# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 set feature 23 name openjdk${feature}-openj9 categories java devel maintainers {breun.nl:nils @breun} openmaintainer platforms {darwin any} # This port uses prebuilt binaries; 'NoMirror' makes sure MacPorts doesn't mirror/distribute these third-party binaries license GPL-2 NoMirror # This port uses prebuilt binaries for a particular architecture; they are not universal binaries universal_variant no # https://developer.ibm.com/languages/java/semeru-runtimes/downloads?os=macOS supported_archs x86_64 arm64 version ${feature}.0.2 revision 0 set build 7 set openj9_version 0.49.0 description IBM Semeru with Eclipse OpenJ9 VM distribution, based on OpenJDK ${feature} (Short Term Support until March 2025) long_description The IBM Semeru Runtimes are free production-ready open source binaries to run your Java applications\ built with the OpenJDK class libraries and the Eclipse OpenJ9 JVM. master_sites https://github.com/ibmruntimes/semeru${feature}-binaries/releases/download/jdk-${version}+${build}_openj9-${openj9_version}/ if {${configure.build_arch} eq "x86_64"} { distname ibm-semeru-open-jdk_x64_mac_${version}_${build}_openj9-${openj9_version} checksums rmd160 53865a2d92109259553fe3046389e28872cc14de \ sha256 7cf0d6d6c6b1450a9ef8a5674b9e68bb7ee7015e8d5f49c29119ad6518fb92de \ size 232000802 } elseif {${configure.build_arch} eq "arm64"} { distname ibm-semeru-open-jdk_aarch64_mac_${version}_${build}_openj9-${openj9_version} checksums rmd160 8006eb99db9618f6250ad08cf0c3f8152fe50d32 \ sha256 1e9a802694934aa4de3be333f0a525f5d6cb692f5b15f805f782ffb84244e2d6 \ size 225264418 } worksrcdir jdk-${version}+${build} homepage https://developer.ibm.com/languages/java/semeru-runtimes/ livecheck.type regex livecheck.url https://github.com/ibmruntimes/semeru${feature}-binaries/releases/ livecheck.regex ibm-semeru-open-jdk_.*_mac_(${feature}\.\[0-9\.\]+)_\[0-9\]+_openj9-\[0-9\.\]+\.tar\.gz use_configure no build {} variant Applets \ description { Advertise the JVM capability "Applets".} {} variant BundledApp \ description { Advertise the JVM capability "BundledApp". This is required by some java-based app bundles to recognize and use the JVM.} {} variant JNI \ description { Advertise the JVM capability "JNI". This is required by some java-based app bundles to recognize and use the JVM.} {} variant WebStart \ description { Advertise the JVM capability "WebStart".} {} patch { foreach var { Applets BundledApp JNI WebStart } { if {[variant_isset ${var}]} { reinplace -E "s|^(\[\[:space:\]\]*<string>)CommandLine(</string>)|\\1${var}\\2\\\n\\1CommandLine\\2|" ${worksrcpath}/Contents/Info.plist } } } test.run yes test.cmd Contents/Home/bin/java test.target test.args -version # macOS Java tools expect to find Java virtual machines under /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines, which is not under ${prefix}. destroot.violate_mtree yes set jvms /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines set jdk ${jvms}/jdk-${feature}-ibm-semeru.jdk destroot { xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}${jdk} copy ${worksrcpath}/Contents ${destroot}${prefix}${jdk} # macOS Java tools expect to find Java virtual machines under /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines, so let's create a symlink there xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${jvms} ln -s ${prefix}${jdk} ${destroot}${jdk} } notes " If you have more than one JDK installed you can make ${name} the default\ by adding the following line to your shell profile: export JAVA_HOME=${jdk}/Contents/Home "