PortSystem 1.0

name                    dvdisaster
version                 0.72.3
categories              sysutils
license                 GPL-2+
maintainers             {puffin.lb.shuttle.de:michael.klein @mklein-de} openmaintainer
description             Additional error correction for CD, DVD and BD media.
long_description        dvdisaster stores data on CD/DVD/BD in a way that it \
                        is fully recoverable even after some read errors have \
                        developed. This enables you to rescue the complete \
                        data to a new medium.

homepage                http://www.dvdisaster.net/
master_sites            ${homepage}downloads/
platforms               darwin
use_bzip2               yes
depends_build           port:pkgconfig
depends_lib             path:lib/pkgconfig/gtk+-2.0.pc:gtk2

checksums               sha1    6ed08f8e52f4b90b39134b0caf9b5f0df221b0da \
                        rmd160  63a2dcd4387bd2bfd4632270a53e4a0dfd5a692e

patchfiles              tools_pngio.c.patch

configure.args          --buildroot=${destroot} \
                        --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
                        --docdir=${prefix}/share/doc \
                        --localedir=${prefix}/share/locale \

build.args              CC=${configure.cc}

post-patch {
        # skip gcc check
        reinplace "/^REQUIRE_GCC/d" ${worksrcpath}/configure ${worksrcpath}/tools/configure

# OS X and Windows are no longer supported.
livecheck.type          none