FDVOL is the preferred utility to make Minix floppy images, WrtDsk and RaWrite3 are provided as alternates just in case. (Writing floppies raw is a tricky thing under DOS.)
The four utilities are in the files fdvol.exe, wrtdsk90.zip, rawrite3.zip, and fips15.zip together with their documentation, except for FDVOL, but its use is simple:
fdvol 1440 A: ROOT USR - Combine ROOT and USR on one floppy fdvol 1440 A: SYS.TAZ - Put SYS.TAZ on several floppies fdvol 720 A: ROOT - Just ROOT on one 720k floppySee also ../CD-ROM-2.0/README.TXT and ../CD-ROM-2.0/MINIX/README.TXT for more examples.