PortSystem		1.0

name			md5sha1sum
version			0.9.5
revision		4
categories		sysutils
license			{GPL-2+ OpenSSLException}
maintainers		flyn.org:mike
description		Hash utilites
long_description	This toolset provides md5sum, sha1sum, and ripemd160sum. They are intended to be drop in replacements for the tools from GNU textutils. Since installing textutils is somewhat excessive for just those two utilities, these are meant to be the more compact and easier to install replacements.
homepage		http://www.microbrew.org/tools/md5sha1sum
platforms		darwin
installs_libs		no
master_sites		${homepage}

checksums		sha1 84a46bfd2b49daa0a601a9c55b7d87c27e19ef87

depends_lib		path:lib/libssl.dylib:openssl

patchfiles		patch-existing.diff \
			patch-exit.diff \

configure.env		SSLINCPATH=${prefix}/include \

configure.universal_args-delete	--disable-dependency-tracking

destroot {
	xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
	xinstall -m 755 ${worksrcpath}/md5sum ${destroot}${prefix}/bin
	ln -s md5sum ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/sha1sum
	ln -s md5sum ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/ripemd160sum