers Note: set post routines to 0000h:0000h if polled operation will be used ---LAT v4.1.17--- 48h WORD session state (LAT driver use) 4Ah BYTE local credits (LAT driver use) 4Bh DWORD -> VCB (LAT driver use) 4Fh WORD backward slot (LAT driver use) 51h WORD forward slot (LAT driver use) 53h BYTE remote slot ID (LAT driver use) 54h BYTE local slot ID (LAT driver use) 55h BYTE slot byte count (LAT driver use) 56h BYTE remote credits (LAT driver use) 57h 255 BYTEs transmitted data slot 156h BYTE number of receive data slots (4 recommended) 157h BYTE number of occupied slots 158h BYTE index of next receive slot to use 159h BYTE index of current receive slot 15Ah WORD pointer to first received character 15Ch N WORDs pointers to receive slots (buffers); each is 259 bytes 259N BYTEs buffers Note: set post routines to 0000h:0000h if polled operation will be used --------N-6AD000DHFF------------------------- INT 6A - DECnet DOS LOCAL AREA TRANSPORT - CLOSE SESSION AX = D000h DH = FFh DL = handle Return: AX = status (see #03728) SeeAlso: AH=D0h (Table 03728) Values for DECnet DOS LAT function status: 0000h successful 0001h no such session 0002h session not running, try again later --------N-6AD100DHFF------------------------- INT 6A - DECnet DOS LOCAL AREA TRANSPORT - SEND BREAK AX = D100h DH = FFh DL = handle Return: AX = 0000h if successful AH bit 7 set if unable to send break --------N-6AD300DHFF------------------------- INT 6A - DECnet DOS LOCAL AREA TRANSPORT - RESET LAT COUNTERS AX = D300h DH = FFh SeeAlso: AX=D400h --------N-6AD400DHFF------------------------- INT 6A - DECnet DOS LOCAL AREA TRANSPORT - COPY LAT COUNTERS AX = D400h DH = FFh CX = buffer size ES:BX -> buffer for LAT counters Return: AX = status 0000h counters copied into buffer FFFFh buffer too small SeeAlso: AX=D300h --------N-6AD500DHFF------------------------- INT 6A - DECnet DOS LOCAL AREA TRANSPORT - GET NEXT LAT SERVICE NAME AX = D500h DH = FFh ES:BX -> 17-byte buffer for name Return: AH = 00h if successful ES:BX buffer filled AX = FFFFh if end of table or no name available Notes: use this function to get the names of the hosts on the network successive calls are necessary to get all names SeeAlso: AX=D600h/DH=FFh --------N-6AD600DHFF------------------------- INT 6A - DECnet DOS LOCAL AREA TRANSPORT - LAT SERVICE TABLE RESET AX = D600h DH = FFh Return: AX = number of service table entries BX = status 0000h service table has not overflowed FFFFh service table has overflowed SeeAlso: AX=D500h --------!---Section--------------------------