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PortSystem          1.0
PortGroup           github 1.0
PortGroup           common_lisp 1.0

github.setup        wiseman cl-difflib 98eb335c693f1881584b83ca7be4a0fe05355c4e
# Change github.tarball_from to 'releases' or 'archive' next update
github.tarball_from tarball
version             20090602
revision            0

checksums           rmd160  74adcfe1abb710601d4c96c9bc2566b5d47fe949 \
                    sha256  107d72f7cd35fed674b06450dc1ce02c89332049cdfc0d9502d80a5c559628bf \
                    size    11977

categories-append   devel
maintainers         nomaintainer
license             MIT

description         A Common Lisp library for computing differences between sequences based on the Python difflib module.

long_description    {*}${description}

patchfiles-append   ASDFv3-test-syntax.diff