PortSystem 1.0

name			interceptty
version			0.6
categories		sysutils
license			GPL-2
platforms		darwin
maintainers		nomaintainer
description		port interceptor for serial ports
long_description	interceptty is a program that can sit between a real (or \
					fake) serial port and an application, recording any \
					communications between the application and the device. It \
					can also be used as a network serial server or client, to \
					provide an emulated serial port connected to a program, \
					and for various other tasks.

homepage		http://www.suspectclass.com/~sgifford/interceptty/
master_sites	${homepage}/files/
checksums		md5 915244f09601e3c71209e444f2d3194f
patchfiles		patch-interceptty.c

configure.args	--mandir=${prefix}/share/man

test.run		no
test.target		check